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Product Characteristics of Weather Barriers, Vapor Retarders, and Finishes

Laminates are, in general terms, materials made by bonding (through the use of  heat, pressure, adhesives, or any combination thereof) 2 or more layers of materials. The layers can be comprised of similar or dissimilar materials. Laminates used for protective jacketing may be comprised of metal foils, plastic films, papers, nonwovens, scrims, etc. and may or may not contain a topcoat of some kind for coloration or UV resistance. Laminates may also come in a variety of different configurations.

For vapor retarder applications, at least 1 component must be a material that offers significant resistance to vapor passage. Laminates may be classified into 3

  • Laminated Foil Jacketing (ASJ/FSK/PSP/PSK)
  • Synthetic Rubber Laminates
  • Multi-ply Laminates

Laminated Foil Jacketing (ASJ/FSK/PSP/PSK)

A traditionally used pre-formed jacket for pipe, tank, and equipment vapor retarder applications is the lamination of white paper, reinforcing fiberglass scrim, and aluminum foil.

This laminate is typically called All-Service Jacket (ASJ). Variations on this structure, sometimes referred to as Next Generation ASJ, is a similar basic structure, with a white polymer film/substrate in place of the bleached paper. These products are generally referred to as ASJ or next generation ASJ  and meet the requirements of ASTM C1136, Standard Specification for Flexible, Low Permeance Vapor Retarders for Thermal Insulation.

Traditional ASJ or next generation ASJ facings are commonly used as the outer finish in low abuse, indoor areas; elsewhere, they are covered by a protective metal or plastic jacket.

A similar facing material, foil-scrim-kraft (FSK) has the same basic structure except with the aluminum foil layer facing outward. Numerous variations, such as Poly-Scrim-Poly (PSP) or Poly-Scrim-Kraft (PSK), are also available. Many types of insulation products are supplied with factory-applied ASJ, FSK, or PSK vapor retarders.

Synthetic Rubber Laminates

Synthetic, rubber-based laminates typically consist of aluminum facing laminated to a synthetic rubber membrane and a peel-and-stick application. These laminates are used on pipes, ducts, and tanks for both interior and exterior applications, and may be used in direct burial applications. A variety of weights are available. Perm values of less than 0.02 are reported, and the materials are generally considered to be “self-healing” in that small
punctures and penetrations will re-seal.

Multi-ply Laminates

Multi-ply laminates consist of multiple layers of aluminum with alternating layers of polyester or polyethylene film with a peel-and-stick adhesive system. These laminates are used on pipes, ducts, and tanks for both interior and exterior applications. They cut easily and install easily in the field. Perm values of 0 or near 0 are reported. They are available in smooth or embossed surface finish in a variety of thicknesses. Several colors and chemical-resistant films are also available.


Copyright Statement

This article was published in the January 2014 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2014 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Energy efficiency has become the highest priority for everyone involved in construction or building—from those at the highest level of government to construction professionals working at the ground level—because it can alleviate major issues by lessening environmental impact, saving money, and optimizing performance. A popular and effective route to increased efficiency is building commissioning. According to the Washington State University Extension Energy Program and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, “a building that is not commissioned will cost 8 to 20% more to operate than a commissioned building.”1 In addition, the payback of commissioning can be relatively quick. On average, the cost of performing commissioning is paid back in fewer than 5 years from energy savings alone.2 With the other benefits of commissioning—fewer project delays, requests for information, and construction call backs; increased equipment life; fewer maintenance problems; and better operator training—total cost of building ownership can go down and the entire cost of commissioning the building may be offset, resulting in an immediate payback.

The following article, excerpted in part from a report entitled “A Guide to Building Commissioning” produced by the Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Program, explores what building commissioning is and how it can save energy, improve a building’s efficiency, lower building expenses, and give a quick return on investment.

What Is Commissioning?

Commissioning is the process of verifying that a building’s HVAC and lighting systems perform correctly, efficiently, and according to the design intent and owner’s project requirements (OPR). The commissioning process for new construction integrates the traditionally separate functions of design, construction, and operation by bringing the project team together during each phase of a project. Existing building commissioning investigates, analyzes, and optimizes the performance of existing building systems by identifying and implementing measures to improve their performance. Without commissioning, system and equipment problems can result in higher than necessary utility bills, unexpected and costly equipment repairs, and poor indoor environmental quality that can result in tenant complaints and turnover. The tangible benefits are why commissioning is a requirement for buildings pursuing the popular Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, and why building codes are gradually adopting commissioning activities into code.

Commissioning, often abbreviated as “Cx,” is more than just an energy saving strategy, however. It is also a quality control process that ensures the design, installation, and operation of equipment meets the owner’s requirements, and that any associated deficiencies are corrected. According to a study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, commissioning can also be considered a risk management strategy that should be an integral part of the design and construction of a building. It helps ensure that you get what you pay for when constructing or retrofitting a building, and it detects and corrects problems that would eventually surface as far more costly maintenance or safety issues.4 From a big-picture standpoint, building commissioning can be thought of as “a quality-based process with documented confirmation that building systems are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated and maintained in compliance with the owner’s project requirements (OPR).”5

Although commissioning focuses on the functionality of individual pieces of equipment, its primary focus is on the interfacing between equipment, components, and systems. It is easy to assume that energy savings can be estimated with simple, off-the-shelf methods and that promised energy savings will materialize from installing more efficient equipment; but this is not always true. As equipment, system design, and controls become more sophisticated, the likelihood of design errors and suboptimal operation greatly increases, confirming the importance of commissioning modern buildings and systems.

Commissioning is a systematic process that includes design review, installation verification, proper system start-ups, functional performance tests, operations and maintenance (O&M) training, and complete documentation of the HVAC systems. It serves the building owner’s best interests by delivering a building with systems that perform per the OPR, project basis of design, and construction documents.

Types of Commissioning

There are 2 primary types of commissioning: new construction and existing building. While new construction commissioning focuses on ensuring new systems are fully integrated, tested, and functioning properly; existing building commissioning identifies deficiencies of existing systems and equipment, and makes recommendations to improve performance and ensure efficient operation.

New Construction Commissioning

Commissioning of new construction can be more comprehensive than existing building commissioning because it involves a thorough review process during the design phase of the project as well as comprehensive evaluation, testing, training, and documentation during the construction, occupancy, and initial operations phases. Waiting until the construction phase to begin commissioning a new building means missing the tremendous opportunity of including the Commissioning Agent  and commissioning
activities in the pre-design and design phases of the project. Engaging the Commissioning Agent in the pre-design phase can reduce design deficiencies and enable development of the necessary documentation before the design phase begins.

As with new construction commissioning, major retrofit commissioning is a comprehensive approach to ensuring new equipment and systems are integrated and tested thoroughly when they are added to existing systems. It begins before the design phase and continues on past the acceptance phase of the project.

Existing Building Commissioning

Existing building commissioning includes recommissioning and retrocommissioning. Recommissioning refers to performing commissioning activities on an existing building that was once commissioned, either during construction or at some time after initial occupancy. The term “retrocommissioning” refers to performing commissioning on a building that has never been commissioned. Ongoing commissioning, continuous commissioning, and monitoring-based commissioning are additional terms that can more specifically describe activities falling under the umbrella of existing building commissioning.

As with commissioning new construction, commissioning existing buildings can provide tremendous benefits such as reducing energy use, improving building operation and occupant comfort, and increasing equipment life. These benefits can be achieved in several ways:

  • The process can return the building’s equipment to its original and intended operation. The need for this can be the result of years of accumulated deferred maintenance.
  • Building commissioning can result in an update to the building’s systems to accommodate new tenants, renovations, or new building uses for which the building was not originally designed. It is common to repurpose a building without making the necessary changes to the building’s HVAC and lighting systems.
  • Commissioning existing buildings can take a deeper look at building operations and find ways to optimize equipment and system performance.

Exploring the Benefits of Commissioning

Today’s HVAC systems must be energy efficient and meet high indoor air quality and comfort standards. At the same time, they need to be cost effective. System designs meeting these demands typically have many components, sub-systems, and controls, and are designed and installed on short timelines and by multiple contractors. These factors can result in poor coordination between the multiple designers and contractors, and can produce HVAC systems with installation deficiencies that result in improper operation and shortened equipment life. Building commissioning is a systematic process that addresses these problems, achieving key benefits including the following:

  • Construction cost savings result from fewer change orders and project delays. Identifying issues early during the design review process results in less post-occupancy corrective work and improved operation and reliability of equipment.
  • Ongoing energy savings result from preventing suboptimal operating conditions for equipment and control sequences, and verifying proper equipment sizing.
  • Non-energy and “intangible” benefits also result, such as improved project team communication, improved staff training, systems manuals, and complete O&M documentation.

