Category Archives: Global

Today, strategic issues influencing industry, business and professional associations focus on global competitiveness and innovation. Globalization touches every aspect of our lives—which, in turn, affects how innovative companies and institutions respond to the challenges and opportunities it brings.

Projects are team driven and multidisciplinary, requiring more finely tuned management skills. Engineers must be good at design and analysis, but they also need to manage complex technology projects across teams, offices and borders. Employers need managers who make the connections that will lead to deeper insights, resulting in more creative solutions. Engineers can be leaders in this new era because technology inherently connects economies, social benefits and natural resources.

Relying on electronic communication and educational access on a global scale, the playing field is leveling, with improved productivity and innovation the determining factors, rather than geographic proximity. Shifts in workforce strength, educational trends and emerging markets alter familiar landscapes, offering exciting opportunities alongside deeply felt shakeups. A critical question is, how are engineers and companies staying ahead of the trends and responding to them?

Environmental scanning can help. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has identified several issues through its new strategic management sector, which it is using to address these emerging trends. ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization promoting the art, science and practice of mechanical and multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences.

Attracting and educating young engineers is critical to maintaining U.S. competitiveness. Young engineers are identifying key systemic and entrepreneurial responses to global needs for water, energy and other basic quality-of-life concerns. The National Insulation Association’s (NIA’s) interest in promoting the importance of insulation for energy conservation, emission reduction, personnel protection and process productivity improvements relates well to this collaborative, team-design approach. Everyone in industry today plays an important role in helping shift from a design focus on parts to seeing the whole and working with the demands of a complex world.

Future improvements will depend not only on more agile organizations, but also on research and development (R&D) efforts toward product and process improvements. ASME plays a significant role in identifying R&D needs, advocating for funding, and organizing and managing research through several institutes.

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) articulated the key role of investing in research in a recent report titled “Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future” (National Academies Press, The report sets priorities based on two main premises. First, leading-edge scientific and engineering work is being accomplished in many parts of the world, not just in traditional bastions. Second, economic vitality depends on the productivity of well-trained people, resulting in innovative enterprises that lead to discovery and new technology.

The NAE report also argues that the low-wage workforce available globally (anywhere and anytime) will continue to have a competitive advantage. Relatively high-cost countries such as the United States must compete by optimizing knowledge-based resources and providing a fertile environment for innovation. Aimed at maintaining a high standard of living, the report’s recommendations focus on early education initiatives that lead to high-quality jobs in the workforce; support for long-term research; and, in particular, a focus on clean, affordable and reliable energy. Recommendations like these translate into actions such as the National Innovation Act of 2005, which recommends revitalizing government research in science and engineering through Innovation Acceleration Grants and other, private-sector, incentives.

World-market competition increases consumers’ expectations for customized production, tailored to specific wants and needs, delivered quickly anywhere, with no reduction in quality or premium for customization. To remain competitive, the workforce of the future will need partnerships in globally extended enterprises, with companies evolving to remain flexible by shaping the size and skill sets of its employees.

ASME expects to see company policies investing in employee education and training to meet changing market demands. Several ASME initiatives address needs in this area. Through a new program called ASME Solutions, the organization is customizing training programs and helping to find industry-specific solutions that identify needs and fill the gaps for companies and organizations. This can take the form of collaboration with local schools to address company needs.

ASME also has launched an Engineering Management Certification program, which provides a resource for global standards and “best practices” sharing and is viewed by some as an alternative to an MBA program. In addition, ASME and NIA recently partnered to provide jointly sponsored workshops at technical, professional and student conferences hosted by both organizations.

Over more than 125 years, ASME has built a tremendous heritage for technical exchange, standards setting, higher education, professional ethics and leadership in technological development and advocacy. ASME is drawn toward partnering with other organizations, expanding its advocacy on behalf of a global membership, focusing on emerging markets and the needs of industry, academia and government agencies. The organization believes it is important to demonstrate clearly that it is meeting emerging global expectations beyond today’s standards for performance and quality.

To help build an innovative, flexible workforce, organizations must be willing to learn and understand that the competition has changed. Everyone is on a more level field, where leadership and expertise stand on merit. Bringing the right information to the right place, at the right time, is the challenge.

2005 was a turbulent year for energy prices—and a costly one for consumers. This article explores factors that affected energy costs in 2005, projected demand and costs for 2006 and beyond, and related opportunities for the insulation industry.

Energy Demand and Prices Expected to Increase

First, the bottom line: According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA)—which provides official U.S. governmental energy statistics—in 2006 and 2007, total domestic energy demand is anticipated to increase about 1.4 percent annually, leading to continued market tightness and high prices for oil and natural gas. EIA reports, “Prices for crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas are projected to remain high through 2006 before starting to weaken in 2007.” Figure 1 provides a summary of 2005 averages and projected energy costs for 2006 and 2007.

A comparison of the price of crude oil from December 2004 to December 2005 dramatizes the projected increase. In that year’s time, the per-barrel price increased from $43.50 (in December 2004) to $60.31 (in December 2005)—an increase of 39 percent. For the average consumer, who does not focus on the price of crude oil, the higher cost of energy hit home at the gasoline pump. There, the higher price of crude oil and shortages in refining capacity led to dramatic increases. According to Oil & Gas Journal, average gasoline prices in Indianapolis, for example, increased from $1.690/gallon on December 29, 2004, to $2.154/gallon on December 29, 2005—up $0.46/gallon. Gasoline prices increased to around $3.25 per gallon within a week after Hurricane Katrina. That is the highest Americans have ever seen gasoline prices, even when adjusted for inflation. Although the price did not stay that high for long, it made $2/gallon gasoline look cheap by comparison.

Hurricane Recovery

EIA reports that natural gas and crude oil production, as well as refinery output, continue to recover from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. At the beginning of January, according to EIA, “some 27.4 percent of normal daily Federal Gulf of Mexico oil production and approximately 19.5 percent of Federal Gulf of Mexico natural gas production remain shut-in due to the hurricanes.” In New Orleans, while some crude oil refineries are operating below normal capacity, all but one are back in service. The final refinery was expected to be back in operation in the first quarter of 2006.

Winter Heating Expenses

One area where consumers will feel the effects of higher energy costs is in their winter heating bills. Figure 2 summarizes EIA’s projections of increased costs for residential heating in winter 2004 to 2005 over the previous winter’s bills. These increases are expected despite early savings in the winter season, as October and November were relatively warm. December was colder than usual, and higher energy prices overall are expected to push expenses up for the following modes of space heating.

The EIA notes that these projections, which provide “a broad guide to changes from last winter,” are dependent on conditions such as local weather, heating equipment in use, thermostat settings, and individual home size and heating efficiency. Although not listed explicitly in the EIA summary of factors, insulation clearly plays a role in how well an individual house/household will weather the winter’s increased energy prices.

Natural Gas

North American homeowners who live in cold-climate areas and rely on natural gas heat have already received their first winter heating bill, and likely saw an increase over last year’s. According to Oil & Gas Journal, the wholesale price of natural gas almost doubled between December 2004 and December 2005, rising from $7.24/million Btu (MMBtu) to $14.26/MMBtu. To bring the broad numbers home, this author’s household saw a rise in the natural gas bill from $212 in December 2004 to $375 in December 2005—a 77-percent increase! Certainly, a good part of that was due to colder weather in late 2005 compared to late 2004, but a large portion was from higher natural gas prices charged to homeowners. In the example provided, the unit price increased from $11.40/MMBtu to $14.31/MMBtu—a 24 percent increase over one year.

According to EIA, because the price of natural gas is still high, and the coming summer (2006) is predicted to be cooler than summer 2005, the total 2006 natural gas demand likely will stay near 2005 levels before increasing (by 1.3 percent) in 2007. Figure 3 summarizes EIA projections for residential and industrial demand.

The demand for natural gas used to produce electricity is projected to fall in 2006 (by 4.7 percent), according to EIA, “because of the assumed return to normal summer weather, then increase by 2.4 percent in 2007.”

It is estimated that domestic dry natural gas production fell 3.1 percent in 2005, primarily as a result of hurricane-cased infrastructure disruptions in the Gulf. Dry gas production is expected to increase in 2006 by 3.8 percent, then increase another 1.1 percent in 2007. Total 2006 liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports are anticipated to increase from 650 billion cubic feet (bcf) in 2005 to 950 bcf in 2006. LNG 2007 imports are projected to climb to 1,200 bcf.

At the end of 2005 (December 30), working gas in storage was estimated at 2,641 bcf, or 79 bcf below levels of a year ago (although still 168 bcf over the five-year average). Storage levels at the close of 2006 and 2007 are expected to be near the five-year average.

One byproduct of high natural gas prices is an exciting new application for mechanical insulation: LNG receiving terminals. These facilities, which operate at cryogenic temperatures of -260 F, require large quantities of cellular insulation on the piping, huge quantities of expanded perlite on the storage tanks (on the tops and sides), and cellular glass (on the bottoms). Since LNG, as a means of transporting natural gas to North America, requires wholesale prices to exceed at least $3/MMBtu, today’s economic environment is very encouraging for construction of new LNG receiving terminals. Consequently, there are several LNG receiving terminals in the permitting/design/construction process in North America. When these are all online (by 2009), they will have increased U.S. LNG receiving capacity from about 10 million tones/year to about 60 million tones/year—a six-fold increase. That is a dramatic and direct consequence of sustained high natural gas prices in North America, in the recent past and into the future.


As painful as the natural gas heating bill scenario is to report, households using heating oil have not fared any better, with increases in delivered heating oil prices reported, too. In the global market, EIA forecasts a slowdown in the stable increases seen in the prices of crude oil and petroleum products over the last two years. In fact, a reversal is expected, although not large enough to yield dramatic reductions. According to EIA, “Many of the same factors that drove world oil markets in 2005, such as low world spare oil production capacity and rapid world oil demand growth, will continue to affect markets in 2006-2007.” Additional factors that are more difficult to quantify—although certainly not without great potential impact—include the hurricanes and other extreme weather conditions, as well as geopolitical instability.

In the United States, total 2006 petroleum demand is anticipated to average 21.0 million bbl/d, 1.7 percent higher than the 2005 level, according to EIA. That figure is expected to rise another 1.9 percent in 2007. The demand for motor gasoline is also projected to rise—about 1.7 percent/year, keeping up with highway travel growth.

EIA reports the average U.S. price at the pump for regular gasoline reached $2.24/gallon on January 2, 2006—up 9 cents/gallon from early December 2005, and 46 cents/gallon over the same time last year. While distillate and jet fuel inventories are higher than last year’s levels, “motor gasoline and residual fuel oil inventories continue to lag behind,” according to the EIA report.

