December 12, 2024 (2:00 p.m. ET)
Mitigating Corrosion under Insulation (CUI) while Reducing Carbon Emissions—A Winning Combination
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There is currently no insulation “silver bullet” to prevent CUI. The cost of CUI is enormous in dollars, downtime, safety considerations, and overall operations. It is time to consider the value of mitigating CUI by looking at substrate preparation, the total insulation system, and all the benefits of that process. During this discussion, we will focus on how to best mitigate CUI and other benefits of a properly installed system, including energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. When it comes to minimizing CUI, a total system approach is required with the initial installation and with ongoing maintenance of insulation.
- Kat Coronado, Technical Support, Protective Coatings—Gulf and LAM Regions, International Paint LLC
- Scott Sinclair, National Specification Manager, Industrial Insulation, Johns Manville
In collaboration with:
More details coming soon!
Archived Webinars—Watch at Your Convenience, Free for NIA Members
Every year, NIA has offered a webinar series to educate our industry on important topics. Each archived copy is approximately 60 minutes long and includes a question-and-answer session from attendees. Archived webinars can be accessed for free on NIA's YouTube channel.
If you have a topic or speaker recommendation for a webinar please email training@insulation.org.
Carbon Goals - Start Now, It's Easier Than You Think
Working together, the mechanical insulation industry can lead the country to achieve national carbon goals. Jack Bittner, Senior Product Manager at Johns Manville Industrial and the 2024-25 National Insulation Association (NIA) President, dives into NIA’s recent Study on Insulation’s Positive Impact on Energy Efficiency and Emission Reductions and explains how mechanical insulation moves the nation closer to the U.S. 2030 carbon goals (and 2050 Net Zero goals if included in the presentation). Bittner describes how this study’s facts can help your company, customers, and the country use mechanical insulation to rapidly achieve decarbonization goals while saving energy and providing system benefits for each insulation project.
Learning Objectives:
- What technology is currently available and how effective is it in reducing emissions?
- How can companies immediately start making progress on both carbon emission reduction and energy savings goals?
- How much energy is saved, and GHG emissions reduced, over time by the use of mechanical insulation systems?
- How effective is mechanical insulation compared to other proposed decarbonization methods?
- What are the practical next steps for a plant/facility, company, state government, etc. to start implementing mechanical insulation on systems to achieve energy savings and decarbonization goals?
Coming Soon: watch recording from Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 2–3 PM ET
Speaker: Jack Bittner, 2024-2025 President, National Insulation Association
A Study on Insulation's Positive Impact on Energy Efficiency and Emission Reductions
A Study on Insulation’s Positive Impact on Energy Efficiency and Emission Reductions(Energy & Emissions Study) revealed groundbreaking data that showcases mechanical insulation as a technology that should be implemented first when beginning energy saving and emissions reductions plans. The study objective was to answer two questions:
- How much energy is saved, and GHG emissions reduced, over time by the use of mechanical insulation systems in the higher operating service temperatures in the commercial/building and industrial market segments?
- Conversely, how much is at risk or lost due to under-insulated areas in the higher temperature market segments?
During this webinar you will learn how this study proves the massive role that insulation can play in our country and global goals to save energy and reduce emissions.
Watch recording from Friday, Dec. 1, 2023, 1–2 PM ET
Presenter: Ron King, Consultant, National Insulation Association
About the Presenter: Ron King is a Past President and honorary member of the National Insulation Association (NIA), the World Insulation and Acoustic Organization, and the Southwest Insulation Contractors Association. He is a 50-year veteran of the commercial and industrial insulation industry, during which time he held executive management positions at an accessory manufacturer and specialty insulation contractor. He retired as the Chairman, CEO, and President of a large national insulation distributor/fabricator. He currently serves as a full-time Consultant to the NIA (www.insulation.org) on a variety of educational, outreach, and governmental initiatives, including coordinating association alliance-partnership activities. He is a Past Chairman of the National Institute of Building Sciences’ National Mechanical Insulation Committee and Consultative Council. He also is NIA’s liaison to the Federation of European Insulation Societies, which represents the European mechanical insulation market. Ron is the current Head Instructor for NIA’s Thermal Insulation Inspector Certification Program™ and is a frequent industry author and speaker.
