Category Archives: Global

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the White House Office of
Science and Technology Policy, with input from departments and agencies across the federal government, have released The National Blueprint for a Clean & Competitive Industrial Sector (Blueprint). Building on ongoing industrial investments across federal agencies, the Blueprint outlines five strategies within a private-sector-led and government-enabled framework to fuel continued growth of American manufacturing.
This Blueprint lays out a pathway to achieve a low-carbon U.S. industrial sector that is less polluting; more economically competitive; resilient to changing global market conditions; and a contributor to good jobs and revitalization of industrial communities, public health, energy and environmental justice1, and national security.
The industrial sector is diverse and includes manufacturing and non-manufacturing subsectors (agriculture, mining, and construction), which together contribute approximately 38% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.2 This Blueprint focuses on manufacturing because it is the largest consumer of energy and source of emissions within the broader industrial sector.
The objective of the Blueprint is to elicit rapid near-term GHG emissions reductions and expanded economic competitiveness while advancing transformative solutions for the long term. Through collaborations between the U.S. government and owners and operators of manufacturing plants, labor unions, civil society organizations in industrial communities, environmental groups, technology providers, equipment manufacturers, engineering firms, and project developers, the vision of this Blueprint can become a reality. It also aims to promote communication with communities and Tribal nations to ensure all impacted stakeholders have a voice in the transition to co-produce and deploy solutions that generate benefits for all.
The Blueprint establishes five strategies to guide near-term federal government coordination.
Accelerate deployment of commercially available, cost-effective lower carbon solutions in the near term. Commercially available alternatives to high-emitting industrial processes that could achieve a 10% to 15% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 already exist.3 The Pathways to Commercial Liftoff Report4 identifies that approximately another 25% emissions reductions are possible by 2030 by actions outside of industrial facilities through the progressive reduction of GHG emissions from the U.S. power and transportation sectors. Federal government coordination is necessary to accelerate deployment of these technologies, which often face barriers associated with industry inertia, the lack of familiarity with new materials or manufacturing techniques, lack of finance for capital-intensive upgrades, and/or risk avoidance.
Demonstrate emerging solutions at commercial scale to de-risk deployment. Deep emissions reductions in many subsectors will require new large-scale changes to methods of production. The private sector is uniquely positioned to envision and build these commercial first-of-a-kind projects. Although these projects will require significant investment, they will produce a critical knowledge base for the domestic industrial sector and the clean energy research and development community, not only serving as a foundation for establishing the necessary enabling supply chain, permitting, and innovation to expand these technologies to commercial scale, but also allowing the supply chain to remain competitive with overseas players.
Increase data use to drive emissions reductions and efficiency gains that can significantly improve performance and track progress. In recent years, emissions intensity measurement and reporting systems have grown more robust and standardized, enabling manufacturers to accurately track emissions reductions and gain access to growing low-carbon markets. Meanwhile, digital technologies, including emerging forms of sensing, and computational tools are enabling new frontiers in the ways industries manage operations that could lead to efficiency gains that reduce GHG emissions. Hardware tools such as ubiquitous sensors and cyber-physical systems can capture additional data necessary to apply software tools, such as distributed computing, artificial intelligence/machine learning, the Internet of Things, digital twins, and continuous learning. These approaches represent a shift in controls for industrial facilities that was not possible a decade ago.
Innovate and advance research to develop transformative processes and products for deep GHG emissions reductions. Bringing low-emissions industrial processes and materials innovations to market quickly and efficiently means fast-tracking the stages of innovation to maximize the impact of technology investments. The International Energy Agency estimates 55% of emissions reductions technologies necessary to meet net zero are not yet in commercial stage. An example of this is cement, where technologically mature approaches such as use of supplementary cementitious materials or calcined clay can reduce emissions by 30% to 40%, but further reductions will require new processes or products. At each stage of innovation, the government can play an important role. The first stage involves solution discovery of low-emission processes and material innovations, and partnerships with government agencies and research institutions play a crucial role in this phase. Next, the product development phase to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) can leverage agile methodologies, continuous iteration, and collaboration with potential customers. The third phase is the pilot demonstration phase to test the MVP in real-world industrial settings. Finally, in the go-to-market and scale stage, the solution transitions from pilot to full-scale deployment, and can leverage investments through incentives like tax credits, grants, and strategic partnerships.
Integrate across the product life cycle to reduce embodied GHG emissions in industrial products and minimize waste. Establishing standards and evaluation methods to monitor emissions across supply chains, from raw material extraction to end-of-life disposal, can create important efficiencies. Many opportunities to reduce embodied emissions are driven by mitigation opportunities outside the industrial facility fence line. Manufacturers must deepen their understanding of both the upstream and downstream effects associated with all input and output materials. This knowledge is crucial for maximizing circularity within their operations. By doing so, they can extend the lifespan of existing materials and contribute to a more sustainable manufacturing process. Additionally, co-locating with other manufacturers can create opportunities for mutual benefits. It will be important for manufacturers to inform any co-location decisions to ensure partnerships enhance resource efficiency and promote a circular economy. Scaling these efforts will require the advancement of standards and evaluation methods to share data on carbon production and reductions across supply chains.
The Blueprint also details a set of levers, that is, programs available to governments to support this transition: expanding supply-side investments; creating demand-pull; implementing codes, standards, and reporting requirements; ensuring locally defined benefits for workers and communities; developing a common infrastructure; increasing data transparency; and expanding international cooperation. Implementing these levers to achieve the strategies outlined in the Blueprint will translate to substantial improvements in public health, accelerated innovation to support U.S. international competitiveness, reduced GHG emissions, mitigated fiscal and climate risk, expansion of high-paying jobs, more efficient stewardship of U.S. natural resources, renewed investments in industrial communities, and both near- and long-term financial stability. The implementation also aims to strengthen U.S. diplomatic standing and influence international policy to benefit both domestic and global environmental outcomes.

A Call to Action

The industrial sector has historically been referred to as “hard-to-abate.” Although the challenges are real, that understanding is changing. The market for low-carbon materials such as green steel and low-carbon cement is growing. The technologies that producers have available to them to initiate these emissions reductions are being proven at commercial scale. There are innovative deep decarbonization solutions in research and development, attracting new talent to solve these challenges. Whereas the transition will take time, the next few years are vital for building the momentum needed to propel the economy forward over the coming decades. The Blueprint lays out federal actions that would support decarbonization of U.S. industry in line with the U.S. long-term strategy, while ensuring the greatest realization of co-benefits are achieved to strengthen economic prosperity, health, employment, and security across the country. Successful implementation of the programs already in progress, increased interagency cooperation, and a detailed plan with continued private sector engagement are the next steps for putting this Blueprint into action.
To access the DOE’s National Blueprint for a Clean &Competitive Industrial Sector report, visit Disclaimer: This excerpt does not imply endorsement by DOE or the United States Government.

Insulation systems, like all mechanical systems, require periodic inspection and maintenance. While inspection and maintenance are the responsibility of the owner, the fact is that many insulation systems are frequently ignored. With time, insulation systems can be damaged, and the entire system can become ineffective if the damaged areas are not repaired or replaced. Train your employees to perform regular maintenance, and hire insulation contractors for regular inspection and maintenance to prevent this outcome.

Failure to perform inspections and implement a timely maintenance plan carries several risks. On hot systems, missing insulation will result in increased heat loss, which may translate to significant economic losses over time. On cold systems, damaged vapor retarders will lead to increased water vapor intrusion, which can reduce insulation effectiveness, increase the possibility of corrosion, and increase the potential for mold growth. For outdoor systems, damaged or missing weather barriers can allow rainwater entry, which can compromise the effectiveness of the insulation system. Rain and moisture intrusion through open or damaged areas can lead to corrosion under insulation (CUI) for outdoor, hot systems. If an inspection reveals missing or damaged insulation, repairs should be scheduled as soon as possible. Rapid repair is needed for cold systems, where water vapor intrusion can quickly spread.

At a minimum, insulated areas should be inspected annually. Critical systems could require more frequent inspections to ensure continuous operation. Inspection of the external surface should include checking for signs of cracking, distortion, damage, or corrosion; evidence of hot spots on high-temperature systems; and condensation and ice buildup on low temperature systems. When necessary, the external weather barrier should be removed to enable inspection of the insulation and attachments. Infrared video cameras are useful for inspection and should be considered for use after the startup inspection and for ongoing insulation maintenance. Infrared inspection can reduce the need to remove the weather barrier to inspect the insulation.

When removal and replacement of part or all of the insulation system is indicated, re-insulation should be performed in the same manner as specified for the initial installation, unless the nature of the damage suggests that the system was improperly insulated or the materials originally used are now outdated. When determining how much insulation to remove, cut and remove it until you reach undamaged insulation, if that is possible. Care should be taken in removing existing insulation to minimize damage. Temporary protection for adjacent insulation may be required to prevent damage while repairs are underway.

The following sections, “Risk Assessment Discussion” and “Maintenance Checklist,” were created by the National Insulation Association and the National Institute of Building Sciences, and are excerpted from the Mechanical Insulation Design Guide.


  1. Increase in energy costs
  2. Increase in greenhouse gas emissions
  3. Loss of process/production quality and increase in costs
  4. Occurrence of CUI
  5. Development of condensation or ice, depending upon the service temperature
  6. Development of mold or mildew
  7. Decrease in personnel safety
  8. Decrease in personnel productivity
  9. Loss of time spent on other projects
  10. Decline in facility appearance
  11. Decrease in the life and operational efficiency of equipment in the area
  12. Increase in life-cycle cost
  13. Failure to obtain sustainability objectives
  14. Failure to realize return on investment (ROI) estimates

Risk Assessment Discussion

Not maintaining a mechanical insulation system promptly and effectively is associated with risks. Those risks, and the severity of potential consequences, will vary depending upon the service temperature of the operating system on which the insulation is installed, the surrounding environment, ambient conditions, the extent of any damage to the insulation system, the insulation system design, the quality of the installation, the timeline of correcting any damage, and other conditions that may be unique to the area in question. The risks of failing to implement a timely and effective mechanical insulation maintenance plan can be serious.

