Category Archives: Global

After countless hours conducting research and telephone interviews regarding the many challenges an insulation contractor faces on a health care project, I have determined one issue to be of overwhelming importance:

"They don’t leave enough space for us to insulate the pipes and ducts properly. Sometimes they install the ducts against the wall and spec a continuous vapor seal. It is almost impossible to complete the specified scope of work. It is just crazy."

Too many systems and not enough room. Plumbing systems such as: sanitary and laboratory wastes; domestic, soft, and deionized water; medical and dental vacuum; compressed air; clean steam for humidifiers and sterilizers, and medical gasses. Hydronic systems such as: 125 psig steam; normal and critical chilled water and heating water; glycol run-around systems, and heat recovery chiller for domestic water preheat, cooling tower water; and HVAC ductwork … the list seems endless. One on top of the other … layer on layer. They are trying to squeeze ten pounds of sugar in a five pound bag.

An insulation contractor bidding on a health care project, especially retro-fit jobs, needs a project superintendent that is experienced with scheduling this kind of work in a Health care facility. A hospital is no place for "on the job" training unless the contractor has exceptionally deep pockets.

This issue is enough to make some insulation contractors by-pass the health care industry all together while others profitably thrive and flourish on these very same challenges. Why do some succeed and some run away; what’s the difference between them? Is the difference that one contractor has cultivated the knowledge, experience, confidence and creativity within the organization to succeed in servicing the health care industry and the other has not? Do you know of a contractor who has consequently been burned on a health care project?

In this article I am not going to attempt to explain how to conduct a training session regarding insulating ductwork and piping in tight spaces or to teach complex project scheduling or project management; what I will do is attempt to lift the veil covering this potentially profitable sector of the marketplace, explain some of the reasons why things are the way they are, and how an understanding of this issue can lead to success in the health care industry. I will also touch on two concepts that are gaining a strong foothold in the heath care sector that insulation contractors should address within their respective companies. Let’s address this issue one step at a time while discussing what an insulation Contractor can do to embrace the challenges and flourish in the health care industry.

"They don’t leave enough space for us to insulate …"

Who is the "they" in this sentence? Are they the health care providers or building owners? The architectural design firms? The mechanical engineers? The general contractors? The mechanical contractors? Do you think these professionals, the "they", wake up every day just itching for a fight and hoping for the opportunity to make life difficult and cause problems for the insulators and insulation contractors on their projects?

Health care is not a game, it’s an industry; an industry that is important to the health of the nation … it is the ground of life and death, the path of survival and hope, and it is imperative that we understand it and learn to work with it to build functional "state-of-the-art" facilities within the strained budgets and a strained economy. The health care industry has been changing since humans started thinking, walking, and talking. High-tech electronic equipment is changing faster and costing more than ever imagined. A society with unhealthy living habits and an aging "baby boom" population has made change a constant in the health care industry. As patient’s incomes are no longer guaranteed the planning, design and construction of facilities has become very important to maintain the level of care Americans demand. These changes in economics, high-tech equipment, and patient expectations are driving the industry to provide better care at cheaper costs. Change is also driven from technical advances in medicine, regulatory change from external agencies, and internal changes from re-engineering. All of these conditions are forcing administrators to redefine their roles and review their largest capital expenditures … the health care facility. And these changes effect every nook and cranny of health care construction and renovation.

The insulation contractor can and should become a major force in supporting the design and construction of health care facilities as the dawn of the 21st century medicine unfolds. The insulation contractor can provide extremely valuable insights to the design and construction of an energy efficient health care facility through their knowledge of the features, advantages and benefits of insulation materials and the most effective installation methods. Fortunately there is no mystery surrounding the reduction of energy costs. The thermal insulation and heating/venting/air conditioning (HVAC) industry have clearly made this a goal for decades. New chillers, new boilers and "smart" control systems can provide maximum efficiency ONLY when properly insulated with the correct thickness of insulation. When the insulation contractor knows how to insulate the existing piping, equipment and structure cost effectively and integrate the appropriate products into the a facility it leads to a successful upgrade project. Every facility differs because its conditions and specifications are tailored to the client’s needs.

In addition to what I have mentioned above, new regulations and laws are also driving new construction and renovation of the nation’s aging health care facilities. California’s Earthquake Safety Standards law is pressuring the state’s existing hospitals to meet the new standards or rebuild by 2008, thus driving a new California health care boom. This new law is driving California’s health care providers to look at state-of-the-art facilities like these:

  • St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California has a flat-screen TVs in each patient’s room that can connect to the Internet. The patient’s family and friends are preparing a small meal in a kitchen just down the hall before bedtime as they settle down to stay overnight in pull-out sofa style beds. This new $314 million, 150 bed hospital and medical center is crammed with a multitude of high-tech equipment. The nearby University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) campus has two new state-of the-art hospitals under construction.

  • In Otay Mesa, California, Kaiser Permanente has completed a three building, 250,000 square feet Outpatient Medical Center that is functional, aesthetically pleasing and efficient. By "efficient" I mean the building provides mechanical and safety systems with long life cycles that continue to show low operational and maintenance costs without compromising a comfortable environment for members, doctors and employees. According to sources, Kaiser is reaping over $150,000 per year in energy savings and San Diego Gas & Electric reportedly chipped in nearly $50,000 from a "Savings Through Design" program.

The country’s health care providers are beginning to systematically replace and remodel facilities as they age. They have no choice, as many of the nation’s older hospitals are expensive to operate because they consume an extremely high quantity of costly and precious energy. Health care executives are also discovering that it is often less expensive to build a new facility than it is to retrofit. The changing demographics of our population as baby boomers age is also causing the industry to look more towards rehabilitation and assisted living facilities and less in the number of hospital beds. The "over sixty" segment of the population is expected to grow by 25 percent by 2020. So even though there may be fewer beds, facilities are adding more operating rooms, larger intensive care units, and more sophisticated technology expenditures which spell out … less money for bricks, mortar and mechanical equipment. With costs now over $1 million per bed, health care facility construction and renovation is an expensive and sensitive issue. The industry is in the state of continuous and unpredictable change at every level. The battle cry for owners now is "use creative style, make it user friendly, and build it for less money because the capital funds are not available."

With all of this in mind, there is no room for insulation because space costs money and health care providers are squeezing the designers and contractors to "CUT COSTS" anywhere they can. Federal cuts, rising costs, and increased competition are forcing providers to look for ways to upgrade even though they lack the capital funds to do so.

The Performance Contract

Enter … the performance contract. Financing for some of these remodel projects have come through this mysterious (to the public sector) process called performance contracting. And performance contracting seems to be gaining steam in the institutional mechanical systems industry. Health care facilities are performing detailed energy studies of their facilities to determine what, if anything, can be done to save energy and reduce costs. If the analysis is done well, the provider should be able to finance and pay for the desired upgrades to the existing facility out of the energy dollars saved by the upgrade. But the catch is that in most cases the provider must guarantee that the energy savings can be obtained through the upgrades. An experienced consultant will combine the savings from electric lighting (fast payback) with the savings from chiller replacement (slower payback) and show an expectable upgrade for the owner.

Industry in the United States has not even begun to tap the $20 billion in annual wasted energy. And with the funding crisis in the health care industry … performance contracting can help achieve remarkable results without an increase in their capital budgets.

The real benefits of performance contracting are that the facilities and institutions can pay for needed upgrades within their existing budget structures through the energy savings provided and the insulation contractor will benefit from the stimulation of the health care mechanical systems marketplace. The insulation industry as a whole can provide this type of service and do the work to reduce energy consumption and costs. The market is large enough to support the entire institutional insulation contractor market. Most effective energy savings upgrades include the following

  • Energy Control Systems
  • Efficient Motors
  • Efficient Lighting
  • Variable-Frequency Drives
  • Steam Trap Replacement
  • High Efficiency Boilers
  • High Efficiency Chillers
  • Thermal Building Insulation
  • Piping and Ductwork Insulation
  • Roof and Windows
  • Variable Air Volume Replacement
  • Rooftop, Pump, Fan Replacement

As you can clearly see, thermal insulation is a prominent member of this team, so the insulation contractor needs to be not only involved in this type of energy audit, but the contractor can benefit by initiating it with an energy service company (ESCO) such as the equipment manufacturer, utility company, or an engineering company specializing in the energy field.

The National Insulation Association (NIA) is poised to help insulation contractors, mechanical contractors, building owners, architects, engineers, and plant managers understand the importance of thermal insulation with the "Insulation Energy Appraisal Program". This NIA sponsored accredited training program can show industry how to significantly reduce energy costs and environmental impact. The data from the appraisal can be utilized to make sound business decisions regarding insulation that will have tremendous impact over the life of facilities throughout the United States and the entire world.

The insulation contractor must network and build partnering relationships with all the players. By taking the mystery out of thermal insulation, successful insulation contractors of the 21st century will add value to their priceless expertise in the field of energy savings, make projects happen, and not wait for the bid to come out to see the scope of the project and say "there is not enough space."

Design Build

Today we are seeing a rapidly growing trend in the health care industry towards the "design/build" method of project completion. The most significant reasons for this trend are

  • Health care providers are tired of the multiple accountability that results from the more traditional methods of planning and specifying.
  • Health care providers are tired of cost overruns and significant delays in construction and completion.
  • Health care providers want a single agent or entity to be responsible and manage the entire process of designing, building and performance risk.
  • Health care markets and players (due to consolidation mergers) are changing rapidly making the "windows of opportunity" open and close faster than ever.
  • Projects must be planned, designed, and constructed faster than ever to hit the windows while they are open.
  • Health care providers do not have time for the old fashioned outmoded process of plan … bid … design … bid … redesign … rebid … build … redesign … litigate … etc.

Design & build has met with project success in the private commercial and industrial sectors of the construction market for years but until recently the institutional sector with its aging equipment and lack of funds has not participated due to difficult procurement rules and procedures. But the legislative changes that have taken place over the past several years have opened up this market sector. Today one of the most recognizable owners that is capitalizing on the successful possibilities of design & build is the federal government.


If you cannot be proactive in the business then you must understand that the overall design of a hospital building, department lay-outs, specific equipment needs and the needs of the patients and staff are prime concerns in the planning and design process and will all be developed by someone else. But if you can build a cooperative proactive team it is possible to avoid the competitive bidding process.

So, how else can the insulation contractor, one of the last trades on the job site, overcome the problems associated with the lack of work space? If you cannot get involved in the planning stage early and invest the time up front to work with the owner and designer then arm yourself with facts about the importance of a complete insulation system. Use the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) 3E Plus® insulation thickness program and NIA’s Insulation Energy Appraisal Program to show the performance of the system and the value of doing the project right. Use creative problem solving techniques with your staff to provide solutions to the problems associated with lack of space. Suggestions have included pre-insulating the ductwork before installation to allow for less potential leaks in the insulation system or protecting insulated piping that could potentially be damaged by other trades with rigid jacketing. Gather as much information as early as possible and make a professional presentation to the mechanical/general contractor and owner representatives and become a performance partner with the group.

All of this information will not change the "They don’t leave enough space for us to insulate …" issue and miraculously create space for the insulation contractor, but it can give you a better understanding and create closer working relationship with health care providers, the architects/designers, and the general/mechanical contractors. The rest is up to you. We all know that this issue is not going to go away in the foreseeable future because it is a real issue brought on by real challenges and real concerns in the health care industry.

