Category Archives: Global

At the 2000 NIA convention in Orlando, manufacturers, distributors and contractors discussed where they were in respect to e-commerce and customer connectivity. Along with this group, third party service providers and software providers also met to discuss future project developments. It was a good interchange and several themes emerged from the meetings. Among the conclusions:

  • Manufacturers had budgets and personnel allocated to discuss the future, but action plans hinged on how demand and technology would evolve.

  • Distributors were viewing the next stage of software from earlier Gordon Graham oriented systems.

  • Contractors were viewing information needs as a priority, safety, material safety data sheet (MSDS), order status and bid process.

  • Third parties were working on customer connectivity venues that were perhaps two to four years out in thinking.

Today I venture to guess that the scope of thought from the same group has changed as to what the future of information efficiency will demand.

Familiar Terms Help Transition to Information Age

Part of the genius of the information age may well be that over the last 30 years we have been introduced to the virtual world of digital information storage and information processing through familiar icons and descriptions. Everyday terms and concepts such as "desktop," "folders," "files," and "recycle bins," along with the use of terms such as "my documents" and "my computer" have made the gradual transformation to digital format not only personal, but also recognizable within the familiar comfort zone.

Conceptually and literally we have been weaned and transformed through the 1980s and 1990s and into the 21st century; a time where a company’s "Digital Nervous System" has become the hub of its business enterprise. If the 1980s were about application discovery, and the 1990s about re-engineering for the future, then the first decade of the 21st century is about creating digital information and processing centers from which all aspects of business are managed.

Certainly each stage of this transformation has had its peaks and valleys, success and failure, breakthrough and breakdowns, but steadily the future is evolving through trial and tribulation. The future is clearly about "digital" processing and the effect on quality and quantity of information provided. To quote Bill Gates, "How you gather, manage, and use information will determine whether you win or lose." This statement was made in reference to 21st century competition and differentiating your company in the information age.

It’s a given that in industry, electronic "business to business" connections are being made every day to enhance transactions. This isn’t a new concept, as telephones and fax machines have provided the same enhancements to transactions in their own time. The difference today is the cost per transaction, the information per transaction and the speed of the transaction. All things equal, the speed of acquiring information has been a driving force in all that we do in this new digital age. As we have become more productive as individuals from information access, our tolerance for waiting has diminished. Also, our ability to sort out and understand the vast amounts of data we can acquire or produce is limited by time. In short, the new digital age is creating the need to rethink the use of information as it applies to our businesses.

A Means to an End

Information through technology is a means to an end. Who gets the information? Who is trained to use it? Who is empowered to act on it? How does it arrive at the decision maker’s desk? Is it accurate? Is it timely? Is it complete? Does it enhance the decision process? The heart of a digital nervous system is data, and when this gets processed into usable information it will affect all areas of your business. These include:

  • Basic Operations: capturing and reporting data.

  • Business Reflexes: reacting to change.

  • Strategic Thinking: understanding trends.

  • Customer Interaction: facilitating transactions and information.

The results of the digital revolution are simple: increased productivity, decreased cost of processing/storage, and quicker and more accurate information, which enhances the decision- making process. Every business strategy today should be looking at these areas. The examples are obvious in many areas. For airline tickets, if you go through a travel agent, you pay $8 in costs, but only $1 if you went through the Internet. For insurance fees, agent costs are $400 to $700, compared to $200 or less through the Internet. You pay $1.07 per transaction for banking costs if using a teller. That same transaction is 27 cents by ATM and $.015 through proprietary online systems. The examples are numerous and diversified, and the previously mentioned items illustrate only cost savings, and not productivity changes.

The question today is how many businesses are really thinking through this digital revolution to create a "Digital Tapestry," connecting information for customer satisfaction? How many businesses are creating a "Digital Cockpit" of instruments to manage their business? How many businesses are missing the fact that "Real Time" information and employee education are differentiating factors in the future? How many businesses realize that the future is here in regards to these tools and concepts?

The real question might be: At what stage are you in thinking about virtual tools versus bricks and mortar tools? Have you been left behind thinking that a folder is manila and a file is a sheet of paper in the folder that you can touch and feel? Can you let go of the notion that a report can only be processed on a paper form? Can you visualize the postage machine being mothballed? When someone offers to mail you information, do you ask for an e-mail or a CD, as opposed to paper, which contains information that will have to be altered to make useful? When you operate a laptop with 20 billion bites of space, can you picture the number of file cabinets it would take to store that amount of information in your office? If you need to transfer a file to someone at a meeting, do you use infrared transfer of data?

Taking Advantage of Tools

The odds are that almost everyone is using digital equipment and digital software tools. It’s likely that only a few have actually converted to a paperless digital network of information. It’s doubtful that many are thinking about these concepts when they’re doing budgets and looking for savings. A stroll through the office can be an interesting adventure. You might see people filing delivery tickets for four hours a day, processing receipts and expense reports, stuffing envelopes with invoices, rummaging through outdated catalogues for information and copying and mailing forms to every location and customer. Meanwhile, the office itself has become so cluttered in paper that the desk has disappeared (along with any chance for organization).

However, what if there were no delivery receipts to be filed because they were scanned in the warehouse office? What if expense reports and receipts were scanned and e-mailed to headquarters so that accounts payable (AP) can process them without paper? What if the cluttered desk paper could be scanned into files and stored digitally upon arrival? What if invoices were e-mailed to customer accounts without paper, printing or postage? What if company forms for every purpose were only available digitally for processing? What if all employees were trained to use the Internet and data processing tools to get information? The answers to these questions include, but certainly aren’t limited to, better use of personnel, lower costs and more time for customers.

I have been through four distribution oriented, computer hardware and software conversions in 18 years, and each system was better than the previous one. However, one constant can be claimed with each system, and that is that only 20 percent to 30 percent of its capability was ever used. The process through which we select information technology tools is complex, time consuming, and expensive. The latest system, recently converted, is by far the most powerful tool to date. In addition to thinking through our processes to be sure the new system can adapt to any future demands, we also committed to using more of the system’s capability, in as much that we’re trying to think digitally about information and real time availability of resulting reports.

With newer software systems, the concept of "real time information" is probably the most important aspect. Older systems captured data and put it into compartments for end of month processing and manipulation. The concept of "real time information" means that reports, summaries, statements and all information is constantly updated and at the fingertips of the decision maker. Reports can be created and changed constantly within the system but can also always be current to the minute. This raises the question of employee empowerment regarding information.

Employee Empowerment

Employees now have more than an information network. They now can have processed, summarized information that makes them more knowledgeable about courses of action. Meetings to update employees can be reduced because the general employee population has its relevant management reports, thus reducing the need for the manager. The manager is then free to have more customer contact because he has more time. These steps create something of a domino effect in terms of better efficiency, improved time management and enhanced customer service, to name just a few of the benefits.

The concept of a digital nervous system affects all aspects of how you think about your business. As quickly as information can move across a network today, do you want to take 15 days at the end of the month to assemble data and pass it along to employees? Or would you like everything summarized at 8 a.m. on the first of each month, with financials, inventory reports, accounts receivable (AR), AP cash flow analyses, sales, margins, key performance indicators, and year to date (YTD) comparisons? The answer is simple and you didn’t have to wait until the end of the month. You could pull month to date (MTD) data against YTD from the previous month at any time during the month.

So, no matter the size of your company or configuration, realizing that newer digital information systems are active and dynamic, but also different from older and more static information, is key. Then comes the realization of a digital nervous system’s capability in reducing costs and increasing productivity. Easy access to information also decreases stress in the normal workday for employees, and complements a customer’s search for information. After these points are realized, a planning stage can be implemented to review your data processing capacities.

Determining Needs

Determining your digital nervous system needs hinges on conducting a relationship and transaction roundtable discussion with employees, customers and (in the case of distribution), manufacturers. At this point you might discover that information drives everything about which you and your customer are thinking, and that customers are the most important part of the process. You may decide that proper information use is so important that you form a new position or group in the company. This might be a customer relations manager or a customer relations management (CRM) team. This team or manager would constantly be looking at best practices in customer relations based on information received, provided and processed.

A word of caution needs to be heeded in utilizing new systems, capacities and information, and in creating a CRM position. That is, don’t get trapped in the 20 percent to 30 percent zone.

It’s easy to understand a concept and a totally different program to implement the vision. It takes perseverance, dedication and constant reminders to all to take the vision to reality. A laissez faire attitude about proper implementation becomes a waste of funds and resources. In other words, these elements enhance your business only after the work is done properly. It’s also not easy to keep telling employees and customers how great this new digitally enhanced software will be down the road, when the setup process itself is dragging them down. The commitment must be strong and the educational process excellent to achieve the vision.

Today there are so many ways to connect to the supply chain, so many ways to enhance and speed up operations and efficiencies, and so many ways to streamline processes that it becomes similar to buying a new car. You go in to buy a basic car and you walk out with every option known to mankind, including a fine set of Texas Longhorns on the hood. The beauty of all the different enhancements in information technology today is that you can add segments as funds allow. It’s not necessary to buy it all on the first day. Also, many businesses need only minimal enhancement, depending on their customer base. The truth is today "business process" needs are served by "systems of systems" integrated in an infinite structure to solve problems.

Theoretical Nervous System

A theoretical view of an efficient digital nervous system might include the following scenarios to capture the rhythm of this thinking. For example, "customer one" places an order during off hours from his home or hotel, after viewing the existing inventory in his supplier’s warehouse. He orders what he sees is available with a note to back order one item. The Internet order prints in the warehouse for morning processing. The order requires MSDS sheets, which the warehouse manager selects to print with the delivery ticket. The inside sales personnel and sales manager have a daily report that’s automatically generated when they come to work in the morning, indicating MTD sales, yesterday’s sales and current day processing orders.

Purchasing personnel then report to work and see requisitions for the back order, which they send off immediately to the vendor, who in two hours confirms the expected time of delivery. This information is e-mailed to the customer.

During the day, "customer two" needs technical information and it knows that your Web site is connected to absolutely everything. So the customer visits your site and readily identifies from your library what it needs and downloads the information to its system. "Customer three" has a problem at midnight on a Saturday and needs to reach an employee for an emergency request. As a call-in and Internet option you have a list of "on-call" employees in each of your geographical locations. The customer subsequently locates an on-call person within 15 minutes, and the problem is resolved. If customers visited an inside sales person’s office, they wouldn’t find any cabinets or file drawers, but they would notice a small rack of CD’s and a personal computer station.

In the meantime, "customer one," who placed the remote order, is close to its credit limit and the AR department sends an internal e-note to the sales rep concerning this situation. A manufacturer announces a price increase and e-mails the new prices, formatted in sequence for your system. The sales manager sees decreased sales from a customer in the first two weeks of the month, prompting a call to the customer. The customer wants his price book on an electronic Web page, secured for his use and updated to real time.

These aren’t important as individual transactions, but they’re important to see how quickly a good digital nervous system can process information. The demand for speed and accuracy is increasing to satisfy the supply chain. The speed at which integrated information systems can reach the correct personnel today approaches "the speed of thought." Make no mistakes about this process-to work properly there are a million data files in the back of the store that have to be current and updated

What is key to the entire process is that "value" must be provided to the customer as the result of the investment in a real time digital nervous system. Value must be perceived by the customer to differentiate your company from the pack. Value must be presented in a way that its many faces are revealed. These include speed, accuracy, productivity, information, reporting features and reduced transaction costs.