Each company and individual has their own level of risk tolerance; however, the risk of failing to establish a timely and proper mechanical insulation maintenance plan is real and should not be overlooked or underestimated.

Maintenance Checklist

Upon observing any of the following conditions, a maintenance request/action plan should be implemented to assess the degree of damage, and the damaged area of the insulation system should be repaired or replaced to prevent further damage and avoid additional risk. This list is not presented in order of importance or priority. The list is provided as a guide for individuals evaluating the condition of an installed mechanical insulation system. It is not intended to be all inclusive or to provide sufficient information to act as a stand-alone document that would allow anyone, experienced or inexperienced, to function as an inspector of mechanical insulation systems.

Checking for all of the following occurrences is a good start for a maintenance plan.

  • Damage to or wearing of the outer jacketing/finish of the insulation system (damage could be caused by mechanical abuse, negligence, or weather; or it could simply occur over time)
  • Unsealed penetrations in the insulation system
  • Missing insulation
  • Insulation that has been removed and not yet replaced
  • Insulation supports that are failing or appear not to be working correctly
  • Ice, mold, and mildew on/in the insulation system
  • Condensation
  • Discoloration of the insulation system (other than by dirt)
  • Discoloration of adjacent materials
  • “Fish mouthing” of the outer jacketing seams
  • Missing or loosening of insulation system securements
  • Sagging or pulling away of the insulation system
  • “Hot spots” in the insulation system
  • Appearance of moisture on the insulation system
  • Joints in the insulation that appear to be opening
  • Expansion or contraction joints that appear to be functioning incorrectly
  • Indication of moisture due to condensation on adjacent surfaces—stained ceiling tiles, drips, wet floors, water staining, etc.
  • Insulation system being used in a different environment or service than the original design for the insulation system

With proper attention and maintenance, insulation systems can save a company considerable energy and money, improving process efficiency and equipment life. Mechanical engineers and insulation contractors can play a key role in facilitating regular inspection and maintenance programs to achieve this outcome. Owners/operators should also train all plant operations and maintenance personnel on the importance of looking for and reporting any signs of damage to the insulation system.

If you want your employees to learn more about insulation or become a Certified Thermal Insulation Inspector, visit or

The mechanical engineer is responsible for designing a commercial building’s mechanical system. This includes pipes, ducts, and equipment that distribute energy throughout the building. The objectives for insulating these components could be to save energy, maintain temperature control, protect personnel, or—on below-ambient systems prevent condensation. Most of the time, there are multiple objectives to be met. The design engineer will design and specify the insulation type(s) and thicknesses based on the objectives being considered. This article provides a step-by step approach to designing a mechanical insulation system suitable for a commercial piping project.

Regardless of the type of project, whether hot or cold, indoor or outdoor, large or small, HVAC/R or plumbing, some basic steps should be followed when designing a mechanical insulation system for a commercial project. A project will usually encompass several different applications, and possibly subgroups within an application, each of which will have to be considered separately. Before outlining the steps, a note on the overall design: One should not just specify the type and thickness of insulation to be used, but design a complete system where all the application parameters, environmental conditions, and mechanical codes will be considered, as well as the various components of the system— insulation, jacket, pipe insulation supports, adhesives, coatings, sealants, fasteners, labeling, and more—which all must be compatible and work together to  provide an application that functions efficiently. ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals (2013), Chapter 23, Insulation for Mechanical Systems, provides general guidelines for designing a mechanical insulation system. However, each application should be evaluated based on its individual parameters and local conditions. The North American Commercial & Industrial Insulation Standards Manual (, formerly known as the MICA Manual, goes into more detail and provides insulation design plates where the designer can fill in the type of insulation material. The Mechanical Insulation Design Guide, available at, is another excellent resource for information.

Once the HVAC/R and plumbing requirements for the job have been defined and grouped by category, and the piping has been laid out, one can begin to think more specifically about the mechanical insulation requirements. However, even in this initial phase, the engineer needs to be aware of where each insulation system will be located on the project to allow the necessary space needed (e.g., distance between pipes in a run or along a wall) for the insulation system thickness (i.e., insulation plus all parts of its system, including jacketing or accessories).

The next step is to define why insulation is being installed and what outcome one hopes to achieve by insulating the piping. It is for energy savings, condensation control, maintaining process temperatures, personnel protection, or an acoustical goal? Various sub-systems may need to be broken out for special consideration. This step involves reviewing the layout of all the pipe and tubing sizes, lengths, supports, fittings, flanges, valves, and more.

Next is to identify the process temperatures of the equipment being insulated in the various applications of the job. This will narrow down the choices of insulation materials and help determine the thickness required, although this will not be the only parameter used in determining thickness. NIA’s Insulation Materials Specification Chart NIA-TIC-101 ( is an easy independent resource for reviewing the high- and low-temperature use limits on various insulation materials. Note that the guide is based on ASTM International Specifications, not individual products, so always double-check the manufacturer’s data sheet before finalizing the specific product selection. With a few exceptions, most mechanical insulation materials, although they vary in form (fibrous, cellular, granular) and composition (non-petroleum base and petroleum base) have thermal conductivity values in a relatively narrow range: 0.24–0.30 BTU (hr/sq.ft.-F), as indicated in the Insulation Materials Specification Chart. Density becomes a selection criterion when considering the specifics of how the insulation will be treated. If it is likely to undergo inevitable wear and tear or withstand pressure, then a heavier density might be chosen.

The environmental conditions of each sub-system should be defined next. The environmental conditions are usually straightforward for indoor applications but should not be taken lightly. For example, one should consider whether the conditioned spaces are always temperature- and humidity-controlled or intermittently uncontrolled. In the latter case, they must be regarded as unconditioned or uncontrolled and treated as such.

Outdoor applications involve greater extremes in temperature, humidity, and wind, and will always require some type of abuse or weather protection for the insulation system (e.g., coating, jacketing). In addition, many current mechanical codes require jacketing or coatings on exterior piping for most insulation materials to protect against ultraviolet degradation from the sun and all the other elements insulation is exposed to outdoors (e.g., wind, rain, birds, vermin, foot traffic). The type of protective covering required will depend on these and other environmental and personnel conditions, the expectation of the owner, and the cost, among other considerations.

Typically, the most extreme conditions should be designed for—unless it is completely impractical. When the extreme conditions cannot be designed for, accommodation must be made for when the design conditions are exceeded, particularly when the purpose of the insulation system is condensation control or personnel protection.

The specific insulation system (types) appropriate for a given system can be determined using the pipe and tubing size, process temperature, environmental conditions (e.g., humidity, ambient temperature), and overall goal of insulating the system. Experience and history of local insulation contractors with certain insulation materials should be considered and may also play a role in this selection process. For example, specifying a product that is difficult to obtain or unfamiliar to the local insulation contractors may result in an over-budget project on bid day.

By reviewing the insulation system requirements more closely, one can select the best insulation for the application. Ease of installation (flexibility or rigidity), project conditions, moisture resistance, fire and life safety, the need for a load-bearing component, clean room requirements, compatibility of the insulation and the type of piping being used, pipe and tubing size, cost, and more will all play a role in selecting the best insulation assemblies from the possible materials that meet the mechanical code, system conditions, and environmental condition parameters. Some engineers try to use one type of insulation on an entire project. This approach may diminish performance and may not be the most cost-effective approach. Using different types of insulation on large (over 8”) and small (run-outs) piping —even for lines that are operating at the same temperature and under the same conditions—often provides system advantages in performance and cost if compatibility is considered and the system is designed properly.

Once the insulation type has been established for the specific application, the minimum insulation thickness can be determined by the applicable current local mechanical code, which usually specifies thickness based on pipe and tubing size or process temperature, by either thickness in inches or R-value. Be careful to make sure the specified insulation thickness will meet the mechanical code requirement for the installed condition, not just the nominal manufactured factory thickness. Local mechanical codes vary and should always be double-checked to be sure they are consistent with the project’s site location. The Mechanical Insulation Design Guide ( has several easy-to-use calculators that can assist.

When determining thickness for condensation control or personnel protection, environmental conditions are essential (e.g., ambient temperature and relative humidity). In addition, wind speed and the emissivity of the insulation’s outer surface/jacket (if required) play a key role in determining the thickness of the insulation required to inhibit condensation. Again, the thickness should be calculated based on the most extreme conditions, if possible, or accommodations will have to be made for when the design conditions are exceeded to prevent system failure. In addition to the insulation calculators, NAIMA’s 3E Plus® insulation software program, available at is a valuable tool for determining insulation thickness. For more current product-specific information, many insulation manufacturers have similar programs specific to their products and may provide more accurate, updated information.

Thickness Myths

Also, one note of caution in determining insulation thickness: One of the easiest mistakes to make is to use the thickness recommendations for energy conservation when trying to control external surface condensation. Energy conservation thickness recommendations are not applicable for condensation prevention and can be far below what is required for condensation control in most regions. To avoid a common misstep when designing condensation-prevention systems, make sure to factor in the effect the emissivity of the insulation/jacket will have on the insulation thickness. One of the biggest myths in insulation design is to over-specify thickness instead of a needed moisture vapor retarder/barrier. Increasing the thickness will not replace a vapor-barrier system in condensation-control applications, especially under humid conditions. The proper insulation thickness will prevent exterior surface condensation, while vapor retarders will help prevent moisture migration into/through the insulation and the resulting condensation on the cold substrate surface.

Final Steps

The last step in the process would be to review the entire project, looking at all the applications within to ensure all design elements are working together. The layout should allow for the specified engineered insulation thickness. Take note: The number one complaint of insulation contractors/installers is that there needs to be more space for the pipe insulation system as specified. This error can lead to delays in the installation schedule or reduced insulation, resulting in reduced system performance. All system parts should be specified, including vapor retarder systems/jacketing and vapor dams (where required), pipe and tubing supports, and any other needed materials. It is also important to specify detailed explanations on how to install the insulation in difficult areas such as valves (e.g., use of removable insulation if required) and vessels.