Construction Cost Savings

When commissioning starts during the pre-design phase of a new construction project, the result can be significant construction-related cost savings. Deficiencies identified during the design phase, rather than on the job site, are much less expensive to resolve. Also, early design review can avoid common problems like oversized equipment and incorrect or incomplete sequences of operation. These common issues can go unnoticed without the Commissioning Agent’s thorough review of the design documents and operational sequences.

The commissioning process also employs effective communication strategies between all team members. Throughout the project, the commissioning team tracks and resolves issues by focusing attention on the issues at frequently held commissioning meetings. Improved communication throughout the design and construction process results in fewer change orders, claims, and project delays; shorter building turnover transition period; and less post-occupancy corrective work.

Ongoing Energy Savings

Identifying design issues that may lead to inefficient system operation and wasted energy is one way commissioning can result in ongoing energy benefits. Prior to occupancy, functional testing helps resolve equipment problems and controls programming deficiencies that would lead to ongoing inefficient operation as well as increased maintenance costs. It is easy for the project team to focus on short construction timelines, trying to obtain the necessary permits for occupancy, potentially overlooking system operational deficiencies. These deficiencies can go undetected for years, negatively affecting building control, energy use, equipment reliability, and occupant comfort. Once a building is in service, building staff may not have the time or expertise to correct these persistent issues, or they may only be able to address the symptoms without fixing the real problem.

Even back in 2004, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory estimated $18 billion per year of potential savings could be realized from commissioning throughout the United States. Simply addressing the top 13 faults in commercial buildings alone has a potential savings of $3.3 to $17 billion per year.8

A recent study of 643 buildings across the United States suggested that correcting the deficiencies found during the commissioning process resulted in 16% median whole-building energy savings in existing buildings and 13% in new construction, with payback times of 1.1 years and 4.2 years, respectively. It also found that projects that incorporated a thorough commissioning process attained nearly twice the overall median level of savings and 5 times the savings of the least-thorough projects.9

Energy savings of new building commissioning can be significant. With proper commissioning, these savings can actually increase over time. In addition, when commissioning includes training and, in some cases, installation of permanent metering and feedback systems, improvements in system performance can persist for years after commissioning. This should reassure building owners that new construction commissioning can be very durable, and that outcomes will result in savings for the lifetime of the building.

Finally, optimized system operation and right-sized equipment has the additional energy benefit of peak demand reductions in energy use. Utility companies pass along a charge to customers based on their peak energy demand, which is the maximum energy use of the building throughout the year. This typically occurs in the summer on the hottest day of the year, when a building is in full cooling mode. The charge is based on the infrastructure that must be in place to provide enough electricity to meet the peak demand requirement. System inefficiencies and oversized equipment can increase the amount of energy a building consumes, increasing its peak demand. A lower peak demand means a lower charge by the utility company.

Non-Energy and “Intangible” Benefits

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory reported that in new construction, non-energy benefits from commissioning are cited as the primary motivator for commissioning. These benefits include ensuring equipment performance, improved indoor environmental quality, and increased occupant productivity.10

Improved indoor air quality, improved lighting and temperature control, and better building pressure control contribute to the quality of a building’s indoor environment by improving the health, comfort, and productivity of its occupants. The consequences of poor indoor environmental quality can be serious. Temperature, lighting, and ventilation problems can make occupants uncomfortable, lowering their ability to work effectively. In some cases, these issues can make employees sick. Incorrect building pressurization can result in poor indoor air quality as well, since pressure affects the migration of toxins, odors, and moisture between spaces. Proper commissioning addresses all of these issues by ensuring:

  • Proper ventilation of air is provided
  • Proper filtration is provided
  • Lighting controls are functioning properly
  • Light levels are adequate and as specified in design documents
  • Temperature sensors are calibrated and functioning properly
  • Pressure sensors are calibrated
  • Proper building pressure is maintained

Commissioning Costs

The cost of commissioning is different for each project and depends on the project’s size, complexity, and the scope of the commissioning process. There is no standard convention for determining which costs are included in the total cost of commissioning, but total costs typically include the Commissioning Agent’s fee, costs for other team members who participate in the commissioning process, and the anticipated cost of correcting problems identified during the process. Regardless of the commissioning scope, however, the cost of commissioning accounts for only a very small part of the overall construction budget.

The Commissioning Process

Commissioning a new building is a 5-step process that includes key activities in each phase of the project. A description of the activities associated with each commissioning phase is shown in Figure 1. A more thorough, detailed explanation of the activities associated with each commissioning phase can be found in several documents referenced in the Department of Energy Building Technologies Program’s Guide to Building Commissioning, including ASHRAE Guideline 0–2005 and the ACG Commissioning Guideline.

Commissioning Deliverables

The key deliverables associated with the commissioning process include:

  • Commissioning Plan
  • Pre-Functional Construction Checklists
  • Functional Performance Test Procedures
  • Issues Logs
  • Final Commissioning Report

These are not the only deliverables to be expected from the Commissioning Agent, though. Other important deliverables include a thorough review of the OPR, design documents, submittal documents, and O&M manuals with comments provided to the team for consideration; commissioning progress reports; commissioning meeting minutes; systems manuals; O&M training verification; and a warranty review report.

Final Commissioning Report

The Commissioning Agent is responsible for preparing and submitting the final commissioning report to the owner and the design team. The final commissioning report is a critical document that summarizes the commissioning effort and evaluates whether all of the commissioned systems meet the specifications in the OPR. It should include:

  • A written narrative of the Commissioning Agent’s assessment of each of the commissioned systems’ compliance with contract documents and the OPR, as well as any unresolved commissioning issues
  • A commissioning plan
  • Functional tests
  • All commissioning reports and reviews
  • Issues logs
  • All major communications such as emails, memos, and letters

Building Your Commissioning Team

Commissioning is a team effort that requires effective communication, coordination, and cooperation between all of the parties involved with the project. The Commissioning Agent leads the team. Not all of the commissioning team members will be involved in each phase of the project. However, all should be fully engaged in the activities they are contractually required to perform.

Commissioning Agent—Commissioning Agent, Commissioning Authority, and Commissioning Provider are used interchangeably to represent the person(s) who will be providing the commissioning services.

Owner—The owner’s contribution to the commissioning process is vital to the success of every project. One of the owner’s primary responsibilities is to clearly communicate expectations about how the building should operate, as defined in the OPR. It is also imperative that commissioning specifications are included in the design documents and reviewed by the owner. Failure to do so will result in a change order for additional commissioning services. The owner needs to be a strong advocate of the commissioning process, motivating the entire team to actively participate by supporting both the Commissioning Agent’s responsibility to identify issues and the rest of the team’s responsibility to resolve them.

Facility Manager and O&M Building Staff—The Facility Manager and O&M building staff are also important members of the commissioning team. Both can benefit if engaged in the commissioning process as early as possible. In pre-design, the Facility Manager should contribute to the development of the OPR. In the design phase, the Facility Manager can contribute to the design based on experience that can improve the staff’s ability to operate and maintain the building and equipment. Contributions may include modifications to control point naming conventions, graphic layouts of the energy management system, system choices, equipment layout, and other factors that affect maintainability.

By participating in the commissioning process, building staff will gain an understanding of the building’s systems and their interactions well in advance of tenant turnover and occupancy. Observing functional tests and participating in training provided by the contractors and the Commissioning Agent will improve the staff’s understanding of equipment and control strategies.


Building commissioning is a valuable tool that can and should be used to ensure buildings operate at maximum efficiency. Doing so can not only prevent significant future issues from developing, but can save a tremendous amount of energy and money by ensuring each aspect of the building is performing properly.


Hidden Costs of Not Commissioning

Two buildings analyzed in detail found that almost half of the deficiencies identified during commissioning would in the future manifest as higher repair and maintenance costs. Similarly, about 1 in 10 deficiencies would have resulted in shortened equipment life, adversely impacted occupant productivity, or increased energy costs. 7


The Bottom Line

Commissioning improves a building’s asset value. Properly functioning buildings with reliable equipment kept in good condition are worth more than uncommissioned buildings.