Information is indeed different today than it was a few years ago because something happened to change its nature. That change was "The Digital Nervous System."

Improving economic conditions, unseasonably warm weather last winter, and increased government spending helped bolster the construction industry in the first six months of 2002. But these results may not represent changes in the underlying factors that determine the direction of the construction market and may have little bearing on the amount of construction built this summer and into the fall. Most underlying factors point to a renewed construction expansion beginning later, in 2003.

Most Americans believe that the economy bottomed out over the winter and was improving in the spring. Commercial builders, unlike residential builders, currently face a weak market and would welcome a strong, rapid recovery that will increase owners’ revenues and profits, resulting in greater demand for commercial and industrial construction. Public-sector contractors continued to enjoy a period of expanding government infrastructure spending. The federal government’s monetary, fiscal and regulatory policies during the past six months have been well-received, and the public sector remains a growing market for nonresidential contractors despite reduced state budgets.

Pleasant Surprise

The U.S. construction economy has been a pleasant surprise to many because it has proven to be resilient to rising layoffs and wavering consumer confidence levels during the past year. Unfortunately, underlying drivers such as home affordability, office vacancy rates and industrial capacity-utilization rates aren’t likely to be as favorable for the remainder of the year. But look for a healthy rebound in many building sectors in 2003.

U.S. construction spending fell 0.9 percent in March due to a large drop in public building as construction retreated from high levels seen over the mild winter. The value of new construction in the United States dropped to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $874 billion in March from an upwardly revised level of $881.5 billion in February.

Nonresidential building construction was at a rate of $181.9 billion in March, nearly the same as the revised February estimate of $182.5 billion. The rise in available commercial space has been exacerbated by active sublease markets and additional construction in some areas. Office rents have declined moderately compared with a year earlier. Consequently, commercial construction activity has slowed in most parts of the country.

It will likely be several years before we see rates of commercial investment like those found in the late 1990s. Commercial construction had benefited from large influxes of investment spending in previous years but seemed to be headed for a downturn as capital investment funds decreased in 2001. Surprisingly, however, commercial construction held up well in many areas over the winter despite recessionary conditions and rapidly rising vacancy rates and subleasing activity. Last winter’s construction, while welcome, probably was the result of excellent weather conditions in many areas that enabled projects to start earlier in the year than they normally would. A summer drop-off in commercial construction was expected to follow this period of unseasonable building conditions. Unlike commercial and industrial construction, public sector construction would continue to grow with the expanding role of federal government.

U.S. businesses invested a record $1.172 trillion in capital investment in 2000, a 12 percent increase from $1.047 trillion in 1999, according to a report released by the Census Bureau. In hindsight, this spending appears to be a classic overinvestment boom. Like all booms, it was driven by excessive optimism about the “New Economy,” as evidenced by massive capital investments into the telecommunications, computer and utilities industries. Then, as the economy began to slow in the second half of 2000, firms reevaluated their assumptions and abruptly revised down capital investment plans.


Even though the manufacturing sector appears to finally be recovering from its deep two-year recession, overinvestment during the 1990s and current low factory utilization rates will prevent much new construction until 2003. Manufacturing activity rose in March 2002 to its highest level since February 2000 to meet the strongest demand for goods in more than eight years, according to the Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) closely watched purchasing manager’s index. Also favorable are the recent results of a National Association of Manufacturers survey of its members regarding their capital investment plans. The survey results suggest that overall capital spending will rise by about 5 percent during this year. However, the structural component of capital spending appears to be less robust.

While about half of ISM’s survey respondents expect investments in structures to rise up to 5 percent next year, almost 40 percent expect investment to be negative. Data from the Commerce Department confirms that better times for manufacturers may not equal new capital expenditures because so much was invested in the 1990s, especially in the high tech sector. Overall, manufacturers spent $215 billion on capital goods in 2000, up 9 percent from 1999. The information sector spent $164 billion on capital expenditures-up nearly 34 percent, following a 1999 increase of 27 percent. The semiconductor industry alone posted a 60 percent increase over 1999.

Spending on new manufacturing facilities plunged in 2001, helping to limit the overhang felt in 2002. According to the real estate firm Cushman and Wakefield, the year-end industrial vacancy rate was 8.1 percent, up from 6 percent a year earlier. Most of what was built was warehousing/distribution space, with very little new manufacturing space added in 2001.

Hospitals and Health Care

For 2002, FMI forecasts slightly lower health care construction activity. The reason is that approximately three-quarters of health care construction is private and will experience growth limitations similar to other commercial structure types.

However, FMI forecasts a growing need for health care construction as the population grows and ages. According to the American Hospital Association, “With an aging population and the ‘Baby Boomers’ entering years of higher incidence disease, the demand for health care services and the need [to] provide care are increasing significantly.” In 1950, 12 percent of Americans were over age 60. The Labor Department projects that number to increase to 25 percent of Americans by 2030. As a result of this steady increase in older Americans, the Labor Department projects that an additional 3.1 million new health workers will be needed by 2010. Of course, more rooms will be needed to accommodate these increased numbers of health care professionals. In addition, concerns over biological or chemical attacks will result in increased public funding in this area.

It would seem to follow that a growing market in the assisted living sector would stem from the graying of the population. In the short term, however, the improved health and relative great wealth of the retiring Baby Boomers and “Greatest” generations are minimizing this effect, and there is currently an oversupply of assisted living centers. In the immediate term, assisted-living construction will grow greatly in response to subsequent poorer generations that were unable to reap bonanzas from home sales and didn’t adequately save for retirement.

Public Construction

Public construction was expected to remain a strong market for contractors this summer because federal spending appears to be flowing quite freely. But lower projected state and local revenues will put a little downward pressure on construction spending on highways and schools. In March, the estimated seasonally adjusted annual rate of public construction put in place was $208.5 billion, 6 percent below the revised February estimate of $220.8 billion.

Highway construction funding now appears to be heading back in line with 2003 TEA-21 funding targets-even though President Bush’s budget initially proposed an $8.6 billion drop from 2002 federal funding levels. After state governors and congressmen applied considerable pressure on the administration regarding highway funding and its impact on recession-hit states, $4.4 billion will likely be added back to the 2003 highway budget.

A relatively new strong market-water and sewer construction-is receiving welcome attention from Congress. Although most observers believe that water and sewer infrastructure will not receive the doubling of appropriated funds in 2003 proposed by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, it’s likely that this sector will grow markedly from the remainder of 2002 through 2005. Some water and sewer treatment infrastructure spending will be for homeland security to protect against waterborne chemical or biological attacks. However, large investments are needed because of the average age of U.S. systems.

Expansion Likely

It’s likely that the U.S. economy stands at the beginning of a new period of expansion, but the construction industry may come a little late to the party. Defying many forecasters, the U.S. economy successfully navigated a perilous period after Sept. 11 and waded through a very shallow recession.

Surprisingly, residential construction performed very well while nonresidential construction performed as one would expect during a period of shrinking corporate profits.

Commercial construction growth will come after the massive 1990s investment overhang is cleared and after corporate profits improve later in 2002. Public construction will be a strong market for the foreseeable future due to expansionary federal policies. After the short-term economic stimulus dries up, infrastructure funding will be replaced in 2003 by state and local coffers refilled by declining unemployment rolls and growing business revenues.

According to the National Academy of Sciences, the Earth’s surface temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases-such as nitrous oxides (NOx), carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon equivalents (CE).

In the United States, approximately 6.6 tons (almost 15,000 pounds carbon equivalent) of greenhouse gases are emitted per person every year. Emissions per person increased about 3.4 percent between 1990 and 1997. Most of these emissions (about 82 percent), are from burning fossil fuels in industrial/commercial processes, generating electricity and motor vehicles.

From an emotional and "feel good" point of view, reducing the amount of greenhouse gas into the earth’s atmosphere is the right thing to do. After all, how can anyone be against clean air and water? Does anybody think smog and acid rain are a good thing? Companies with any marketing or public relations savvy will talk up their commitment to the environment.

While many companies undoubtedly have a genuine interest in protecting the environment, it would be naive to think altruism is the only incentive. Financial and regulatory issues tend to pop up as a motivator as well.

Reducing Emissions Through Insulation

In recent years, the mechanical insulation industry has made efforts to promote its products for their ability to cut energy costs. Additionally, insulation’s ability to reduce greenhouse emissions is also being touted. Through his company, Brayman Insulation Consultants LLC, Bill Brayman has been on the forefront of this push. To help illustrate the scope of his efforts, last year he made a presentation titled "Reduction and Documentation of NOx, CO2 and CE ‘Greenhouse Gas’ Emissions through the Use of Industrial Insulation" for the Southwest Insulation Contractors Association (SWICA).

Brayman, an engineer based in Sterrett, Ala., has traveled to various industrial facilities throughout the United States doing energy appraisals. Using techniques developed through the National Insulation Association (NIA) Insulation Energy Appraisal Program (IEAP) and the 3E Plus® computer calculation program created by North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA), along with his own expertise, he has provided plant officials quantitative, documented data on the benefits of proper insulation installation.

SWICA was particularly interested in NOx, primarily because it had heard about companies becoming eligible for credits through savings of NOx emissions. "SWICA basically came to me and asked, ‘How can you reduce NOx in a plant through the use of insulation?’" he said. "They wanted to know how can you demonstrate it and how do you go about doing it."

He continues, "My point was, we can show you, with a bit of education, how insulation will save the amount of greenhouse gas being released into the atmosphere. You do it by documenting how many emissions are being discharged before you insulate and how much after you insulate. The change in the amount discharged gives you your net savings."

Brayman explains that NOx forms when fossil fuel is burned at high temperatures, as in a combustion process. He points out that 46 percent of the primary source of NOx comes from utility-based, industrial and commercial venues that burn fossil fuels. These are the areas that mechanical insulation contractors would like to reach. (Motor vehicles and all other sources account for the remaining 54 percent [with motor vehicles accounting for 49 percent of that total].) Fossil fuels emit some 22 billion tons of CO2 into the Earth’s atmosphere each year. Such emissions could rise 55 percent by 2020, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Coal is particularly dirty, containing more carbon than any other fuel, releasing carbon, mercury, lead and sulfur into the air. Gasoline continues to be a growing habit, with the United States by far the world’s leading guzzler in both yearly per capita use and total consumption.

What Does NOx Cause?

According to information provided by Brayman, there are a variety of unpleasant byproducts of NOx emissions. Several of them are described as follows.

Ground Level Ozone (Smog)

Ground level ozone, or smog, is formed when NOx and volatile organic compounds react in the presence of heat and sunlight. Children, people with lung diseases such as asthma, and people who work or exercise outside are susceptible to adverse effects such as damage to lung tissue and reduction in lung function. Ozone can be transported by wind currents and cause health impacts far from the original sources. Millions of Americans live in areas that don’t meet the health standards for ozone. Other impacts from ozone include damaged vegetation and reduced crop yields.