During this step, the issue of aesthetics can also be considered. The system may function properly, but if it does not look good, it could be an issue for the owner. If uniform appearance is a particular concern, it is advisable to specify one brand type within the same room or area. Differences in brand type will likely not be noticeable in different places, but using different types of materials from various manufacturers within one room—while they may perform equally—may not look exactly alike (e.g., color [shade] variation or outer diameters not matching perfectly), which may give the appearance of a “patchwork” installation. Ideally, one manufacturer for each insulation type should be used on each system to ensure compatibility with products such as facings, adhesives, and other related items.

The use of pre-fabricated products (e.g., pre-fabricated fittings, insulation with factory-applied jacketing, or the use of pre-applied adhesive to the insulation/insulation jacket) may be specified for numerous reasons, such as faster installation or better performance. Basic manufacturer installation instructions or recommendations can be part of the specification for each system, as well as a project inspection process detailing when and what should be inspected at various steps during the installation.

Product submittal sheets/data sheets should also be reviewed for compliance with engineering specifications and local code requirements. Current product data sheets should be thoroughly examined to be sure each product is compliant with all regional mechanical insulation codes for the application as well as the requirements of the insulation material standard. To be sure the insulation materials and products used in the project coincide with what was specified, a no-substitution clause can be included in the specification design. This should specify that there will not be a product substitution that could affect performance (note though, this does not mean that there can be no brand substitutions, as long as performance is the same). This will ensure that no product substitutions are allowed unless submitted to the engineer on record in writing. The rationale for the substitution, cost variances, data sheets, and product samples being proposed to be substituted must be supplied and approved 60 days before the installation. This provides assurance that the specified design will perform as intended.

Real Life Note of Caution

Another note of caution: Selecting an old thermal insulation system design from the engineering archives and using a cut-and-paste method to adapt it for new projects may speed up the design process, but it is also fraught with peril because of differing environmental conditions. Similarly, a design for a project that performed well in one region—for example, the cooler Northeast—may not work in the humid Gulf Coast region because of different environmental
conditions or local mechanical insulation codes.
This is particularly true for applications where
condensation control is one of the primary goals
of the insulated pipe and tubing system.


By evaluating the system at this stage of the project, you will ensure that all the materials and accessories in the system are being specified and that all the elements will be compatible and work together to provide the thermal insulation performance on the project. Following the above steps in the order designated, should help ensure the mechanical insulation system will meet the expectations of the project in a long-term, cost-efficient manner. The next step is to get a quality, professional insulation contractor who is experienced and can install the system properly. Many projects specify the requirement of a Certified Insulation Inspector™ to inspect and verify that the installation is done according to the project specification. You can find a Certified Insulation Inspector at

After the installation, there is a need for a maintenance plan or periodic inspection of the installed system to ensure proper maintenance of the system and replacement of damaged insulation, which will keep the system functioning up to expectations.

If you have an existing insulation system that may need to be brought up to code or improved, contact a Certified Insulation Energy Appraisers to receive a report on energy savings and carbon emission reductions available in your facility or plant. Insulation improvements usually pay for themselves in less than a year, freeing up operational funds for the future. You can find Certified Insulation Energy Appraisers at

Field Experience

As a final note, engineers, particularly those newer to the industry, are encouraged to take some time to observe insulation installation in the field. While on site, you are more likely to notice the things that need to be tweaked: the gaps, what is missing, or what is not really working. It is essential to look around at the changes in the application requirements and the products available to meet those requirements. Seeing how systems are installed, and working with insulation contractors, will improve the ability to design the best systems.

In most applications, the primary feature of a thermal insulation material is its ability to reduce heat exchange between a surface and the environment, or between one surface and another surface. This is known as having a low value for thermal conductivity. Generally, the lower a material’s thermal conductivity, the greater its ability to insulate for a given material thickness and set of conditions.

If it is really that simple, then why are there so many different terms, such as k-value, U-value, R-value, and C-value? Here is an overview with relatively simple definitions.


k-value is a material property that changes with temperature—it is simply shorthand for thermal conductivity. The ASTM Standard C168, on terminology, defines the term as follows:

Thermal conductivity, n: the time rate of steady state heat flow through
a unit area of a homogeneous material induced by a unit temperature
gradient in a direction perpendicular to that unit area.

This definition is really not that complex. Let’s take a closer look, phrase by phrase.

Time rate of heat flow can be compared to water flow rate, e.g., water flowing through a shower head at so many gallons per minute. It is the amount of energy, generally measured in the United States in Btus, flowing across a surface in a certain time period, usually measured in hours. Hence, time rate of heat flow is expressed in units of Btus per hour.

Steady state simply means that the conditions are steady, as water flowing out of a shower head at a constant rate.

Homogeneous material simply refers to one material, not two or three, that has a consistent composition throughout. In other words, there is only one type of insulation, as opposed to one layer of one type and a second layer of a second type. Also, for the purposes of this discussion, there are no weld pins or screws, or any structural metal passing through the insulation; and there are no gaps.

What about through a unit area? This refers to a standard cross-sectional area. For heat flow in the United States, a square foot is generally used as the unit area. So, we have units in Btus per hour, per square feet of area (to visualize, picture water flowing at some number of gallons per minute, hitting a 1 ft x 1 ft board).

Finally, there is the phrase by a unit temperature gradient. If two items have the same temperature and are brought together so they touch, no heat will flow from one to the other because they have the same temperature. To have heat flow by conduction from one object to another, where both are touching, there must be a temperature difference or gradient. As soon as there is a temperature gradient between two touching objects, heat will start to flow. If there is thermal insulation between those two objects, heat will flow at a lesser rate.

At this point, we have rate of heat flow per unit area, per degree temperature difference with units of Btus per hour, per square foot, per degree F.

Thermal conductivity is independent of material thickness. In theory, each slice of insulation is the same as its neighboring slice. The slices should be of some standard thickness. In the United States, units of inches are typically used for thickness of thermal insulation, so we need to think in terms of Btus of heat flow, for an inch of material thickness, per hour, per square foot of area, per degree F of temperature difference.

After picking apart the ASTM C168 definition for thermal conductivity, we have units of Btu-inch/hour per square foot per degree F. This is the same as the term k-value.


Typically, this term is used as a 75°F mean temperature comparison for labeled performance rating of building insulation one can buy in a big box store. It is used less frequently for mechanical insulation, but it is still a useful term to understand. Its official designation is thermal resistance. This is how ASTM C168 defines it:

Resistance, thermal, n: the quantity determined by the temperature difference, at steady state, between two defined surfaces of a material or construction that induces a unit heat flow through a unit area.

ASTM C168 then provides an equation, followed by typical units. In the inch-pound units, thermal resistance is measured in degrees F times square feet of area times hours of time per Btus of heat flow.

Most people know that for a given insulation material, the thicker it is, the greater the R-value. For example, for a particular type of insulation board, a 2-inch-thick board will have twice the R-value of the 1-inch-thick board.

Equation 2: R-value = 1 / C-value

If the C-value is 0.5, then the R-value is 2.0. One can calculate it from the equation for C-value in Equation 1 above.

Equation 3: R-value = thickness / k-value

Thus, if the thickness is 1 inch, and the k-value is 0.25, then the R-value is 1 divided by 0.25, or 4 (leaving off the units for brevity).


U-value, known officially as thermal transmittance, this is more of an engineering term used to designate the thermal performance of a system as opposed to a homogeneous material. The ASTM C168 definition is as follows:

Transmittance, thermal, n: the heat transmission in unit time through unit area of a material construction and the boundary air films, induced by unit temperature difference between the environments on each side.

There are a few new terms: the boundary air films and between the environments on each side. The previous definitions did not refer to environments.

The best way to illustrate thermal transmittance or U-value is through an example. Consider the wall of a typical insulated house with nominal 2 x 4 boards (which actually measure about 1-1/2 inches x 3-1/2 inches), spaced 16 inches on center, running vertically. One might see 3/8-inch-thick gypsum wall board on the inside of the wall, with a plastic film vapor barrier separating the gypsum wall board from the wood studs. Fiber glass batts may fill the 3-1/2-inch-wide spaces between the 2 x 4 studs. On the outside of the studs, there might be 1/2-inch-thick polystyrene insulation boards covered with exterior wood sheathing. This example will ignore doors and windows, as well as the k-value and thickness of the plastic sheet used as the vapor barrier.

The calculation of the wall’s U-value is sufficiently complex to be beyond the scope of this article, but the following values must be known (or at least estimated) for its thermal transmittance to be calculated: *

  • C-value of the indoor air film
  • k-value of the 3/8-inch gypsum wall board
  • k-value of the 3-1/2-inch-wide wood studs
  • Spacing between the studs (16 inches, in this case)
  • k-value of the fiber glass insulation batts, as well as their thickness (3-1/2 inches thick)
  • Width of the fiber glass batts (16 inches minus the 1-1/2 inch thickness of the wood studs = 14-1/2 inches)
  • k-value of the polystyrene boards, and their thickness (1/2 inch)
  • k-value and thickness of the wood siding materials
  • C-value of the outdoor air film

* Values for all of the above can be found in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals (2021), Chapter 26, titled: “Heat, Air, and Moisture Control in Building Assemblies—Material Properties. ” Chapters 24 through 27 of the same ASHRAE manual also discuss calculation of the wall’s U-value.

The lower the U-value, the lower the rate of heat flow for a given set of conditions. A well-insulated building wall system will have a much lower U-value, or thermal transmittance, than an uninsulated or poorly insulated system.

To determine a mechanical insulation system’s U-value accurately, one must account for heat transfer through the homogeneous insulation as well as through any breaches and expansion gaps with a different insulation material. There is also the outside air film and occasionally an inside air film.

In reality, many non-homogenous portions are typically unaccounted for. The standard thermal conductivity test procedures typically treat the material as being homogeneous. In real applications, there are joints and sometimes cracks in rigid materials. These inconsistencies make the U-value greater than if the insulation behaved as a homogeneous material.


C-value and U-value are both used to calculate heat loss, typically with building elements, based on performance at 75°F mean temperature. C value is simply shorthand for thermal conductance. For a type of thermal insulation, the C-value depends on the thickness of the material; k-value generally does not depend on thickness (there are a few exceptions not in the scope of this article). How does ASTM C168 define thermal conductance?