Learn more about the Insulation Energy Appraisal Program or contact NIA at 703-683-6422.

Learn more about performance contracting at or

Every person in life faces the challenge of confronting change. For high profile decision-makers and average people behind the scenes, the decision to initiate change is weighty and not to be taken lightly. Great leaders in our history have gained their named recognition for their ability to balance change. As the proverb implies, change for the sake of change only, is not always a good thing.

Preparing for Change

Bob Fults, the new president of the National Insulation Association (NIA), has successfully balanced the opportunity for change throughout his life. He has carefully assessed when to sit quietly and content and when to take action and stir up the waters. Born in Los Angeles and raised in Manhattan Beach, Bob has always cared for his home state of California. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States and the world and has never desired to live anywhere but home. His love for the water, the beach and the ocean air will keep him content in California-there’s no change required here.

Bob attended Occidental College and graduated with a B.A. in business administration. He started college, however, pursuing a physical education degree. He comes from a family of teachers, including his father, and thought about following a similar path. Bob soon realized that this career was not for him, so he embraced a new direction and changed his major to economics and then to business administration. The change felt right and he soon was well on his journey to become a business professional.

Graduation posed excitement and anticipation. A young, well-educated business graduate is presented with a gourmet buffet full of options. So many choices can be tempting yet overwhelming. Bob took care in thinking about his selection. He was presented with a myriad of sales jobs and instead decided to take an inside marketing position with a smaller, family oriented company in the mechanics hand tool business. At Pendleton Tool Industries, Bob held various positions in marketing, distribution and corporate administration, including director of distribution and vice president of long range planning. He worked with many people in many capacities in order to gain a well-balanced perspective on what it takes to operate a business. After 11 years at Pendleton, Bob’s entrepreneurial spirit was calling him and he decided it was time for a change.

In 1970, Thorpe Insulation Company was the setting for Bob’s next activities. Through family associations, Bob learned of the opportunity to join Thorpe as vice president of administration. Taking no time to climb the ranks, Bob became a director in 1971, president in 1972 and chairman in 1984. Bob has found it very satisfying to run his own business and truly believes in the value that each person brings to an organization. He has always worried and cared about Thorpe’s employees and has offered creative incentives to help them reach uncommon goals. "Good people who are happy, challenged and satisfied with their jobs produce good results," remarks Bob. He views the construction industry as a terrific challenge and embraces the dynamics of a constantly changing environment. The opportunity for success is great for those who engage and get involved. Thorpe employees do just that and are rewarded for their efforts.

A Time for Change

After taking a lead role at Thorpe for many years, Bob was presented the opportunity to step into the shadows just a bit and focus on a variety of activities in his life. His son Eric joined Thorpe in 1997 and is now president/chief executive officer. Eric took some time to explore his interests before deciding to get involved with the family business. He spent 11 years in the investment management business and found great success. Bob is particular happy that Eric went out and discovered his own self worth and explored his interests before taking over at Thorpe. It’s in line with Bob’s philosophy for himself and others, not just for his family. Bob recognizes that your success and enjoyment of the job will be truly greater if you have come to the job on your own. The Thorpe team is strengthened by this practice. Bob’s son David is still out practicing this philosophy and recently joined CB/Richard Ellis in industrial property sales.

Now with a strong, young team in place and Eric’s leadership, Bob can devote more of his energies to other things-his private life and NIA are at the top of the list.

Something Fishy

The full image of Bob can’t be conveyed without mentioning his zest for life. Bob works hard but he knows when and how to have fun. He strikes a balance in life by exploring a lot of it. Bob and his wife Debbie have been married for ten years and explore the world side by side. When they’re not traveling all over the world, they’re hanging out at the beach, which is conveniently located in their front yard. (Bob admits that he is indeed a "beach rat.")

Bob’s love for the outdoors does not stop at the shoreline. He loves to ski and golf, and if you ever get a glimpse of his screen-saver you’ll soon discover that he is especially passionate about fly-fishing. He has traveled to Bolivia to track down Peacock Bass, has waded in the streams and rivers of the western United States, and heads north to Alaska every year for salmon. Bob likes a fight every now and then and wrestles with the great fighting Tarpon for a workout. He won a few of those fights and can boast a 140-lb. catch after 2½ hours of battle. Now if you’re particularly concerned about the fish in these encounters, fear not. Bob sends them all back to the waters after he marvels his worthy contenders.

Connecting with NIA and the Industry

For a variety of reasons, Thorpe Insulation Company was not involved with NIA when Bob first arrived there. Bob did some research into the Western Insulation Association and NIA and saw that Thorpe could benefit from getting involved and knowing what industry events were occurring. His philosophy was and is that sitting on the sidelines will not keep you well informed in order to react to change in the industry or to initiate change yourself. Of course, the benefits and results for Thorpe’s involvement with NIA were mixed at times, but Bob felt strongly that prolonged involvement has been a very positive experience.

So now, as the new president of the board of directors for NIA, what will Bob’s background, philosophy and attitudes about change bring to the association and to the industry? Balance, care, communication, enthusiasm and change when necessary.

Bob has carefully assessed what is working well for both NIA members and the industry at-large. He knows what needs to be left alone to go on working the way it is. But he also has a strong desire to initiate changes that will benefit the industry and its members. Bob’s message is that through improved communication from the association, members and industry participants will have access to information that is invaluable to them. This information will prompt reasons to become active and find out more about what is going on and what is ultimately affecting their businesses. Bob feels strongly that we need to break open the usual channels of information within the organization and allow the exchanges to flow beyond the usual participants. Everyone should feel the enthusiasm that emits from the active groups. Bob takes pride as an industry participant in the story that NIA has to tell. Let’s tell it-effectively, constantly, and to as many people as we can.

So how should this happen? There are some existing tools in place to foster this goal; the Growing the Insulation Industry Program (GIIP), the committee activities, Insulation Outlook, and regional association missions are all programs that communicate the industry activities. Bob wants to strengthen these programs by getting volunteers excited and integrated into the current activities but to also help create new ones. Bob’s goals for the association rest on a basic concept-the more unified and integrated the organization is, the more it can promote the benefits of involvement in the industry.

Through enhanced budgeting strategies and long range funding strategies, NIA will grow financially more effective. Through coordinated and integrated efforts on behalf of all of the association committees, NIA will deliver a solid message to a larger audience. The benefits of insulation are numerous and it is too costly for people in the commercial and industrial construction industry to sit on the sidelines.

These enhanced communication strategies are indicative of the type of beneficial changes Bob embraces. If you’re not sure how your involvement might fit in this scenario, Bob is happy to talk to you about it, maybe even on the golf course, beside a stream or while walking along the beach.

Textbooks, instructional courses, and manufacturer’s literature correctly tell us that increasing the insulation lagging mass reduces noise radiating from pipes. What these sources do not tell us is that increasing insulation thickness also has noise reduction benefits and that different pipe sizes may have different optimum lagging acoustical treatment. Also absent is an approach that takes acoustical performance into account as well as installed cost considerations.

Until now, available data regarding pipe insertion loss has been very limited. A literature search discovered that about 15 test points have been published over the years. Much of the data is very old; approximately half were developed on products that are no longer manufactured. These data references were also gathered on relatively small pipe sizes.

As with other environmental issues, noise abatement is an increasing concern to our society. Reducing noise is important to the hearing health of personnel working in industrial facilities, and for reduced annoyance to nearby communities. According to an article published in Hydrocarbon Processing (August 1992), it is stated that piping is the primary radiator of sound in most industrial plants.

With the increasing awareness regarding industrial noise, it is clear more data is needed. A research program has begun to take a more fundamental look at reducing noise radiated from pipes. This article is a first step to freshen the available data for pipe insertion loss in both breadth and scope.

What is Pipe Insertion Loss?

In the simplest terms, pipe insertion loss is the measurement of the sound pressure radiated from a noisy pipe before insulation and lagging are applied (bare), compared to the sound-power measured after insulation and lagging are applied. Measurements are made in decibel units (dB). Measured at different frequencies, the noise level from the lagged pipe is subtracted from the bare pipe to measure the extent of the improvement. The larger the insertion loss number, the larger is the amount of noise abated. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) provides a laboratory test. The Test method is designated ASTM E 1222, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Insertion Loss of Pipe Lagging Systems. This Method, illustrated in Figure 1, can be more technically summarized as follows:

Noise is produced inside a steel pipe located within a reverberation room using band-limited white noise as a test signal. The noise must be produced by a loudspeaker or acoustic driver located at one end of the pipe. Average sound pressure levels are measured within the reverberation room for two conditions, one with the sound radiating from a bare pipe, and the other with the same pipe covered with a lagging system. The insertion loss of the lagging system is the difference in the sound pressure levels measured with sound radiating from the bare and lagged pipe, with an adjustment for changes in room absorption due to the presence of the lagging system. The results may be obtained in a series of 100 Hz wide bands or in one-third octave bands from 500 to 5000 Hz. The ASTM E 1222 Test Method may be used to rank order pipe lagging systems according to insertion loss, and to estimate the field insertion loss of lagging systems installed in the field.

Testing Procedure Overview

This testing program is ongoing as this article is being written. So far, over one hundred tests have been completed. When compared to available published data, these one hundred points seem infinite, but pale in comparison to the infinite possible combinations of pipe size, lagging weight and insulation thicknesses to consider. The approach used in testing thus far has focused on 6- and 12-inch nominal pipe sizes (NPS), and 2- to 4-inch insulation thicknesses. Lagging weight ranged from standard All Service Jacket (ASJ), to plain .016 and .020 aluminum lagging, up to a 2 pound per square foot mass filled vinyl (MFV)/.020 embossed aluminum composite, having a total weight of (2.28 lb./SF).

Tests have been conducted at two laboratories:

Intertek Testing Services of Cortland, New York

Engineering-Science, Inc. of Pasadena, California

For a given thickness of insulation, the same insulation was used repeatedly for each lagging test. This was done for reasons of convenience and for consistency. It was felt the influence of changing lagging could be more clearly ascertained if the insulation was not disturbed. With possible variations in installation eliminated, this made the assessment of specific jacket weight influences more certain. The insulation used in tests was nominal 4 lb. per cubic ft. density, one-piece fiberglass. The illustration in Figure 2 shows the typical installation methodology used for all tests.

Discussion of Findings

Early on in our testing we discovered that the performance of laggings on 6-inch NPS differed substantially from the performance on 12-inch NPS pipe. If one is to go to the previously published data generated on a 3- or 6-inch NPS, then apply that treatment to a 12-inch NPS, the installed results in the field might vary significantly from expectations. The graph in Figure 3 shows the performance difference of the same laggings used on 6- and 12-inch pipe sizes. To achieve the equivalent acoustical performance of a lagging on a 12-inch pipe, to that achieved on a 6-inch pipe, alternative approaches were needed. For this reason we began to look at increasing insulation thickness beyond the 2-inch typically used with mass filled laggings, to see if increasing insulation thickness to 4 inches had a beneficial effect. Some improvement was observed, but more importantly, we learned that perhaps increasing thickness and reducing lagging weight might offer advantages that go beyond improving sound power reduction.

Practical Considerations

Based on the difficulty encountered when installing the heaviest weight laggings, we rationalized that reduced lagging weight and increased insulation thickness may have significant economic impact for the user.

