An award-winning publication, Insulation Outlook® is the only international magazine devoted exclusively to industrial and commercial insulation applications, products, and materials. It is free for our target audience of engineers, specifiers, mechanical contractors, and insulation end users.     Insulation Outlook® magazine is mailed on the first of each month and articles are posted online a month after print readers receive it.


NIA Contractor Member Argus Contracting Discusses System Design
Argus Contracting, LLC took third place in NIA’s first-ever Insulation Project Art Gallery Showcase and Competition with an innovative project that focused on sound suppression and corrosion prevention.

5 Tips from the Seattle Convention Center Project
Owens Corning shares a mechanical contractor’s keys to conducting a successful job after his company completes a massive mechanical insulation install on the Summit building during the pandemic.

Skilled Trades Drawing Gen Z’s Interest
To those who bemoan a long-running labor shortage, this article offers evidence that our industry’s available workforce pool may be growing soon.

Skilled Trades Catching on with High Schoolers as a Career Option
Graduating high school seniors are increasingly seeking careers in the skilled trades. Read about a recent “signing day” in Texas that offered contractors a new recruiting platform for reaching this audience.

Heat Illness Prevention: 5 Steps for Employees to Take
As record-high temperatures settle in across much of the United States, and OSHA moves ever closer to issuing a heat illness prevention standard, it is vital that employers understand the steps to take to protect employees.

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