Category Archives: Global

Regardless of the type of construction you perform, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) essentially requires that a safety program be developed and taught to any employee or crew member. Having a safety program written for and taught to employees should be standard practice for commercial contractors. Unfortunately, not having a safety program in place that is compliant with OSHA standards if an inspection is done can have serious consequences.

Creating an OSHA-compliant safety program doesn’t have to be an extremely tedious, time-intensive undertaking. In fact, OSHA has many resources directly on their website on how to create a safety program for a variety of different industries. You may even be lucky enough to find a sample safety program that you can use as a template for creating your own.
As a contractor and the owner of your company, it can’t be stressed enough that your personal knowledge of OSHA safety requirements will be a key factor in designing a safety program. The ever-popular OSHA 30-Hour Training Course is highly recommended for contractors and company owners as well as any supervisors or managers. While the OSHA 10-Hour Training Course is useful for crew members, the OSHA 30-Hour Course should really be considered mandatory for anyone managing a construction site.

For those who are in management positions and do not actually perform contract work on jobsites, it may be worthwhile to invest in training for a dedicated safety supervisor employee.

Foundation of Developing a Safety Program

The exact type of safety program you create will have a lot to do with your business and the type of contracting work you do. For example, a contractor that installs siding likely won’t have as great of a concern about safety at heights like a roofing contractor would. Similarly, the materials you work with can also have an effect on safety. Anything considered hazardous in nature will need much more stringent and specific safety rules in place.
With that being said, here is a rundown of the basics needed for a safety program.

  •  Thoroughly Analyze Your Worksite for Hazards
    The very first thing you should do is analyze your worksite, or an example of a typical worksite, for any potential hazards that can be found. This includes risks of falling, electric shock, dangerous use of chemicals, injury from power tools, and more. Essentially, if something could harm a worker, it needs to be addressed and its prevention be taught to anyone on the worksite. The OSHA 30-Hour Course will address essentially any hazard that could occur. [Editor’s Note: NIA’s legal counsel Douglas S. Jenks also suggests “Be sure to also do this before every shift on every jobsite. A safety director or other competent person should walk each jobsite to look for and abate hazards, or at least warn the crew about them.”]
  •  Write a Company Safety Policy
    Once hazards have been discovered, it is time to write an official company safety policy. This should be a detailed document that not only covers all basic worker safety as explained by OSHA, but also specific hazards found on your worksites and how to avoid them. This policy should be reviewed with every employee when they begin working for your company.
  • Develop a List of Work Rules and Safety Practice
    It is also recommended that, aside from your company safety policy, you also provide a smaller document that lists worksite safety rules and practices. It is ideal to provide a handbook for crew members to keep and review. This document doesn’t need to go into as much detail as the official safety policy.
  •  Train and Maintain Employee Safety Knowledge
    Employee training is the key to reducing the chances of injury and should involve training for both OSHA safety standards, as well as any specific training required for your particular company. If it is within budget, it is an exceptional idea to send employees to OSHA training courses, but at minimum, any employees that perform as managers should get certified. [Editor’s Note: NIA’s legal counsel Douglas S. Jenks also suggests “Be sure to document all training – i.e. have employees sign a sheet to prove they were trained. Better still, test your employees over the training regularly, and keep those training and testing records. Finally, be sure to enforce the training and discipline employees who do not follow the safety training.”] You should also take the time to ensure your employees are knowledgeable about your specific field of work. For example, if you’re a roofer that specializes in installing a specific type of architectural shingle from a manufacturer, any new employees should go through a brief training process provided by you to ensure they understand the basics.
  • Continue with Safety Education as Changes to OSHA Are Made
    It goes without saying that on a semi-annual basis, your safety program should be reviewed to ensure all safety protocols are still effective. OSHA doesn’t often make serious changes to safety standards, but it isn’t worth the risk either way.

The right safety program will keep you and your workers safer while ensuring that in the event of an inspection, your business will not be in danger.

NIA Interviewed the following individuals for this article:

  • Dan Bofinger, NIA Member Type: Distributor/ Fabricator
  • David J. Cox, NIA Member Type: Manufacturer
  • John Lamberton, NIA Member Type: Contractor
  • Rudy Nigl, NIA Member Type: Contractor
  • Randy Smith, NIA Member Type: Metal Building Laminator
  • Rick Sutphin, NIA Member Type: Contractor
  • Dana Vlk, NIA Member Type: Distributor/Fabricator

(see full bios at the end of the article)

1. How would you describe your sector to someone who is not familiar with your industry?

Rudy Nigl
The mechanical insulation industry is a hidden part of everyday building and industry. Our work allows the world to save energy costs, prevent issues with machinery/equipment, and provide a quality living for a lot of skilled workers.

Randy Smith
Metal building insulation (MBI) is a critical piece of the building envelope for the pre-engineered building sector. MBI allows this type of construction to be energy efficient while being aesthetically appealing.

Rick Sutphin
Dynamic, interesting, and challenging.


2. What do you wish other industry sectors knew about your segment of the industry?

Rick Sutphin
The value that insulation adds to a project—both new construction and maintenance. Also, the value of having a proper insulation design for the project.


3. Reflect on the last 12–18 months. What road bumps did you face? Were there new opportunities? Looking back, what surprised you the most?

Dan Bofinger
As NIA President, I would say the construction economy was very strong and actually better than what we had imagined. Business was supposed to be good, and it was good, but one thing that surprised me is that I thought we would see less price pressure. It may have been because no one knew how sustainable this level of business was and wanted to make sure they got their share in the market. The industrial side of the business seemed to be stronger than the commercial side, though both were good.

Dave Cox
My big surprise this year—and big challenge—was in transportation. We had to deal with transportation inflation. One positive is that I am seeing more calls for thicker insulation—particularly on the commercial side. Someone is clearly doing good job with the code bodies because we are getting calls for thicker insulation. We are also seeing calls for more insulation on the industrial side—this may be in part because of the increase in liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities and thicker insulation used in cogeneration facilities. One challenge is that it can be hard for contractors to fit the increased insulation in the existing pipe racks. It’s important for engineers to make changes to their racking systems to create enough space between pipes to accommodate the insulation. I’m noticing a lot more building information modeling (BIM) being used as well.

John Lamberton
I think the biggest surprise was the allocation of materials by the manufacturers. This was certainly a major concern when it first occurred and did have a short-term impact, but things smoothed out fairly quickly.

Rudy Nigl
The largest challenge we faced last year was being able to have enough men at every job we were working at. There was a great influx of work, but with the ever-present shortage of skilled labor, we struggled for stretches to properly man each and every job. We learned to do a better job planning for upcoming jobs, and keeping the pressure on the mechanicals to get pipe/duct/equipment ready for us so we don’t fall behind.

Randy Smith
The biggest challenge of 2018 for laminators was the volatile steel prices brought on by the tariffs. Looking forward: patience is still a virtue, and I expect market growth in an unsure climate.

Rick Sutphin
The biggest challenges as a union contractor were: competing against non-union competition and manpower shortages. We need to work closely with our union labor partners to develop a competitive wage package in each market, and we need more apprentices in the pipeline to replace retirees and supplement current shortages.

4. Looking ahead to the rest of 2019 and 2020, what do you want to accomplish? Are there certain areas your business is focusing on? Are there any issues you are concerned about? What’s on the horizon for your business in 2019?

Dan Bofinger
Well, we’re always concerned about a downturn in construction, and some of the forecasts are saying there could be some softness in the near future. If you’re in the construction industry, it’s advisable to watch the forecasts to determine how severe of a downturn there may be, and then make any necessary adjustments with operating expenses.

Like many in the industry, we’ve experienced our share of problems with hiring and retention. With the country at full employment, it’s difficult to recruit people and once recruited, it’s hard to retain them since there are so many opportunities. The big thing working against us is that the younger generation is not looking at construction jobs. The key is that when you get somebody new interested in the business, you have to keep them interested and challenge them career wise.

Dave Cox
Our focus this year is really building out our base for our industrial product portfolio. We made 2 terrific acquisitions last year (Pittsburgh Corning and Paroc), to expand our portfolio in the hot and cold markets. What I am seeing is that there are more closures of coal-fired plants—this means less insulation contracting work—for what is typically called flat work (boilers and pollution-control equipment). At the same time, we’re seeing a huge transition to natural gas and a great deal of work on natural–gas fired cogeneration facilities—this is more piping work than the flat work done at coal-fired plants. We’re also seeing more opportunities related to the upswing in natural gas transportation—like acoustical insulation for compressor stations. These very loud pieces of equipment must be insulated in order to get to the appropriate decibel levels.

I am proud to see that our country is reducing its dependency on foreign oil. I just read recently that the United States was a net exporter of crude oil and refined petroleum products in 2018, the first time this has happened since the 1940s. Natural gas has played a huge role in allowing us to be more energy independent, and not being held hostage to OPEC and geopolitical discourse as our nation has in the past. The shift from coal to natural gas is certainly an adjustment, as our industry was partially built on flat work for coal-fired plants years ago. But those days are over. I think there will be increasing opportunities in the industrial space as natural gas creates opportunities in both chemical processing and natural gas liquids.

John Lamberton
Measured growth. The Irex companies have been increasing their service offerings and we hope tocontinue the success we’ve had in doing so.

Rudy Nigl
We are continuing to slowly expand, so our biggest goals are to get new estimators/project managers up to speed and working efficiently to make jobs/projects turn out as good as possible.

Randy Smith
2019 looks to be a flat year in overall growth. We plan to focus on educating customers and end users on the new energy codes and new methods to achieve them. One goal over the next year is to help contractors to upgrade the insulation systems to exceed local energy codes.

Rick Sutphin
Backlog is strong and labor shortages will continue to be an issue. We are developing wage packages to assist in the securement of workers.


5. The issue of workforce availability is at the top of the list for many industry members. What traits do you look for in prospective employees? What do you think makes someone successful in this industry? What is your business doing to attract and retain new employees?

Dan Bofinger
In our business, and probably in most businesses, we’re sales driven. So, the key is not necessarily finding a person with the background in our space, but having the right personality that can work with people and good communication skills, someone willing to learn. It’s more about personality traits than product knowledge traits.

Dana Vlk
Workforce availability is critical and challenging for our industry due to an aging workforce and skill gaps. We look for people that want to join our team and grow with us. Our values at DI include safety, partnership, integrity, respect, innovation, and trust. Living those values on a daily basis is mission critical to our company and our industry.

Dave Cox
The shortage is a problem, not necessarily as bad for us, but it is for our customers, especially contractors. All the trades are competing for a shrinking labor pool. When looking at insulation contracting, one of the benefits is that you can sometimes work outside, and you get to travel to different job sites and do a variety of work.

Personally, I look for aptitude and attitude in new hires. Then it comes down to fit—whether a person’s personality, attitude, and chemistry fit the organization.

Rudy Nigl
Yes, I feel that everyone, not only construction trades, is worried about the hunt for employees. We are looking at other comparable businesses, as well as other major employers in our areas, and doing a better job either matching or competing with their wages/benefits to make us as appealing as them.

Randy Smith
There is a growing concern with workforce, especially in professional drivers.

Rick Sutphin
Workforce availability is a problem; we are working with unions to develop more interest in the construction industry to attract workers.


6. What is your company doing to ensure knowledge is being transferred from its current leaders to the next generation of leaders?

Dan Bofinger
We’re excited because we have some new younger employees at our business and once you recognize that talent, you have to find positions to keep them happy. We have some of the youngest branch managers ever in our company. We have also had good salespeople coming in and recognizing how the business works. It’s been pretty neat to watch some of the younger people come in and be interested in the industry.

We take the tribal knowledge from our more mature workers and facilitate opportunities to pass it on. We don’t have a formal mentorship program, but when people gravitate toward each other, we give them the opportunity to share knowledge. And then we have the basic training tools like NIA offers—web-based training and the Mechanical Insulation Installation Video Series. We also have some business development roles within our company that work on training.

Dave Cox
We try to do a lot of sharing. One thing we do is “lunch and learns” with presentations. I recently presented internally on what’s changing in industrial markets—so I’m taking my 40 years of experience and trying to distill it to benefit everyone in our division—finance, supply chain, customer service, you name it. We have certain people become subject matter experts and then share that knowledge through presentations. I had an old boss that used to say, “If you want to learn something, do a presentation.” We tend to use that saying to promote learning among ourselves. We are particularly fond of having our recent college graduates in sales development take a topic like cryogenic cold boxes and present it to the rest of us.

Another big thing we do as a company is applied learning—we believe people do their best not by being told the answer, but by seeking the answer.

John Lamberton
This is a bigger issue than some people realize. The leadership in our industry is rapidly maturing. It’s critical that we work at recruiting and training the next generation of leaders. We currently have a number of initiatives, either in planning or implemented, to ensure a smooth transition. These include a mentoring program, specialized training, and emerging leader groups.


7. Looking at long-term success, what do you think businesses need to do to thrive in the ever-changing industry? What are the requirements to prepare for the future?

Dan Bofinger
I think everybody will agree, technology is such a huge part of our lives. In the insulation industry, while we’re maybe not the leaders in technology, we’re using it in business more and more. It seems that we’ve almost been forced into using it more as it’s become more ubiquitous, and less that we’re leveraging it to help our business. We need to look at how we can use it to help us in our industry.

Dana Vlk
First and foremost, we must all provide safe working environments for our employees; putting safety first in our industry is the right thing to do for our families and our success. Education and training are also important for achievement of our long-term goals. Ongoing education allows people to learn or enhance their knowledge of mechanical insulation in order to continue to grow, change, and engage in a variety of opportunities in our industry. Investments in safety as well as education and training will lead to higher retention rates in our companies and our industry. It is important to me that NIA provides programs for our members to support safety, training, and education to strengthen the mechanical insulation industry.

Dave Cox
You have to look out for things that surprise you, and disruptions. You just never know who is going to enter an industry or create a product you don’t know about. For example, in the insulation industry we’ve seen the rise of new products that have done really well. There’s been some changes over the years and there are new technologies that are ever changing.

People that are buying our products are looking for a solution to a problem—it’s up to us to figure out how to solve this problem. We’ll have people who come to us looking for acoustical and thermal protection—so we’ll look at hybrid products or combining different products. It’s about creating solutions, not just selling products. You have to use a systems approach to meet needs and solve issues.

John Lamberton
Safety! The industry is also becoming more demanding. Customers are asking more from their contractors than supplying insulation and labor. The paperwork side of the business is becoming a full-time job.

Rudy Nigl
To prepare for the future, we must: (1) Groom the next generation of leaders/managers to ensure businesses prosper as they grow/evolve; (2) Teach/train the labor force so they can be counted on to do quality work in a timely manner and are able to help mold the next generation of labor we are working to recruit; and (3) Stay in our lanes, don’t try to grow too big or too quickly and outgrow our capacities.

Randy Smith
It’s vital to attract and recruit younger talent for technical positions, mentor and groom the future leaders of the organization with a hands-on education, and plan for future energy-code requirements to help educate contractors.

Rick Sutphin
Businesses must be developing talent both in the field and in the office. This includes job skills as well as soft skills training. Succession planning at all levels of the organization is important, as is multiemployer pension reform.

8. Is there anything else you’d like to say about the industry or forecast?

Dan Bofinger
We have this association as the voice of our industry and it’s a daily process to improve the awareness of what we do with mechanical insulation and how it affects our lives. We need to stay the course there and keep getting the word out and do the work to get the recognition we deserve. I think the future of the industry looks good and insulation is such a necessary part of building and construction. Despite cycles with housing and other economic cycles, we still need to provide mechanical insulation for the nation so our buildings are energy efficient and comfortable.

Dave Cox
I always try to tell people—this is a great industry with great people. I had an acquaintance who was part of a layoff and was thinking about leaving the industry. I told him his industry knowledge was invaluable and that the industry needed talented people like him. I’m glad to say he was able to find a new position because this industry has a lot of nuance—it’s important we hang onto talented people who know and have a passion for mechanical insulation.


Participant Bios

Dan Bofinger, NIA Member Type: Distributor/ Fabricator
Dan Bofinger is the Regional Vice President, East, of Speciality Products & Insulation (, a distributor and fabricator specializing in the domestic and global distribution and fabrication of mechanical, industrial, commercial, building, metal building, and HVAC insulation systems; OEM products; passive fire protection systems; architectural/acoustical products and wall systems; and a wide range of specialty products. Mr. Bofinger is the President of NIA, a member of the NIA Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and a former Chairman of NIA’s Distributors/Fabricators Committee. He can be reached at

David J. Cox, NIA Member Type: Manufacturer
David J. Cox works in Strategic Business Development for Owens Corning, (, a manufacturer of insulation, roofing, and fiberglass composite materials. Its insulation products conserve energy and improve acoustics, fire resistance, and air quality in the spaces where people live, work, and play. The business is global in scope, with operations in 33 countries and headquarters in Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Cox has 40 years of experience in industrial and commercial insulation marketing. He is the NIA Assistant Treasurer and can be reached at

John Lamberton, NIA Member Type: Contractor
John Lamberton is the Chief Operating Officer of Irex Contracting Group (, a contractor that provides various specialties, including installation and maintenance of mechanical insulation, sheet metal lagging, architectural finishes, passive fire protection, energy audits, and the removal of lead-containing materials, mold, and other hazardous materials. Mr. Lamberton is the Secretary/Treasurer for NIA’s Board of Directors, Chairman of the Education and Training Committee, Co-Chair of the Union Contractors Committee, and a member of the Foundation Steering Committee and Strategic Planning Committee. He can be reached at

Rudy Nigl, NIA Member Type: Contractor
Rudy Nigl is the Vice President of L & C Insulation, Inc. (, a contractor specializing in
commercial and industrial insulation in Wisconsin, southeast Minnesota, and northeast Iowa. For the last 30 years, L & C Insulation has been specializing in industrial and commercial insulation and firestopping. Mr. Nigl has been in the industry for 5 years and has expertise in leadership, project management, and estimating. He is a NIA Board Member, Chair of the Merit Contractors Committee, Secretary of the Young Professional Advisory Committee, and a MICA Board Member. He can be reached at

Randy Smith, NIA Member Type: Metal Building Laminator
Randy Smith is a Regional Manager for Distribution International (, an industrial, commercial, mechanical, metal building, railcar, refractory, and marine insulation distributor and fabricator. Mr Smith has 34 years of experience with metal building insulation, HVAC, commercial, industrial, mechanical, railcar insulation, and refractory modules. He can be reached at

Rick Sutphin, NIA Member Type: Contractor
Rick Sutphin is the Vice President of Labor Relations for Performance Contracting Inc. (, a specialty contractor offering services and products to the industrial, commercial, and non-residential market. He is a member of NIA’s Board of Directors and is the representative for the Western Insulation Contractors Association (WICA). He can be reached at

Dana Vlk, NIA Member Type: Distributor/Fabricator
Dana Vlk is a Senior Adviser for Distribution International, Inc. (, which fabricates and distributes insulation materials for the industrial, marine, commercial, and government sectors. Ms. Vlk is the current President-Elect for NIA, a member of the NIA Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and a former Chairwoman of NIA’s Distributors/Fabricators Committee. She can be reached at

Career-Ready SkillsUSA Students Practice Personal, Workplace, and Technical Skills

By Tim Lawrence

SkillsUSA is working to produce the kind of worker, leader, and citizen that industry—and America—wants and needs. We help students stay in school and continue their education. We create mentoring relationships. We build industry connections. We help students discover their strengths and develop new skills. And we help students find their career passion. These are all on-ramps for success.