While the user will be happy because significant installed cost savings could be realized, the lagging system installers will be happy also because as lagging mass increases, the difficulties encountered during installation also increase. Installing a 2-psf mass filled vinyl/0.020 aluminum composite lagging can be likened to wrestling with an alligator. The lagging weight of this product for a 12-inch NPS with 2 inches of insulation is about 40 pounds, while the weight for a 24-inch NPS is about 70 pounds. In addition to the weight, it is noticeably inflexible during installation. This weight of product seems to have a mind of its own. Installing 2 psf MFV is hard work and our observations found that particular attention to detail is needed during installation. Otherwise, gross errors can occur in the form of gaps at joints and laps that could void the benefit of using the heavy lagging in the first place. When even large pipes are considered, the selection of using very heavy mass filled lagging seems impractical. Using a lower weight lagging is much more user friendly. As jacket weight is decreased, flexibility improves, which aids the quality and speed of installation.

It is recognized that reducing lagging mass and increasing insulation thickness may not be practical from an installation standpoint if there are space constraints around the pipe requiring treatment. Parallel pipes in close proximity would warrant that greater lagging mass might be required, and insulation thickness needs to be minimized. However, if there is room for more insulation, then likely there is money that can be saved.

The user of these data is cautioned that it is very important to identify sound sources well in the industrial setting. It is quite possible to treat a noisy pipe very effectively and have no significant influence on ambient sound measurement after the acoustical treatment. This is because of the logarithmic nature of sound power measurement.

Consider the following chart:

Consider the following example:

Consider another example:

The important thing to observe in these two examples is that all sources of noise above desired levels need acoustical treatment and that it is important to treat the largest source of noise or no improvement will be observed.

Lagging Economics – Construction of an Installed Economic Index

To investigate the economics of different lagging systems, an installed cost index was devised to compare acoustical treatments. This index is believed to be factual and is based on computer programs, published economic construction data, field survey and personal communication. The following specific information is the basis of the index construction:

1. The North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) 3E Plus® version 3.0 was used to gather installed costs for the nominal pipe size and insulation thicknesses discussed. The program works off an input cost of installing 2-inches of insulation on a 2-inch nominal pipe size (NPS), with .016 aluminum jacket. The program scales up this cost for different pipe sizes through an algorithm. An input value of $5.00 per lineal foot was used. Based on our field survey, this is a reasonable value to use. For this article, only values for single layer installation were used to calculate the index.

2. The installed cost for .016 aluminum jacket alone was extracted from the Means Construction Cost Data, 57th Edition.

3. It is generally known that installing a 1 psf mass filled vinyl lagging costs three times the labor of installing .016 aluminum jacket. This relationship, coupled with the Means value for .016 aluminum allowed calculation of labor cost for other lagging weights through linear regression.

4. A lagging manufacturer provided specific lagging material costs.

5. All indices shown are expressed as a premium over the installed cost of .016 aluminum lagging, with fiberglass insulation. Hence, if a specific lagging system has an index of 3.0, this means that the installed cost is 3 times the cost of installing 2 inches of insulation, having .016 aluminum lagging on the same size pipe.

Acoustical Performance and Installed Cost Comparisons of Lagging Systems

Refer to Table 1 and Figures 4 and 5 for tabular and graphical summaries.

On 6-inch NPS (See Figure 4.)

  • Performance

    The performance of 4 inches of fiberglass insulation with 1 psf MFV was better than 2 inches of fiberglass insulation with 2 psf MFV throughout most of the frequency ranges required by the test. The slight exception was a 1-dB deficiency at 500 Hz.

  • Economics

    The installed cost index shows only a small savings (4 percent) by using more insulation and less lagging weight.

    On 12-inch NPS (See Figure 5.)

  • Performance

    1 psf MFV with 4-inches of fiberglass insulation was the best performer, with 0.5 psf MFV, and 0.020 and 0.016 aluminum showing similar performance with 4 inches of fiberglass. All 4-inch thick fiberglass combinations clearly outperformed the heavier 2 psf MFV with just 2 inches of fiberglass insulation.

  • Economics

    The installed cost index shows dramatic differences in costs for these scenarios. Using 4 inches of insulation with 1 psf MFV shows a significant potential installed savings of 15 percent when compared to 2 psf MFV and 2 inches of insulation. Using 0.5 psf MFV and 4 inches of insulation shows 54 percent savings, while .016 or .020 lagging offer savings near an incredible 150 percent. If the situation permits installing additional insulation, then the extent of potential savings can not be ignored.


1. Different pipe sizes are likely to have different optimal acoustical solutions.

2. A 6-inch nominal pipe size is more effectively treated than a 12-inch nominal pipe size. From observing Figure 3, it is concluded that jacketing and insulation have a greater impact on stopping noise on smaller pipes than larger pipes. Data and subsequent modeling of data suggest that jacket mass or insulation thickness must increase as pipe size increases.

3. As shown in Table 3, increasing insulation thickness to 4 inches improves the insertion loss performance when compared to 2 inches, having the same lagging.

4. From Table 2, it is apparent that increasing jacket weight has an improving influence on insertion loss.

5. Table 1 clearly demonstrates that increasing insulation thickness and decreasing lagging weight has not just performance benefits, but also potentially large economic implications. The data gathered thus far indicate that even larger pipe sizes should be researched (24-inch tests are underway).

This research has led us to believe that isolating sound energy on pipes is analogous to insulating pipe to reduce heat loss. There will likely be an ideal solution, having a balance of performance and installed cost for a given range of pipe sizes. Our objective is to find these solutions through additional testing and perhaps mathematical modeling to provide the engineering and user community a more defined prescription for pipe noise control.

Photos courtesy of Knauf Fiber Glass.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8


The cost, both direct and indirect that is incurred as a result of poor safety performance during a turnaround is often overlooked. This cost directly impacts the bottom line and can mean the difference between being under or over estimated budget cost.

A process was developed around the premise established in the Process Safety Management Standard established by Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) for Contractor Safety. In conjunction with the OSHA regulations, I.S.H. utilized the philosophies of the Business Round Table A-3 and A-10 Reports (“Improving Contractor Safety Performance” and “Improving Construction Safety Performance”) and the CMA API recommended practice 2220 and 2221 (“Improving Owner and Contractor Safety Performance” and “Implementing a Contractor Safety and Health Program”). All of these practices were established with a run and maintain maintenance work status in mind, to be implemented over a long period of time. I.S.H., Inc. has compiled all of this into a process to meet the demands of a labor intensive, short duration time frame associated with turnaround activities. This article highlights the elements of this process.

Culture Shock

During pre-turnaround and actual turnaround activities any facility experiences a major culture change. A strong sense of urgency is created as a result of lost productivity and product sales. The need to get work activities performed and systems back on line in a safe, cost effective manner is of the utmost importance.

The facility is no longer in a run and maintain status. All activities from planning, material, expediting, establishing staging areas, and equipment preparation have a high intensity factor. Every person involved is placed in a high stress status with increased workloads. Many individuals are placed in positions that are out of their normal range of responsibilities and often perform multiple functions.

Safety Effects

Due to economic status and current trends of small, more efficient maintenance contractor’s workforce, a major adjustment occurs to meet demands of a turnaround. The utilization of specialty contractors to perform turnaround activities has become a growing trend within our industry. Whether the existing maintenance contractor increases his manpower or an outside contractor is brought into the facility, the results are the same. There are employees on site who are unfamiliar with the facility, its policies and procedures, the safety culture or the process. This inexperience can often affect the safety performance of these individuals.

In many cases, the total man-hours worked in a turnaround often far exceeds the average total man-hours a facility would work in an entire year. Many facilities have safety records that consist of years without lost time accidents or extremely low OSHA recordable incident rates.

The Key: Pre-Planning
Contractor Selection

The beginning factor for a safe and effective turnaround starts with the selection process of contractors to perform the work activities. This may entail utilizing the existing in house contractor with supplemental support or the outsourcing of specialty contractors. This selection process initially entails the completion and review of the facilities pre-qualification package, commonly called PQF. This will establish if the contractor meets the acceptable criteria for the facility.

Consideration must be made as to the contractor’s turnaround experience. Many contractors have an excellent safety record but the majority of the work performed by the contractor is in the construction arena. The construction contractor is often not geared for the high level of intensity required during a turnaround. As to the contractor’s turnaround experience, consideration must be given to the contractor’s ability to man the job and his recruitment process.
The work performance of a contractor is only as good as the field supervision overseeing the work activities. Does the contractor have adequate experienced supervision to meet the job requirements? Many in house contractors promote from the rank craftsman to supervisor positions. The intent is that they are familiar with the facility, policies and personnel, which is an added value. Care must be given in this consideration. Just because a person is a great pipefitter or boilermaker does not necessarily make this person a good leader or personnel supervisor.

The contractor is required to provide skilled craftsmen to perform the turnaround work activities. As part of almost all PQFs this area is addressed in the craft verification section. Under the OSHA PSM standard this is also mandated. Careful examination of the selected contractor’s craft verification process must be made, including spot checks of personnel throughout the course of the turnaround.

Work Scope

Safety and environmental issues must be established early in the planning process. This is above and beyond ordinary safety goals. Specific attention should be provided to the areas or tasks of the turnaround pre-established as critical path issues. Safety should enhance this endeavor not hinder. Facility safety and environmental staff should be actively involved with the planning department. As the critical path changes additional input should be sought from safety. Once a clearly defined scope of work is defined, safety planning can be incorporated to establish respirator, PPE or industrial hygiene issues that should be addressed with the contractors in the pre-turnaround phase.

Safety Action Plan

To provide for the safe execution of a turnaround, a proactive approach should be utilized rather than a reactive one once a situation has arisen. To achieve this goal, a specific turnaround Safety Action Plan should be developed. This plan should address all issues from a safety standpoint that could directly impact the safe execution of work activities. Once developed, the plan should be disseminated to all contractors participating in the turnaround activities well before pre-turnaround activities commence. After a period of time for contractors to review the plan, a kickoff meeting should be held. Attendance to this meeting should be mandatory and should include contractor management and safety representation from both the company and field level. This provides both the host facility and contractors the opportunity to be fully aware of the safety requirements and contractor expectations.

Safety Procedures

In almost all facilities the safety procedures are written with routine run as maintain maintenance in mind. All too often these procedures are unfeasible to be utilized during turnaround activities. Safety involvement of policies and procedures in the pre-turnaround stages is critical. REMEMBER, under OSHA’s Process Safety Management Standard, if a policy is written, it must be followed. This would mean that if practices or procedures are different during turnaround activities, written policy variances must be made following the company’s procedure. Training of both host and contractor employees must be performed to these changes to avoid confusion and delays during turnaround activities.


In order to build upon anything, a strong foundation is required to support the load. Safety representation by contractors and host facilities is crucial not only in administration but in the field where the work activities are taking place.

In the event of an injury/illness occurring, onsite medical treatment is the determining factor as to whether an injury becomes an OSHA Recordable incident or a basic first aid. One method of achieving consistent medical treatment and documentation is through the use of a centralized contractor medical facility.
All facilities have policies and procedures for accident/incident reporting and investigation. In most facilities the distribution system is a lengthy process. The time frame from the incident to final notification is, in many cases, well over a week. During a 28-day turnaround this is unacceptable. Accident investigation should be used as a learning tool to prevent a reoccurrence of a similar situation. Prompt reporting and dissemination of information is necessary due to the small window of a turnaround. A method of rapidly disseminating this information is in the forum.