EIA also notes “Several new petroleum product regulations [ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel, the phasing out of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), Tier 2 gasoline requirements, and the renewable fuels mandate] are expected to have a noticeable impact this year.” They estimate an additional cost of 4 to 6 cents/gallon for producing and distributing ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel.

Additionally, according to the EIA report, “removal of MTBE as a blending component from motor gasoline, another pending change, will likely increase gasoline prices and possibly lead to greater price volatility: Some MTBE removed from the gasoline pool may be replaced by ethanol, which continues to grow in supply.” In summation, the report notes, “While major supply disruptions are not expected, these new regulatory constraints and uncertainties may contribute to price volatility in some regions of the country.”


Electricity demand, driven by weather factors and continued economic growth, is expected to increase by 1.3 percent in 2006 and another 1.6 percent in 2007, according to EIA. Prices for electricity in the residential sector are projected to run from “8 cents per kilowatt-hour (kW-hr) in the West North Central region to 13.8 cents per kW-hr in New England.” 2007 prices are projected to stay near 2006 levels.

Perhaps the biggest impact of higher fossil fuel prices on mechanical insulation is the structural changes coming to the electrical power industry. From about 1998 to 2003, electric utilities and independent power producers added over 200,000 MW of natural gas-fired electrical generating capacity in the United States. This was done when natural gas was inexpensive, below $4/MMBtu wholesale. Today, many of these plants are too expensive to operate as baseline units (i.e., units that operate 24×7). In contrast, coal is a relatively inexpensive fuel, at about $1.50/MMBtu—a fraction of the cost of fuel oil or natural gas.

Consequently, there recently has been a renaissance of interest in coal-fueled plants. Currently, there are some 120 new coal-fueled electric-generating stations in the United States being permitted, designed or constructed. While several different designs are being implemented, all must meet current Clean Air Act requirements, so they must have the equipment to reduce primary pollutants: fly ash, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and mercury emissions. Air pollution control equipment (such as precipitators, bag houses, scrubbers and selective catalytic reducers [SCRs]) generally require huge quantities of thermal insulation to operate correctly. Likewise, about 500 existing U.S. coal-fired, electric-generating stations need to be retrofitted with scrubbers and SCRs, also requiring large quantities of mechanical insulation.


The demand for coal from the electric power sector in 2006 is projected to increase 2.2 percent, then to rise another 1.2 percent in 2007, largely in response to higher oil and natural gas prices. EIA reports that coal production in the United States will likely grow by 3.9 percent in 2006 and stay at that level in 2007. The price of coal to this sector is expected to increase, but at a slower rate than experienced in early 2005. Coal prices in the electric power sector are anticipated to increase in 2006 an average of 5.5 percent, and an in 2007 an additional 2.6 percent—increasing from $1.54/MMBtu in 2005 to $1.66/MMBtu by 2007.

Coal conversion technologies represent another area that could lead to increased use of mechanical insulation. Examples include the use of coal to make methane gas (the main ingredient in natural gas), or use of coal to make diesel fuel. Both of these processes require large chemical plants that operate at high temperatures, needing mechanical insulation for successful operation. Several plants are in the early permitting stages. Certainly, with natural gas selling at more than $10/MMBtu, and coal at $1.50/MMBtu, there is a huge price disparity that would encourage investment into expensive coal-conversion technologies.

Nuclear Power

As with coal, nuclear power is in the early stages of a renaissance. While two years ago no electrical utilities were talking openly about constructing new nuclear plants, now several are. Some have even started the permitting process for new plant construction. While it is expected to take a decade to bring any of these new plants online, and mechanical insulation is added near the tail end of the construction cycle, the impact on the mechanical insulation industry will be significant. As with coal-fueled power plant construction, the primary economic force encouraging construction of new nuclear power plants is expensive refined oil products and natural gas.

Impact of High Energy Costs on Industry

Industry has experienced increases in energy prices similar to those that consumers (drivers and homeowners) have seen; and has had to respond to the new, higher prices of a gallon of heating oil, a million Btu of natural gas, and a kW-hr of electricity. While companies do not pay as high a unit price as the homeowner does, industry consumes large quantities. In May, one oil refinery engineer noted that about 40 percent of his refinery’s operating costs were to purchase natural gas, which at the time was about $7/MMBtu cheaper than it is today. Today, the portion spent on natural gas is probably more than 50 percent of total operation costs at that refinery. Oil refining is an energy-intensive industry, but it is not the only one. Many chemical industries are energy intensive, and many material manufacturing processes that require drying are energy intensive. Even some segments of the insulation manufacturing industry are energy intensive, such as fiberglass manufacturing, which requires large quantities of heat to produce molten glass.

What do higher energy prices mean for industry in general? The more energy-intensive production is, the more production costs have increased. If, in 2004, energy represented 25 percent of a company’s production costs, and energy prices increased 35 percent, then that company’s production costs increased 8.75 percent, assuming all other costs stayed the same—which is not likely, since many raw materials also increased at least 10 percent over the year and shipping costs increased dramatically along with fuel costs. Annual 2004 to 2005 production cost increases of over 10 percent, caused primarily by energy cost increases, are not uncommon in industry.

How can industry respond to higher energy prices? There are three basic options:

  1. Do nothing, hoping that energy prices return to a much lower level (such as those in the late 1990s—about $15/barrel for oil and $3.50/MMBtu for natural gas);
  2. Increase prices in proportion to production cost increases; or
  3. Reduce energy intensity through energy efficiency and conservation measures.

Option 1 is probably wishful thinking and means reduced earnings as long as energy prices stay near where they are currently or, worse, they increase. Option 2 likely leads to losing market share, unless all competitors also increase prices. Option 3, on the other hand, means being more competitive in a market of increasing production costs.

Option 3 is where mechanical insulation comes in; it is an energy-efficiency measure that can reduce an energy-intensive manufacturer’s production costs—or, if not reduce them, keep them from increasing as fast as the cost of energy.

Previous Insulation Outlook articles have shown that mechanical insulation on hot surfaces has a payback time as short as one month. Perhaps more important, however, is that insulation upgrades can significantly reduce production costs at an energy-intensive production facility. As maintenance managers and facility engineers look to implement Option 3 at their facility and study their energy-efficiency options, mechanical insulation should rise to the top of the list: It is relatively inexpensive to install and maintain and starts returning dollars as soon as the facility starts up.


In summary, consider a few basic truths about the state of energy demand in the United States.

  1. The United States uses 25 percent of the world’s crude oil and natural gas—the largest portion for any single country;
  2. The United States continues to increase its consumption and import of crude oil and crude oil-refined products and natural gas; and
  3. U.S. energy efficiency and conservation have yet to have a significant impact on the marketplace.

These truths, and the opportunities discussed throughout this article, seem to indicate that as energy prices continue to increase, the future of mechanical insulation in North America looks brighter.

A major brewery in the United States was reluctant to address flaws with its process system insulation until corrosion of the pipes became so significant that production was affected. The daily wash-down of the food-grade system made the permeable insulation used at the time progressively wetter, leading to significant corrosion of the above-ambient piping system. Insulation specialists helped the brewery rewrite its specifications around non-permeable insulation to minimize the chloride transfer to the surface of the steel and increase the system’s insulating factor.

During the eight years since, awareness of improved insulation materials has increased to the point that virtually every brewery in the country uses closed-cell insulation materials on its above-ambient lines. According to Pittsburgh Corning Corporation (PCC) North American sales manager Steve Oslica, who worked closely with the brewery operators at the time, “Up until 10 years ago, the brewery contingent didn’t realize the serious effect of corrosion on pipes and vessels. It has become a significant factor now when choosing a system.”

In another case, an 8-foot diameter vessel holding liquid used for process control, operating at –22 F with surface emissivity of 0.9 and an ambient temperature of 60 F, was insulated with 6-inch-thick open-cell insulation. The anticipated heat flow was <3 Btus/hour/square foot, but the system failed due to moisture intrusion and instead experienced heat transfer at a rate of 45 Btus/hour/square foot—15 times what was anticipated. The vessel was re-insulated with 4-inch non-permeable cellular insulation, and the energy transfer was reduced to the specification of <3 Btus/hour/square foot.

Because of the challenges involved, breweries insulated according to outdated or non-climate–specific specifications may see significant or total failure of the insulation system in a very short period of time. In a brewery, the most important insulation concerns are preventing water intrusion either in liquid or vapor from resulting in stress crack corrosion, followed by improving process control and energy efficiency.

A unique aspect of the brewing process is the frequent wash-down of the insulated systems using a mild caustic solution at 190 F. If the solution permeates the insulation, there will be significant energy loss (due to the conducting properties of water) and thus a significant reduction in the system’s overall performance. One obstacle is the near constant high humidity inside a brewery, making it harder to overcome water vapor transmission since it is harder to dry out insulation if it becomes wet.

Furthermore, the solution used in the wash-down (with a high pH level) causes corrosion of the stainless steel piping when the two come into contact—especially on the susceptible stress areas, which are created during normal manufacturing. This challenge is very specific to stainless steel applications, as there is more impact on this type of piping than on others. Almost exclusively, breweries use austenitic stainless steels for process piping. In recent years, steel mills have been able to control more accurately the amount of nickel and chrome (the two most expensive additives) in stainless steel, resulting in a reduction of these metals in stainless steels—leaving them more susceptible to stress crack corrosion. Because of these factors, breweries find it beneficial to employ a closed-cell, non-permeable, waterproof insulation covered with stainless steel jacketing and waterproof joint sealant.

This improved system was designed in response to moderate to serious insulation failures in breweries. With outdated or improperly specified systems, water was reaching the piping for various reasons—improperly sealed jackets, poor maintenance, damaged jacketing, and failure of vapor barriers.

Case Study: Cold System

A 1.5-inch diameter pipe with 1-inch-thick insulation, operating at –20 F, was rated to gain 11 Btus/hour/square foot. The porous insulation, which had become wet, was not performing properly. PCC testing revealed that the pipe was gaining 65 Btus/hour/square foot—nearly six times the energy loss for which it was rated.

The pipe was re-insulated with non-permeable 1-inch-thick cellular material, and subsequent testing showed that the energy loss had been reduced to less than 9 Btus gained/hour/square foot.

Below Freezing

Freeze protection is sometimes a concern inside brewery facilities. For example, several major breweries utilize cold lines that carry an ammonia-based coolant at –28 F. These cooling lines have to be insulated to keep ice from forming on the pipe exteriors, which is important because ice on the line robs the system of energy many times more efficiently than air. Personnel safety is also a factor. When lines are that cold, moisture condenses out of the air into ice on the piping and creates a physical hazard (risk of falls). It also can freeze employees’ skin if left bare. The bottom line is that these coolant lines must be insulated for condensation control and vapor protection, or ice will form. Most attachment devices (hangers or supports) have to be insulated as well.

