News & Updates

Take the Pledge and Let’s Grow Our Membership Network! 

NIA President John Lamberton’s year-long call to action is Take the Pledge! Through our association and network, we support each other, not only during this time, but always.
If you know of a company that would be a good addition to our community or benefit by being a member of NIA, please send the contact information to From September 1 through October 5, first-time member companies can join NIA and receive 15 months of membership for the price of 12 months! That’s full membership benefits through December 31, 2021!

NIA will continue to provide all members with the latest safety, legal, economic, and business information to help you make decisions for your company. As your association, we are here to help you and strengthen our entire industry. NIA believes in supporting all of our member companies because we are Safer and Stronger Together!