  • Commissioned systems and equipment retain their value longer.
  • There is a higher demand for comfortable, healthy, working space that promotes productivity.
  • Systems that function properly use less energy, experience less downtime, and require less maintenance, which save building owners money. 11


  1. “Energy Efficiency Factsheet: Building Commissioning for New Buildings,” EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse, Washington State University Extension Energy Program and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, October, 2005. (
  2. Ibid.
  3. “California Commissioning Guide: New Buildings,” California Commissioning Collaborative, 2006. (
  4. Ibid.
  5. Overton, David: “Building Commissioning 101.” Presentation Provided by the Building Commissioning Association (BCA). (
  6. “Building Commissioning: The Key to Quality Assurance,” U.S. Department of Energy. (
  7. Mills, Evan, Ph.D., “Building Commissioning, A Golden Opportunity for Reducing Energy Costs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” Prepared for California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research (PIER), July 21, 2009. (
  8. See note 7.
  9. Mills, Evan, “Commissioning: Capturing the Potential,” ASHRAE Journal, February 2011. (
  10. Mills, 2009.
  11. “Commissioning for Better Buildings in Oregon,” Prepared by PECI for Oregon Office of Energy, March 1997. (
  12. U.S. General Accounting Office, Health, Education, and Human Services Division. Conditions of America’s Schools. Document# GAO/HEHS-95-61, Report B-259307; February 1995. (
  13. “California Commissioning Guide: New Buildings,” California Commissioning Collaborative, 2006. ( /CA_Commissioning_Guide_New.pdf).


These excerpts were reprinted from “A Guide to Building Commissioning,” which was released by the Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Program. The report was prepared by Michael Baechler and John Farley, PE, LEED AP, CxA. The full text of the report can be found at

Figure 1
Figure 2

Copyright Statement

This article was published in the January 2014 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2014 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

With the government shutdown in October, there has
been some uncertainty about the status of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA). Now that the government is back up and running, OSHA is
resuming operations. During the shutdown, all OSHA litigation matters were put
on hold while the Department of Labor attorneys who represent OSHA, as well as
Administrative Law Judges with the Occupational Safety and Health Review
Commission, were temporarily furloughed, pending the conclusion of the shutdown.
In addition, most OSHA Compliance Officers
were temporarily
furloughed and OSHA inspections declined by 84% during
the shutdown. A skeleton staff of Compliance Officers and other administrative
personnel remained on duty to handle imminent danger situations and to respond
to catastrophic injury reports. All rulemaking issues were put on hiatus
pending the outcome of the shutdown.

Crystalline Silica

Now that the shutdown is over, OSHA rulemaking has
started to move forward again. On the top of the list of upcoming rules is a
proposed OSHA standard for crystalline silica. The fact that we are dealing
with a proposed rule means we are 1 step short of having a final rule with
regard to new exposure limits and requirements for employee exposure to crystalline
silica. The proposed rule establishes an action level for crystalline silica at
25 micrograms per cubic meter of air for an 8–hour day. The permissible
exposure limit for crystalline silica has been reduced from 250 micrograms per
cubic meter to 50 micrograms per cubic meter, averaged over an 8–hour day. This
is an 80% reduction in the permissible exposure limit.

The proposed standard also
requires that worker access be limited in areas in which they might be exposed
to crystalline silica above the permissible exposure limit. The standard also
requires the use of engineering and/or administrative controls to control dust
exposure before personal protective equipment may be used as a means of
reducing breathing zone exposure to crystalline silica. In other words, when
you believe your employees are going to be exposed to crystalline silica, you
will be required to do exposure monitoring. If you find that you are above the
permissible exposure level, you must use engineering controls such as wetting
down dust that may contain silica, using localized exhaust or dust collection
systems to remove crystalline silica dust from the employees’ breathing zone,
or you must implement administrative controls to reduce the exposure to below
the permissible exposure limit.

If engineering and
administrative controls do not reduce the employee exposure to below the
permissible exposure limit, respirators are permissible. Please remember that
if you require employees to wear respirators, you must also have a personal
respirator protection program as required under 1910.134 of Title 29 of the
Code of Federal Regulations.

Also, for any employees who are
exposed above the permissible exposure limit for 30 days or more per year, you
are required to offer the employee medical examinations including chest x–rays
and pulmonary function tests every 3 years. Remember that the permissible
exposure limit is measured in the breathing zone, without a respirator. Even
though exposure inside a respirator will be below the permissible exposure
limit, the examinations must still be offered. The standard also requires that
employers train their workers on how to limit their exposure in operations that
result in any silica exposure. Finally, employers are required to keep records
of worker exposures and medical examinations.

As you can see, this new silica
standard is somewhat onerous as it applies to construction contractors. Do not
forget that the application of this standard applies to your employees even if
the dust to which your employees are exposed is not generated by you. For
example, consider a job site on which your employees are performing insulation
work in an area where another contractor’s employees are sawing concrete and
are not using a dust collection system or wetting the dust they are generating.
In this situation, you would definitely be required to do initial exposure
monitoring for your employees to determine whether they are being exposed for
respirable silica at or above the action level. In most cases like this, you
would not have any rights to require the other contractor to either wet down
the dust or to employ some form of dust collection. However, in this situation,
it would be a good idea to document your request to the other contractor to
eliminate or minimize any dust being generated by its employees. This will
demonstrate that you have taken appropriate steps with engineering or
administrative controls to reduce your employees’ exposure to dust and, failing
that, you are using personal respiratory protective equipment.

Following issuance of the
proposed rule in September 2013, OSHA established December 11, 2013 as the
cutoff for written comments and set March 4, 2014 as the date for public
hearings. OSHA initially established November 12, 2013 as the deadline for
submitting a notice of intention to appear at an informal public hearing. As a
result of the government shutdown, and requests made by various stakeholders,
these dates have been modified. As of the writing of this article, the deadline
to submit written comments is now January 27, 2014; the deadline to submit
notice of intent to appear at an informal public hearing has been rescheduled
for December 12, 2013; and the public hearings are scheduled to begin on March
18, 2014. OSHA anticipates that public hearings will continue for several

Tracking Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

In an OSHA news
release dated November 7, 2013, the agency issued a proposed rule “to improve
workplace safety and health through improved tracking of workplace injuries and
illnesses.” The issuance of this proposed rule followed the release of OSHA’s
annual occupational injuries and illness report, which indicated that 3 million
workers were injured on the job in 2012. See page 36 for more information.

Dr. David Michaels, the Assistant
Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, was quoted as stating,
“With the changes being proposed in this rule, employers, employees, the
government, and researchers will have better access to data that will encourage
earlier abatement of hazards and result in improved programs to reduce
workplace hazards and prevent injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. The proposal
does not add any new requirement to keep records; it only modifies an
employer’s obligation to transmit these records to OSHA.”

OSHA reports that it developed
this proposed rule following a series of meetings held with stakeholders in
2010 to gather information about electronic submission of organization–specific
injury and illness data. According to the agency, “OSHA is proposing to amend
its current recordkeeping regulations to add requirements for the electronic
submission of injury and illness information employers are already required to
keep under existing standards.” The initial proposal will apply to establishments
of more than 250 employees, requiring them to electronically submit their
records to OSHA quarterly. It is also proposed that “establishments with 20 or
more employees, in certain industries with high injury and illness rates, be
required to submit electronically only their summary of work–related injuries
and illnesses to OSHA once a year.” At this time, the scope of those “certain
industries”—and whether or to what degree they include the National Insulation
Association (NIA) membership base—is not defined.

As with any such proposed rule,
the public has 90 days—through February 16, 2014—to submit written comments.
OSHA has scheduled a public meeting concerning the proposed rule in Washington,
D.C. on January 9, 2014.

Hazard Communication

The preceding 2
sections cover new regulatory initiatives by OSHA; this part of our update is
intended to discuss the new hazard communication standard and the December 1,
2013 date for employers to have completed training under the standard.

 By the time this article is published, the date
will have passed; but it is important that all readers be aware of the fact
that this training requirement applies to everyone. If
you have not completed training prior to December 1, 2013, this is something
you should take care of immediately. Under the new hazard communication
standard, the training required covers the new labelling requirements under the
new standard, as well as training employees to understand information provided
on the newly formatted safety data sheets.

Training for employees on the
new labels required by OSHA includes how to interpret signal words that are
required on the labels, pictograms, hazard statements, and precautionary
statements. Employees also are to be trained on how to use information found on
the new labels.

“Signal words” are those words
that are used to indicate the relative level of severity of the hazard. There
are only 2 different signal words available for use: “danger,” which is used
for more severe hazards; and “warning,” which is used for less severe hazards.
The key to this training is to be sure employees understand that the signal
word that appears on the label identifies the most severe hazards posed by the

Employees also need to be aware
that there are 8 pictograms that may appear on any label. There are pictograms
for flammables, oxidizers, irritants and sensitizers, explosives, corrosives,
gases under pressure, carcinogens, and materials with acute toxicity. Each of
these 8 categories has its own pictogram, and it is important that employees
understand each pictogram and what it means to them if it appears on the label
of the material they are about to use.