Insulating against freezing temperatures also is necessary for outdoor pipes between buildings. The pipes, which are on racks, transfer beer-making liquids between buildings. They are insulated against the outdoor temperatures, as well as weather, wind and traffic (maintenance factors). Because they do not require the daily wash-down, outdoor joint sealant and jacketing can have different specifications than the indoor piping. Aluminum jacketing, for example, often replaces the stainless steel used indoors.

Temperature control is an important consideration for breweries. In a brewery, fermentation and conditioning processes must happen within a narrow temperature range. The production requires a system that can keep those processes near the specified temperature points, which vary from brewery to brewery. Water vapor transmission is again a major concern, because it greatly reduces the effectiveness of the insulation.

Case Study: Hot System

A 1.5-inch diameter pipe with 2-inch-thick rigid insulation, operating at 230 F, was rated to lose 14 Btus/hour/square foot. Instead, the energy loss was 125 Btus/hour/square foot. The primary reason for this was water intrusion and jacket failure. The end result: the insulation system was replaced with 2-inch-thick cellular material and re-jacketed. Its energy loss was reduced to 10 Btus/hour/square foot.

Regardless of the particular application, says PCC territory sales representative Rob English, who has been in the industry 16 years, it is important for end users to look into energy analysis programs to determine the necessary type and economic thickness of insulation. In the case of brewery applications, PCC uses their in-house Energy Analysis Report (EAR) software to help end users determine their system’s level of performance efficiency. It is similar to the 3E Plus® program created by the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA), but unique to their products’ specifications and uses more complicated modeling formulae. Once the economic thickness is determined, it is relatively simple to determine how to control the temperatures. An energy analysis determines how much energy will be used under the specific conditions.

The initial insulation system design must make allowances for the spacing, as well as the size, of hangers and supports, taking into account the type of insulation being used and the methods of sealing it to keep moisture out. When planning a new insulation system or improving an existing one, owners and operators need to learn as much as they can about the options available in order to determine the most effective and efficient system possible. Knowing right material for the right application will save money and time over the long run because there will not be the necessity of replacing an insulation system that was improperly specified from the start.

System installation is a critical part of this process. Obtaining accurately fabricated goods from qualified fabricators, and quality installation practices from experienced contractors, will allow brewery operators to achieve the maximum lifecycle and performance from the specified insulation system.

Cold system owners and operators should consider doing follow-up energy surveys on a periodic basis to check how the cold systems are performing. PCC provides energy surveys through NIA-certified energy appraisers who take a comprehensive look at the systems inside a brewery, including heat flow in piping and in vessels, ammonia systems, CO2 systems, wort lines, chilled water systems, and propylene glycol thermal transfer fluid. Along with energy surveys, consistent maintenance practices play a role in long-term performance—e.g., if ports are cut for non-destructive tests, they should be repaired promptly and correctly, as should jacketing perforations and moisture leaks.

Flame Resistance Is Another Consideration

An entirely separate consideration is reduced contribution to fire. As insurance companies place more importance on reducing facilities’ fire liability, the flame spread and smoke development properties of insulation material needs to be examined carefully. ASTM Standard E-84 (E119) rates insulation materials on how they burn. Materials should be rated at least 25/50 flame/smoke, with a goal of 0/0. Currently, only a handful of materials meet this. In particular, hot oil systems and those heating with thermal transfer fluid need something that will not contribute to or support combustion. In working to reduce the susceptibility of a structure, more areas (e.g., vessel skirts or supports) are being insulated for the sole purpose of reducing the potential fire damage. This is especially important in light of the lessons learned from 9/11, when steel supports failed due to intense heat. The longer that steel can be kept from heating, the better the chance of reducing damages to a building. Insulating with an appropriate material can greatly reduce a vessel or structure’s susceptibility to fire.


Closed cell materials are ideal for below ambient applications where high humidity, and wash-downs are prevalent such as a brewery.

Figure 1

Brewery piping

Figure 2

Brewery tanks and piping

Figure 3

Rooftop brewery piping with aluminum jacketing.

In 2001, a jury in Texas awarded damages to a husband and wife in the amount of $33 million for claims related to the development and existence of mold in their home. With this decision, known as the Ballard case, mold became a new item of concern for the insulation industry. Following Ballard, insurance claims and court cases involving mold has increased significantly. The number of these cases slowed somewhat in 2004 and 2005, but there is still significant interest in this area of litigation.

Articles have been written about mold in national publications, most meetings of trade organizations have had at least one presentation on their agenda concerning mold, and both the defense and plaintiff’s bars have held seminars concerning how attorneys should begin to address the mold issue.

Areas of Mold Liability Are Better Defined

The number of mold cases appears to be on the increase, and the areas of potential mold liability have become better defined. There have been both personal injury and workers’ compensation verdicts rendered concerning liability for mold across the United States. In addition to the Ballard decision in Texas, there have been other decisions involving the bad faith handling of insurance claims arising out of the existence of mold in California and other states.

In the construction industry, contractors face liability for mold damages from a variety of potential plaintiffs. First, there is a potential for claims filed by workers who claim that they were exposed to mold spores on the job and, as a result, developed various forms of lung conditions or aggravated pre-existing lung conditions for which they are entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. In states where the concept of intentional tort exists, a separate lawsuit could be filed by an allegedly injured worker because of his or her company’s failure to take action to protect against exposure to mold spores. In addition, there is potential liability from the families of employees if they develop illnesses because contaminated clothing was brought home from the work site, exposing family members to the same mold spores the worker was exposed to on the job.

A client could be a plaintiff because of the liability he or she may face as a result of mold purportedly resulting from the installation of insulation. Then, of course, there is potential for third parties who are allegedly exposed to mold spores because they visited the location where insulation was installed, which allegedly developed mold. Companies also could be named as a third-party defendant in litigation brought against a general contractor for whom they worked on a construction project. In addition, there are potential liabilities to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for general duty clause violations because of the alleged exposure of employees to a recognized hazard that is causing, or is likely to cause, death or serious physical harm. Finally, there is exposure to liability for construction delays brought about by steps taken to make sure dry materials are being installed to dry pipes.

Unfortunately, mold cannot easily be engineered out of existence. Mold is naturally occurring and can develop on virtually any material if the appropriate conditions are present. Where asbestos can be replaced by other forms of insulation, mold growth cannot be eliminated in a similar fashion.

Many states are addressing the mold issue through legislation, which runs from mold disclosure acts to limitations on mold exposure and guidelines for enforcing those limitations.

Taking Steps To Avoid Litigation

In 2006, industry players cannot put their heads in the sand and claim that they are not aware of a mold problem. The best ways to minimize exposure to mold liability are eliminating, as much as possible, the potential for mold development; providing indemnification and other protections in contracts with either the owner or general contractor of a business; and maintaining scrupulous records to demonstrate what is being done to protect the customer and the work product from mold development.

Of course, since one of the key elements necessary for mold development is moisture, all necessary steps should be taken to keep the materials being worked with dry. Materials should be inspected when they are delivered and prior to installation to ensure that they are dry. These inspections need to be recorded in the foreman’s daily log so that records of the inspections and the results of those inspections are maintained and can be produced if necessary.

When ready to install insulation, be sure that the procedure for installation cannot potentially introduce moisture onto the product. Also, make sure that the equipment or pipes being insulated are dry at the time the insulation is installed. If it appears that the equipment to be insulated is wet or contains any type of additional moisture, make sure that it is dried prior to the installation. Again, scrupulous record keeping needs to be maintained with all of these points to demonstrate that steps were taken to protect the work site from potential mold development.

When developing contracts for product delivery, negotiate clauses that permit refusing delivery of and returning any material that is wet when delivered to the job site. It also is beneficial to have indemnification clauses in contracts with material vendors to be able to recoup any contractual damages suffered later because of being forced to return materials that were delivered wet.

When negotiating the contract with a general contractor or owner, try to get indemnification language into the contract to protect from liability if due diligence is exercised in keeping materials dry. Before signing any contract that may require insurance coverage for the potential damages that may occur if mold does develop, check out how easy (or difficult) it will be to get such insurance and determine that coverage can be obtained before signing the agreement. Try to negotiate language in the contract that permits scheduling flexibility, which may be needed if material is either delivered wet or becomes wet while being stored pending installation. This way, wet material will not have to be installed, even if replacing that material causes a delay in contract performance.


The bottom line is that mold needs to be treated as a potentially serious issue in any job. Detailed records should be kept of not only the installation process, but also the receipt of materials to be installed and due diligence in making sure that they are maintained in a dry condition until installation takes place. Exercise care in negotiating contracts to ensure sufficient flexibility in case, in spite of due diligence, the material to be installed is either delivered wet or becomes wet prior to installation. The keys to successfully avoiding mold liability are to ensure control over the material to be installed, negotiate safeguards into all contracts, and maintain sufficient records to demonstrate that exercise of due diligence in preventing mold development.

** Readers are advised to contact counsel before embarking on any of the options discussed in this article.

The main reasons for insulating cold systems are condensation control and energy conservation. While conserving energy is an essential consideration, preventing condensation is becoming increasingly important, particularly in the indoor environment.

Failure to adequately protect cold systems from moisture and/or condensation can result in substantial mold growth, which may significantly impact a building’s indoor air quality. This article focuses on controlling condensation to prevent mold growth on cold system insulation and other building components that may get wet from water dripping off “sweating” pipes.

Molds have always grown in buildings; however, there are increasing numbers of reported health effects associated with exposure to continual or extensive mold growth in buildings. These reported problems are typically associated with extreme weather events (e.g., flood, hurricanes and tornados) or chronic water problems. In the past, most reported mold problems in buildings were associated with the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. Now, however, the industry is recognizing significant mold growth problems on many other building materials and components. It makes sense: Since most of the environmental conditions necessary to support mold growth already exist in many building materials, they come “seeded” with mold spores from natural infiltration. Plus, the temperature inside most buildings is generally within the optimal range for mold growth, and many building materials either serve as or are contaminated with appropriate nutritive sources for the fungi.

Moisture Is the Main Culprit on Indoor Systems

Moisture is the limiting factor for mold growth within or on building materials; therefore, moisture control is the key element in minimizing the potential for mold growth. Insulated cold systems are subject to moisture from system leaks at valves, joints, etc. Perhaps more importantly, cold systems are also at risk from condensation on either interior or exterior surfaces. Condensation can impact large sections of the insulated cold system, compromising system performance and safety. From this author’s perspective, the primary safety concern is mold growth on the exterior surfaces of the insulated cold system. This is particularly true for systems in a building.

