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From day one, Honeywell Nylon Inc. in Chesterfield, Va., has made a significant investment in insulation. According to engineering leader Henry "Hank" Black, "Insulation is one of those things we’ve always had to do. With 570 degrees Fahrenheit (F) piping, you couldn’t exist economically if you didn’t insulate-the energy cost would be enormous. Today, we probably insulate more of the steam condensate lines than we did back in 1955 when the plant was first built. At that time oil prices were so low and there was not the awareness of energy conservation and cost savings that there is right now."

Because it spends millions of dollars each year on energy, including natural gas, electricity, and number 2 heating oil, Honeywell is always looking for ways to conserve. To that end, Black says that the company spends several million dollars annually on capital improvements to upgrade, improve and maintain the equipment and the processes.

"We have plant maintenance and an on-site contractor who maintains the insulation and insulates new work," says Black, who is responsible for project implementation of new work and maintaining the equipment. "They routinely do energy surveys where they identify opportunities where we could insulate and save money. They use infrared technology to define the amount of heat loss in a certain area where we could use more insulation or repair insulation. Then we do an economic analysis to see if it is worth investing. Obviously, we are not going to spend $5,000 on insulation to save $100 per year. We’ve had energy conservation specialists performing these surveys for five years and in that time they’ve saved us tens of thousands of dollars by doing these surveys. Using government certified software, they’ve been able to clearly document the amount of money we are saving with insulation."

Currently, Honeywell Nylon employs 850 people, of which 150 are maintenance personnel. "With 570 degree (F) piping, personnel protection is an issue," says Black. "Safety is another reason why we insulate all our process and utility piping (approximately 10,000 feet) and equipment. The insulation reduces the surface temperatures to a much safer level."

Insulation is also essential in regulating process temperatures. "Producing nylon carpet fibers requires very high temperatures in order to keep the nylon molten as it goes from reactor to reactor," explains Black. "In each reactor there is a chemical reaction which requires precise temperature control, which is one of the hallmarks of the process. In order to control the temperature to within a couple of degrees Fahrenheit, insulation is critical-otherwise you would be at the mercy of the weather." Insulating. It’s just a way of life for Honeywell Nylon. It’s not a "now and then, special consideration." Rather, it’s a necessary part of their plant maintenance process. It just is …and always will be.

Editor’s Note: The opinions in this article are those of the author and may not necessarily represent the views of the National Insulation

Over the past few months, national attention has been brought to tragedies at nightclubs in Chicago and West Warwick, R.I., as well as a nursing home fire in Hartford, Conn., at the Greenwood Health Center. Each event led to deaths of innocent people who weren’t able to exit a building quickly enough to beat smoke, fire or trampling crowd surges. We’ve heard the call for "something to prevent this from happening" numerous times in the press. So far, the "something" has been a call for, and in Boston for the adoption of sprinkler systems. As there was no call for more passive fire protection, it seems that sprinklers are supposed to provide the building space the "save all" to prevent tragedies. Non-combustible construction components, which could provide protection against pyrotechnics, and other unauthorized flammables in and around occupied spaces, would provide fire and life safety protection as well.

No ‘Single Savior’

According to basic common sense, nothing can be a "single savior" in this fight for fire and life safety in buildings. Sprinkler systems are excellent tools to control fires, not stop them or "contain them." When a sprinkler system activates, its water misting action controls the fire, and creates smoke that can travel, causing loss of sight during egress, and death if the smoke is toxic. These sprinkler systems come in various forms for every type of occupancy.

"Fire protection by automatic sprinklers assumes that a there will be water available at sufficient pressure to deliver a spray of water to the fire area, be close enough to the heat source to either melt a fusible element or fracture a glass bulb, and have an orifice size, response characteristic, deflector and temperature rating to melt and subsequently release some type of tension mechanism to operate the standard sprinkler," according to a PM Engineer magazine article. Additionally, a fast response, complete "suppression" system will suppress a fire quickly, but may not put it out completely.

Passive fire and life safety systems are fire and smoke resistance rated assemblies ("or fire barriers such as drywall, concrete walls and floors, combination wood and lightweight concrete floor and ceiling tile/drywall assemblies, and concrete block walls, that stop fire from leaping into other areas. Together with systems meant to seal service items penetrating these walls and floors, (firestopping, fire and smoke dampers, fire doors) these fire protection features create "compartments." In exit corridors, these compartments provide protection for building occupants as they egress from a building during fire conditions. In building compartments, they protect people and contain fire in the area of origin until either sprinklers control the blaze, or building, fire service personnel fully extinguish the blaze. The sprinkler system may also extinguish the fire, but it’s not designed to completely douse the fire.

In the Hartford nursing home fire, according to the Associated Press, "patients were moved to another area of the building" that wasn’t affected by the fire. A woman describing her fire experience to her daughter over the phone stated, "and I heard the fire doors closing" In other words, areas were protected by fire resistance rated construction, firestop systems, and smoke protection. These passive fire-protected "fire and smoke compartments" of fire doors, fire dampers and fire walls proved effective, allowing people to remain safe in protected spaces.

In the Firestop Contractors International Association’s (FCIA) opinion, effective fire barriers are needed to contain smoke and fire to a room of origin, so the sprinkler system can do its work. Then, working together, fire suppression systems and effective compartmentation with firestopping can keep a compartment safe for egress, or people that can’t or won’t move due to incapacity, whether physical or mental. Additionally, FCIA believes it makes sense then that effective compartmentation with firestopping should be demanded with sprinkler systems after a tragedy like the Greenwood Health Center nursing home and West Warwick nightclub fire.
Responding to the Changing Environment

Due to the changing environment, with new terrorist threats, both active and passive fire and life safety protection systems should be used. Statistics show that loss of life and property increase when fire spreads beyond the room of origin. Fire resistive construction types help reduce losses by protecting against flame, temperature and smoke travel from fire areas to the next compartment.

An economist might argue that the use of sprinklers and passive fire protection system features with firestop systems in building construction is redundant. Fire history shows that both active and passive (compartments) fire protection features protect buildings and occupants from fire. Sprinkler systems are sometimes out of service for maintenance, non-existent, under construction or rendered useless by fire attack. The First Meridian Bank disaster in Philadelphia and the 1st Interstate Bank fire in Los Angeles were examples of these situations.

Also, with the increased risk of terrorism, (such as with the World Trade Center towers) water supply reliability and has come into question. Sprinkler systems need a minimum water pressure and continuous supply, to be effective. In FCIA’s opinion, with fire and smoke protected compartments using firestopping, the risk of damage and loss of life due to terrorism and resulting disaster to the critical sprinkler system operating elements can be reduced.
The added cost of "fire and smoke rated construction" is often negligible. Most concrete floor assemblies in commercial, institutional and industrial buildings are already fire resistance rated, according to Rik Master of USG Corp. in Chicago. Drywall assemblies in commercial buildings, with one layer of sheetrock on each side of the wall are typically constructed of 5/8-inch thick drywall. Manufacturers typically supply "Type X" for 5/8-inch thick drywall, which becomes the major component of a fire resistance rated assembly anyway when used on both sides of a wall. The only difference between a fire resistance rated and non-rated assembly is that a non-rated assembly doesn’t extend past the ceiling to the floor above, breaking the continuity of the fire assembly.

"The metal studs may be beefed up a bit as well, but [it’s] normally 3-5/8 inches anyway in commercial, institutional and industrial construction," according to Master. Additionally, cables, pipes, walltops and building perimeter joints need to be sealed with tested and listed firestop systems, fire damper and fire door systems. Again, the upcharge for fire rated systems is negligible, as "a door" of some kind still needs to be installed.

Finding the Best of Both Worlds

In FCIA’s opinion, the combination of fire and smoke resistant construction, (passive fire and life safety protection), and a fast response suppression sprinkler system is the best of both worlds. Shouldn’t we demand use of passive fire and life safety items in the in places our loved ones occupy daily? Shouldn’t we include our offices, condos, apartments, hotels, schools, hospitals and nursing homes in this group of people and places to protect as much as we do buildings with valuable high dollar items are stored? The combination of these passive fire and life safety systems and sprinkler systems means more lives saved when using common sense as the reason for better protection ?and it really doesn’t cost that much either, when listening to industry experts such as Master.

The intention here isn’t to purport that either sprinklers or passive fire and smoke protection features are the complete "save all" to the risk of being in a building during fire. Each system has its advantages and disadvantages. The idea is to promote both "active" and "passive" protection. The strength of the combined technology is needed in to protect people and property in buildings.

When quality products and systems are installed by contractors who have proven their firm’s performance with "audit tested" quality programs like FM 4991, Standard for Approval of Firestop Contractors, everybody wins through effective compartmentation and controlling fires to the room of origin. Both passive and active fire and life safety systems with effective firestopping help keep egress and compartmented areas in buildings safe-saving lives and reducing property damage-for our families, wherever they are at any given time.


  • "Briefing on the World Trade Center Attacks," Fire Protection Engineering magazine, Number 13, Winter, 2002.
  • Boston Globe, March 14, 2003
  • "Fire Sprinkler Application Review," PM Engineer magazine, Mark Broman, May 2000
  • "Suspicious Fire at Nursing Home Kills 10 Residents," Miami Herald/Associated Press, Feb. 27, 2003
  • "A statistical benchmark framework for developing stakeholder consensus," Fire Protection Engineering magazine, Number 17, Winter, 2003.

The firestopping business has grown rapidly in the past 10 years. What once was a new, unknown industry is commanding respect in architectural, code and contractor circles. For some numbers, our sources tell us that manufacturer’s businesses are growing, though more slowly than in the past due to reductions in compartmentation. This reduction has been mainly in the western United States, although some in the central states as well. The big change came when the International Building Code used the height and area tables from the "BOCA" National Building Code, which was less stringent than the western states’ ICBO Uniform Building Code. Still, manufacturers report market growth in firestopping.

Firestop contracting, which was once a very small percentage of total firestop products sold nationally, is up to about 25 percent to 30 percent of total firestopping products sold. This is good for life safety, as the firestopping trade generally is better educated about the "zero tolerance" attitude required to install firestopping to the tested and listed system.

With growth in the firestopping business, manufacturers continue to invest in new products to either "catch up" to other competitors, or to introduce totally new ideas and technologies to make firestopping easier. Additionally, manufacturers are extending their product lines to seal openings in passive fire protection systems (such as fire walls, floors and ceilings) by using some of the same intumescent technology, only reengineered for other applications. You’ll see those innovations described as you read this article.

The Firestop Contractors International Association, (FCIA) recently requested information about new products from firestop manufacturers. We received several pieces of information about products and systems that have been released in the past 18 months, and have listed the responses as follows, in alphabetical order.

Nelson Firestop Products

(Fire Protection Lighting Covers)

If an opening is made in a fire rated ceiling to install a recessed lighting fixture, the ceiling’s fire resistance integrity must be restored. Without proper coverage, lives and property could suffer in the event of a fire.