Hazard statements are used to
describe the nature of the hazard posed by the material and, where appropriate,
the degree of that hazard. Employees must be instructed that all applicable
hazard statements will appear on the material label. Precautionary statements
that also may appear on the label are phrases that describe recommended
measures that should be taken by employees to minimize or prevent any adverse
effects resulting from exposure to the hazardous chemical.

Training on how employees can
use the label information also includes understanding proper storage of the
material based upon label information, how to quickly locate information on
first aid, and how different pictograms are used to identify various hazards.

The other area of training that
must be completed by December 1, 2013 addresses the new safety data sheet
format. Employees should be trained on the new 16–section format, including
what information can be found in each section and how the information on the
label is related to the safety data sheet.

While additional training will
be required as time goes on with regard to this new standard, the preceding
summary identifies the training that should be completed by December 1, 2013.
Business owners and managers should create a strategy to educate their
employees and ensure their business is compliant with all OSHA standards.

Product Characteristics of Weather Barriers, Vapor Retarders, and Finishes

Polymeric (plastic) rolls or sheets are available at various
thicknesses. These materials are glued, solvent welded, or taped depending on
the polymer. Elbows and tees are also available for piping for some type of
polymers. Typical polymeric (plastic) jacketing materials are:

  • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

  • Polyvinyliedene Chloride (PVDC)

  • Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

  • Polyvinyl Flouride (PVF)

PVC Jackets

jackets are made of a durable, attractive, and easy–to–clean material that is
typically field–applied over unfaced insulation and most factory–applied
jackets where additional protection is necessary. PVC jackets are covered by
ASTM Standard Practice C921–10, Types I and II, Grade 4.

jackets are available in several thicknesses and colors. Standard thicknesses
are 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40 mils, with 20 and 30 mils being the most common
thicknesses. Thicknesses of 30 mils are recommended for outdoor applications.
Jacketing meant for outdoor use should be UV stabilized. While PVC jacketing is
usually white, jackets are available in a variety of colors (colored jacketing
is normally not available with UV stabilization).

manufacturers and fabricators offer PVC “cut and curl” jacketing products.
Fitting covers are also available for covering elbows, tees, valves, flanges,
mechanical couplings, drain bodies, strainers, end caps, and other common
piping products. Accessory products (solvent adhesive, tapes, stainless steel
thumbtacks, etc.) are also available from manufacturers.

jacketing up to 30 mil thicknesses generally meet 25/50 flame–spread and
smoke–developed indexes. Jacketing temperatures should be kept below 150°F for
hot services. PVC jackets can be used in areas requiring frequent washdown and
are used extensively for applications requiring USDA and FDA approval. To
achieve USDA and FDA approval, PVC jackets should be installed with continuous
solvent welded joints and seams. PVC jackets and fittings, when applied over an
intermediate vapor retarder and properly sealed, can be used on cold systems.


is a flexible and tough vapor–retarder facing that is applied to the exterior
of pipe, vessel, and equipment insulation systems. This vapor retarder consists
of a biaxially oriented homogeneous opaque white polymer film. It can be
factory or field applied to the surface of the insulation and is available in 2
thicknesses, 4 and 6 mils, both at 35.5″ wide and more than 250 feet long. When
factory applied to insulation, the lap joint of the vapor retarder is sealed in
the field using a self–sealing lap (SSL). The PVDC tape is the same type of
homogeneous white film to which an adhesive backing which does not require
release paper, has been applied. The tape is available at 2 and 6 mil
thicknesses; widths of 1″, 2″, and 3″; and 150 feet length. PVDC films are not
intended for exterior applications unless protected by a suitable weather

Standard Specification C1136–10, Types VII  and VIII covers this type of
vapor–retarder facing for use where insulation outer surface temperatures are
–20 to 150°F. This ASTM standard specification establishes requirements for
permeance, burst strength, tensile strength, dimensional stability, flame/smoke
performance, zero fungal growth, and lack of cracking or delamination.

Standard Practice C921–10, Type II, Grade 4 covers this type of film for use as
a vapor–retarding outer jacket on thermal insulation over mechanical equipment
such as tanks, pipe, and vessels. The 6 mil PVDC film meets the permeance
requirements of Class A, “Extremely low permeance” or 0.01 perms maximum. The 4
mil PVDC film meets the permeance requirements of Class B, “Very low permeance”
or 0.02 perms maximum.

applications for PVDC vapor retarder is in insulation systems for pipe,
equipment, tanks, and ducts—especially those operating at temperatures below
ambient such as food and beverage lines, refrigeration, ammonia refrigeration,
and liquid natural gas (LNG) pipe. PVDC film is applied to the insulation on
straight sections of pipe or to large surfaces like tank or duct walls. PVDC
tape is used to seal joints in the film, at vapor retarder butt joints on pipe
insulation, wrapped around complex insulation shapes such as fittings and
elbows, and can be used to repair physical damage to the vapor retarder film.

Early Renewal Strategy

One of the most
important provisions of the new healthcare law, the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or
“Obamacare,” will take effect for plan years beginning on or after January 1,
2014 for small employers (those with fewer than 50 employees). These provisions
are known as the community rating restrictions, and there is some concern that
they may cause an increase in premiums. Employers may wish to renew their
existing health insurance policies by the end of 2013 to avoid potentially
higher costs. Here are some resources to help you consider your company’s

Currently, insurance companies
look at a number of factors when developing premiums. As a result, younger,
healthier groups often pay less than older, sicker groups. For plan years
beginning on or after January 1, 2014, insurance carriers can no longer look at
those factors when setting rates. Thus, many small employers may see large
premium increases, though certain small employers with older workforces may
actually see rates go down.

Due to the new rules, it makes
sense to consider an early renewal strategy as soon as possible. Small businesses
should contact their insurance brokers to discuss their healthcare plans and
consider renewing their current plan by the end of the year, which will allow
them to avoid the new community rating rules for a year. The article “Small
Businesses Race to Renew Health Plans Early
” by Jayne O’Donnell from USA
discusses early renewal strategies. It is available at:–business–early–renewal–affordable–care–act/3360851/.

Marketplace Notices for New Hires

The government has released model notices that
employers can use to notify employees about the new Health Insurance
Marketplace, also known as the healthcare exchange. Citizens can apply for healthcare coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace, which may
potentially offer lower costs to certain individuals. The initial mandatory notices were to be issued by employers by October 1, 2013. In addition, almost
all employers are required to distribute such notices to new employees within
14 days of hire. An article by Steven Friedman and Ilyse Schuman, “What Do
Employers Need to Know About the ACA Marketplace Notices?
” from,
gives more information about the notice requirements. Find it at:–press/publication/what–do–employers–need–know–about–aca–marketplace–notices.

The notices must be distributed
to all employees—even those who are not eligible for a health plan (i.e.,
part–time employees). The government’s notices, along with frequently asked
questions about notice requirements, can be found at the Department of Labor’s
(DOL’s) website:–noticeofcoverageoptions.html.

New COBRA Notices

In addition to releasing the new marketplace
notices, the government also released revised COBRA notices. Although the
changes are relatively minor, employers should update their COBRA notices to
include the new language. Roberta Chevlowe’s article “DOL Updates Model
COBRA Notice in Light of Health Care Reform” (
the revised notices and includes links to the new model notices. The full
article can be found at:–updates–model–cobra–notice–in–light–57231/.

The new language in the updated
notices informs readers about the Health Insurance Marketplace, which may
encourage them to look for healthcare coverage through the Health Insurance
Marketplace rather than electing COBRA coverage under an employer’s plan. Over
time, this approach could potentially save employers money.

Employer Mandate Penalty Postponed 1 Year, But
Not the Tracking Requirement

The employer mandate (“play or pay” rules) have
been postponed for a year. The employer mandate requires large employers (those
with 50 or more employees) to offer quality/affordable coverage to full–time
employees (those working at least 30 hours per week), or pay a penalty.
Although the penalties have been postponed until 2015, the tracking
requirements have been implemented. Employers need to  keep track of employees’
hours to see if they need to offer employees coverage starting in 2015. The
rules are extremely complex. A downloadable PDF, “Health Care Reform Pay or
Play Guide
” by lawyer John Barlament of Quarles & Brady LLP, explains
the rules in detail.

Employers should
check with their payroll company or software vendor to see if they can help
with the process of tracking hours. It is important that all employers start
this process immediately.

Predictions for the Future

While no one
can tell what the future may hold, the Affordable Care Act has been passed by
Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court, so it is unlikely to be repealed.
Employers should do their best to prepare for the new regulations and work with
their insurance brokers to create a healthcare strategy that works best for
their businesses and employees. 