As a high school student in Rock, West Virginia, many years ago, I was enrolled in a welding program and was a member of SkillsUSA. That training allowed me to learn a skill, start a career, and earn a good income to support my family. I went on to pursue additional degrees and certifications, but from that high school program I had the knowledge and skills essential to launch a career path. If we begin with the end in mind, the goal for career and technical education (CTE) is to build competent graduates who succeed at work and at life. What success looks like can be defined many ways—earning a good living, supporting a family, having a meaningful career, being a competent employee, and having a desired quality of life.

SkillsUSA is working to produce the most highly skilled workforce in the world, providing all members with an opportunity for career success. This program is about lives changed for the better. We need to get the word out to parents, school counselors, and the public that CTE is not second class or second chance; it is the first choice for training and the first choice for launching a career.

What we’re doing in CTE isn’t new, but it’s never been more important. For more than 50 years, SkillsUSA has served students preparing for careers in trade, technical, and skilled service occupations. We consider ourselves a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA benefits both students and industry.

SkillsUSA chapters are located in about 4,000 schools nationwide and we have over 360,000 members in 19,000 classrooms. Combined with alumni, our membership is over 400,000 and we’ve served 13.5 million students since our founding in 1965. Each year, SkillsUSA graduates more than 100,000 students who are job ready—hirable and promotable.

At each school, the program might look a little different, but SkillsUSA members elect leaders within each classroom and for the school. The students plan and carry out a program of work that allows them to engage in project planning, teamwork, time management, and professional development, both inside and outside of the classroom. Whether it’s a community service event or bringing industry into the classroom, everything is student led. Students learn through real-world scenarios that build confidence. And, everything is relevant to their training, so they’re building job skills.

CTE offers rigorous, relevant, hands-on learning experiences that give students a practical understanding of what a career is all about. Some of our SkillsUSA students go straight to work—but many more continue to higher education. CTE students have more options than ever to continue studies or to start applying the skills they’ve already learned. Dual enrollment programs, industry certifications, and technical degrees all create on-ramps to higher education or employment. Others seek an apprenticeship or join the military—any of these are viable paths to a career. The question most people ask is how does SkillsUSA benefit both students and industry?

More than 600 companies partner with SkillsUSA nationally, and thousands more at the state and local levels. Industry is involved in everything we do, from serving on local school advisory councils to helping us plan and run state and national contests. This partnership between education and industry informs curriculum to maintain current technology, standards, materials, and training. This ensures graduates have the skills that align with industry needs. Companies can support local schools and recruit employees, mentor students, and work directly with teachers in the field ensuring that ongoing pipeline of future employees. This involvement fosters strong relationships.

Many industry partners know career and technical student organizations (CTSOs) through competitions. As the state competition season begins in February and leads to our national SkillsUSA Championships in June, industry across the nation will step up to evaluate our students’ skills in 10,000 competitions at the local, regional, state, and national levels. SkillsUSA offers 103 hands-on contests in manufacturing, machining, robotics, engineering, automotive service, cybersecurity, construction, welding, graphic design, cosmetology, and health care—and leadership events like public speaking, entrepreneurship, or community service.

These contests are exciting for students and provide the opportunity to work against the clock against other students who are the best of the best. They offer recognition, scholarships, tools, and industry prizes. At the national event, more than 1,000 gold, silver, and bronze medallions are awarded, along with hundreds of scholarships. Total industry contributions of donated time, equipment, or materials is more than $36 million. Encompassing 25 acres, the national contest floor is highly visual. More than 18,000 students, teachers, and education leaders attend our championships. Each competitor is a state first-place winner.

The SkillsUSA Difference: The Framework

The contests are exciting, but learning takes place in every classroom—even for students who never compete. In SkillsUSA, much of our student preparation takes place through the SkillsUSA Framework. Integral to instruction, the Framework looks like a triangle and is our organization’s way to illustrate exactly how SkillsUSA students become world- class workers.

Framework components include 17 essential career-readiness skills. There are personal skills like work ethic, professionalism, and self-motivation. There are workplace skills like teamwork, communication, and decision making. And there are technical skills grounded in academics like job-specific skills, computer literacy, and safety. The framework was implemented to help more students learn a consistent skill set, but also to give students common language to use when they talk to employers about what they’ve learned and can do.

In classrooms across the country, students practice these career-readiness skills using our SkillsUSA Career Essentials suite. This program was created as an online solution to produce career-ready graduates. And finally, SkillsUSA has technical assessments to help CTE teachers measure what students know and can do in 41 occupations. SkillsUSA and its industry partners have invested in Career Essentials and our assessments to teach and measure skills in a way that’s easy to implement and engaging for students.

The Skills Gap Is Real

In my role as Executive Director, I travel the country to visit local schools and meet with industry partners. From training and education managers to CEOs, I hear the same thing over and over. The skills gap is real.

Construction, engineering, maintenance, repair, and customer-service sectors face worker shortages. Baby Boomers are retiring at a rate of 10,000 a day. Over the next decade, 3.4 million new manufacturing jobs will be available. Of those jobs, 2 million may go unfilled because of the lack of qualified workers.

The good news is that CTE is working to produce the kind of worker, leader, and citizen that industry—and America—wants and needs. The high school graduation rate for students concentrating in CTE is 93%, compared to a national average freshman graduation rate of 80%. CTE students are also more likely to continue on to higher education—91% of high school graduates who earned 2 to 3 CTE credits later enrolled in college. CTE students are more likely—through hands-on learning—to develop problem-solving, project management, research, math, communication, time management, and critical thinking skills.

The SkillsUSA Championships will be held in June 24–28 in Louisville, Kentucky, and everyone is welcome to come see firsthand what’s working in America’s public CTE. The future has never been brighter for career and technical education. For more information, go to

SkillsUSA and Construction Trades

Last school year, SkillsUSA had 61,677 members in the construction occupational cluster in high schools and colleges. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the construction industry is projected to grow about 12% through 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. Employment of construction workers is especially sensitive to the fluctuations of the economy, and demand for labor mirrors the overall level of construction activity.Repairing and replacing the nation’s infrastructure— including roads, bridges, and water lines—will result in steady demand for laborers, a demand also driven by the construction of homes, schools, office buildings, factories, and power plants. Because of the large size of the combined construction occupations, job prospects are favorable in this sector. NIA contractors, distributors, fabricators, and manufacturers who seek employees should be aware of career and technical education and SkillsUSA’s efforts as a talent pipeline and skills gap solution. To connect with your state’s SkillsUSA association, go to:

Tim Lawrence is the Executive Director of SkillsUSA (, a national nonprofit education association that partners with industry to ensure America has a skilled workforce. Located in 4,000 schools nationwide, SkillsUSA members are trained with essential career skills and provided competition opportunities in local, state, and national competitive events. He can reached at

UpSkill Houston

An Industry-let collaboration building Houston’s talent pipeline

By Peter Beard

The Greater Houston Partnership is the region’s premier business association that works to make Houston one of the world’s best places to live, work, and build a business. In 2014, the Partnership created the UpSkill Houston initiative to focus on addressing Houston’s skills gap—where people lack the skills and education they need for the careers our region’s industries offer—and the people gap—where Houston’s employers cannot find the skilled workers they need when and where they need them. UpSkill Houston focuses on the more than 1.4 million careers and occupations in key industry sectors, including commercial and industrial construction, that require education and skills beyond high school and less than a 4-year college degree.

In Houston, the skills and people gap is acute for construction craft professions. The demand for skilled industrial construction workers in key crafts is projected to significantly exceed the supply of workers in the region between 2018 and 2022.

During the 2018–2022 period, the regional supply of industrial craft workers is estimated to be about 15,000 workers with a projected demand of between 25,000 and 30,000 industrial craft workers. Some of the high-demand industrial crafts include: pipefitting, welding, electrical, instrumentation, millwright, and crane and rigging. During this same period, the projected supply of insulation craft workers is approximately 800 with a range of projected demand between 1,900 and 5,000.

Since 2014, UpSkill Houston has focused on the following approaches and applied learnings to address our region’s workforce challenges:

  1. Business Leadership: UpSkill Houston invites business executives and employers to lead the way and create an industry table that focuses on collectively building a strong talent pipeline for critical careers in the industry.
  2. Collective Action: We also create a collective table that brings business and industry leaders, educators, community organization representatives, and government officials together to create a common language that allows everyone to focus on a common problem, establish a common goal, align their efforts, pursue separate tactics, and share results.
  3. Career Awareness: As a country, we can declare success in that we have persuaded almost everyone—students, parents, and others—that a 4-year college degree is the only pathway to success. We need to find new ways to inspire students to consider great careers that require education and skills beyond a high school diploma and less than a 4-year college degree.

Business Leadership: UpSkill Houston’s success hinges on employers assuming leadership and responsibility for building a strong talent pipeline for their industry. In construction, we work closely with business leaders from Associated Builders and Contractors, Associated General Contractors, and key construction leaders.

  •  Construction Career Collaborative: UpSkill Houston has worked with Houston’s Construction Career Collaborative (C3) to convene hospital and educational institutions, as building owners, to understand how their procurement policies can create a favorable environment for building a more sustainable construction craft workforce.
  • PetrochemWorks Steering Team: Petrochemical plant managers and industrial construction executives are working on a number of different critical workforce issues, including developing common competency maps, linked with performance verification, to help create more consistent skills development of the industrial craft workforce.

Collective Action: Though UpSkill Houston is employer-driven, educational institutions and community organizations play crucial roles in its collaborative efforts. A collective table breaks down barriers and fosters a broad dialogue that brings all sectors of Houston’s economy together to create a singular vision and powerful solutions to expand the talent pipeline to the benefit of citizens and industries across the region. This approach has reinforced existing efforts, while spurring new coalitions, and it’s working in not just one area, but in multiple industries that are coming together.

  • S&B Engineers and Constructors “Women in Construction” Program: S&B partnered with United Way of Greater Houston to implement a “Women in Construction” program that recruited women into and provided support for a “hire and then learn” pipefitter helper program. This program has helped to increase the diversity of the craft workforce.
  • Trio Electric Pre-apprentice Program: Trio Electric partnered with Spring Branch independent school district to develop and conduct an innovative program that educates and develops the skills of junior and seniors in high school to become commercial electricians. Students in the program receive a paid summer internship between their junior and senior years and are guaranteed employment when they graduate and complete the program of study.
  • SER Jobs for Progress and Gutier Roofing/Marek Bros.: SER partnered with Gutier and Marek to create an innovative approach that develops opportunity for youths and young adults in the Houston area for careers in commercial roofing and drywall. The approach features basic and on-the-job training in roofing and drywall.

Career Awareness

When we ask young people what they want to be when they grow up, the answers generally include doctor, professional athlete, musician, actress, etc. These are careers that we see every day in movies, TV, and real life. Rarely do we hear answers like an insulation installer, process operator, medical coder, or automotive technician. The reasons for this likely come down to one of several factors: a lack of awareness of available careers, negative perceptions of careers in some industries like construction or energy, and society’s long-held belief that the only pathway to success is a 4-year college degree.

  • UpSkill Houston launched its What are you up for campaign? to tackle the awareness and perception challenges for “middle skill” careers. Through the “My Life As” career video series, UpSkill Houston is working with our school districts to help inspire students and their parents to consider the great careers in our region that don’t require a 4-year college degree. The videos have featured 4 craft professionals telling their stories and the paths they took for the great careers they have. You can view the video at

UpSkill Houston unites these powerful forces—industry, education, community, and government—and works to create the talent pipeline Greater Houston’s regional economy requires while helping individuals build careers that improve their lives.

The approaches described in this article could be used by a collaborative of insulation contractors. The first step would be to create a collective table of industry leaders committed to building the pipeline of talent for the insulation specialty. Next, the collaborative of employers would develop a shared understanding of the supply of and demand for craft professionals and agree on the skills and credentials that are needed for workers to be successful in the insulation craft. Because craft workers generally develop their skills over time, the collaborative would also need to map the skills progression for a worker. With this information, the members of the employer collaborative would then partner with educational institutions and community organizations that can develop the talent. The partnership would need to explore how to attract and screen potential workers, what it takes to develop the skills and the talent, and how to onboard talent with the employers. As with any new approach, the partners need to commit time and effort in order to develop an effective talent pipeline.

Peter Beard serves as Senior Vice President for Regional Workforce Development at the Greater Houston Partnership, whose mission is to make the Houston region the best place to live, work, and build a business. He leads the Partnership’s UpSkill Houston initiative—a business-led effort that works with employers, educational institutions, community-based organizations, and the public workforce system ( UpSkill Houston works to ensure that the region’s businesses have access to workers that have skills and credentials for advanced and technical careers and occupations that require education beyond a high school diploma but less than a 4-year college degree. He can be reached at

Cultivating the Next Generation of E&C Technical Talent

By Priya Kapila

With information system innovation at an all-time high, the engineering and construction (E&C) industry is experiencing dramatic changes right now. New technological advancements, combined with demographic shifts in the workforce and owners’ demands for cheaper, faster, and better projects, are resulting in heightened pressure for E&C companies to continuously improve and advance.

Augmented reality, 3D printing and scanning, building information modeling (BIM), virtual design and construction (VDC), prefabrication, and even unmanned drones are helping E&C companies work smarter, boost productivity, and improve collaboration across project teams. But these innovations also pose challenges, particularly when it comes to finding, developing, and retaining the right talent.

In this article, we explore the impact of technological influences on today’s E&C labor practices, discuss what new skills and competencies will be required in the near term, and provide recommendations on how to develop a workforce of the future.

The Merging of Design and Construction

Over the past decade, we have witnessed a significant increase in firms adopting BIM/VDC systems in all aspects of the design-build process. This includes modeling, customer decision mapping, estimating, virtual building, prefabrication, site analysis and coordination, construction resource utilization, and field work planning, among others.

With the growing use of enhanced BIM/VDC systems comes the demand for specialists to employ these tools effectively. In one extreme example of how BIM/VDC usage is impacting the industry, we can look to Broad Sustainable Building, a Chinese construction firm that last year brought new meaning to fast-build projects by completing a 57-story skyscraper in Changsha in just 19 days. While this prefabrication feat was as much for notoriety as it was to meet housing demands in south central China, the project highlights the current prevailing expectations for efficient design-build engagements, which will rely heavily on effective BIM/VDC tools and a technically proficient workforce.

Early adopters of BIM/VDC processes now have a performance record that proves the operational gains that may be realized using innovative modeling and virtual planning systems. Mortensen Construction, for example, analyzed 18 projects completed between 2004 and 2014 and identified the following benefits resulting from their VDC process:

  • Average schedule reduction: 32 days
  • Productivity increases: 25% and greater
  • Average direct cost reduction: 2.95%

As the positive impacts of BIM/VDC are noted across the entire E&C industry, it’s clear that such innovations are revolutionizing project delivery. Some of the key areas of innovation include:

  • Prefabrication: With the ability to better plan and model construction projects, E&C companies anticipate the expansion of prefabrication work, which has the potential to significantly reduce project timelines.
  • Automation: Where possible, firms are seeking to implement automation processes already highly utilized within the manufacturing industry. This is critically significant from a safety standpoint, as the use of robotics could limit the exposure of workers to site safety hazards.
  • Virtual Collaboration: The ability to liaise in real time with customers and other project stakeholders using mobile devices and related technologies is increasingly cited as advantageous to project design and decision making, particularly for health-care clients.