Acid Rain

NOx and sulfur dioxide react with other substances in the air to form acids, which fall to earth as rain, snow, or dry particles. Some may be carried by the wind for hundreds of miles. Acid rain damages forests; causes deterioration of cars, buildings and historical monuments; and causes lakes and streams to become acidic and unsuitable for many fish.

Water Quality Deterioration

Increased nitrogen loading in water bodies, particularly coastal estuaries, upsets the chemical balance of nutrients used by aquatic plants and animals. Additional nitrogen accelerates "eutrophication," which leads to oxygen depletion and reduces fish and shellfish populations. NOx air emissions are one of the largest sources of nitrogen pollution to the Chesapeake Bay of the mid-Atlantic United States.

Toxic Chemicals

In the air, NOx reacts readily with common organic chemicals, and even ozone, to form a wide variety of toxic products.


NOx reacts with ammonia, moisture and other compounds to form nitric acid vapor and related particles. Human health concerns include effects on breathing and the respiratory system, damage to lung tissue, and premature death. Small particles penetrate deeply into sensitive parts of the lungs and can cause or worsen respiratory disease, such as emphysema and bronchitis, and aggravate existing heart disease.

Global Warming

One member of the NOx family, nitrous oxide, is a greenhouse gas. It accumulates in the atmosphere with other greenhouse gases, causing a gradual rise in the earth’s temperature. This will lead to increased risks to human health, a rise in sea level, and other adverse changes to plant and animal habitat.

Visibility Impairment

Nitrate particles and nitrogen dioxide can block the transmission of light, reducing visibility in urban areas, and on a regional scale in our national parks.

To address these problems, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued rules that require large reductions in NOx emissions in 22 eastern states. The states that are required to reduce their emissions are Missouri and all the states east of the Mississippi except for Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Florida. The state implementation plan requirements are focused on reductions from electric power plants and large industrial boilers. The states are required to reduce overall nitrogen oxide emissions starting in May 2003.

The bottom line, Brayman said, is that "The rules apply to a bunch of things. It’s not just great big refineries, but anything that’s burning."

Basically, facilities have no choice but to clean up their act. "The law is in force. It’s going to make them do it," Brayman said.

Multiple Birds With One Stone

So, if you need to reduce emissions to comply with new rules and regulations, and you want to increase efficiency and save money along the way, what’s a smart route to take? You may have guessed it. If you need a hint, Brayman stated it succinctly in his SWICA presentation:

"Using insulation reduces energy loss and the equivalent amount of burned fossil fuel," he said. "Therefore, burning less fuel reduces CO2, NOx and CE (greenhouse gas emissions)."

To back up those statements, Brayman provided information from a visit to an industrial facility in the southeastern United States. The plant had a number of uninsulated steam lines, and he focused on one in particular as a test case. Using the 3E Plus® software’s "cost of energy" program, he provided various information about the pipe. Variables include ambient conditions, process temperature, insulation and jacket installation data, and operating information (fossil fuel, heat value and costs).

Brayman determined that the system (see photo on this page) contained a 900 lb. uninsulated (or "naked") steam line with an 8-inch pipe. The process (operating) temperature was 825 degrees F with an average ambient temperature of 65 degrees F. The steam line’s annual fuel cost was $6,455, and it was burning enough fuel to release 222 lbs. of NOx per year.

Brayman knew that the system was capable, with the proper insulation, of operating much more cleanly and efficiently than those statistics would indicate.

"We’re trying to prove that if you don’t burn it, you won’t put it (emissions) out there," he said, adding, "When that line’s uninsulated, it’s wasting energy. When you insulate it you reduce the heat loss."

So, after providing the 3E Plus® program with the requisite information, Brayman put the software back to work to calculate the needed insulation to improve the line’s performance. The program provided information on Btu and dollar savings, CO2, NOx and CE savings and total savings based on using a certain amount of insulation. The information can be printed out in spreadsheet form, with all the relevant numbers easily accessible.

Ultimately, for the 825 degree F steam line, it was determined, in basic terms, that by adding 3 inches of insulation to the pipe, $6,170 in fuel costs would be saved annually, and NOx emissions would be cut by 212 lbs. each year.

And, as Brayman points out, "That’s for only one little section of pipe," indicating that for an entire plant, the savings could be substantial. He adds, with a laugh, "It all accumulates. If you pick up 1,000 pennies, that’s $10. If you find a lot more pennies, it really adds up."

Overcoming Resistance

Despite the proven success of technology such as 3E Plus® and initiatives like the Insulation Energy Appraisal Program, insulation still often seems to get lost in the shuffle when discussing effective savers of energy, money and emissions. Insulation is a bit like a fullback in football who provides the blocks that allow the star halfback to break the long runs. It does the job quietly and efficiently, without much hype.

As one of Brayman’s industry colleagues has said, "We’re not getting on the radar screen (in terms of recognition)." Brayman points out that among the difficulties in selling the value of insulation to plant managers, engineers and the like in past years (prior to 3E Plus® and the IEAP) was that it was more to quantify the impact and effectiveness of proper insulation in a facility. Also, the efforts it took to provide that information could be extremely challenging.

"Before the IEAP, it took a pretty smart engineer to do the calculation," he said. "It was a pretty laborious and time-consuming process. And it can be difficult to equate dollars to Btu."

The IEAP, which debuted in October 2000, is an industry initiative designed to give facility/energy managers a better understanding of the true dollar and performance value of an insulated system. It quantifies the amount of energy and actual dollars a facility is losing with its current in-place insulation system and demonstrates the real world benefits of a more efficient system. The IEAP is also a part of the DOE’s Best Practices Allied Partnership program.

State and federal emission reduction mandates will undoubtedly push facilities to seek cost-effective and fairly simple solutions, and that’s where insulation may get more of an opportunity to grab the spotlight. Brayman said that in his visits to various plants around the country, many officials get a kind of sheepish look on their faces when he tells them how much energy their uninsulated lines are wasting and how much emissions they’re spewing into the sky. That may be one reason most of them wish to remain anonymous.

"When we get involved in reducing greenhouse gases through insulation, people become informed, and even embarrassed, because the numbers were so big," he said. "Sometimes they get chastised by upper management, which says it’s stupid to waste so much energy."

The response to that criticism almost amounts to a "dog ate my homework" defense. "They’ll reply, ‘We didn’t know how much we were wasting,’" Brayman said. That, he added, is all the more reason to document pre- and post- insulation statistics.

"Some people are intimidated by a computer program," Brayman said of some facility managers. "But if you go through the appraisal process and explain things to them, they’ll see where they can save. Onza Hyatt [former NIA president], sold a job based on that philosophy."

And when talking about energy savings and emissions reductions, Brayman again drives the point home with that familiar yet basic statement: "If you don’t burn it, you won’t put it in the atmosphere."

Bill Brayman can be reached toll-free in the United States and Canada at (866) 388-8161.

Refractory ceramic fiber (RCF) products have been manufactured and used extensively for more than 40 years and there’s no evidence of any exposure-related, disease. While this is comforting to manufacturers, processors, and end users, regulatory agencies are encouraging the RCF industry to continue its efforts in reducing exposuress associated with RCF use. On Feb. 11, 2002, the Refractory Ceramic Fibers Coalition (RCFC), with the endorsement of the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), launched PSP 2002. This is the RCF industry’s most recent version of its product stewardship program, expanded and updated through significant cooperation with OSHA into a voluntary worker protection program designed to control and reduce workplace exposures to RCF.

At the launch, OSHA Administrator John Henshaw endorsed PSP 2002, saying, "This is an ambitious product stewardship effort and we’re proud to support it. …the Coalition and its members are to be commended for their leadership and, on a voluntary basis, taking steps to help assure refractory ceramic fiber products are handled properly and workers are protected."

One of the most important issues confronting businesses today is the need to identify workplace hazards and find ways to reduce them. Synthetic vitreous fibers (SVF), in particular, have prompted some concern because of the adverse human health effects often associated with certain naturally occurring fibers. Over the past two decades SVFs have been subjected to extensive health and safety research by the industrial and academic communities and this research has been thoroughly reviewed by regulatory authorities throughout the world.

RCF, an aluminosilicate fiber, is a member of the SVF group of man-made products, as are fibrous glass and mineral wool. Like other SVFs, these RCFs are produced under highly controlled conditions using a melt fiberization process. A variety of product forms can be manufactured, including bulks, blankets, vacuum-formed shapes, modules, papers and cements. RCFs represent the smallest portion of the SVF industry, accounting for less than 2 percent of the total worldwide production.

RCFs are lightweight, efficient thermal insulators with a low heat storage capacity, and outstanding thermal shock resistance. They’re used primarily in high temperature industrial applications such as furnaces, boilers, reactors or other heating equipment where temperatures may reach 2800 degrees F. Because of its high service temperature and impressive physical properties, RCF is also finding increased usage as thermal insulation in construction, aerospace, automotive, fire protection and appliance applications where, in general, the material is contained or encapsulated.

Globally, RCFs play an important energy-efficient role by controlling high temperatures and by reducing fossil fuel consumption in industrial processes by as much as 50 percent. RCFs also help to maintain product quality by maintaining proper unit operating temperatures. Finally, RCFs promote safe working conditions by protecting workers exposed to heat from high temperature processes.

Health Effects Research

Ongoing studies of current and former workers in the RCF industry have found no disease due to RCF exposure.

Inhalation toxicology studies, provide information for assessing a potential human health hazards. Between 1988 and 1992 the SVF industry contracted with Research & Consulting Company (RCC) in Geneva, Switzerland, to develop comprehensive investigations that included animal inhalation bioassays and tissue dose modeling, the results of which would later be used to develop a scientifically-based risk assessment model.

The RCC inhalation bioassays were designed to ensure careful control of the fiber size being studied, the dose administered and the methods used to evaluate the biologically effective dose to the target tissue. The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) study using hamsters and rats indicated that chronic, nose-only exposure to extremely high concentrations (approximately 200 fibers/cubic centimeter [(f/cc]) of specially-processed RCF could produce progressive lung damage (fibrosis), lung tumors, and pleural cancer (mesothelioma). A subsequent review of the MTD pathology and recent short term studies have concluded that the test animals’ lungs were significantly "overloaded" because of the presence of large quantities of non-fibrous particles, and that this overload condition may have been responsible for the disease observed.

In contrast, rats exposed in the multidose phase of the RCC study at doses of 25, 75 or 115 f/cc showed no statistically significant increase in lung tumor development and minimal or no fibrosis development.

To determine possible human health effects following RCF exposure, RCFC engaged the University of Cincinnati (UC) to conduct a long-term study on RCF workers. This ongoing study collects data from questionnaires, lung function tests, chest X-rays, exposure monitoring and worker mortality. While the incidence of respiratory changes in workers exposed to historic levels of RCF is higher than that found in unexposed individuals, the observed reversible changes are no different from those experienced by employees working in other dusty environments. Moreover, current levels of occupational exposure to RCF haven’t affected lung function. The incidence of pleural plaques, recognized as a marker of exposure but not disease, is statistically higher than background rates, but clinically insignificant. While the number of older workers in this study is small, no unusual trends in fiber related causes of death or any elevated incidence of lung disease have been observed and there have been no reports of mesothelioma.