Recessed lighting in ceilings is widely used in commercial buildings. Each ceiling is subject to fire regulations and, where applicable, the ceiling construction needs to be fire rated. However, once a hole is made in a rated ceiling for recessed lighting, the integrity of the construction and its ability to perform in a fire can be reduced significantly. Nelson Firestop Products is introducing a fire protection cover for recessed lighting to restore the integrity of the ceiling.

Key features of the new product include a flexible, lightweight cover that can be fitted from below or above the ceiling. The cover is ventilated to reduce heat build up in the light fixture.

According to the manufacturer, the device can be fitted in seconds with no screws, drilling or support required. The cover can be used in suspended, plasterboard and concrete ceilings. The cover handles a wide range of mains and low voltage downlighters for 30 minute and 60 minute fire rated ceilings.

The product’s principle is that it prevents fire from penetrating the ceiling void to retain the ceiling’s fire protection integrity. When exposed to fire it provides a highly insulating, stable char. While in service, the cover is unaffected by moisture and is non-toxic. Once installed, it’s free from additional maintenance. Additionally, in a fire situation, the cover expands internally to fill all the available space with a fire resistant highly insulating char. The fire is unable to penetrate the hole and the cover is able to give additional insulation protection to the ceiling void by reducing the chance of heat build up and ignition of flammables such as accumulated dust and insulation. The covers are also available for fluorescent lighting systems.

For more information, contact Nelson Firestop Products, P.O. Box 726, Tulsa, Okla. 74101. Phone: (918) 627-5530; Fax: (918) 627-2941. On the Web:

(Firestop Gasket, Composite Sheet, Firestop Joint Strips)

Founded in 1937, RectorSeal® is pursuing new and unique technologies to serve the plumbing, hardware, heating, air conditioning, and construction markets both domestically and internationally. In February, 2002, RectorSeal announced the BioFireshieldTM Firestop Gasket. The Firestop Gasket is a single component, fire rated gasket for use with electrical boxes installed in fire rated walls. It can be utilized with both metal and plastic cover plates. The Firestop Gasket is mounted on the inside of the cover plate and installed at the same time as the cover plate, covering the opening and providing the necessary fire protection. According to the manufacturer, BioFireshield™ Firestop Gasket replaces the need for putty pads and saves on material and labor costs, while possessing many tested and listed systems.

When exposed to heat, the intumescent material in the gasket expands, forming a char that seals off the opening and preventing flame spread. This operation alone limits the temperature rise on an unexposed surface.

Another new product for Bio Fireshield is a BioFireshieldTM Composite Sheet. The composite sheet functions as an effective intermittent fire-break within horizontal and vertical cable tray runs, and is used in either new or retrofit construction. It’s a rigid fire resistive panel, with intumescent material bonded to sheet metal. The material is used to seal penetrations and restore the fire rating to floor/ceilings or walls in which a large opening has been made for the passage of penetrating items. The Composite Sheet can be used for shielding conduit, and vital process equipment from radiant heat, flame spread and smoke. According to RectorSeal, when exposed to a fire, the Composite Sheet’s material forms a refractory char that retards heat transmission and tightly seals penetrations against flame spread, smoke and toxic fumes. The 0.2 inch thick sheet provides up to 3-hour fire ratings, is lightweight and can be cut with ordinary snips.

A third product, introduced in late 2001, is the BiostopTM Firestop Joint Strips. They’re used in expansion and control joint systems. The manufacturers says there’s no need for mineral wool or backing materials, as the strip is installed along with any normal backer rod, then covered with an architectural caulk or sealant to form a fire rated control joint. The manufacturer claims installation for only one side of the wall, (depending on the tested and listed system), on joints up to 1 inch wide in concrete and masonry joints. BiostopTM Joint Strips are available for use in concrete and masonry control joints up to 1 inch wide.

For more information, contact Jim Park at RectorSeal, 2601 Spenwick Drive, Houston, 77055. Phone: (713) 263-8001; Fax: (713) 263-7577.

Royal Quickstop
(Quickstop Anchor)

Royal Quickstop is a division of Royal Group Technologies, a manufacturer of polymer-based home improvement, consumer and construction products, including: vinyl siding, roofing tiles, fire protection, blinds, decking, fencing, PVC resin, pipe, pipe fittings and housing.

Royal Quickstop Fire Protection Technologies, Inc., through research and development, has created a technology that allows injection-mold polymer-based intumescent to create firestop devices. The new Quickstop AnchorTM is engineered and manufactured to be ready for installation with no need for additional materials such as mineral wool or fastening devices. There’s no special depth measuring required for caulking.

The Quickstop AnchorTM expands, or intumesces, when exposed to the high temperatures of a fire while the metallic cover plate forces the intumescent pad to expand into the annular space around the pipe, penetrating the rated assembly to completely block the opening through which the pipe passes.

According to Bruce Rush of Royal Quickstop, "The installation of the Quickstop AnchorTM can be summed up in one word, simplicity. Simply select the correct size and type of anchor for the pipe used, unhook the anchor plate and wrap it around the pipe. To complete the installation, depress equally spaced tabs or secure the provide hose clamp against the pipe to lock the anchor in place. One piece, one step and you’re done."

For more information on Royal Quickstop visit

Specified Technologies, Inc.

Specified Technologies, Inc. (STI), recently announced the new EZ-PathTM" firestop system. The system offers maximum resistance to fire, whether it’s empty or 100 percent visually filled. The manufacturer claims it’s an economical fire protection system with every new or retrofit cable installation.

According to STI, EZ-PathTM features a built-in firestopping system that automatically adjusts to the number of cable installed. The device consists of a heavy-gauge galvanized steel pathway and wall plated lined with intumescent materials. Engineered for rapid expansion when exposed to fire or high temperatures, this intumescent material responds to flames or heat by quickly sealing the pathway and preventing the passage of flames and smoke. Additionally, the compact square design (3 inches x 3 inches x 10.5 inches long) provides greater cable loading than a conventional sleeve. Cables can be added or changed without the need to remove and re-install firestopping materials. EZ-PathTM devices can be installed using available single, duplex, or triples wall plates, and for additional capacity, segregation of cables, and cable.

EZ-PathTM is UL tested and classified in accordance with ASTM E814 (UL1479). Systems are available for common 1 and 2 hour rated wall constructions. Empty or full, EZ-PathTM is continuously code compliant, according to the manufacturer, 100 percent of the time. STI says its built-in firestop design assures that it’s firestopped even at maximum cable loading.

For more information contact Specified Technologies Inc., 200 Evans Way, Somerville, N.J. 08876. Phone: (800) 992-1180 or (908) 526-8000. Fax (908) 526-9623. On the Web:

3M Fire Protection Products

(Cast in Devices, Fire Barrier IC 15WB Sealant)

3M Fire Barrier Cast in Devices are installed before concrete floors are poured and attached directly to the wood forming system. These devices are available with up to 3 hours of fire protection. To complete the system, a pipe is passed through the firestop cast-in device after the concrete cures. There is no need for additional steps to firestop with caulk or wrap strips. According to the manufacturer, it’s one-step firestopping. The line consists of 2, 3 and 4 inch diameter (8-inch tall) devices for both metallic and nonmetallic pipe penetrations up to three hours in concrete as thin as 2.5 inches. There are also accessories for fluted deck applications and a height adaptor to accommodate concrete pours up to 12 inches.

Additionally, 3MTM Fire Barrier IC 15WB Sealant, a latex based, intumescent smoke and firestopping sealant for wall and floor penetrations, is available. According to the manufacturer, the easy-to-handle formulation bonds to concrete, metal, wood and cable jacketing. The sealant dries to a firm, rubber-like solid, and provides up to 2 hours of fire protection. It’s also a very unique, yellow color, to signify its difference from other firestop sealants. The product is typically used around pipe penetrations.

For more information, contact 3M at 3M Center, Building 207-1S-02, St. Paul, Minn., 55144-1000. Phone: (651) 733-0584. Fax: (651) 737-0872; e-mail:; On the Web:

Competition Leads To Improvements

One aspect about free enterprise is that competition drives innovation and efficiency into products and systems. In 1992, typical tested and listed systems for piping had 0.50 inch to 1inch depth of firestop sealant over 3 inch mineral wool for a 1, 2, or 3 hour rated system in floor and wall assemblies. Wrap strip systems were required around insulated pipe penetrations.

Today, with innovative testing and competitive drive to win projects by both contractors and manufacturers, 0.25 inch firestop sealant over 3 inch mineral wool accomplishes 2 hours of protection. That’s half the amount that was previously needed. Wrap strips may not be required for insulated pipe penetrations either, depending on the system. And, spray systems are used for perimeter and walltop joints, at 0.125 inch thick versus the 0.50 inch thick sealant previously required for a 2 hour rated assembly. The efficiency has helped fuel the market size growth of firestopping as customers report that "it’s not as expensive to firestop as it used to be"

Firestopping is an ever changing, ever evolving business. To be successful, the professional firestop contractor must stay up to date on not only new products, but new "systems" for existing products. Not knowing the appropriate system to use can mean whether the firm gets the job, or loses it to a competitor.

Manufacturers and testing laboratories have worked hard to keep "real-time" systems documentation on their sites-meaning instant access to new systems as results are published. If the "new" tested system reduces the amount of sealant, mineral wool, wrap strips required, it could mean significant reductions in labor and material costs for a project. It pays big to be on top of the "systems" available in the market. To find more information about firestopping, visit

Editor’s Note: The description of companies and products in this article does not constitute their endorsement by the National Insulation Association or the Firestop Contractors International Association over any other industry-related products or manufacturers.

With many different firestop products and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) systems on the market, how does a general contractor, construction manager, or building owner know they’re getting code compliance at a fair price? Open the UL Fire Resistance Directory and you will find at least 60 firestop manufacturers and more than 3,000 individual tested designs for various building service elements passing through fire-resistive rated barriers, including floor/ceilings and wall assemblies. Add to that various trades and specialty installers all claiming to be firestop experts. With all of these choices, how do you identify which is the best product for a particular application and who is the best choice to apply it? The purpose of this article is to provide guidance and direction on through-penetration firestop products, systems, and contractor selection that provides the best value for commercial buildings.

Say the word firestop, and most of us think of red caulk being shot into all of the openings. In reality, there is a great deal more to firestopping than just shooting red caulk into a hole. Firestopping is a system instead of just a product. A firestop system consists of the barrier (the fire-rated wall or floor) being penetrated, the penetrating item (such as piping, cables and conduits), and the firestopping products and design used to seal the opening. This means that you’re already making choices that affect your firestopping solution as you choose the wall or floor construction or decide how and where to route essential building services. A little time spent in advance choosing the right system will not only make the initial installation easier and more cost effective, but may also continue saving the owner time and money over the life of the facility.