Technical Talent Wanted

Naturally, the expanding utility of BIM/VDC tools has driven the need for specialists that can effectively apply these systems. FMI Compensation has collected staffing and salary data from E&C companies for BIM professional jobs since 2009. Our longitudinal analysis reveals several key observations:

  1.  Growth of the Profession
    The number of companies that report having a BIM professional on staff has increased significantly over the last 2 years. In “FMI’s 2016 Construction Professional Compensation Survey,” we noted an increase of 68% in companies identifying at least one BIM professional within their workforces. Our survey findings also indicate the greatest growth of incumbents at the senior BIM professional level—a trend we expect to see continuing in the coming years. However, our research also shows a slight decline in entry-level BIM specialists, which seems out of line with the overall trajectory of BIM/VDC adoption and deployment. There could be several explanations for this observation, including:
    • Demand for experienced BIM/VDC professionals is overwhelming and leaves little motivation for newcomers to enter the field.• The economic downturn led to layoffs and hiring freezes that stifled the recruiting of beginner BIM/VDC professionals.
    • Training efforts, as well as employer expectations for rapid skills development for BIM/VDC specialists, are great, so employees are improving their knowledge and skills quickly and, therefore, moving beyond “beginner” status to higher steps on the career ladder in short order.
  2. Increases in BIM/VDC Staffing
    FMI’s survey data suggests that companies are hiring more BIM/VDC professionals. In 2014, E&C firms participating in the “Construction Professional Compensation Survey” indicated that, on average, they employed slightly fewer than 4 individuals in BIM/VDC professional positions. In 2016, the average staff count rose to nearly 5 BIM/VDC employees. The largest staff increases involved higher-level roles, suggesting the increasing need among E&C firms for highly skilled professionals who can facilitate coordination and collaboration among multiple stakeholder groups on complex projects.
  3. Gradual Salary Increases
    For the past 15 years, FMI’s Compensation Group has been tracking 6 key benchmark job families, including business development, project management, project superintendent, estimator, general foreman, and BIM (the latter has been tracked since 2009). Exhibit 1 shows the base pay trend for each job family and reveals that, in general, pay levels have been increasing since 2001. Although employment levels may have receded during the recession, those jobs requiring specialized skills and knowledge have experienced steady pay increases.Table 1 shows how national median salaries for less experienced roles (i.e., Levels 1 and 2) have grown little or declined since 2009, while salaries for more advanced roles (i.e., Levels 3 and 4) have increased.
  4. With the decrease in beginner BIM/VDC professionals relative to more experienced incumbents, the median salary levels reported are no surprise. As such, there is little pressure to increase wages for entry-level roles, given the lack of growth at this level, while the focus on higher-level roles is driving salary increases. That said, apart from the “BIM—Level 3” position, the rise in BIM salaries since 2009 is lower compared to general E&C industry compensation increases. It remains to be seen whether continued demand for BIM/VDC specialists will ultimately result in larger pay increases in the near future.

Developing an Effective Talent Development Approach

As BIM/VDC systems continue to evolve, so too will the roles of individuals responsible for using them. Thus, E&C companies must remain cognizant of not only how they are using BIM/VDC for projects, but also how best to utilize staff and effectively hire, develop, and retain these increasingly critical employees. Here are our top recommendations for companies that want to fully leverage technological developments while maximizing their current and future workforces:

  1. Conduct Periodic Needs Assessments
    To ensure the right people are in the right roles, start by assessing current BIM/VDC practices as well as forecasting process updates. Then compare existing employees’ skills and competencies relative to workforce needs, given current and future practices. Knowledge of the work to be performed will be essential in determining the incumbent qualities needed to perform BIM/VDC functions.
  2. Understand the Roles That Need to Be Filled
    Today, BIM/VDC professionals take on a broad spectrum of roles, including:
    • Technician Versus Facilitator. The technical BIM/VDC role is a traditional position that grew out of earlier design drafting roles. The technician role is responsible for administering systems and ensuring their effective and efficient operations. Alternatively, the facilitator role is responsible for project management and coordination related to BIM/VDC. While many firms distinguish between these 2 roles—namely because they tend to require different job competencies—we expect these roles to merge into one over time. This would require technical specialists to be well-versed in project coordination and bring greater efficiencies to projects through a primary, specialized point of contact.
    • Expert Versus Cross-Training. Even while we observe growth in the number of BIM/VDC professionals, some firms want to train their existing workforces in BIM/VDC systems rather than staff subject matter experts. With the adoption of BIM/VDC integration, cross-training is a more plausible approach (versus when BIM/VDC is introduced and implemented in a short time frame). Deciding which job design approach to pursue will depend on the extent to which BIM/VDC systems are utilized on projects, who uses those systems and in what capacity, and how well various project team members learn BIM/VDC operations.
  3. Evaluate Recruitment Initiatives
    E&C firms must determine how to staff the BIM/VDC function, given the results of a needs assessment. Desired job roles should be reflected in the firm’s recruitment strategies. For example, if a company finds that experts are preferred, it may need to provide a premium compensation package to effectively attract experienced talent. Based on the demands for talent and review of recruitment effectiveness, E&C firms may require outreach initiatives to expand the population of BIM/VDC professionals. This may be particularly true, given the diminished number of entry-level specialists.
  4. Sharpen Retention Efforts
    As the labor market becomes constrained, companies that have successfully established high-functioning BIM/VDC teams will need to assess optimal staff retention approaches. Potential strategies may include:
    • Professional Development. Given the targeted growth among experienced BIM specialists, it is mutually beneficial for employees to expand their skills and knowledge in BIM/VDC and for employers to invest in their employees’ long-term development. Career development offerings are also a key contributor to engagement among employees, according to FMI’s Industry Survey, “Millennials in Construction: Learning to Engage a New Workforce.” It is routinely recognized that engaged workers are more likely to remain with their employer long term.
    • Career Tracks. Clearly defined advancement opportunities can help BIM/VDC professionals recognize their long-term employment possibilities. Many E&C firms began with just one BIM individual-contributor position, but today, many larger companies are building complete career paths that are similar to those in project management. For instance, one FMI compensation survey participant indicates that the following job descriptions have been drafted for BIM/VDC positions: specialist, engineer, manager, regional manager, and director.

What’s Next for BIM?

Looking ahead, we expect to see continued innovation across BIM/VDC systems where prefabrication, automation, and virtual collaboration will begin to take center stage as the industry’s use of technology expands and matures. To best leverage these trends, E&C companies must sharpen their talent management pencils in a way that ensures the recruitment and retention of the right level of technical talent. That talent must be able to leverage advanced technologies and work even smarter in 2017 and beyond. For this and other reasons, a competitive pay strategy serves as a cornerstone of any good human capital investment approach.

Priya Kapila is the Compensation Practice Leader with FMI Corporation ( Reprinted with permission from FMI Corporation. Ms. Kapila is responsible for leading the compensation consulting practice of FMI Compensation.

Attracting and Growing Talent: What Contractors Need to Know

By Stacey Holsinger and Mark Drury

Across many industries in the United States, there is a decline in educated, skilled, and experienced personnel as the largest generation in history moves out of the workforce and into retirement. As a result, it’s become a war for talent, and construction companies are on the front line.

This comes at a critically important time for the construction industry as the current volume of work already exceeds the human capital resource capacity. Furthermore, between natural disasters, a growing economy, and a crumbling infrastructure, the demand for increasing the industry’s production capacity is at an all-time high.

Increasing Need for Employee Education and Training

In any industry, knowledge coupled with talent is the pathway to advancing a career. Now more than ever, offering a robust employee development program is key to attracting the right people for the right careers. Recruiting the best candidates is a good start. But if you don’t train or educate those top talents, it could have a disastrous impact on project delivery. Don’t let this become the type of employee who represents your company and destroys your brand on a daily basis. To put it bluntly, investing in your employees through education and training is an opportunity for success that today’s contractor simply cannot afford to ignore.

Companies are all desperate for candidates who have at least 5 to 10 years of construction experience to fill the gap created by the increasing number of workers in their 50s and 60s who are retiring from the industry. As a result, the construction job deficit is expected to increase to 2 million unfilled positions by 2022. This means those experienced candidates everyone is so desperate to hire do not exist, and construction firms will not be able to sustain their current capacity, much less realize their strategic growth goals.

To help solve this problem, construction companies must embrace the emerging Z Generation (recent high school graduates) as well as the tail end of the Millennial generation (those just graduating college). The huge benefit? Investing in their training and education to help them in their career goals and become contributors to success will be the key to helping a contractor achieve his strategic goal. A young professional who has the right attitude every day, is ambitious, has the aptitude to learn and develop skills, and is a hard worker will find a career with great wages, benefits, and many opportunities for success. As the workforce deficit increases, companies are offering more attractive benefits and perks that help define their company culture to attract young candidates.

Helping Current and Prospective Employees Choose the Right Construction Trade

Owners of construction firms have discovered that workers can develop skills that are transferrable and highly valued throughout the United States and all over the world. This is advantageous because every project is unique, locations vary, and project teams change. Moreover, construction appeals to those who take pride in being a part of a successful team accomplishing something tangible every day in a variety of interesting environments.

When exploring the various career paths in this field, you should encourage prospective employees to weigh the options based on their level of interest as well as earning potential. In terms of earning potential, the top trades are plumbing, electrical, and HVAC, all of which have state-level licensure requirements. Meanwhile, the most popular trade is carpentry.

In these licensed trades, the career path starts at apprentice, progresses to licensed journeyman (who can have one apprentice working under him or her), and culminates with a master’s license. Like the bar exam for lawyers or the medical boards for doctors, a journeyman needs that master’s license to realize his/her full income potential in the trade. With a master’s license, the tradesman or tradeswoman has the ability to start his or her own business in their respective trade.

Additionally, to further help workers choose the right trade, the Core Curriculum, which is a requirement in National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) apprenticeship programs, serves as an introduction to the trades and provides some universal education and skills components as well as some exposure to all of the apprenticed trades.

Demonstrating the Worth of a Construction Career

To recruit top talent, Shapiro & Duncan is heightening awareness among prospective employees that jobs are in high demand, the skills learned are transferable, and that the company supports education and career development. As many contractors are aware, apprenticeships are like obtaining a 4-year degree without the cost. The trade-off is working full-time while going to school either a couple of evenings a week or 1 to 2 days a month, depending upon the program and employer. For many employees who know about this type of opportunity, this is an appealing blend of classroom instruction and on-the-job training.

Your prospective and current employees need to be educated on the fact that they can have mobility within the construction field—that it’s not a dead-end career. In reality, there is always opportunity to evolve and there is substantial room for growth in the field, no matter where your employee starts.

Field leadership team members are encouraged to push their teams to engage in education and training to ensure that they continually grow in their personal capabilities and contribution to the team effort. Also, the company’s monthly employee newsletter provides information on all education and training opportunities.

Merit and Union Shop Training Resources

Both union shops and merit shops provide training programs for construction workers. A requirement of apprenticeship is that the employer be the sponsor and pay the employee tuition. The most popular national training program is the one provided by the NCCER, which is affiliated with the University of Florida. Curricula include more than 70 craft areas and a complete series of more than 70 assessments offered in over 4,000 NCCER-accredited training and assessment locations across the United States. NCCER’s apprenticeship training modules are used in both high schools and technical schools.

Value of a Construction Internship and Apprenticeship Program

The company is a firm believer in the value of internship and apprenticeship programs.

Its summer internship rotation program is geared toward young people who are majoring in construction management or mechanical engineering. However, office internships, including marketing, accounting, IT, and human resources are also available. First year summer interns spend a week or more in several different departments, including preconstruction, engineering, fabrication, production, and project management, receiving a well-rounded exposure to the industry. Returning summer interns will be placed in a more consistent position based upon needs, interests, and talents for a more focused exposure to the S&D world. The year-round internships engage students in different departments on a part-time basis coordinated with their class schedules providing valuable work experience, a nice paycheck, and for many, additional academic credits.

The apprenticeship programs, meanwhile, currently have almost 70 participants with 29 being first-year apprentices. The program includes a mix of high-school graduates, young adults who have separated from the military, and adult career changers from other industries. All apprentices have journeyperson mentors to guide them through the program.

The company seeks apprentices and intern candidates with postings on the company’s website and on a variety of third-party employment websites. Additionally, the company as a whole supports and is actively involved in career and technology programs in the local school systems. Many team members regularly participate in career days and fairs as well.

The Next Level for Employee Development

Internship and apprenticeship programs are just the starting point for employee development. We’ve taken employee education and training to the next level by creating S&D YOUniversity.

This in-house educational program helps employees advance in their careers and earn more as they continue their career development. The company also offers tuition reimbursement (up to $5,250/year), for those pursuing associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees.

Key Takeaways for Construction Contractors

The sooner construction companies recognize the tremendous workforce potential of the Z and Millennial generations entering careers in the construction trades, the better it will be for the nation’s economy. Construction, literally and figuratively, builds economic opportunity. Just as a business invests in IT infrastructure, new equipment, or facility improvements, construction companies need to view education, training, and development as a strategic investment opportunity.

Owners of construction companies, meanwhile, can offer useful guidance to young people deciding on a career path. A key point to share is that by the time a young person would have graduated from college, they can be making as much or more as a 4-year degree holder—without the overwhelming burden of student debt. But prospective employees also need to know that success in the construction trades demands investing in oneself through continuing education and training.

We consciously provide career development opportunities that provide the impetus for new employees to find the right career path. Are you making the investment in the people who are working for you? If not, you are missing an opportunity to create not only a better image for your company and for the industry at large—but also a healthier bottom line!

Stacey Holsinger is Marketing Manager and Mark Drury is VP of Business Development at Shapiro & Duncan, Inc., a third-generation family-owned mechanical contracting business serving customers in the Washington, DC, area since 1976. Reprinted with permission from Constructor, March/April 2018, a publication of the Associated General Contractors of America,

You continually hear mechanical insulation contractors, and others, complaining about incomplete, outdated, or irrelevant mechanical insulation specifications (i.e., “bad specifications”).

Immediately you want to know, what is a bad versus a good specification and what are the advantages or consequences of both?

This article is written from the perspective of the mechanical insulation industry and focused primarily on new construction. The comments or opinions addressed herein may or may not apply to all industries. It is not intended to find fault with any specifying organization or individual but to address the confusing or conflicting information that is found in some project specifications. The ultimate objective being that over time, the reference to bad specifications will become less and less.

A specification is a set of documented requirements to be satisfied by a material, design, product, or service. A good specification should clearly communicate the design objectives, materials, thicknesses, finishes, securements, and other insulation system installation requirements.

While specification formats can vary between the commercial or building and the industrial market—and of course the person or firm developing the specification—there are a few basic principles that apply to just about all mechanical insulation specifications.

The function of mechanical insulation specifications is to define the basic requirements for quality of products, materials, and workmanship. Therefore, mechanical insulation specification sections should not include “scope of work” statements. Excluding scope statements from specifications allows specification sections to focus on the technical requirements without encumbering them with contract requirements.

Drawings and other contract documents should define the scope of work, schedule expectations, and other terms and conditions of the contract. Drawings communicate the quantitative requirements and graphically show the shape, location, joining, and general arrangement of construction to be insulated.

There are different types of technical or engineering specifications, and different usages of the term in different technical contexts. The word specification is broadly defined as “to state explicitly or in detail” or “to be specific.” Unfortunately—in the mechanical insulation industry—explicit, in detail, or specific is not always the case.
Within the mechanical insulation industry, you have various specification types:

  • The Project Specification: This is typically created by a design/engineering firm and or a facility owner. It should clearly communicate the design objectives, materials, thicknesses, finishes, securements, and other system installation requirements. Project specifications are used to execute construction.
  • Guideline Specifications: Guide or guideline specifications is any document that aims to streamline processes according to a set routine. By definition, following a guideline is never mandatory. Guidelines are an essential part of the larger process of design, governance, and similar processes and may be issued by and used by any organization (governmental or private), product manufacturers, etc. Guideline specifications are sometimes used to develop Project Specifications.
  • Master specifications: Master specifications are created by entities, companies, governmental agencies, etc., to establish a base line or minimum level of acceptable design objectives and/or considerations. In some cases, they may be referred to as Standards. Master specifications are sometimes used to develop Project Specifications.

Within these specifications you typically find references to codes, standards, regulations, etc.

Building and model codes are traditionally found in the commercial or building sector of the industry. They are adopted by local jurisdictions and have the force of law.

Due to limited resources of most authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ), building codes in most jurisdictions are generally developed and maintained by adoption of model codes, in whole or in part. A model code is not enforceable until adopted by a local jurisdiction.

Model codes, from a mechanical insulation perspective, are primarily developed by organizations such as the International Code Council (ICC).

You might also encounter separate energy codes that are in addition to with Building or Model Codes. Also, Fire Codes will occasionally come into play independently or by reference in building or model codes.

You may find references to Voluntary Consensus Standards like the Process Industry Practices (PIP) that are focused on the industrial segment, or the Midwest Insulation Contractors Association (MICA) Commercial & Industrial Insulation Standards manual.

There are several ASTM standards that could be refenced in the voluntary standards or any of the commercial/building or model codes or in any of the specifications.

There are various types of ASTM Standards:

  • Standard Material Specifications—explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a product, system, or service.
  • Standard Test Methods—concise description of an orderly procedure for determining a property or constituent of a material, an assembly of materials, or a product.
  • Standard Practices—definitive set of instructions for performing one or more specific operations that does produce a test result.
  • Standard Guides—increase the awareness of information and approaches for a given subject; normally includes options but does not make a specific recommendation.

Regulation can take many forms from legal restrictions, contractual obligations, third-party regulation, certification, accreditation, or even market regulations.

In the case of the mechanical insulation industry, the regulations may relate more to certain requirements in industries or standards. An example would be the type of insulation and/or insulation finish that is allowed in food-processing areas, product labeling, safety data sheets, and safety regulations.

Are you confused yet? Keep reading—we are not done yet.

The mechanical insulation specification is an important but often overlooked part of the overall design process. The specification is typically part of a set of contract documents issued by a design professional for the purpose of executing work. Too often, mechanical insulation specifications are developed by dusting off and reissuing a specification from a previous project. That project could have been from last month or years ago.