Conductance, thermal, n: the time rate of steady state heat flow through a unit area of a material or construction induced by a unit temperature difference between the body surfaces.

ASTM C168 then gives a simple equation and units. In the inch-pound units used in the United States, those units are Btus/hour per square foot per degree F of temperature difference.

The words are fairly similar to those in the definition for thermal conductivity. What is missing is the inch units in the numerator because the C-value for a 2-inch-thick insulation board is half the value as it is for a 1-inch-thick insulation board of the same material. The thicker the insulation, the lower its C-value.

Equation 1: C-value = k-value / thickness


The concepts of k-value, R-value, U-value, and C-value can be summed up in the following rules:

  • The better insulated a system, the lower its U-value.
  • The greater the performance of a piece of insulation, the greater its R-value and the lower its C-value.
  • The lower the k-value of a particular insulation material, the greater its insulating value for a particular thickness and given set of conditions.

These are the properties upon which users of thermal insulation depend for energy savings, process control, personnel protection, and condensation control.

Whether you are looking for a better understanding of insulation or need to design or specify a complex insulation system, NIA’s Mechanical Insulation Design Guide (Design Guide) is a comprehensive, well-organized, and easy-to-use resource. Created to assist the novice and seasoned user alike in the design, selection, specification, installation, and maintenance of mechanical insulation, the Design Guide is continually updated with the most current and complete information.
The Design Guide leads users naturally through the engineering design process, including the  following steps:
  1. Identify the need or define the problem,
  2. Gather pertinent information,
  3. Identify possible solutions,
  4. Analyze and select a solution, and
  5. Communicate the solution.
To assist insulation designers, the Design Guide is divided into sections that answer five basic questions:
  1. Why am I insulating this?
  2. What am I insulating?
  3. Where am I insulating, and what are the ambient design conditions?
  4. What materials and systems are best for this job?
  5. How much will this cost, and what is the best way to implement this solution?
This article provides an overview of the Design Guide’s contents.

Design Objectives

This section helps answer the questions why, what, and where. It discusses the potential design objectives and considerations for mechanical insulation systems. An insulation system can be designed for specific objectives, such as energy conservation or condensation control, or for multiple objectives. To select the right insulation system, you need a clear understanding of the objectives for the finished system.
The most familiar uses of insulation are to reduce heating and cooling loads, and to control noise in building envelopes. However, mechanical insulation is primarily used to limit either heat gain or heat loss from surfaces operating at temperatures above or below ambient temperature. It also may be used for the following design objectives.
Condensation Control
The design problem is best addressed as two separate issues: 1) avoiding surface condensation on the outer surface of the insulation system, and 2) minimizing or managing water vapor intrusion. This section of the Design Guide includes helpful tables on insulation thickness required to prevent condensation, design weather data for condensation control, as well as a design example using an outdoor chilled water supply piping serving a commercial building expansion in Tampa, Florida.
Energy Conservation—Financial Considerations
Mechanical insulation is commonly used to reduce the rate of unwanted heat loss or gain from/to mechanical systems and equipment. There are three primary reasons:
  • To minimize the use of scarce natural resources and their financial expense,
  • To minimize the greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy usage, and
  • To maximize return on investment (ROI) and minimize the life-cycle costs of projects.
Examples in this section include calculating ROI and a simple payback period. The section also focuses on sustainability and green buildings, providing a table on carbon equivalents for various greenhouse gases.
Fire Safety
Mechanical insulation materials are often used as a component in systems or assemblies designed to protect buildings and equipment from the effects or spread of fire (i.e., fire-resistance assemblies). They can include walls, roofs, floors, columns, beams, partitions, ducts, joints, and through-penetration fire stops. This section of the Design Guide highlights relevant codes and standards, and it defines terms such as noncombustible.
Freeze Prevention
Insulation can prolong the time required for freezing or prevent freezing if flow is maintained at a sufficient rate. This section includes information on calculating time required for water to cool in a pipe with no flow and also provides an informative table with time to cool water to freezing based on nominal pipe size and insulation thickness.
Personnel Protection—Safety
In many applications, insulation is provided to protect personnel from hot or cold piping and equipment. In addition, there are safety and comfort concerns related to personnel working in high-temperature, high radiant exposure locations. This section provides relevant standards as well as information related to indoor and outdoor applications, retail considerations, jacketing materials, and more.
Process Control
Insulation systems are often designed to minimize variation of temperatures in processes. This section highlights several common examples, including insulation on tanks or vessels and the use of insulation to minimize temperature change of a fluid from one location to another.
Noise Control
Insulation is often specified on mechanical systems and equipment to control noise within buildings and other facilities. Topics in this section include noise radiating from pipes, noise from ducts, and breakout noise.
Other factors to consider when designing a mechanical insulation system include:
  • Abuse resistance,
  • Corrosion under insulation,
  • Indoor air quality,
  • Maintainability,
  • Regulatory considerations,
  • Service and location, and
  • Service life.

Materials and Systems

In most cases, one can choose from multiple types of mechanical insulation materials for any given application. The Materials and Systems section discusses material categories and provides links to additional information and to the material manufacturers. The list changes continually as existing products are modified, some products are phased out, and new products are developed.
In addition to commonly used materials, this section also describes important performance or physical properties for insulation materials and
associated weather barriers, vapor retarders, and finishes.
The Design Guide categorizes mechanical insulation materials into the following major types (listed alphabetically):
  • Cellular,
  • Fibrous,
  • Flake,
  • Granular (flexible and rigid), and
  • Reflective.
Selecting an insulation material for a particular application requires understanding the physical properties associated with insulation materials. This section provides an overview of 13 properties, from alkalinity to wicking. It also provides links to specific material data, including submittal sheets.


Installation of mechanical insulation is typically managed by experienced contractors who specialize in the mechanical insulation sector of the commercial, industrial, and HVAC sectors of the construction industry. Within this section, the Design Guide covers pre-work considerations, securing methods, finishes, special considerations, and inspection and maintenance.
The Mechanical Insulation Installation Video Series (in English and Spanish) is available to provide a general overview and basic how-to guide for mechanical insulation applications. The complete list is available in NIA’s Online Store and from NIA’s Education Center (

Design Data

This section of the Design Guide contains information on estimating heat loss and gain, controlling surface temperature, determining dimensions of standard pipe and tubing insulation, and estimating heat loss from bare pipe and tubing. Users also will find seven useful tables covering a range of design-related concerns and calculations.


The mechanical insulation specification is an important but often overlooked part of the overall design process. Good specifications should communicate the design objectives, materials, thicknesses, finishes, securements, and other systems requirements. Specific topics covered in this section include formats, methods of specifying, scope of work, specification language, coordination with drawings and other specification parts, as well as ensuring adequate clearance for proper insulation installation and application.

Education on Demand

If you are looking for basic insulation education, the online Mechanical Insulation Basics (formerly known as “Mechanical Insulation Education and Awareness Campaign E-Learning Modules”) series includes practical data and case studies outlining potential energy savings provided by mechanical insulation installation. The course is designed for both industrial and commercial markets utilizing mechanical insulation systems for piping and equipment in both hot and cold applications, refrigeration and other low-temperature piping and equipment applications, as well as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) applications. Subjects include:
  • The principles of understanding energy,
  • What the various types of insulation are,
  • How insulation works,
  • How to design an insulation system and specify materials,
  • How the insulation calculators work and are designed for the unique needs of insulation contractors and engineers, and
  • How to oversee maintenance to keep a facility running smoothly.
The self-paced series is available at through NIA’s Education Center The course is a prerequisite for the Understanding Mechanical Insulation learning program, and NIA offers professional development hours (PDHs) for its completion.

Insulation Calculators

The Design Guide offers access to eight easy-to-use insulation calculators related to various design objectives.
  • Condensation Control Calculator—Horizontal Pipe estimates the thickness of insulation required to avoid condensation on the outer surface of an insulated horizontal steel pipe.
  • Energy Loss Calculator for Equipment (Vertical Flat Surfaces) estimates the heat flow through a vertical flat steel surface (typical of the sides of a large steel tank containing a heated or cooled fluid).
  • Energy Loss Calculator for Horizonal Piping estimates the heat flow through horizontal steel piping.
  • Financial Returns Calculator provides a convenient way to estimate the financial returns related to investments in mechanical insulation. Options include Simple Payback in Years, Return on Investment (ROI), Net Present Value (NPV), and Annual and Cumulative Cash Flow.
  • Estimated Time to Freezing for Water in an Insulated Pipe estimates the time for a long, fluid-filled pipe (no flow) to reach a freezing temperature.
  • Controlling Surface Temperature with Insulation (Personnel Protection) estimates maximum contact exposure time with the outer surface of a horizontal pipe insulation system based on the potential for contact burn injuries.
  • Temperature Drop for Air in an Insulated Duct Calculator estimates the temperature drop (or rise) of air flowing in a duct.
  • Temperature Drop for Fluid in an Insulated Pipe Calculator estimates the temperature drop (or rise) of air flowing in a pipe.

Resources, Case Studies, Glossary, and Update Summary

The Design Guide links to resources from NIA; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers; American Society for Testing and Materials; National Fire Protection Association; Underwriters Laboratories; manufacturers by product type; and many more sources for information. Case studies, a glossary, and a summary of updated notes also are included.

Hosted by NIA, the Voice of the Insulation Industry

The Design Guide was developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences and NIA with contributions from 15 organizations, 60 manufacturers and fabricators, and 12 contractors, as well as the involvement of more than 100 individuals. The Design Guide is an unbiased, comprehensive, living resource to assist engineers, specifiers, facility owners, insulation contractors, and other users of mechanical insulation systems with a wide range of industrial and commercial applications.
NIA is committed to being the insulation industry’s leader in education. Through access to this comprehensive guide, NIA continues to pave the way to improve the quality of insulation systems nationwide. Results show the value and ROI of having properly engineered, installed, and maintained mechanical insulation systems that conserve energy, reduce emissions, improve processes and productivity, reduce life-cycle costs, and protect personnel.
The Design Guide can be accessed at

NIA is proud of the professionalism, creativity, and artistry of our Contractor members. To celebrate the craftsmanship of NIA mechanical and industrial insulation contractors, in 2023 we unveiled the first-ever NIA Insulation Project Art Gallery Showcase and Competition. We invited all NIA insulation contractors to submit photographs and a brief description of projects representing their most creative and artistic efforts. At Fall Summit, we posted all the submissions anonymously, and attendees voted for the top three projects in terms of number of parts insulated, aesthetics, difficulty of installation, and well-installed application. As a regular column, we have profiled the projects submitted, focusing this month on Gribbins Insulation & Scaffolding. We encourage NIA Contractor members to participate in the Insulation Project Art Gallery Showcase and Competition, and possibly be featured in future articles.