It’s All About Value

Building owners want their money’s worth. General contractors or construction managers who understand firestopping and address their client’s specific needs provide added value. This gives them a competitive advantage over their competitors. Firestopping can be specific to the construction type or intended use of the facility. Data rich environments have their specific needs. Healthcare facilities have their own requirements. Firestop manufacturers armed with a complete system base will usually have the appropriate individual systems for the application. Those who don’t have as complete a base will rely on systems designed for multiple applications. While this may sound fine, the problem with this approach is that such a system may be appropriate for one application but be complete overkill for another, and project firestopping cost suffers. Ensuring the appropriate systems are installed not only assures code compliance, but eliminates cost overruns and costly job delays. It also affects fire barrier maintenance moving forward. Some general contractors and construction managers even record the firestop systems and locations during construction so the building owner or manager can more easily identify and maintain these fire barriers after the building is turned over.

To Caulk or Not to Caulk

The red caulk unquestionably has its place. For permanent installations (ones that will not require subsequent changes), a permanent firestop product such as a caulk or sealant is often the right choice. Depending on the application, either an intumescent (expanding) or endothermic (heat absorbing) product is required. For large diameter plastic pipes an intumescent device known as a firestop collar is required.

Data or telephone intensive facilities have their own unique criteria. In many of these facilities, the addition or removal of cables can be a regular occurrence. Choosing the wrong product in this environment can be a quandary that can cause headaches and downtime, as well as additional recurring costs. The often-specified composite sheet type products are essentially a steel and intumescent sandwich. These products require field fabrication and are typically labor intensive to install. Composite sheet type products are an effective firestop for applications that will not be altered. However they’re often installed without knowledge of, or consideration given to future re-entrance.

A Quick Re-Entry

There are products and systems available that maintain the life safety of the structure, while facilitating quick, easy alteration of the cabling system. We like to refer to them as "re-enterables," and recommend products that are ready to install out of the box without the need for cutting or alteration of any kind. Additionally, we prefer products that do not require tools or fasteners. Firestop putty and pillows fit that bill. Firestop putties represent a class of 100 percent solids, non-hardening products. They don’t shrink nor do they harden like most caulks and sealants. Putty excels in applications requiring subsequent changes after installation. Most firestop putties are intumescent products, meaning they will expand with heat or flames to help seal off combustible cabling jackets to prevent the spread of fire through fire barriers. Firestop pillows are ready to install out of the box and require no cutting, fastening or compression tools. Firestop pillows have all but made obsolete the older style of firestop bags and foam blocks, which are far less resilient and require tools to install. Pillows typically consist of a fibrous core material encapsulated in an intumescent coating protected by a poly bag. The fibrous core material is resilient. It will rebound after being compressed to tightly fill and seal all void areas. The poly bag is slip-finished to allowing for easy cable retrofit by simply removing and re-inserting a single pillow at the cable interface. In the event of a fire, the product expands to form a hard-packed monolithic char that impedes the passage of fire, smoke and combustion byproducts. Many early UL systems utilizing pillows required that they be secured into the opening using a wire mesh. This requirement has been removed from many systems but may still be a wise choice in situations where the firestop is located in an exposed area subject to potential tampering.

The Mechanical Advantage

A new generation of mechanical devices, best described as "fire rated cable pathways," has evolved. Requiring no field firestopping, these new devices consist of galvanized steel casings lined with intumescent liners that function as an internal fire sealing system. The devices are square in shape, allowing them to be ganged together to increase cable loading capacity within a given area. The devices allow 0 to 100 percent visual cable loading, meaning the device is firestopped when it is first installed with no cables and sealed throughout the remainder of the building’s lifespan. A 3 inch by 3 inch device has more cable fill capacity than a 4-inch conduit sleeve firestopped with caulk or putty. The square shape also allows for the cables to be installed more uniformly, leading to less unsealed interstitial space which equals a tighter seal against fire, smoke and other combustion byproducts.

Who Is Going To Do This Work?

Currently, firestopping is performed by all trades that compromise rated construction. Plumbers, insulators and electricians either perform firestopping or sub-contract it. If they’re well trained and proficient, there will be minimal problems. Many aren’t. In some areas there’s a trend towards specialty firestop contractors. These dedicated contractors provide firestopping for the entire project. Many haven taken and passed the recently developed Factory Mutual proficiency test. Since they’re solely focused on firestopping, they’re often more system and code savvy and can provide a one stop competitive answer to project firestop needs. It also simplifies and reduces the cost of managing the firestopping portion of the project. Another advantage is, unlike other contractors, specialty firestop contractors remain on the job until completion and can tie up any loose ends that could delay a building’s completion.

Knowledge Is Power

There is an old saying, “Knowledge is power.” This certainly applies to firestopping. You shouldn’t be totally reliant on others when it comes to the information that you will use to make critical firestopping decisions regarding your projects. To ensure that your company receives high quality, code compliant work, you must know how to ask for it and how to recognize when you have received it. Many general contractors as well as construction management firms have created a firestopping champion on their staff. This individual serves as the go-to-guy for firestop-related issues on the job site. This is a great idea. While you can’t reasonably expect this person to know all 3,000 of those UL systems, he or she can be trained to know where to go to get the right answers when they are needed.

Comprehensive firestop training is available for virtually all aspects of this process. The FCIA (Firestop Contractors and Installers Association) provides training and certification methodology for installers. Courses are also available that provide AIA accreditation. Keep in mind that no one is better versed when it comes to firestopping then the leading manufacturers who have invested so heavily in the testing required for a full and complete, UL tested and classified system base. They can be an invaluable source for training, technical assistance, and online information.

What’s The Answer?

Early in my career I had a boss who was always saying things like "plan the work and work the plan," or failing to plan is like planning to fail." This is true for design-build. With the number of penetrations, systems and potential installers on a project it certainly applies to firestopping. Manage the firestop bid package. Evaluate the building type and intended use and standardize UL systems for the project. Standardizing puts you in control, reduces project costs and simplifies bid comparisons.

The hardest part of getting the best value for your firestop dollar is determining what you need and who should do it. Like most other things, doing the hard work up front will make the rest of the project a whole lot easier.

The debate surrounding who is responsible for firestopping and the potential liability arising therefrom continues as more stringent national standards and state, county, local and regional model building codes are promulgated, and new and more sophisticated firestop products become available. "Firestopping," or the use of building materials in items such as pipes, ducts, conduits or cables that prevent the spread of flames, heat or hot gases through penetration of fire-rated walls, ceilings, or floors, has gained greater attention, particularly through the efforts of the Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA). This article analyzes liability issues that arise from firestopping design specification, manufacture, and installation. Overall, liability for firestopping is still an unsettled issue.


Fires cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars each year. Insurance companies and owners have increasingly sought to pass the risk of loss to the construction and related industry parties. This is due in large part to the the increased exposure, videotaped evidence and media coverage, in instances of high profile fires involving deaths and significant personal injuries, as well as the increase in rates of property loss damages and fire insurance premiums.

Although in the past all firestopping was either performed by each trade responsible for creating the through-penetration, and the architect prepared all construction contract documents including specifications for such firestopping, this design work (and the corresponding errors and omissions liability) is increasingly being delegated to firestop contractors. These contractors must confirm that they have professional liability insurance coverage if they undertake the design of the fire protection system, as opposed to preparation of shop drawings for the architect’s review and approval, and that they incorporate approved firestop products, pursuant to all the manufacturer’s specifications.

Indeed, because true firestop products, which through "F" and "T" ratings measure the time and speed of the fire through a construction component (and not just caulks or foam) are classified as regulated construction products, they must be tested by an accredited third-party testing agency. The E814-94b testing method, set forth by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is meant to assist others in determining the suitability of through-penetration firestops where fire resistance is required. Section 7270 of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) also provides step-by-step guidelines for the installation of firestop systems. Prior to concealing the system, the contractor should also notify the architect to inspect the system, even if designed by the contractor. Failure to comply with said standards can result in significant liability.

Liability Starting Points

Any of the contracting entities involved in a given construction project or building fire, no matter how tenuous the link, may be held liable for a firestop system, or lack thereof. Owners, architects, design engineers, consultants, contractors and suppliers can all be held responsible for bodily injuries or property damages arising out of or related to the installation, design, or lack of a firestop system. Indeed, it’s likely that the litigation expenses surrounding the issues of responsibility and negligence, before even reaching the question of apportionment of the damages, will far exceed the costs of construction, let alone of the installation of the complained-of system.

Among questions the courts will ultimately ask are: (i) did the building professional or the subcontractor’s agreement or did a governing building code require the installation of a particular firestop system and was this code followed; (ii) if the code wasn’t followed, was the violation of the code the proximate cause of the fire; and (iii) who was responsible for the design and installation of the system and the supervision of the construction? It’s noteworthy that in certain states, failure to comply with a statute, rule, ordinance or regulation (including local building code requirements) allows a presumption of negligence that the defendant did not use due care.

The actual starting point of review is, therefore, the contractual agreements on the project. The American Institute of Architects forms (the AIA Document A201-1997 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction for example), are the source documents for many projects and include numerous provisions which govern firestop liability. For example, on all projects, the contractor is required to field verify and inspect the project to conform with the Contract Documents and to notify the Architect of any omissions (i.e., failure to detail a firestop system). Clause 3.2.1 states that ". . . any errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered by the Contractor shall be reported promptly to the Architect as a request for information" and requires the Contractor warrant that all work will be "free from defects not inherent in the quality required or permitted" (Clause 3.5.1).

Clause 3.2.2 goes on to provide, however, that "[a]ny design errors or omissions noted by the Contractor during this review shall be reported promptly to the Architect, but it is required that the Contractor’s review is made in the Contractor’s capacity as a contractor and not as a licensed design professional unless otherwise specifically provided in the Contract Documents" (emphasis added). Accordingly, if the project specifications delegate the design of the firestop system to the contractor, this provision mandates the contractor’s attention to any errors or omissions in the contract documents, rests squarely on the contractor’s shoulders any costs arising out of a change in the specifications to comply with any governing codes, and potentially exposes the company to liability for any damages arising from an improperly designed and/or installed system.

The A201 document also explicitly states that "Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and similar submittals are not Contract Documents" (Clause 3.12.4) and requires the architect to make on-site inspections to generally determine that the "Work is being performed in a manner indicating that the Work, when completed, will be in accordance with the Contract Documents" (Clause 4.2.2). These provisions all include significant responsibilities to ensure that the designed and installed system complies with all governing rules, regulations, codes and standards.

Although, not surprisingly, most firestopping cases akin to construction litigation, in general, result in settlements without reported decisions. However, certain recent cases are instructive to the firestop industry. The vast majority of firestop cases arise out of insurance coverage or building code disputes. Insulation Outlook‘s May 2001 issue includes this author’s article on firestop cases current as of the date of that writing. More recent decisions include the Missouri Court of Appeals of Missouri’s ruling concerning the St. Louis plumbing code requirement that only licensed plumbers be allowed to perform installation, removal, alteration or repair of plumbing. While the court reversed the decision of the County Board of Appeals, it seemingly encouraged the promulgation of such a code section, stating: "[a]lthough we recognize the need to regulate firestopping for the health, safety and welfare of County’s residents, we do not read the current plumbing code as requiring only licensed plumbers to perform firestopping around plumbing system pipes."