A specification created for one project may not be applicable for a similar project. From the perspective of the mechanical insulation industry, there are many potential variables that influence decisions related to a mechanical insulation specification: relative humidly, ambient and service temperatures, application or project conditions, exposure to the elements, availability of new or improved materials, protective coverings, durability, serviceability, etc.

The potential practice of cut and pasting a specification multiple times, which is often the case, can only increase the magnitude of the problem. Unfortunately, the cut and paste specification process is alive and well today.

Why are specifications being cut and pasted, outdated, or not complete? There are multiple reasons, but there is a consensus that the mechanical insulation knowledge base within the engineering and facility owner communities is slowly dwindling to that of only basic knowledge with little actual experience.

Insulation is taken for granted in many applications. Mechanical insulation is not a major topic in many engineering curriculums and it’s not exactly a sexy or hot topic of discussion in the design community. As a result it is the “Rodney Dangerfield” in many projects—it gets no respect. Yet, designing insulation systems can be complicated and can have serious and costly outcomes if not properly addressed. In some projects, multiple design objectives and considerations must be satisfied simultaneously.

Combine the reduced knowledge base with the fact that project schedules are continuing to be compressed. It seems like some owners are pushing to save costs by compressing schedules and pushing critical details downstream. That is one of, if not the primary reason, projects are being started and requests for insulation quotations and contracts are being awarded with incomplete documents.

Incomplete and outdated information in specifications, coupled with multiple potential conflicting references (guidelines, codes, standards, etc.), can create inconsistences (i.e., a bad specification). Not to be forgotten, it is also possible that conflicts can exist between drawings and specifications, and even other documents that combine to make a construction contract.

There are multiple consequences, other than general customer dissatisfaction, to a bad specification for the contractor and the facility owner. An underperforming or incorrect insulation system can potentially lead to:

  • Higher initial cost due to field-required change orders (proposal evaluations, scope or work monitoring, change in insulation materials or systems, reduced productivity, etc.).
  • Higher operating cost on many fronts: process control, energy consumption, maintenance, etc.
  • Other problems like corrosion under insulation, mold development, safety-related concerns, etc.
  • Early insulation replacement (e.g., production interruption, Cap X expenditures, etc.).

Some believe that a bad specification provides an insulation contractor with an advantage in bidding and/or executing the project. That position is debatable.

You cannot discount the fact that contractors may look at insulation specifications (reviewing what is written, unwritten, and incorrectly written) to develop both their bid basis and a list of items to be addressed—either sequentially during project execution or at the end.

If the specification is not clear, concise, and complete, that immediately equates to problems for the insulation contractor. Following are just a few of the issues that must be addressed:

  • Increased estimating time due to the degree of research and potential proposal clarifications that may be required;
  • The fear, or reality, of being compared to a different project perspective from a competitor, thus not bidding apples to apples;
  • Upon award of the project, spending hours that were probably not accounted for in the proposal—such as managing the submittal and approval of change orders, managing conflict resolution, schedule impacts, and potential disagreements between other stakeholders;
  • Communication with field labor teams related to change orders and dealing with potential rework activities; and
  • Running the risk of excessive remaining materials upon completion of the project.

Many contractors can attest that their most profitable contracts come from projects where the specification is complete and concise, the drawings are complete, and the scope of work is released in a timely fashion. They know what to do, what materials to use, when to do the work, and now their major focus is on productivity at all levels. A bad specification is the first step in preventing that level of focus on a project.

What are the remedies to eliminate the creation of a bad specification? That answer will vary depending upon whom you ask but there are a few core areas that are probably on all lists:

  • Understand why insulation is needed and focus on the applicable design objectives and considerations.
  • Examine the current master or project specification and truly dissect it to uncover the potential inconsistences, incomplete, outdated, or incorrect information and make all the required changes.
  • Don’t hold back on asking for help. Ask insulation and protective covering manufacturers to point out outdated areas and suggested changes. Consider asking a few insulation contractors to meet with you and point out inconsistences and other areas that they take issue with, or create proposal clarifications and bidding or execution burdens.
  • Update and maintain your library and knowledge of current insulation systems.
  • Provide ongoing continual educational opportunities to share knowledge that are focused on mechanical insulation and related topics.

A bad specification in the mechanical insulation industry has the potential of being bad for everyone in the project chain of events: from the design firm, to the contractors building the projects, to the facility owners and operators of the completed project. A bad mechanical insulation specification just keeps creating challenges. The solution is to turn a bad specification into a good specification sooner than later and maintain it. Nothing lasts forever, each project is different, insulation systems are continually being improved, and new products are introduced in the market while some products become obsolete. Codes and standards also change regularly.

Act now. Help is around the corner—just ask and “inspect what you expect” in the design phase, during construction, and in ongoing operations. Design the mechanical insulation correctly, install it correctly, and maintain it in a timely and correct manner and see how your perspective as to the value of mechanical insulation will change.

The mechanical insulation industry needs to say goodbye to bad mechanical insulation specifications and heighten awareness by providing examples of good specifications.

Author’s Note: I would like to express my appreciation to Howard Lavender, Insulation & Fireproofing SME, The Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, Texas; Gary Kuzma, Senior Principal, Director of MEP Engineering at HOK Houston, Texas; and Ed Schauseil, SME—Insulation and Coatings, KBR, Houston, Texas, for their help in reviewing and providing suggestions for this article. Their insight on this topic and commitment to improving mechanical insulation specifications throughout the industry is an example for others to follow.

Quote from Gary Kuzma

Reasons for Optimism—and Caution—in 2019

By Ken Simonson
Contractors are showing signs of optimism about increasing volumes of work in 2019—and with good reason. But there are also 3 reasons to be cautious.

On the positive side, the economy continues to expand, employment is steadily rising in nearly all states, and business and consumer confidence remains high. These indicators all suggest that demand for construction will not slacken, at least early in the year.

Construction employment has been increasing even faster than total nonfarm payroll employment: nearly 3 times as fast. Between October 2017 and October 2018, construction employment jumped 4.9%, compared to 1.7% for the overall economy. That’s a strong vote of confidence in the outlook for continued demand for projects. Despite this rapid increase in headcount, job openings in construction have been setting records in recent months, suggesting that contractors would hire even more workers if they could.

While “help wanted” signs do imply a backlog of projects, the inability to fill those vacant positions may pose the biggest problem contractors face in 2019. The shortage of qualified workers appears likely to get even worse, as the pool of unemployed jobseekers with recent construction experience has dropped to some of the lowest levels in the history of the data, which stretches back to 2000.

A second challenge for contractors is guessing how to price projects. In 2018, the cost of materials and services used in all types of construction accelerated significantly—much more than the price contractors charged to erect new buildings. The producer price index for new nonresidential buildings, a measure of what a fixed group of contractors say they would charge to construct the same set of buildings each month, increased 5% from October 2017 to October 2018. Meanwhile, the index for inputs to construction (materials used in every type of project, items consumed during construction such as diesel fuel and services) jumped 6.6% over the same interval.

Prices soared in part because of tariffs the Trump administration imposed during the year on steel, aluminum, Canadian lumber, and thousands of Chinese products, many of which are used in construction. The tariffs largely took contractors by surprise, leaving them no chance to recoup higher costs on projects they had already committed to building at a fixed price. Buying from U.S. producers offered no protection, since they often raise their prices in lockstep with any tariff increases.

In 2018, some contractors may have had materials on hand or were able to buy them before tariffs took effect. This year, the full impact of the earlier tariffs will hit, along with possible new tariffs if the U.S. and its trading partners are unable to reach agreements to end them.

The third worry is less severe at this point but may be felt as the year wears on: interest rate increases. The Federal Reserve is widely expected to continuing raising its short-term interest rate target gradually but steadily. Meanwhile, long-term rates also appear likely to rise, as the federal deficit expands rapidly. These increases may cut into the ability of home buyers, developers and state and local government bond issuers to finance houses, commercial projects and infrastructure.

Despite these risks to further growth, most contractors should be able to find additional projects to bid on. All they need to do is find a way to price their work profitably and find the workers to execute it.

Kenneth D. Simonson is the Chief Economist for the Associated General Contractors of America. Originally published at Reprinted with permission from Constructor, a publication of the Associated General Contractors of America. Mr. Simonson has more than 40 years of experience analyzing, advocating, and communicating about economic and tax issues.

Keep Calm, Stay Focused, and Get Ahead of the Next Downturn

2018 marked another strong and dynamic year for the North American built environment, with total U.S. engineering and construction (E&C) spending growth expected to finish at 5%, the same as in the previous year.

By Chris Daum
Through 2019, FMI expects E&C spending to continue to grow at an anticipated 3% annual rate, with mostly positive, albeit moderately decelerating, growth rates across the residential, nonresidential buildings, and nonresidential structures market sectors.

The Architecture Billings Index—which typically leads relevant construction activity by 9 to 12 months—paints a similarly upbeat picture. According to latest readings, contractors will continue to have robust backlogs during the coming months.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) will likely remain strong this year as well, following an active year in 2018 across the North American built environment, which was shaped by over 400 closed or announced transactions, a 33% increase from the number of deals closed or announced in 2017. Deal flow in 2018 was primarily defined by midsized or smaller strategic deals, as opposed to larger $1 billion deals we have seen in recent years, and was spread across all subsectors of the broader built environment.

Several factors contributed to this active market, including activity from private equity firms (both as buyers and sellers), public companies looking for growth (including newly public companies), and significant interest in specific sectors like building and energy services. It should be noted, however, that a major driver of M&A activity in the industry also related (and still does) to the demographic need for owner succession due to retiring baby boomers.

In 2019 and beyond, we expect to see buyers be more cautious with their acquisition activity. Not that the activity will cease, but firms will probably be more selective about where they place their bets given where we are in the current economic cycle, and because many buyers are still integrating the companies they acquired during the past few years. Along with traditional mergers and acquisitions, we’re also seeing increased interest in employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) as an alternative exit strategy to selling an E&C business. This change in sentiment tells us that, as more owners evaluate their options, the tax-advantaged value creation afforded by the ESOP can be a great choice for many E&C companies grappling with ownership transitions.

And then there’s all the buzz around construction tech startups that are set to transform the E&C space. Over the last decade, more than $10 billion has been allocated to funding construction technology. Most of that money came through early-stage venture capital deals. Brick & Mortar Ventures, for example, was among the first venture investors focused exclusively on early stage A/E/C technology firms and has made over 22 investments to date.

As construction technology companies mature, larger acquirers are stepping in and making full (or at least majority) acquisitions. These acquisitions are being driven by both strategic and financial (e.g., private equity) acquirers. For example, strategic acquirers are making significant construction tech investments for various key reasons, including talent acquisition. Leveraging acquisitions to acquire and build talent can be a very efficient alternative to internal hiring and development practices. Trimble’s $1.2 billion acquisition of Viewpoint, for instance, gave the former a leading construction management solution and a team of over 700 experienced individuals capable of driving future business growth.

While many of today’s construction tech startups may be in growth mode right now, E&C is an unpredictable sector. So, where venture capital firms may be involved with it during the “boom” times, the real test comes when E&C startups must maintain growth during a downturn. That’s where the rubber meets the road, and it’s a scenario we could all be experiencing sometime in the next 12 to 24 months.

Preparing for the Next Downturn: Lessons Learned From the Great Recession

The E&C industry has endured seismic shifts during the past decade and is still going strong in 2019.

Rumblings about a recession on the horizon are starting to make company leaders a bit nervous, but many are just too busy keeping up with current work to start thinking about contingency planning. In fact, the constrained labor situation, coupled with material increases, compressed project schedules, and ongoing margin compression, are all creating more risk for E&C firms today—and right when we find ourselves at the top of the market. As we like to say, “Contractors don’t starve to death; they die from gluttony. They get too much work, too fast, with inadequate resources, and then they get into financial trouble and run out of cash.”

Now is the time to get proactive with conversations and planning around lessons learned from the last downturn and “recession-proof” your company. While the last recession was historic in scale and duration, the next downturn will likely look very different. Still, through good preparation, companies can take the lessons they (or their predecessors) learned from the last recession and use them to avoid repeating any costly mistakes. Following are 7 key lessons from FMI’s Senior Consultants and Directors that all E&C firms can learn from:

  1. Don’t wait too long to make any hard decisions you have been deferring. This might be a marginal performer you’ve been keeping, an underperforming office or division that has been limping along, or anything else you’ve been unwilling to pull the trigger on. During the last recession, these types of issues plagued E&C companies for far too long. Leadership that is slow to react and respond can make or break a company.
  2. Find your own sweet spot and don’t just follow the herd. Be picky and don’t chase every project or every owner. Know what your core competencies are and with whom you like to work. Also, don’t just be a market follower, especially if you are trailing behind others in markets where your company has little or no expertise. If you’re following the crowd, you’re going to be a year behind the latest movements.
  3. Work on the new, envisioned future and set the strategy for post-recession success. Be clear on organizational purpose and values during this exercise; they will be tested. Many of today’s leaders are in constant firefighting mode and not focusing on the big picture. Living in a reactive mode and not being proactive and taking charge of shaping your own destiny and future can become your biggest detriments.
  4. Get a grasp on “incremental economics” like revenue, margin, and overhead. A good business doesn’t turn on its head in a bad market. A competitive landscape has transformed standard estimating procedures into a game of marksmanship. Understanding the total costs for each project and how these costs break down is the first step in knowing where and how you can improve profit margins. Too many E&C firms lack true knowledge of what it costs them to both do and pursue work. In a recession, the ability to produce as inexpensively as possible is the key differentiator. If you know your costs for any specific scope of work (i.e., historical costs), you can proactively reduce or raise your prices according to market conditions.
  5. Maintain a healthy balance sheet (i.e., cash and working capital) in the context of growth plans.
    Conduct a risk analysis on all existing projects slated to complete more than 6 months out. Identify high-risk projects and how each will be staffed to take to project completion. Leverage
    and utilize a multiskilled workforce: In-house, self-perform capabilities can mean a difference on margins, time and manpower, while all-around adaptability can make a firm indispensable to satisfied clients.
  6. Get positioned in your market (and in the heads of your clients)—early. The game of selling work and interacting with clients has changed quite a bit for many E&C companies. These days, early plans allow for the most flexibility. Look particularly close at segments that are likely to do well in a recession. Are you winning the size and type of work that will allow you to quickly expand in the event of a market change? Do you truly understand your clients’ mindsets? Do you get their way of thinking and what’s important to them? While client relationships won’t guarantee you work, they do still matter and are critical when the market slows down.
  7. Get more feet on the street. It’s time to give sellers/doers the skills they need to be confident calling on customers. Have them build a list of contacts that they want to keep in touch with. Then, create a training program to educate your people on “how to behave in a recession”—estimators with project selection, field managers with scope management, PMs with cash management, etc. Client interaction across all company levels will increase your presence with clients, give you an inside track, and improve collaboration among future leaders.

Back in the Great Recession, contractors had large backlogs in the fall of 2008, and many thought they would weather the storm. In reality, almost all that backlog disappeared relatively quickly. First, it was deferred, then it was postponed, and then poof—it was gone. It may not happen that way next time, but history could repeat itself. Much work today is being delayed, with schedules constantly being slowed—perhaps this is a precursor to the next slowdown. This is a red flag to keep a close eye on as we move further into 2019.

Back to the Basics

Instead of grasping for straws once the downturn hits, FMI tells companies to go back to the basics and focus on building the best organization possible now. Make sure you have:

  • Great disciplines around communication, feedback, and planning.
  • Great people who can embrace the organization, negotiate well, and understand what the owners want.
  • The right support structures and systems.
  • The right financial mechanisms in place.
  • The right technology to support your company’s vision and strategies.

As the industry continues to climb toward the market peak, this is also the time to unabashedly build out your equity base. That way, when you transition into the next downturn, you’ll have the cash resources to do whatever it takes to survive (even if that’s “no work” because the money’s not there). Skip this step and you’ll wind up overextended going into the slowdown; that’s where companies historically run into trouble.

Here are 6 more “back to the basics” strategies that E&C companies can use to offset the negative impacts of the next recession:

  1. Extrapolate clarity of purpose in your values and the goals/milestones that are in front of you.
  2. Use data analysis to evaluate these goals against the current context of what’s going on in your business.
  3. Be an agile and flexible leader.
  4. Explore the market itself, your peers, and other benchmark industries and business builders that you feel that you can learn from.
  5. Be intellectually curious and use your mental flexibility and intuition to come up with new, creative business ideas.
  6. Have a plan in place for your key talent. What people do you need to have on your team 10 years from now in order to sustain the business for the next 30 years?

Right now, the market is still relatively good; you still have options. All E&C firms should be picking opportunities that allow them to succeed, or to at least know that they have a trail of work in place as they head for the next downturn. The market leaders will be the ones who really understand the markets and who know where construction is headed, while the chase group that doesn’t understand and/or care may get crushed.

Controlling Your Own Destiny in Murky Times

Dynamic and inherently risky businesses, E&C firms succeed and fail for various reasons.

Over the years, FMI has found that company failures can often be traced back to several different risk factors. While many E&C firms that go out of business point to external factors as the primary culprits for those failures, we see many examples of companies that succeeded despite the same difficult external forces being present while others failed.