Effective insulation of cold systems in the outdoor environment is critical for energy conservation and, to some degree, health and safety. Condensation from sweating pipes can create slip-and-fall hazards on wet or icy walking surfaces. However, mold growth associated with indoor systems presents a unique risk, as the fungal contaminants can degrade the indoor environment and expose the occupants to unhealthy conditions.

The engineer or designer may be misled when designing the insulation for a cold system because of the assumption that environmental conditions within the building will be consistent and controlled. Unfortunately, buildings actually present multiple “local” zones that can change significantly over time, and it is these micro-environments where the risks of condensation and mold growth are the greatest. For example, many areas that house insulated cold systems—such as utility chases, mechanical rooms or plenum spaces—are subject to significant intrusion of outdoor air. This intrusion may be by design, as in a mechanical room that serves as a mixing box for the HVAC system, or by accident through breaches in the building envelope or stack-effect intrusion. In other situations, the cold systems may be housed in, or transitioned through, rooms that are directly exposed to outdoor air. Whatever the source, it challenges the effectiveness of the insulation system to deal with significant volumes of hot, humid air. Inadequate performance under these “stress” conditions is a primary cause of mold growth on these systems.

Another concern when designing for an indoor system is the fact that the designer cannot control the operation of the building. Interior conditions may change significantly because of decisions to not operate the HVAC systems continuously, such as on weekends and extended holidays. These energy-saving decisions can significantly change the environment surrounding the insulated cold system as, again, the system may be exposed to a large volume of hot and humid outdoor air.

In addition to the impact that condensation has on the insulated cold system itself, it also can wet other building components, raising the potential for mold growth there. Everyone has observed water-stained ceiling tiles or other evidence of water damage associated with condensation on cold pipes and HVAC components. This secondary impact represents a significant risk for the designer and installer of the system because poor performance of the cold insulation system has now affected the performance and safety of other materials. Mold growth associated with this “incidental” moisture can be quite extensive and lead to very costly remediation in the building.

Managing Condensation in Insulated Cold Systems

In the February 2004 issue of Insulation Outlook, John W. Kalis Jr., P.E. presented key issues to consider when determining the specifications for the main components of the insulated cold system. Key factors for specifying insulation include thermal resistance, operating temperature of the cold system, resistance to vapor/moisture entrapment, ease of fabrication with close tolerances for tight joints, compatibility with vapor retarder mastics and membranes, and resistance to mechanical and environmental abuse (such as vibration). An acceptable perm rating, ease in application, and resistance to abuse are important considerations when specifying the vapor retarder. The non-setting joint sealant should be specified on the basis of the exposed temperature of the sealant and its resilience (so it does not become brittle). Finally, the finish should be compatible with the environment and have a high emissivity rating on the outside surface, as well as the capacity to prevent failure of the vapor retarder, when specified.

The key factor that affects the performance of an insulation system on a cold surface is insulation thickness. It is critical that the system designer specifies the correct thickness to prevent condensation. Under certain conditions, it may not be possible to prevent condensation 100 percent of the time—especially on systems that are exposed to outside air with extreme conditions that can exceed 90 F and 90-percent relative humidity for long periods of time, as can occur in a penthouse mechanical room on the coast. When extreme conditions are expected, the designer should calculate the insulation thickness that will prevent condensation a majority of the time—ideally, more than 90 percent of the time. Another option to prevent condensation is to take other precautions, such as enclosing the cold systems and conditioning the surrounding air so that dew point conditions never occur.

It is also important for designers of insulated cold systems to know that the insulation thickness requirements in the energy codes of ASHRAE 90.1 and the International Energy Conservation Code do not necessarily prevent condensation. The thickness listed in these codes were set for considering the energy loss and what thickness would be appropriate from a cost/benefit standpoint—not to prevent condensation. It is therefore important to perform a calculation to determine the appropriate thickness for the design conditions. An excellent tool for calculating the correct thickness to prevent condensation is the 3E Plus® insulation thickness program. The program is free and can be easily downloaded from

While all of these components are important to system performance, an appropriate, abuse-resistant vapor retarder is critical. Recognizing that ASTM Standard E96 assesses perm rating based on exposure to ambient temperature and 50-percent relative humidity (RH), care is advised when selecting the vapor retarder when outdoor air infiltration is anticipated or interior thermal/RH conditions may vary over time. The protective character of an abuse-resistant vapor retarder allows the designer to consider a broad range of insulation products for optimal performance under the specific design criteria. Having a low-permeance (< 0.05 has been suggested) and a durable vapor retarder that is properly installed can make an important difference.

Maintenance is another important aspect in condensation management, in particular, careful monitoring and inspection to identify condensation or other water problems before they negatively impact building systems. Routine inspection of the cold system will permit the timely identification and resolution of performance failures, before they become significant liabilities.

Prevention Versus Mitigation or Remediation

There are currently no state or federal regulations governing mold remediation. However, there are numerous non-regulatory guidelines that serve as a reference for potential mold and moisture remediators. These guidelines provide a hierarchal approach to remediation, which is based on the extent of water/mold-impacted materials. Most of the guidelines also focus on correcting the water problem, drying the building and building materials, and completely removing all mold growth and residual contamination.

Specific recommendations regarding management of wet insulation materials vary within these documents and span options from simple drying to immediate removal. However, recognizing that the mold growth was the result of a performance failure of the insulated cold system, it seems intuitive that the impacted materials would need to be removed and replaced with a system design to prevent the conditions that led to the condensation and mold in the first place.

Preventing water and mold problems should be easy. We know how to design/ specify insulation systems, select the appropriate products, manage the installation process, and effectively operate and maintain our buildings; however, we frequently fail to coordinate and integrate these processes. The result can be a wet building with mold problems. It is imperative that insulation manufactures, specifiers and installers collaborate to optimize the performance of their products. Education and communication are at the core of this collaboration. Manufactures must provide science-based information regarding the indications and limitations for their products—in particular, how the products perform in relation to other building materials and construction types.


We must learn from experience to correct or control the factors that lead to mold growth associated with cold systems. These systems transition through variable environments, even within a building, and the design and specifications must account for the changing environmental exposures. The appropriate insulation system must be specified, and all of the components must be designed to work together, with particular focus on specifying the correct thickness of insulation to prevent condensation during worst-case conditions.

A key factor in minimizing the impact of moisture problems is the availability of products that perform well within the design and construction constraints of the building. The insulation system must be compatible with the operating conditions and environmental exposures it will experience.

Figure 1

Condensation from a cold insulated system leading to extensive mold growth.

Figure 2

Mold growth on cold system piping in an unconditioned utility space.

Industrial manufacturing plants have a new opportunity in 2006 to cut their energy and operating costs, lower their utility bills, and develop future savings through the new Save Energy Now campaign launched by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through its Industrial Technologies Program (ITP). And such plants who partner with the DOE-ITP to help implement and promote the energy-efficiency measures taught through the campaign will receive additional recognition and benefits.

Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman introduced the DOE-ITP effort in the fall of 2005 as part of a national campaign called “Easy Ways to Save Energy,” a response to the year’s damaging hurricanes and the resulting disruptions in energy supplies and upsurge in prices. As the highest consumers of energy and natural gas, as well as the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, manufacturing and other industries are the focus of the campaign.

In 2006, through the Save Energy Now campaign, the DOE-ITP intends to:

  • Conduct 200 free, thorough, energy-savings assessments at qualifying plants in the United States;
  • Work with partners to create awareness and find energy- savings solutions; and
  • Disseminate energy-savings information and tools to 50,000 plants to help reduce natural gas and electricity use.
Campaign Initiatives Defined

Businesses of all types can partner with the DOE-ITP through Save Energy Now. State and regional organizations, utilities, trade associations, industrial service and equipment suppliers and other industry groups are all invited to join in the effort to disseminate the cost-saving information and resources made available through the campaign.

The DOE-ITP reports that 200 large, energy-intensive manufacturing plants that apply will qualify for the DOE-ITP energy-savings assessments during 2006. Businesses will be able to have their facilities and steam, process heating, pump, compressed air, and motor-driven systems evaluated to identify effective ways to reduce energy use while continuing to operate efficiently and profitably.

The assessments will be performed at no cost to the plants. Plants will be selected based on several qualifying factors, including the plant’s energy consumption and the company’s intention to combine with other facilities or collaborate with other companies to increase their energy-consumption profile.

Assessments will be performed by industry experts who have completed the DOE Qualified Specialist program, which includes training in the use of sophisticated software assessment tools and a rigorous qualifying exam. These experts form evaluation teams that often include plant staff who will work with the experts for several days to help gather data, learn about software tools, and perform a system analysis. Many plant staff and affiliates will be trained on DOE energy-efficient tools as well.

Through Save Energy Now, the DOE-ITP intends to disseminate information detailing ways to reduce natural gas and electricity use to as many as 50,000 plants across the United States. All facilities will receive a portfolio of valuable information and resources to help them save energy and improve their bottom line.

Partnering businesses are also encouraged to help create cost-saving awareness among their members and/or customers; apply for one of the energy-savings assessments; co-sponsor events, Webcasts and training; distribute materials and link to the Save Energy Now website (; promote energy management best practices and energy-saving technologies; as well as explore innovative ways to significantly improve energy efficiencies in industry.

The DOE-ITP informs partners that collaborating with them will make others within their company or their customers more aware of the potential for savings, which adds value to their company’s energy management strategy as well as enhances the service they provide to customers.

Partners will receive a number of additional benefits for their participation, including:

  • recognition on the DOE-ITP website;
  • access to customized technical assistance from DOE-ITP experts;
  • access to the DOE-ITP’s portfolio of up-to-date technical information;
  • jointly-developed market informational materials to share with customers and employees;
  • assistance with planning and hosting other outreach activities; and
  • stay informed through ITP’s award-winning online news sources, ITP E-Bulletin and Energy Matters, and through Save Energy Now E-mail updates.

The DOE-ITP will solicit feedback from all participating companies about their efforts to implement assessment recommendations. This information will be used to improve the data shared through the DOE-ITP’s extensive portfolio of resources, including tip sheets, case studies, handbooks and more. Plants who have received and implemented assessment recommendations have cut energy waste by nearly 21 percent.

Other Assessment and Cost-Saving Opportunities

Although the number of plants that will qualify for energy-savings assessments through the Save Energy Now campaign is limited to 200, plants and facilities that do not qualify still will be eligible for a customized energy-efficiency consultation provided by the DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Information Center, as well as information, products and DOE software tools and training.

Small- and medium-sized plants will also continue to be eligible for assessments through DOE-ITP’s university-based, regional Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs). Since the IAC program was started in 1976, U.S. companies have saved more than $700 million through the resulting energy improvements.