Court Rulings

The Fifth District Court of Appeals ruled in a February 2003 decision that the Orlando (Fla.) Fire Code’s regulations to prevent fire and explosion through the incidental regulation of structural building conditions which could cause fire or explosion (such as the lack of firestops in a structure housing a fireworks company) were validly adopted by the city.

In another decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the district court’s ruling that the insurer had no duty to defend the insured contractor for damages arising out of its failure to install firestops and insulation in a project. The court found that the "your work" exclusion of the insured’s policy precluded it from recovering the repair and replacement costs of its defective work as to the lack of a firestop system.

Although not a firestopping case, a recent California court decision is instructive. There, the court extended the economic loss rule allowing a plaintiff to recover in strict product liability in tort when a product defect causes damage to "other property," i.e. property other than the product itself. In that decision, the homeowners sued a window manufacturer for windows installed in mass-produced homes on claims of negligence and strict products liability in tort. The homeowners recovered damages for physical damage caused to other parts of the home by the defective windows. One could argue that, under this theory, any resulting damages to a building resulting from a defective system could be the responsibility of the contractor if the contractor was found liable for the assembly.

Despite the limited published firestop cases to date, certain legal principles are established and the importance of expert testimony in proving firestop liability is clear. For example, a Louisiana appellate case held that the question of liability surrounding the lack of firestops depended on the electrical engineer and the chief electrical inspector’s analysis and evidentiary proofs. The experts concluded that the fire was so rapid that firestops wouldn’t have saved the plaintiff’s property and, therefore, no liability existed.

Further, in another decision, the Texas Court of Appeals overturned a jury’s verdict in favor of a homeowner’s cause of action against the general contractor and electrical sub-contractor for breach of warranty in connection with a fire that destroyed the appellees’ home. The appellate court found that although the homeowners’ experts’ testimony was relevant and reliable under Daubert, the federal court decision requiring a pre-trial qualification of proffered expert testimony, it was, nevertheless, insufficient to support the jury’s verdict.

How To Avoid Firestop Liability

In the firestopping context, liability can arise out of contractual relationships such as for breach of contract, or non-compliance with the project documents or specifications, breach of warranty, failure to warn, or negligence theories. Multiple parties can also be found to have contributed to the losses or damages. There are several avenues, both prescriptive and remedial, that all construction parties can use to limit or avoid such liability.

Preventive Measures

Section 703 of the Building Officials and Code Administrators’ National Building Code calls for construction documents for all buildings. These documents "shall designate the type of construction and the resistance rating of all structural elements as required" by the code. Owners and architects are increasingly specifying that firestop assemblies or systems be installed by certified firestop contractors such as those designated responsible individuals by Factory Mutual Research-the qualified testing agency for certification by the FCIA. Under such applicable codes or specifications, contractors must submit documentation or supporting data substantiating all required firestop ratings.

Second, contractors must seek, through requests for information or otherwise, that architects specify firestop systems in conformance with the appropriate codes, and ASTM standards for the use for which the products were manufactured. Further, in projects that involve renovation and/or additions or modifications to existing construction, the parties should be provided a survey or as-built drawings detailing the firestop systems currently in place to ensure that the project, when completed (including any construction in-place), conforms to the existing codes.

Next, design engineers should include evaluation reports of any contemplated firestop product. If the installer’s contract did not mandate installation of a particular firestop system, an architect can still later be found responsible if, in its inspections of the site, it did not identify that the installed firestop system failed to comply with all applicable code; this is particularly true in instances where the contractor sought and received an improper (i.e.,oral) field engineering judgment approving an untested system/application. The architect should, therefore, provide detailed specifications and include drawings and specification review requirements. Finally, the architect should also require that the manufacturer’s printed installation instructions for all prefabricated devices, as well as product data sheets, and any needed engineering judgments be retained on the site.

Firestop manufacturers, in turn, must be on notice that any potential plaintiff may assert claims of strict product liability and allege the manufacturer supplied defective firestop products. In addition, all construction parties, and particularly the manufacturer’s representatives, when called upon to provide the same, must precisely follow the basic engineering judgment requirements promulgated by the International Firestop Counsel.

Beyond familiarizing oneself with all applicable codes and standards, the building professional should follow developments in code regulations and industry standards and must keep abreast of legal developments in firestopping and general construction negligence cases. The building professional must also maintain insurance and investigate available products, for coverage of the installation and design of such systems. He must also obtain, from the company’s risk manager or insurance broker, periodic updates on all relevant cases wherein courts interpret the contractual indemnification and "hold harmless" provisions which may seek to limit construction liability, and can include the right to recover attorneys’ fees, and any potential limits or gaps in the professional’s coverage.

Manufacturers and distributors should include "suitability for use" statements and prohibit sales of products for unauthorized applications. If asked to give an engineering judgment for an unanticipated construction application, manufacturer’s representatives must consult with the company’s qualified technical personnel to obtain a written engineering judgment based on proper test results.

Finally, owners should demand that only licensed firestop contractors install the firestop systems and that said contractor include tags or stickers, which are permanently affixed to the work, containing the manufacturer’s name, the testing agencies’ assigned listed systems design number, the installation contractor’s name and address, and the trade qualification certificate number of the installer. When renovation or any subsequent work is completed at the site, or where an owner purchases a pre-code, non-firestopped or sprinkled building, the owner must take extreme care to investigate and then install appropriate firestop systems.

Defenses to Liability

Certain defenses and legal devices exist to apportion potential liability amongst the participants in the construction project who may have contributed to the negligence. One well-established rule is that building professionals aren’t generally liable for the firestop products themselves. This is because contractors and designers aren’t considered sellers, and, therefore, aren’t strictly liable for any component parts they may supply in compliance with the performance of a contract.

Second, a building professional who receives detailed plans and specifications from the owner, generally has a right to rely upon the professional judgment and experience of those (architects and engineers) employed by the owner, who developed the same, unless a review of the documents shows glaring defects which a contractor of average skill and of ordinary prudence would know would likely cause injury. In addition, building professionals may argue that they are not liable even if completing their own design because they followed the industry standard or local custom in completing the project and mandated that only specialty firestop contractors certified to comply with FM 4991 install the system. However, building professionals should be aware that it’s no defense to claim to have followed a negligent industry standard or an inappropriate local custom.


Given the significant increase in the number of construction claims and insurance coverage disputes surrounding such claims, all entities engaged in the manufacture, sale, specification, design and installation of firestop products and/or systems, as well as those who purchase and insure buildings, must recognize they face potential liability under products liability, negligence or breach of contract theories, among other claims. Building professionals should remember to consult FM 4991 and any local or model building codes applicable to the project, to investigate, and to educate code officials in the necessity to inspect and assess code requirements, as well as industry standards.

If a project doesn’t specifically call for firestop installation, the building professional should raise the issue with the architect and owner, and, if possible, memorialize such communications in writing. Overall, it’s important to consider firestop issues before undertaking any construction project, or purchasing any structure built before sprinklers or firestops were required by applicable codes, and if problems arise, to understand that methods do exist to limit liability, in specific factual situations.

What was once a small specialty application is now a very important part of the passive fire and life safety program in buildings. Passive fire protection (fire walls and floors) "holes" and consequential fire travel, have been squelched by firestopping systems that seal those fire resistance rated assemblies. As engineers review the aftermath of recent disasters in the Rhode Island nightclub fire, the Connecticut Greenwood Nursing Home fire and others, a call for more compartmentation, with "passive fire and life safety protection" seems to be heard from many angles as a way to better protect our friends, family and future.

The purpose of this article is to discuss new, revolutionary programs in the passive fire and life safety industry, with emphasis on firestop systems. Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA), FM 4991 and the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) E 2174 are the key topics on which we’ll focus. These tools are meant to provide better, more quantifiable guidelines to the architect, general or subcontractor, and owner who needs to specify and purchase installed firestopping.

What is Firestopping?

Firestop systems consist of a tested and listed fire resistive construction (wall, floor or roof assembly), the penetrating item(s) and gap or expansion/walltop joint. They also consists of the products used to seal the opening against fire ("F"), temperature transmission ("T"), and fire test assembly air leakage ("L") (air leakage optional and available only at Underwriters Laboratories [UL] as of May, 2002) to the non-fire side of the assembly, when tested to ASTM E814, UL 1479 or UL 2079. The firestop assembly, installed to very specific instructions, is fire tested, simulating actual conditions in burning buildings. The test results in "F" and "T", as well as "L" ratings. "L" ratings, or air leakage ratings, are the industry standard for the ability to "smoke seal" penetrations. Smoke travel in buildings, sometimes through unprotected openings in fire/smoke rated construction, can be a large life safety risk to a building’s occupants and property through smoke damage and the inability to see clearly during building evacuation.

"L" ratings are performed at two temperature levels, ambient and at 400 degrees Fahrenheit (F). The ambient temperature simulates cold smoke movement in non-fire areas of a building. Testing at 400 degrees F approximates "hot" smoke, closer to the fire. The firestop system materials will perform differently in each condition as well. Intumescent systems, at 400 degrees F, may already be expanding to fill voids, providing a seal that prevents movement through the opening area.

The "L" rating is judged best when the leakage number is low. Currently, the lowest available "L" rating in the UL Fire Resistance Directory is <1 CFM/SF opening area. "L" ratings are affected by many factors. Cables, for instance, may not be sealed completely in spaces between cables, meaning a higher CFM/SF of air passing through the cold seal at ambient. If intumescent materials are used in the system, the "L" rating CFM/SF of air sometimes reduces at the 400 degrees F measurement level.

"L" ratings first appeared in UL’s Fire Resistance Directory in 1994. UL 1479 currently is the only firestop testing protocol to incorporate "L" ratings into their systems. ASTM E 814 is to have "L" ratings added to their testing protocol shortly, however. "However, ‘L’ ratings are receiving more attention and are showing up in specifications," says Alec Rexroat of IMICO, Inc., Schaumburg, Ill. (and also the Illinois Regional Insulation Contractors Association’s executive director). "For our hospital work, using firestop systems with "L" ratings is critical to patient safety and specification requirements."

Perimeter fire containment systems are used at the outside edge of the building to prevent vertical spread of fire through internal gaps between the fire rated floor assembly and the outside (usually non rated) skin of the building. These systems are tested to a different, but similar test to ASTM E 814, in a multistory testing apparatus professional firestopping contractors install tested and listed firestop systems to provide effective compartmentation to buildings. The concept of "compartmentation" limits the spread of fire from the room of origin by "sealing the area off." Sprinkler systems limit the spread of fire by controlling its size in the room of origin. However, as the sprinkler system controls the fire, smoke is produced. Compartments, if not sealed with "L" rated firestop systems, will allow smoke to travel into areas where people may be evacuating.

