How do you think it might impact your business the most?
“Trying to meet unrealistic completion schedules after we return to work and dealing with employees’ health concerns going forward. Also, cash flow after we return to work.”
“I think construction will pull back in the short term, then hopefully, slowly come out of it around this time next year. On the positive side, maybe labor/talent in our industry and other industries will free up and become available.”
“I'm concerned project-starts will dip, even though the forecast for project-starts is calling for significant growth over the next 5 years. This will impact forecasting, capacity, and logistics over the next several months.”
“Existing job sites will be shut down temporarily and create new project delays. There will be unemployment in our industry for the first time in several years.”
“Projects are being stopped in their tracks—both commercial and industrial. And for how long is anyone's guess. I suspect 2 to 3 months, minimum. Once things settle down and business opens up again, there will be a big push for material supply. Projects will get back in operation...probably quickly due to the availability of cash with little-to-no interest.”
“Biggest impact: People losing hours or even their jobs.”
“All non-life-sustaining businesses are being shut down. No cash flow = no business.”
“Loss of revenue is our big concern, but it is too early to know the full impact both in revenue and jobs.”
“It will impact us most if there is an overall slowdown in construction of hotels and restaurants.”
“Cash flow issues will put a strain on us as well as many of our customers, general
contractors, and owners.”
“Revenue deterioration is our biggest concern.”
“Depending on the extent of the spread and shutdowns, the impact could be mild or severe.”