Every facility has established some type of a communication meeting with its contractor work force to discuss safety issues. This is often on a monthly or quarterly basis. During turnarounds this time frame is unacceptable due to the changes that occur daily. Planners and schedulers meet daily with contractors to review work progress. Contractors and host safety representations should meet in an open forum daily to discuss safety progress as well.

A viable tool that is utilized by many contractors is the job safety analysis (JSA). There are many names given to this item but the function and intent are the same. What is the task, how will it be performed, and what safety precautions must be taken? In many facilities this is a mandatory function for routine maintenance but falls to the wayside during turnarounds. It is a perception that this is time consuming due to the number of jobs performed. The fact is, this function not only increases safety performance, but productivity as well. This is a result of the proper tools and equipment ready to perform the task safely and properly the first time, thus eliminating re-work.

General Issues

Employee morale is a hidden factor that affects productivity. A small factor can directly impact morale of an entire job site. A recent finding concerning rest room facilities for the work force indicates that the lack of rest rooms, poor locations, or cleanliness can directly reflect on employee morale as well as productivity. In conjunction with employee morale and sanitary issues, OSHA has specific regulations governing the number of facilities based on the work force size.

Due to the increased awareness of the effects of smoking many facilities have completely banned smoking on site. If your facility does allow this practice, policies should be established up front as to acceptable locations and times.
In the early 90’s, drug testing of the workforce became a common occurrence to ensure a drug free workforce. In the present time, a different drug culture has come about due to drugs that are only detected for a short duration and the availability of agents to mask drug detection. Careful review and consideration should be made to address this issue in the pre-planning stages.

Personal Protective Equipment

Safety involvement planning with regard to contractors personal protective equipment (PPE) must be established once a defined work scope has been identified. The requirements for additional PPE for specific jobs, areas or conditions, need to be communicated to contractors in advance. Lost productivity can result from a lack of proper PPE being available on site. In addition to the lack of PPE., OSHA regulations also require site specific training prior to use. In some cases, such as respiratory, medical testing/certification and fit test must occur prior to use.


During turnarounds scaffolding is always an area of specific emphasis. The recent changes to the OSHA regulations have a direct impact on scaffolding during turnarounds. These items need to be addressed with the scaffolding contractor as to how he plans to meet compliance.


The electrical design of an operating unit does not encompass the availability of electrical outlets to meet the needs of a turnaround. Temporary power sources and locations are established to meet this demand. Verification of circuit grounding is an issue of concern. Many facilities require the use of ground fault interrupter (GFCI). Caution must be given to unauthorized or untested sources of power such as welding machine and light plants.

In addition to the use of GFCI’s, it is recommended that contractors be required to implement an assured equipment grounding conductor program. This will afford the additional protection necessary. A single designated color coding system should be established for all contractors. This will provide for a quick visual account of equipment inspection prior to use within your facility.


As with most facilities during turnarounds, barricades become a nightmare. Barricades are necessary for specific tasks but removal after completion is the problem. This results in employees ignoring barricades due to the number of unnecessary barricades left in place. As part of the plan, specific color designations should be established based on tasks and a system for identification and removal.


Coordination with operations is essential to provide for equipment preparation and isolation. A clearly defined blind list should be established and communicated. Due to the numerous work activities taking place by multiple contractors continuous re-verification should take place throughout the duration of the turnaround.


During the course and scope of a turnaround, numerous tasks require the use of mechanical lifting assistance. This can range from a simple lift utilizing a Drott to a significant lift utilizing an 800-ton crane. Regardless of the lift size, all lifts have a potential for mishaps to occur. A review of the facility’s policies regarding lifts should be examined to ensure it will meet the needs of a turnaround. A clear definition should be established as to what constitutes a critical lift and what participation is required to perform the lift.

Confined Space

Confined space entry is a necessary task associated with most turnaround activities. Any time entry is made into a confined space the potential for an incident occurring is increased. When an incident occurs within a confined space, the magnitude of response is greatly increased. Rescue personnel or services needed to be addressed to verify that adequate coverage is provided as long as entry is taking place. In conjunction with rescue personnel, each confined space must have a rescue plan. Most facilities have rescue plans in place for each entry. During the course and scope of work activities these plans may no longer be acceptable. A review of the scope of work should be made and involvement with the rescue captain to determine if revisions to the rescue plans will be required.

OSHA standards are specific with regards to confined space entry. A review of the standards should take place and a means established to verify the contractors training programs as to entry supervisor, entrant and attendant. The host facility has the responsibility of reviewing the Material Safety Data Sheets and establishing a hazard recognition so that employees performing work activities in confined spaces may be aware of the signs and symptoms of over exposure.


The action plan should address the training requirements for the facility. This should be clearly defined as to who will provide what and what is required. The plan should include what documentation is expected to be maintained on site, on the employer or available for review upon request.

The Bang for the Effort

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics has established that the National averages for SIC code 17 for OSHA Recordable and Lost Time Rates are:

OSHA Recordable 12.8
Lost Time Frequency 5.8
Total Man Hours OSHA Recordable Rates Lost Time Rates
6,825,760 1.93 0.38
Man Hours 6,825,760
Avg. Labor Cost $31.35
Total Labor Cost $213,987,576
Approx. Cost of Material x 2
Total Project Cost $427,975,152
CICE A-3 Reduction x 10%
Savings $42,797,515

These rates are based on specialty contractors. It has become an acceptable presumption that turnaround activities generally fall into this classification. With these figures in mind, this plan of action has been implemented on nine (9) major turnarounds across the country. During the initial stages a learning curve was established to fine tune the information provided here. This effort has resulted in a combined contractor safety performance for the nine (9) turnarounds of:

OSHA Recordable Lost Time
BLS National Average 437 198
Actual -66 -13
Difference 371 185
Cost Savings
Recordable Lost Time
NSC Avg. Cost $990 $29,000
No. below Nat. Avg. x371 x185
Net Savings $367,290 $5,365,000
Additional Total Savings $5,732,290

The average hourly billing rate experienced by the facility was $31.35. This figure is relevant in calculating savings experienced by the facility. The Business Roundtable established tangible extrapolations that can be recognized during its A-3 Report concerning construction industry cost effectiveness. The A-3 report projects that the average cost of labor is approximately equal to material for an estimate of the total project cost. The A-3 report continues on to state that if, through an effective safety program significant reductions can be experienced, this can be correlated to approximately a ten percent (10%) direct savings to the project. It is felt that with an OSHA recordable rate of 1.93 vs. 12.8 and a lost time frequency of 0.38 vs. 5.8, this can be considered a significant reduction. Utilizing this principle, the total net savings experienced by these facilities were approximately $42,797,515.20.

Through these concepts an additional extrapolation can be calculated to recognize an additional savings by the implementation of an effective safety program. Utilizing the BLS statistics for the man-hour work, approximately 437 OSHA recordable injuries and 198 lost times should have occurred based on the total man-hours worked. When compared to the actual injury data experienced this was a reduction of 371 OSHA recordables and 185 lost time injuries.

In 1995 (latest dollar value known) the National Safety Council Accident Facts published that the national average cost per OSHA recordable was $990.00/case. This figure indicated the value of goods or services each worker must produce to offset the cost of a work injury. This does not include the cost of the working injury. The report continues on to state that the national average cost for a disability injury (lost time) is $29,000/case. This figure includes the estimates of wages, losses, medical expenses, and employer costs, but excludes property damage to motor vehicles. Utilizing these figures and reductions of injuries below national average an additional $5,732,290 has been experienced by the facilities.

When these figures are combined, this provides for net savings of $48,529,805. Therefore, incorporating safety into planning and execution of a turnaround will provide a safe and incident free turnaround as well as increase cost effectiveness and profitability.

Call it a partnership, an agreement or a relationship. Whatever you call the arrangement between commercial/institutional facilities and distributors of supplies and equipment, managers are going to greater lengths than ever to fine-tune these relationships and maximize their purchasing power.

The reasons for the increased levels of attention are many – price breaks, better service and greater reliability. What matters most to managers, however, is that the relationships result in more efficient and effective maintenance.

Getting the most from this mutually beneficial state depends on how the relationship is structured and the benefits managers expect.

Getting the Best Deal

The structure of the relationship between distributor and maintenance and engineering department varies considerably among facilities. Syracuse University uses standing orders with several distributors, says Kevin Kenyon, director of the physical plant. The standing orders are comprised of a purchasing relationship and a price structure. They are basically an open account with a distributor for a set amount of stock for an agreed-upon amount of dollars. They are usually revisited annually, but some are established for up to three years, Kenyon says.

The university’s purchasing department works out pricing details of the standing orders, based on specifications Kenyon supplies. New bids are put out when an order expires. In New York City, the 3.5 million-square-foot Mt. Sinai Medical Center has structured its arrangements with distributors in a way similar to Syracuse’s.

The agreement the maintenance department came to with its distributor of filters is a blanket order, says Richard Detlef, the hospital’s chief engineer.

"We project what our costs for 12 months of filters will be and make out the blanket order for that amount," Detlef says. "Then we draw against that order throughout the year."

After a bidding process featuring five or six distributors, the purchasing department chooses one based on Detlef’s specifications, as well as the price and the quality of the products. The final factor in the decision was important to the maintenance department staff – that the distributor agreed to hold or stock filters for the department, which doesn’t have enough room for such inventory.

Clifford Riley, director of utilities at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, also has worked out year-long – and longer – agreements with distributors. The purchasing department closes the deal based on Riley’s specifications, with prices based on the distributor’s cost plus a percent increase.

Beyond Price

Price is a central attribute of a successful long-term relationship between an organization and a distributor, but it isn’t the only one managers look for. Responsive, reliable service is one attribute that maintenance professionals point to as essential in their long-term distributor partners.

"Price is a major thing, but if we are comfortable with a vendor or if they really know our operation well, we can go beyond price," says Syracuse’s Kenyon.

Riley says one distributor partner includes off-hours emergency service as a part of its agreement with BYU.

"We had an underground valve that broke on the weekend once," Riley says. "We went in and dug it up, called the distributor, and he went in opened the store and brought the part out to us. That’s service." Joseph Clements, coordinator of utility services for Fulton County School Systems in Atlanta, believes service to his 65-school system is as important as price.

"We look for and expect a quick turnaround time from our distributors or we don’t do business," he says.

A good distributor also should stock items on a seasonal basis so facility professionals don’t have to wait.

"Our distributors know our purchasing habits, so they stock up with items when they think we’ll need them," Kenyon says. "This gives us quick access to the parts we need."

Avoiding Formality

Allan Espenlaub, facility manager at the Denver Museum of Natural History, has maintained a number of partnerships, some as long as 30 years, but they have not been written or contractual ones.

"We develop and maintain successful partnerships based on past performance," Espenlaub says. "Our distributor partners know our system and our facility, and know the kind of quality of products we demand. This is worth more than a few pennies we might save by bidding one distributor against another all the time." He checks his partners’ prices to make sure he gets a good price, but price has never been a problem because distributors will meet whatever prices the museum needs. He has arrived at this understanding because of the long-term relationship with the distributor.

Facility professionals also seem to strike up relationships with distributors that have a strong knowledge of their customers’ inventory.

Clements says he looks for a price break and quick turnaround time from any distributor interested in doing long-term business. But just as important, if not more so, is the technical knowledge of the distributor’s staff.

"I like to know there is a technical staff that knows its inventory and can help us find something – a part – similar to the one we bring in when the part we bring is no longer made or not in stock," he says.