Additionally, firestopping contractors are involved in other types of passive fire protection, including protection of grease and air ducts as well as life safety electrical or communications cables.

"Firestopping" is an interesting trade. It’s one of the few where general construction tolerances are unacceptable. Variances to tested and listed systems may create a life safety risk as the system may or may not perform under actual fire conditions.

The main firestop testing laboratories have experienced significant growth in the last decade. New test methods, like the multistory test apparatus for perimeter joints, UL 2079 for walltop systems, "L" ratings, and competitive needs, have all brought manufacturers to the testing labs to create new tested and listed systems, UL, Omega Point Laboratories and Warnock Hersey, have all experienced growth in firestop testing.

Manufacturers need growth

George Starsmeare of W.R. Grace & Co., a Cambridge, Mass. -based specialty firm that already participates in structural steel fireproofing, says, "Wall Street wants sales growth from firms. W.R. Grace entered firestopping [because] there is a correlation to our fireproofing business." Starsmeare believes that as the fireproofing business matures, opportunities for further sales growth will come from product lines closely associated with fireproofing. "We at Grace see the firestopping market much like the fireproofing business of 30 years ago. There have been few industry standards of quality to judge an installation or qualify a contractor until recently. FCIA and IFC (International Firestop Council) are positive moves towards the quality recognition the building community needs for the firestopping industry to continue its growth."

Contractor Qualifications

Until recently, the firestop industry’s primary growth was in material sales to electricians, plumbers, sprinkler contractors, low voltage contractors, masons, drywallers, and some specialty firestop firms. Although it looks simple, firestopping is a highly technical, very complex installation. For those firms who have specialized in the application, projects install quickly and efficiently. For those who don’t understand the "zero tolerance" program, installations can be disastrous. Once installed, firestops are either covered with drywall or hidden behind/above a wide array of service items, pipes, ducts, cables and other components.

FCIA Manual of Practice

FCIA spent the better part of two years writing its Manual of Practice (MOP), a compilation of firestopping knowledge written by FCIA members and staff. The manual is also the basis for the FM 4991 Designated Responsible Individual (DRI) Examination for firestopping professionals to prove themselves as technically competent. The MOP provides a resource for industry education, whether its a firestop contractor firm, manufacturer, distributor or architect.

Firestop Contractor Qualifications

Architects and owners have been trying to define how to "qualify" a firestop contractor for a specific project or application. Typical qualification language in specifications for other disciplines, such as roofing, request a "manufacturer approved contractor", "contractor that has performed on similar projects within 100 miles," and/or "manufacturer willingness to sell material doesn’t qualify contractor for work."

FCIA and FM 4991

The Firestop Contractors International Association recognized the need for a "contractor qualification" program as it started in 1999. The solution was for FCIA to develop, in conjunction with FM Approvals, FM 4991 Standard for Approval of Firestop Contractors. This program, a quality process program specifically designed for firestopping contractors, requires specific, tangible installation procedures that the firestop contractor follows routinely on its projects. FM 4991 is to the subcontracting industry what "ISO 14000" is to the general contracting industry. Sophisticated building owners, many who are "ISO 9000 certified quality firms," are starting to insist that their building contractors be certified to a quality process as well.

Why use an FM 4991 Approved Firestop Contractor?

"FCIA Member, FM 4991 Approved Firestop Contractor firms have made the commitment to control their processes. We have seen benefits to using FM 4991 in our firm" states Aedan Gleeson, FCIA Accreditation chair, and FCIA’s first president.

As a result, life safety is provided by these specialty firestop contractor firms who choose to become FM 4991 approved. Blase Reardon of A.F. Underhill, Inc., Canton, Mass. (an FM 4991 approved firm), says, "FM 4991 approval is a good business investment, from a leading authority. You get recognition by a major entity like FM. Other investments in business can’t match up with this recognition. Firms that pass the rigorous audit testing by FM are committed to life safety and quality by ‘putting their money where their mouth is.’ It costs the firm between $4,000 and $6,000 to become approved by FM, not including the time taken away from operations for quality manual production and people training and adjustment to function in this ‘zero tolerance environment’."

Gleeson, whose firm, Gleeson Powers, Inc., Franklin, Mass, is an FM approved firestop contractor, says, "FM 4991 is win, win, win from all points." Gleeson believes that to a building inspector and fire marshal, an FM approved contractor means a professional is on the job, translating to less worries. Architects can specify requirements for the project with that simple phrase, "use an FM 4991 approved contractor firm to install firestopping." According to Gleeson, it’s in everyone’s best interest to use a specialty subcontractor because single source responsibility means less coordination and less chance for errors. When using multiple trades to handle firestopping, every trade on the job could be doing firestopping. "Firestopping installed by an FM 4991 approved firestop contractor is more likely to be done right the first time, and not leave the construction and owner team waiting for certificate of occupancy at the end of the project."

Manufacturer members of the firestop industry agree with the firestop contractors. Charbel Tagher, president of Specified Technologies, Inc., Somerville, N.J., (and the first manufacturer member to join FCIA), says, "Firestopping has come from just a paragraph in a specification to a complete spec section. It’s really unusual to run into someone who doesn’t know about firestopping." Tagher mentions that many architects, owners and general contractors are aware that firestopping is a life safety item requiring a properly trained person and well-qualified firm in the specification. Additionally, "having a specialized trade is crucial to the success of the industry, and FM 4991 is a key component of having this specialization. Contractors are bound by the specifications, and owners and specifiers have an obligation to assure that the specification requires steps for life safety. FM 4991, independent inspection, and a proper specification set up the ‘level of quality’ by which an owner or contractor purchases firestopping."

W.R. Grace’s Starsmeare agrees that FM 4991 is an important issue for FCIA and the firestopping industry. "We have FM 4991 in our sample firestop architectural specification that is promoted nationwide. This promotion means that the industry will continue to need more FM 4991 contractors as knowledge of the program’s value spreads." Starsmeare believes that "FM 4991, combined with independent inspection of firestopping, are critical to growth and credibility in the firestop industry."

Ray Usher (an FCIA board member) of Superl, Inc., Fridley, Minn., says that FM 4991 raises the bar for firestop contracting, nationwide. "Look for this standard to set the stage for future associations trying to improve quality in their programs," he says. FM 4991, Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors, is available from FCIA at

Architectural Specifications

Architects have focused on the firestop section of their specifications. Architects’ specification requirements currently may include the following key items:

New Standard for Firestop Inspection

ASTM has developed an inspection standard for installed firestops. ASTM Subcommittee E06.21, is a task group chaired by FCIA board member, Don Sabrsula of FireSafe of Houston, Inc. The task group has developed ASTM E2174-01 Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Stops (for through penetration firestops only). Another ASTM standard for fire resistive joints is being written by another task group, according to Sabrsula. Additionally, fire marshals and code officials could use either standard during their normal inspections, or require that independent, third party inspectors use it as well.

Once the process of firestop inspection has been set, using ASTM E2174-01, the inspector firm needs qualifications, just as the firestopping contractor who has taken the time to become FM 4991 approved. FCIA is working with ASTM to develop an inspection program that qualifies firestop inspector firms. "There is nothing more frustrating than an inspector firm who doesn’t understand what to look for in firestopping," says Gleeson and Randy Bosscawen, both of Multi Con Fire Containment, Columbus, Ohio.


Compartmentation is vitally important to the fire and life safety plan in a building. Building code height and area tables have changed and allow larger floor plans with less compartmentation since the International Building Code 2000 and the National Fire Protections Association 5000 have been developed. Cities such as Phoenix, Ariz., have recognized this, and reinserted the tougher uniform building code 97 tables, to better protect occupants by using effective compartmentation and active fire protection such as sprinklers and alarms.

For my money, I’m staying in hotels that have plenty of both types of fire protection, sprinklers and effective compartmentation-passive fire and life safety systems-so that if some knucklehead smokes in bed and starts a fire below me, it’s controlled by sprinklers, and compartmented by fire floors/walls and firestopping so I can get out of the building alive!

Portions of this article may have appeared in Commercial Buildings magazine.

To Win Irwin, a veteran of nearly 50 years in the insulation industry, choosing to use insulation is a ‘no-brainer.’ He explains, "If your goal is to save money based on a quick payback and high return on investment, there aren’t too many investments out there that are better than insulating bare hot surfaces. With insulation there’s no rocket science involved. It begins working for you the minute you install it. It works for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week as long as the system is in operation, reducing the amount of fuel necessary to get the job done. It just works silently with no bells or whistles."

Even though he believes insulation is a "no-brainer," Irwin says that good insulation practices have largely been disregarded through the years because the trigger message hasn’t gotten through to the right people. "When you get right down to it," he says, "a lot of people at the operating level really understand the value of insulation, but the motivator message hasn’t always gotten through to the people who make the financial decisions. Only when these people ‘get it’ do things really begin to change."

At the large Sun Oil Refinery in Philadelphia where Irwin is currently performing insulation energy appraisals, he says company executives really ‘get it.’ "Sun has made a strong commitment to conserving energy and resources at all their locations," he says. "And, they have made insulation a critical component of their overall energy conservation program."

Irwin is president of his own consulting company, Irwin Services. He has spent the last two years under contract to Sun performing appraisals on various units within the refinery complex. He is quite pleased that Michael Lettich is partnering with him in this effort. "Refineries are a group of energy intensive process units such as catalytic crackers and crude distillation components," he explains. "To date, we have performed appraisals on six units. Of these, contracts were awarded and successfully completed on two, with two still in progress, and two in the bid preparation process. We have been able to demonstrate significant energy and fuel cost savings with a payback of less than a year."

Irwin believes that the success of the Philadelphia appraisals will be a stepping stone for appraisals at other Sun locations. "The more appraisals we do, the more likely it is that we’ll be asked to do more. The energy and financial savings data we provide is the kind of backup support that company executives need to justify requests for the funding needed to implement the energy conservation measures that result from installing insulation on bare hot surfaces."

Getting Certified to Appraise

One of the first things Irwin did after retiring from CertainTeed was to become a certified insulation energy appraiser. He and Lettich were early graduates of the National Insulation Association’s (NIA) Insulation Energy Appraisal Program. "Being certified gives us that extra edge," he says. What is his strategy for conducting insulation energy appraisals? "First, we find out what is in service and look to see whether or not there are surfaces in need of treatment. Usually, there are many, which is not surprising. We’ve known from surveys done through the years that there are a lot of uninsulated hot surfaces out there with temperatures running anywhere from 700 degrees Fahrenheit (F) down to 200 degrees F."
Some of the high-tech tools Irwin employs include a digital camera, an infrared thermometer, and an infrared camera to measure the temperatures on pipes and equipment. "Our job," he explains, "is to tell Sun where they need to insulate and how thick that insulation should be. They have already decided what insulating materials they want to use, so it’s not a question of us recommending one insulation material over another."

