An award-winning publication, Insulation Outlook® is the only international magazine devoted exclusively to industrial and commercial insulation applications, products, and materials. It is free for our target audience of engineers, specifiers, mechanical contractors, and insulation end users.     Insulation Outlook® magazine is mailed on the first of each month and articles are posted online a month after print readers receive it.


Bad Specs
“Bad Specs” is a new column exploring common errors, outdated language, and inconsistencies in insulation specifications. Through real-world examples and expert insights, we highlight the importance of clear and precise requirements. Share your own perplexing or amusing specification experiences to help improve industry practices!

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Real Gains in Construction Project Management Efficiency, Job Performance, and Safety
You probably use artificial intelligence more than you think in your personal life. Are you benefitting from its application in your business yet?

Mechanical Insulation: Setting the Standard
The NIA and the Association for Materials Protection and Performance are working together to develop standards for the mechanical insulation industry. Read about the process and how you can get involved.

Before You Start: Safety Checklist for Contractors
Reviewing this list before you begin a new project can help you keep your employees safe and avoid OSHA violations.

Four Trends to Watch in the Built Environment for 2025 and Beyond
As 2025 unfolds, what market forces might shape the construction industry in the second half of the decade—and what questions should you ask as you build your strategy for the future?

Construction Industry Must Attract 439,000 Workers in 2025
A proprietary model developed by ABC quantifies how many new workers will be needed to meet construction industry demands in 2025 and 2026.

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