Energy–Water Nexus Interests Advocate for
Mechanical Insulation

The National
Insulation Association (NIA) recently attended a meeting at the National
Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) to discuss the energy and water savings
associated with mechanical insulation. The inclusion of insulation in water
conservation discussions is a relatively new phenomenon, and has occurred in
part due to the efforts of NIA and its strategic partners to educate water
industries on the enormous potential insulation has to contribute to saving
water. The NIBS task force seeks to advance opportunities to save energy and
water through the increased use of insulation, better design methods, and clarifying
and enforcing existing building codes

The NIBS task force drafted
language encouraging the use of insulation to save water and energy—an issue commonly
referred to as the energy–water nexus—and is actively trying to attach the
language to pending legislation, including the Shaheen–Portman bill and the
Energy Water Development Act. Additionally, the task force is seeking out other
legislation and amendments that may be good vehicles for energy–water nexus

The task force also discussed its success in supporting new International
Energy Conservation Code (IECC) regulations that will require the increased use
of insulation for all hot water piping in 2015. While these new regulations are
still being drafted, it is almost certain that the new codes will require the
use of more insulation. Part of the task force’s objectives includes finding
additional data to support the establishment of more codes like these. There
tends to be more data on residential projects, and the task force is creating a
plan to extrapolate data about hot water piping from the residential side that
can be used to support the use of more insulation in commercial projects.

Another objective is to develop
educational opportunities to encourage compliance across industries. In many
cases, the individual responsible for insulation may not fully appreciate or
understand the importance of proper insulation, and thus installations may be
done incorrectly or incompletely. NIA is hoping to collaborate with NIBS to
work toward more educational opportunities to ensure code compliance and
support the use of qualified contractors like
our NIA members. Additionally, the task force is working on compiling a list of
all energy codes in order to clarify exactly which codes are currently

Ultimately, the goal of the
task force is to present a comprehensive, business case model on how the
increased use of insulation can save energy, water, and—perhaps most
importantly to certain parties—money. Often, the adoption of better insulation
practices can be stalled by fears about cost or ignorance about impact. NIA
will continue to collaborate with NIBS to dissipate these concerns and increase
building efficiency across the construction industry.

Mechanical Insulation Is
Surprise Hot Topic at Energy Summit

Of course, the fact that mechanical insulation is
present in these energy and water efficiency discussions is a huge victory, and
something that would have been unheard of even a few years ago. The potential
mechanical insulation has to help reduce energy use and save financial
resources was also a focus at the recent Honeywell Energy Summit, where NIA
Executive Vice President/Chief Executive Officer Michele Jones was asked to
give a mechanical insulation awareness presentation by one of NIA’s contractor
members, Insulation Specialties, Inc. The Honeywell Energy Summit gathered
together its energy managers from across the country to present on the various
methods they use to save energy, and invited a handful of select vendors.

Insulation Specialties, Inc., one of the few vendors invited to attend
this event, asked NIA to be present to share the value of mechanical insulation
with attendees. NIA is always looking to serve its members and spread knowledge
about the value of insulation, and this event offered an opportunity to do
both. Mrs. Jones’ presentation gave an introduction to mechanical
insulation—focusing on industrial applications—and also shared several examples
of how mechanical insulation is frequently neglected, damaged, and how that can
contribute to heat loss and lead to a less efficient system. The presentation
also covered the many benefits of insulating, including increased energy
efficiency, lower emissions, financial savings, and even the potential for
increased job creation.

Whereas mechanical insulation may have been completely absent in such
discussions in the past, several of the presentations mentioned and even
focused on it—one presenter shared the story of how he achieved $90,000 in
savings through the use of mechanical insulation. While Mrs. Jones expected to
give the only presentation that mentioned mechanical insulation, she found that
many speakers preceding her presentation focused on this technology. NIA is
incredibly encouraged by the increasing amount of attention insulation is
receiving, and seeks to capitalize on the mounting evidence of mechanical
insulation’s benefits to encourage its implementation and maintenance in the
construction industry.

For many individuals, preparing their homes for
colder winter weather is an annual event that often includes a variety of
maintenance and winter–proofing activities. There are 2 basic objectives for
preparing a house for winter: make the house more energy efficient, and ensure
it is comfortable during the cold winter months. For a multi–story high–rise, a
commercial building, or an institutional building, the objectives are nearly
the same: make the building more energy efficient and more comfortable for the

Unfortunately, the inspection
and maintenance of mechanical insulation is often neglected, leading to both
energy waste and discomfort for building occupants. While it is important to
maintain a mechanical insulation inspection plan year–round, it is particularly
important in the winter, when the temperature drops and there is an increased
chance for high wind gusts and other potentially damaging weather occurrences.

To appreciate the importance of
preparing a building’s insulation for winter, it is useful to consider exactly
what mechanical insulation accomplishes for hot service pipe and equipment. For
example, 2 to 3 inches of conventional pipe insulation on a 380°F steam pipe
reduces heat loss by 93% to 95%. That is the equivalent of reducing heat loss
to approximately 15 to 20 times less than an uninsulated pipe. Thus, relatively
small areas of bare pipe surface, or pipe surface with damaged insulation, can
result in enormous heat losses in a boiler room, mechanical room, or pipe
chases in a building. These heat losses result in energy waste that leads to
financial loss from money spent on extra fuel; excess greenhouse gas emissions;
and high air temperatures in boiler rooms, mechanical rooms, and utility
tunnels. With such clear benefits—or losses—in the balance, it makes sense to
take steps to prepare for winter.

First Step: Insulation Survey

Consider a
dormitory or classroom building at a university and include mechanical
insulation in the list of activities for winterizing the building. Where does
one start? For the purposes of this discussion, assume that the campus has a
central steam plant, with tunnels carrying the steam to each building. Each
building, in turn, has its own mechanical room and steam distribution system.

In such a case, the steam for
heating has been shut down for approximately 6 months over the late spring,
summer, and early fall. After this hiatus, an inspector is likely to find
missing insulation on gate valves, flanges, pressure relief valves, and other
pipe components. Additionally, one might find that some of the straight pipe
insulation has been damaged if other maintenance workers have used the
insulated pipes as stepping pads to gain access to pipes or wires located
higher in the mechanical room. If removable/reusable blankets have been used to
insulate the components, some of those may be laying on the floor, draped over
a pipe, or simply missing. Duct insulation may likewise have been stepped on
and crushed.

Inspectors should first make a
list of the damaged or missing mechanical insulation sections. At each site,
this might include the location of the deficient insulation; size of the pipe
or duct; system description (such as hot air supply, hot steam supply, etc.);
type and thickness of insulation on adjacent pipe; extent of missing or damaged
insulation; and any other relevant information. With this information, an
inspector may use what he or she learned from the National Insulation Association’s
(NIA’s) Insulation Energy Appraisal Program (IEAP), if applicable, to generate
an estimate of the energy wasted by ignoring the problems, the cost of that
wasted energy, and the excess carbon dioxide generated from emissions (see
sidebar on the IEAP on page 8).

Setting Priorities

If insulation
needs to be replaced or repaired, the building owner will have to pay for new
materials and labor costs. Going back to the university example, if the campus
Facilities Manager or Maintenance Manager has been properly educated on the
value of mechanical insulation, he or she may generate work orders to get all
the deficiencies corrected before the boilers are fired up for the fall. While
this is the ideal scenario, it is often not the case.

One way to encourage building
owners to maintain mechanical insulation is to perform a mechanical insulation
survey to estimate both the energy saved and the cost of correcting the
mechanical insulation problems. Typically, the pay–back period will be less
than 4 years and, in the case of 380°F (or hotter) steam systems, it will
probably be closer to 6 months. Making building owners aware of the uniquely short payback period of insulation may help place
repair and replacement of damaged or missing insulation on a high–priority
list. Short of shutting the building windows and doors, almost no other measure
has a shorter energy payback. In regard to the value of energy savings in most
institutional buildings, fixing missing or damaged mechanical insulation on hot
service pipes and ducts is the easiest measure, with the most significant

In arguing the case for winterizing a building by repairing or replacing
damaged or missing mechanical insulation, it may also be useful to talk about
the thermal comfort of the building occupants. Cold buildings may lead to
complaints, which can cause difficulties for management as well as the
facilities and maintenance staff. After all, the main purpose of heating many
commercial buildings is to keep the occupants comfortable. In other applications,
heating can be a health and safety issue—consider, for example, a mechanical
room with a 120°F air temperature, along with hot steel surfaces. This is an
unsafe work environment for all maintenance craft laborers due to heat stress
and the danger of burn injuries. Building owners also must consider whether
they are up to date with current energy codes. If insulation is missing or
damaged, or the codes have changed, the building may no longer be compliant.