Businesses that do not qualify for or are not interested in one of the DOE assessment opportunities still have more options, in the form of energy-saving information tools. The DOE-ITP suggests these self-assessment resources:

  • “Steam System Survey Guide”
  • Provides technical information about opportunities to improve energy efficiency and productivity of industrial steam systems. (Source: DOE)
  • “Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency”
  • Presents an overview of industrial assessments and the general framework for conducting self-assessments. (Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
  • “Texas-Size Energy Savings!”
  • Offers a step-by-step guide to help small- to medium-sized facilities identify and screen potential energy-efficiency projects. The guide comes with a calculator to estimate the impact of potential projects. Registration is required. (Source: Texas Industries of the Future)

The National Insulation Association (NIA) encourages its readers and members to take part in this expansive campaign to help reduce energy costs and waste during a time of tightening supply and rising costs. For more information and to apply for an energy savings assessment, visit To discuss your company’s interest in partnering with the DOE-ITP, call the EERE Information Center at 877-337-3463.

Most insulation end users are aware that thermal insulation pays for itself through energy savings. Heat loss from uninsulated pipes and equipment will be far greater than from the same pipes and equipment with insulation, with the ratio depending on the service temperature, ambient conditions, and insulation type and thickness.

In any case, insulation efficiencies of 95 percent or greater are fairly typical on hot (at least 600 F) surfaces. At today’s high energy prices (around $12 per million Btu), the simple payback for mechanical insulation on hot surfaces is so short that by the time the insulation job is complete and the facility back up and running, the insulation often has already paid for itself.

Removable insulation blankets are often selected by facility owners and/or operators (hereafter referred to collectively as operators) for one simple reason: they save money over the long haul. The savings are realized not because removable blankets perform better than conventional insulation. Rather, they offer savings over conventional applications because they require far fewer labor hours to remove and reinstall. For example, when removable blankets are installed on valves and flanges that require frequent access as part of plant maintenance, the operator saves labor costs every time they are removed and reinstalled. In fact, the more often they are removed and reinstalled, the more money is saved.

Practically speaking, removable insulation blankets reduce heat loss and thereby save money otherwise spent for energy. This is the reality of operations and maintenance at an industrial facility. When plant maintenance personnel need access to a flanged valve or flange, they break or tear off some of the existing conventional insulation, do their maintenance work, and then (due to a tight schedule) might fail to reinsulate all the equipment when their work is complete. After the facility resumes operation, with some insulation missing on those flanges and valves, high heat loss results—and higher heat loss means more money spent for energy.

Case Study: Removable Blankets Versus Conventional Insulation

The case described below is an actual expansion project at an oil refinery located along the United States coast on the Gulf of Mexico. A contractor who bid on the job provided the information. The work involved more than 1,000 valves and flanges of various sizes with various operating temperatures. The operator’s insulation specification required the use of ASTM C1086 glass fiber mat insulation in three thickness sizes corresponding to service temperature ranges of 1-inch thick for up to 500 F, 2 inches thick for 500 to 800 F, and 3 inches thick for 800 to 1,000 F. The outer fabric was specified as silicone-impregnated fiberglass cloth on both sides for up to 400 F. For higher temperatures, the specification required a stainless steel foil-woven glass fiber fabric laminate on the hot side.

For the purposes of this discussion, “conventional insulation” means insulation that is installed in a permanent manner or is not expected to be removed, stored temporarily and reinstalled as it was originally. “Removable insulation blankets” refers to discrete, flexible insulation covers consisting of an insulation media covered with a fabric or fabric laminate, designed with a fastening system that allows an insulator to completely remove, store and then reinstall those blankets using only simple hand tools such as a pair of pliers and a wire cutter.

A comparison of first costs using removable insulation blankets versus conventional insulation (Table 1) shows the blankets to be more expensive, which is expected. Table 1 provides some comparative numbers to consider assuming a labor rate of $25 per hour.

It was estimated to cost nearly $76,500 more to initially insulate with removable insulation blankets on the valves and flanges. That is about 84 percent more expensive than installing conventional insulation, a significantly higher cost to the operator. However, when it comes time to remove insulation for maintenance work and then reinsulating those valves and flanges, the removable insulation blankets begin to pay for themselves.

The following comparative case study offers a look at the future labor cost savings when maintenance is required on the insulated fittings. As illustrated in Table 2, the insulation contractor estimated that removing conventional insulation and disposing of the insulation materials on the above valves and flanges, then performing clean-up, would require almost 900 labor hours. Reinsulating with conventional materials would require another 1,800 labor hours. The estimated total labor cost to remove, dispose, clean up and reinsulate came to approximately 2,700 labor hours. Of course, the plant operator would have to purchase new insulation materials for his valves and flanges at the original cost, and would have an additional 30-percent cost for support.

Taking off the removable insulation covers, by contrast, was estimated to require only about 300 labor hours, with another 1,000 labor hours to reinstall, for a combined total of 1,500 hours. The number of hours is low because removable insulation blankets are reusable. It is important to add, however, that due to some damage that would inevitably result from handling, this estimate assumes that 5 percent of the removable blankets would require replacement during each maintenance cycle.

As the above scenarios illustrate, initially the removable insulation blankets would cost the operator about $76,479 more to purchase and install than conventional insulation. However, with the first maintenance cycle, the removable insulation blankets would save almost the same amount ($69,559) compared to using conventional insulation, mostly in craft-labor savings. In short, the removable insulation blankets would almost pay for themselves after the first full maintenance cycle. Based on these estimates, each successive maintenance cycle would reap additional savings of nearly $70,000 (as shown in Table 2). Figure 1 illustrates the initial investment difference and the longer term savings with each successive maintenance cycle. Note that after five maintenance cycles, the savings would be about $350,000 minus $76,500—or $273,500— a significant savings from an initial investment differential of only about $76,500.

Is it cost effective to save $70,000 worth of labor costs each maintenance cycle on 8,350 square feet of insulation (representing a little more than 1,000 valves and flanges)? The answer depends on how often the facility performs maintenance. If it only receives maintenance every 10 years, then that would be a 10-year simple payback, which is not impressive. However, if the maintenance cycle is once every year, then the removable insulation blankets would come close to paying for themselves in only one year.

It may be worthwhile to restate that this case study involves an oil refinery that often requires online maintenance, meaning that the insulation work has to be done on a hot system. In those cases, the use of removable insulation blankets becomes both faster and safer, as the hot surfaces pose a burn hazard to the insulators.

It is also worth emphasizing that this type of analysis is project specific. The payback analysis depends not only on the frequency of maintenance but also on the local cost of labor. The lower the labor rate, the longer the simple payback period would be. The higher the labor rate, the shorter the simple payback period. For this case study, the estimate was based on a relatively low labor rate, including contractor mark-up of $25 per person, per hour, a realistic value for the Gulf Coast but conservatively low for much of the rest of the United States.

Case Study: Removable Insulation Versus

No Insulation. The same insulation contractor who provided much of the above information had an interesting experience at another oil refinery, also located along the Gulf Coast. In 1999, he was contracted to furnish and install removable insulation blankets there for a number of valves and flanges. Upon arriving to the refinery with the blankets, the contractor was instructed by the operator to put all the blankets in the warehouse instead of installing them. The reason was that the operator had become concerned about maintaining design heat loss; he had not originally planned on using conventional or any other type of insulation on those valves and flanges. The original specifications left them all bare and uninsulated.

In 1999, remember, crude oil was selling for about $10 to $15 per barrel, and natural gas was selling wholesale for under $2 per million Btus. Today, of course, those prices are around $60 per barrel for oil and $12 per million Btus for natural gas—about 400 percent higher for crude oil and about 500 percent higher for natural gas.

It is interesting to consider what it would mean in terms of heat loss, value of wasted energy and simple payback for the removable insulation blankets if the refinery described in the scenario above installed the insulation blankets instead of placing them in a warehouse.

Our estimate assumes the following:

  • 1/3 of the valves and flanges being considered operate at 400 F, 1/3 at 650 F, and 1/3 at 900 F.
  • Removable insulation blankets are 1 inch, 2 inches and 3 inches thick on each of the above, respectively.
  • For heat loss calculations, the average ambient temperature is 67.9 F and the average wind velocity is 4 mph along the Gulf Coast.
  • The owner/operator purchases natural gas from his distributor for $12 per million Btus.
  • A bare valve or flange has twice the surface area of one that is insulated due to the convoluted shape of those fittings (see ASTM C1094, “Standard Guide for Removable Insulation Covers”).

The computer software 3E Plus® Version 4.0 (available for a free download from the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association at was used to estimate the heat loss for each of the above temperatures, both uninsulated and insulated with the specified thickness. The results are summarized in Table 3.

Table 1 showed that it would cost about $167,000 to purchase and install these removable insulation blankets on valves and flanges at this refinery. Table 3 showed the estimate of the value of annual energy savings: about $1,338,000. Dividing the latter by the former, indicates that the simple payback period would be only 0.125 years, or about 1.5 months, (45 days) at today’s energy prices. That is equivalent to a return on investment (ROI) of about 700 percent—impressive compared to today’s interest rate of around 4 percent.


When valves, flanges and other equipment require frequent maintenance, easy access is highly beneficial. To keep the facility operator’s maintenance costs under control, it is beneficial to use removable insulation blankets in place of conventional insulation on those fittings and equipment requiring frequent removal of the insulation followed by reinsulation.

In the case evaluated above (a Gulf Coast oil refinery expansion project consisting of about 1,000 valves and flanges, with $25 per hour labor cost), the removable insulation blankets were shown to almost pay for themselves in labor savings in one removal/reinsulation cycle. Every additional removal/reinsulation cycle results in additional labor savings.

In some cases, industrial facility operators choose not to use any insulation on valves, flanges and other frequently maintained equipment. While the operators may have seemingly good reasons to do so, the quantity of additional energy loss and the value of that energy at today’s energy costs is extreme. The example refinery demonstrates a cost payback of about 1.5 months when insulating previously bare valves and flanges with removable insulation blankets. This represents approximately a 700-percent ROI.

The Future of Removable Insulation Blankets

The greater the cost of energy, the greater the cost penalty for operators who leave valves and flanges uninsulated following maintenance activities. To ensure that the valves and flanges get reinsulated, operators should spend money wisely initially and specify removable insulation blankets for those valves and flanges and other frequently maintained equipment. In fact, they should specify them on any equipment that requires frequent maintenance. The investment, as seen, will quickly contribute to the company’s bottom line.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3

In the past, simple wood block or dowel inserts were normally used with pipe insulation protection shields to support insulation at hanger locations, but things have changed.