Insulation Contractor: Gribbins Insulation & Scaffolding
Industry Segment: Industrial
Type of Plant/Facility: Petroleum
Temperature Range: High-Temperature System
Region: Midwest
System/Application Type: Hot Oil Tank and Vessels
Insulation Materials: 
  • Hot Oil Tank – Polyisocyanurate, Dow
  • Horizontal Vessels – Mineral Fiber, ROCKWOOL ROXUL
  • Hot Oil Tank – 0.024 Aluminum, RIDGLOK® Pre-Fabricated
  • Panel System
  • Horizontal Vessels – 0.024 Aluminum Sheeting, RIDGLOK
  • Pre-Fabricated Panel System
Insulation Support:
  • Hot Oil Tank – Cable Design, Locking Seam Panels, RIDGLOK
  • Removable Insulation Covers, Fit Tight Covers
  • Fasteners – Aluminum Banding, Screws, Pins


Project Description and Goals

The project involved reconditioning an existing oil tank and insulation of newly installed horizontal tanks and piping at a petroleum plant. Gribbins was responsible for installing insulation and lagging on two horizontal vessels, as well as installing a prefabricated insulated vertical panel system on a crude oil tank.

Project goals were heat conservation and personnel protection. For personnel safety, insulation was required to bring the outside surface temperature of the system below OSHA maximum limits.


The project presented several physical challenges, one of which was site congestion. As shown in Photos 1 and 2, the crude oil tank to be insulated was virtually surrounded by obstacles, including adjacent tanks, motors, pumps, and stairs. The Gribbins insulation crews needed 100% hands-on access to the tank, while maintaining 8 to 12 inches of clearance from the face. This required a highly skilled team to design and construct scaffolding around the tank for safe access. For this aspect of the project, Gribbins was a logical choice, as industrial and commercial scaffolding is a core capability of the company, which has its own scaffolding division.

Site crowding also meant there was limited space for storage of materials and tools (see Photo 3), which required coordination among the multiple trades working on site. Gribbins was able to create temporary material storage on the scaffolding while working on the tank head (see Photo 4).

In addition, the weather presented a physical challenge: extreme heat. Project Foreman Bill White notes, “The biggest obstacle we faced was beating the heat/humidity and keeping our guys hydrated and happy in direct sunlight all day while wearing fire-retardant clothing.” To accomplish that, the team followed the tenets of the company’s safety program, fending off heat exhaustion and other complications by scheduling frequent breaks, making hydration a priority, and covering the topic in its routine on-site safety coordination meetings. As Gribbins Safety Director Adam Mayer explains, “With heat being our major obstacle, we provided our employees with proper training on how to recognize and identify the signs/symptoms related to heat stress/exposure. We mitigated heat exposure by requiring employees to take additional breaks throughout the shift and provided ample shaded and air-conditioned areas on site. Additionally, we supplied workers with cold water and hydration drinks to replace electrolytes, fluids, and sugars.”

Finally, along with the physical challenges, the customer described an additional issue they hoped the installation could address: Workers would need access to the interior of the large tank periodically for maintenance inspections.

The Gribbins Solution

As noted above, the project involved both new construction (two horizontal vessels/deaerator tanks) and the reconditioning of an existing hot oil storage tank. Although both elements were insulation installations, the differences between the structures and their applications meant that different approaches—and different solutions—were required. Gribbins Project Foremen Bill White and Rick Champell made sure that both sets of requirements were met.

Table 1 offers an overview of insulation system components, as well as product types and brands used.

Horizontal Vessels – New Construction

To address the customer’s goals for the horizontal vessels, Gribbins installed mineral wool insulation for heat conservation under 0.024 aluminum jacketing. At that thickness, the aluminum provided protection and support for the insulation underneath, while also providing aesthetic appeal. Banding was used for securement on the body jacketing, and screws with washers were used on the heads. Photos 5 through 7 show the results of the installation.

Hot Oil Storage Tank – Reconditioning

This part of the project required not only expertise in insulation installation but also in scaffolding design, installation, safe use, and dismantling. Gribbins uses industry-specific software to assist in scaffold design, considering critical factors including site conditions, access points, load capacity, and work scope. For this job, they utilized a cuplock scaffolding system for its quick assembly and versatility. The modular design, combined with the unique cup and blade locking mechanism, allows for rapid installation and easy customization to suit a variety of structure heights, shapes, and sizes. Figures 1 and 2 show the design.

Of course, design is just the first step. Gribbins maintains a team of trained, professional scaffold erectors qualified to assemble and maintain scaffolding safely during project performance, and then dismantle and remove it safely once the job is finished. Photos 8 and 9 show how Gribbins used the scaffolding to complete the complicated installation.

For the hot oil tank, Gribbins installed a dual system: polyisocyanurate insulation to limit heat transfer, with the same pre-fabricated RIDGLOK 0.024 aluminum sheet jacket. Richard Daugherty, Industrial Accounts Manager with Gribbins, explains, “Utilizing tank panels offers numerous benefits. They are less labor intensive, are cost-effective, and provide a longevity of up to 12 years for the insulation panel system.” These benefits notwithstanding, installation was not simple. As Foreman Bill White puts it, after the extreme heat, “The next challenge was getting the panels in place, then stacking the second layer and aligning the laps properly using pulleys, ropes, clamps, and good old-fashioned teamwork and communication.” Photos 10 and 11 show what the system looked like as it was being installed, giving a clear picture of why experienced, trained crews were critical to getting the job done safely and correctly.

To accommodate the additional need for worker access to the tank interior without compromising or interfering with the RIDGLOK insulation system, Gribbins coordinated with the customer to have a 4” C-Channel over a 10’ x 10’ opening, shown in Photo 12. Gribbins then had Fit Tight Covers removable insulation covers fabricated for the opening.

Safety Focus

Between the complexity of the scaffolding work and the extreme heat, this project could have been high risk for on-the-job injury or illness. A Platinum-Level NIA Safety Excellence Award winner for the past 5 years running, and certified by the Coalition for Construction Safety, Gribbins counts safety among its core values (along with integrity, quality, and service). Company founder, Jim Gribbins, was ahead of his time in 1999 when he hired a Safety Director. Now, the company has two full-time professional safety personnel in its safety department: the Safety Director and a Safety Coordinator. They spend the majority of their time on jobsites, working with project managers, supervisors, and crews to ensure that everyone is focused on safety in the performance of their work. The company’s many safety awards are truly earned in the field, on projects like this one, where Gribbins employees perform their tasks under a range of challenging conditions safely and efficiently.

Project Takeaways

The importance of a safety culture cannot be overstated, particularly in a complex project like this one, but there are several other key takeaways:
  • Safety = Quality and Efficiency
    Adhering to safety standards does not mean sacrificing efficiency. Gribbins project foremen observe that the crews’ ability to follow the instructions and standards provided actually facilitated on-time delivery of a high-quality long-term result.
  •  The Value of a Trusted Professional
    Working with a professional contractor you can trust yields benefits all through the process. In this case, consulting with Gribbins in design of the tank access point allowed the customer to get the opening for routine maintenance they need without compromising the integrity of the insulation system. Additionally, this project required not only expertise in insulation installation, but also the skills and experience to design, construct, use, and dismantle the scaffolding needed for the install.
  • Communication Is Vital to Project Success
    Communication should include all parties involved—e.g., engineers and owners consulting with the insulation contractor on how to meet design objectives; holding pre-construction meetings with all contractors before a project starts to ensure proper scheduling and job execution; and incorporating continued communication throughout project performance to identify and mitigate any potential risks early and keep the project running smoothly.

As Gribbins President Brian Willett sums it up, “This project exemplifies our commitment to delivering top-notch insulation solutions for various industries, thereby contributing to energy efficiency and the well-being of workers. The work performed on vessels and tanks stands as a testament to our dedication to safety, quality, and efficiency in the field.”

Strength in Numbers

Gribbins Insulation & Scaffolding was responsible for project performance and ultimate
customer satisfaction. At the same time, as we have seen with other projects featured in this series, many of the insulation products used were made and/or fabricated by other
NIA members, including the following:

About Gribbins Insulation & Scaffolding

Founded in 1985, Gribbins Insulation & Scaffolding has grown into a leading commercial and industrial mechanical insulation and scaffolding contractor. The company specializes in insulating mechanical and process systems—such as piping, ductwork, and special equipment—for a wide variety of facilities, including hospitals, schools, power plants, and manufacturing buildings. To better serve its customers, and meet their growing needs, Gribbins launched its scaffolding division in 2021.

Integrity, quality, safety, and service are at the core of everything they do. The company’s mission is to maximize customer satisfaction by providing the highest level of safety, quality, and productivity, leading to optimum employee fulfillment and company profit.

With multiple locations across Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, and Ohio, Gribbins primarily operates throughout the Midwest, although the company’s extensive project portfolio spans states including Texas, Michigan, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana, North Carolina, Florida, and even
the Bahamas.

For more information, please visit

Walking through a mechanical room, you are surprised to find a small puddle on the floor  in front of you. “How did that get there?” you wonder, as you start looking around for the source. Something catches your eye, and you see a drop of water falling from above you. Does the roof have a leak? Did someone spill something above you?

Wait, is that pipe sweating?

Water vapor is part of the air around you, as water moves through the water cycle, and it is an important part of transferring heat and energy around the world.1 All air has some water vapor in it, meaning it is always present in the air around your mechanical systems. Given the right conditions, this water vapor will condense into a liquid and will greatly affect the performance of your system.