Executing the Work

It is important to remember that one of the reasons
for missing mechanical insulation is that mechanical maintenance personnel may
have removed it to do their work (such as replacing seals in pumps and valves,
replacing gaskets in flange pairs, draining strainers, etc.). To prevent damage
to newly installed insulation, all mechanical maintenance work scheduled for
the fall should be completed first, and the heating system should be tested for
leaks. All mechanical insulation work should be coordinated with the mechanical
maintenance crew to eliminate the possibility of one project interfering with
another. It is advisable to write a checklist for the insulation work and
establish an insulation maintenance schedule. Finally, to keep matters in
perspective, it is recommended to have an estimate of energy savings, insulator
labor cost, and insulation material cost for the proposed work.

After Finishing the Winterizing Work

After the insulators have finished the work of
repairing or replacing damaged or missing insulation, a staff person from the
facilities department should conduct a visual inspection using a checklist. It
is also advisable to turn on the boiler and measure the room’s air temperature
after several hours to verify that it is within reasonable limits. If it is
not, there may still be hot, bare surfaces on the heating system pipes. Lastly,
a member of the maintenance staff should write a final report to document and
justify the work that has been done, as well as to lay the groundwork for doing
the same evaluation a year later. While, ideally, no mechanical insulation will
need to be repaired or replaced the following year, that may be the case for
some facilities.

Preparing for the Summer Cooling Season in Early

Hopefully, after the Facilities/Maintenance Manager
has successfully prepared a building’s insulation system for winter, the
building owner will be on board with following the same preparation in the
spring for the cooling system. The process starts with evaluating the chiller
insulation and the chilled water pipe insulation. The incentive to do this is
not only to prevent energy waste and ensure thermal comfort, but also to
prevent water vapor condensation.

Before long, it will be time to
repeat the cycle once again for winter.


Energy Audits Can Save Money

of the best ways to fully understand the benefits of fixing missing or damaged
insulation is to do an insulation energy appraisal. NIA offers an Insulation
Energy Appraisal Program (IEAP), which can help insulators learn the skills
they need to complete these appraisals. The IEAP program consists of a 2–day
course that teaches students how to determine the optimal insulation thickness
and corresponding energy and dollar savings for a project. The program was
designed to teach students the necessary information to give facility/energy
managers a better understanding of the true dollar and performance value of
their insulated systems. To give facility managers the most accurate
information, students will gain skills in the following areas:

  • Conducting a facility walk–through

  • Interviewing customers

  • Using the 3E Plus® version 4.0 software

  • Determining the amount of greenhouse gases saved
    through the use of insulation

  • Analyzing and completing the appraisal spreadsheet

  • Completing and presenting a final customer report

who pass the course exam—certified by the National Inspection Testing
Certification Corporation—will become Certified Insulation Energy Appraisers.
The certification will be valid for 3 years, after which the individual must
recertify. It is an invaluable distinction that can help give insulators a
competitive edge and help grow their business.

more information, visit or email

Figure 1

As this photo shows, some of the duct wrap insulation on the underside of this duct has become damaged and/or detached from the duct. This insulation should either be repaired or replaced in preparation for the winter heating season.

Figure 2

In this application, some pipe insulation is missing and needs to be replaced before firing up the boilers for winter. Some of the remaining pipe insulation clearly needs to be either replaced or repaired. Replacement with new material may be quicker and easier than trying to repair the old insulation.

Figure 3

Most insulation professionals have seen pipe insulation damaged by foot traffic. These pipes are located close to ground level and have a high likelihood of being stepped on, resulting in damaged insulation. This damaged insulation should be replaced by new material before firing the boilers for the winter. It some cases, it may be prudent to use a hard, high–compressive strength insulation that can better withstand foot–traffic abuse.

Figure 4

This bare gate valve in a steam tunnel at a university results in excessive heat loss and high air temperatures in the tunnels. It should be insulated with either conventional insulation or with a removable/reusable insulation blanket as part of the process of preparing campus buildings for winter.

Figure 5

Preparing a spreadsheet such as the one above that summarizes the value of the energy savings, the simple payback, and the annual tons of greenhouse gas emissions reduction will help a facilities department get funding for their insulation project. With a simple payback of only 6 months (typical for a steam heating system with 380°F steam), the case for doing this maintenance work on the pipe insulation is compelling. (Note: 3E Plus® was used to calculate the heat flux values, not shown on this summary table).

Figure 6

On components such as this pressure regulator on a steam pipe, it may be prudent to use a removable/reusable insulation blanket. Mechanics may have removed this blanket assembly to perform necessary maintenance. However, it must be reinstalled by a skilled, knowledgeable insulator for it to insulate properly. Autumn is the best time to accomplish this.

Figure 7

This strainer and its connecting flanges should be insulated, and this work should be accomplished prior to the start of the heating season. Likewise, the butterfly valve to its right should be insulated. Leaving these 2 components bare will result in significant energy waste during the heating season and will contribute to a high–temperature boiler or mechanical room.

Figure 8

Every repaired pipe insulation project is not necessarily going to look this good. In this application, the strainer should be insulated, perhaps with removable/reusable insulation blankets, as well as portions of the 2 steam pressure regulators. It would also be beneficial to insulate the gate valve bonnets and steps, since those result in exposure of considerable amounts of bare steel that lose a great deal of heat.

The Midwest Insulation Contractors Association
(MICA) recently released the 7th Edition of the National Commercial
and Industrial Insulation Standards, often called the MICA Manual. This guide
is a definitive source of technical information for the design, specification,
and installation of commercial and industrial insulation. Many engineers use
the manual to help them document and outline exactly what needs to be done on a
project. In turn, contractors use the MICA Manual in their submittal packages
to convey insulation information and installation plans to the mechanical
engineer and help eliminate large punch lists of items the engineer flags as
incorrectly installed. Taking the guess work out of a project for both
engineers and contractors helps in project planning and minimizes problems and
delays in execution.

the MICA Manual can save contractors time and money by giving a detailed
explanation of the materials and installation process to the engineer, who can
identify anything he or she may want done differently. For engineers, using the
MICA Manual in the submittal process offers the opportunity to communicate
easily with contractors and installers, preventing miscommunications and
streamlining the building and installation process. Fixing and rebuilding
aspects of installation can be very costly. It is much more cost efficient to
prevent errors than to attempt to fix them after they occur.

Using the MICA Manual to Create Your Submittal

The easiest way to develop a submittal package is
to use the digital version of the MICA Manual, which allows users to input
information directly into the program and then print or send the filled out
“plates.” (Visit the MICA site at to purchase
the digital edition of the manual.) The MICA Manual plates are drawings of most
insulation applications with installation descriptions. These plates can be
populated with the appropriate text to give a complete description of how the
insulation installation is to occur. Using the digital version, you can
identify the insulation plates needed for a project.

The following example
illustrates a typical commercial insulation project.

Step 1:  Develop a cover sheet describing the insulation

Company: NIA
Contractor Member

Project: XX
Insulation System Materials per system. Refer to attached MICA plates for installation.

  1. Domestic hot and cold water piping and fittings:
    XYZ flexible elastomeric pipe insulation, 3/4″ thick for all sizes.

  2. Heating
    hot water piping: XYZ fiberglass pipe insulation with ASJ, 1½” thick for all

  3. Heating
    hot water piping fittings: XYZ PVC fitting covers with flexible fiberglass

  4. Concealed
    supply ductwork: XYZ fiberglass blanket insulation, 1½” thick, type 75 with

  5. Exposed
    supply air ductwork: XYZ fiberglass board, 1½” thick, 3 lb density, with ASJ.

Step 2: Once the cover letter has been
developed, the next step is to choose the corresponding MICA Manual plates and
download these plates onto a computer. It may be helpful to create a special
folder—e.g., named “Submittal Data”—to store these plates for future use on other

The following plates are needed
for this example:

  1. 1-200
    Flexible Foam Pipe Insulation

  2. 1-500
    Pre-formed Pipe Insulation Multiple
    Layer Construction

  3. 2-200
    Flexible Foam Fittings: 90s and 45s

  4. 2-220
    Flexible Foam Fittings: Ts

  5. 2-500
    PVC/Mineral Fiber Elbow Insulation System

  6. 2-520
    Field-Fabricated T Insulation

  7. 3-100
    Flexible Fibrous Blanket Duct Insulation

  8. 3-120
    Rigid Board Wrap Around and Pre-Formed Duct Insulation (Exposed)

Step 3: To populate the plates with text,
download each plate to your desktop and click on the blue screen under the
“Submittal Data.” Type in the information for the project. Make sure the data
corresponds to the text and numbers listed in the upper half of the MICA plate.
Also, if there is a line item in the text on the plate that is not applicable,
list it as N/A (not applicable).