In one of our flagship research studies, “Why Contractors Fail,” for example, many seasoned industry executives emphatically rejected the notion that luck or other extraneous forces were responsible for their companies’ decline. With signs pointing to a possible economic slowdown in the not-too-distant future, it’s a good time to revisit the 5 root causes of contractor failure—all of which can be mitigated and controlled:

  1. Poor strategic leadership. Strong leadership can serve as a cornerstone for success in even the most difficult market conditions. For example, many companies experience financial difficulty when ownership changes hands from one generation to the next (a process that is taking place across many of today’s E&C firms). To ensure successful ownership transfer and management succession, owners need to prove that the company can grow and succeed without them. The only way to do this is by having successors who are capable and willing to lead. At that point, the question becomes, can the next generation carry the business forward? Firms get into trouble here, regardless of whether they are family-owned or not. Companies that lack a clear vision, purpose, and a fact-based strategy often find themselves with no set direction. Under poor strategic leadership, people begin making bad decisions (i.e., selecting the wrong projects, hiring the wrong employees, putting the wrong systems in place and so forth), and before the company’s leadership knows it’s happening, the firm can find itself on the path to failure.
  2. Excessive ego. Extremely confident and often unwilling to listen to the opinions and suggestions of others, the leader with an excessive ego can literally take down the entire company. To be a successful contractor, you must have self-confidence and a high tolerance for risk. Contractors also must possess a high degree of optimism, but avoid carrying that optimism and risk tolerance to the extreme—a scenario that can lead to bad business decisions and ultimately company failure. There are many examples of construction firms that have run into financial problems due to the leader’s hubris and perception of being invincible. Sometimes this is referred to as “driving the business off a cliff at 100 mph”—self-destruction at its worst.
  3. Too much change. When too many things happen too quickly, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and thrown off course. Any company can absorb some level of change, but there’s a limit to what most organizations can handle at any given time. To avoid driving too much change in the organization and managing risk more effectively, companies should make a list of everything that’s new, including customers, projects, geographical targets, superintendents, project managers, systems, etc.—to fully understand the speed of change the organization is experiencing. The more changes on the list, the higher the risk of failure. Therefore, it is critical to manage the rate of change on an ongoing basis, particularly in anticipation of a market slowdown.
  4. Loss of discipline. Successful E&C firms tend to be extremely well-disciplined in all areas of their businesses. Most companies that experienced failure grew from small, regional operations into national powerhouses (e.g., J.A. Jones, Guy F. Atkinson, etc.). Along the way, these firms almost universally lost their internal business discipline, became overall bureaucratic, and moved outside of their core competencies. On the other hand, there are a few world-class E&C firms that operate with an incredible amount of discipline. They do the same thing the same way, every day and everywhere that they operate. This discipline is baked into the company’s culture, permeates the organization, and endures for generations.
  5. Inadequate capitalization. Construction projects have upside limits on the level of profit that you can earn, but the amount of money you can lose is unlimited. The difference between a good year and a great year or a bad year and a catastrophic year can be boiled down to just 1 or 2 jobs. Sometimes people will ask us, “How much money should I keep in my construction company?” And we always answer this question by asking, “How much money can you lose on a single construction job?” And when you think about this, the answer is, “All you’ve got.” Overcoming this failure factor requires an adequate capital base that allows you to withstand inevitable problems and live to fight another day. Building a robust equity base will also help you weather a downturn more easily.

Looking ahead and given all the indicators in today’s global economic environment, E&C firms should be cautious and remain vigilant with respect to cash flow management, balance sheet health, operational discipline, rate of change and people. At this point, no one knows when the next recession will hit, but one thing is clear: It will arrive at some point. And when it does, you want to be ready and in control of your own destiny, not the victim of fate.

Chris Daum is the President and Chief Executive Officer of FMI Corporation ( Excerpted with permission from “2018 FMI Overview,” Mr. Daum oversees the management of all FMI businesses and services and leads the firm’s strategic growth efforts. He may be reached at

Though Signs Point to a Slowdown, Growth in Construction Spending Should Continue through 2020

By Kermit Baker

Growth should continue through 2020, but a number of emerging red flags suggest a cautious outlook.

Spending on nonresidential buildings nationally is projected to grow by 4.4% this year, paced by healthy gains in the industrial and institutional building sectors. For 2020, growth is projected to slow to 2.4%, with essentially no increase in spending on commercial facilities but gains in the 3% range in the industrial and institutional categories. Still, there is growing concern inside and outside of the industry that a broader economic downturn may be materializing over the next 12 to 24 months.

Continued healthy gains in construction activity in the near-term is the projection of the AIA Consensus Construction Forecast Panel, composed of leading national construction forecasting firms. As a group, they see the 2018 growth rate remaining essentially unchanged for this year. However, the composition will change significantly. Last year, spending on commercial facilities increased around 7% while advancing by about half that rate for institutional buildings and declining for the industrial sector. This year, gains in each of the major building sectors are expected to be in the 3% to 5% range.

These projections are consistent with business conditions at U.S. architecture firms as measured by AIA’s Architecture Billings Index (ABI). The average ABI score for 2018 was essentially unchanged from 2017. Since the ABI has been shown to lead construction spending by an average of 9–12 months, this would suggest that the growth in spending on nonresidential buildings in 2019 should be close to the growth rate of 2018. Additionally, new design contracts coming into architecture firms grew at a healthy pace in 2018, underscoring the robust level of backlogs currently enjoyed by most firms.

Overall Economy Performing Well

While nervousness persists, the economy has been performing very well recently. Growth in GDP is estimated to be close to 3% for this past year. The jobs market continues to be very healthy. Over 2.6 million net new payroll jobs were added in 2018, far exceeding the less than 2.2 million added in 2017. As a result, the national unemployment rate was below 4% for most of the year. Consumer sentiment levels remained strong, with 2018 recording their highest readings in almost 2 decades. The nation’s factories also were humming, with industrial output achieving its strongest growth in almost a decade.

However, there are several signals that are pointing to an emerging slowdown in the broader economy, and therefore in the construction sector. These include declines in leading economic indicators, weakness in some key sectors of the economy, and softness in the markets of our major trading partners. These signals may be temporary responses to negative short-term conditions, but historically they have preceded a more widespread downturn.

Declines in leading economic indicators: Financial measures such as stock prices, interest rates, and corporate profits—which are often are more forward-looking—frequently turn down before actual economic activity softens. Stock prices have been exceedingly volatile for several months, somewhat obscuring the downward trend of about 15% in the fourth quarter of 2018.

Long-term interest rates have been easing somewhat recently, while short-term rates have been rising as a result of actions by the Federal Reserve Board. This has caused a flattening in the yield curve, where returns from long-term rates move closer to those of short-term rates. If the yield curve were to invert—meaning that long-term yields moved below short-term yields—that would be an historically strong indication of an impending recession.

Weakness in some key sectors of the economy: Despite overall economic strength, there are signs that cracks are emerging in some of the leading sectors of the economy. Of particular vulnerability are major consumer purchases like homes and cars, as well as major business investments in plants and equipment.

After dropping sharply during the Great Recession, housing starts have seen a very disappointing recovery. It appears that housing starts have peaked for this cycle, having declined steadily from their first-quarter 2018 levels. Auto sales fall in the same category of major consumer purchases that often are financed; likewise, this sector has seen softness recently, having declined in 2017 and remained at this same lower level last year.

Business investments often reflect what corporate leaders feel is the growth potential for their companies. Investment nationally in new plants and equipment saw healthy growth in 2017 and through the first half of 2018, but slowed significantly beginning in the third quarter of last year. Given the recent trends in business confidence scores, investment is unlikely to accelerate anytime soon. Business confidence fell sharply through 2018, with the fourth quarter showing the lowest levels in 6 years.

International slowdown: Given the reliance of the US economy on worldwide trade, our future growth is increasingly dependent on economic conditions across the globe. The economies of many of our trading partners have not been performing as well as our own, which suggests that our export volumes will be declining in the future.

Recent forecasts from the International Monetary Fund suggest that world economic growth will be slowing in the coming years. The slowdown is expected to be the greatest in advanced economies, such as those in the eurozone as well as the UK, Japan, and Canada. Additionally, some emerging economies—most notably China—are expected to see slower growth moving forward. The recently enacted—as well as threatened—tariffs that may expand into trade wars have discouraged global investment while simultaneously slowing exports, particularly to China due in large part to the retaliatory tariffs that China has placed on key US products.

Commercial Construction Soft; Institutional Activity Firming

For the first time in many years, growth in institutional construction activity is projected to exceed its commercial counterparts. The major commercial sectors are feeling the headwinds of a softening economy, while demographic forces are still propelling the key institutional sectors.

Retail activity continues to suffer from the growth of online shopping. While only about 10% of total sales, e-commerce has been growing at about 3 times the rate of traditional brick-and-mortar sales. The slowdown in housing hasn’t helped, as new residential development often spurs new retail construction activity. Instead, larger shares of investment in these facilities is going to the renovation of existing buildings. The panel is projecting less than 2% growth in retail construction spending this year, and essentially flat levels next year.

Office construction looks to be the strongest commercial sector, with 5% growth projected for this year and 1% in 2020. This sector has benefited from strong job growth, and the apparent bottoming out of the years-long decline in office space per employee. Much of the increase has come from the booming technology sector, so the outlook is dependent on continued growth in this industry sector.

Education facilities are the largest nonresidential building sector, accounting for over 20% of overall spending. While demographic trends are generally favorable to the education construction outlook, fiscal developments are the real growth engine. Rising house values have finally given local governments a boost in property tax revenue to undertake new projects and renovate older buildings. The rising stock market in recent years had built up endowments for private schools and colleges to expand their facilities. The consensus is for 5.5% growth in the education sector this year, and an additional 4% in 2020.

Health-care building spending is benefiting from extremely favorable underlying demographics, but growth has been tempered by uncertain implementation and modifications to the federal Affordable Care Act. The outlook looks a bit brighter now, and the panel is calling for 4% growth this year, and an additional 3.6% next year.
The nonresidential building construction outlook can best be described as benefiting from solid current conditions but tempered by growing uncertainty over how broader economic trends will play out. The fact that architecture firms had a strong 2018 bodes well for healthy growth continuing in construction activity through this year. However, AIA recently surveyed architecture firms about their expectations for revenue growth in 2019, which are more tempered. While 2018 gains averaged over 7%, their expectations are for less than 3% growth in 2019.

Kermit Baker, Hon. AIA, is AIA’s Chief Economist and part of the AIA Economics and Market Research Group, which provides AIA members with insights and analysis of the economic factors that shape the business of architecture. Reprinted with permission from AIA, January 16, 2019,

2019 Engineering and Construction Industry Outlook

By Michelle Meisels

As we move into the final year of a decade that has seen its share of peaks and valleys, there is no doubt that our industry is an active participant in building the future of the modern world. Overall growth in 2018 for the U.S. engineering and construction industry is projected to be around 5% and is likely to accelerate further going into 2019.¹ Mergers and acquisitions are positioned for a strong 2019, following an active year, which to date has seen 344 deals with a total value of more than $20 billion.² Driving this activity are the proliferation of mega projects infused with advanced technologies, a focus on smart cities, and the promises of a data-driven world.

The engineering and construction industry is facing considerable hurdles—finding and retaining talent, responding to material price volatility due to tariffs and other trade-related headwinds, and absorbing the rapid pace of technology development pervading our personal and business lives. However, there is reason to be optimistic. Digital is transforming the industry itself and helping us imagine, create, and build the spaces, structures, and cities of tomorrow. Engineering, design, and construction firms have a unique opportunity to leave a mark on the smart cities of the future, using advanced technologies to design and build them today. These same technologies hold the promise to help firms achieve operational efficiencies, thereby reducing costs while improving margins. Those firms that embrace the projects of tomorrow and invest in digital transformation are expected to be the winners here.

As we enter 2019, here are some observations and signposts for our industry.

Upgrading Infrastructure and Digitizing the Smart Cities of Tomorrow

The cities we live in today are the growth engines of our economy and society.

However, in the United States, the infrastructure that supports these urban centers is crumbling. Reports from the American Society of Civil Engineers give the country a D+ rating, indicating the current infrastructure’s poor conditions and deteriorating levels.³ The essential underpinnings—roads, bridges, transit, and water—all received a C+ or lower rating with no single infrastructure segment rated as A, or exceptional and fit for the future.4 Given the population growth in cities, there is a startling gap between the rising growth of urban dwellers and the infrastructure to support them. Recent pledges from the U.S. government to support public works projects may spur an increase in projects for domestic engineering and construction companies in the year ahead, which could present significant opportunities.

At the same time that existing infrastructure needs desperate upgrades, the march of progression toward Smart City 1.0 continues to accelerate, as cities around the world invest in the “connected infrastructure” that will enable better management of urban assets such as public transit, wastewater systems, and roads.5 IDC forecasts that smart cities spending will reach $158 billion globally by 2022,6 an opportunity for the entire spectrum of firms in our industry to help cities execute on their visions. Engineering and construction firms are key enablers of this powerful vision for upgrading infrastructure to incorporate sensing technology and data analytics that could improve the lives of the people who move within and between cities. Collectively these companies are building the roads and highways, designing the smart residential and office buildings, and creating digital touchpoints of connectivity between people and their vehicles, homes, and workplaces.

What would help these cities is a clearly articulated strategy for leveraging advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) along with the scale to respond to the influx of digital transformation projects in smart cities worldwide. From a funding perspective, the strategy may include plans for public–private partnerships, as the cost of many of these projects could be cost-prohibitive for a city to undertake. Private funding in cooperation with government entities is one avenue to fund these major projects. From a delivery perspective, the more complete the solution a firm can bring to the table, the greater the positive outcome. The recently announced strategic alliance7 between one of the leading global infrastructure firms and an electronics innovation company to work together building smart cities is one example of how to marry scale with digital. In the coming year, we expect to see design, engineering, and construction firms further augment their portfolios with digital and connected technology assets in an effort to capture a larger share of this market.

Analytics and data are the core for future growth, productivity, and efficiency

Data is quickly becoming the core for future success in the construction industry.

It moves business decisions from reactive to predictive and could enable engineering and construction firms to outpace their competition. For this reason, it is likely to be a priority on the growth agenda of CIOs in the coming year. A data and analytics strategy can fuel the ability to deliver smart buildings and smart cities projects, identify and address diminishing margins, and manage increasing project size and complexity.8 It can help identify not only what went wrong but also prevent it from happening in the future.

Data related to engineering and construction projects exists in a multitude of sources, many of them outside traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Therefore, companies should devise a framework for collecting the data from all of these sources, using tools and models to analyze that data, and providing the insights gleaned to the right people in the right moment to make an impact on the business.

Data and analytics also provide companies the ability to refine operations and tackle business goals like reducing costs or providing next-generation client services. Companies can use a data-driven approach to unlock smart decision making, identify the optimal location for their project, and source the best materials to use, all through an interface that enables decision makers to ask questions and work through scenarios. And as we have seen in other industries, data can even be packaged as a value-added service to clients. Engineering and construction companies should continue making investments in data and analytics in the coming year to ensure they are keeping pace with the rapid developments in this area.

Talent remains a challenge

A pervasive challenge that could hamper the industry’s growth and momentum in the coming year is the tight labor market.

The U.S. construction industry has been consistently adding workforce, and in fact, employs around 7.2 million professionals, the highest levels since the Great Recession of 2008.9 All the while, U.S. construction industry unemployment levels have dropped to an 18-year low.10 In fact, the latest job openings data from Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that since 2014, while the number of jobs openings have almost doubled, the number of hires over the same period has just increased by 14%.11 Labor shortages are reaching crisis proportions and are expected to continue through 2019 as well.

The impact of not filling job openings and not having the right skill set in the workforce can negatively impact engineering and construction companies in various ways, including not being able to respond to market needs, losing project bids, and failing to innovate. With the influx in expected projects in 2019, engineering and construction companies should consider innovative approaches to attract, recruit, and retain talent. Engaging with the open talent ecosystem, tapping the resources of the retirement-age experienced workforce, and developing in-house training programs are all part of long-term strategies that companies should adopt.

Today, winning the talent war includes projecting a positive brand for your company out to the market—one that reflects the advanced technologies that are part of the connected construction site. And to appeal to new generations entering the workforce, it also showcases the sustainability initiatives that many firms have adopted. Additionally, sourcing talent through apprenticeship programs and technical schools can identify prospective employees with the right skills. And considering the rise of digital, it is also important to understand how skills are changing and then design a talent management strategy that reflects this.

  1.  Oldcastle, 2018 North America Construction Forecast Report, October 2017, Construction%20Forecast%20Report.pdf?t=1514916335905, accessed October 25, 2018; Robby Pedraza, “Six reasons the construction industry in the US is projected to accelerate in 2019,” Mobile Modular, September 7, 2018,, accessed October 25, 2018.
  2. YTD includes January 1, 2018 through October 29, 2018, Thomson One SDC Platinum, accessed October 29, 2018.
  3. 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, American Society of Civil Engineers,, accessed October 29, 2018.
  4. Ibid.
  5. William Eggers and John Skowron, “Forces of change: Smart cities,” Deloitte Insights, March 22, 2018,
  6. IDC, “IDC forecasts Smart Cities spending to reach $158 billion in 2022, with Singapore, Tokyo, and New York City among top spenders” (press release), July 23, 2018,, accessed October 25, 2018.
  7. “AECOM teams with Arrow Electronics to usher in digital transformation and Smart Cities on a global scale” (press release), Business Wire, September 27, 2018,
  8. “The construction industry’s productivity problem,” The Economist, August 17, 2017,, accessed October 25, 2018.
  9. US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Construction Industry: Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National),, accessed October 25, 2018.
  10. US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Unemployment Level – Construction,, accessed October 25, 2018.
  11. US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Construction Industry: Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National).

Michelle Meisels is a principal in Deloitte Consulting’s Technology practice and leads the Engineering & Construction practice. Reprinted with permission from Deloitte ( She brings over 25 years of consulting experience with a focus on leading large, often global, finance, and information technology transformation programs by leveraging technology. She specializes in cloud ERP, project controls, supply chain management, and analytics technologies. Her primary focus is serving engineering and construction companies. She can be reached at

Building envelopes are defined as a physical barrier between the conditioned space and unconditioned space and/or the outside of a building. The envelope, however, does more than separate spaces. It is a combination of materials serving several functions, including serving as weather barrier, air barrier, sound barrier, and a natural light and wind barrier. It also improves thermal performance and can serve a structural function. As an example, a conventional building framed from unit masonry with veneers of stucco or exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) provides physical structural support and air barrier functions within the masonry itself. With the addition of an insulating layer, the masonry wall “assembly” becomes the entire thermal envelope.