The Bigger Picture

Once a manager has become comfortable with the price, service and knowledge of it distributor, he or she can take one step farther by making the distributor a big-picture partner.

Riley, for instance, includes his distributors in the bid process for capital projects. He says doing so keeps parts and systems standard on the campus. Otherwise, a general contractor or subcontractor might bring in parts or systems that are either not used on the campus or that might be difficult to replace.

Partners, Beware

Partnerships can have their downsides. One such downside, especially these days, is mergers. "You can rely on a distributor that offers all things, and the next thing you know it falls right off your radar screen – it was bought or merged out of existence," Espenlaub says. "That may leave you holding the bag because you did rely on that one distributor. Hopefully if it was an open partnership and your partner knew of the merger, he would say something."

A relationship that gets too comfortable can lead to problems. Ed Walsh, associate director of plant engineering at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center, says his institution’s purchasing department offers a necessary buffer from that. Walsh adds that maintenance departments can suffer if they get too comfortable with their distributors.

"There’s a benefit to developing a regular relationship, but there is a reason why we have separated the purchasing from the specifying," he says. "It’s too easy to get too comfortable." Despite the caveats, some maintenance and engineering managers see long-term relationships with distributors as a trend in business.

"Developing a partnership over time and receiving the benefits that brings vs. always having to be competitive – this is the way all of business is heading," Espenlaub says. "There are efficiencies built into an economic model built on the cooperative approach that are not available to models built on the competitive market approach."

The preceding article is printed with the permission of David Kozlowski, Senior Editor, Maintenance Solutions magazine.

© 1999 Trade Press Publishing Corporation

Many manufacturing facilities overlook energy saving opportunities in their distribution systems. In a given day, a typical plant manager will focus on process improvement issues, ways to increase throughput and reduce cost, employee safety, new product development, facility maintenance, equipment failures and more. It seems there is very little time left to look at the efficiency of the energy delivery system (steam, gas, etc.). Yet, a company’s costs are significantly influenced by the amount of energy used in its manufacturing processes. Assessing the true dollar and performance value of insulated process systems is an essential element of a plant’s energy conservation plan.

NIA Sponsors
a Certified
Training Program

To help industry better understand the true dollar and performance value of insulation, The National Insulation Association (NIA) is sponsoring the Insulation Energy Appraiser Certification Program which trains certified appraisers how to evaluate the thermal performance of insulated versus uninsulated or underinsulated processes in a facility. According to William Pitkin, Executive Vice President of NIA, “An Insulation Energy Appraisal can put a dollar value to the energy saved through installing insulation as well as quantify the emissions saved for the insulation investment incurred. It can be a valuable tool for making sound business decisions regarding insulation that will have significant payback for the life of a facility.”

The Appraisal Process

The Insulation Energy Appraisal utilizes information supplied by the plant manager or engineering staff, as well as data gathered from a walk-through of the facility. Data for each inventoried line or piece of equipment is then fed into a computer software program called 3E Plus® which calculates:

  • Just how much insulation is necessary to reduce NOx, CO2 and Carbon Equivalent (CE) emissions.
  • Exactly how much energy is saved through applying a range of insulation thicknesses.
  • The dollar cost savings realized through preventing energy waste.
Scope of the Appraisal

Because it is virtually impossible to inventory all process piping in a facility due to the complexity of some systems and insufficient information, the scope of a typical appraisal includes insulated lines, uninsulated lines and equipment only. Items such as small, congested lines of piping, sometimes described as spaghetti lines, are not usually included.

The Process

The appraisal typically takes one or two days to complete. The first part of the process is spent interviewing the plant/energy manager to determine the scope of the plant’s energy usage and energy distribution systems, and the cost of energy. Additional time is spent reviewing plant layout and drawings and determining the major sources of energy serving the plant. Part two of the process is reserved for the facility walk-through during which the appraiser measures all pipes, ducts and vessels, including both insulated and uninsulated sections.

The 3E Plus®
Computer Program

The next step in the Insulation Energy Appraisal process is calculating the data acquired during the information gathering interview and facility walk-through. The 3E Plus® software program, which was developed by the North American Insulation Manufacturers Associa-tion, greatly simplifies the calculations needed for the appraisal. Because insulation calculations for manufacturing processes once took days, insulation, as a viable solution for less efficient industrial processes was often overlooked.

Data to Support Conservation Priorities

The 3E Plus® program allows the Insulation Energy Appraiser to run several different scenarios, depending upon the conservation priorities of the plant management.

A certified Insulation Energy Appraiser will have a good understanding of the energy and budget management objectives of the client and be able to provide the energy user with solid data that can provide information on:

1. How much energy is saved through applying a range of insulation thicknesses.

2. The fuel dollar cost for bare and insulated surfaces as well as the savings realized through preventing energy waste with insulation. The 3E Plus® software uses the latest fomulas for calculating heat loss and heat gain which are based on pending ASTM C680 calculations.

3. Greenhouse gas (CO2, NOx, and CE) emissions for bare surface energy loss as well as the reduced emissions using various insulation thicknesses.

A Quick Example
of the Process

Consider this miniature demonstration of the process. Following discussions with the maintenance supervisor and plant manager, the information in Table 2 was collected and used to provide data on a 77 ft. line of 4″ pipe already insulated with 1.5″ of insulation.

The savings at the current insulation level at 1.5″ are significant. And, if the 3E Plus® optimum thickness of 2″ is used, the numbers get even better. In fact, there is a significant increase in reductions if thicknesses ranging from .5″ to 2″ are applied. However, with thicknesses above 2″, the reductions are less significant using incremental thicknesses.

Final Calculations

The calculations for the 4″ line are entered into a final spreadsheet (see Table 6) which calculates the total fuel savings in dollars and Btu and emissions. The spreadsheet calculations for the 4″ line show:

  • Bare surface cost per
    year to operate

  • Fuel savings per year if
    line were insulated

  • Emission savings if line
    were insulated

  • Savings with use of current
    insulation versus no insulation
All About Savings

Once the final savings calculations for each line (such as the 4″ pipe example) are complete, they are included in the final report for the end user together with spreadsheets showing data
for each pipe/equipment inventoried. Following an Insulation Energy Appraisal, many have found that insulating bare piping, valves, or condensate lines can add valuable dollars to a facility’s bottom line. And others have found that they have been doing things the right way all along but they can now quantify the results of their efforts and get a read on their greenhouse gas savings from the insulated systems. Says Pitkin, “By putting a dollar value to the energy saved through installing insulation as well as quantifying the emissions saved for the insulation investment incurred, the Insulation Energy Appraisal can help energy users get a better understanding of the true dollar and performance value of an insulated process system.”

The sample calculations demonstrate that the Insulation Energy Appraisal program has a significant impact on a facility’s bottom line. The benefits translate to energy savings, dollar savings, and increased life of a facility. The true expense lies in dismissing the appraisal process.

To have an appraisal performed or to learn more about the program, contact NIA at 703-683-6422.

Thermal imaging, thermography, infrared scanning; these all mean pretty much the same thing-taking a picture of heat. The technology is used in several industries, including medical, automotive, and manufacturing, but the fit for our industry is nearly a perfect one. The invisible substance that we spend our workdays trying to control and contain is heat. What could be better than a tool that lets us see that heat and even lets us see how it moves in real time?

You might think that it’s like having x-ray vision-seeing inside a wall to find out where and how the heat is escaping-and it is almost that good. But because thermal imaging systems pick up the temperature of the first solid surface they see (such as the finished surface of the wall), any information about what’s happening inside the wall is only deduced by analyzing the image of the surface temperature in great detail.

Sometimes the analysis is easy, such as when the studs in a wall telegraph through the surface like cold prison bars, or when an invisible tear in the insulation near the ceiling shows up as a bloom of color on the infrared scan. More often, the image is complex and requires a trained thermographer to interpret it properly. But don’t worry-if you commit to using thermal imaging technology in your business, you or a member of your crew can get the training and certification you need fairly quickly.

Sensing Infrared Light

When you look at an object and notice its color, your eyes are interpreting the wavelength of the visible light reflected from the surface of the object. But the visible light that our eyes respond to represents just a tiny segment of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves bouncing around us all the time. Beyond the blue end of our visible scale lies ultraviolet light and x-rays. Off the red end are radio waves, microwaves, and the most important for our purposes, infrared light.

Translating those invisible wavelengths into something we can see is what the science of thermography is all about.

The first infrared images were seen in the late 1800’s, when photographers experimented with different chemicals on film plates and found one that produced photos showing hot objects as white and cooler objects as grey or black. A burgeoning electronics industry in the 1940’s provided World War II sharpshooters with infrared scopes for their rifles that could detect and highlight a target even on a pitch-black night.

With the more recent computer revolution, inventors made electronic sensors tuned to pick up only the infrared spectrum of light. The individual sensors are tiny: as many as 60,000 sensors fit on a computer chip measuring ½-inch along each edge. Each sensor reports the wavelength of the light it receives, but that data doesn’t translate into anything our eyes can see, so researchers developed a software filter to produce color images with visible light wavelengths. The software divides the infrared spectrum into hundreds of sections based on the wavelength of the light, assigns each division a corresponding value in the visible spectrum, and sends that value to the screen, eyepiece, or videotape. These divisions and assignments are fairly arbitrary, but with a color-coded key for reference, you can get a very detailed picture of how heat flows through any area photographed.

The Cameras

Portable thermal imaging cameras look a lot like the early VHS camcorders. While styles vary, the most common type uses an internal battery pack, sits on the operator’s shoulder when in use, and records images on a PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) card, Flashcard, or videotape.

According to John Snell, owner of Snell Infrared, a company that trains and certifies thermographers in Montpelier, Vermont, the cameras are fairly simple to use. “We can train anyone to get a good image in about an hour,” says Snell. “Learning to interpret a complex image accurately takes about a week’s worth of training.”

Technology like this isn’t cheap, of course-thermal imaging systems for evaluating insulation coverage in a building cost between about $15,000 and $60,000. This price usually includes the camera, cables, and output devices needed to create and view thermal images. Most companies also offer on-site training and technical support to help you use the equipment to the fullest.

The Apparent Advantages

The advantages of an infrared temperature-sensing system are pretty clear. First, it’s non-contact-you don’t need to get yourself and a temperature probe up to that steam pipe 40 feet above the factory floor-you can work standing safely on the ground.

Second, it’s very accurate-systems available today offer accuracy to .01 degrees Fahrenheit. High-price systems offer even greater accuracy, but consider this issue carefully when you’re shopping for a system. You may not need such detailed accuracy for your application. Buying only as much tool as you need can save you lots of money and shorten the payback period considerably.

And third, a thermal image gives you a digital snapshot-a detailed report of how heat is moving through a large complex space-for an instant in time. A careful evaluation of the image helps you pinpoint problem areas and recommend specific remedies. This targeted approach to solving insulation problems in a building’s envelope saves time and money.

Several of the companies listed in the Sources of Supply section in cluded in this article also offer hand-held devices that go by names like spot radiometers, infrared thermometers, or pyrometers. These sell for anywhere from $99 to $3,000, but are generally not much use for evaluating insulation. The reason is that they’re limited function, single-point tools which measure temperature in only one small spot at a time. The display shows a cross-hair sight and reads the temperature from the center of the cross hairs only-often an area as small as a 1-inch diameter circle at a distance of 15 feet. The temperature is reported digitally on a small readout screen, so there’s no actual image created.