Once he has gathered all the measurement data, Irwin utilizes a computer program called 3E Plus® to calculate the annual energy savings and cost savings for every item measured. "Based on the design parameters we’ve agreed on, we calculate the savings, applying the thickness of insulation that has been specified for that particular part of the unit," explains Irwin.
Part of his job, Irwin says, is providing Sun Company with a reasonable cost estimate for installing the recommended levels of insulation. "You can’t estimate the payback period until you have an idea of what the job is going to cost," he explains. "And, it’s the quick return on the investment that convinces the financial people to budget the dollars for insulation. We have been able to demonstrate a payback of less than 1 year-far better than a lot of other, more high-tech, energy savings equipment."

After the calculations on a particular unit are complete, Irwin submits the data to Sun Company. He says, "Also included in the submittal package is supporting data which identifies each unit to be insulated. It documents the location of the item, as well as the insulation to be used, and the thickness of insulation to be used. The supporting data then becomes part of a bid package that Sun gives to potential bidders. Our job also includes preparing some of the paperwork that goes into soliciting the bids."

In addition to helping prepare the bid package, Irwin also works with insulation contractors who want to bid on the project. He explains how the process works. "Sun invites insulation contractors to a bid meeting at which they receive their bid package. The bidders are invited to accompany us to the unit to see first hand what the work entails, and to answer any questions that they may have so that they may prepare their bids with greater confidence."

Quality Assurance

Once the contract has been awarded Irwin Services enters the picture again. This time, they’re wearing "quality assurance" hats. "We physically go out to the site while the insulation is being installed to make sure the specifications are being followed," he says. "When it’s complete, we submit a final report confirming that the work has been completed satisfactorily, and submit a recap of the anticipated savings. With the two projects already completed, we’ve been able to demonstrate to Sun that insulation is one of the most cost-effective ways of helping them meet their energy conservation goals."
When asked if he has encountered any problems that are specific to conducting an insulation energy appraisal at a refinery, Irwin says that "There are many exchangers, pumps, turbines, and piping systems including fittings that are installed with flanges, bolts, and nuts to permit dismounting for inspections, cleaning, maintenance and even replacement. Conventional insulation materials with field applied metal jacketing are frequently damaged severely when the bolts and nuts are removed. When the system is brought back into service, it’s common for the insulation system to be left in disrepair with the resultant degradation of thermal performance. Removable covers are thermal insulations that are specifically designed and fabricated to fit on these irregular and complex surfaces. They are secured in place mechanically, and they are easily removed to permit dismounting. Further, they are easily reinstalled when the system is ready for operation again thereby assuring continued energy conservation and personnel protection. We are promoting the idea that long term thermal performance is in the best interests of the owner, and that operating crews, inspection crews, and maintenance crews recognize and accept the use of removable covers in providing this performance."

How difficult was it to convince Sun Company of the energy and cost savings potential of insulation? "They were convinced even before we got involved," says Irwin. "Mike Sanders, the energy coordinator for Sun, has been very active in NIA programs and Steam Best Practices. He is absolutely convinced of the value of insulation. In all my years in the insulation industry, I rarely got to meet the kind of person I’d been addressing conservation programs to over the years. I often wondered where they were! Mike is one of the true believers."

What about those people who are harder to convince? Irwin suggests a very practical exercise. "I’d take them outside when it’s raining and they’d see that bare surfaces are hot enough to vaporize the rain into steam. I’d tell them that pipe is trying to heat the whole outdoors, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and you are paying for it! Sometimes the picture is worth more than words."

When asked about the value to the end user of the appraisals he is performing at Sun, Irwin says that the real end-user is the person at the gas pump. "If Sun Oil Company can more efficiently convert crude oil into finished products, then the end-user is more likely to have a more plentiful supply of gasoline at a reasonable price. Insulation is proving to be a very cost-effective way to achieve that efficiency."

Often, the resistance by chief financial officers and other upper management executives can be a critical barrier to implementing energy efficiency system improvement projects. The following outline illustrates the kind of information that needs to be presented to management to successfully gain approval for such a project.

Under most circumstances, it would be appropriate to seek project approval by making a formal presentation to key management staff. It would be to the presenter’s advantage to have the principal managers of all potentially affected activities in attendance during the presentation. In deciding who should be invited, consideration should be given to impact on budgets as well as on operations. It’s most important that all interested parties be fully informed before the meeting, so they can be prepared to participate. If your project gets approved, funding may have to come from other activities; those managers must be fully involved before your presentation, if you are to avoid having them oppose your project.

Besides gaining the cooperation of internal management, it might be wise to gain the support of outside parties, who might lend additional credibility to your proposal. For example, you might want to use a report from an independent professional, or recommendations from your utility or energy services company. For compressed air projects, it would certainly be helpful to make reference to materials produced or endorsed by the Compressed Air Challenge.

Your presentation to management must be tailored to the scope of the project and the management style of your leadership, and must be keyed to achieving a decision. The best idea is to make the individual in your management scheme who can ultimately approve the project the center focus of your presentation.

Your presentation should present all of the necessary information as concisely as possible. Don’t waste valuable time with unimportant details. The more irrelevant details you furnish, the greater the likelihood that someone will start to nit-pick. This may well divert the decision-maker’s attention from the true issues at hand.

The following outline suggests a format for presenting your compressed air or energy efficiency project to management.

Keys to Selling the Project

State the Purpose of the Presentation

You want everyone attending your presentation to focus on the problem you will present, knowing that a decision will have to be made. If attendees think they’re there for an information briefing, they may easily miss some of the points that will critically affect the decision.

State the Problem to Be Corrected

What are the existing conditions that make it important that the project be considered? What costs are involved that can be reduced? How do existing conditions affect production, staffing, maintenance, and the bottom line?

Describe the Scope of the Project

As briefly as possible and using a minimum of detail, describe what the project will consist of in terms of equipment, labor, time and cost to implement. This part of the presentation will help the decision-maker and other key players get a fast understanding of what you want to accomplish and how.

State the Benefits

Using simple data summaries and graphical displays, explain how the project will cure the problems you earlier laid out in discussing existing conditions and improvements to the bottom line. Emphasize reducing operating and production costs, realizing that one of the most important parameters is the cost per unit of production. In addition to the benefits derived from energy conservation, you should illustrate other benefits, such as pressure stabilization, improving moisture control and air quality, the side benefit of turning off machines that creates additional back-up capacity, and reductions in downtime and reduction of product waste.

Clearly State the Implementation Cost

Accurately state what it will cost to perform the project. You must examine all of the direct costs involved, but also the indirect costs. Will there be additional costs for down time and start-up? Will you need temporary compressed air capability? Will there be any interruption in production? You must be ready to answer all of these questions.

Explain Any Effect the Project Will Have on Operations

While this project is going on, will there be any adverse effect on production or other operations? If so, how will it be accommodated? Has the resultant cost of any such impact been included in the estimate of the cost of implementation?

Present the Effect on the Budget

Any significant new project will effect the budgeting process. If the project is being sought for the current budget year, the effect is likely to be both large and widespread, having an effect on more than just one part of the business. If the project is for a future budget year, the planning may be simplified, but the effect will always be felt at various activities in the business. Unless a windfall of new revenue exists to fund the project, funding will have to come from existing budget items that will have to be reduced. Advance coordination with the likely targets of these budget transfers can help in getting approval. It may be necessary to clearly demonstrate a long-term benefit to be derived for the overall business to convince a senior manager that he or she can accept a short-term loss of funds to support the project.

Much care should go into analyzing the Return on Investment (ROI); that is, the time over which the savings to be realized by the project equal the cost of implementing it. The shorter the ROI, the more likely the project will be approved. This part of the presentation may be a good time to compare graphically costs against time and present the expected returns to clearly illustrate the ROI. It’s also a good time to restate any reduction in cost per unit of production to be realized under the project.

A major barrier to project approval is often a lack of management awareness of real operational costs. Collection/estimation of these costs, and simple graphical displays in your presentation can help highlight the need for the project.

Provide a Coordinated Implementing Plan

The best plan, implemented poorly, can be a total failure. Coordination between and among departments, realistic work schedules, accommodation for the unexpected, clearly stated, achievable milestones, and the assignment of a fully accountable project manager are essential to making the project a success. "What if" brainstorming should always be included in the planning. Under best conditions all of the affected activities should be in agreement on the plan before the decision briefing is presented. If such agreement is not possible in advance, the plan should include an early milestone related to achieving that level of agreed-to coordination. The timing for the project and each of the milestones are critical to the decision process. The latest date a decision can be useful must be made clear. Normally, this time estimate should allow management some time to consider options and alternatives. However, it must be made clear that the reason the project is being sought is because a decision is needed, and when it is needed.

Summarize the Project and Ask for a Decision

Close the sale. Summarize the need for the project and timing, review the cost/benefit analysis, lead the thought process to conclude the need for a decision, and ask that the decision be made.
Provide a minimum of complicated details in the briefing itself. It’s a good idea to have handy as much hard data detail as possible, in case it’s requested. Spread sheets and reports, process studies, cost data and analysis are all valuable back-up to your presentation. However, avoid using these materials in the presentation itself to avoid confusion. Any data that you provide should be in a prepared format, and it should not be cluttered with ancillary, irrelevant data that may mislead or divert thinking. You should always remember that the two most critical parameters in play during your presentation are time and focus. Time is critical because the longer it takes to "make your case," the less likely you are to get the decision you want. Focus is important because you don’t want the decision maker to be distracted from the very specific goal of implementing your project.

The most important factor in gaining the approval you seek, is in coordinating in advance with all of the affected managers and key players within your organization. If you can get them to approve the concept informally in advance of your presentation to senior management, a favorable decision will be much more easily achieved. In most cases, it will be very difficult to get unanimous coordinated approval from all the players. And, remember that because of the competition for funding, one or more of the key players will suffer some form of budget impact.

Adapted from the Compressed Air Challenge, originally printed in the Winter 2003 edition of Energy Matters, published by the U.S. Department of Energy. For more information, visit

With the price for natural gas recently exceeding $9 per million Btu, and the price for a barrel of crude oil recently hovering between $25 and $40, the time may be coming when facility owners and operators begin recognizing thermal insulation’s significant role in reducing thermal energy use. This may take more time-and sustained high energy prices-for this message to hit home. You may recall that we experienced high energy prices in the first half of 2001, followed by a quick and dramatic collapse. A similar price drop isn’t likely to recur. If natural gas prices remain around their current level for at least a year, this pricing could start to have a profound impact on our attitude towards energy conservation, and in particular thermal insulation use.
Many people within the insulation industry have taken the National Insulation Association’s (NIA) Insulation Energy Appraisal Program (IEAP). In that program, students learn to use the 3E Plus® computer program to calculate heat energy loss or gain differences between insulated and uninsulated surfaces. Hence, students learn about the dramatic energy savings resulting from the correct use of mechanical insulation and the penalties paid by industrial facility owner/operators for leaving portions of their process piping and equipment uninsulated, either through neglect or design. Payback periods for insulating bare surfaces are typically a matter of months. The specific time is largely dependent on the price of energy used in the analysis. The 3E Plus program can also be used to estimate the economic penalty that results from insufficient insulation in piping and equipment. This program is free and available to the public by downloading from the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) at

As is the case when evaluating the heat loss or gain differences between uninsulated and insulated surfaces, there are installation issues which can lead to excessive heat loss. Some of these, which can have a large impact on energy use, are:

  • gaps at butt joints or resulting from less than adequate installation fit.
  • wet insulation resulting from improperly fitted and/or caulked lagging.
  • condensation on cold surfaces from insufficient design thickness required to maintain surface temperatures above dew point and/or inadequately installed vapor retarders.
  • prematurely damaged or degraded insulation, either through vibration or some other external factors, resulting from less than adequate installation.