The materials in the building envelope join the foundation, wall, and roof assemblies, and any glazing (windows), doors, and any other component installed within these assemblies. It’s crucial that all these materials are compatible and installed in a manner that ensures the building envelope performs as designed. Building envelope has many construction types for both commercial and residential applications.

The building envelope design has evolved over the years based on the code cycles. ASHRAE 90.1 is a 3-year cycle. Each cycle has changes that need to be addressed. ASHRAE 90.1 covers the thermal envelope, lighting systems, and mechanical systems. The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is another 3-year cycle of the same basic parts: thermal, lighting, and mechanicals. Building designers can choose either option in most cases. However, some states have code-specific requirements that may not allow this. There are also above-code programs that designers can use for more reduced energy overall. ASHRAE, for example, has the 189.1 High-Performance Green Buildings. This is much more involved than the IECC codes and ASHRAE 90.1 Standard.

Building Envelope for Metal Buildings

In a metal building, the building envelope is comprised of several elements that differ from the conventional construction materials previously mentioned. For example, a pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) wall assembly may consist of horizontal girts and exterior metal panels for the structural components, along with a fiber glass cavity fill insulation and air barrier system. While the PEMB wall assembly must meet the thermal performance of the code, the structural impact of varying systems in the overall assembly can also have an affect on the physical structural design of the PEMB altogether.

Regardless of the building envelope assembly, the combination of materials, interior environmental conditions, and building usage are major factors when choosing the final “building assembly” system. As an example, most natatorium designs require significant interior environmental control and conditioning systems to maintain a steady humidity level, temperature, and air quality. Conventional fiber glass batt insulation is not generally a good match with an indoor pool environment. On the flip side, a bulk storage warehouse or shipping terminal may be well outclassed with an insulated metal panel wall system in the build of their building envelope.

Another major factor for the performance of a building envelope can be contributed to design oversights, change in building usage, and poor workmanship. Even the best materials installed with the best workmanship will fail at some point if the material is not the right for the job. A great example of this would be utilizing PEMB insulation systems in a high-heat process smelting mill facility. Even the best workmanship in installing the building envelope components will fail if the smelting process generates enough heat to cause those elements to fail. Another example of this would be high-moisture buildings with poorly designed or no dehumidification. Swimming pools, for example, are designed with all the requirements of the code and with the best intentions, but many have severe failures due to moisture-containing
corrosive chemicals.

The Growing Metal Building Industry

Metal buildings specifically have always had huge market share in the non-residential low-rise commercial sector. According to the Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA), between 42–48% of the market consists of metal buildings. Their market share for commercial office buildings, retail, and government construction projects also continues to grow.

The metal building market has seen many changes over the last 10 years in regard to energy efficiency, design criteria through the International Code Council (ICC), and fire ratings for assemblies. Energy consumption is one of the key design factors of buildings today. Energy codes, green buildings, renewable energy, and energy efficiency drive new builds and the expansion of existing structures. Most design teams utilize advanced energy calculation models and integrated mechanical control systems, which maximize efficiency and off-hour energy savings. Some systems may have an impact on the structure itself, such as physical load imparted by a photovoltaic cell system or a hydronic water heating system. When looking at the whole building envelope, these auxiliary systems have a positive impact on the envelope efficiency.
The quality and flexibility of metal buildings today is a testament to performance of metal building insulation products over many years. For example, one of the industry’s leading manufacturers go-to standing seam roof panel was actually introduced in 1969. The standing seam roof panel of 50 years ago was well ahead of its time and is still in service on many buildings today. Building on these products, insulation system advancements have led to increases in energy efficiency, as well as significant building code updates, which add to both the efficiency and longevity of metal building systems. The impact on the building envelope by all this progress yields a far more energy-efficient shell that will last a lifetime when properly maintained.

Working with Changing Codes

All envelope construction types have seen significant changes over the last 10 years. The energy codes have evolved to impact each construction type. Back in 2007, even though the codes were published and available to designers, they were very basic and not very energy efficient. Keep in mind that for several years, energy costs were inexpensive. From 2007 on, the 3-year cycle of codes began to change, as did energy costs. The metal building industry has seen very significant changes to the envelopes. Even though codes require R-value combinations, all envelopes and components of envelopes are in-place U-value performance based. To better understand this, consider a standard metal roof. In 2007, the in-place U-value for many climate zones was U-0.065 by code. By 2012 and beyond, it changed to U-0.035. Because the R-value is a reciprocal of the U-value, we can see the U-.065 has an in-place R-value of 15.38 for 2007 and in-place R-value of 28.57 in 2012. The walls for metal buildings have also changed, and we are seeing huge gains with insulated metal panels.

Metal building laminators have had to adapt to these changing conditions. In earlier years, many laminators were working with a simple laminated fiber glass for metal buildings and the contractor determined what thickness and widths would be supplied. Now, with the evolution of the codes and thermal efficiencies, it is important for laminators to become involved in the code process; indeed, many are involved in ASHRAE and IECC and participate in the process of each code cycle. Many contractors now rely on laminators for code-compliant systems and guidance. Through this process, many changes have been implemented that have made parts of the code into mandatory provisions. Two examples are daylighting and air barriers. Both were once just part of the code and had several exceptions. Now, as mandatory provisions, the choice of materials, combining of materials, and overall performance in place have to be considered in the design and planning stage.

Another consideration for the metal building envelope is the impact on the structure itself. Many manufacturers design with a specific “diaphragm” coefficient in mind. Changing an insulation system after the metal building has been designed can be problematic.

As an example, let’s assume the metal building supplier designs a building with conventional R panel on the exterior walls and they anticipate a single compressed layer of laminated fiber glass over the exterior surface of the wall girts. After the design is complete (or worse yet, after the building is fabricated) the designer, owner, or customer decides to introduce several inches of rigid board on the exterior of the building for better energy efficiency. While great for energy savings, the structural impact of taking the girts from a braced to unbraced condition, changes in base and transition trims, and lengths of roof panels, can all be impacted with a change of this nature. In many cases, if the building has been fabricated, a change of this magnitude may be financially impossible.

Overall consideration of the insulation envelope as a part of the metal building envelope should be an initial step and not an afterthought. Energy codes are rapidly advancing and economical systems exist to meet these new codes. Proper early planning can further reduce the negative cost impact of these systems too. With appropriate planning, design, and installation, metal buildings can deliver the thermal performance and efficiency gains that are desirable for many different commercial and residential projects.

What is the building envelope and why does it matter? How can it fail? What role does tape play in air sealing? In this article, we demystify the building envelope, helping builders and contractors identify weak spots in building tightness in order to improve air sealing, and create more structures that are sustainable, cost-effective, and comfortable in all conditions.

By nature, we do not expect our environment to maintain a consistent, 74°F, 50% humidity, climate. Our perception of comfort is quite adaptive and is based on circumstance, the expectation of environmental conditions, and activities. We use umbrellas when it’s raining. We dress in layers when it’s cold. We use sunscreen when exposed to summer’s intense UV rays. And yet, we expect our homes to provide thermal comfort and protection from the natural elements, at a consistent 74°F, every day. Walls, roofs, windows, and doors all play a role, but it’s the building envelope that makes this possible.

What Is a Building Envelope?

At its simplest definition, the building envelope is the exterior or shell of a building that repels the elements. At its most complex definition, it’s an engineering system that meshes elements such as structural integrity, moisture control, temperature control, and air-pressure boundaries into a single design strategy.

It is the physical separator between the conditioned and unconditioned environment of a building, including the resistance to air, water, heat, light, and noise transfer. It’s the part of the building that you can draw a line around: the roof, the walls, and the foundation.

While the building envelope is a silhouette of sorts, it’s important to remember that these are compounded layers. Each part of the building envelope must be thought of as a collection of smaller pieces working together to provide structural support. The way the foundation and walls are built is essential in creating a sturdy structure, or a base, for the rest of the building. This is one of the main functions of construction because a well-constructed envelope is necessary to simply keep the structure standing. The building’s design must be measured and carried out meticulously to ensure that there are no open edges, cracks between the windows and walls and imperfections between the roof and the walls, or between the walls and the foundation. It is all included within the building envelope concept.

That said, each part of the enclosure faces different challenges. Roofs are bombarded by heat, rain, and hail; walls contend with wind and rain; and foundations are always surrounded by wet, damp earth. On a construction level, the building’s envelope is a series of composite layers—whether it be wood, glass, veneer, drywall, etc.—each with their own permeable properties that must be considered. A proper building enclosure works together to achieve the same goals of stopping or slowing the flow of air, water, and heat, while still allowing the inevitable intrusion of water as a way to dry out.

Why Do Building Envelopes Matter?

All told, building envelope components work together to perform 4 basic, but critical functions: structural support, moisture management, temperature regulation, and air flow. The latter 3—moisture, air, and thermal—characterize the “control” functions of the building envelope, those facets that ensure a building is energy efficient, comfortable, and sustainable.

  1. Moisture control. The most important element of the envelope’s control is its ability to regulate the transfer of moisture. Moisture presents a distinct danger to the overall integrity of a building and must be taken into account. Moisture can and will impact your building over your head (roof), under your feet (basement/floor), and on your sides (walls). Each component must be addressed to prevent the unwanted transfer from causing expensive damage. It’s essential in all climates, but cold climates and hot-humid climates are especially demanding.
  2.  Air control. Controlling air flow is key to controlling energy consumption, ensuring indoor air quality, avoiding condensation, and providing comfort. Control of air movement includes flow through the enclosure or through components of the building envelope itself, as well as into and out of the interior space. So, for example, when we talk of a building’s draftiness, we’re talking about the control of air flow.
  3. Thermal control.  Thermal transfer brings to mind how comfortable we feel inside buildings. Is it too hot? Is it too cold? If you want to address this question, it is easiest to look up. As we learned in elementary school, heat rises, and if you don’t have enough resistance in the building to prevent heat from rising right through the roof, it is time to raise your building envelope IQ to prevent heat (and money) from escaping.

What Is Building Tightness?

Building envelopes are often characterized as either “tight” or “loose.” A loose building envelope allows more of a natural air transfer to occur, which improves indoor air quality and can remove the need for mechanical ventilation. These types of building envelopes make the building more drafty and uncomfortable; it also makes it harder to regulate temperature levels. This creates a higher chance of mold or mildew, and higher quantities of heated or cooled air are able to escape through leaks in the loose building envelope. This will increase energy bills along with negatively impacting the environment by releasing more greenhouse gases.

A tight building envelope allows for a high level of control over indoor air quality, temperature, humidity levels, and energy consumption. This requires more insulation, caulk, adhesive tape, sealants, and energy-efficient windows to acquire a tight shell for the building. This leads to fewer drafts and a more comfortable building for its occupants, which often results in less waste in heating and cooling costs. Tight envelopes also have a lower chance of producing mold or mildew from moisture infiltration; this can help prolong the life of the building components. The downside to a tighter building envelope is it requires more extensive mechanical ventilation systems because it limits how much natural ventilation can occur.

Additionally, good building envelopes that prevent drafts and other air leaks allow for tighter control of the air pressure inside as well as the temperature. Without that, cooling and heating sources are constantly fighting the exterior elements that are making their way inside the building. Not only is this expensive, it makes being inside the building uncomfortable. For example, a home where the air conditioning system has been shut off all weekend would take longer to cool on Monday morning if the building design allows for leaks and drafts. The tight envelope provides the ability to adequately control the quality of the air, making the interior of the building more comfortable and pleasant.What Are

Best Practices for Building Envelope Systems?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Build it tight; vent it right. Without a virtually airtight, well-insulated building envelope, achieving the energy performance levels required for current IECC building codes and California Title 24 is nearly impossible without a massive investment in renewable energy systems. The good news for builders is that getting the building envelope right is one of the lower-cost, higher-return investments when designing for net-zero performance. It all boils down to good building practices.

According to, to make air sealing your top priority, concentrate on insulation. Focus on sealing the areas along the top and bottom plates, particularly around the perimeter in the attic area and along the foundation, whether it’s a basement, crawlspace, or slab, so that you’re not getting convective loops in your walls.

Why Do Building Envelope Systems Fail?

When the building envelope system is designed and constructed properly, very few occupants pay attention. But when the building envelope fails (and even the best-built projects do in time), everyone notices. Those failures can include aesthetic loss, corrosion, poor indoor air quality, energy inefficiencies, and, in some cases, life-threatening structural failure and eventual litigation—a builder’s worst nightmare.
What are the main reasons envelope systems fail?

  1. Design deficiencies. Architects occasionally specify materials or design systems that are inappropriate for their intended use. Common mistakes include specifying materials that are incompatible with materials with which they come into contact or have inadequate performance criteria for thermal movement, structural capacity, or water-penetration resistance. Issues also arise when subcontractors try to reduce the weight, size, or amount of building envelope components (aluminum, glass, sealants, flashing, etc.) required on a project. This can lead to inadequate performance or capacity of the materials specified.
  2. Material failure. It’s also common for properly specified materials to fail to meet the published performance levels. This could be a result of errors in the manufacturing, handling, or storing of the product or components within the product. Common examples include degrading sealant adhesion, laminated glass delamination, and metal fatigue. While the anticipated performance levels are often based upon measured statistical performance, the strength of materials varies.
  3. Poor workmanship. During construction booms, the problem of poor workmanship is exasperated as a result of having many inexperienced, unsupervised, and untrained personnel working on projects. It is common to find building envelope components not installed per the manufacturing specifications. Word to the wise: Putting the right people in the right job goes a long way toward proper installation and overall profitability.
  4. Acts of nature. Even with flawless installations, bad things can happen to good work when environmental conditions exceed those that were anticipated during design. The effects of hurricane-force wind loads, driving rain, and extreme temperature fluctuations can overload a properly designed and constructed building envelope, causing damage to the system and making it vulnerable to further deterioration or failure. While failures of this type cannot be stopped, many can be prevented through routine inspection and maintenance to identify small problems before they become big ones.

Building envelope is vital for energy savings, thermal comfort, and sustainability. Taking the time to make sure the appropriate materials are installed—properly—will benefit a building and its occupants for years to come.



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This article was published in the March 2019 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2019 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.


Understanding that the temperature profile across an assembly varies in proportion to the R-values of the individual components is a useful tool for predicting the temperature gradient in a wall. The insulating ability of insulation is mainly characterized by its R-value or resistance to heat flow. The units of R-value (square feet * degrees F * hour)/BTU seem unnatural but are easier to understand if put in context.

The basic heat transfer equation is:

Q (BTU/hr) = U (overall heat transfer coefficient)
x A (square feet) x ∆T (degrees F)

The units of U (overall heat transfer coefficient) are therefore BTU/hr per square foot per degree F. It makes sense. For a unit area (1 square foot), U describes the heat flow (BTU/hour) for a 1°F temperature difference driving force.

R is 1/U, so the units of R become (square feet * degrees F)/BTU per hour or (square feet * degrees F * hour)/BTU. Understanding the units of R explains what the insulation community knows intuitively: as R-value increases, U and resulting heat transfer rate decrease. While R-value affects the key parameter of heat flow, it does not tell the whole story. The temperature profile or gradient across an assembly can also be important.

Temperature Profile

The temperature change across an element of an assembly is proportional to that element’s share of the total R-value of the assembly. To illustrate that principle, consider the simplified case of a wall section with R-13 batt insulation in the stud cavity and a continuous layer of 1″ foam insulation as shown in Figure 1 (framing, inside finish, sheathing, and siding are not shown to keep the example simple). For an indoor temperature of 68°F and an outdoor temperature of 8°F, the temperature at the interface between the batt and the foam will be 27°F (effect of indoor and outdoor air films is omitted).

Table 1 shows the calculation for the example in Figure 1. The technique applies to any number of component layers in an assembly.

An Application That Matters

From the standpoint of heat flow, the general rule is that more insulation is better (lower heat flow). Heat flow is not always the only consideration.

Consider a building with an insulated steel deck roof, a suspended ceiling, and ducted HVAC return, so the cavity above the ceiling is not a return air plenum. Table 2 shows the U-value calculation for this assembly.

Applying the temperature gradient calculation to the uninsulated ceiling construction predicts a ceiling cavity temperature of 66°F on a design day (70°F indoors/0°F outdoors):

  • Assembly R-value: 33.36
  • R-value from outdoors to ceiling cavity: 31.50
  • Temperature difference: (31.50/33.36)*(70 − 0) 66.1°F
  • Ceiling cavity temperature (0°F outdoors + calculated difference): 66.1°F

With a 66°F ceiling cavity temperature on the coldest day, there is no risk of pipes freezing and ducts can be insulated to the thickness required for ducts within the conditioned space.

Suppose the owner decides to insulate the ceiling with R-21 fiber glass batts for additional energy savings. Would that decision be smart? To determine an answer, the designer has to consider both the cost of energy saved as well as the impact on the temperature of the air in the ceiling cavity.