NIA is part of the Insulation Industry Association Coalition (IIAC). The IIAC provides Webinars throughout the year on various topics. We hope the tools and resources presented with help your business and the industry.
MEASURing Up: Leveraging the Capabilities of the MEASUR Tool Suite
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Join us for a free webinar from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Better Buildings Initiative. DOE’s MEASUR tool suite contains more than 50 calculators to help users analyze their energy use for a wide range of industrial systems. If you have it in your facility, you can probably model it using MEASUR! Come get a demonstration of this powerful, open-source software package to see how it could help your organization.
- Kristina Armstrong, Oak Ridge National Lab
- David Rawls, Eastman Chemical Corporation
- Jonathan Settell, Valvoline
- Prasath Vinayagamoorthy, 3M Corporation
Update from GSA on Embodied Carbon
View a Recording (Passcode: $4UBZ87a)
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The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is developing whole-building and product-specific standards to help lighten the environmental footprint of the construction and modernization materials used at its projects across the nation. The agency seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the design, construction, and operation of its public building portfolio.
GSA wants to learn more about opportunities to reduce the embodied carbon of building products such as insulation. To that end, GSA released its Federal Buy Clean Request for Information on “Construction Materials with Substantially Lower Embodied Carbon” in early October, with responses from material manufacturers accepted through Thursday, November 3, 2022. How might the federal government’s new buy clean initiatives impact insulation products? Walter Tersch and Don Horn will discuss these actions and issues, as well as GSA’s appropriations under the Inflation Reduction Act.
- Speakers:
Walter Tersch, Sustainability Program Manager, Office of Design and Construction, GSA - Don Horn, Deputy Director, Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings, GSA
Hitting the Jackpot with DOE’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Programs
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Last month, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released a comprehensive “Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap” that identifies key pathways to reduce industrial emissions. The roadmap presents an agenda for government, industry, and other stakeholder to work together to accelerate emissions reductions and position the U.S. industrial sector as a global leader in innovation. Join us to hear from the Roadmap’s Report Lead, along with other DOE and Oak Ridge National Laboratory experts on two related decarbonization resources, Better Climate Challenge and MEASUR tool suite.
- The Decarbonization Roadmap and Decarbonization Strategies for the Insulation Industry: Joe Cresko, Chief Engineer and Strategic Analysis Lead for the Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) at the U.S. Department of Energy
- MEASUR Tool Suite: Tom Wenning, Program Manager for Industrial Energy Efficiency at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
- Better Climate Challenge: Bruce Lung, Senior Technical Advisor at BGS, LLC working with the U.S. DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office
About the Speakers:
Joe Cresko, Chief Engineer, Strategic Analysis Lead, Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO)
Tom Wenning, Program Manager, Industrial Energy Efficiency, U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Bruce Lung, Senior Technical Advisor at BGS, LLC
Recorded on October 21, 2022, 2:00-3:15 p.m. ET
Managing CUI Risks When Moisture Lingers in Your
Insulation System
View the recording by clicking here.
Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is not an unsolved mystery—we know why and how it develops. The question is what can be done to eliminate it or minimize the spread. Presenters Kat Coronado and Ron King will delve into how moisture gets into a system, what happens when it remains, and how service temperature makes a difference.
During this webinar, we will discuss:
- The benefits of substrate preparation;
- Sources of moisture and how it migrates in and out of insulation systems;
- The potential of CUI development in modular construction and for systems that are periodically taken out of service;
- How to keep out moisture and stop migration within the insulation system;
- How the type of insulation makes a difference; and
- The value of proper maintenance and certified inspectors.
Kat Coronado, Technical Support, Protective Coatings—Gulf and LAM Regions, International Paint LLC
Ron King, NIA Past President and Consultant/SME
In collaboration with:
Recorded on September 29, 2022, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Insulation Pays Off—Business Case for Energy Appraisals and Inspections
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Click here for Quiz
Properly installed and maintained mechanical insulation systems can reduce carbon and GHG emissions while saving energy dollars and protecting workers and systems. You will learn the business case for mechanical insulation energy appraisals and inspections and the benefits of having these performed on your system.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the ROI of a properly installed and maintained mechanical insulation system.
