November 2020
Also in the November 2020 Issue:
A Different Perspective: Corrosion Under Insulation in the Power Industry
Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is an ongoing problem across many industries, and the power industry is no exception. Read about what types of CUI are common at power plants, what conditions cause CUI to occur, and what you can do to prevent it.
Whaddya Want Now?? Current Priority Concerns of Industrial Facility Owners and Managers for Mechanical Insulation Systems
There is no silver bullet solution to meet all the needs of industrial facility customers, but a systems thinking approach to design and use of mechanical insulation can help you address all their requirements.
Virtual Presentations and Meetings Require New Approaches for Success
Among the challenges of working through the pandemic is using new technologies to communicate. Many of us are learning new skills through trial and error, a less-than-ideal approach to doing business. How can you choose the platform best suited to your needs, keep your audience interested and involved, and make sure technical challenges do not derail your message?