  1. With R-21 insulation added to the ceiling, the assembly U-value (outdoors to occupied space) would drop from 0.030 to 0.018. The resulting design day heat loss for 1000 square feet of roof/ceiling assembly would drop from 2100 BTUH to 1260 BTUH.
  2. With annual heating energy use of perhaps 750 equivalent full load hours (reasonable for a commercial building with internal heat gains from lights, people, and equipment), the added insulation would save 7 therms of gas or $8.40/year at $1.20/therm.(2100 – 1260) BTU/hr * 750 hours
    100,000 BTU/therm * 90% efficiency    = 7 thermsBased on perhaps $1/square foot to insulate 1000 square feet of ceiling, the simple payback on the investment would be more than 100 years. Not harmful, but not economical.
  3. The more important question is what would happen to the ceiling cavity temperature. The added insulation above the ceiling changes that component’s R‑value and the resulting temperature profile.Assembly R-value 54.36

    R-value from outdoors to attic: 31.50
    Temperature difference (31.50/54.36)*(70 − 0): 40.6°F
    Ceiling cavity temperature (0°F outdoors + calculated difference): 40.6°F

While there is still no risk of pipes freezing at 40°F, the temperature is close enough for worry if the building goes into setback mode over a weekend. Plus, the HVAC ducts are now outside the effective building insulation envelope. Heat loss from supply ducts to the colder ceiling cavity will lower heating supply air temperature to the occupied space. That lower supply air temperature might leave some occupied rooms short of heat. Likewise, for cooling ducts will be in a warmer than anticipated environment with corresponding unwanted (and possibly unexpected) supply air temperature ride that reduces space cooling capacity.

Adding insulation would reduce heat loss, but the cost to install might or might not provide attractive operating cost savings. And it is just as important to consider the change in temperature profile when deciding how much insulation to add and where to put it. In this case, adding insulation on top of the ceiling reduces the ceiling cavity temperature enough to cause concern.

Wood Frame Construction

Wood frame construction is popular for light commercial buildings or 2 or 3 floors of apartments over first floor commercial space. Cavity insulation in a 6″ stud wall might be R-21. The R-6.88 insulating value of a 2×6 wood stud is so much less than the R-21 cavity insulation that U-value calculations have to recognize the difference. The U-value calculation for wood framing (stud wall or joist/rafter ceiling or roof assembly) uses an area weighted average technique. The weighted average accounts for the lower insulating value of the wood framing compared to the cavity insulation. Wood framing is common for walls but is also used for roof/ceiling construction on small buildings. Table 3 shows the U-value calculation for a wood frame roof assembly with an unvented attic and insulation in the roof rafters.

Consider a variation on the ceiling plenum example above—a small, wood frame office building with the roof construction as shown in Table 3. The middle of the attic might be finished space with knee walls and unoccupied eave space left for HVAC equipment and ducts. The eave space is within the insulated envelope, so HVAC ducts and equipment can be insulated to the standards for equipment in conditioned space. With insulation in the rafters and an unvented attic, the floor of the eave space/ceiling of the occupied space below is typically not insulated.

The temperature gradient calculation for this construction predicts a temperature of 60°F in the eave space on a design day (70°F indoors/0°F outdoors):

  • Assembly U-value (weighted average of at and between studs): 0.024
  • Assembly R-value (1/U): 41.67
  • U-value from outdoors to attic (weighted average): 0.028
  • R-value from outdoors to attic (1/U): 35.71
  • Temperature difference (35.71/41.67)*(70 − 0): 60.0°F
  • Eave space temperature (0°F outdoors + calculated difference): 60.0°F

With 60°F in the eave space on the coldest day, there is no risk of pipes freezing and minimal waste heat loss from the heating system ducts.

Suppose the owner decides to insulate the ceiling of the floor below. With an additional R-38 insulation in the ceiling joist bays, the assembly U-value (outdoors to occupied space) would drop from 0.024 to 0.014.

The added insulation in the ceiling joist bays (eave space floor) changes that component’s share of the assembly R-value and the resulting temperature profile:

  • Assembly U-value (weighted average of at and between studs): 0.014
  • Assembly R-value (1/U): 71.43
  • U-value from outdoors to attic (weighted average): 0.028
  • R-value from outdoors to attic (1/U): 35.71
  • Temperature difference (35.71/71.43)*(70 − 0): 35.0°F
  • Eave space temperature (0°F outdoors + calculated difference): 35.0°F

While there is still no risk of freezing pipes that run through the eave space, the temperature is dangerously close. At a setback temperature setting of 55°F, the eave space temperature could drop below 32°F and risk pipe freezing if the outdoor temperature drops below 9°F.

More importantly, high R-value of the insulation in the floor of the ceiling below puts the heating system outside the effective insulation envelope. Like the example of the insulated ceiling cavity, heat loss from supply ducts to the colder eave space will lower supply air temperature to the occupied space. The lower supply air temperature from adding insulation to the eave space floor might leave the occupied rooms below short of heat.

Thermal Bridges and Surface Temperature

The wood frame construction example illustrates a weighted average technique to account for thermal bridges that have some insulating value. Thermal bridges like steel studs that have no insulating value present a different problem.
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) contain adjustments to cavity insulation R‑values to account for the thermal bridging effect of steel studs. The developers of the table calculated the multidimensional heat flow to provide adjustment factors that eliminate the need for the weighted average calculation used for wood framing. Table 4 lists some common cases from the Standard 90.1/IECC tables.

The effective cavity R-values represent the combined performance of the stud (or joist or rafter) and the insulation. There is no need for the weighted average calculation (at framing/between framing) used for wood frame construction. The R-values in the table apply to heat loss and space temperature calculations.

Condensation risk and the related phenomenon of “ghosting” (fine dirt particle deposits that highlight studs) depend on local surface temperature. The R‑value/temperature gradient calculation that predicts the temperature profile in an assembly also works to predict inside surface temperature. For that calculation, the R‑value from outdoors to the inside surface is the R-value of the assembly minus the R-value of the inside air film:

  • 0.68 for vertical surfaces
  • 0.61 for horizontal surfaces with heat flow up
  • 0.92 for horizontal surfaces with heat flow down

Condensation forms on any surface whose temperature is below the dewpoint of the adjacent air. If the surface temperature is below 32°F (as could happen on door and window frames), condensation appears as frost. Ghosting or dirt deposits tend to occur where the local surface temperature is lower than the adjacent surfaces.

Steel studs have such high thermal conductivity compared to insulation that analysts need a technique to estimate surface temperature at the “framing” in steel stud frame construction. The Modified Zone Method for Metal Stud Walls with Insulated Cavities1, 2 provides a workable technique.

Consider 2 frame wall constructions with similar U-values: 2×6 studs with R-21 cavity insulation (assembly U=0.106) and 2×4 studs with R-11 cavity insulation and R‑3 continuous insulation outside the studs (assembly U=0.095). Table 5 presents the U-value calculations for those 2 walls.

The 2×4 wall has a slight edge in terms of lower heat loss, but the energy savings compared to the 2×6 wall might not justify the added labor and material cost to install the foam insulation layer. (Unattractive economics does not stop the building code from requiring the continuous insulation layer for steel stud cavity wall construction.)

Analyzing surface temperature with consideration of the steel stud thermal bridge might lead to a different conclusion.

The thermal conductivity of steel studs (314 BTU/hr/F per inch of thickness) is so much higher than fiber glass batt (0.29 BTU/hr/F per inch of thickness) that the thermal bridge effect of the steel stud extends beyond the width of the stud. The high thermal conductivity (low R-value) of the steel stud means the cold region of the studs extends well into the wall structure. With those cold sections in the middle of the wall structure, heat flows across the width of the insulated cavity (toward the cold stud) in addition to flowing in the main direction through the wall thickness. That heat flow across the wall (as opposed to through the wall) increases the area of influence or the effective width of the thermal bridge of the steel stud.

The area of influence or effective width of the steel stud can be estimated as the width of the flange (typically 1‑5/8″) plus twice the depth of sheathing and other elements attached to the outside of the stud with a maximum of 1″.3 Table 6 shows the areas of influence, U-values, and surface temperatures for the example 2×6 wall and 2×4 wall with R-3 continuous insulation.

* T in = 70°F; T out = 20°F

The U-value calculation for the area of influence uses a weighted average technique like the method used for wood framing with a small difference. For steel studs, the method treats the flanges and the web of the stud as separate calculation layers.4

The surface temperatures in Table 6 were calculated using the R-value/temperature gradient method used for the ceiling and eave space cases above. For example, the surface temperature of the 2×4 stud wall with 1/2″ foam continuous insulation is:

  • Assembly U-value (weighted average for area of influence): 0.180
  • Assembly R-value (1/U): 5.56
  • R-value from outdoors to surface 4.88
  • Temperature difference (4.88/5.56)*(70 − 20): 43.9°F
  • Attic temperature (0°F outdoors + calculated difference): 63.9°F

As was the case for the ceiling cavity and eave space temperatures, total R‑value does not tell the whole story. The layer of continuous insulation in the 2×4 wall shields the highly conductive steel stud from exposure to near outdoor temperature. It reduces the consequence of the thermal bridge and raises the inside surface temperature. The building code requirement for a layer of continuous insulation outside steel stud cavity wall construction serves a useful purpose.

Take Away Message

Understanding that the temperature profile across an assembly varies in proportion to the R‑values of the individual components is a useful tool for predicting the temperature gradient in a wall. Calculating temperature profiles can inform designers on where to place insulation within an assembly. It can also predict surface temperatures and condensation risk and provide a tool to evaluate design alternatives.


  1.  American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. 2017 ASHRAE Handbook: Fundamentals. Inch-pound ed. Atlanta, GA.: ASHRAE, pp 27.5-27.6.
  2.  Barbour, E., Goodrow, J., Kosny, J., and Christian, J.E., Mon. “Thermal performance of steel-framed walls. Final report.” United States. doi:10.2172/111848.
  3. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. 2017 ASHRAE Handbook: Fundamentals. Inch-pound ed. Atlanta, Ga.: ASHRAE, pp 27.5-27.6.
  4. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. 2017 ASHRAE Handbook: Fundamentals. Inch-pound ed. Atlanta, Ga.: ASHRAE, example 5, pp 27.5-27.6.

Meet AGU

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is a not-for-profit scientific society dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space science. Through scientific publications, meetings, and events; science communication; policy updates; and much more; AGU brings the scientific community together to advance their mission.

Earth scientists often note that humanity, if placed on a clock, exists entirely in the last minute of the last hour before midnight.¹ Thinking on a long-term time scale comes naturally to scientists, whose frame of reference can be in millions of years depending on their specific research topic. The Hubble Telescope, for example, can see 100 light years away, viewing locations in outer space more than 13 billion light-years away.² Yet, despite this historical scientific knowledge, many of our greatest societal challenges are caused by an unrelenting focus on the short term: short-term gains at the expense of long-term sustainability. Sustainability is often defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”³

The mission of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is to transform the way buildings and communities are built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. USGBC’s vision is that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation. The purpose of AGU is to promote discovery in Earth and space sciences for the benefit of humanity. AGU’s vision is to galvanize a community of Earth and space scientists that collaboratively advances and communicates science and its power to ensure a sustainable future.

To this end, AGU and USGBC’s sustainability goals align as both aim to ensure a sustainable future through their respective organization’s efforts. USGBC has evolved the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system to address these challenges and provide solutions for the building industry. Many environmental impacts are associated with buildings and addressed by rating systems like LEED, but climate change requires special consideration because buildings and land use are responsible for a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions. The building industry alone is responsible for 39% of CO2 emissions in the United States per year.4 High-performing green buildings, particularly LEED-certified buildings, play a key role in reducing the negative climate impacts of the built environment.

The Need for New Headquarters

Every day, AGU members analyze the temperature fluctuations on the moon, predict volcanic activity in Hawaii, simulate snowflake melting patterns in 3D animations, measure the rate of glacier retreat in the arctic, explore the temperature limits of life in the deepest parts of the world’s oceans, and study the impacts that oyster reefs have on water quality. Though AGU members are stationed around the world, the Washington, DC, headquarters provide members and staff alike a place to meet, learn, and share new ideas in order to advance the mission, vision, and values of the organization.

AGU has been based in Washington, DC, since it was formed in 1919, and remained at their current Dupont Circle location for almost 40 years. In 1979, the organization purchased the Dupont Circle site, which included a smaller office building, but by the 1990s determined that a newer, larger building was needed. Construction on the existing building structure was finished in 1994. By 2013, AGU determined that it was time to renovate the existing office space as the building and infrastructure were reaching the end of their useful lives. The team chose to renovate rather than demolish the building and rebuild to reduce their environmental impact. In addition to maintaining as much of the exterior as possible, the building shell maintains the historic character of the neighborhood. When it became clear that the existing 62,000 sq. ft. building required a major renovation, AGU decided to take their vision to the next level. “A building is a physical structure, but there is no reason why a building as a physical structure can’t embody the vision of an organization,” explains AGU CEO and Executive Director Christine McEntee.5 The new office space design reflects AGU’s mission of “science for the benefit of humanity,” showcasing their members’ work and values, promoting sustainable technologies and strategies that are brought together in a way that has not yet been seen before while educating the public about the positive impact science can have on society.

Beyond Mission

In what might have been a routine project, AGU used the opportunity to transform headquarters into a living representation of the organization’s mission, science, and purpose. From the start, AGU committed to sustainability and reducing the organization’s environmental footprint. Seeing the value in the latest innovative green building strategies, AGU explored the possibility of a net zero energy building. When the existing building was completed in 1994, the green building movement had just begun. USGBC was founded a year prior, in 1993, and the LEED rating system had not yet been created. In the 25 years since the USGBC was founded, the green building market experienced tremendous growth and LEED has become the world’s leading green building rating system.

The headquarters renovation aimed to show what was possible in green building through a variety of sustainability strategies, including LEED. In the process, the renovation has not only met but exceeded green building expectations and even surpassed LEED credit thresholds. The AGU renovation is a true example of what can be accomplished when projects view LEED credit requirements as a guideline and use certification to push beyond what is simply required. The project is registered to certify under LEED v2009 standards and is striving to achieve the best possible results in each of the LEED categories available, on track for a Platinum certification. As of August 2018, the project is on track to earn 96 out of 100 points and will be among the highest scoring LEED projects in Washington, DC.

Beyond LEED v2009

The AGU project evolved into 4 major strategies that created synergistic effects aligned with LEED practices and, ultimately, LEED credits. This was the result of strategies and synergies that demonstrate the best elements of LEED efforts, regardless of the version. In fact, LEED was not an end goal of the project, but was used to: explore best practices; provide a framework to communicate ideas, requirements, and standards with project partners and suppliers; and leverage the DC permitting process.

The AGU project registered for LEED v2009, since this version was deemed more appropriate for the timeline of the project. However, the project team recognized that they could go above and beyond by incorporating certain strategies from LEED v4 to achieve the best available in green building standards. The LEED v4 rating system, introduced in 2014, evolved alongside the green building movement and accounts for the successes and challenges that come alongside the transformation of the green building market. The LEED v4 rating system emphasizes “closing the loop” on the entire building process. A closed system is a cyclical system rooted in science where materials and resources are consumed and then reused, recycled, or returned to the environment in a way that is restorative rather than damaging. Closed loop systems mimic natural systems, the same natural systems that AGU members interact with in their everyday work. Closed systems are considered sustainable because waste is reduced. Today, society functions primarily in open systems, where materials and resources are consumed and then removed as waste and discarded.

The cradle-to-cradle concept aims to create closed systems, eliminating waste by reusing resources. LEED v4 was developed on the principle of closing the loop in the built environment, and the AGU project builds off this principle to operate in a sustainable ecosystem. In each of the sustainability strategies, there is a common thread that relies on creating closed systems to make the AGU office a regenerative building. From the reuse and recycling of old building materials to the innovative municipal sewer heat exchange, the project pushes the boundaries of what is possible in the evolution of green building. Though the project implemented LEED v4 strategies, the project does not always earn LEED credit points for going above and beyond the v2009 requirements. AGU pursued LEED v4 strategies because these principles were important for the success of the project and aligned with AGU’s mission, vision, and values.

The Integrative Process

From the outset, AGU established open channels of communication between all stakeholders. The intent of the Integrative Process is to support high-performance, cost-effective outcomes through an early analysis of the interrelationships among systems. This is achieved in the pre-design and throughout the design phases, identifying and using opportunities that achieve synergies across disciplines.8 Though the Integrative Process is not a requirement for LEED v2009, AGU went beyond what was required as it is part of their mission. Involving all stakeholders as early as possible helped the team identify potential roadblocks and collaborate on strategies that would ultimately meet the project goals. The process ensures early buy-in from stakeholders, including the community and local government.

AGU held meetings with members, staff, and other stakeholders, including the contractor and construction manager, as well as the commissioning authority and energy modeler who are often not included until later in a project.

Additionally, AGU involved city authorities early in the process, maintaining contact and ensuring open dialogue as the project moved forward. Municipal involvement was integral as the project identified challenges with the city water system. It also allowed the team to work out logistics and requirements, which included merging technology with a 100+ year old sewer. Incorporating an integrative process saves times, saves money, leads to a higher performing building, and helps incorporate all of the organization’s goals from the beginning of a project. At the design phase review alone, in the early stages of the project, the AGU office has already earned 67 points, enough for a LEED Gold certification.

Strategy + Synergy = Performance

After assembling the right team and developing project goals, most significantly striving for net zero, the integrative team explored options—56 options to be exact. Ultimately these options turned into white papers that emerged into 4 major strategies for the project: Reduction, Reclamation, Absorption, and Generation. This process showcases the importance of studying specific conditions to meet requirements, and highlights the paradox of sustainability and rating systems, where often one beneficial aspect of design limits implementation of another.

Geography and climate often define approaches to efficiencies. During the exploration phase, the urban nature of the project limited mainstream geothermal options. As the team researched other options, municipal heat exchange became a real possibility because the DC sewer line runs right in front of the building. Another unique opportunity was found in the south side of the building flanked by a neighboring structure. Limited daylighting options opened up opportunities for solar photovoltaics (PV) as the generation source, an almost unheard of approach for a 7-story structure.