- How to use mechanical insulation to reduce carbon and GHG emissions at your facilities.
- Defining an insulation energy appraisal and insulation inspection, and the advantages of having one performed on your system.
- Understanding the benefits of the 3E Plus® software program and how it can help your business.
Dave Cox, Past President, National Insulation Association (NIA)
Jake Jordan, Senior Project Manager, Fit Tight Covers
In collaboration with the Energy Management Association.
Recorded on September 14, 2022, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
New ICF Study: Insulation Industry Opportunity Study for Existing Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Building Sectors
Click here to view the recording (registration required)
A new study presents a comprehensive analysis of the climate and energy-saving benefits of making basic insulation and air sealing improvements in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings in the United States. This will be a valuable tool for the industry as the states and federal agencies develop the program guidance for disbursing nearly $50 billion in funding to increase building energy efficiency under the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act.
Speaker: Travis Michalke, Senior Manager, ICF
Recorded on September 9, 2022, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
CUI Susceptible Areas for Inspection and an Overview of Inspection Methods
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Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) is more likely to occur in specific areas in piping and equipment systems. However, the visible areas where water ingress occurs are not necessarily the same areas where corrosion damage can be found.
During this webinar, we will discuss:
- Areas that are susceptible to CUI in piping systems and on equipment.
- How applying common sense when there is evidence of insulation system damage is important with CUI management.
- The different CUI inspection methods and the value of mechanical insulation inspection.
- The inclusion of inspection ports and drainage systems in insulation systems.
Kat Coronado, Technical Support, Protective Coatings—Gulf and LAM Regions, International Paint LLC
Ron King, NIA Past President and Consultant/SME
Recorded on: May 19, 2022, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
In collaboration with:
Insulation's Impact on Corrosion, Energy Costs, and Carbon Reduction
Click here to view the recording
A total system approach, including updated specifications and proper design, installation of materials, and maintenance of the insulation system, is essential in the fight against corrosion under insulation (CUI). During this webinar, you will learn about the different types of corrosion and how to reduce energy costs, carbon emissions, and the potential for CUI by having a properly installed and maintained mechanical insulation system.
Kat Coronado, Technical Support, Protective Coatings—Gulf and LAM Regions, International Paint LLC
Ron King, NIA Past President and Consultant/SME
Recorded on: February 10, 2022, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
In collaboration with:
Improving The Bottom Line: It’s Time to Think of Mechanical Insulation Systems Differently
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Properly installed and maintained mechanical insulation systems reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. You will learn the business case for mechanical insulation energy appraisals and inspections, and how you deliver that message to the owner. Plus, see a demonstration of the new and improved features of the 3E Plus® energy calculator. The webinar will be presented to the Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs), but NIA members are encouraged to participate. Click here to learn more about IACs.
Ron King, NIA Past President and Consultant/SME
Charlie Haack, Vice President, Technical Services, North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA)
Recorded on: January 20, 2022, 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Passive Fire Protection in Industrial Applications
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The processing and storage of flammable liquids and gases poses significant fire risk for facilities. Proper insulation systems can help safeguard personnel and protect industrial systems. During this webinar, you will learn about design considerations and how thermal insulation can provide passive fire protection on industrial process piping and equipment.
Alec Cusick, Technical Services Engineer, Owens Corning
Doug Fast, PE, Technical Leader, Owens Corning
Recorded on: Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Sponsored by:
Federal Legislative Activities Impacting the Insulation Industry
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Hear an overview of the fall legislative and administrative activities that are expected to impact the insulation industry, including:
- The fate of energy efficiency tax credits
- Building efficiency and workforce training programs likely to be funded in the infrastructure bill
- Administration actions to raise efficiency standards in government programs
- Energy Star program update
Curt Rich, President & CEO, North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA)
Justin Koscher, President, Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA)
Recorded on: Friday, September 17, 2021, 12:00-1:00 p.m. ET
Exploring Building Performance Standards with the Institute for Market Transformation
Watch Recording Use passcode: BUCzV6@5
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The insulation industry speaks "building energy code" fluently, but what about building performance standards? Cities, states, and now the federal government are looking at this innovative regulatory tool to drive improved performance and energy efficiency savings over the life of the building. The Institute for Market Transformation works with governments and the private sector to remove the barriers to making our buildings as energy-efficient as they can be. IMT's Zachary Hart will explain how building performance standards work, where they are being deployed, and what this policy tool means for promoting an energy-efficient thermal building envelope.
