Engineers and Specifiers: Tools and Considerations for Insulation System Design and Material Selection
The mechanical engineer is responsible for designing a commercial building’s mechanical system. This includes pipes, ducts, and equipment that distribute energy throughout the building. The objectives for insulating these components could be to save energy, maintain temperature control, protect personnel, or—on below-ambient systems prevent condensation. Most of the time, there are multiple objectives to be met. The design engineer will design and specify the insulation type(s) and thicknesses based on the objectives being considered. This article provides a step-by step approach to designing a mechanical insulation system suitable for a commercial piping project.
Regardless of the type of project, whether hot or cold, indoor or outdoor, large or small, HVAC/R or plumbing, some basic steps should be followed when designing a mechanical insulation system for a commercial project. A project will usually encompass several different applications, and possibly subgroups within an application, each of which will have to be considered separately. Before outlining the steps, a note on the overall design: One should not just specify the type and thickness of insulation to be used, but design a complete system where all the application parameters, environmental conditions, and mechanical codes will be considered, as well as the various components of the system— insulation, jacket, pipe insulation supports, adhesives, coatings, sealants, fasteners, labeling, and more—which all must be compatible and work together to provide an application that functions efficiently. ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals (2013), Chapter 23, Insulation for Mechanical Systems, provides general guidelines for designing a mechanical insulation system. However, each application should be evaluated based on its individual parameters and local conditions. The North American Commercial & Industrial Insulation Standards Manual (, formerly known as the MICA Manual, goes into more detail and provides insulation design plates where the designer can fill in the type of insulation material. The Mechanical Insulation Design Guide, available at, is another excellent resource for information.
Once the HVAC/R and plumbing requirements for the job have been defined and grouped by category, and the piping has been laid out, one can begin to think more specifically about the mechanical insulation requirements. However, even in this initial phase, the engineer needs to be aware of where each insulation system will be located on the project to allow the necessary space needed (e.g., distance between pipes in a run or along a wall) for the insulation system thickness (i.e., insulation plus all parts of its system, including jacketing or accessories).
The next step is to define why insulation is being installed and what outcome one hopes to achieve by insulating the piping. It is for energy savings, condensation control, maintaining process temperatures, personnel protection, or an acoustical goal? Various sub-systems may need to be broken out for special consideration. This step involves reviewing the layout of all the pipe and tubing sizes, lengths, supports, fittings, flanges, valves, and more.
Next is to identify the process temperatures of the equipment being insulated in the various applications of the job. This will narrow down the choices of insulation materials and help determine the thickness required, although this will not be the only parameter used in determining thickness. NIA’s Insulation Materials Specification Chart NIA-TIC-101 ( is an easy independent resource for reviewing the high- and low-temperature use limits on various insulation materials. Note that the guide is based on ASTM International Specifications, not individual products, so always double-check the manufacturer’s data sheet before finalizing the specific product selection. With a few exceptions, most mechanical insulation materials, although they vary in form (fibrous, cellular, granular) and composition (non-petroleum base and petroleum base) have thermal conductivity values in a relatively narrow range: 0.24–0.30 BTU (hr/sq.ft.-F), as indicated in the Insulation Materials Specification Chart. Density becomes a selection criterion when considering the specifics of how the insulation will be treated. If it is likely to undergo inevitable wear and tear or withstand pressure, then a heavier density might be chosen.
The environmental conditions of each sub-system should be defined next. The environmental conditions are usually straightforward for indoor applications but should not be taken lightly. For example, one should consider whether the conditioned spaces are always temperature- and humidity-controlled or intermittently uncontrolled. In the latter case, they must be regarded as unconditioned or uncontrolled and treated as such.
Outdoor applications involve greater extremes in temperature, humidity, and wind, and will always require some type of abuse or weather protection for the insulation system (e.g., coating, jacketing). In addition, many current mechanical codes require jacketing or coatings on exterior piping for most insulation materials to protect against ultraviolet degradation from the sun and all the other elements insulation is exposed to outdoors (e.g., wind, rain, birds, vermin, foot traffic). The type of protective covering required will depend on these and other environmental and personnel conditions, the expectation of the owner, and the cost, among other considerations.
Typically, the most extreme conditions should be designed for—unless it is completely impractical. When the extreme conditions cannot be designed for, accommodation must be made for when the design conditions are exceeded, particularly when the purpose of the insulation system is condensation control or personnel protection.
The specific insulation system (types) appropriate for a given system can be determined using the pipe and tubing size, process temperature, environmental conditions (e.g., humidity, ambient temperature), and overall goal of insulating the system. Experience and history of local insulation contractors with certain insulation materials should be considered and may also play a role in this selection process. For example, specifying a product that is difficult to obtain or unfamiliar to the local insulation contractors may result in an over-budget project on bid day.
By reviewing the insulation system requirements more closely, one can select the best insulation for the application. Ease of installation (flexibility or rigidity), project conditions, moisture resistance, fire and life safety, the need for a load-bearing component, clean room requirements, compatibility of the insulation and the type of piping being used, pipe and tubing size, cost, and more will all play a role in selecting the best insulation assemblies from the possible materials that meet the mechanical code, system conditions, and environmental condition parameters. Some engineers try to use one type of insulation on an entire project. This approach may diminish performance and may not be the most cost-effective approach. Using different types of insulation on large (over 8”) and small (run-outs) piping —even for lines that are operating at the same temperature and under the same conditions—often provides system advantages in performance and cost if compatibility is considered and the system is designed properly.
Once the insulation type has been established for the specific application, the minimum insulation thickness can be determined by the applicable current local mechanical code, which usually specifies thickness based on pipe and tubing size or process temperature, by either thickness in inches or R-value. Be careful to make sure the specified insulation thickness will meet the mechanical code requirement for the installed condition, not just the nominal manufactured factory thickness. Local mechanical codes vary and should always be double-checked to be sure they are consistent with the project’s site location. The Mechanical Insulation Design Guide ( has several easy-to-use calculators that can assist.