The findings of two similar studies conducted by the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) in Europe were generally consistent with the UC findings.

Regulatory Review

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

In the early 1990s, RCFC submitted the results of its RCC toxicology studies to EPA under the requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act ("TSCA") and EPA began an assessment of the potential hazards and risks associated with the manufacture and use of RCF. In November 1991, EPA initiated a priority review of RCF pursuant to Section 4(f) of TSCA. On May 14, 1993, EPA and RCFC signed a five-year voluntary Consent Agreement. The agreement required RCFC to perform exposure monitoring to estimate average workplace concentrations, to study time trends and to compare estimated exposures across functional job categories.

Upon completion of the agreement, it was mutually determined that atmospheric RCF emissions were quantitatively small and of negligible risk to the general public and that future initiatives should focus on managing workplace exposures. EPA also praised the industry’s product stewardship program, calling it a "model for other industries."

National Institute for

Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

In the 1980s and 1990s, NIOSH conducted health hazard evaluations at power plants and foundries that use RCFs. RCFC continues to partner with NIOSH to evaluate engineering controls and work practices to reduce RCF exposures in the absence of conclusive data regarding possible risks associated with its use.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

In June 1992, OSHA proposed amendments to its permissible exposure limits (PELs) for a large number of air contaminants, which included a PEL of 1 f/cc for SVFs. Shortly thereafter, the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit vacated the air contaminants rule, holding that OSHA was required to perform independent risk and feasibility analyses before it could adopt any PEL. Today there’s still no PEL for RCF.

Following the 11th Circuit decision, in August 1994, OSHA announced a "Priority Planning Process" designed to prioritize the agency’s resources for standard setting. In December 1995 OSHA identified SVFs as one of the substances it viewed as a priority and stated it endorsed "voluntary approaches [that] seek to correct workplace hazards through cooperative actions." In May 1999, the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA), a trade association representing fibrous glass and mineral wool manufacturers, submitted its voluntary partnership program to OSHA entitled, "Health & Safety Partnership Program." At the same time, the National Insulation Association submitted its voluntary "Contractor Health and Safety Partnership Program" to OSHA. RCFC’s PSP 2002 represents another voluntary program that addresses the RCF portion of the SVF family.

Product Stewardship Program (PSP 2002)

In 1990, RCFC and its member companies initiated their comprehensive product stewardship program ("PSP"), which has been continuously improved since. PSP is designed to assist RCF manufacturers and end users in the evaluation, control and reduction of workplace RCF exposures. Program recommendations are intended to help ensure proper handling, manufacture, storage, use and disposal of RCF products. PSP includes: communications, workplace monitoring, evaluation of workplace controls, exposure assessments, health effects research, product research and special studies. In addition, PSP encourages implementation of workplace engineering and process controls and use of appropriate respirators and other personal protective equipment. During the past 12 years PSP has resulted in substantial reductions in RCF workplace exposures and provided a foundation for prioritizing future initiatives.

More recently, RCFC undertook the development of an updated product stewardship plan, called PSP 2002. This voluntary plan was developed with the support of OSHA, EPA and NIOSH, along with input from stakeholders representing organized labor, associated industry groups, end users and other interested parties. PSP 2002 incorporates many of the key elements of the existing highly acclaimed RCFC PSP, along with a number of new elements.

Key Features of PSP 2002

PSP 2002 applies to any operation where exposure to RCF may occur. RCFC member companies are directly responsible for compliance with PSP 2002 voluntary initiatives in their own operations. In addition, they’ll undertake activities to educate RCF end-users to encourage compliance with PSP 2002 requirements and the implications for possible regulatory oversight.

Recommended Exposure Guideline

In the absence of an RCF PEL, RCFC has adopted a recommended exposure guideline ("REG") of 0.5 f/cc, 8-hour time weighted average (TWA). This REG is based on data collected during the voluntary Consent Agreement with EPA.

The general premise of PSP 2002 is to reduce RCF exposures to the lowest feasible level. Where it’s feasible to reduce workplace concentrations below the REG, RCFC recognizes that it’s prudent to do so. Where workplace concentrations are already below the REG, RCFC recommends continued efforts to maintain and reduce exposures to the lowest levels technically and economically achievable.

The REG isn’t based on a conclusion of any relative hazard or risk; instead it’s based on a general assumption that the lower the workplace concentration, the lower the risk. A detailed and comprehensive quantitative risk assessment provides useful insight into the potential health effects of RCF exposure in the workplace (see

Control Measures

Member companies strive to use product design, engineering controls, work practices, respiratory protection or a combination thereof to achieve worker exposure control. While engineering controls are used where feasible and necessary, other techniques may be utilized to assure worker protection. Member companies also strive to ensure that any changes to product properties don’t lead to an increased end user compliance burden.

Member companies also provide information to RCF product users regarding exposure control techniques and best practices and provide assistance to end-users to develop and implement effective exposure controls.

Work Practices

Member companies encourage employers and employees to follow proper RCF handling guidelines. RCFC provides recommended work practice guidelines, in both video and written format. These include recommendations for cost-effective engineering controls, proper respirator use, use of protective clothing and workplace handling guidelines to promote the continuous improvement of appropriate handling and use techniques for RCF products.

Worker Training

Member companies also provide health and safety training for employees consistent with OSHA Hazard Communication requirements. They also provide health and safety training to endusers. RCFC participates in trade shows, conferences and other relevant events providing suitable forums for communicating RCF-related health and safety information and guidance to end users.

Respirator Use

Member companies support OSHA’s respiratory protection standards that form the basis of the industry’s respiratory protection program. RCFC’s training programs and materials incorporate all relevant requirements of OSHA’s respiratory protection standard.

Member companies require appropriate respiratory protection when employee exposures aren’t "reliably" below the industry REG. RCFC will continue recommending the use of appropriate respiratory protection to end users in circumstances where occupational exposures may exceed industry guidelines and effective engineering controls aren’t readily available.

Medical Monitoring

Member companies maintain medical monitoring programs for their workers, consistent with accepted surveillance practices and protocols. The medical monitoring program, designed by UC physicians and epidemiologists, investigates and identifies possible RCF-related health effects. While there are no specific medical monitoring requirements for RCF, UC has incorporated study elements believed to be appropriate for a population exposed to respirable fiber dusts.

Exposure Monitoring

Member companies have an ongoing RCF exposure monitoring program in their manufacturing facilities to ensure that employee exposure is controlled and consistent with the industry’s REG.

RCFC also encourages exposure evaluation in the end users’ workplace. Member companies have trained professionals available to assist end users in determining worker exposures and advise on engineering controls, respiratory protection and proper handling practices. Employers and employees are provided with the monitoring results. If requested, member companies can also recommend independent contractors or consultants who have the appropriate skills and experience to assist with exposure monitoring. Additionally, RCFC and its member companies will continue to commit monitoring resources toward identifying best practices for engineering and process controls, along with improved handling practices.

Product Research

Member companies continue to develop new, improved RCF product forms. This product research generally focuses on three key elements-dose, dimension and durability. To reduce worker exposure potential (i.e., reduce dose), methods are being explored to contain RCF. Member companies are also investigating options to alter RCF distribution size (i.e., dimension) to reduce the respirable fraction, while maintaining key performance properties.

Consumer Products

Member companies will continue attempting to ensure that exposures in consumer product applications are well controlled. RCF use in a consumer product in a manner that may cause significant exposure, under proper use and maintenance conditions, is deemed to be inconsistent with the intent of PSP 2002.

Waste Minimization and Disposal

RCFC and its member companies continue to study, recommend and implement programs designed to reduce waste and to increase recycling rates where practicable and effective. They also continue to study after-service and solid waste handling procedures to recommend appropriate handling procedures for disposal of friable RCF wastes.

RCFC and Its Stakeholders

While member companies have effectively managed exposures in their manufacturing facilities, monitoring results have shown that, on average, RCF exposures by end user employees are approximately twice as high. Through its PSP 2002 program, RCFC is committed to reducing exposures throughout the industry to the lowest technically and economically achievable level. This will only be accomplished with stakeholder support.

The first step is to benchmark exposures through monitoring. Member companies have more than 10 years experience in monitoring RCF exposures. They’re prepared to monitor jobs directly or to assist in finding qualified industrial hygiene professionals who can be hired to undertake the work. All collected data is considered confidential and is incorporated into the RCFC database, maintained by an independent consulting firm, to provide a comparison with current industry achievable standards.

Where exposures are found to be above the industry’s REG, member companies work with their customers in recommending respiratory protection consistent with OSHA and NIOSH guidelines. As respiratory protection shouldn’t be considered a permanent solution for remediating high exposures, member companies, based on proven engineering experience, evaluate work practices and engineering controls and make recommendations that are technically and economically feasible in reducing exposures below the REG.

Often new product developments are driven by stakeholder needs. Member companies work to modify or develop new products consistent with PSP 2002’s goals of lower exposure and lower potential risk. Communication and exchanges of ideas between manufacturers and end users are critical. Additional benefits also may include environmental responsibility issues and opportunities within the RCF product’s life cycle.

Finally, while customer medical surveillance may not be a requirement of PSP 2002, stakeholders might wish to consider a program for employees that includes chest X-rays every three years.


Human health effects from SVF exposure, including RCF, have been thoroughly evaluated worldwide. To date, no disease associated with RCF exposure has been found. However, as with all workplace fiber and dust exposures, it’s prudent to reduce exposure, and therefore risk, to the lowest technically and economically achievable levels.

PSP 2002 is a voluntary program that continues many of the initiatives embraced by the industry during the past 15 years. It has been developed for use wherever RCF is manufactured, fabricated, installed or removed, as well as other occupational settings where workers might face RCF exposure. RCFC is confident that PSP 2002 addresses the key components of responsible risk management and that compliance will minimize potential risk associated with workplace exposure.

For a copy of PSP 2002 or for additional information on refractory ceramic fibers, visit our Web site:

In the last few years the public has become increasingly aware of biological contamination in the occupied spaces where they live and work. The result has been a growing concern by the public, which has in turn resulted in a huge increase in sales of indoor air quality (IAQ) services and products. IAQ problem sources can be many. Since at least 50 percent of the problems have been attributed to the air handling system/ventilation system, the predominant use of disinfectants and antimicrobial coatings has, up to now, been on the interior of these air-handling systems. However, opportunities abound for the use of IAQ coatings to solve many other building microbial problems. The scope of antimicrobial coatings is expanding to include all potential growth areas within occupied structures that are susceptible to moisture problems.

The New Market

Every year, thousands of buildings are damaged by water, whether it comes from floods, hurricanes, frozen or broken water pipes, building leaks, or water damage from firefighting. Whenever you have moisture and a food source, mold can start to grow and spread within 24 to 48 hours, and will then grow exponentially given the right conditions of temperature, moisture, and food sources. Most building construction materials are excellent sources of food for mold, including dry wall, ceiling tiles, plywood, fiberboard and particleboard. Wall cavities are ideal areas for mold to grow once moisture accumulates either from water damage or condensation on the interior wall cavity.

