July 2022

Also in the July 2022 Issue:
Don’t Touch that Light Bulb! See How Insulation Can Be a More Efficient Way to Hit Sustainability Targets
The market for sustainability products is catching fire. Check out how mechanical insulation stacks up against other green technologies, and how you can quantify the impact it could have on your projects.
An Earthquake—Let’s Hear it for Mechanical Insulation
Mechanical insulation can reduce carbon during a building’s construction and throughout its life cycle. What should owners, designers, and builders look for when considering sustainability factors like emissions of a building or facility?
U.S. Insulation Industry Building Decarbonization Statement of Policy Principles
Read the white paper on policy principles to reduce building carbon emissions and maximize energy efficiency developed by NIA in collaboration with eight other related industry associations.
Weather the Storm: Insulation Tips for a Faster Restart after a Disaster
With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, the four steps outlined here can help you make sure your insulation is ready for a safe facility restart.
How Your Organization Can Partner with the U.S. Department of Energy to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The DOE has a range of programs and resources to help organizations of all sizes wherever they are on their decarbonization journey.
LEGALLY SPEAKING: New Enforcement Initiative Is Here—OSHA “Hot” Over Heat Stress
Summer is here! Do you have a heat stress program in place to protect the health of your workers—and protect your business from an OSHA violation?