Zachary Hart, Associate Director of Building Performance Policy, IMT
Recorded on: Friday, June 25, 2021, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
Significant Changes of the 2021 IECC and Its Impact on Buildings
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The 2021 IECC brings improved energy savings and new opportunities for states and cities to meet their energy-saving and carbon-reduction goals. This webinar will highlight significant changes in the 2021 IECC and how they will impact the design and construction of residential and commercial buildings.
Speaker: Eric Lacey, Chairman, Responsible Energy Codes Alliance (RECA)
Recorded on: Friday, June 4, 2021, Noon-1:00 p.m. ET
2021 Insulation Industry Policy Conference Webinar Series
Pursuing a More Resilient Future through Building Codes
Watch Recording Use passcode: pn+h&eb0
How is the ICC helping communities across the country and the globe use the power of building codes to drive toward a more resilient future? In his presentation, Ryan will focus on the ICC's efforts to position the adoption and enforcement of building codes as a critical measure for achieving higher performing, more resilient buildings and communities.
Presenter: Ryan Colker, Vice President of Innovation, International Code Council (ICC)
Recorded on: Friday, May 14, 2021, Noon-1:00 p.m. ET
Key Strategies for Retaining Talent during COVID-19
Recorded on: February 23, 2021
During this webinar, attendees will learn key retention strategies in this time of remote work and COVID-19-resulted obstacles, such as government shutdowns and COVID-19 exposures at construction jobsites. Presenters Laura Cataldo and Kurt Siebenaller of Baker Tilly US, LLP, will share unique strategies for the construction industry related to flexibility, compensation, communication, development, and resilience to help craft a desirable company culture and retain your existing workforce.
COVID-19: What Employers Need to Know Heading Into 2021
Recorded on: January 13, 2021, 3:00 p.m. ET
- Click here to view the webinar archive
- Click here to view the webinar slides
- Click here for more information on SBA issued rules or forms for first time PPP borrower and PPP second draw loan applications
Donald Rineer will provide an update on PPP loans including forgiveness, tax issues, and a new round of PPP loans in the COVID-19 Relief Bill. Amy Mitchell will clarify the changing requirements for leave (paid and unpaid) for COVID-19, review the extended unemployment benefits available to employees, and discuss the updated EEOC Guidance on COVID-19 including mandatory vaccine policies. Abbie White will review OSHA’s enforcement activity (to date) concerning COVID-19 related issues, cover the basic steps that contractors should be taking to protect employees in the field, and address the enforcement of COVID-19 safety policies in the field.
Managing Customer Expectations and Business Recovery
Recorded on: August 27, 1:00 p.m. ET
As businesses are continuing to experience the unexpected effects of COVID-19, managers and leaders are finding that the concerns that were keeping them up at night 6 months ago not only haven’t gone away but the list has gotten longer with some even bigger matters. How are leaders dealing with the added pressure, the numerous priorities, and the required quick turnaround of analyzing the information and data being pushed at them? How are they coaching their managers and workers? How are they addressing their customers’ needs when those needs vary from job to job and change daily? These questions and more will be discussed during this webinar.
Webinar Presenters :
Part 2: New Challenges and Solutions for Contractors
Recorded on: August 19, 1:00 p.m. ET
The way contractors conduct business has changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Greg Sizemore, Executive Vice President, Construction Users Roundtable (CURT), will share his owner members’ perspectives regarding the impacts due to virtual inspections, virtual managing, increased offsite construction/modularization, heightened safety requirements, quality concerns, and layoffs, as well as workforce retention. These areas and others may initiate contractual changes, strain relationships, test patience, and most definitely involve change.
