Mechanical Insulation: Setting the Standard
The NIA and the Association for Materials Protection and Performance are working together to develop standards for the mechanical insulation industry. Read about the process and how you can get involved.
A Blueprint for a Clean and Competitive Industrial Sector
A new publication (Blueprint) outlines strategies and government programs to support U.S. industry as the sector moves to reduce carbon emissions while maintaining or improving competitiveness.
Insulation Systems: Inspection and Maintenance
Mechanical insulation systems only work as designed when they are well maintained. Here are some tips for ensuring your system’s performance meets expectations.
Engineers and Specifiers: Tools and Considerations for Insulation System Design and Material Selection
This comprehensive overview provides an approach and resources to help those responsible for designing mechanical insulation systems ensure their specifications will meet owners’ goals.
What Is the Value of Insulation? Explaining k-value, R-value, U-value, and C-value
Everyone has heard the terms, but do you know what all the values mean, or the difference between them?
Designing an Insulation System? We made it easier for you.
Not sure where to start? This comprehensive and easy-to-follow introduction to the Mechanical Insulation Design Guide is intended for novices and knowledgeable users alike.
The Carbon Credit Life Cycle
Learn the difference between carbon credits and offsets and how the carbon credit process works.
National Association of State Energy Offices (NASEO) Publishes New Report on Energy Efficient and Healthy K-12 Public Schools
This report encourages schools to reduce energy expenditures to free up crucial funds for other budget requirements and to address annual facilities funding gaps.
LEED v5 for the Mechanical Insulation Industry
LEED v5 is scheduled to be released in 2025. Prepare now by learning how it will impact the mechanical insulation industry.
NIA Contractor Members Discuss System Design: Gribbins Insulation & Scaffolding
This industrial project has something for everyone: new construction, reconditioning, extreme weather, site congestion, and scaffolding.