This tool works quite well for certain applications, such as spotting an overheated breaker in a sub-panel, or spot-checking products leaving a production line, but trying to evaluate the insulation in a building’s walls or a large piping system with a tool like this would be very tedious.

Working with Thermal Imaging Cameras

To get some hands-on advice about using thermography in industrial settings, we interviewed Lois Broeker, the chair of the Thermolead Steering Committee on the Corporate Leadership Team at DuPont Lycra®/Terathane® in Niagara Falls, NY. Certified in the use of thermal cameras, Ms. Broeker is the first female thermographer in the DuPont corporation.

Insulation Outlook: Please tell us about your experience evaluating insulation coverage in DuPont’s buildings and piping systems.

Lois Broeker: I am lucky in Niagara Falls, since the winters are very cold, and heat loss under insulation is fairly easy to detect. The heat trace on the piping is also very obvious. On my images, I am able to see most all gaps, holes, or loose areas on and around piping systems and valves. This helps us to detect areas of potential freeze ups quickly and efficiently.

IO: What’s the primary application for which you use thermal cameras?

LB: There are several applications at the Niagara site, the top three being inspecting electrical panels, checking MCC’s (Motor Control Center), and the detection of plugs in pipelines. I also check for proper levels or any other problems in vessels and tanks. I am able to detect solids and liquid levels in them in a few seconds.

IO: What are the biggest obstacles to getting clean thermal images that are easy to read?

LB: There are many things that can hinder getting a good thermal image. The emissivity of an object is critical. Emissivity is the ratio of the rate of radiant energy emitted from an object (based on temperature alone), to the corresponding rate of emission from a black body at the same temperature. This basically means that a shiny object can give you a flawed reading. When working indoors, I have been known to cover up lights, and spray reflective surfaces with flat black paint. Some qualities of a good photo are focus, composition, range or aperture, level and span, and palette. I love to do outside work very early in the morning before the sun rises. That way, the sun hasn’t warmed the surface of the piece of equipment yet, which may lead to a false reading.

IO: What sort of camera do you use?

LB: I use the Flir Thermacam 280. It is an excellent all around camera. Very light, easy to use, and it takes beautiful thermal images. The corresponding software, Thermacam Reporter 99, is user-friendly, and produces great reports quickly.

IO: Do you output your images to disk, videotape, or PCMCIA card?

LB: I save images to a PCMCIA card, but I have the ability to make videos as well. I mostly use still photographs in my work, since that fits my specific needs the best. Typically, with the aggressive process we have, I just print out a still image. If there is a problem, we must act on it right away.

IO: How difficult is it to interpret an image accurately?

LB: The first couple of months you begin to take images, you are usually humbled at least a few times. It is EXTREMELY easy to make a bad call on an image, since there are so many variables that can affect them. As with many crafts, experience and practice are the best teachers. If you are trying to tell someone an exact temperature of a chrome or stainless pipe or copper bus bar, you’re going to expose your limitations very quickly.

IO: How did you learn to make and read thermal images?

LB: I took my Level I and Level II certification courses at the Snell Infrared School in Montpelier, Vermont, founded by John Snell. They give courses and seminars all over the country as well as overseas. They will also come to your site, if you get a group together. They are the only certifier that DuPont recognizes. This is due to the high quality and consistency of the training they offer. All the teachers and staff are excellent. They have seminars and refreshers throughout the year. My Thermolead Steering Committee meets once a year, and we set guidelines and expectations for all the corporate thermographers. We also write corporate standards for thermography and electrical safety.

IO: What’s the coolest application of this equipment you know of?

LB: There are so many cool applications for thermography! I love the industrial applications, many of which we’ve talked about, but I also enjoy taking the camera to the zoo, and discovering where each animal is emitting body heat. They use infrared cameras at horse races to detect early signs of tendonitis in the horses, so I rush to any friend who has a sore knee or a stiff elbow and try to detect the inflammation. I take the camera out in the woods after dark and a whole new world opens up before me in the viewfinder. I check the homes of family and friends for heat loss at the beginning of winter, pointing out leaky windows! The list goes on and on.

IO: Tell us about dramatic results, either from a misreading or something you couldn’t have seen without infrared.

LB: I have a great success story. I got a call that one of our tank samples showed a problem with the mix we needed. I shot an image of the side of the tank, and discovered a teardrop shaped “hot spot.” I didn’t have a “baseline” image of this particular tank, which would have shown me a normal operating view, so I backed it up with ultrasonic thickness checks, and found out that the tank wall in that area was less than half the original thickness. I asked for a shutdown, and when they opened the tank up, we found that the internal dip tube was broken, and acid was spraying directly onto the side of the tank, eating it away. The implications to safety, and the environmental impact were extremely high, and an unexpected shut down costs about a million dollars a day. We were able to plan a shutdown and avoid a serious incident. The camera paid for itself that day!

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3

Outside caller: "Is this the National Insulation Association?"

NIA: "Yes it is, how can we help you?"

Outside caller: "I’m working on a piece of government research trying to evaluate the economic impact on and/or value of certain segments of the construction industry. Could you tell me the approximate size of the mechanical and industrial insulation industries?"

NIA: "Well, ummmm…well, it depends on how you define it, and we can provide you, perhaps with individual industry participants…and, well…actually we just don’t have that figure at this time."

Until just recently, this phone conversation would take place several times a week. Now the answer is at hand-the mechanical and industrial insulation industry is seven billion dollars big!

Measurement, Value & Pride Finally Coming Together

Getting an assessment of the size and dollar value of the mechanical and industrial segments of the insulation industry was a challenge that the individuals spearheading the National Insulation Association’s (NIA) Growing the Insulation Industry Program (GIIP) were determined to undertake for a number of reasons.

The primary objective of the "Putting the Power of Insulation to Work" public relations campaign is to raise the awareness of mechanical insulation systems and build a platform on which our industry can grow. Measuring growth is critical in assessing the performance of a campaign that has the commitment of over 75 investors. The GIIP Committee needed to establish benchmark figures in order to measure campaign effectiveness.

A secondary, more long-term objective of the "Putting the Power of Insulation to Work" campaign is to be in a position to effect change in the regulatory arena. Without knowing our own industry’s worth…and our own economic value, we lack the information and tools to be an effective player in any government or allied industry forum. As NIA joins forces with the Department of Energy and other industry allies to impact change that will help our industry grow, a clear understanding of our industry worth is essential.

Finally, it’s part of the role of an association to regularly assess the size and economic contribution of its membership.

Results Carefully Approached, Confidentially Measured

GIIP’s Marketing Outreach Committee and NIA’s Associates Committee carefully worked through a survey process to assess the industry. They understood that financial reporting within an industry has to be carefully approached, confidentially measured, and accurately tabulated. Initially, there were many who were tentative about trusting the process. Others still questioned the value of reporting. But, 36 companies represented said "it’s about time!"

Finally, after several spirited discussions, the committees agreed on the following parameters and definitions:

  • The survey would include insulation and accessory manufacturers only. (Measuring distribution and contracting is more difficult because the database is much larger and the diversified nature of the distribution and contracting business makes it more difficult to accurately assess the data.)
  • Industrial insulation products were defined as batt, blanket, board, block, wrap and shaped (pipe covering, curved segments, etc.) products manufactured from fibrous glass, ceramic wool, mineral wool, calcium silicate, perlite, cellular glass, polyurethane/polyisocyanurate, polystyrene, phenolic foam, cellular rubbers and elastomerics.
  • Mechanical systems include all piping systems, process equipment boilers, chillers, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and exterior ductwork (but excluding interior duct lining, tanks, spheres and storage vessels.)
  • Industrial insulation product sales include any/all accessory products when sold as an integral part of the manufacturers products (i.e. ASJ and other facing on blanket, board or pipe covering.) Metal building is excluded for the purpose of this survey.
  • "Insulation accessories" was defined as all manufacturers’ direct sales to distributors, fabricators (including removable pad fabricators), contractors, and owners of the following product categories: adhesives, fabrics/reinforcing membranes, fasteners, insulating cements, jacketing/facing, lagging, mastics, rigid fitting/pipe jacketing, sealants, tapes, wire/strapping/banding.
  • Manufacturers’ original equipment manufacturing (OEM) sales to other insulation product manufacturers for resale as integral parts of their products were not included.
  • Respondents would report 1997 and 1998 gross sales dollars only.

Independent & Confidential Requirements

NIA hired Industry Insights, a Columbus, Ohio based firm, to conduct and prepare the study and to assure strict confidentiality of responses. Confidential survey forms were sent to industry manufacturing companies in February of 1999, and completed responses were received through the end of May 1999. A total of 36 completed survey forms was received from 22 insulation product manufacturers and 14 insulation accessory manufacturers.

"All responses were kept confidential. And while it seems like 36 companies is a limited number of respondents, we feel confident that the data estimations represent close to 80 percent of the mechanical and industrial insulation industry," said William Pitkin, executive vice president of NIA.

About the Study’s Report

Industry Insights compiled an industry assessment report based on its survey findings. The goal of the report was to provide valuable data regarding sales, market size and sales growth for the United States mechanical and industrial insulation market (see Figure I).

Total Industry Sized Then Extrapolated

Market sales growth represents the estimated growth of the entire mechanical insulation industry as we defined it and is based on the change in total sales represented by all respondents in this survey. This survey confirms the base numbers-manufacturer sales-but that is only about 20 percent of the total industry.

In order to communicate the total industry size, the NIA Survey Working Group took the core data from the survey, met informally with key representatives in manufacturing, distribution and contracting and extrapolated the data. Figure II shows these results.

Seven Billion Dollar Industry-So Now What?

"This was an extrapolation process. Members may or may not agree with the numbers. We encourage members to use this process with their own data and see what their results would be. But, we’re in the "ball park" and the value of this exercise is to give some credibility and validation to the mechanical insulation industry. As we continue the survey process from year to year, we will be able to benchmark growth, monitor industry specific economic trends and understand our value in the construction arena," Pitkin concluded.

Flexible closed-cell insulation materials were first introduced over 50 years ago.

Over this time period, this group of insulation materials has grown considerably in the types of product offered. They have been successful in preventing condensation and energy loss (heat transfer) in refrigeration, air conditioning and chilled water applications. They have also been used in applications ranging from domestic hot water to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) applications such as water coolers, chillers, and air handling equipment. A secondary effect to saving energy and natural resources is the reduction of greenhouse gases when energy is wasted.

Closed-cell insulation is defined as insulation composed of small individual cells separated from each other. Closed-cell products may be based on elastomeric polymers, glass or foamed plastics such as polyolefin, polystyrene, or polyurethane. The term, flexible closed-cell insulation materials, further defines the range of products which can be classified under this description. Combining the inherent performance features of a closed-cell structure with a flexible material that is easy to install provides the end user a product that is well suited for many applications.

Flexible closed-cell insulation materials fall into two categories: elastomeric and polyolefin based. Elastomeric products as a classification will be discussed first.

General Description of Elastomeric-Based Insulation

Elastomeric products are commonly based on a blend of poly vinyl chloride (PVC) and nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) using a chemical blowing agent. The basic processing steps in manufacturing the product are mixing, extrusion, or shaping and heating. During the heating step, the elastomeric portion of the product is crosslinked, or vulcanized, and the chemical blowing agent decomposes to produce primarily nitrogen gas.