Webinar Presenter:
Greg Sizemore, Executive Vice President, CURT, Construction Users Roundtable
Top Tips to Strengthen Your Strategic Relationships during COVID-19
Recorded on: July 30, 1:00 p.m. ET
In this challenging time, contractors can take the opportunity to develop and strengthen their business relationships to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis in a position of strength. Laura Cataldo and Courtney Davison with Baker Tilly will share their top strategies to strengthen each type of business relationship so that you can be prepared for the recovery when it comes.
Webinar Presenters:
Part 1: How Construction Owners Are Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis
Recorded on: July 22, 1:00 p.m. ET
As the economy has shifted due to COVID-19, numerous construction projects have been postponed or canceled. Greg Sizemore, Executive Vice President, Construction Users Roundtable (CURT), will share his thoughts on the economic impact caused by this phenomenon. Mr. Sizemore will discuss his members’ views on contract clauses, managing risks, virtual capital, and the impact on capital projects. Looking ahead to Part 2, join us as Mr. Sizemore discusses owners’ new expectations for contractors.
Webinar Presenter:
Greg Sizemore, Executive Vice President, CURT, Construction Users Roundtable
Investment Strategies and Stock Market Outlook
Recorded on: June 30, 1:00 p.m. ET
- Click here to view the webinar archive
- Click here to view the webinar slides
- 2020 Election and Impacts on the Stock Market Slides
Making wise investment decisions can be complex and overwhelming, especially during the uncertainty of COVID-19. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management’s Larry Wethje will discuss his perspective on the current market and provide an overview of key fundamentals needed for solid investment strategies.
Webinar Presenter:
Larry Wethje, Financial Advisor, Associate Vice President, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
OSHA Alliance Webinar on Construction Safety for the Insulation and Construction Industry During COVID-19
Recorded on: June 23, 1:00 p.m. ET
The insulation industry, and construction trades in general, place the highest priority on preventing health hazards. For these industries, employers and employees now also need to understand the risks of COVID-19 and the latest safety guidance to protect workers.
Join OSHA for a webinar focusing on risks like COVID-19, the effects of stress, shortages of PPE, and the latest OSHA guidance for the construction industry including insulation, roofing, and other activities.
Webinar Presenter:
Tim Irving, Deputy Director of the OSHA Directorate of Construction
Economist’s Outlook during COVID-19
Recorded on: June 16, 1:00 p.m. ET
The COVID-19 environment continues to influence the outlook on the economy, and is having significant impacts on trade, the deficit, and labor markets. During this webinar, Dr. Patricia Buckley, Managing Director of Economics, Deloitte will provide an update on the current economic outlook, discuss how the construction markets will be affected, and preview how COVID-19 will change future work environments.
Webinar Presenter:
Dr. Patricia Buckley, Managing Director of Economics, Deloitte
Sales Strategies during Uncertain Times
Recorded on: June 4, 1:00 p.m. ET
Adapting for success in the COVID-19 environment requires us to make changes to adjust to our new realities and those of our customers. Greg Orth will share his best practices on how to succeed at selling in this new environment, how to manage your mindset for success in uncertain times, and new ways to connect and build relationships that drive your business forward.
Webinar Presenter:
Greg Orth, President, Sandler Training
Supply Chain Disruptions: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Trucking Industry
Recorded on: May 20, 1:00 p.m. ET
- Click here to view the webinar archive
- Click here to view the webinar slides
- Click here to review the COVID-19 Impacts on the Trucking Industry Report
For the trucking industry, the COVID-19 pandemic has created widespread economic impacts—from disrupted supply chains to volatile consumer demand to unexpected trends in truck flows. During this webinar, the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) will share its survey results on how freight movement and the trucking industry have been impacted and its insights on implications for the industry.
Webinar Presenter:
Dan Murray, Senior Vice President, American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI)
Addressing Safety Matters Amid COVID-19—A Panel Discussion
Recorded on: May 13 , 1:00 p.m. ET
Keeping your workforce safe and healthy is priority #1 for businesses of all sizes. Learn how contractors are making decisions to help keep their employees, offices, and job sites safe during the COVID-19 outbreak. Find out what solutions are working for their companies, how they are embracing new approaches, and planning strategies for the near-term future.