To avoid installation deficiencies, the owner/operator should also consider the benefits of requiring the insulation contractor to implement a formal Quality Assurance (QA) program, along with offering an extended warranty on the work. Finally, it’s worth considering the benefits of verifying insulation performance through the use of infrared (IR) inspections. This can be done shortly after facility start-up and some later time during the warranty period.

Increased Heat Loss from Gaps and Penetrations

If gaps develop at butt joints or other joints between adjacent pieces of insulation, then, in single layer jobs, the additional heat loss or gain can be excessive. As a simple rule of thumb for discussion purposes, the heat loss from a hot, bare surface can be about 20 times larger than from a surface insulated to industry standards. Therefore, if during plant operation, the gaps make up 2 percent (i.e., 1/50th) of the total surface, the heat loss or gain could be about 40 percent greater than what it would be without the gaps. For 36-inch long preformed sections of pipe insulation, 2 percent gaps translate to only 3/4 inch per section (this is during facility operation and after the pipes have expanded, not necessarily when installed on ambient temperature pipes).

Gaps of some sort can be the consequence of an inadequate specification, one which doesn’t require expansion/contraction joints (through the installation of a compressible insulation material in the butt joints between adjacent pieces of rigid insulation) or doesn’t require double layer on thick insulation applications. However gaps can also occur due to insulators simply neglecting to install the compressible insulation in those expansion joints, and from an inspector not catching the deficiency. Likewise, at insulation penetrations, such as at pipe hangers, supports, or other obstructions, gaps may occur during plant operation because of the contractor’s inadequate attention to installation details. Also, hangers and supports are a concern for higher heat loss, and should be at least partly insulated beyond the primary surface being insulated to prevent excessive heat loss.

Figure 1 is Plate #9 from the Midwest Insulation Manufacturers’s Association (MICA) National Commercial & Industrial Insulation Standards manual showing the correct way to install an expansion/contraction joint at pipe support rings by using a compressible form of insulation in that joint. Figure A, Segment 2 refers to the single layer pipe insulation and Segment 6 refers to the flexible fibrous insulation in the expansion/contraction joint. Likewise, for the use of a support ring shown in Figure B, Segment 8 is the steel support ring and Segment 9 is the flexible fibrous insulation used as a filler in that otherwise void space.

Wet Insulation

In outdoor applications, as well as some indoor applications in which the insulated pipes and equipment are frequently washed with spray water, there’s the potential for water to get into the insulation. This is, of course, avoided by a design specification requiring an adequate jacketing with sealing and caulking of lap joints, and water shields and other details at pipe hangers and supports. The difficulty of avoiding wet insulation is compounded by the "out of sight, out of mind" concept: if the jacketed insulation looks good, many owner/operators assume it to be performing as designed. To try to imagine the penalty to the owner/operator of an industrial facility, of operating his plant with wet insulation, let’s consider an analogy.

You’ve probably heard of people who celebrate New Years Day in Chicago by putting on their swimsuits and jumping into Lake Michigan. When these people get out of the water (probably very quickly, I might add) they have dry towels ready as well as dry, warm clothing. Now, try to imagine joining these people, except you will wear warm, well-insulated winter clothing, such as down ski attire, thick socks, gloves and a ski cap. Then you jump into the lake with them.
After getting out of the frigid lake, imagine standing around in the in the cold air or maybe taking a brisk walk up Chicago’s windy Michigan Avenue in the below freezing temperatures with this wet insulated clothing (though this isn’t recommended for those of us who value their health-simply try to imagine how you would feel!) In heat loss terms, your body would experience something similar to what the hot pipe with the wet insulation would experience. And that pipe, with the wet insulation, could operate in this condition for months or even years until the problem is identified and remedied. Yes, on a very hot pipe, it may dry out, but with tightly sealed, weather resistant jacketing, the outer portions of the insulation could remain wet.
It’s also in the owner /operator’s interest to assure himself that no wet insulation is installed. Therefore, it’s critical to pay attention to the manner of handling and storage, along with the weather, when installation takes place. If certain types of insulation are installed wet, there is a good probability that some will remain wet, even for a long time, following plant start-up. This situation can also be imposed on the insulation contractor by working on a fast track job in which the general contractor (GC) requires his subcontractors to work in wet weather, without protecting the insulation. It’s important for the owner/operator to make certain that fast track doesn’t include the GC’s schedule permitting the new insulation to get wet prior to installation.

The penalty for an industrial facility owner/operator to run his facility with wet insulation can be severe. The more wet insulation on a job, the more severe the excessive heat loss or heat gain problem is due to an increase in thermal conductivity caused water presence. It’s in the owner/operator’s interest to be certain that dry insulation is initially installed, and that the weather barrier jacketing is correctly installed, caulked, and sealed to keep the insulation dry for a long time.

Vapor Condensation on Chilled Piping and Equipment

Chilled piping and equipment that has insulation design thickness or inadequately installed vapor retarder will allow moisture to migrate to the chilled surfaces and condense. On surfaces with operating temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit (F), it will result in moisture buildup on the chilled surface and in the thermal insulation itself. On surfaces with operating temperatures below 32 degrees F, the result will be ice and moisture build-up. As with insulation that becomes wet from rain due to an inadequately installed and sealed jacket, insulation that becomes wet from moisture condensation will conduct more heat to the cold surface than dry insulation. This means higher energy use by the owner/operator maintaining the cold fluid in the pipe or equipment.

Additionally, since a pound of water releases almost 1,000 Btu of heat energy to the cold surface, there’s an additional energy penalty beyond wet insulation. Finally, to add insult to injury, the water eventually can drip and lead to other surfaces becoming wet that aren’t designed to be wet. This is particularly a problem for chilled piping in buildings; condensation can lead to wet building materials, such as wood and drywall, which in turn can lead to their becoming damaged, possibly with mold growth.

To avoid these moisture condensation problems, it’s necessary that the owner/operator be certain that the insulation design thickness is sufficient to maintain the outside surface of the insulation above dew point, and that the installation is performed according to the specification. This means that the vapor retarder must be completely intact, whether through the use of tape, mastic, or whatever. Furthermore, the vapor retarder must not have holes, gaps, or other damage inflicted deformities. If a separate jacketing is installed after the installation of the vapor retarder, and damage has been done to the vapor retarder, then we have an "out of sight, out of mind" issue again until water starts dripping out of the insulation at gaps in the jacketing. The time to avoid this sort of problem is upfront, during original insulation installation, by installing the insulation and the vapor retarder correctly.

When closed cell foam insulation is used, it’s critical that the installer correctly seal all joints to prevent migration of moisture to the cold pipe or equipment surface. The water vapor transmission of closed cell insulation is low, but will only be effective with correct installation.

Another recently developed way to avoid these problems on chilled water lines is with properly installed, mineral fiber "wicking" type of pipe insulation system. While this allows moisture to migrate to the chilled pipe, it also provides for gravitational draining, wicking, and evaporation of the water. As with other systems, correct installation of the wicking system is required. It should be noted, however, that the "wicking" type systems are new and there’s a limited amount of published data on their performance. Time will tell whether they’re an improvement over conventional chilled water pipe insulation systems with a sealed vapor retarder or sealed closed cell foams.

Prematurely Damaged Insulation
and System Longevity

Certainly, no thermal insulation system can be expected to last forever. For example, some mineral fiber insulation boards on boilers can be expected to eventually settle, after many years of service, from vibration or temperature excursions. Another example: a hurricane that hits an industrial facility with insulated outdoor piping and equipment can be expected to tear off or damage some insulation materials. Most thermal insulation systems that are walked on regularly will degrade, regardless of their compressive strength (and some with low compressive strengths will degrade very quickly with foot traffic).

However, there are installation details that, if correctly adhered to, can assure mechanical insulation systems will last at least for the period of the warranty, if not for many years beyond, if the insulation isn’t physically abused.

For example, a well-written insulation system specification should identify the type and thickness of jacketing, the type, size, and spacing of attachment hardware, and the type, size, and spacing of banding. It’s in the owner/operator’s best interest to assure himself that these details are followed by the installation contractor according to the specification. Viewed from a distance, one insulation system with its system components that’s correctly installed, and another with a less than adequate installation, may look identical. However, a closer inspection will reveal the deficiencies of the latter.

While a hurricane or other excessively strong winds may damage an outdoor thermal insulation system, expected seasonal winds should not. If the specified jacketing is too thin, wind damage may cause bending of even a small part of the lagging; this, in turn, will likely allow rain access to the insulation, causing much greater heat loss or gain, as noted earlier. In addition, lagging of inadequate thickness will not provide adequate mechanical abuse protection expected by the owner/operator. Overall, it serves the owner/operator’s purpose to have an active instead of passive interest in the installation of his new mechanical insulation systems.

Achieving Quality Installation

To achieve a quality installation, owner/operators of industrial facilities, or their GC, should select an insulation contractor with a reputation for doing quality work. With many reputable NIA member contractors operating in different parts of North America, there are plenty of good choices. However, they should and can do more to assure themselves of a quality insulation installation. One important step they can take is to require that the contractor have, and implement, a formal QA program. We have heard increasingly in the last decade about formal QA programs such as ISO 9000. There are others, such as NQA-1, that in this author’s opinion, are equivalent to ISO 9000 if properly implemented. Whatever the program, it must have formal written procedures. Most formal QA programs have procedures addressing at least the following:

    1. organization of both the company and the job site personnel
    2. description of the QA program
    3. review of customer’s purchase order(s)
    4. control of customer supplied materials, parts, and components
    5. purchasing of materials and services
    6. control of document distribution
    7. control of design
    8. control of purchased materials, equipment, and services
    9. identification of materials, parts, and components
    10. control of special processes (typically welding)
    11. inspections
    12. handling, storage, packing, and shipping of materials
    13. training of personnel
    14. control and disposition of defective materials, parts, and components
    15. corrective and preventative actions
    16. control of QA and other project related records.