With increasing environmental concerns, like mold and mildew problems, and a greater emphasis on green building, engineers are taking a closer look at their support systems to choose the most efficient. In addition, newer specifications call for colder piping systems for chilled water and other cold lines, which has created the need for a wider array of pipe insulation support systems than currently offered by manufacturers.

What Are Pipe Insulation Support Systems?

Pipe insulation supports are various forms of rigid block and pipe insulation materials used in combination with protection shields to prevent low-density pipe insulation from getting crushed at hanger locations. Proper pipe insulation supports and shields are critical for maintaining thermal performance and system integrity where the pipe insulation passes through a clevis hanger, roller, anchor, guide or strut system.

The compressive strength of the support resting on the shield must be sufficient to support the pipe insulation, and it must keep the vapor-retardant jacketing intact. The ideal pipe insulation support prevents direct transfer of moisture or heat from the shield to the actual iron pipe.

Support and Shield Materials

Rigid pipe insulation support products are typically made from the following materials:

  • Wood blocks (soft and hard woods) with shields
  • High-temperature, rigid fiberglass blocks with shields
  • Rigid (6 PSI) polyisocyanurate blocks with shields
  • Heavy density urethane blocks with shields
  • Heavy density phenolic foam blocks with shields
  • Wood dowel/PVC disc combination support with shields
  • Wood dowels with shields
  • Extruded polystyrene pipe insulation with shields
  • Rigid polyisocyanurate pipe insulation with shields
  • Rigid urethane pipe insulation with shields
  • Rigid phenolic foam pipe insulation with shields
  • Calcium silicate (12 PSI) pipe insulation with shields
  • Perlite (12 PSI) pipe insulation with shields
  • Cellular glass pipe insulation with shields

Pipe insulation protection shields are generally fabricated from galvanized carbon steel and are available in various gauges and lengths. Stainless steel shields are also popular, especially in food process and clean room environments where sanitation of the entire building’s pipe insulation system is critical. Also, mold, mildew, bacteria and rust are less likely to develop on the surface of stainless steel protection shields. For this reason, although stainless steel shields are more expensive than carbon steel shields, many engineers prefer the benefits of stainless steel. Another advantage to stainless steel is the ease of cleaning the shield with a damp cloth.

Protection shields are usually available in a 180-degree form and are designed to give a perfect fit to the bottom side of the pipe insulation. Typically, the smaller the copper or iron pipe, the lighter the gauge of carbon steel shields applied and the shorter the length of the shields. The gauges and lengths increase as the iron pipe size and insulation thickness increase. The normal range of carbon steel gauge offerings are 22- to 12-gauge, with lengths normally at 8 inches, 12 inches, 18 inches and 24 inches for iron pipe sizes ranging from one-half–inch to 36 inches in diameter.

Pipe insulation shield quality has improved during the past few years. Flared edge shields were designed to protect the vapor-retardant jacket facing from being punctured, and center-ribbed shields have been made available by the major clevis hanger and shield manufacturers for several years. These ribbed shields give the perfect fit inside the clevis hanger and help prevent the shield from sliding out of the clevis hanger during pipe movement.

Plated shields are used with applications that require roller hangers. The additional plate is centered on the underside of the shield, which gives extra structure and stability to the pipe insulation support system. The plate is generally made of 1/4–inch thick hardened steel and is spot-welded to the adjoining, lighter carbon steel shield.

In recent years, pre-insulated shields have become more popular, featuring a combination of rigid insulation, vapor-retardant jacketing and a self-seal tape to ensure a tight vapor-retardant closure system and a protection shield. Some specifications call for a 360-degree over/under shield to give complete protection around the entire area of the pipe insulation support.

The advantage to pre-insulated shields is that they are simple and ready to install versus field-fabricated blocks and dowels, which have to be inserted into the pipe insulation before the actual installation.

Who Installs Support Systems?

Either the insulation contractor or the mechanical contractor installs pipe insulation supports, but this depends on the requirements of the mechanical engineer writing the specification and/or the normal trend set by the region of the country.

In Midwest and Southern states, the insulation contractor usually carries the responsibility for installing the pipe insulation support systems, but in Western and East Coast states the mechanical contractor provides the supports and shields. In Canada, the mechanical contractor is usually responsible for the pipe insulation support system.

Many insulation contractors prefer to supply the shields themselves because it gives them better control of their project. By supplying the supports and protection shields they are guaranteed that the products will be onsite and ready when it is time to install the support system at the hanger or support area.

It is very important that good communication take place between the insulator and mechanical contractor when the former is supplying the shields. They have to make sure the supports and protection shields are on the job site when it is time to install the insulation to the hanger locations.

Importance of the Proper Supports and Shields

Most pipe insulation failures occur at hanger locations, so it is vital for the pipe insulation support system to be correctly engineered. It must provide proper compressive strength and maintain the vapor retardant jacket, especially for cold piping systems. Because of potential pipe movement at hanger locations, engineers must be sure that the pipe insulation support system is correctly designed to prevent any chance of damage to the jacketing, which can result in serious condensation problems if it is punctured.

Normally, cold and chilled water applications require extruded rigid polystyrene, polyisocyanurate, urethene, phenolic foam, cellular glass or Perlite pipe insulation. Due to their strong moisture- and water-resistant properties, these insulations are superior in maintaining system integrity in the sealed piping system. Calcium silicate is recommended for hot piping systems over 300 F.

The ideal pipe insulation support system features are:

  • Outstanding thermal values
  • Excellent compressive strength
  • Clean appearance, matching the adjoining pipe insulation
  • Long-lasting performance
  • Low perm-rated, vapor-retardant properties
  • Strong water-retardant properties
  • Stability inside the clevis hanger, with low friction properties
  • Resistance to mold or mildew
  • Noise reduction properties during piping operation
  • Vapor-retarder continuity to adjoining insulation
Where Pipe Insulation Supports Are Used

Pipe insulation support systems are used on all insulated pipe that travels through a clevis hanger system. These systems include, but are not limited to, plumbing, hot water heating, chilled water, refrigeration, ammonia, liquid nitrogen, brine, steam and condensate lines.

Pipe roller and shoe supports are generally used on hot piping systems, or in cases where the project has large-diameter pipe, a high weight factor, or a high expansion or contraction variable. These products are designed to endure pipe movement while still maintaining the integrity of the actual pipe and surrounding pipe insulation.

Pipe Insulation Shield Specifications

Even though most of the protection shields used are made from 22- and 20-gauge carbon steel, certain projects must meet the Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fittings Industry Inc. Standard Practice Number MSS–SP 58, Table 5, for Type 40 shields. This specification usually applies to projects by the Corps of Engineers or other governmental organizations. This specification calls for the following guidelines.

Hanger spans are governed by MSS Standard SP-69 and ASTM B31.1 and are determined by the measurement of the outer diameter of bare pipe. The span loads are based on schedule 80 pipe filled with water, with 3-inch–thick, 12 PCF pipe insulation covered with metal jacketing. Concentrated loads such as valves and fittings must be added when applicable. The mechanical engineer must account for all of these design responsibilities.


Support systems play a crucial role in the long-term success of a pipe insulation project. Choosing the correct support/shield combination will ensure a quality installation that should last for the lifetime of the pipe insulation system.

Figure 1

Heat-tracing systems are often overlooked when industrial energy reduction initiatives are considered, but these systems are large energy consumers that may be optimized for energy conservation. A large variety of heat-tracing methods are available today.

Optimizing heat-tracing systems to be more energy conservative begins by selecting the most economic insulation type and thickness that meets the plant’s functional requirements, along with the best combination of heat-tracing method and control system for the application. A general overview of today’s energy-efficient heat-tracing systems is presented below, with a forward look at the anticipated impact of continually rising energy costs on heat-tracing technology. A case study is included to compare installation and operating costs of bare convection steam tracing and self-regulating electric tracing for water-freeze protection.

Debate on Steam Versus Electric Tracing

Ever since electric tracing emerged as a viable means of heat tracing in the early 1960s, there has been an ongoing debate concerning steam versus electric tracing and which method provides the most cost-effective and energy-efficient system for heating plant piping systems.

Electric heat-tracing quantities are estimated to be about 2/3 that of steam—and growing rapidly. Today, the installed base for electric heat tracing in the United States is estimated to be about 70 to 80 million feet.1, 2 It also is believed that electric tracing is easily controlled and therefore has the ability to maintain products within a narrow temperature range, reducing energy consumption.

Since electric tracing does not carry fluids, there are no fittings that leak or traps that will malfunction and require routine maintenance. In addition, modern, flexible electric heating cables can hold pipe temperatures at 40 F for simple freeze protection or process maintenance temperatures up to 400 F in applications that once were designed with steam or heat-transfer fluid tracing.

Finally, mineral-insulated heating cables with a tubular sheath of Alloy 825 (a high-nickel/ chromium alloy) are capable of holding pipe temperatures up to 932 F. Steam cannot be used safely at such extreme temperatures.

Still, many systems today consist of a bare convection steam tracer, which can be a sizeable energy consumer, as shown in the following case study. The apparent simplicity of a bare convection tracer belies the fact that the tracer is often installed on low-temperature applications where it then raises the pipe temperature much higher than needed. Even though overheating may not harm the fluid in the pipe, an enormous amount of energy is wasted.3

The total installed base of steam tracing in United States industrial process plants is estimated to be about 105 to 120 million feet, and bare convection tracing makes up about 80 percent (or 84 to 96 million feet) of the total.1, 2 Engineers involved in the design of steam-tracing systems indicate that at least 50 percent (or 42 to 48 million feet) of all bare convection tracing is installed for low-ambient freeze protection.4

All steam-tracing systems require traps to hold the steam in the circuit until it gives up its latent heat. The traps then release the condensate into a collection system. A typical chemical plant with 5,000 steam traps will have approximately 3,000 traps performing steam-tracing service.5 The plant will have approximately 180,000 feet of steam tracing with approximately 72,000 feet heated with bare convection steam tracing for winter-freeze protection. In most plants, ongoing steam-trap failures of 3 to 10 percent will contribute to the flow of live steam in the return line.6 If the plant has a good maintenance program, only about 3 to 5 percent of the traps will malfunction at any given time. Table 1 provides a look at the cost of malfunctioning small-orifice traps for steam-tracing circuits when steam cost is $10.00 per 1,000 pounds.

Another prevalent view is that temperature control methods are available for steam-tracing circuits, but they usually require shortened circuit lengths to maintain consistent temperature profiles. These control systems are sometimes costly to implement; therefore, it is more common to find steam-tracing systems operating in the “free run” mode.

Steam tracing has an advantage over electric in plants that produce steam from process heat since the steam will be considered free, or at least low-cost.

Steam tracing also may be used where flash steam is available from condensate released by a higher-pressure steam source since it will be low in cost. When steam is generated by a fired boiler, however, steam tracing rarely will be economically competitive with electric heat tracing.