Panelists include:
Effective Crisis Communications for Business Leaders
Recorded on: May 6, 1:00 p.m. ET
Making quick, tough decisions with limited information is common in business, but the stakes are much higher in this time of great uncertainty. Two experts will explore 5 key components for strong communication that will help you navigate uncertainty and ensure a more well-positioned organization on the other side of this COVID-19 crisis.
Part 2: Contractors Panel Discussion on Construction Challenges and Opportunities Amid COVID-19
Recorded on: May 5, 1:00 p.m. ET
Talking with your network to solve problems and hear solutions is an important way to stay connected, especially now. Join us as we continue the industry conversation with our contractor panelists (shown below) to discuss our shared concerns, challenges, and opportunities during this unprecedented time. Panelists will talk about how their businesses are operating during the COVID-19 outbreak and answer questions submitted in advance. To view Part 1 of this webinar series, click here.
Click here to view NIA’s 2019 Safety Excellence Award Winners Announcement
NIA recognizes and congratulates winners of NIA’s 2019 Safety Excellence Award! This national award is the industry’s highest safety honor and recognizes top companies that have established structured safety programs to ensure the well-being of their employees and create safe working environments.
Now & Next: COVID: Contracts, Labor & Safety
Recorded on: April 30, 1:00 p.m. ET
This webinar will address the issues and tasks your business should be thinking about now and in the near future. The following topics will be featured:
- Contracts: Analyzing current contracts, clauses; State, Federal and Owner Orders; notices, claims, and negotiating changes;
- Labor: Determining essential business function; implementing FFCRA, revision of company policies; compliance with the WARN Act; employee recall plans, and ADA compliancy for employees with underlying medical conditions; and
- Safety: Company policies to protect employees; establishing protocol for addressing employee concerns; state laws vs. federal requirements.
Webinar Presenters:
Gary Auman, NIA General Counsel and Attorney and Auman, Mahan, and Furry
As a director and President of Auman, Mahan & Furry, Gary Auman concentrates his practice on occupational safety and health law and workers’ compensation defense. Gary is a noted authority on workers’ compensation and occupational safety and health law. Gary represents both small and large companies nationally in federal and state plan OSHA programs, and is general counsel to several national and regional trade associations.
Richard Carr, Attorney, Auman, Mahan & Furry
Richard is a Director with the firm of Auman, Mahan & Furry. Richard’s practice typically involves the development of contracts and the resolution of disputes regarding contracts. His practice also focuses on representation of business clients in planning, transactions and litigation. His clients include general contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers.
Amy Mitchell, Attorney, Auman, Mahan & Furry
As a director with Auman, Mahan & Furry, Amy Mitchell concentrates her practice in the area of labor and employment and has been certified as a specialist in labor and employment law by the Ohio State Bar Association. She advises business clients in matters relating to termination, discrimination, harassment, the Family and Medical Leave Act, non-competition agreements and trade secret protection, wage and hour, and a host of other rapidly developing employment laws.
Engineering and Construction Economic Outlook in the COVID-19 Environment
Recorded on: April 22, 1:00 p.m. ET
As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds and evolves, FMI will provide attendees with an update to its most recent US construction forecasts and economic outlook. Attendees will receive expert insights on:
- Projected impacts on the construction industry,
- 12–18 month scenarios in the ever-evolving macro-economic landscape,
- The varying impacts on industry segments and geographic markets, and
- Near-term effects to ongoing projects and the potential long-term ramifications of this black-swan event.
Webinar presenter:
Paul Giovannoni, Managing Director - Building Products, FMI Corporation
Pandemic Politics: How Washington Will Respond to the Coronavirus Crisis
Recorded on: April 17, 1:00 p.m. ET
As the coronavirus crisis continues, all eyes are looking to Washington, D.C. for policy solutions. Please join us for an insulation industry webinar with nationally recognized political strategist Bruce Mehlman, who will provide insights on how the national pandemic is likely to impact our political institutions, the global economy, and our everyday lives.
A highly sought-after speaker, Mehlman’s quarterly updates on political trends are widely read by business leaders and political observers across the country and have been frequently covered in leading publications, including the Washington Post, Axios, Politico, CNN, and Fortune.