Lack of sunlight, stagnant air, relative humidity above 60 percent and nutrients from the wood and dust in the wall cavity are all factors promoting mold growth, along with moisture or water from condensation. Mold can even be found on basement walls where the relative humidity is typically high and the temperature is above 70 degrees F. Bear in mind that mold spores and mold growth may be present and contribute to IAQ problems, even if they aren’t visible to the naked eye.

One of the best ways to fight mold contamination is to prevent it from ever happening. Getting rid of water and humidity and drying up the space is one way. Also, antimicrobial coatings can be used to great advantage for mold prevention by applying them during construction or renovation. By applying an antimicrobial coating to the interior wall cavities before they’re finished, even to floor joists and ceiling rafters, you can eliminate most nutrient sources for mold growth when and if moisture does accumulate in the building in the future. Since these coatings are typically water base, the temperature needs to be above 40 degrees F and stable during the application and drying stages.

When remediation work is being done in water-damaged buildings, it needs to be started quickly, since mold growth can commence 24 to 48 hours after being wet. For remediation work, application of disinfectants and coatings should be completed when the occupants aren’t in the buildings, or when work areas are sealed off to isolate the occupants from the area.

Clean, Kill, and Prevent

Similar procedures apply for building surfaces as those in air handling systems. Again, it’s clean, kill, and then protect. Surfaces must be completely cleaned to remove all mold and surface contamination down to a sound non-friable surface. Then, a suitable Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered disinfectant/cleaner should be spray applied to kill any remaining mold spores.

Wherever there is mold, mold damage or contaminated building materials such as wallboard, you must keep removing the mold and damaged materials until it’s completely gone, either on exposed surfaces, or in enclosed spaces such as the backside of the sheetrock next to the studs. Any damaged material that has been removed and can’t be cleaned should be bagged and sealed in plastic. The wall studs or floor joists may also have mold contamination, and you must consider how to inspect and treat the hidden surfaces such as the edge of the stud facing the exterior wall. Clean and salvage materials that aren’t severely affected. Clean with powdered automatic dishwasher detergent and hot water. Gently wipe with a sponge or spray with a mist bottle. Also, repair and replace the removed material and dry out the area.

Once all surfaces have been cleaned, disinfected or removed, an antimicrobial coating can be applied. This is best done by electric airless spray application to completely cover all surfaces, corners and crevices. For long-term effectiveness, you should insure that the coating is designed to properly bond to the surface. In some cases such as metal or masonry surfaces, primer should be used to insure this bond. John Lausevic is vice president of Pacific Gold Coast Construction, Inc. (PGCC), a California based contracting firm specializing in bioremedial construction.

According to Lausevic, "Primers are critical. When applying the coating to an incompatible surface, delamination of the coating can be a problem. Using an appropriate primer for the job can solve this problem. "

Thickness is another critical factor in the success of antimicrobial coatings. Sufficient coating must be applied to adequately protect the surface for the life of the building. Skimping on material or thinning the product will result in subpar performance. The protection obtained is only as good as the dry film thickness of the coating.

Jay Colburn, president of Environmental Restoration in North Carolina, a contracting company that specializes in IAQ property restoration, has years of experience with antimicrobial coatings. He uses a "disciplined methodology" for maximum results from a coating.

"Thorough cleaning and complete source removal will provide the best surface possible for the coating," says Colburn. "If you do not provide the ideal bonding surface and appropriate coverage, your coating cannot give you ideal performance."

In many building areas, where high humidity is regularly present, mold can also be found growing on the interior finished surfaces of walls and ceilings. Some examples of these include school locker/shower rooms, laundry areas, shower rooms, swimming pool enclosures and even ice-skating rinks. Here again, the procedure is to clean, kill, and protect. One difference in these cases is that the coating must provide a finished surface that’s both attractive and durable. It has to look good, but also be cleanable and abuse resistant.

Insure Effectiveness

In recent years the IAQ marketplace has seen many new products claiming to prevent mold growth or to disinfect surfaces. Care must be exercised in choosing disinfectant or antimicrobial coating, to assure that it’s suitable for the intended purpose, and will meet all of your requirements. Some approaches to disinfecting, such as gassing the area with ozone or chlorine dioxide, can be hazardous and even life threatening.

Contractors also need to recognize that some state and local codes require remediation contractors to be licensed pesticide applicators before they can apply disinfectants and antimicrobial coatings. A contractor doesn’t need to use a hazardous product to eliminate another hazard. There are a number of good and proven products in the marketplace that can be used safely when directions are followed. Unfortunately, there are also products in the marketplace that may mislead the purchaser regarding their benefit in preventing mold growth.

The best IAQ solution is to use only EPA registered disinfectants and coatings. These products have been proven to the EPA to be both effective and safe to use. Since the EPA regulates all labeling and data, a contractor and owner can trust product claims, directions, and cautions to be true and accurate. These products, when used as directed, are dependable and should perform as expected.

IAQ building problems offer great opportunities for professionals to come in and address the situation with the help of antimicrobial coatings and disinfectants. Mold and mildew present serious problems to both the structural integrity of a building and its occupants’ health. By an effective use of these products as restorative measures in remediation projects, as well as preventive measures in new construction, the hazards of mold contamination can be abated.

In the fall 2000 issue of Risk Watch, a periodic survey published by the International Center for Toxicology and Medicine (ICTM), 54 percent of the group of owners and managers of commercial office space agreed that "growing public and regulatory concern about indoor air quality will likely lead to significant changes in building design and construction within the next five years." Antimicrobial coatings, which found their initial use in air handling system applications, can and will be a part of the solution of this growing concern.

Though it’s still booming, the asbestos business is quite different from the one that we knew in the 1980s. You would think that after more than 20 years of asbestos abatement activity, we would have this industry under control. However, it’s far from it, and certainly nowhere near where it was more than a decade ago-and it’s getting worse. Perhaps the largest single change in the abatement business is that building owners and managers no longer have the fear of asbestos that existed in the 1980s. This is both good and bad for the abatement business. Good, because building owners and managers now can make rational, fact-induced decisions regarding asbestos presence in their buildings. But it’s also bad, because complacency has set in regarding the selection and hiring of both asbestos abatement contractors and asbestos abatement consultants.

Overall, complacency regarding asbestos, asbestos contamination and asbestos abatement hazards outweigh the good that may have been created by better information and a subsiding of fears surrounding asbestos. Complacency is producing poorer quality work by a certain segment of asbestos abatement contractors, and this problem is further fueled by a lack of enforcement. It’s leading the industry toward an inevitable disaster that will surely tip the scales back again in favor of more enforcement, more oversight and, of course, more cost.

Complacency of Government Officials

Not only does complacency exist among building owners and managers, it also exists with regulatory and enforcement officials regarding asbestos in buildings. One need only look at the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) handling of the asbestos contamination associated with the collapse of the World Trade Center to understand how complacency has affected our regulators’ ability to make logical, informed decisions. The EPA misreported the asbestos hazards that existed in the aftermath of the World Trade Center collapse by stating that there were very low levels of airborne asbestos detected. What they failed to do was to check the inside of nearby buildings that might have had asbestos-laden dust tracked into them.

In the wake of the collapse of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, the EPA was quick to begin monitoring the outdoor air, using the schools clearance criteria of 70 structures per mm2 as the benchmark for safe air. In a school, a contractor’s work isn’t complete and people aren’t allowed back into the abatement area until the asbestos fiber concentration is less than 70 structures/mm2. Thus, it was prudent for the EPA to use this as a benchmark for safe air. However, as soon as a number of samples came up above this level, EPA was quick to explain that "levels above 70 structures per square millimeter do NOT imply an immediate health threat. Asbestos exposure becomes a health concern when high concentrations of asbestos fibers are inhaled over a long period. Illness is very unlikely to result from a single, high-level exposure, or from a short period of exposure to lower levels."

Most importantly, the EPA collected all of these samples from stationary locations sampling outdoor air. It failed to collect indoor air samples from buildings that were impacted by asbestos-laden dust generated from the WTC collapse. Sampling performed inside buildings by a private firm, HP Environmental of Reston, Va., showed that there were very significant levels of both airborne asbestos and asbestos-laden dust, with fibers that were extremely small. (These fibers were so small that they likely weren’t even detected by the EPA’s testing.)

After HP Environmental’s testing became public, the EPA quietly began testing in buildings. The EPA’s work was so quiet, in fact, that the results are still not publicly available on its Web site. However, on May 8, the agency announced a comprehensive clean-up plan for all residences south of Canal Street in Manhattan. The EPA’s response to the Sept. 11 disaster points out that even officials charged with creating and maintaining regulations have become complacent about asbestos hazards.

Complacency Among Building Owners

The complacency among building owners and managers has caused many of these firms to begin hiring asbestos abatement contractors without abatement specifications and without independent oversight in both air monitoring and final clearance sampling. This has led to a steep decline in the quality of work being done by some asbestos abatement contractors. Without independent oversight and final clearance monitoring, some asbestos abatement contractors are cutting corners on negative pressure enclosures, decontamination systems and fine cleaning. The quality of asbestos abatement work is difficult for an owner or manager to measure, so it’s going largely unchecked. There’s widespread agreement from contractors and consultants in the industry regarding this trend.

During the recent annual conference of the Environmental Information Association, a meeting called "The Asbestos Roundtable" generated significant discussion about the degradation of the quality of asbestos abatement work being done today. Many attendees complained that there was little or no enforcement of existing regulations and that owners just want to get the job done cheaply. For the most part, the contractors and consultants gathered in that room are trying to provide high quality work to their clients, but they’re being hurt by lower-priced contractors who are cutting corners and charging less money. Owners are hiring firms that can give them a turnkey job, by providing asbestos abatement, demolition and air monitoring all under one contract.

The EPA says that enforcement activity related to asbestos abatement is up. At the same time, an informal survey of several contractors from around the nation indicates that they’re experiencing fewer or the same number of visits from enforcement officials on their projects. If the words from the EPA and the results of the informal survey can be believed, the EPA is having greater success catching the "bad guys" and, therefore, are making fewer visits to the projects of the "good guys." In my opinion, this isn’t true.

What does the survey show? It says that even though the EPA says enforcement activity is up, the visits aren’t being made to the job sites of the contractors that we interviewed. There were some exceptions to this trend, specifically in New York state, where the interviewed contractor said it had a visit on 100 percent of the projects by a New York State Department of Labor official. The problem is that "these officials do not deliver any teeth …and they only visit the job sites between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday."

The other interesting trend pointed out in this survey is that the entity hiring the asbestos contractor, has, in most cases, decided to let the contractor hire its own monitoring firm. This means that the contractor has control over the monitoring firm, and can determine their schedule and the number of samples to be collected. Most contractors are using monitoring firms only to provide short term exposure limit monitoring and final sampling. Thus, there’s no control over the work practices of the contractor by an independent firm, which is how most asbestos exposures outside of the work site can occur. There is a regulatory requirement (with the exception of a few states) for independent daily monitoring, but the EPA makes strong recommendations for the hiring of an independent monitoring firm to oversee and inspect the project, to develop specifications for the project and, finally, to conduct final visual inspections and final air clearance sampling for the project.