The first product of this type -sheet form – to be used as an insulation material was produced in the 1930s. In the late 1940s, sheet materials similar to what are being used today, except those manufactured via a press-molded process, were commercialized for use by the military for insulation and padding applications.

The first continuous tubing product was manufactured in the 1950s. Continuous sheet products were first made by splitting a large tube but are now also extruded flat. Sheet products are offered up to two inches thick and seventy two inches wide. Tubular products are offered with inside diameters up to eight inches and thicknesses through one inch walls.

The vast majority of elastomeric products sold to date have been based on a PVC/NBR rubber polymeric blend. The standard elastomeric products contain PVC as well as other halogen containing ingredients, which enhance the flammability characteristics of the product. A new class of elastomeric products has been introduced recently. This new class of materials is not based on PVC but on other polymeric blends and contains no halogens. These blends eliminate the potential problems associated with halogen containing products such as corrosive smoke generated when the product is burned. However, the current non-halogen products on the market do not meet a 50 rating on the smoke developed index in standard thickness when tested according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E-84 (a requirement commonly required for commercial insulation applications.)

Elastomeric products offer excellent flexibility, low water vapor transmission (WVT of 0.1 perm in. or less), thermal conductivity (k) similar to other insulation materials (0.30 BTU-in./hr.-sq. ft. F or less at 75ºF mean temperature) and flammability properties which meet the requirements of model building codes. Other attributes which are generally derived from this polymeric blend are good oil and ozone resistance and excellent adhesive/coating receptiveness. Typical use temperature ranges listed are -70ºF (-57ºC) to 220ºF (105ºC). Although all closed-cell elastomeric products are going to share many similar physical properties, a wide range of additives (fillers, plasticizers, aging and flame inhibitors) can be incorporated to enhance the product’s physical properties.

Elastomeric insulation products have been used to prevent condensation on refrigeration and heating, venting, air conditioning (HVAC) applications. Within its stated temperature range, there are few restrictions which would prohibit the use of this product with proper installation techniques. It can be used on plumbing (hot and cold water), burial applications, duct insulation and hot water heating systems.

General Description of Polyolefin-Based Insulation

A Japanese based company, Sekisui, first introduced flexible closed-cell polyolefin materials in the 1960s. The first polyolefin tubular products were produced by thermoforming cross-linked polyolefin sheet into a tubular form. This process is still used in some parts of the world. However, the predominantly used product in North America today is based on a non-crosslinked polyolefin/physical blowing agent process (direct extrusion) which was introduced in the 1970s.

Poylolefin-based insulation materials employ an entirely different manufacturing technology than the elastomeric materials; relying on the thermoplastic nature (sharp melting point) of the polyolefin base resin to form a structure around a physical blowing agent (gas) which has been mixed into the polymeric matrix. The ingredients are fed (metered) directly into the extruder. The extruder blends and melts the ingredients while they are being conveyed forward. The physical blowing agent is added to this mix under high pressure. Physical blowing agents are gases or combination of gases such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) or hydrocarbons (e.g. Isobutane).

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are no longer allowed to be used in the manufacture of polyolefin insulation products as legislated by Congress. As the mix exits the extruder through a high-pressure sizing die, a cellular profile is formed and cooled by the expanding foaming agent.

The product is further cooled to ambient temperature and cut to length. This process allows the product to be manufactured at 2-pcf density or less. Polyolefin-based tubular products are manufactured in sizes with up to six inch inner diameters through one inch wall thicknesses. Sheet product is generally manufactured in thinner thickness – one half inch – and heat laminated for thicker thickness. Polyolefins is a broad polymer family including polyethylene, polybutylene and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). Most polyolefin-based insulation materials contain minor amounts of additives for improved ultraviolet (UV) protection, added flexibility, or limited flame retardant. Polyolefins offer general physical properties such as excellent low temperature flexibility, low water vapor transmittance (WVT generally less than 0.1 perm in.), thermal conductivity (k) similar to other insulation materials (less than 0.30 BTU – in./hr. sq. ft. F at 75°F.) and excellent chemical resistance to acids. Typical use temperature ranges listed in published literature are -150°F to 180°F.

Polyolefin insulation materials are being recommended for, but not limited to, applications such as plumbing (hot and cold water), underground burial and low temperature applications.

Comparison of Elastomeric and Polyolefin Products

Though manufactured by two different processes, elastomeric and polyolefin insulation products share many physical properties as a result of their closed-cell structure. Both products are non-fibrous, non-dusting and non-toxic. Neither product uses CFCs in manufacturing processes. These products do not contain any latex or formaldehyde based raw materials. Because of their closed-cell structure, both products possess excellent thermal and water vapor transmittance properties. Resistance to compression or compaction is also a result of the closed-cell structure. Closed-cell products do not readily trap dirt or moisture, which eliminates some of the concerns associated with mold and bacteria growth. These products would meet the requirements of standard fungal and bacteria tests (ASTM G-21 and ASTM G-22). The surface of the material is not susceptible to air erosion and is durable enough to be cleaned.

Differences in the products exist in the effects of high and low temperatures, elasticity and burning characteristics. These differences arise from the polymers of which the products are based and the processes used to manufacture them. Elastomeric insulation is crosslinked (thermoset) whereas polyolefin insulation products are thermoplastic. When exposed to very high temperatures, elastomeric insulation will not melt but undergoes gradual continued crosslinking resulting in hardening of the product. However, the product continues to have the same thermal conductivity properties as it hardens – it only loses flexibility which, after installation, is not generally a major concern.

Polyolefin pipe insulations have precise temperature transitions that restrict their allowable temperature-use range. Polyolefin pipe insulations are thermoplastic and as a result, when they are exposed to elevated temperatures (above 200°F) they will soften and deform. At 220° F or above for even a short period of time, such as during a temperature spike, they will melt, resulting in a catastrophic failure.

Because of this risk, polyolefin insulation should not be used on any system where there is the possibility of the system approaching the melting point of the insulation. An example of such a system is hot water heating lines.

Published literature on polyolefin insulation would indicate it would have better low temperature flexibility properties than the elastomeric blends currently used. This may have some importance for insulating a flexible line that will see sustained periods of low temperature service and be flexed while at that temperature. Most elastomeric insulation materials used in the commercial insulation market generally begin to stiffen around 30° F and have a cold crack or brittle point of -40° F. However, although they lose flexibility at sub-freezing temperatures, this does not adversely affect their thermal conductivity properties.

Elastomeric insulation products are more flexible (have a lower modulus) than polyolefin materials at 75ºF. This flexibility or modulus issue has two application implications: first for slide-on applications and second, in the stresses induced on the seams of the product in applications which cycle from hot to cold and can cause expansion and contraction of the insulation up to ten percent.

Standard elastomeric and polyolefin insulation materials used for commercial insulation applications have a Fire Hazard Classification Rating of 25/50 for one inch thickness and below when tested according to ASTM E-84 (Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials). However, their burning characteristics are considerably different and may be a consideration in choosing a product for a particular application. Elastomeric insulation products are designed to form a char and reduce the amount of oxygen available to the fire. Polyolefin insulation products do not react in this same manner, rather they melt away from the flame front, causing the insulation to lose continuity with the flame front. ASTM cautions users of any of their standards that the test method may not be indicative of actual fire situations. ASTM E-84 is the most commonly referred to specification in the industrial and commercial construction markets. It is often referred to even when the model building code does not require it. Other small scale test methods that are sometimes referred to are ASTM E162 (Radiant Panel Test) and ASTM E-662 (NBS Smoke Density Test). These are more commonly referred to for mass transit and flooring applications. UL 94 can be required for appliance enclosures and equipment applications.

Limited oxygen index (LOI) can also be specified. There are a host of other flammability test methods which have been developed but have not yet reached the general acceptance of the ASTM E-84 test method. An example of this type of test would be the Cone Calorimeter. This test provides alternate data such as rate of heat release which can provide a better picture of how the material will react in a real fire situation. Full scale burn tests have been conducted but are expensive. Each of the test methods provides the user with different information. Conformance to one test does not imply conformance to another.

The overall hazard of the product should be assessed using a combination of tests that would be appropriate for the end-use application.

Standards And Test Methods

ASTM C-534 (Standard Specification for Preformed Flexible Elastomeric Cellular Thermal Insulation in Sheet and Tubular Form) is the standard most widely used to specify material properties of elastomeric insulation. It details test methods and requirements for the properties that affect the insulation performance.

These include thermal conductivity (k), water vapor transmittance (WVT), water absorption, flexibility and dimensional stability. The standard provides a minimum base line of requirements and a basic set of test methods for comparing common materials. ASTM C 534-94 is in the process of being reviewed and a revision of the standard should be completed in 1999.

There is no current ASTM standard for polyolefin-based insulation materials. ASTM C-16.22 Sub-Committee is currently developing a standard for polyolefin insulation.

The ASTM C-16.22 Sub-Committee has formed a task group to develop a standard for flexible closed-cell foam sheet insulation used as a liner to insulate HVAC equipment and duct systems. The task group is in the sub-committee ballot stages of the standard development process.

Installation of Flexible Insulation

Proper installation is critical to the insulation system’s performance. The saying that "the system is only as good as its weakest link" definitely pertains to installing insulation materials, particularly in applications concerning condensation control. The insulation must be sized properly and the entire system must be closed to outside air penetration for proper performance. Using simple installation techniques, it is easy to seal the entire system, which is critical for condensation control applications. All butt and longitudinal seams should be sealed by use of either a solvent-based contact adhesive, factory applied pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) or other method recommended by the manufacturer. The use of electrical or duct tape is not recommended. When using a contact adhesive, the adhesive should be applied to both surfaces (thin coating preferred), allowed to tack dry and pressed firmly together. The insulation must also be sealed around all tees, 90s, fittings, valves and at the end of the pipe runs to prevent ambient air from entering the system.

This can be easily done by applying a thin coating of adhesive to the pipe and the inner diameter (ID) of the insulation. If the system is not sealed properly, condensation will form between the pipe and the ID of the insulation, generally accumulating water in the lowest place along the pipe run. If condensation forms on the outer surface of the insulation, then additional insulation thickness was required for the operating parameters.

When installing the product, it is important not to stretch the insulation. It should be pushed rather than pulled. Stretching results in two problems: first, reduction in thickness and second, it can result in stress on the insulation. All joints or butts should be fitted under compression to ensure good sealing. Insulation should only be applied to systems that are unheated at the time of installation for this same reason.

Flexible closed-cell insulation is easy to cut and fabricate. No special fittings or mechanical clips are needed. These products are non-abrasive and no special installation precautions are required. Flexible closed-cell products are very uniform and consistent.

Sliding around 90 degree bends is a common practice for ¾" wall thickness and below, particularly on refrigeration applications. This practice eliminates a longitudinal seam and speeds up installation, which are benefits to this type of application. However, for optimum insulation performance, 90-degree bends and tight radiuses such as P Traps, particularly on thicknesses above three quarters of an inch, should be mitred.

By sliding the insulation around the 90 degree bend, the insulation is stretched as it goes around the outer bend, causing the insulation to lose thickness at that point. Depending on the wall thickness, the loss can reach up to 40 percent. This causes it to lose insulation value, which may allow condensation formation. In addition, because the insulation is stressed at that point, the stresses may cause it to age prematurely and crack.