Webinar Presenter:
Bruce Mehlman, Melhman, Castagnetti, Rosen & Thomas
Part 1: Contractors Panel Discussion on Construction Challenges and Opportunities Amid COVID-19
Recorded on: April 15, 1:00 p.m. ET
Join us for a conversation with contractors to discuss our industry’s shared concerns, challenges, and opportunities during this unprecedented time. Presenters will discuss how their businesses are operating during the COVID-19 outbreak, including addressing health and safety challenges, managing client concerns, embracing new approaches, and planning for the near-term future.
Panelists include:
- Kenny Freeman, President, Petrin, LLC
- John Lamberton, Chief Operating Officer, Irex Corporation
- Ashley Luse, President, Luse Thermal Technologies
Facilitated by:
- Dana Vlk, NIA President, Distribution International, Inc.
Best Practices for Working Remotely
Recorded on: Thursday, April 9, 2:00 p.m. ET
With varying levels of statewide stay-at-home orders in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are remotely managing a portion of their workforce who can work from home. When working remotely full time isn’t the norm for you and your staff, it can seem daunting to know how to effectively manage your team, which communication and collaboration tools are best, and how to stay productive. This webinar will discuss tips, tricks, and best practices for working remotely.
Webinar Presenter:
Joanna Pineda, CEO, Matrix Group International
Coronavirus—What Construction Industry Employers Need to Know, Part 1
Topics included: OSHA requirements, employee policy, a summary of the proposed Families First Coronavirus Response Act, and a Q&A with presenters
When it was recorded: Tuesday, March 24, 10:00 a.m. ET
Presenters from Auman, Mahan & Furry: NIA General Counsel Gary Auman, Attorney Matthew Bakota, and Attorney Amy Mitchell
COVID-19 Stimulus—What Every Construction Employer Needs to Know, Part 2
Recorded on: Tuesday, March 31, 2:00 p.m. ET
This FREE Webinar was a continuation of the March 24 webinar, provided as an industry association service. The content will include the latest information about the Coronavirus Stimulus Package(s). Topics included:
- Understanding and Incorporating Employer Tax Relief Options—Sikich, LLC
- Impacts of the New Labor and Employer Mandates—Auman, Mahan & Furry
The Webinar Presenters Included:
Andy Powell, CPA (andy.powell@sikich.com) is a Partner at Sikich with over 30 years of experience in accounting, tax, and audit services. He has expertise in providing CFO, assurance, and management consulting services to a wide variety of organizations including government contractors, not-for-profits, and small businesses.
Attorney Matthew Bakota (mjb@amfdayton.com), with Auman, Mahan & Furry, is certified as a specialist in Labor and Employment Law by the Ohio State Bar Association and is also certified as a Professional in Human Resources (PHR).
Attorney Amy Mitchell (acm@amfdayton.com) is a partner in the labor and employment law group of Auman, Mahan & Furry and is a Certified Specialist in Labor and Employment Law. She has been counseling business clients in workplace issues for over 17 years.
Past Webinar Series
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NIA Webinar Opportunities
NIA offers webinars on important topics to help educate our industry. These hour-long webinars will give participants timely industry information in a convenient virtual format. To submit a topic for a future webinar please email webinar@insulation.org.
NIA has created 4 unique webinar sponsorship opportunities that are now available to NIA members. A brief overview of each sponsorship and its benefits is outlined below:

Member-Presented Product Webinars
- A webinar that is presented by a NIA member company.
- The content is developed and presented by the member company (NIA does not endorse the webinar content or accuracy of content).
- Sponsoring companies can discuss their latest products or services to members and end users.
Learn about Member-Presented Product webinars
Member Presented Webinars
- A webinar that is presented by a NIA member company.
- The content is created by the member company (NIA does not endorse the webinar content or accuracy of content).
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Sponsored NIA Webinars
- A webinar that is presented by NIA, and sponsored by a NIA member company.
- The content is unbiased, industry focused, and is created by or for NIA. The sponsor may help select from a range of member-generated topics.
Click here for Sponsoring Benefits

Webinar Calendar Listing
- Your webinar is promoted on NIA’s online industry calendar of events.
- Opportunity is available for NIA members only.