Those unfamiliar with sustainable strategies may incorrectly think that there is a one size fits all way to earn “points,” but sustainability is much more nuanced. As one sustainability door closes, creativity can open new ones. The AGU project relied on a suite of technologies that were developed from the 4 major strategies guiding the project. This approach ensured that a range of options was explored, which included a trip to Europe to see first-hand how green building technologies are implemented abroad and how these technologies can be incorporated in projects in the United States.

Beyond Energy & Atmosphere to Net Zero Energy

As is true with any green building project, there was no one-size-fits-all solution for the AGU headquarters renovation. AGU is incorporating a suite of innovative strategies to achieve their goal of net zero energy, and is currently on track to earn all LEED v2009 Energy & Atmosphere points.

Why Net Zero Energy?

AGU sees climate change as a real issue facing our planet. The renovation project also provided the opportunity to lead by example as a model for sustainable design. Net zero energy means that the total amount of energy used yearly by a building is equal to or less than the amount of energy created on-site through the use of innovative technologies and renewable power generation. Net zero energy is an unprecedented sustainability goal for the urban office retrofit, typically reserved for new construction projects.

The Energy Use Intensity (EUI) indicator is used to measure a building’s total energy use. To go from AGU’s 1994 building EUI of 90 to an EUI of 0 or less (indicating net zero energy use), the team needed to incorporate aggressive and innovative strategies. LEED approaches energy for a holistic perspective: energy use reduction, energy-efficient design strategies, and renewable energy sources.


To start, AGU looked for ways to reduce the overall initial energy demand with a high-performing building envelope, use of natural daylighting, and installed low-e, low reflective glass windows that reflect heat and help keep the interior cool. Energy efficient building control systems, improved insulation, and low LED lighting were installed to help reduce energy needs. In addition, workstations are designed with limited loads, with average users sized for laptops and monitors. To meet this requirement, AGU had to work through technological challenges, including the challenges using Direct Current power and the selection of laptops. Of course, some job functions require additional plugs and the organization will work together to right-size load requirements.

A radiant cooling system will circulate chilled water through a network of pipes in the ceiling and keep the main spaces at comfortable temperatures using less energy than forced-air systems. The cooled ceiling surface panels evenly absorb heat energy transferred from people, lights, and equipment. Heat and ventilation air will be provided via a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) that works in conjunction with the radiant cooling systems for ventilation, pressurization, and humidity control.9

The typical process of converting alternating current (AC) from the utility company to direct current (DC) to power appliances such as laptops results in an energy efficiency loss of nearly 20%. The team opted to install a direct current electrified grid in the ceiling that will use the DC power being generated by the solar PV array. This removes the need for the high-energy conversion process when there is adequate supply from the solar PV array. This technology allows the building to be more energy efficient and progress toward their net zero energy goal with the additional benefit of providing the building with resiliency if there is ever a catastrophic failure of the city’s electric grid.10


Reclamation strategies allow the building to reclaim energy in the building by reusing it again and again. A typical building is ventilated with air sourced from outside the building and must be heated or cooled, which accounts for about 30% of a building’s total energy use. An innovative hydroponic phytoremediation wall system (Hy-PhyGreen Wall) on each floor aims to reduce energy loads and improve indoor air quality. The green wall circulates the existing indoor air through the roots of the live plants. The air is cleaned and carbon dioxide is filtered out before re-circulating in the building. Energy savings from the green wall were not included in modeling to determine net zero energy since there was no way to predict what the plants would achieve, since this is a new strategy. The energy savings and improved indoor air quality, along with the benefits of biophilic design are all added benefits of this strategy.10


Absorption strategies find ways for the building to absorb energy from its surroundings. A large combined storm and sewer heat exchange line runs under the street just outside the AGU building. When the project team discovered the line, they explored options for a municipal sewer heat exchange system that would bring water from the sewer line into a settling tank and then be circulated inside the building to an exchange system that extracts energy from the water for heating and cooling before the water is returned to the sewer system. The AGU building was uniquely situated to take advantage of this opportunity. Early and frequent communication and collaboration with District officials helped the project move forward.11


After reviewing all options for on-site renewable energy, including vertical wind turbines and solar concentrators, the AGU team decided that solar PV energy was the best option for the renovation. Solar PV arrays convert solar energy into direct current electricity, and have become a standard feature in many net-zero energy projects. A solar PV array decreases the carbon footprint of a building and saves money by lowering utility bills. The AGU building’s 11-foot-6-inch high solar PV array includes over 700 solar panels and is expected to generate enough energy to supply power for the building’s electrical needs, and even send surplus energy back to the city’s grid. The new building will use the top floor as an penthouse with an outdoor terrace covered by the solar PV array.12

Beyond Materials & Resources

LEED v4 Materials and Resources credit category focuses on minimizing the embodied energy and other impacts associated with the extraction, processing, transport, maintenance, and disposal of building materials. The latest v4 requirements are designed to support a life-cycle approach to improve performance and promote resource efficiency. AGU built off the underlying intent of the LEED v4 Materials and Resources credit category to improve their materials footprint throughout the project.

Life Cycle Assessment

Whole building life cycle assessment (LCA), a quantitative analysis of the environmental impact of a building, is not a requirement in LEED v2009, though it can be included for points for pilot credits or an innovation credit. Added to the LEED v4 rating system, the intent of the LCA is to optimize the environmental performance of the building’s products and materials. Conducting an LCA early in the project, design, and construction decisions can be made to further improve building performance. Commonly reported metrics include global warming, acidification, photochemical oxidant creation, and ozone depletion. The LCA generates a baseline and a proposed building scenario, where the service life of the baseline and proposed buildings must be the same and at least 60 years to fully account for maintenance and replacement. Though it was not a requirement, AGU chose to pursue the LCA to ensure that their space was maximizing its sustainability efforts.

The whole building analysis allowed AGU to reflect on the progress toward their goals, compare their performance to other buildings, and identify areas for improvement. Only a handful of projects conduct a whole building LCA, as it may seem like a daunting undertaking. The LCA provided a quantified way to understand the impact of sustainable materials, best exemplified by the discovery of an alternative carpeting choice that reduced impact by 80% compared to standard carpet.

LEED v4 Building Product and Disclosure credits were not included in the AGU project. However, these concepts were considered as part of the integrated design approach and the overall sustainability goals of the project, especially to address the human health impacts of the building. During the LCA analysis, the team found many products with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). The EPDs and other product certifications align with the LCA because they typically have lower impacts than standard product counterparts. Though the LEED v4 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits were not pursued, many of the products specified align with the intent of the credits and the spirit of the requirement.

Construction & Demolition Waste and Materials Reuse

Aiming to maximize LEED thresholds for Construction and Demolition Waste (75%) and for Building Reuse (75%), the project reused anything and everything possible. Organizing early on in the process to reuse all materials possible, the team carefully identified items for reuse, first internally, then through donation and finally recycling any items that could not be reused or donated. Of course, the biggest reuse of all can be seen in the use of the existing building structure, ranging from the obvious concrete foundation to often forgotten items like piping, furniture and even bricks. Tables, chairs, and cabinets were repurposed and recycled for other uses. 191 chairs will be upcycled for use in the conference areas. Over 50 doors remain on site for reuse. An estimated 5,000 pieces of brick were carefully removed from the old building and integrated into the new building. Paneling will get a second life in new wall designs and as screens in the restrooms. Even fire extinguishers, AED metal cabinets, and “EXIT” signs will be reused rather than purchased new. The distinctive AGU granite compass on the lobby floor remains to greet members and visitors.

Perhaps the most innovative reuse story of the AGU renovation project can be found in the terrazzo material, which is comprised of granite, non-compliant toilets, sinks, and glass ground up and mixed into material that will remain in the building for the coming decades. The recycled terrazzo is found on the ground floor lobby, the elevators, and on the tabletop of the executive conference room.

Some items originally flagged and set aside for reuse could not be used in the new space due to incompatibility with other goals. For example, some items like halogen lights did not meet energy requirements and were donated. Ultimately, AGU donated more than 200 items, including furniture, appliances, building materials, office supplies, and even weight lifting sets found new life with other organizations. DC Public Schools was the largest recipient, with a total of 124 items. In addition to furniture and appliances, DC children will use bike racks from the pre-construction AGU site as well as maps and science-themed artwork.

Beyond Thresholds

AGU committed to going beyond the minimum requirements and pushing the LEED credit thresholds wherever possible. While LEED limits the points a project can earn for exemplary performance, the AGU building is on track to exceed required thresholds in the following LEED v2009 credits:

  • Optimize Energy Performance13: 12% (1 pt) -48% reduction (19 pts). AGU: 100% reduction in energy use (20 pts)
  • On-site Renewable Energy14: 1% (1 pt) -13% offset building’s annual energy use (7 pts). AGU: 100% offset (8 pts)
  • Heat Island Effect—Non-Roof15: 50% of parking under cover (1 pt). AGU: 100% parking under cover (2 pts)
  •  Innovative Wastewater Technologies16: 50% reduction in potable water use (2 pts). AGU: 89% reduction (3 pts)
  •  Water Use Reduction17: 30% water use reduction (2 pts) –40% reduction (4 pts). AGU: 62% reduction

Beyond the Strategies

As evidenced in the project goals and the resulting sustainability strategies, AGU is doing everything possible to create an innovative space that reflects their mission, vision, and values. However, much like any green building project, the project faced challenges out of their control, which limited some strategies along the way.


While the design team wanted to achieve net zero water requirements, Washington, DC, regulations do not currently support these efforts. The building will collect rainwater from the roof to reduce water and sewer utility bills and will filter and condition water, producing all the water needed for toilets and on-site irrigation and earning all LEED v2009 Water Efficiency points. Municipalities and regions can help make net zero water a reality by re-examining policies, incentives, and other paths that promulgate this crucial environmental initiative.

Net Positive Energy

AGU explored the possibility of storing excess energy generated to go beyond net zero into net positive energy. However, the space needed to store the required batteries and equipment was not available at the building location.

Beyond Education & Outreach

The AGU project team fully embraced their project goals to raise the visibility of AGU and to inform the public about Earth and space sciences throughout the project. The project fully embraced and embodied this core objective for education and outreach, enlisting a renowned communications firm to assist in developing consistent, clear messaging throughout the process. Since November 2015, AGU has shared the entire headquarters renovation process in the Building AGU Blog at This level of communication from a project team is not typical on a LEED project, but once again shows AGU’s commitment to being a leader. The building project blog includes construction updates, photos of the process and progress, and details the various sustainability strategies discussed throughout the case study. AGU has also offered tours to different groups during the process to see the construction site and see first-hand about the suite of sustainability strategies being implemented.

What’s Next?

AGU will move back into the renovated office and finalize their LEED Platinum certification. AGU will be working towards making their building data available online and in the building’s lobby for those interested in green building performance and sustainable technologies. Tours of the space will be open to the public. Follow the AGU Project Blog to stay informed of the progress and the performance of Washington, DC’s first net-zero energy commercial renovation.


  1.  United Academics Magazine:
  2. NASA. Hubble Space Telescope Overview:
  3. United Nations. Framing Sustainable Development –The Brundtland Report 20 Years On:
  4. Environmental & Energy Study Institute. Buildings and Climate Change:
  5. AGU Project Blog—About the Project:
  6. AGU Project Blog—About the Project:
  7.  AGU Blog—Project Goals:
  8. LEED v4 Integrative Process:
  9. AGU—Project Design Features:
  10. AGU—Project Design Features:
  11. AGU—Project Design Features:
  12. AGU—Project Design Features:
  13. EAc1 v2009: Optimize Energy Performance:
  14. EAc2 v2009: On-site Renewable Energy:
  15. SSc7.1 v2009: Heat island effect—non-roof:
  16. WEc2 v2009: Innovative wastewater technologies:
  17. WEc3 v2009: Water Use Reduction:

This report was prepared by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) ( USGBC is committed to a prosperous and sustainable future through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings. USGBC works toward its mission of market transformation through its LEED green building program, robust educational offerings, an international network of local community leaders, the annual Greenbuild International Conference & Expo, the Center for Green Schools, and advocacy in support of public policy that encourages and enables green buildings and communities. Reprinted with permission from USGBC. More information on this case study and a corresponding course can be found at

Seventy-nine percent of construction firms plan to expand their payrolls in 2019, but an almost equal percentage are worried about their ability to locate and hire qualified workers, according to survey results recently released by the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America and Sage Construction and Real Estate. The findings are detailed in Contractors Remain Confident About Demand, Worried About Labor Supply: The 2019 Construction Hiring and Business Outlook Report.

“Construction executives appear to remain confident about their market prospects for 2019 and plan to add headcount to cope with the added workload,” said Stephen E. Sandherr, the association’s Chief Executive Officer. “Even as they are optimistic about growing demand, contractors are concerned about finding qualified workers to execute projects.”

The percentage of respondents who expect a market segment to expand exceeds the percentage who expect it to contract for all 13 categories of projects included in the survey. For every segment, between 23 and 32% of respondents expect the dollar volume of projects they compete for to increase. Meanwhile, for all but one segment, between 11 and 16% of respondents foresee less work available in 2019. The difference between the positive and negative responses—the net reading—was between 10 and 17% for every category except multifamily.

Public building construction scored the highest net positive reading of 17%. Three other segments had a 16% net positive: highway, K–12 school, and hospital construction. Projects for federal government agencies and retail/warehouse/lodging both had a net positive reading of 15%. Water and sewer and transportation facility construction had a net positive reading of 14%.

Four categories had a slightly less-positive net reading: private office construction (13%); manufacturing construction (12%); higher education construction (11%); and power construction (10%). The lowest net positive reading was for multifamily residential construction, at 5%. Association officials said this may indicate that multifamily construction has outpaced demand for now in some locations.

Most contractors plan to add staff in 2019 to keep pace with growing demand. Nearly 4 out of 5 (79%) plan to increase headcount this year, up from 75% at the start of 2018 and 73% at the start of 2017. However, just under half of firms report their expansion plans will only increase the size of their firm by 10% or less. About one-fifth of respondents plan to increase headcount by 11 to 25%. Only 7% of respondents plan to increase employment by more than 25%.

Despite firms’ plans to expand headcount, 78% report they are having a hard time filling salaried and hourly craft positions. That share was down slightly from 83% at the start of 2018. In addition, 42% expect it will continue to be hard to hire in the next 12 months and 26% expect that it will become harder to hire in 2019.

These labor shortages are having an impact on construction costs and project schedules, association officials noted. One-third of respondents report that staffing challenges drove costs higher than anticipated. In reaction, 37% of firms are putting higher prices into new bids and contracts. Similarly, 34% report projects have taken longer than they anticipated.

Firms continue to raise pay and provide bonuses and benefits in response to labor shortages. Fifty-nine percent of firms report they increased base pay rates. Twenty-nine percent provided incentives and/or bonuses. Twenty-four percent of firms increased contributions or improved employee benefits to cope with workforce shortages.

Many firms are also investing more in training programs for current and new workers, association officials added. They noted that 63% of firms report they plan to increase investments in training and development in 2019, up from 52% at the beginning of last year. Large firms, in particular, are likely to do so, with 71% of companies with more than $500 million in revenue saying they plan to increase investments in training, compared with 59% of firms with $50 million or less in revenue.

“As growing demand and labor shortages force contractors to do more with less, many firms are increasing their investments in labor-saving technologies and techniques like building information modeling, lean construction, and robotics,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s Chief Economist. He noted that 32% of respondents report their firms are using methods to reduce onsite worktime, including lean construction, virtual construction techniques, or offsite prefabrication. Twenty-eight percent are investing in labor-saving equipment, including drones, robots, and 3-D printers.

Officials with Sage noted that 42% of respondents will increase their IT investments in 2019. The largest share of firms, 30%, plan to increase their investments in project and document management software. Firms also appear to be increasingly comfortable with moving data to the cloud. Thirty-one percent said they are very comfortable with such a step, compared with 24% last year. Yet even as firms embrace information technology, 26% report their biggest IT challenge is that they lack the time needed to implement and train on new systems.

“Contractors are realizing that IT is becoming more diverse and are considering services outside their companies that can do a better, more cost-effective job at managing this important component of their business,” said Dustin Anderson, Vice President of Sales for Sage Construction and Real Estate, North America.

Association officials noted that despite the headwinds of political partisanship and ongoing trade disputes, contractors are optimistic about demand for construction services in 2019. But they noted that the Outlook is based on responses that were provided before the recent partial federal government shutdown. And responses were provided at a time when President Trump had announced a halt to pending tariffs on a wide range of Chinese goods as negotiators seek to address trade concerns.

“This means that if Washington officials can’t find a way to work together to continue needed regulatory reforms and enact new infrastructure funding, many contractors’ more optimistic expectations will not be met,” Sandherr said. “And many contractors will be squeezed by growing costs for materials at a time when an expanded trade war will likely undermine private-sector demand if American and Chinese officials cannot resolve their trade disputes.”

Sandherr added that the association was committed to making sure Washington leaders act to support continued economic growth in 2019. He noted that the association will continue to advocate for new infrastructure investments, regulatory reforms, federal funding for career and technical education, and comprehensive immigration reform. He added that the association will continue to offer ways to help member firms embrace and adopt new labor-saving technology and techniques.

“Our goal is to ensure that the construction industry expands in 2019 amid growing demand for new projects and an infusion of new and qualified workers,” Sandherr said. “If that happens, the entire economy will benefit.”


Copyright Statement

This article was published in the February 2019 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2019 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

The Outlook was based on survey results from over 1,300 firms from 49 states and the District of Columbia. Varying numbers responded to each question. Contractors of every size answered over 20 questions about their hiring, workforce, business, and information technology plans. Reprinted with Permission from the Associated General Contractors of America. Visit for Contractors Remain Confident About Demand, Worried About Labor Supply: The 2019 Construction Hiring and Business Outlook Report. Visit for the survey results.