Step 4: As you complete each plate, save it
to the submittal folder that you set up for your project.

Populated Plates

The following 6 illustrations are examples of
populated plates for project ABC.

Once the plates have been
completed, save them to the submittal folder previously created. The next step
is to save the manufacturers’ product literature and the material safety data
sheets (MSDS) to your project folder.

Completing Your Submittal Package

The submittal package for the project is now
complete and clear for anyone involved in the project. The benefit of saving
the populated MICA plates is that they can be revised and used for the next
project, with appropriate adjustments for the new project and material
thicknesses. This not only simplifies the submittal process, but also adds to
your professional consistency.

The plates allow the project
engineer to see exactly how the insulation system will be installed. After the
engineer approves the submittal package, it is a comprehensive document that
describes the insulation system; the thickness of material; and the
installation of the material in a simple, step-by-step method. It can remove
the need for excessively long and complicated specifications that may be
difficult for different parties to translate.

The final step is to provide a
copy of the approved MICA plates that describe the installation process to the
project foreman. Instruct the foreman to install the insulation per the
approved MICA plates. This, too, can significantly decrease communication
issues and result in smaller or nonexistent punch lists.

The MICA Manual Puts Everyone
on the Same Page

With the use of the MICA Manual, the difficulties
of communication that often occur between the project engineer and insulation
contractor can be eliminated by creating a collaborative and simplified
document that ensures everyone is on the same page.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8

The connection between
energy and water, often referred to as the “energy-water nexus,” is collecting
attention from business leaders, policy makers, and citizens alike. In short,
this term refers to the close link between water and energy. Water is used in
nearly every aspect of energy production. Saving energy will save water, and
saving water will save energy. When we consider that the demand for electricity
is expected to increase significantly in coming decades, it is clear that water
consumption will also increase. This links adequate water supply directly to
the energy security of our country. Clean energy technologies such as biofuels
and carbon sequestration actually require large amounts of water to produce; so
while they cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, they may actually contribute
to water pollution and waste. Wind and solar power are the cleanest energy
sources in terms of both water and carbon emissions.

in particular, has a significant impact on our water supply. Fossil fuel
generation, nuclear power, and hydroelectricity all consume large amounts of
fresh water. It is estimated that fossil fuel generation alone represents about
39% of all fresh water withdrawals in the United States, which equals about 136
billion gallons of water per day. When you do the math, it turns out that every
single kWh of electricity uses about 40 gallons of fresh water. Water is also
used intensively for extracting the fuels that generate our electricity. Coal,
oil, and natural gas all require a significant water supply to acquire and, in
most cases, contribute to fresh water pollution. Hydraulic fracturing, or
“fracking,” is one of the most controversial topics currently circulating in
the energy sector. It is a hot topic because chemicals are mixed with water and
injected into rock to release gas or oil. There is still debate over whether or
not this practice seriously contributes to pollution of the water table.

the other hand, clean water has a sizeable footprint when it comes to
electricity. Electric power is used to treat and pump water supply to homes and
businesses. In fact, the water industry consumes about 100 million MWH of
electricity per year. This is equal to about 4% of all generated power, and
most of that energy is used by water pumps. The interconnection between water
and energy means that conserving one will help conserve the other. By becoming
more energy efficient, we become more water efficient, and vice versa.

energy efficiency and smart grid initiatives are more commonly adopted across
the world, similar solutions to the problem of water efficiency may follow
suit. The fact is that electricity demand in the United States is rising,
especially in regions typically strained for water supplies, such as the
Midwest, which experienced serious drought last year. This means water supplies
will need to be conserved as much as possible going forward and one way to help
this happen is to become more energy-efficient.

energy-water nexus reminds us that our resources are not isolated. We often do
not remember how reliant we are on a good water supply. Water and energy also
both contribute to the operating expenses of business and industry. Enacting
energy conservation methods in these sectors not only conserves resources, but
can save money as well.


Insulation’s Importance in
the Energy-Water Nexus

energy-water nexus refers to the inextricable link between water and energy,
due to the fact that water is used to obtain and produce energy, and energy is
expended in the delivery of water. Insulation is so often mentioned in
energy-water nexus discussions because it offers the opportunity to conserve
these valuable resources. According to the National Institute of Building
Sciences (NIBS) “more, not less, insulation?” is essential to enhance the
long-term performance of building systems. Studies indicate that pipe
insulation reduces the amount of time needed for water—at the desired temperature—to
reach the end user. This conserves water and, in the case of hot water, saves
energy. This leads to lower costs as well as less energy and water waste; it is
a simple technology that can lead to immense savings. Policy makers and
business leaders are taking note of energy-water nexus issues, and upcoming
building codes and plans are likely to reflect updates to conserve energy and
water. This may present increased opportunities for insulation professionals as
building plans include the use of more insulation. Buildings with better
insulation systems not only provide tremendous financial savings for building
owners and tenants, they can also reduce environmental impact by increasing
efficiency. Insulation has the potential to help solve these energy, financial,
and environmental issues—a fact that will continue to garner attention and
concrete benefits for those in the industry.

Jim is the senior salesperson in his territory—in
more ways than one. He has built a successful career over 30 years and has no
intention of slowing down. But lately he has noticed his numbers are declining.
He has not mentioned it to anyone, but he knows he is not able to connect as
well with his younger buyers. These “kids” do not like to schmooze, and they
resist in-person meetings, blocking him from building rapport the way he is
used to. Jim is having a hard time finding the right tone with these younger
customers and is beginning to have trouble hiding his disdain for the way they
work. He knows he has to change his attitude, but it is tough when he has paid
his dues and these customers are barely out of college!

Cross-generational differences
like the scenario above could be your sales force’s invisible obstacle to
success, or those differences could become your strategic advantage. Today’s
workplace—which includes not only your sales staff but your customer base—is a
dynamic mix of 4 generations:

Silents (born 1933–1945)

Baby Boomers (born 1946–1964)

Generation X (born 1965–1976)

Millennials (born 1977–1998)

This mix is skewing younger
these days, but it is still common to deal with customer contacts (and sales
colleagues) in their 60s and early 70s. These veteran workers—as well as those
in the middle range of experience—are struggling to understand, and be
understood by, younger generations.

The trick is not just to
educate yourself on what makes each generation unique (see “Managing Multiple
Generations at Work” in the June issue of Insulation Outlook), but to
move beyond that awareness to take solid, specific actions that will build
customer confidence and trust, and lead to sales results.

Selling to the Silent Generation

Generation purchasers and decision makers demand courtesy from sales contacts.
They expect to be respected, and younger people may find them formal. Silents
prefer “standard,” practical service and products rather than bells and
whistles. Similarly, they respond well to straightforward communications—to
salespeople who say what they mean and mean what they say. Silents prefer to
stick to the business at hand, rather than engaging in a relationship-building

Members of the Silent
Generation are loyal to the companies they buy from, and they expect loyalty in
return. Although they want respect, they also want to be heard—so listen and
respond to their stories and ideas. Silents spend their company’s money like
their own—very carefully. This generation is financially conservative, and
special pricing is very appealing. They are disciplined in their due diligence
about your product and your claims about reliability, and they will hold you to
those claims.

When buying, and in other business situations, Silents prefer
face-to-face meetings. They are technically literate enough to email and
research online, but virtual contact alone is not enough to seal the deal or
keep the relationship strong. They want to be able to speak with their sales
representative by phone as needed and have regular, in-person contact.

Approaching a member of the Silent Generation: Not all Silents
are stuffy or reserved, but they do believe it is appropriate for business
communications to be formal. Therefore, when speaking with them, your words and
tone of voice should be respectful. Start by calling them by their last name
(Mr. Jones, rather than Jeff)—you can always ask if it is acceptable to use
their first name. Strive to use good grammar and clear diction, and of course
avoid slang or profanity. Keep your focus on sounding and appearing
businesslike—that goes for written communications as well.

As for your targeted message to
Silent prospects, highlight any aspects of your organization’s successful

Baby Boomers—How They Buy

Members of the Baby Boomer Generation are a little
more complicated than Silents in how they make purchasing decisions. On the one
hand, they also like to obey rules and follow procedures, and they are loyal to
companies they purchase from; but at the same time, they are open to other
options. They are willing to go outside the norm (e.g., question relying on a
go-to supplier) when they think they have found a better option.