To determine whether the conditions will lead to condensation, knowledge of the relative humidity and dew point are key. The amount of moisture in the air can be measured by the relative humidity (sometimes abbreviated “RH”), defined as the percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapor that air at that temperature could hold. For instance, in Las Vegas, Nevada, the most arid of the major cities in the United States, the average relative humidity is only 30%, meaning that, on average, only 30% of the maximum amount of water vapor at that temperature is held in the air. Most major U.S. cities average about 70% relative humidity. See Figure 1 for a sample.2

The dew point is the temperature at which water vapor in the air condenses into a liquid. The higher the relative humidity, the closer the dew point will be to the temperature of the air. Conversely, the lower the relative humidity, the cooler the dew point temperature is. For instance, at 68°F and 70% relative humidity, the dew point is 58°F, while at that same 68°F temperature and only 30% relative humidity, the dew point is a crisp 35°F.3

If a surface is below the dew point temperature, the air around it will cool, and the water vapor will condense into a liquid on the surface. Thus, maintaining the surfaces of below-ambient mechanical systems above the dew point temperature is paramount to controlling the formation of condensation.

Condensation: Raining Indoors

Below-ambient systems—such as chilled water, refrigeration, and cool air duct systems—are highly susceptible to the formation of condensation on their surfaces. With surface temperatures far below the average indoor dew point, these systems can quickly perspire and create enough condensation to form indoor rain.

Take, for example, the conditions in Figure 2: a 40°F chilled water pipe in a warm, humid space with relative humidity of 75%. The water vapor molecules in the 80°F air will condense into a liquid, as the surface temperature (Ts) of 40°F is far below the dew point of 72°F of the space.

This is obviously not an acceptable condition for a system, but what can be done to prevent it from happening?

Preventing Condensation: Use Insulation!

Keeping the surface temperature above the dew point, 72°F in the example, is of the utmost importance in preventing condensation. Adding insulation in the proper thickness to the system not only saves energy by preventing heat gains throughout the system, but it also raises the surface temperature above the dew point (Figure 3). However, if the insulation is porous, the water vapor can still find its way through the insulation and will condense on the cold surface of the pipe, regardless of the insulation thickness. If using a porous insulation material, a vapor retarder is necessary to prevent the water vapor from passing through the insulation and condensing.

These principles also hold true for duct systems. As air-conditioning systems not only cool the space but also remove humidity, condensation control is important with duct systems. The correct insulation thickness, with vapor retarder, if necessary, will prevent condensation formation on the duct surfaces, just like the below-ambient piping systems.

Why Is Condensation Forming, Even with Insulation?

Even after a system is insulated, condensation may still form as a result of a miscalculation or poor installation. If the mechanical system designer does not take the extreme humidity conditions of the space into account, or the system functions outside the normal design parameters, the insulation thickness will not be enough to make up for the increase in water vapor in the air, and condensation will form as the surface temperature falls below the dew point. The insulation also must be installed correctly: Any gap in insulation, or any small opening in the vapor retarder, will lead to condensation and must be sealed immediately.

In order to control condensation within a below-ambient system, an insulation material with low water vapor permeability must be chosen to prevent water vapor from passing through the material and condensing on the system. The proper thickness must be determined from the worst-case conditions in the space and can be confirmed with industry or manufacturers’ calculation tools. With the right thickness, low water vapor permeability, and proper installation, a system will be protected from the effects of condensation.

The Problem with Condensation

Condensation in a mechanical system does not just bring the nuisance of dripping water; it can also lead to devastating effects to the insulation or system itself. Moisture ingress is the absorption of water in a porous material that leads to an increase in thermal conductivity and the deterioration of the insulation system. Corrosion under insulation (CUI) can form when water gets trapped between the system and the insulation, heavily corroding the metal underneath. With the presence of water and a food source, mold is apt to follow any condensation that forms in the system.

Moisture Ingress: Soaking up Water Like a Sponge

Porous insulation materials rely on a vapor retarder to protect from water vapor accumulation. Unfortunately, these vapor retarders are not completely impenetrable and often get nicked or torn open during the regular maintenance process, or they are not completely sealed during installation due to difficult configurations or space constraints. With any gap in the vapor retarder, water vapor will start accumulating between the voids like a sponge soaking up water. For every 1% increase in moisture content in the material, a 7.5% loss in thermal value can be expected. After all the voids are filled, condensate will start to accumulate on the exterior surface of the insulation and the system itself, forming a thermal bridge with a thermal conductivity of water (4.1 Btu/(hr. °F. ft2/in) at 75°F mean
temperature). This thermal bridge causes large heat gains within the below-ambient system as the wet insulation allows heat to conduct to the system. When this occurs, the insulation that was used to prevent heat gain is now accelerating it, dropping the system efficiency precipitously. The water being held in close proximity of the system also can lead
to other issues, affecting the material you were trying to protect in the first place (see Figure 4 through Figure 6).

Corrosion Under Insulation

As alluded to earlier, one issue that can result from moisture ingress is CUI, or the formation of corrosion on the system surface when water is trapped between the surface of the system and the insulation. While CUI can form because of a system failure (leaks) or improper weather protection, it can also occur when condensation finds its way to the surface of a pipe through a break in the vapor barrier. Moisture ingress in porous materials can lead to CUI, as the insulation holds onto the water right next to the system itself, wrapping the metal with a wet covering and providing the means to form corrosion. CUI also can form if the water vapor finds a gap in the vapor barrier and proceeds to condense under the insulation. Any system that is subjected to corrosion will not operate as expected, as the metal starts degrading, and the maintenance cost of replacing the damaged system increases. Left alone long enough, this corrosion may lead to a complete failure of the system and the potential for catastrophic events.


Mold is various types of fungi that can grow on almost any surface that stays between 32°F and 120°F (optimally between 70°F and 90°F) with no air flow and that is damp with moisture.4 If condensation forms within the insulation and the insulation stays damp, it creates the perfect environment for mold growth to begin, often without any trace on the outside of the insulation. The mold can then propagate throughout the insulation and start to form on the surface, where it can travel throughout the air space and cause overall poor air quality within the space, potentially leading to allergies, rashes, and asthma attacks.

Conclusion: Do it Right the First Time

With below-ambient systems, condensation formation is always a risk. If the system is not insulated correctly, moisture ingress, CUI, and mold will soon follow the first drop of condensation. Not only will the insulation have to be replaced if the condensation formation is not identified in time, but the system piping, ductwork, or other components—along with any surrounding equipment that the condensation was dripping on—will have to be replaced as well. It is important to make sure the system is insulated with the right thickness of insulation so that the surface temperature is always above the dew point, and to use a complete vapor barrier to avoid condensation risks.

2. Relative Humidity Averages in US Cities – Current Results
4. Michael Pugliese, The Homeowner’s Guide to Mold, Reed Construction Data, Inc ©2006

NIA is proud of the professionalism, creativity, and artistry of our Contractor members. To celebrate the craftsmanship of NIA mechanical and industrial insulation contractors, in 2023 we unveiled the first-ever NIA Insulation Project Art Gallery Showcase and Competition. We invited all NIA insulation contractors to submit photographs and a brief description of projects representing their most creative and artistic efforts. At Fall Summit, we posted all the submissions anonymously, and attendees voted for the top three projects in terms of number of parts insulated, aesthetics, difficulty of installation, and well-installed application. As a new regular column, we will profile the projects submitted, focusing this month on Kerco, Inc. We encourage NIA Contractor members to participate in the 2024 Insulation Project Art Gallery Showcase and Competition to possibly be featured in future articles.


Insulation Contractor: Kerco, Inc. (
Industry Segment: Industrial
Type of Plant/Facility: Cold Storage Warehouse
Temperature Range: Below-Ambient System (-40°F to 25°F)
Region: Southwest
System Designed/Application Type: Ammonia Refrigeration System
Insulation Materials (in Process Room and Engine Room):
  • Type–Polyisocyanurate
  • Manufacturer–DUNA-USA
  • Fabricator–Insul-Therm
  • International, Inc.
  • Interior–PVC (in various colors)
  • Exterior (on roof)–.024 white aluminum with 3/4” stainless steel banding (no screws or staples)
Vapor Barrier: 
  • Type–Mylar Vapor Barrier
  • Brand–Childers

Project Description and Goals

The project involved insulating a refrigeration system for a new cold storage warehouse/process facility operating at below-ambient temperatures ranging from -40⁰F to 25⁰F. Pipes and equipment to be insulated run ammonia (-40⁰F and -25⁰F) and glycol (25⁰F), with temperatures on the piping schedule as follows:

  • Blast and cell freezer at -35⁰F,
  • Freezer at -10⁰F,
  • Dock at 10⁰F, and
  • Glycol at 25⁰F.

Goals of the project were to achieve energy savings by optimizing process efficiency (minimizing heat loss/gain in the system) and to control condensation. In addition, the customer sought to make the complex refrigeration system easier for maintenance personnel to work with by clearly delineating different process lines and temperatures, which offered the additional benefit of enhancing personnel safety.


Sometimes the strengths of a project also present its greatest challenges. James Kerco, President of Kerco, Inc., has been in the commercial and industrial mechanical insulation industry for more than 45 years. He says, “The project was extremely well engineered, using colored PVC jacketing indoors to signify the temperature or type of system being insulated by color.” In the dock area, for example, colors were used to indicate the purpose of each pipe—condensate drain, hot gas line, refrigeration line, etc. (see Photo 1). If system repairs need to be made in the future, the colors will make it easy to isolate the line in question. While this simplifies things for facility maintenance personnel, it created a challenge for insulation installation: More than half a dozen colors were to be used, and the right color of jacketing needed to be applied to each pipe and piece of equipment insulated (along with the usual considerations, such as appropriate thickness, etc.).

