Mental Health Resources

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

Throughout the year, NIA shares information about promoting mental health wellness and awareness. To acknowledge May as Mental Health Awareness month, we have gathered a number of our resources that focus on the workplace and the construction industry. Please note that these resources contain references to suicide and addiction.


There are many resources that can be utilized if you or a fellow worker need help with thoughts of self-harm, suicidal thoughts, or opioid use disorder.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now 988. In an emergency that involves a mental health crisis, call 988 instead of 911.

CIASP: The Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention has resources for teaching their STAND UP for Suicide Prevention model, as well as links to other trainings.

The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) website includes a toolbox talk, hazard alert, and infographics pertaining to suicide awareness and opioid use prevention.

Finally, if someone is interested in treatment for suicidal ideation, mental health, or substance use disorder, check with the company’s employee assistance program, if there is one, or go to the SAMHSA treatment locator to search for treatment in your area (it includes a search by health plan coverage).

Insulation Outlook Magazine Articles

Suicide and Opioid Overdose: Prevention Starts with Reducing Stigma (January 2023)
How Some Companies Are Working to Build an Inclusive and Diverse Workforce (August 2021)
How Can Employers Promote Employee Mental Wellness? (August 2020)
Construction’s Silent Killer: Suicide in the Construction Industry (August 2020)

The Freeman Report Podcast

NIA Past President Kenny Freeman’s podcast, The Freeman Report digs deeper into “Opioids & Suicide in the Construction Industry,” offering insights into the stories behind the startling statistics and offering solutions to address the underlying problems and possibly save lives. Listen here.