Even more disturbing is the realization that the regulations are clearly being disregarded by some building owners in not providing a thorough survey of asbestos-containing materials to the contractor before a project has begun. More than half of the contractors interviewed said that there’s no survey on the majority of their projects. This is a direct violation of the existing regulations, and contractors aren’t bringing this to the attention of their clients …they’re just "’doin’ the job." Enforcement officials also are reluctant to cite an owner for an asbestos violation, thus the trend continues. This means that other service industries could be sending employees into buildings that have asbestos hazards, with no idea that the asbestos exists.

The reality of the asbestos abatement industry in 2002 is that the quality of work has diminished significantly over the last 10 years. What will it take to improve the quality of the work? A return of strict enforcement of existing asbestos regulations is one method. Another would be a major litigation related to poor quality of asbestos abatement activities. Another incentive for better work would occur if the citations given to building owners for asbestos notification violations increases significantly.

The Legislation Exists

In the United States, federal regulatory authorities have enacted legislation and regulations that, on paper, create an "airtight" containment for the identification and correction of any asbestos hazards that may exist in the country’s buildings. However, the reality is that lack of enforcement and blatant disregard of these regulations by regulatory and enforcement authorities means that the "containment" is far from airtight. Such attitudes from government officials exacerbates the complacency that exists among building owners and managers, and is leading to an unraveling of the asbestos abatement industry.

The National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Regulation (40CFR, Part 61), promulgated by the EPA, requires that, before any demolition or renovation activity occurs in a building, the building or part of the building that will be affected must be inspected for the presence of friable and nonfriable asbestos containing material before the renovation of demolition activity begins.

Likewise, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), in the asbestos in construction standard (29 CFR 1926.1101), requires that building and facility owners shall determine the presence, location, and quantity of asbestos containing material at a work site before any construction, demolition, alteration, repair or maintenance begins. Further, the building or facility owners must notify persons or companies that will be performing work in a building of the presence, location, and quantity of asbestos containing material that might be affected by their activities.

Additionally, both the NESHAP and OSHA regulations contain specific criteria for the proper abatement of asbestos hazards, protection of workers performing the abatement and others in adjacent spaces, and for proper disposal of asbestos containing materials once they’re removed. Along with the federal regulations, specific state and local regulations often go into greater detail regarding the requirements for identifying and remediating unique asbestos hazards.

Federal regulations don’t require a specific clearance criteria for public and commercial buildings. However, a clearance criteria is established by federal regulations for asbestos abatement activities performed in schools. This criteria is an airborne level of asbestos fibers that’s less than 70 structures per mm2, when air samples are collected in accordance with the standard and analyzed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). This criteria has become a de facto standard for all abatement activities, whether performed in schools or other buildings.

Thus, on paper the regulations look relatively good in protecting workers and the public from asbestos exposure. However, enforcement of these regulations by both the EPA and OSHA is deplorable. OSHA hasn’t issued a single citation to an owner for failure to comply with the communication of hazards portion of the asbestos in construction standard.

The Nightmare

Some areas around the country have already begun to experience the nightmare being caused by this complacency. For example, in upstate New York, a number of contractors have been sentenced to jail terms for improper asbestos removals and for falsifying air monitoring records. Worse yet, the work that led to these convictions was being performed in a government building on a weekend with no supervision or oversight. What does the owner expect?

Shoddy work like this in New York state led to the formation of a group called the Professional Abatement Contractors of New York (PACNY). PACNY provides support and a united voice for those interested in a powerful, intelligent force in the industry. This group has realized that they’re in the middle of the nightmare, so the contractors that want to "do the job right" have banded together to try to rid their state of the "bad guy" contractors. The "bad guys" are cutting corners and endangering the livelihood of the good firms and unsuspecting persons that are being exposed to asbestos.

The unfortunate reality of asbestos work is that the quality can’t be measured at the completion of the project. The work must be monitored and checked during the course of the abatement activity to assure that it’s being done properly, and in accordance with existing regulations and any governing specifications. The EPA points this out repeatedly in all of its guidance material on asbestos abatement.

Without specifications, without oversight, without independent air monitoring and without enforcement, some projects will continue to be poorly executed and the risk exposure to persons working in adjacent spaces and those returning after an abatement activity will continue to rise. The unfortunate reality of asbestos abatement work is that exposures don’t result in immediate injury or symptoms. This means that poor work will continue unchecked, because no one is getting sick immediately. Unfortunately, it will take a "train wreck" of sorts before quality is brought back in line with the expectations proclaimed in the regulations. The nightmare is underway, and those of us in the industry are allowing it to go unchecked. We risk our own businesses and the health and safety of those around us by not calling out the problems that exist. From the survey, asbestos still makes up the biggest portion of business for all of the firms interviewed. Yet, we’re letting shoddy work practices by others drive the quality of our work down. The industry has the tools to assure safe and effective work …all that has to be done is to follow the regulations and the guidance of the EPA. Is that so difficult?

During the mid-1990s, many experts expected that the flood of asbestos litigation would begin to recede by the end of the decade. Now, in the year 2002, when many companies had hoped to enjoy some relief from the onslaught, the end appears farther away than ever. In fact, record numbers of asbestos related personal injury claims have been filed across the country against many old and a significant number of new defendants. It’s now predicted that the total asbestos liabilities in the United States could reach as high as $200 billion dollars, with only $30 to $40 billion dollars of that having been spent to date. Thus, it appears that we still have a long way to go before the nightmare is over.


In 1982, three companies commenced bankruptcy proceedings as a result of asbestos liabilities. Before the end of the 1980s, 13 more would join that group. By the first half of 1990, an additional nine companies filed with eight more to follow by the end of the century. Now, since Jan. 1, 2000, more than 17 companies have commenced Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings directly due to their overwhelming asbestos problem. In addition, scores of new defendants who previously had not been subject to asbestos lawsuits are now finding themselves named defendants despite only tangential exposure to the asbestos industry itself.

Bankruptcy cases pending today include but aren’t necessarily limited to G.I. Holdings (GAF), Babcock & Wilcox, W.R. Grace, Pittsburgh Corning, Owens Corning Fiberglass, Federal-Mogul, Armstrong World Industries, US Gypsum, US Mineral Products Company d/b/a Isolatek International, NA Refractories, HW Harbison, Shook & Fletcher Insulation Co., A.P. Green and Kaiser Aluminum. Other companies are expected to file in the near future as well. Historically impacted industries such as insulators, railroads, utilities, chemical companies and shipyards are now being joined by automobile manufacturers, food and beverage manufacturers, textile manufacturers and pulp and paper companies, as well as iron, steel and other metal fabrication industries.

The increase in the number of asbestos claim filings has been attributed to a number of different factors, including, but not limited to, the tort reform movement active in certain states and the proliferation of asbestos specialty firms utilizing state of the art computer and other data processing capabilities. It appears, however, that a substantial number of the claims being filed today involve claimants who, while having been exposed to asbestos at some point, aren’t presently exhibiting any impairment or physical symptoms of such exposure. As an overall percentage of claims being filed, these "non-impaired" claims are becoming a larger and larger portion.

To combat the increasing number of asbestos claims being filed, certain defendants have taken an aggressive stance in the context of a bankruptcy proceeding. For example, in the Babcock & Wilcox case, the debtor is presently attempting to use the bankruptcy process to compel claimants to establish that they were exposed to a product manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox and that such exposure triggered the asbestos disease for which they are pursing a claim. The outcome of this strategy remains unclear. Other asbestos companies are taking a more conciliatory approach in attempting to negotiate a resolution of their asbestos liabilities with the plaintiffs through a plan of reorganization. Finally, there remains a group of debtors who apparently haven’t yet decided whether to utilize a conciliatory or combative posture within their bankruptcy proceedings.

Regardless of the approach each company may take, the ultimate resolution of its asbestos liabilities must likely come from a confirmed Chapter 11 plan of reorganization. In 1994, Congress amended the Bankruptcy Code to include Section 524(g), which is otherwise known as the "Manville Amendment," for the purpose of allowing companies facing massive asbestos exposure to use the bankruptcy courts as a forum to deal with those claims. Under Section 524(g), if at least 75 percent of asbestos claimants vote in favor of a proposed plan of reorganization, the bankruptcy court may issue an injunction prohibiting the assertion of both present and future claims against the company. In addition to a negotiated financial settlement, the debtor must also create a contingency, such as a default by the debtor in making the payments promised in its plan of reorganization, in which event at least 51 percent of its equity would be contributed to a trust fund established for the purpose of resolving asbestos claims.

It doesn’t appear necessary in the context of Section 524(g) that the trust own a 51 percent interest in the company immediately after the reorganization, but rather, the stock may be pledged to secure a long term financial obligation by the debtor to the trust. As such, it’s possible for existing equity through a negotiated settlement to continue to own all or a portion of the reorganized company. This result was achieved in 2001 in the EJ Bartells Chapter 11 case, as it had been in the early 1990s in the asbestos Chapter 11 cases of Amatex Corporation, Pacor, Inc. and DI Distributors, Inc.

In any bankruptcy proceeding, including those involving massive asbestos liabilities, there are certain common elements which exist and are necessary in order to allow the reorganization process to move forward. Specifically, at the commencement of bankruptcy, the company becomes what’s known as a debtor-in-possession. Under the Bankruptcy Code, the existing management of the company is authorized to continue to manage the company as a debtor-in-possession. Shortly after the filing of the bankruptcy proceeding, one or more creditors’ committees are likely to be formed. A trade creditors’ committee, typically consisting of the seven largest unsecured creditors, will be formed by the Office of the United States Trustee for purposes of representing the interests of general unsecured creditors. Also, a committee of asbestos claimants will likely be formed. This committee may consist of either individual claimants or attorneys representing such claimants.

Both the unsecured creditors’ committee and the asbestos claimants’ committee have the right to retain their own independent counsel to represent their interests during the course of the bankruptcy proceeding. The fees for such counsel are paid by the debtor-in-possession. In addition, it’s typical for accountants and actuaries to be retained in these cases. The jobs of one or both of these professionals is to present estimates of the values of the existing assets which belong to the debtor-in-possession as well as to present an estimate of the present and future liabilities facing the company. It’s not unusual for the debtor-in-possession and the asbestos health claimants committee to hire separate actuaries and accountants.

Another important component of an asbestos reorganization case is the "guardian ad litem" or "legal representative" for unknown, future asbestos claimants. Future asbestos claimants generally consist of persons who have been exposed to asbestos containing materials and may or may not have suffered some harm as a result, but aren’t yet aware of the existence of such exposure or potential for a claim. Under the United States Constitution, due process requires that these persons’ interests be represented in order for the liabilities that may exist to be compromised within the context of a bankruptcy proceeding. The cost of the guardian ad litem as well as the guardian ad litem’s counsel, and other professionals are also paid by the debtor-in-possession. Thus, it quickly becomes obvious that the cost of an asbestos reorganization proceeding can be substantial.

Status Report on Pending Cases

None of the current large asbestos Chapter 11 companies has asked the court to confirm a plan of reorganization. However, there have been significant developments in those cases, including the appointment of legal representatives for unknown, future asbestos claimants in most of the cases. Other developments, which relate to Babcock & Wilcox, Garlock, Inc. and Fuller-Austin Insulation Company, are described as follows.