System Design

Inside the facility, Kerco used polyisocyanurate insulation, with a mylar vapor barrier, applied to pipes and vessels. For condensation control, as well as process efficiency, Kerco personnel ensured insulation was installed at the correct thickness for the specific application, given the temperature of the individual pipes and the ambient temperature of the room where they were located. They used a staggered joint approach, with vapor barrier mastic applied to all seams and joints. Per specifications (and industry best practice), they applied vapor stops and expansion joints, and back-filled all voids with foam. MICA Plate 1-660 illustrates the approach they followed (see Figure 1). “We like to get [the MICA plate] on site to show how we will insulate and seal the pipe, and to educate the end user and the engineer,” James Kerco explains. “It is so important to insulate and seal particular types of insulation systems correctly. You miss one step, and you ruin the entire refrigeration system. The system can be completely destroyed within a year or two” because it was not insulated, or was not insulated properly. In contrast, Kerco adds, a sound insulation system will perform to expectations for so long that “by doing it correctly once, you don’t have to do it again.”

In both the process room and the engine room, pipes and vessels were color-coded using .030 PVC jacketing to indicate the temperature or type of system insulated (see Photo 2). The goal was for facility personnel to be able to walk into the engine room, for example, and know even from a distance what system/temperature each pipe or piece of equipment is.

As noted earlier, this feature presented a real test for the installation group, who had to “meet the challenge that all the PVC went on correctly on each system, making sure nothing was mislabeled,” James Kerco describes. To make sure the correct colors went on each piece insulated—while ensuring the correct insulation thickness was applied to each piping system—Kerco personnel insulated one system at a time, “working hand-in-hand with the refrigeration contractors” so everything was accurate.

Kerco also insulated exterior lines on the roof that provide service to the freezers, blast cells, and dock area (see Photo 3). They used .024 aluminum (painted white), with ¾ inch white stainless steel banding. The banding was essential. James Kerco notes, “You can’t use staples or screws in refrigeration jobs because you would violate the integrity of the vapor barrier. That’s the number one item that needs preservation. If that’s defeated, the system will fail.”

Table 1 offers an overview of insulation system components, listed by location.

The “Wow” Factor

James Kerco says that when facility personnel walked through the finished product, “Everyone was starstruck because of all the different colors—especially the refrigeration plant engineer and operating engineer for the refrigeration system.” Instead of the typical all-white system with labels indicating what ran inside each pipe, at what process temperature, “everything was color-coded, and they understood immediately what the colors meant.” In the end, while the use of color required that extra level of attention to detail during installation, the results were more than worth it in terms of immediate customer satisfaction and the long-term benefits of ease of maintenance and personnel safety.

Emphasis on Safety

James Kerco also stresses that completing a project on time, within budget, and achieving all the customer’s objectives is only part of the job. It is also vital that “we make sure all our employees go home safe at night.” In the pursuit of that mission, Kerco, Inc. is a 2023 NIA Safety Star™, awarded a Bronze Safety Excellence Award in April. As part of the company’s safety plan, in addition to attending regular general safety training and on-site project safety meetings, all Kerco field personnel are specifically trained on the equipment (e.g., forklift operation) and tasks they perform, and all are OSHA 10 certified; superintendents are OSHA 30 certified; and craftsmen and staff alike are trained in CPR. On this project, Kerco’s commitment meant that not only was the customer satisfied, but all Kerco employees were safe at the end of the day.

Project Takeaways

Many aspects of work performance contributed to the project’s success, but the takeaways listed below stand out as elements that are applicable to all insulation projects, whether new construction or upgrades.

  • Communication Is Key. While coordinating schedules among different trades often can be a challenge with new construction projects, James Kerco says that working with the general contractor/refrigeration contractor kept everything running smoothly on this job. He notes, “Communication went well. Everyone knew what had to be done, and we were able to apply the insulation quite well without interruption.”
  •  Start with a Sound Design and Install per Best Practices. A well-engineered, well-specified plan executed by well-trained, experienced personnel following industrybest practices virtually guarantees that project goals will be met or exceeded.
  • Planning Ahead Lowers Risk—and Stress. To ensure that all the materials were available in time, Kerco preordered those that typically require longer lead times, such as the white-painted jacketing used on the roof (which needed to be fabricated).
  • Strength in Numbers. This project offers a real-world example of NIA President Jack Bittner’s theme, Strength in Numbers, as Kerco coordinated with fellow NIA member Insul-Therm International, Inc. ( for fabrication of the polyisocyanurate insulation for the pipes and fittings, which was manufactured by NIA Associate member DUNA-USA (

Energy Savings

James Kerco observes that although insulation is often among the last products considered, it is one of the most critical parts of a project, especially when it comes to energy savings. He notes, “We’ve been the energy people since insulation began. We were at the forefront when we initially began insulating pipes. We were conserving energy from Day 1.” Now, as so many in government and industry are looking for ways to achieve sustainability, that is a message worth repeating.

About Kerco, Inc.

Kerco is an industry leader in effectively utilizing 21st Century technology to better serve its clients. Using the latest in computer technology, the company can produce fast, accurate, and detailed on-site bids that take into account individual requirements, applicable government regulations, and clients’ design objectives. Kerco’s seasoned craftsmen provide the highest levels of service and technical support in the installation and maintenance of energy retention systems that impede heat gain or loss. For more information, visit


In a world where taking care of our environment is becoming more crucial, the United States is at a crossroads. People worldwide are coming together to tackle big issues like climate change, extending resources, and managing waste.

This article dives into why sustainability matters and how waste-to-energy (WTE) plants could be a possible solution to the U.S. waste crisis.

The Waste Crisis in America

The trash situation in the United States has become a significant issue, contributing to a global challenge. Despite being home to only 4% of the world’s population, the United States produces more than 12% of the planet’s total trash, according to Environment America.

In 2018 alone, the United States disposed of a staggering 292 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW), as reported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. That number has only increased since.

This type of waste includes materials thrown away by households, businesses, and institutions like schools and libraries. To put it in perspective, each American discards about 4.9 pounds of trash every day, accumulating to nearly 1,800 pounds of waste per person annually.

The concerning part is that a substantial portion of this waste, about 62%, either ends up in landfills or is burned in incinerators. This means that a considerable amount of our waste is not being effectively managed or repurposed, contributing to environmental challenges.

Why is this a problem? The excessive generation of trash poses several issues for the environment.

Landfills take up valuable space, leading to deforestation and habitat loss. Additionally, burning waste in incinerators releases harmful pollutants into the air, impacting air quality and contributing to climate change. The sheer volume of discarded materials also highlights a wasteful use of resources, as many items that could be reused or recycled end up being disposed of in ways that harm the planet.

Addressing the trash crisis in the United States is essential for creating a more sustainable future. It involves not only reducing the amount of waste generated, but also adopting responsible waste management practices, such as recycling and WTE initiatives.

The Rise of Waste-to-Energy Plants

The need for sustainable energy in America goes beyond producing energy without emitting greenhouse gases from fossil fuels. It involves diversifying our energy sources, lessening reliance on imported fuels, and fostering economic development and job opportunities in various sectors. By prioritizing sustainable energy, we aim to create a cleaner environment, enhance energy security, and trigger economic growth through the expansion of job markets in crucial industries.

To address the dual challenge of managing our ever-increasing waste and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, we must have an innovative solution. This is where the concept of WTE plants emerges as a beacon of hope. WTE plants are innovative facilities that turn waste into usable energy, offering a sustainable alternative to normal waste disposal methods.

In the United States, where a whopping 390 million tons of waste is produced each year, WTE plants offer a way to responsibly manage the leftover waste after recycling and composting.

Case Study: Reworld Waste’s Impact

Reworld Waste LLC, previously known as Covanta, a leader in the field, operates state-of-the-art WTE facilities that redirect waste from landfills, harnessing its energy potential through the combustion of MSW (Multiple Solid Waste). The innovative process transforms remaining waste, post-recycling, into electricity for homes and businesses, or steam exported to industries. This high-tech, advanced approach to waste disposal not only provides a viable energy source but also addresses environmental concerns by significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane.

Landfills, as identified by NASA scientists, are recognized as significant methane emitters; and methane is 84 times more potent than CO₂ as a climate-warming gas.

Reworld’s WTE facilities make a substantial impact annually:

  • They reduce 21 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • They continuously power more than 1 million homes.
  • They recycle an impressive 600,000 tons of metal.

The process involves taking non-hazardous waste, otherwise destined for landfills, and combusting it to generate steam for electricity production. The ash produced undergoes processing to recover metal for recycling, while gases are carefully collected, filtered, and cleaned to minimize environmental impact. While it sounds simple, it is an intricate process that requires advanced technology and precision, and expertise mastered by Reworld.

The benefits of WTE extend beyond efficient waste disposal:

  • It is recognized as a technology that actively mitigates climate change.
  • WTE facilities are unique in reducing greenhouse gases, playing a crucial role in addressing climate change—e.g., for every ton of municipal solid waste processed, Reworld reduces greenhouse gases by up to 1 ton.
  • WTE facilities provide reliable energy to power more than 1 million homes 24/7.
  • The process recovers more than 600,000 tons of metal each year for recycling, equivalent to the steel needed for more than 450,000 automobiles.

Reworld’s commitment to sustainable practices and cutting-edge technology highlights a significant step towards a cleaner, more environmentally responsible future.

Environmental Benefits of Waste-to-Energy Plants

Utilizing WTE plants instead of landfills brings numerous advantages.

Reducing Landfill Waste: WTE initiatives play a crucial role in cutting down the amount of waste sent to landfills. Up to 80% of materials in landfills potentially could be reused or recycled. Diverting this material to WTE plants prevents it from causing harm by releasing toxic substances into water, soil, and air.

Generating Massive Energy: Well-planned WTE plants can generate significant amounts of energy, powering the creation of heat and electricity. Recognizing that waste cannot be entirely eliminated, these initiatives provide a second life to waste materials, transforming them into essential resources for human survival.

Environmentally Sound Process: The WTE process itself is environmentally friendly. It operates without relying on fossil fuels or non-renewable resources. WTE plants can even sustain themselves, producing energy while preventing the release of greenhouse gases. According to TRVST, an environmental organization, the power generated from WTE plants has the potential to save the use of 200,000 barrels of oil annually.

Mechanical Insulation’s Role in Waste-to-Energy Plants

In the journey toward a greener and more sustainable future in the United States, mechanical insulation companies like MC&I, Inc. play a crucial role by manufacturing energy-reducing storage tank insulation systems. One of the key ways MC&I, Inc. contributes to this mission is through insulating such tanks in the WTE sector. These storage tanks are utilized for a variety of applications, such as fire protection storage water that feeds a wet sprinkler system in the facility, or for cooling water used in the process.