When determining thickness for condensation control or personnel protection, environmental conditions are essential (e.g., ambient temperature and relative humidity). In addition, wind speed and the emissivity of the insulation’s outer surface/jacket (if required) play a key role in determining the thickness of the insulation required to inhibit condensation. Again, the thickness should be calculated based on the most extreme conditions, if possible, or accommodations will have to be made for when the design conditions are exceeded to prevent system failure. In addition to the insulation calculators, NAIMA’s 3E Plus® insulation software program, available at is a valuable tool for determining insulation thickness. For more current product-specific information, many insulation manufacturers have similar programs specific to their products and may provide more accurate, updated information.
Thickness Myths
Also, one note of caution in determining insulation thickness: One of the easiest mistakes to make is to use the thickness recommendations for energy conservation when trying to control external surface condensation. Energy conservation thickness recommendations are not applicable for condensation prevention and can be far below what is required for condensation control in most regions. To avoid a common misstep when designing condensation-prevention systems, make sure to factor in the effect the emissivity of the insulation/jacket will have on the insulation thickness. One of the biggest myths in insulation design is to over-specify thickness instead of a needed moisture vapor retarder/barrier. Increasing the thickness will not replace a vapor-barrier system in condensation-control applications, especially under humid conditions. The proper insulation thickness will prevent exterior surface condensation, while vapor retarders will help prevent moisture migration into/through the insulation and the resulting condensation on the cold substrate surface.
Final Steps
The last step in the process would be to review the entire project, looking at all the applications within to ensure all design elements are working together. The layout should allow for the specified engineered insulation thickness. Take note: The number one complaint of insulation contractors/installers is that there needs to be more space for the pipe insulation system as specified. This error can lead to delays in the installation schedule or reduced insulation, resulting in reduced system performance. All system parts should be specified, including vapor retarder systems/jacketing and vapor dams (where required), pipe and tubing supports, and any other needed materials. It is also important to specify detailed explanations on how to install the insulation in difficult areas such as valves (e.g., use of removable insulation if required) and vessels.
During this step, the issue of aesthetics can also be considered. The system may function properly, but if it does not look good, it could be an issue for the owner. If uniform appearance is a particular concern, it is advisable to specify one brand type within the same room or area. Differences in brand type will likely not be noticeable in different places, but using different types of materials from various manufacturers within one room—while they may perform equally—may not look exactly alike (e.g., color [shade] variation or outer diameters not matching perfectly), which may give the appearance of a “patchwork” installation. Ideally, one manufacturer for each insulation type should be used on each system to ensure compatibility with products such as facings, adhesives, and other related items.
The use of pre-fabricated products (e.g., pre-fabricated fittings, insulation with factory applied jacketing, or the use of pre-applied adhesive to the insulation/insulation jacket) may be specified for numerous reasons, such as faster installation or better performance. Basic manufacturer installation instructions or recommendations can be part of the specification for each system, as well as a project inspection process detailing when and what should be inspected at various steps during the installation.
Product submittal sheets/data sheets should also be reviewed for compliance with engineering specifications and local code requirements. Current product data sheets should be thoroughly examined to be sure each product is compliant with all regional mechanical insulation codes for the application as well as the requirements of the insulation material standard. To be sure the insulation materials and products used in the project coincide with what was specified, a no-substitution clause can be included in the specification design. This should specify that there will not be a product substitution that could affect performance (note though, this does not mean that there can be no brand substitutions, as long as performance is the same). This will ensure that no product substitutions are allowed unless submitted to the engineer on record in writing. The rationale for the substitution, cost variances, data sheets, and product samples being proposed to be substituted must be supplied and approved 60 days before the installation. This provides assurance that the specified design will perform as intended.
Real Life Note of Caution
Another note of caution: Selecting an old thermal insulation system design from the engineering archives and using a cut-and-paste method to adapt it for new projects may speed up the design process, but it is also fraught with peril because of differing environmental conditions. Similarly, a design for a project that performed well in one region—for example, the cooler Northeast—may not work in the humid Gulf Coast region because of different environmental conditions or local mechanical insulation codes. This is particularly true for applications where condensation control is one of the primary goals of the insulated pipe and tubing system.
By evaluating the system at this stage of the project, you will ensure that all the materials and accessories in the system are being specified and that all the elements will be compatible and work together to provide the thermal insulation performance on the project. Following the above steps in the order designated, should help ensure the mechanical insulation system will meet the expectations of the project in a long-term, cost efficient manner. The next step is to get a quality, professional insulation contractor who is experienced and can install the system properly. Many projects specify the requirement of a Certified Insulation Inspector™ to inspect and verify that the installation is done according to the project specification. You can find a Certified Insulation Inspector at
After the installation, there is a need for a maintenance plan or periodic inspection of the installed system to ensure proper maintenance of the system and replacement of damaged insulation, which will keep the system functioning up to expectations.
If you have an existing insulation system that may need to be brought up to code or improved, contact a Certified Insulation Energy Appraisers to receive a report on energy savings and carbon emission reductions available in your facility or plant. Insulation improvements usually pay for themselves in less than a year, freeing up operational funds for the future. You can find Certified Insulation Energy Appraisers at
Field Experience
As a final note, engineers, particularly those newer to the industry, are encouraged to take some time to observe insulation installation in the field. While on site, you are more likely to notice the things that need to be tweaked: the gaps, what is missing, or what is not really working. It is essential to look around at the changes in the application requirements and the products available to meet those requirements. Seeing how systems are installed, and working with insulation contractors, will improve the ability to design the best systems.