Babcock & Wilcox Decision

On Feb. 8, 2002, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana surprised some asbestos plaintiffs’ attorneys by holding that Babcock & Wilcox ("B&W") wasn’t insolvent shortly before bankruptcy when it transferred valuable assets to its parent corporation, even though B & W was faced with huge present and future asbestos claims. At the time of the transfer, B&W had reasonably estimated its present and future asbestos liabilities to be less than the enterprise value or going concern value of B&W. The fact that B&W’s asbestos estimates turned out to be low, in hindsight, was held to be irrelevant. Because the estimates were reasonable when made, B&W was "solvent," and the transfers couldn’t be revoked.

Babcock & Wilcox Company filed Chapter 11 in Louisiana in February, 2000. Nineteen months earlier, in July, 1998, B&W had transferred to its parent corporation assets consisting of all the shares of stock of three operating subsidiaries and two large notes receivable. Those assets had a book value of approximately $622 million. The transfers reduced B&W’s book value by approximately 80 percent. The plaintiffs asserted that the transfers violated a Louisiana fraudulent transfer statute that creates a "revocatory action" (similar to the "avoidance actions" with which all bankruptcy lawyers are familiar) which permits creditors to revoke a transfer by a debtor "that causes or increases the obligor’s [debtor’s] insolvency." The Louisiana Civil Code provides that a debtor is insolvent "when the total of his liabilities exceeds the total of his fairly-appraised assets." The court noted that the definition of insolvency under the Bankruptcy Code is virtually identical.

In 1993, B&W’s vice president of finance began, for the first time, to estimate potential future asbestos loss contingencies in the financial statements, despite legal advice that this wasn’t necessary. The asbestos reserve booked by B&W as of July 1, 1998 was $866 million. Its independent auditors stated the financial statements were prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

At trial, the experts hired by the asbestos creditors’ committee and the legal representative for future asbestos claimants testified that the B&W estimate was too low. However, B&W’s expert testified that B&W’s estimate was reasonable based on the information available at the time the estimate was prepared.

The court determined that B&W’s going-concern value, available insurance and other assets as of July 1, 1998 were worth $1.850 billion. The court also determined that B&W’s asbestos reserve, in hindsight, was too low. However, at the time it was prepared, it was reasonable. Because it was a reasonable estimate when prepared on July 1, 1998, B&W was solvent on that date, and the transfers couldn’t be set aside.

In reaching its conclusion, the court decided (i) that the unasserted contingent future claims of individual asbestos claimants do constitute liabilities for the purpose of determining solvency under the fraudulent transfer statute, (ii) that the estimation of future claims must be objectively, not just subjectively reasonable, and (iii) that the court is not bound by GAAP in making a solvency determination. However, the court recognized that any estimate of asbestos liabilities is problematical, and different assumptions may be made that result in huge ranges of possible results. The court said:

"Predicting the future is always uncertain, and hindsight is perfect. Under the present circumstances in which the court is attempting to determine the amount of future asbestos liabilities for determining B&W’s solvency as of July 1, 1998, the court cannot use hindsight and can only determine whether the predictions by B&W were reasonable under the circumstances existing at the time they were made. Applying that standard, the court concludes that B&W’s estimates were reasonable and thus the plaintiffs have failed to carry their burden of proving that B&W was insolvent."

The B&W decision has been appealed. If it withstands appeal, it may provide some protection for companies which have transferred assets despite pending present and future asbestos claims against them.

The Garlock Tactic

In October, 2001, Garlock, Inc., a defendant in numerous asbestos lawsuits in Texas, succeeded in removing the lawsuits from the Texas state trial courts into federal court on the basis that one of the other defendants in those suits, Federal-Mogul, had filed Chapter 11 in Delaware. Garlock moved to transfer the suits against it to the Delaware federal courts on the basis that Garlock had contribution claims against Federal-Mogul which were related to the Delaware bankruptcy. However, the success was short-lived, because the asbestos plaintiffs’ attorneys responded by dismissing their suits against Federal-Mogul, so that Garlock no longer had contribution claims against the bankrupt company, and, therefore, the federal courts no longer had jurisdiction. After the dismissals, the federal courts in Texas remanded the suits back to the same Texas state trial courts where they had been pending. So far the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the asbestos plaintiffs’ position in the matter. Therefore, the Garlock strategy doesn’t seem to be a viable way for a non-bankrupt asbestos defendant to take away the home court advantage from the asbestos plaintiffs.

Fuller-Austin Decision

In February, 2002, the California Superior Court held that the Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization ("Plan") which had been confirmed by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware in 1998 triggered the obligation of Fuller-Austin’s excess insurance carriers to pay the full amount of their policies into the Fuller-Austin Settlement Trust (the "Asbestos Trust") which had been set up pursuant to the Plan. The Court overruled numerous objections of the excess carriers when it held that Fuller-Austin’s confirmed bankruptcy Plan is a binding federal court judgment and adjudication that establishes Fuller-Austin’s liability and its legal obligations to pay damages to all pending and future asbestos claimants. An insurance company is liable for, and its obligation to pay is triggered by, that portion of a liability that exceeds its attachment point, irrespective of whether the policy holder or the underlying insurance company has paid the underlying limits or nothing at all.

Where available insurance in a lower layer of coverage isn’t sufficient to cover the loss in its entirety, an excess insurance company is responsible for that portion of the loss that exceeds its stated attachment point-regardless of whether the underlying insurance company has paid or can pay an underlying judgment or settlement. If one of the primary insurance carriers is insolvent, the excess carrier still must pay if the total loss exceeds the stated attachment point. Similarly, the fact that Fuller-Austin will only be able to pay a percentage of its total asbestos liabilities does not decrease the obligations of the excess carriers. The excess carriers cannot hide behind the bankruptcy of their insured. In summary, the Fuller-Austin decision affirms the principle that a Chapter 11 plan of reorganization triggers the obligation of asbestos insurers to pay the limits of their coverage into bankruptcy court to help fund the asbestos trust. The outcome of the Fuller Austin decision is almost certainly going to be appealed.

Future Planning

Given the cost and complexity of a bankruptcy proceeding involving massive asbestos liabilities, substantial advance planning and preparation are essential. Long before available insurance coverage is exhausted, particularly when the debtor is a smaller company, the process must begin. It’s important to understand the scope and availability of insurance coverage, including any disputes that may exist with insurance carriers. Thus, an important component of the planning team will be experienced insurance coverage counsel. In addition, a realistic assessment of the future liabilities must be undertaken with defense counsel to attempt to gain a reasonable understanding of the likely flow of new cases into the future and the cost of resolving those cases. Equally important is the preparation of the underlying business operations to ensure that they can withstand the rigors of a bankruptcy proceeding. Key members of the management team must be brought into the process so that they know what to expect when the time comes for filing the bankruptcy proceeding and they can share their individual insight into the likely operational issues that will arise.

Although it’s not always possible, any company facing substantial asbestos liabilities should consider the potential for filing a "pre-packaged" bankruptcy proceeding. Under this type of proceeding, an informal committee of asbestos claimants is established prior to the commencement of a bankruptcy proceeding for purposes of negotiating a resolution. In addition, a guardian ad litem is selected to represent the interests of future asbestos claimants. Depending upon the nature and relationship with the company’s insurers, they may also be brought into the process. The advantage of a pre-packaged bankruptcy proceeding is that it reduces the time and expense of a traditional bankruptcy proceeding by allowing many of the normal processes which occur during a bankruptcy proceeding to occur prior thereto. If a deal can be struck with the asbestos claimants, then a plan of reorganization and disclosure statement are distributed to the asbestos creditors prior to the filing of the bankruptcy proceeding and the votes are obtained. Once the votes are obtained, the bankruptcy process is then commenced with the plan of reorganization and disclosure statement being filed on the case’s first day.

While major companies like Babcock and Wilcox and Pittsburgh Corning may have the financial wherewithal to engage in a protracted bankruptcy fight with asbestos claimants in an effort to reorganize, smaller companies face a much different challenge. These companies must identify their available insurance coverage as early as possible, and make a realistic determination of how long that insurance will last in light of the current litigation environment. If it appears that the insurance isn’t going to outlast the existing litigation claims, then advance planning is critical. Entering into a bankruptcy proceeding with little or no insurance coverage is never recommended and makes the reorganization of that company substantially more difficult, if not impossible. Thus, it’s critical to obtain the assistance of bankruptcy counsel who have experience with asbestos Chapter 11 cases early in the process to help ensure the best possible outcome. Failure to address these issues early on could substantially prejudice a company’s ability to reorganize.

The demand for thermal and acoustical insulation in the United States is expected to rise 1.7 percent annually through 2006 to 7.6 billion pounds, valued at $5.8 billion. In terms of thermal insulating value, demand for insulation is expected to reach 287 billion square feet of R-1 value. However, less ebullient prospects in residential and nonresidential construction markets will constrain demand for insulation.

In particular, new construction expenditures are expected to grow slowly, although opportunities for insulation will be generated by greater use per structure and by upgrades of insulation for existing buildings. These and other trends are presented in Insulation, a new study from The Freedonia Group, Inc., a Cleveland-based industrial market research firm.

Among the various insulation materials, foamed plastics are projected to enjoy the best growth prospects through 2006, although even for these materials gains will decelerate from the 1992-2001 period. Decelerating United States shipments of appliances and sluggish construction markets will contribute to a weaker demand for foamed plastic insulation. Through 2006, the best opportunities for foamed plastics will be for insulation of industrial and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Concerns about energy consumption by refrigerators, freezers and manufacturing process equipment will buoy demand for foamed plastic insulation even with low unit production of appliances.

Measured by either weight or by thermal insulating value, fiberglass insulation will continue as the leading material. Growth will decelerate from the 1992-2001 period, as sluggish construction activity over the forecast period will limit opportunities. Construction applications represented roughly 85 percent of fiberglass insulation demand in 2001.

Demand for insulation in residential construction, the largest market, is forecast to approach 160 billion square feet of R-1 value in 2006, also decelerating from the 1992-2001 pace. In the new housing segment, more intensive use of insulation per structure is expected to help offset the effect of a weaker environment for housing starts. Increases will be faster in replacement and improvement applications, as homeowners of older structures look to raise their insulation levels.

Insulation demand is projected to rise most strongly in the South through 2006, with annual increases of 2.3 percent to 109 billion square feet of R-1 value, accounting for almost 38 percent of US demand. The housing outlook in the South is one of the more favorable in the country, aiding residential demand for insulation in the region.

Information about purchasing the full 227-page study is available by calling the Freedonia Group at (440) 684-9600 or by visiting its Web Site at

Figure 1

Is the best way to improve industrial plant energy efficiency through a technical overhaul or management structure? The answer is that neither is effective without the other. Unfortunately, many operators concentrate their energies on technical improvements, ignoring the tremendous savings that can arise through low-risk, low-tech solutions such as training for proper maintenance and operation. This paper outlines the issues managers face in implementing an effective training program, the benefits that result from training, and further explains key areas where training is especially effective in reducing energy waste and increasing plant profitability.