Steam tracing is effective when heating process lines operate within 200 to 375 F, particularly if a rapid heat-up or melt-out is required in case of a process shutdown. Conduction steam-tracing systems (tubing tracers utilizing heat-transfer compounds) are often chosen for these applications.

Impact of Escalating Energy Costs on Future Heat-Tracing Design

There is no doubt that the installed base of heat tracing will continue to grow. Likewise, heat-tracing products and system designs will change in the years ahead, and the trends can be anticipated based on the level of technology today. As noted, there are many heat-tracing types available for heating plant-piping systems. It is expected that tubular steam tracing and self-regulating electric tracing will continue to be the predominant heat-tracing types in the future. Therefore, the remainder of this article will focus on these types.

Greater Sophistication in Heat-Tracing Controls

Simplicity in heat-tracing control equipment will become harder to justify in the future. The first rule of thumb in many heat-tracing design applications today is “simple is better.” This is especially applicable in the area of heat-tracing control strategies. The most common heat-tracing control strategies used today are as follows (beginning with the least-energy-conserving):

No Control—For self-regulating electric heating cable, the simplest control method is to take advantage of the self-regulating power turndown and free run capability of the cable and use no control at all. Unfortunately, today’s self-regulating heating cable technology does not lend itself to customized power curve shaping. The “turn down” of a self-regulating heating cable is determined by (1) the polymer base of the heater, (2) the conductivity of the formulation, and (3) the operating temperature of the heater. The actual pipe equilibrium temperature is then a function of the level to which the power turns down, along with the heat loss through the insulation envelope.

For steam heat tracing, the use of uncontrolled steam is quite common. Since steam is a constant temperature source, the heat delivered by the steam tracer will continue to reduce until the pipe maintains a static equilibrium temperature. With steam tracing, the tracer essentially turns off when the pipe approaches the steam temperature. In either case, a “no-control” strategy with heat tracing will result in raising pipe temperatures above the required values. The results of a typical no-control strategy for steam tracers and an electric self-regulating heating cable are compared in Figure 1.

From Figure 1, it is clear that even a polyolefin-based self-regulating heating cable with the highest turndown contributes to overheat (temperatures in excess of 40 F) and energy waste when operated in a no-control mode over normal ambient temperature swings of –20 to 100 F.

Ambient Sensing (On-Off) Control—One of the earliest and simplest forms of heat-tracing control is ambient sensing on-off control. With this control strategy, the power is switched to a single heater or group of heaters when a thermostat/controller senses that the ambient temperature has dropped below the preset temperature, which would normally be slightly above the freeze point of the fluid in the process or utility pipe. For freeze protection, the controllers are generally set at about 40 F. This type of control scheme has the following characteristics:

  • No heating occurs when the ambient is above freezing.
  • A single temperature controller can control a whole group of circuits when the circuits are in the same ambient temperature environment.
  • This approach may be used with either steam or electric heat-tracing systems by turning off steam or electrical power at a central distribution location.

The disadvantage of this method is that overheating still may occur, since the power to all circuits is either fully on or off, and maximum watts/Btu/hr output is only needed at the coldest design ambient condition, which seldom occurs. Referencing Figure 1, the effect of ambient sensing control is simply to turn the heaters off when the ambient temperature climbs to 40 F.

Ambient Sensing (Wide Band Proportional) Control: Theoretically, if the ambient environment did not change throughout the year, it would be possible to apply one level of heat and maintain the same temperature throughout the year. Since that is not the case (except, perhaps, indoors in a controlled environment), the next best thing is to monitor the ambient changes with a special electronic temperature-control device that linearly proportions the power from a near-zero level at the desired maintenance temperature to full power at the minimum design ambient. This type of control system has the following characteristics:

  • Only minimal overheating occurs as the power input cuts back when the ambient temperature begins to climb.
  • A large number of circuits may be grouped together without regard for branches and flow patterns.
  • Installed capital costs are only slightly higher than with the more traditional on-off ambient control.
  • Due to the rapid on-off cycles of the control device, this methodology is best applied with solid-state control switching and thus should not be used with steam tracing.

The primary disadvantage of this method is that power to the heat tracing still will be on when flow is occurring at temperatures in excess of the desired maintenance temperature. That is, normally there is no feedback on the process piping temperatures when in operation. A typical control pattern that might be observed in this type of control scheme is shown in Figure 3.

In the range of –20 to 42 F, the pipe temperature is controlled by the proportional control algorithm, which usually has a lower power limit of 20 percent just prior to shutoff. Upon reaching 42 F (the upper end of the control band), the heat tracing is de-energized and the pipe will warm as the ambient temperature rises. This control strategy is not only applicable to water-freeze protection but also may be effectively used in process temperature maintenance applications.

Pipe Sensing Control—The most energy-conservative control strategy is pipe-sensing control, in which a temperature sensor is located on the traced pipe. The control device will turn the heat tracing on and off within a prescribed control band around the required maintenance temperature. The pipe-sensing control strategy has the following characteristics:

  • Only the precise amount of heat required to hold the pipe at design temperature is applied.
  • If fluid is flowing at a temperature above the control point, the heat tracing will turn off. In some cases, this may be necessary to prevent damage to the heat tracing being utilized.
  • This method can be used for steam or electric tracing, although steam control systems available today are costly and are generally restricted to applications with rather short circuit lengths.

The primary disadvantage of a pipe-sensing control strategy is that most of the pipe branches need to be controlled by a separate control device, which increases the initial capital investment. Typical control patterns that might be observed in this type of system are provided in Figure 3.

In the range of –20 F to 42 F, pipe temperature is controlled by an on-off pipe-sensing control algorithm. Upon reaching 42 F (the upper end of the control band), the heat tracing is de-energized and the pipe will warm as the ambient temperature rises. This control strategy is applicable to all temperature maintenance applications.

In the future, the use of control strategies where natural overheating of the traced-piping system occurs will most likely decline in favor of more energy-conservative options of ambient proportional and pipe-sensing control.

The Insulation Envelope Will Grow in Thickness

As the cost of energy climbs, the economic insulation thickness by NAIMA (as determined by programs such as 3E Plus®) will naturally increase for most heat-tracing applications. The impact of increased insulation thickness on electric heating cables or steam tracers is that the watts/Btu/hr required to offset heat loss will drop. Within a particular family or class of electric heating cables, the optimal design will drift to the lower-wattage models, as illustrated in Figure 4.

The benefits to be realized from the expected trend toward lower-power electric-tracing products are as follows:

  • Power distribution equipment size and cost will be reduced.
  • Heater operating temperatures and system stress will be reduced.
  • Depending on the magnitude of the insulation increase, it may be possible to move into a lower-temperature class of heaters and achieve initial capital cost savings.

The same general effect will be seen with steam-tracing products. Within a particular family of steam-tracing products, the optimal design will drift to the lower-heat transfer products, as seen in Figure 5.

An additional benefit with steam tracing is the possibility of using lower-pressure steam, which may be available from various let-down process operations.

On the other hand, for either heat-tracing product type, the use of thicker insulation envelopes does create the need to pay greater attention to pipe support and equipment allowance details. That is, it is typical in a heat-tracing system to place additional heater allowances at pipe supports and equipment where the insulation envelope must be breached by thermally conductive supports or appendages. In these cases, the traditional support and equipment allowances either must be increased as the heat output per unit length drops, or isolated pipe support systems should be considered.

As the insulation thickness on piping increases, it also becomes increasingly more difficult to properly size a steam-tracing product into lower temperature freeze-protection applications. The commercially available electric heating cables are already much lower in overall heat output compared to the steam-tracing products currently available. Unless new technology becomes available for steam-tracing products, the obvious trend will be that a greater percentage of electric tracing will be used in the future; the “Steam Versus Electric Tracing Question” will be answered.

How Rising Energy Costs May Alter the Future Heat-Tracing System Design Process

In many designs today, the energy costs associated with heat tracing are taken for granted. System design criteria are based on past historical success and familiarity with a particular type of heat tracing, initial capital cost of system and installation, and functional process specifications. Yearly operating costs based on energy consumption and maintenance activities are not often included in the design evaluation except in a very broad way. It is anticipated that this will soon change. Manufacturers and engineering providers will need to incorporate engineering and energy assessments within the overall heat-tracing system evaluation. The heat-tracing system design process flow diagram is shown in Figure 6.

Because of rising fuel costs, increased emphasis is expected to be placed on energy consumption and maintenance in the operational analysis phase of a project. Key factors to be considered in this part of the analysis are:

  • Cost and availability of steam and electric utilities, with a projection of increases in fuel costs over the life of the system.
  • Overheat capabilities of the heat-tracing system due to the control strategy.
  • Historical ambient temperature cycle patterns and average wind on a monthly basis for the specific facility/region.
  • Energy consumption of the heat-tracing system during product processing periods, as well as stagnant piping periods.
  • Energy losses associated with normal operation and wear and tear of heat-tracing equipment such as steam traps.

Technology and the tools for evaluating electric and steam heat-tracing systems with more precision are already in the latter stages of development.

To illustrate the results of an overall heat-tracing design-and-build project with the added energy assessment, consider the following.

A Case Study Illustration

A 2 1/2-inch pipe utility water system totaling approximately 1,000 feet of piping is to be freeze protected at a minimum temperature of 40 F with a low ambient design temperature of –20 F. Both steam- and electric-tracing systems will be evaluated. A polyolefin-based self-regulating electric heating cable operating at 240 Vac with ambient sensing control will be compared with a 3/8-inch conventional steam-tracing tube having a 30 psig steam supply source. The steam tracer operates in a free run mode. The most functional insulation type and economic thickness, based on projected energy cost over a 20-year period for this application, previously has been determined to be 1-inch cellular glass. Evaluate the initial capital investment cost of the heat tracing, thermal insulation and distribution system and determine the yearly operating cost (which includes an energy consumption assessment).

The evaluation shows that the initial installation cost of the steam-tracing system was about 17 percent higher than the ambient sensed self-regulating cable system. This was primarily due to the higher cost of installing the steam distribution system compared to the electric distribution system. The energy and operating costs of the steam-tracing system was in excess of $5,000 per year more than the electric-tracing system in this case study. The energy cost differential in favor of the electric-tracing system was due to the use of an ambient sensing control strategy as well as the much greater energy consumption of the steam-tracing system and associated steam traps.