In general, the insulation contractor should have a quality assurance manager who has organizational freedom from the project management. The QA manager should report directly to a higher level of management, to someone who’s free from profit and loss responsibility for the particular project. The contractor should have an approved vendors’ list for purchase of materials and services, and a purchasing procedure to assure that correct materials are purchased, per the project specification. The QA manager should have a training program for the craftsmen, inspectors, and other personnel who affect the job quality. And, the manager should have inspection procedures for the particular insulation project, prior to, during, and after completion. Overall, the contractor should have procedures describing how the job’s performed. These procedures don’t have to be complex and lengthy. They should state what the contractor does, when it’s done correctly, and then it should do what his procedures say. It’s that simple.
Figure 2 shows insulation panels during installation. A good QA program would require a QC inspector to perform inspections using a sampling plan that represents some percentage of the insulation boards’ installation, prior to being covered with the metal jacketing. Once covered, it’s very difficult to evaluate the installation quality of the insulation boards other than with IR spectrometry.

Design is one element of a QA program for which an insulation contractor is generally not held accountable. The reason is the owner/operator (or designated representative, such as the engineer) is responsible for design, which includes writing the insulation specification. However, the insulation contractor always has some latitude in determining system details. If the insulation contractor were required to make assembly drawings calling out the details of the job, prior to starting the job, the overall quality could be improved by allowing the owner/operator to review those details and comment prior to start of the installation. The owner/operator will have to require the making of drawings of all bidders since it will obviously add some initial first cost to the job. However, in the end, it will pay for itself with greatly enhanced communication, improved attention to details, and, with updated (as-built) drawings at the end of the job, reduced cost for future insulation maintenance.

Overall, it’s in the owner/operator’s best interest to require the insulation contractor to have a formal QA program. And, the owner/operator should review and accept the contractor’s QA program prior to start of the job (and maybe even as part of the process of determining an approved bidders list). This will assure the owner/operator that the contractor has the self-monitoring capabilities to assure a quality insulation installation.

Post-Installation IR Inspection

After the contractor has completed the insulation installation and final inspections, but prior to plant start-up, the owner/operator or their design engineer should conduct his own physical inspection of the entire insulation job. After that’s completed and any necessary repairs are made, and following plant start-up, the owner/operator should conduct a thorough infrared inspection of the newly insulated piping and equipment.

While the owner/operator should obviously hire the services of a skilled IR technician to conduct the IR inspection itself, he should also hire a second person skilled both in the arts of thermal insulation and in examining IR photographs. This expert should accompany the IR technician to assure that all the relevant insulation surfaces are inspected, that the IR camera is correctly adjusted, and that the final IR results are correctly interpreted. The adjustment is necessary because an IR device simply detects surface temperature differences and therefore needs to be adjusted to detect differences of sufficient magnitude and thereby locate uninsulated surfaces, gaps, wet insulation, or other insulation deficiencies. The expert is necessary to differentiate between areas of poor insulation performance and areas with thermal bridging caused by heat loss through structural steel, the latter being unavoidable by the insulation contractor.
At one time, IR equipment was extremely expensive and cumbersome to use. However, today it’s much more affordable, there are many companies that can provide the services, and the equipment is relatively light and "user-friendly." With an IR camera, either still or video, the inspectors can make an IR record of the job.

If the IR inspections result in the detection of areas with high heat loss or gain and the expert determines that these are due to insulation deficiencies, then the insulation contractor should be required by contract to make repairs. Since such repairs can be expensive, it will obviously be in the best interest of the insulation contractor to make certain that his crew does a high quality original installation, per the specification. This means ensuring that his own QC inspector does a thorough inspection during and following the installation process.

Figure 3 shows a section of a panel insulation system which appears to be in excellent condition. However, Figure 4, the corresponding IR photo, shows areas of high heat loss, either due to wet insulation or due to insulation gaps. In this case, the IR inspection reveals a serious insulation deficiency beneath the connection between the horizontal duct and the vertical panels. There, the surface temperatures are as high as 149 degrees F, whereas the general surface temperatures on the flat panels are only in the 50 degree to 70 degree F range.

Another example of the power of IR inspections is shown in Figures 5 and 6. The former is a visual photo of an elbow. While the visual photo shows that there is some obvious physical damage to the metal jacketing, the degree of the damage isn’t revealed until you look at the corresponding IR image below. Note that the surface temperatures on the top of the elbow reach as high as 211.5 degrees F. While the IR photo doesn’t show the portions of the pipe below the elbow, you can see from the scale that there are insulation surfaces with temperatures as low as 92.9 degrees F. The high surface temperatures are an indication of areas with excessive heat loss, probably due to either wet and/or damaged thermal insulation beneath the jacketing.
Figure 7 is another example showing the successful use of IR thermography to detect areas of high heat loss, in this case on a horizontal, insulated pipe. While it’s not obvious what is causing the two areas of high surface temperature on the subject pipe, it’s clear that there’s something defective about the insulation material, either being wet, damaged, or incompletely installed.

There is a word of caution about using IR thermography. That is, this method doesn’t work well on new, shiny metal surfaces with low emissivity values (lower than about 0.2). Therefore, for new insulation systems, it may be necessary to wait several months prior to conducting an IR study. For an exterior job, exposed to the weather and to dust settlement, a year should be sufficient to increase the surface emissivity to 0.2 or above, allowing IR to be effective.

Warranty Benefits

To further assure that a quality installation is done, the owner/operator should require that the installation contractor provide a warranty for an extended time period. This should last at least 12 months and should include the obvious, such as installing the correct materials, materials of acceptable quality, per the specification, but also the less obvious, namely that the system performs per the specification for some period of time following installation.

For example, if the system’s jacketing leaks, resulting in wet insulation, without being caused by external damage to the jacketing or other in service abuse, then the installation contractor should be held responsible for the repair. Conversely, the contractor shouldn’t be held responsible for temperature excursions or physical abuse of the insulation caused by the owner/operator. These inspections, prior to the end of the warranty period, can be a combination of a physical inspection and an IR inspection. If the IR inspection detects areas of high surface temperature, then jacketing may have to first be removed to determine the nature of the deficiency (such as wet or deteriorated insulation, to name a few). Again, an insulation expert should be able to differentiate between an insulation problem and expected high heat loss or heat gain resulting from thermal bridging through structural members.

Taking an Active Interest

To assure a high quality installation of a mechanical insulation system, a facility owner/operator should take an active interest in the design and installation of the thermal insulation system. This should include the selection of a qualified insulation design specialist and a proven installation contractor. Part of the selection should include the insistence that the contractor has a formal QA program requiring the contractor to accept an extended warranty on his work, conducting inspections of the installation during the project and conducting a final inspection.

It’s further recommended that the owner/operator or his design engineer hire a qualified IR thermography technician and an insulation expert, and then perform follow-up physical and IR inspections at completion of the job and again prior to expiration of the warranty. This type of active interest on the part of the facility owner/operator can take comfort in knowing that not only has he purchased a quality installation, but also that the insulation system will perform as expected. He can thereby avoid high heat loss or gain problems caused by wet insulation (whether caused by leakage or condensation or prematurely damaged jacketing), gaps in the insulation, prematurely deteriorated insulation materials, or other avoidable deficiencies. The owner/operator and his design engineer should remember that many insulation deficiencies aren’t visible to the naked eye. They both must learn to look below the surface, preferably during and immediately following insulation installation, to determine whether those problems exist. In short, they both must take an active interest in their insulation systems.

Figure 1

Installing an expansion/contraction joint at pipe support rings. (Used with permission from the Midwest Insulators Contractors Association, © 1999.

Figure 2

Ductwork in the process of being insulated, an opportune time for a quality control inspector to conduct an inspection.

Figure 3

Visual photo of a panel system.

Figure 4

Infrared photo of the same panel system showing high surface below the connection horizontal duct.

Figure 5

Partially damaged insulation on a pipe elbow.

Figure 6

An infrared photo of the top of the same elbow as in figure 5 showing an area with high surface temperatures.

Figure 7

An insulated, horizontal steam line showing two large areas on the top surface with surface temperatures in excess of 180 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as some similar areas on the lower half of the pipe. Note that the well-insulated areas have surface temperatures in the 80 degrees to 100 degrees Fahrenheit range. Photo courtesy of Snell Infrared, Inc.

One of the sections covered in the National Insulation Association’s (NIA) National Insulation Training Program (NITP) is "General Insulation System Installation Considerations." The objective is to understand the installation requirements for insulation materials on mechanical systems and equipment and to become familiar with application details contained in the National Commercial & Industrial Insulation Standards, published by the Midwest Insulation Contractor’s Association (MICA), and the Process Industry Practices (PIP) Best Practices guidelines.

Attendees at a recent session of the program in Houston were asked to give their "real world" perspective on the importance of understanding installation requirements.
"Ensuring that your insulation is properly installed is just as important as the insulation itself," said Chad Wade, operations manager at Distribution International in Mobile, Ala. "Poorly or incorrectly installed insulation will result in energy losses, sometimes to the point where you aren’t actually receiving any benefits from the insulation at all. Loose jacketing, improper caulking, gaps in insulation not allowing for expansion-all could result in the breakdown of the insulation, leaving the insulation inadequate."

When asked if they recommend any installation and/or accessory options that could help the integrity of the insulation system, Mark Hayes, application specialist at Armacell LLC, said that when speaking to customers he tries to "emphasize the importance of installing the insulation according to our ‘installation procedures’ in order to avoid potential problems such as condensation drip or eventual joint failure. When I show customers how to properly use our adhesive to seal the joints effectively, it is amazing how many of them are using it improperly, and by this I mean by using too much and not letting it set properly before bonding-and also by using it sparingly on the joints, which will eventually create the joints to open up. Simple things like these can create so many potential problems."

One of the ways Armacell helps customers install insulation is by offering templates for making mitered cuts.

"It makes the job so much easier and efficient, plus it saves labor," said Hayes.

"Customers often have difficulty cutting 90’s, 45’s, or T’s and making them look like a quality installation. Using these templates makes a world of difference. The key when installing elastomeric insulations is making sure that all the procedures are followed, even if it requires a little extra time. This will prevent problems from the insulated systems, and the risk of losing a customer as a result of a poor installation."

Companies like Fibrex provide and promote guide specifications as engineering standards and practices for all their products.

"We recommend a thermal calculation be performed to determine proper insulation thickness to ensure either personnel protection or process control," said Randy Wheeler, national sales manager for Fibrex. "We also refer to the National Commercial and Industrial Insulation Standards produced by the Midwest Insulation Contractors Association as a guide for recommended industry standards of installation."

When asked if they ever experience difficulties asking for specification changes when installed performance may be at risk, Wade said, "From a distributor’s and a fabricator’s point of view, it is essential to keep up with changes in the industry. I feel that one of my biggest jobs is to ensure that I keep my customers educated on these changes. Asking for specification changes is generally not that difficult. By working with manufacturer’s reps, keeping our outside salesmen educated, and making a knowledgeable presentation to architects and owners, spec changes are fairly easy to obtain. You just need to do your homework beforehand and be able to show your customer how he will benefit from these changes."

For more information on NIA’s NITP, including class dates and locations, please contact the association at (703) 683-6422;; or