Technical innovations in industrial processes have greatly improved energy efficiency potential since the 1973 oil embargo. In fact, energy intensity (energy use per unit of production) in the manufacturing sector fell steadily from 1973 to 1985, when it stabilized. Reductions in energy intensity increased again in 1993. Even so, facility managers cannot look to technical solutions for all energy use problems. In fact, many problems stem from lack of training related to system optimization or ineffective training programs. Establishing an effective, low-cost, low-tech training and maintenance program within a plant can prevent the seemingly endless cycle of fighting recurring problems. In particular, plants with energy intensive steam production systems can make lasting improvements toward increased energy efficiency and improved plant performance. By devoting resources to solving the problems at hand, management investments in training have a fast payback and lasting results.

Unfortunately, the value of training, not only to improving energy efficiency, but also to the bottom line, is often greatly underestimated. Training is often perceived as a cost, not an investment. However, investing in a training program will minimize costs, increase profit, and improve productivity and reliability. In fact, training is one of the most valuable investments a company can make. For instance, a study conducted by the American Society for Training and Development found that training investments across all sectors could yield favorable financial returns for firms and their investors. This study found that an increase of $680 in a firm’s training expenditure per employee generates, on average, a six percentage point improvement in TSR (total shareholder return) in the following year, even after controlling for many other important factors.

Training results in a high return on investment. For example, a recently trained Hallmark Canada employee used his knowledge to develop an energy-efficiency project resulting in $32,000 per year of savings-a 1.6 year payback for the cost of the project. In another example, a recently trained building operator of Olympia & York Properties proposed an insulation project which is expected to save as much as $70,000 per year-quite a savings when compared to the cost of the training.

Barriers to Training

One of the largest barriers to training investments is the underestimation of its importance, both by management and staff alike. Many companies don’t take a proactive stance on energy management, relying instead on "crisis management." This attitude, combined with reliance on technology for energy management solutions, results in wasted energy and lost productivity.

One way for management to become proactive about their energy problems is to properly train their staff to be vigilant about maintenance and operations. However, it’s not enough for management just to enroll their staff in training programs. The training program must have the support of management, including understanding the focus and purpose of training, expected results, and providing a workplace to support implementation. Training must be treated as a fundamental requirement of comprehensive energy management. Without this support, employee enthusiasm for training wanes, and results are greatly reduced.

Benefits of Training

A trained workforce is one that can make tangible improvements to a plant’s safety, reliability, production, and financial bottom line. Perhaps the most obvious and important benefit of training is improving the safety record of a plant. For example, Weirton Steel Corp. undertook a series of training initiatives beginning in 1998, including safety-awareness training, hands-on workstation training, and certifying all plant supervisors in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s General Industry Standards. As a result, recordable incidents fell 63 percent from 1997 to 2000. In addition, other intangible factors, such as attitude, improved. In 1997, only 15 percent of Weirton Steel Corp. employees surveyed believed that their own actions could protect their co-workers. In 2000, 60 percent believed this to be true.

In addition, a properly trained staff is a large part of maintaining reliable equipment, which also increases productivity. For example, in 1990, U.S. Steel embarked on a comprehensive predictive maintenance program to improve maintenance practices and lower maintenance costs. The program focused on employee involvement, training, and team activity. Misalignments of rotating equipment dropped from 15 percent in 1990 to only 1 percent in 1996. Success such as this led to the 1993 and 1995 National Maintenance Excellence Award for maintenance and equipment reliability. Another example is the predictive maintenance program at Fletcher Challenge Canada’s Crofton (British Columbia) pulp mill. The Crofton mill embarked on a preventative maintenance program by creating a full-time maintenance systems specialist position and a team of hourly employees to build the preventative maintenance process. This team was trained through both classroom and field sessions. The sessions covered the tools and techniques necessary to perform the inspections, as well as why the inspections were necessary and what the benefits were from doing them. In just two years, the team met its goal of a 30 percent reduction in lost production due to breakdowns from the base year, translating into $3.54 million per year.

Lastly, worker training focused on system optimization adds to the value of the company and the bottom line. It should be looked at as an investment, not a cost. In fact the true costs of industrial accidents-including the costs of lost production and efficiency on a company-wide basis-can be several times the costs of workers’ compensation and employee disability payments. In addition, training usually has a high return and a quick payback time. For instance, ICI, a chemicals company, invested £100,000 (1992 prices [approximately $143,000 in current U.S. dollars]) for direct training costs, including training, employment of a full-time energy manager, metering, and revenue expenditure on repairs and minor improvements. The result was a savings of over £500,000 (1992 prices [approximately $713,000 in current U.S. dollars]) per year, an astounding 10-week payback period. Add to this the positive impacts that training has on a company’s shareholder value, and training turns out to be a true investment in company value.

Training Reaps Benefits

Undertaking and implementing a training program may seem overwhelming for some companies. However, many simple, easy programs can be implemented and will not only make the workplace safer, but better and more efficient. Outlined below are two examples of simple training programs that have a large impact on safety, energy efficiency, and savings.

Boiler Improvements

A key area for efficiency improvements is in the boiler system. According to the National Board Incident Report for 2000, operator error or poor maintenance are the cause of 42 percent of reported power boiler incidents, 39 percent of steam heating boiler incidents, 42 percent of water heating boiler incidents, and 76 percent of unfired pressure vessel incidents. In addition, the National Board Incident Report for 1993 indicated that 79 percent of all boiler accidents for the three boiler categories (power boilers, steam heating boilers, and water heating boilers) were attributable to just two causes: low water cutoffs, and operator error/poor maintenance. These incidents not only lead to accidents, but downtime and equipment loss.

Something as simple as training staff to maintain a boiler log can help reduce these accidents. However, the responsibility for maintaining the logs doesn’t rest solely with the operator. Management must take responsibility for implementing and supervising the log program. In addition, management must ensure that a log analysis program is implemented and carried out. This type of program allows staff to help distinguish operating trends, schedule maintenance, and diagnose and fix small problems before they become massive problems requiring emergency shutdown.

Steam Trap Maintenance

Another key area for steam system efficiency improvements is in steam traps. In steam systems that haven’t been maintained for three to five years, the failure rate for steam traps may be as high as 15 percent to 30 percent of the trap population. This causes problems such as steam loss through open traps and leaks, decreased equipment reliability due to water hammer and corrosion in steam lines, reduced product processing due to reduced quality of steam, and increased equipment repairs due to down-time and replacement costs.

A successful steam trap maintenance program isn’t that difficult to implement, especially when staff tag the locations of traps and log the traps in a spreadsheet. However, the success of the program relies on management commitment to giving maintenance personnel specialized training in proper equipment (including ultrasonics and temperature) as well as computer databasing to track steam system management and report on savings.

Management Commitment Needed

To implement a successful training program, management must be committed, proactive, and supportive, both attitudinally and financially. The rewards are great for this kind of support. Successful training reduces accidents, improves reliability, and improves efficiency, productivity, and the bottom line. It’s recommended that managers begin with low-risk, low-tech training programs such as boiler operations, boiler maintenance, and steam trap maintenance. Such programs are low-investment and high-return.

Plant-wide energy assessments identify overall energy use in manufacturing processes-which can account for 10 percent or more of an industry’s total operating costs-and highlight opportunities for best energy management practices for industry, including the adoption of new, efficient technologies. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT) works with companies to characterize findings and document savings that can be replicated in other facilities and other industries for multiplied savings. On average, the findings from a single assessment can be replicated in at least seven other facilities with equivalent systems and energy use. For a relatively low initial investment, companies that participate in assessments can expect to realize a minimum of $1 million in savings annually from energy costs, waste reduction, and increased productivity-usually with a payback of less than 18 months.

Encouraging Company Participation

Interested companies are invited to submit proposals in response to a solicitation offered once a year. Specifically, proposals are sought where industry-defined teams will be considering the adoption of best available and emerging technology using state-of-the-art tools, information, process engineering techniques, and best practices for operating and planned plant support and process systems. Only industrial sites that fall within the OIT Industries of the Future (IOF) initiative are considered for an award. This includes the forest products, chemicals, petroleum, steel, aluminum, metal casting, glass, mining, and agriculture industries.

Funding of up to $100,000 is available for each project selected, with a required industrial cost share of at least 50 percent. Companies are strongly encouraged to develop and work closely with teams that could be composed of their resource and equipment suppliers, engineering firms and other third party entities. Solicitation information is posted to the OIT and BestPractices Web sites (

Plant assessments address a variety of generic and industry-specific technology areas, and a variety of plant/process optimization methods. Proposal writers should also consider demand-side energy management best practices and technology implementation in the following areas:

  • plant steam delivery and process heating systems.
  • electric-motor systems (including motors, drives, pumps, fans, blowers).
  • compressed air systems.
  • heat exchange optimization (e.g., pinch technology).
  • supply-side options using cogeneration and combined heat and power system technologies.

The results, successes, and experiences from these assessments are published in case studies (which are also posted to the BestPractices Web site) and the Energy Matters newsletter. Confidentiality is protected and no proprietary company information is released. By publicizing assessment findings and results, OIT encourages other U.S. manufacturers to adopt and implement similar approaches to increasing energy efficiency and reducing environmental emissions. Participating plants will be made aware of, and provided access to, all OIT emerging technologies and best practices, and tools and information resources that could assist the plants in implementing the most cost-effective, state-of-the-art technology.

Additional Assessment Options

Small to medium-sized manufacturers may be eligible to receive assessments by university-based Industrial Assessment Centers. Teams of engineering faculty and students from the centers-located at 26 universities around the country-conduct energy, waste reduction, and productivity-improvement audits and then provide recommendations to manufacturers. Recommendations from industrial assessments have averaged about $55,000 in potential annual savings for each manufacturer.

DOE experts in industrial energy management are available to provide targeted, in-plant technical assistance to identify specific systems areas for improvement. Companies interested in hosting a Showcase Demonstration event can request a walk-through assessment (one to three days) to identify opportunities for increased savings and productivity in industrial systems such as motors, steam, compressed air, and process heating.

Success Stories

BestPractices cost-shared funding for plant-wide assessments helps industry identify many opportunities for savings and productivity improvements. For example, water pinch analysis of Boise Cascade’s pulp and paper mill in International Falls, Minn., identified opportunities to recycle hot effluent streams to reduce the need for process steam, fresh water, and energy to cool the effluent. The four projects and two process modifications selected will remove 45.6 million Btu per hour from the effluent, save $707,000 annually (with a payback of three years), and reduce steam use by 28,100 pounds per hour. A plant-wide assessment at Alcoa’s Lafayette aluminum extrusion plant in Indiana identified eight areas for more analysis. Energy saving opportunities include improved heat recovery, furnace operations, and metering, as well as development of process-energy use targets. Collectively these projects could save the plant more than $1.9 million annually; the $2.3 million capital investment has a payback period of only 1.2 years.

An assessment at AMCAST Industrial Corporation’s Wapakoneta, Ohio, facility resulted in recommendations for 12 separate projects, including improvements to their process heating and compressed air systems. The projects have an aggregate, annual energy savings potential of $3.7 million, which results in a 3-month payback period. In addition, the implementation of these projects has the potential to reduce the plant’s carbon dioxide emissions by over 11 million pounds per year.