Projecting Plant Cost Savings

It is possible to take the above case study results and extrapolate them to numbers on a plant-wide basis. For example, the typical petrochemical plant from Table 1 (5,000 traps, 3,000 of which are on steam-tracing service) would have approximately 72,000 feet of pipe requiring freeze protection. Based on a general statistical analysis of pipe size demographics within a petrochemical facility, the 1,000-foot long, 2 1/2-inch pipe selected for the case study is a good average size since over 2/3 of the small piping is in the 2- to 3-inch range. It is reasonable to project that a typical petrochemical plant could potentially save approximately $360,000 (72,000¸ 1,000 x $5,000) in energy cost per year if the lines were traced with self-regulating electric tracing rather than bare convection steam tracing. This does not consider the initial capital cost savings that will result from using the electric-tracing rather than the steam-tracing system.

The Future

The engineering design-and-build world is now and will most assuredly continue to be affected by the need to reduce hydrocarbon pollutants and energy consumption. Increased engineering design awareness and analysis of energy consumption and emissions is rapidly becoming a fact of life. Movements in the technology area to utilize nanotechnology in the development of unique, new, enhanced materials are beginning to be more than just a research idea in the insulation and heat-tracing arena. Steady advances in electronics, such as wireless technology, will no doubt bring about the commercialization of new control and monitoring equipment, which will result in more effective, energy-efficient heat-traced piping systems. The future is certainly bright, with new engineering challenges and opportunities for the heat-tracing and insulation industry.

Endnote References

1. Custom Marketing Report for Thermon Manufacturing Company, Saunders Management Associates, September 1994.

2. Thermon Heat Tracing Services, Inc., A Turnkey Heat Tracing Contractor.

3. Burdick, Dick. “Steam Versus Electrical Tracing,” Insulation Outlook (Viewpoint), May 1999.

4. McDonald, Arthur. Special Report, Thermon Manufacturing Company, March 2000.

5. Jones, Ted. “Gathering Steam,” Insulation Outlook, March, 1998.

6. Mackay, Bruce, P.E. “Designing a Cost effective Condensate-Return System.” Chemical Processing, May 1997.

Figure 1

Table 1: Steam Wasted per year.

Figure 2

Figure1: typical temperature levels achieved with self-regulating polyolefin heating cable, bare steam tracers and isolated steam tracers for water-freeze protection when a no-control strategy is implemented.

Figure 3

Figure 2: Typical temperature control achieved on a pipe with self-regulating polyolefin-based heating cable when an ambient proportional control strategy is used.

Figure 4

Figure 3: Typical temperature control achieved with a self-regulating polyolefin-based heating cable where a pipe sensing control strategy is used.

Figure 5

Figure 4: Typical load line diagram for a pipe heat traced with a fluoropolymer class of self-regulating heaters as insulation thickness increases.

Figure 6

Figure 5: Typical load line diagram for a pipe heated with steam tracing as insulation thickness increases.

Figure 7

Figure 6: Key parts of heat-tracing system project analysis.

Figure 8

Figure 7: Developing engineering tools for heat tracing and energy assessments.

Figure 9

Figure 8: Computer analysis results of installed and operating tracing system costs.

Insulation is rarely installed as a stand-alone item. Instead, insulation material is part of a system that includes the insulation; the securement; a vapor barrier, in the case of low-temperature applications; and an outer layer that might be referred to as the cover, jacket or lagging.

Each component plays an important part in the overall function of the system. The insulation material itself is the primary barrier to the flow of energy, while the securement holds the insulation in place. The function of the vapor barrier is to prevent the passage of moisture into the insulation. The most multi-functional component in the insulation system is the outer covering, referred to here as the jacket. It has a variety of functions, including protecting the insulation from mechanical damage, providing support, preventing moisture penetration and establishing the system emissivity and appearance. This article will examine the high points of insulation jackets.

To a casual observer, the most obvious characteristic of an insulation system is its appearance. Appearance is dominated by the characteristics of the jacket chosen for the system. In the chemical process industry (CPI), where most insulation is located outside, exposed to the elements, metal is the most commonly used material. For a metal to be useful in this situation, it must first have sufficient corrosion resistance to withstand exposure to both the elements and to the chemicals present in a typical chemical processing environment. Aluminum and stainless steel are the most commonly used jacket materials in the CPI because, among many other desirable characteristics, they have sufficient corrosion resistance to meet a basic low-maintenance, high-durability requirement. Both are available in a range of thickness, finishes and corrugations.

Metal Jackets

Aluminum has many advantages that make it attractive as a jacket material. Its low density and excellent formability allow it to be used in thicker sections that improve its damage resistance and make it more installer friendly. Metal jacketing that is used at low thickness such as 0.010 inch is difficult for the installer to handle because of the risk of injury from sharp edges. Thinner jacket materials are used safely every day; they just require more care than thicker materials.

Aluminum’s formability gives the designer choices in surface finish that include smooth, embossed and corrugated. Each of these serves a specific purpose. A smooth surface is easily cleaned and provides what many consider to be a more attractive appearance. A disadvantage of the smooth finish is its tendency to show imperfections such as mechanical damage to the surface. The rougher appearance of the stucco-embossed finish tends to hide minor imperfections and is often chosen for that reason. The downside of the embossed finish is its greater ability to hold surface contamination.

Another significant option when choosing aluminum is corrugation. Corrugation is available in a variety of sizes and adds stiffness to the jacket material. A concern is that when corrugated metal is used on horizontal surfaces, water collects on the top surface that might subsequently penetrate the jacket or cause corrosion or fouling of the jacket material.

A disadvantage of aluminum is its poor durability when exposed to fire. Because aluminum melts at 660 C, it does not take long for an aluminum jacket that is less than one-sixteenth of an inch thick to lose its integrity. When this happens, the fire has direct access to the underlying insulation material, with potentially disastrous results.


When fire is a concern, the jacket material will often be stainless steel. Stainless steel melts at a much higher temperature and will remain in place much longer than aluminum. This greater durability protects the contents of the insulated asset and prolongs the time of exposure before a pressure relief will occur. This is a significant benefit that can be taken advantage of when designing relief systems. Other jacket materials such as galvanized steel can be used in the same way as stainless steel; however, the zinc coating on galvanized steel will most likely melt in a fire and poses a risk of liquid metal embrittlement to any nearby stainless steel surface. This is one reason that stainless steel is more often specified for fire-resistant installations. Thermoplastic jacket materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) have even less resistance to fire and should never be used on equipment where fire resistance is a consideration.

When metal jacketing first came into common use it was all metal with no liner installed. With time, it was discovered that if the insulation material became wet, the metal jacket would corrode from the inside. This problem was solved by the introduction of the bonded craft paper liner. A continuous paper liner is bonded to the inside surface of the jacket to prevent corrosion of the metal by acting as a barrier between the wet insulation and the vulnerable metal jacket.

Later, the use of thermoplastic sheet material, such as surlyn, replaced the paper. The primary benefit of this approach is the improved water resistance of the surlyn plastic. The paper deteriorates when exposed to water and will eventually no longer provide an effective barrier. Surlyn does not absorb a significant amount of moisture and thus provides more effective protection against corrosion of the jacket.

Stainless steel, both 304 and 316, is readily available, has a clear advantage in corrosion resistance over aluminum and, along with its better fire resistance, is generally chosen instead of aluminum. Aluminum has a cost advantage over stainless so there must be a functional reason to choose stainless instead of aluminum if a metal jacket is to be used. Although stainless is not usually used at a thickness as great as aluminum for weight and cost reasons, it can be. Stainless is also not made with an inner corrosion barrier since it is not typically subject to corrosion caused by wet insulation.

Other Types of Jackets

Metal is not the only material used as insulation jacket; thermoplastics and fabrics are also important jacket materials. There are a wide variety of fabric materials that are used in an equally wide variety of ways. A common application is to combine fabric with a mastic material to create a jacket over a complicated shape. Often this might be a valve or fitting. The advantage of this approach is that it is easier to cover an unusually shaped item than it is with metal. A disadvantage, especially in outdoor applications, is reduced durability when compared to metal jacket. Fabrics are also used to provide the outer surfaces of flexible, removable-reusable insulation. Clearly, without fabric, these would not be possible. The type of fabric specified for these applications depends on the use temperature and the type of environment to which the insulation will be exposed.

Thermoplastic jackets are made from a variety of thermoplastic materials that include PVC and Saran, among others. Most often these materials are used for low-temperature applications. They have poor resistance to fire and should not be used in situations where there is significant risk of fire. They are used as smooth sheet material and are often selected in applications where cleanliness is important because they typically have better release properties than metal and are thus more easily cleaned. The plastics also have good resistance to a wide variety of chemicals and are not damaged by water. They are not used as commonly in industrial applications as the metals.

The jacket material plays an important role in the overall thermal performance of the system because it establishes the system emissivity. NAIMA’s computer program, 3E Plus®, contains a list of materials and their emissivity, used by the program to calculate heat transfer. New, shiny aluminum has an emissivity of 0.04, which changes to 0.1 after the aluminum oxidizes in service. Stainless steel has an initial emissivity of 0.13 that rises to 0.3 after it becomes dull in service. By comparison, the thermoplastic PVC and the colored mastics that would be used with fabric have an emissivity of 0.9. How does this impact performance? For a 4-inch diameter steel pipe operating at 350 F in an exterior environment with no wind and an ambient temperature of 75 F, with an oxidized aluminum jacket over mineral fiber insulation the energy loss at 1.5 inches is 650,500 Btu/ft/yr and the surface temperature is 128 F. If the jacket is changed to PVC or fabric and mastic, the heat loss rises to 704,700 Btu/ft/yr but the surface temperature falls to 104 F at the same 1.5-inch thickness of mineral fiber. This shows that if the primary purpose of the insulation is personnel protection, then a high-emissivity jacket will allow a reduced insulation thickness.

What about low-temperature systems? Change the example to a process operating at –50 F with 50-percent relative humidity and an ambient dewpoint of 55 F with cellular glass. With oxidized aluminum jacket, the heat gain at the 2.5 inches of thickness required to prevent condensation is 220,200 Btu/ft/yr. Using PVC, the thickness required to prevent condensation drops to less than 1.5 inches, but at that thickness the heat gain rises to more than 332,300 Btu/ft/yr. To achieve the same heat gain as obtained with aluminum jacket, the thickness must be more than 3 inches. Again, that jacket choice has a clear influence on thermal performance and should be made with a good understanding of why the insulation is being used. At low temperatures, if condensation control is all that matters, then a high-emissivity jacket should be chosen.


This article has just scratched the surface of insulation jacketing for industrial applications. Clearly, there are more materials available than are described here, and many more factors that influence jacket selection than one could cover in a brief article. Jacket selection is not a trivial matter. It effects many aspects of system design and performance and should be made by a knowledgeable designer with well-defined design criteria for each project. A one-size-fits-all solution to jacket selection fails to take advantage of the wide variety of excellent materials available in today’s marketplace.