Boomers value companies with
many years in business and good reputations. While they appreciate price
breaks, they are also willing to spend full price if they believe the
transaction is worthwhile.

Boomers want relationships with those they work with—an ongoing dialogue
rather than sporadic communications. Also, like their Silent counterparts,
Boomer purchasers need face time with sales representatives and prefer
in-person meetings. While they are comfortable with other methods of
communication and contact, to them—as with Silents—a phone call out of the blue
signals something urgent.

Boomers respond well to
businesslike, politically correct language. They are comfortable with online
communications but are definitely still open to printed pieces.

Approaching a Boomer: This
approach should be more relational, perhaps over coffee or lunch. Boomers tend
to see relationships and business results as intertwined. Take time to ask
about mutual interests or personal details (such as, “How is your son doing in
college?”). Make the conversation participative by getting their input, and
link the message to the team or individual vision, mission, and values. As
buyers, Boomers are drawn to vendors’ reputation and history, and the perceived
quality of your product—simply being friendly is not going to cut it.

Gen X: Extremely Savvy Buyers

Members of Generation X are realists, and they can
spot a phony a mile away. They are shrewd when it comes to making purchasing
decisions and want to control the sale. They can be extremely motivated to do
their own research (with their sales representative as well as on their own) to
find purchase-related information and gain a deep understanding of their
choices. They will use the knowledge they gain as assurance that they are not
being taken advantage of and that they are getting the best product and price
possible. Deep down, Gen Xers may be just as frugal as the Silent Generation.

Gen Xers rely on peer-to-peer referrals more than other generations. They
like to confer with peers on purchasing decisions and take those conversations
to heart. If someone they know recommends (or can simply shed light on) your
product, that can give you a tremendous advantage.

This generation is not fond of
in-person meetings. They value their work time and prefer to do business
efficiently over the phone or by email—which also allows them to weigh their
options. Older generations may see this as a hands-off approach, but it suits
Gen Xers’ personal preferences and buying style. They resist micromanaging, and
this applies to perceived hand holding by a sales representative. The benefit of Gen Xers’ wary approach to
selecting your organization as a supplier is that once you earn their trust,
they are the most loyal customers of any generation.

Unlike older generations,
Generation X does not respond to formality in sales communications. Whether you
are writing a collateral piece or making an in-person pitch, keep it simple, do
not waste their time, and focus on the steak—not the sizzle.

Approaching a Generation
Unlike Baby Boomers, this
generation approaches sales and other business relationships efficiently and
almost impersonally. Do not waste their time asking about their weekend.
If you can smoothly get right to the point, you will win points. Continue to be
straightforward in all communications and avoid corporate-speak. If possible,
weave referrals from similar customers into the conversation—Gen X values this
(more so if they are familiar with the referrer).

For your initial contact, send an email or leave a voicemail that states
clearly what you want, how it will serve the Generation Xer, and when you would
like to follow up. Depending on your own age, this may feel abrupt to you, but
the Gen Xer will appreciate it. When you start the sales process, be sure to
offer (or allude to) multiple product
or package options for their needs. They are more comfortable knowing there is
a plan B waiting in the wings. Finally, once you have gained a satisfied
Generation X customer, leverage that relationship—and this generation’s buying
habits—and network with them to find other prospects

Marketing to Millennials

The youngest generation of purchasers is a bit more
complex in how they handle purchasing. Because of the way they were brought up,
they can have trouble making decisions on their own. They may be dependent on
peers and managers for guidance, as well as on online information. For this
generation, the Internet holds all the answers, so make sure your company’s
website is comprehensive and easy
to navigate!

Millennials do not make
decisions quickly; they need time and information. At the same time, they can
be impatient and want information from you as quickly as possible. Where Gen
Xers want to be left alone, Millennials will appreciate extra attention as you
guide them to understand what you are selling. Do not be misled by their dependence
on others, however, when it comes to decision making: Millennials are savvy
when it comes to buying, and very confident in their abilities. It is important
to recognize their confidence even when you see them struggling with the buying

Millennials are civic minded,
and messages that indicate your organization or product is contributing to a
good cause or is socially conscious will give you a definite advantage. They
are more brand conscious than brand loyal: They are highly adaptable when it comes
to bouncing in and out of buying relationships, and will leave for greener
pastures if they find your competition has more to offer or better pricing.

As you might expect,
Millennials are all about communicating via email or even text messaging. They
move fast, and in-person meetings are not their style. They also like to
collaborate with their suppliers via blogging (and commenting on blogs) and
other social forums.

Approaching a Millennial: You
will walk a fine line between facing Millennials’ confidence and giving them
some decision-making support—such as anticipating questions from their
higher-ups and proactively providing that information. Warning: Never be
condescending, and avoid coming across as cynical or sarcastic.

They respond well to messages
that target their personal or team goals, so find out what those are. You also
may find success when stressing product uniqueness (if appropriate) and taking
a collaborative approach.

See Figure 1: How To Connect, Communicate, Gain
Commitment, or Kill the Deal.

A quick look at qualities and strategies for each

Incorporating Your Knowledge

How can you implement this knowledge of the
generations into your day-to-day approach to selling? Try adding the steps
below to your sales process.

Step 1: Identify the

Your first step is to know which generation your
customer or prospect belongs to. Make generational demographics part of your
sales research. Look for data or clues on the age of the individuals you will
contact using online resources and your own observations.

Step 2: Distinguish Your

Consider the preferences of each generation and how
you might differentiate what you say and how you say it during the sales

Silent customers: They do
not mind the sales process, so you can be straightforward in your approach.
They prefer a trusted “blue chip” business to a newcomer, and testimonials from
respected publications or individuals will go far with them. Key closing
communication: Summarize their expectations, how you met those expectations,
and ask for their business.

Baby Boomer customers:
This generation also does not mind the sales process and expects strong selling
and closing strategies. They like to be courted, appreciate processes (and
products) that save them work and time, and will respond well to upbeat news
about your business or industry. Key closing communication: Demonstrate that
you are working hard for their business, and then ask for the sale.

Generation X customers: Gen
Xers are skeptical of sales pitches, though they do appreciate
straightforwardness. They are particularly resistant to pressure or hard
selling. Offer them options and provide resources so that they can do their own
research. Key closing communication: Be direct, open, and understated. Inform
and educate, answer all their questions, and let Gen X close themselves.

Millennial customers: This
generation of avid consumers enjoys the sales process, although pressure and
pushiness will not work with them. They want to hear why your product is
relevant and important to them. They are very receptive to companies with ties
to community service, charitable causes, sustainability, and social and
environmental responsibility. Key closing communication: Help them relieve the
stress of the process, guide them, and gain agreement one step at a time
(“staircase” to the close).

Step 3: Differentiate Your
Relationship Building

Think about the characteristics and tactics that
apply to each generation and how to incorporate this information into your
first and ongoing impressions.

Building Sales Relationships
with Silents:
Introduce yourself in an in-person meeting and then stay in
touch and make it easy for them to do so. Have a clear, linear agenda for the
sales process, and deliver the goods with no up-selling. Remember to ask for
the sale!

Building Sales Relationships
with Boomers:
Invest in these relationships. Get on their team by meeting
face to face as well as using technology to communicate. Stay in touch by
calling about special promotions and offers, send them cards and letters at
appropriate times, and use giveaways and rewards as signs of accomplishment.
Note that late Boomers (those born between 1955 and 1964) seem to have a hint
of the skepticism that we usually associate with Gen X.

Building Sales Relationships
with Gen X:
Approach these customers by being straightforward and
transparent, communicating efficiently, and being truthful and authentic. They
like salespeople who can inform, educate, and offer them alternatives and
fallback plans. Be mindful of their time and make the process quick and easy.

Building Sales Relationships
with Millennials:
Use crisp, clear, and concise communications. Recognize
their identity and individuality, offer guided decision making (but do not talk
down to them!), and cater to their love of instant gratification by moving

See Figure 2: A Generation-to-Generation Overview.

An at-a-glance summary for salespeople of each

The Critical Connection

Remember Jim
from the opening scenario? Jim knows that a customer’s buying decision is
approximately 85% emotional and 15% rational. He realizes from his own
experience that the emotional part of the decision is based on 2 qualities that
customers feel toward the sales professional: respect and likability. He knows
that as long as he is doing his job well, his customers will respect and
appreciate his competence, professionalism, and knowledge. After studying the
generations, he knows that they will like him more when he demonstrates that he
understands and appreciates their preferences—that is when they lean in and
listen. Like Jim, when you speak a common language using the messages and
approaches your customers prefers, you can connect with them. Then, you are on
your way to successfully selling across all generations.

Figure 1
Figure 2