June 2021
Also in the June 2021 Issue:
Air Barriers and Energy Codes in Metal Buildings
Air barriers are an essential element of a building’s thermal envelope—and mandatory, per commercial codes. Read all about their critical function and the requirements for their design and installation.
What Happens When Metal Building Insulation Becomes Wet?
Do you know what happens if metal building insulation gets wet, and whether it needs to be replaced once it does? This article answers both questions and offers easy solutions to help you avoid the situation in the first place. Next month, we will answer this question for mechanical insulation applications.
A Look at Building Envelope: the 4Ws of Optimizing Energy Efficiency with Continuous Insulation
Continuous insulation (CI) is a common practice that improves building energy efficiency, increases occupant comfort, helps reduce condensation (and its negative consequences), improves acoustics by limiting intrusion of outdoor noise, and more. Learn how CI can help you achieve performance goals on your projects.
Leading Construction Innovation and Agility in 2021
In today’s uncertain times—dealing with a pandemic, shifts in political power, economic uncertainty, and (for some) extreme weather events—how do we develop trust and confidence while leading our employees to optimize efficiency and develop innovative solutions to benefit our business? This article provides insight and answers from Dewberry, Moss Construction, Bartlett Cocke General Contractors, and Facebook’s Engineering and Construction Design Director.
From COVID-19 to Heat Illness Prevention: An OSHA Update from NIA Legal Counsel
New guidance on COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and new OSHA leadership, may affect upcoming OSHA requirements and activity. At the same time, warmer weather means it is time to focus on heat illness prevention. Read what you need to know to stay compliant and keep your employees—and your business—safe.