Why is this important?

Mechanical insulation for storage tanks in WTE plants serves as a cornerstone for environmental responsibility. By providing efficient thermal protection from the atmospheric elements, products like MC&I’s RIDGLOK® Vertical Standing Seam Panel Insulation Systems contribute to the overall effectiveness of these plants, maintaining optimal temperatures and conditions within the storage tanks to make the process even more eco-friendly. Well-insulated tanks help optimize the energy production process, making it more efficient and environmentally friendly.

This commitment to insulation aligns with the broader goal of creating a sustainable America. It is not just about converting waste into energy, but doing so in a way that minimizes environmental impact and lowering energy costs.

The mechanical insulation industry—together with companies like MC&I, Inc. and Reworld—is shaping a future where innovation and environmental consciousness go hand in hand, creating a more sustainable and greener America.

1. Environment American:,such%20as%20universities%20and%20libraries
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:,25%20million%20tons%20were%20composted.
3. Reworld’s Renewable Energy Recovery:
4. Reworld’s Waste-to-Energy Virtual Tour:

NIA is proud of the professionalism, creativity, and artistry of our Contractor members. To celebrate the craftsmanship of NIA mechanical and industrial insulation contractors, in 2023 we unveiled the first-ever NIA Insulation Project Art Gallery Showcase and Competition. We invited all NIA insulation contractors to submit photographs and a brief description of projects representing their most creative and artistic efforts. At Fall Summit, we posted all the submissions anonymously, and attendees voted for the top three projects in terms of number of parts insulated, aesthetics, difficulty of installation, and well-installed application. As a new regular column, we will profile the projects submitted, focusing this month on 3rd Place Winner, Argus Contracting, LLC. We encourage NIA Contractor members to participate in the 2024 Insulation Project Art Gallery Showcase and Competition, and possibly be featured in a future article.


Insulation Contractor: Argus Contracting, LLC

Industry Segment: Industrial

Type of Plant/Facility: Natural Gas Distribution Facility

Temperature Range: N/A (Thermal protection was not a consideration for this project)

Region: Southern California

System Designed/Application Type: Sound Suppression and Corrosion Prevention

Project Description and Goals

A natural gas distribution facility sought to reduce the sound from its pipes, vessels, and equipment. In operation for more than 40 years, it saw the surrounding area’s growth and development lead to residential construction over the years. The facility had tried several different methods to reduce production acoustics, but each previous attempt was unsuccessful. The facility turned to Argus to mitigate the problem. Another goal was providing corrosion control. This project was not undertaken for thermal control of the facility.


With this type of facility, shutting down operations while working out an approach was not an option. An effective solution had to be designed and implemented while addressing key practical considerations. One large challenge was the need for ongoing and easy access to parts of the equipment for regular inspection and maintenance. Anything left uncovered would allow noise to escape, but some items—actuator valves, for example—had to be accessed on a daily basis by facility employees.

The project presented additional logistical challenges. The design called for fabrication of
more than 1,000 custom-made sound pads. Expertise was required not only to accurately fabricate the pads to fit the application, but also to cut them in such a way as to minimize material waste.

Finally, the overall solution needed to provide corrosion protection for the surfaces being covered, which already had a layer of paint 6 to 12 mils thick. Simply putting sound blankets atop the existing painted surfaces was not a viable option for long-term corrosion protection, as existing damage and scratches through painted surfaces could allow moisture to come into contact with bare metal, leading to rust.

Craig Skeie, Western Region President of Irex Contracting Group, LLC, Argus’ parent company, visited the site with Argus Construction Manager Curtis Gardner and General Foreman Jayson Bone. They walked the site to assess project requirements and to formulate a plan, which Skeie put together for the client’s approval.

Noise Reduction

The team started with the vessels, as they made the majority of the noise, working through the larger bore piping next, and so on. To achieve the customer’s noise reduction goals, Argus selected sound blanket materials that provide good sound attenuating properties, installing 17-ounce silicone cloth, 2” Temp Mat insulation, and a layer of 1-lb. density loaded vinyl barium. Temp Mat is a bonded glass fiber blanket that absorbs sounds and resists vibration. Barium sulfate vinyl high-density barriers are commonly used to reduce sound travel from pipes, as well as through floors and walls, and from air ducts. The insulation was held in place with 14-gauge stainless steel anchors and 18-gauge stainless steel tie wires. Table 1 provides a summary of products used in the insulation system.

Gardner explains that they completed one sphere assembly first as a test case, making sure the approach gave them the results they wanted. They then “mass produced” the rest of the job following the successful test case.

Gardner and Bone oversaw the coatings and custom fabrication and installation of the pads, primarily fabricated off site, although additional customization occurred on the jobsite for some components. Fabrication, coating, and installation all were performed in assembly-line fashion, which was practical as well as efficient. Just the weight and bulk of all the fabricated materials made transporting them to the jobsite all at once prohibitive, for example, and then there would have been concerns over storage.


Allowing Access for Employee Maintenance

Although the sound pads would typically be sufficient to mitigate noise, the facility has many pieces of equipment that need to be accessed on a daily basis—e.g., ports/gauges for workers to check flows. Leaving them uncovered was not an option. Gardner explains it is the nature of sound to transmit, so “muffling it in one part forces it to another,” where it will escape. The team opted not to use the same approach on these items as on the equipment/piping. Argus did not want to risk the likelihood that sound pads would be removed and then left off for employee convenience during their daily checks. Gardner and Bone decided to go bigger and insulate a space around the existing equipment for the employees to work. They came up with the idea of designing and installing mobile sound enclosures around the equipment that workers needed to access frequently. They built the enclosures—essentially sound-proofed boxes—welding and attaching the sound-proofing to the inside of each of the enclosures. They were designed to be rolled out of the way if needed (hence the term “mobile sound enclosures”), with removable tube steel and box rib. The enclosures were lined with 2” duct liner board, with sewn door flaps that were loaded vinyl with silicone cloth, and installed over instrumentation, actuator valves, and other pieces of equipment that needed to be accessible, giving workers the ability to get in to check gauges, etc. as often as they needed.

Corrosion Control

To tackle this challenge, the team applied Trenton wrap and VISCOTAQ wrap over the existing paint to provide water resistance and corrosion prevention, ensuring the approach worked with the owner’s existing specifications. They used a coating designed to be used underground. As Skeie explains, “The owner’s engineers recommend if pads are installed on metal surfaces, their specification for underground work needs to be followed. Applying Trenton wrap and VISCOTAQ wrap yields a coating that is between 70–90 mils thick, compared to the above ground paint being only 6–12 mils thick. Both wraps have a self-sealing property, so if the surface is scratched or damaged, the wrap seals itself, whereas if you scratch paint, it doesn’t fix itself… The breach migrates along the pipe and you have a problem.” The layer of coating also contributes to overall sound reduction, although that is not its primary purpose here.

Added Value of Experience

Because the project was designed to address acoustics, rather than thermal properties, the client needed a mechanical insulation contractor experienced with both the design goal and this type of facility. They reached out to Argus because the company had done mechanical insulation projects for them in the past, with a solid working relationship going back more than 20 years. Long relationships are not new to Argus. Gardner comes from a family of mechanical insulation professionals. With his 35 years, his father’s 37, and his older brother’s 40 years, the Gardners represent more than 100 years (112, to be exact) of expertise in, and service to, the industry. While the first in his family to pursue the profession, Bone brings an impressive 20 years of experience to his work. Craig Skeie asserts that in addition to representing their company well, both men are “a great asset to Local 5 and the industry.” The decades of experience of Gardner and Bone allowed their team to image, design, and craft an innovative solution the mobile sound enclosures. They worked alongside Raul Alvarez, Rafael Castro, John Harrell, Andy Madrid, and Doug McGill, also members of Local 5 of the Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Union.

Mechanical Insulation Contractor as Consultant

This project is a perfect example of how an experienced mechanical insulation contractor can serve as a consultant, applying knowledge and creativity to solve customer problems. Argus was not only able to address the noise reduction goal, but also did so in a way that met the requirement for facility workers to have easy, continuous access to the parts of the system they needed. At the same time, Argus ensured its solution would last, providing corrosion protection wrap on steel surfaces, covered by custom UV and weather-resistant removable covers.

The End Result

From start to completion, the project took Argus just under 4 months. When sound experts measured decibel levels coming from the facility after the work was finished, they found the noise was significantly reduced. “Our client was happy with the outcome,” concludes Skeie.

Argus was able to turn the challenges of a large, complicated project into an opportunity to make a positive difference for its customer and for the surrounding community.

About Argus Contracting, LLC

Argus Contracting is a company of the Irex Contracting Group, an organization that consists of a parent service corporation and an affiliated group of specialty contracting companies operating throughout the United States that provide services including installation and maintenance of mechanical insulation; sheet metal lagging; architectural finishes; passive fire protection; energy audits; and the removal and abatement of asbestos, lead-containing materials, mold, and other hazardous materials. An expanding number of other services are also provided where complementary to these core businesses. As a prime contractor or a subcontractor, Irex contracting companies provide new construction and maintenance services to commercial, industrial, marine, and insurance markets. Contracts include all types of office, residential, and institutional buildings; manufacturing facilities; power plants; process plants; and other heavy industrial installations. The group also provides Certified Energy Appraisers, Certified Infrared Thermographers, a Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program in compliance with NQA-1 and ISO-9001, and Certified LEED Professionals. For more information, visit

NIA congratulates 2023 competition winners:
First Place: Elite Insulation, Inc.
Second Place: Thermal Solutions, Inc.
Third Place: Argus Contracting, LLC

We thank all the entrants who helped highlight the diversity and creativity of the mechanical insulation industry:

  • DKB, Inc.
  • Gribbins Insulation Company
  • Hudak’s Insulation Inc.
  • I&I
  • Kerco, Inc.
  • Luse Thermal Technologies
  • Performance Contracting, Inc.
  • Taurus Insulation, LLC
  • Texoma Industrial Insulation, Inc.

Watch for future articles with details on other projects submitted.