Sheet insulation installed on ductwork should be fabricated, not wrapped for the same reasons. The insulation should be adhered to the entire surface of the duct. When installing insulation on the outside of a duct, it is recommended to fabricate the product such that a water shield is formed on the edges. This is accomplished by cutting the top section such that it overlaps the side section and the side section overlaps the bottom section. This protects the edges from abuse and potential water seepage between the insulation and the duct.

Outdoor weathering of any insulation material that will be subject to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, ozone and oxidation is a concern. Elastomeric- and polyolefin-based insulation products have been used outdoors where exposure to sunlight is limited without any added protection from the effects of UV rays. An example of this exposure is when insulation is applied to the refrigerant lines from a heat pump to the house. In this application, UV exposure is limited and the product meets the customer’s expectations. However, for optimum outdoor performance or applications where UV exposure is severe (e.g. roof top applications), these products must be protected from light degradation with a UV resistant coating, mastic or jacketing depending on the environment and the application. Elastomeric products will become stiff, harden and crack when exposed to UV. Polyolefin products will break down to a powder when exposed to UV. Excellent adhesion can be achieved between elastomeric insulation and typical coatings on the market. Coatings should be applied to a clean, dry surface. Generally two coats are required. Water-based coatings should be applied and allowed to dry at temperatures above 50°F .

Closed-cell insulation materials are resistant to water absorption. However, special precautions must be taken for applications where the product will be exposed to sustained periods of water contact, particularly if the water is under a hydrostatic pressure such as burial applications below the water table. Water will gradually be absorbed by the product, causing it to lose its thermal properties. Ground water infiltration or seepage may also carry corrosive contaminants which may be damaging to steel and copper pipes. In applications where this is a concern, insulated pipes can be encased in a sealed conduit made of PVC pipe which will protect it from water infiltration as well as compression. For burial applications above the water table, the use of clean fill such as sand (3"- 5" layer) to provide good drainage and care in backfilling to avoid compaction has been successfully used. It is extremely important that all seams and butts be sealed completely to prevent water infiltration between the insulation and the pipe.

Because the material is flexible by definition, precautions should be made not to compress the insulation which will cause it to lose thickness. Compensation for that loss or special fabrication techniques should be employed. An example is on pipe hangers where the insulation would be under compression unless special fabrication techniques are used. In this situation, it is recommended that a metal shield be used to spread the load in conjunction with support devices. Support devices are typically short lengths of wood dowels or blocks which are the same thickness as the insulation and inserted in the insulation.

The holes cut into the insulation for the supporting devices should be undersized to ensure a tight fit. The support devices should be coated with contact adhesive prior to insertion in the holes. They should be inserted while the adhesive is still wet, then the outer surface should be coated with adhesive to form a vapor seal. The supporting devices rest on the metal shield which is installed between the insulation and surface and the pipe hanger. Larger pipes will require wood blocks approximately 1" x 3" by the insulation thickness. Contouring the blocks to the shape of the pipe will provide even support. It may be necessary to use additional support devices (dowels) placed along the curvature of the insulation (four and eight o’clock positions) to maintain proper positioning of the pipe.


The primary markets for these products are refrigeration, HVAC and plumbing, applications for the purposes of condensation prevention, energy savings, improved equipment performance, water savings, freeze prevention, noise reduction and personal protection. Energy savings can improve the operating efficiency of the equipment and can even go so far as to reduce the cost of the original unit by allowing the use of smaller equipment to perform the same function as a larger unit that is not as well insulated. When these products are used on hot water plumbing lines, water savings are accomplished and can be significant in areas such as the southwest.

Flexible closed-cell insulation products are ideal for preventing condensation (maintaining the outer surface of the insulation above the dew point). The closed-cell structure of the product provides an inherent moisture vapor retarder (0.1 perm-in. per ASTM E-96 or better) and an excellent thermal barrier. In most applications, there is no need for an additional moisture vapor barrier layer/jacketing which can be torn, punctured or otherwise penetrated. For applications that may be subjected to long periods of high humidity and below ambient operating temperatures (above 90 percent relative humidity (RH) and 90°F ambient temperatures) an additional water vapor barrier may be required to maintain proper performance of the insulation. The temperature/humidity range over which the majority of condensation control applications occur do not require the use of an additional vapor barrier with these products.

Key factors in determining the proper insulation thickness to prevent condensation are pipe size, operating temperature, ambient temperature, wind speed, emissivity (heat reflective properties of the insulation) and relative humidity.

Jacketing and protective coatings can also affect the insulation thickness required. Examples of how these parameters affect the insulation thickness recommendation are given in Table 1 on the previous page.

Emissivity (the ability to emit or reflect heat by radiation) may be a factor in determining insulation thickness to prevent condensation, particularly for outdoor applications. Emissivity theoretically can range from 0 to 1 but would generally range from 0.25 for insulation with a white protective jacketing or wrap applied to 0.85 for the black insulation. Most recommendations provided in the published literature conservatively use a value close to zero as the emissivity factor. For condensation control applications, the intent is to maintain the surface temperature of the insulation above the dew point. In this situation, the black color provides an advantage.

Elastomeric insulation products are well suited for HVAC and refrigeration applications because of their flexibility which allows for low stress on the butt and longitudinal seams during the expansion and contraction of the system when it cycles from hot to cold. The ability to seal the system from outside air intrusion is another main reason these products are used in this area. Elastomeric insulation has been successfully used on hot water heating systems as well.

Polyolefin insulation is well suited for applications which do not cycle between hot and cold such as plumbing applications. The low cost of the product and ease of installation are reasons it is widely used in the "do-it-yourself" market.

Flexible closed-cell insulation products are used to prevent pipes from freezing. In this application it is important to note that insulation will prolong the period of time prior to freezing. However, where there is no liquid flow and when the temperatures are cold enough for a long enough period of time, freezing will occur. The use of commercial heat tapes is acceptable with elastomeric and polyolefin based products subject to the heat tape manufacturer’s specific recommendations.

Flexible closed-cell insulation products are available in a wide range of sizes to fit most tubular applications. Large diameter tubing can be insulated with sheet. In these situations, the sheet should be cut to the proper width to fit the pipe diameter. Never stretch the sheet to fit the pipe. The sheet should be adhered along the seam and butts only, not to the pipe itself. In certain applications, the recommended wall thickness may exceed 1". In these cases, the product can be sleeved or a layer of sheet insulation can be used to obtain the recommended thickness. Failure to seal the system properly will result in condensation on the pipe between the insulation and the pipe. Failure to use the correct wall thickness for the application conditions will result in condensation on the outer surface of the insulation. Use of fans to create air movement will assist in drying out the insulation if problems occur.

Thermal Conductivity Values

Temperature affects the thermal conductivity properties of closed-cell materials. Thermoconductivity values (k factors) may vary from .30 BTU – hr./in. sq. ft. F at 100°F to .16 BTU – hr./in. sq. ft. F at -100°F. Many applications for these products are below ambient temperature, thus benefiting from this effect.

In determining thermal conductivity of a closed-cell material, the samples should be properly aged to allow normalization of the gases in the cell with the atmosphere. The time for this process to occur varies with each of the materials discussed in this paper. If the samples are not allowed to age properly, erroneous k values can be obtained. The supplier should check with the material vendor to verify the aged k factor of the product.

Available Information

Manufacturers of flexible closed-cell insulation have installation guides available. The National Insulation Association (NIA) has a video on the topic. Information on the determination of the recommended thicknesses to prevent condensation for specific applications is available in many formats from published guidelines to PC-formatted disks. Technical Bulletins on special application situations are available from the manufacturers as well. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) also provides guidelines for use of insulation products. Specific application requirements can be found in the model building code, state and local building codes and through the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Product Forms Offered

Flexible closed-cell tubular insulation is offered for use in the following three forms: unslit, slit, and slit with PSA on the longitudinal seam for easy installation. The product is available in standard forms of six foot lengths. In addition, three foot lengths and continuous coiled product are also available.

Flexible closed-cell sheet insulation is offered with or without PSA in rolls or sheets. Standard rolls are 48" wide x 50′ long but widths up to 72" and lengths of 200′ rolls are also offered. Standard sheets are 36" x 48" for easy handling.

The use of products supplied with pre-applied PSA in either tubular or sheet form has grown rapidly in the past five years. The use of such products greatly reduces the need for solvent-based contact adhesives and provides a consistency that is difficult to match in the field. The added cost is offset by greater ease and efficiency of installation.


Flexible closed-cell insulation products, both elastomeric- and polyolefin-based, offer the insulation market a product that is easy to use and very effective in preventing condensation and energy loss in a wide range of applications. The combination of flexibility with a closed-cell structure makes them well suited for many applications.

Introduction of these product forms such as PSA/self-seal products increases installation efficiency and consistency of the job. The marketplace is looking for products that offer a consistent high level of performance but are easy to use.

As the number of products in this insulation category increase, care must be taken to select the correct product for the specific application and install it properly. The price of the insulation is only one factor in the overall cost of a job; labor, installation tools required, material damage or scrap during installation/fabrication, and time to complete the job are all significant factors to consider. There is no price that can be put on the peace of mind that comes from knowing a job was done right and will perform for many years. After determining your specification needs, selection of the correct product is key to a first class job and will ensure long term success of your project.


OSHA and industry….partners?! There are many who would say the two just don’t mix. However, a new worker safety program developed by the insulation industry to maximize protection for workers who use synthetic vitreous fiber (SVF) products was recently adopted by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Called the Health and Safety Partnership Program (HSPP), this new program is a voluntary work practice partnership between industry and government that consolidates long-standing work practice initiatives under a single umbrella with government participation.

The HSPP was developed by the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) in cooperation with OSHA officials and staff, the leadership of NIA and the Insulation Contractors Association of America (ICAA) and other organizations representing insulation contractors and other workers. The program makes specific and detailed job site work recommendations for the proper and safe handling of insulation materials and provides a comprehensive education and training program for workers involved in the manufacture, fabrication and installation of SVF, rock wool and slag wool products.


OSHA’s adoption of the comprehensive program has satisfactorily resolved the issues that originally prompted the Agency to list SVFs as a priority workplace issue.

To facilitate the increased cooperation of industry in the regulatory process, OSHA developed a list of issues that the Agency deemed in need of attention either because of the seriousness of the topic or the number of workers potentially exposed. In particular, OSHA was interested in identifying such issues for which it had not yet devoted significant regulatory attention and resources.

The preparation of that priority list came to fruition in late 1995. In December 1995, OSHA officially announced a list of 18 work related issues, which the Agency viewed as priorities for either rulemaking or voluntary intervention by the private sector. More precisely, in making this announcement, OSHA admitted that the Agency lacked the resources to conduct formal rulemaking on all 18 substances because any regulatory rulemaking consumes a tremendous amount of time and significantly reduces available monies. Therefore, OSHA agreed that 13 of those 18 substances should develop a voluntary standard without the burden of a formal rulemaking. In explaining this approach, OSHA explained that the Agency intended “to address the issues emerging from the Priority Planning Process through a combination of rulemaking and other intervention tools. Only a small number of the new priorities listed below have been chosen for rulemaking at this time.

OSHA Designates SVFs a Priority Workplace Issue

OSHA announced that SVFs were a priority for either formal rulemaking or voluntary intervention by the private sector. Priority status was based on the high number of workers, currently 225,000, who are exposed to SVFs and the projected increase in that number in the future.

OSHA admitted, however, that it lacked the resources necessary to conduct formal rulemaking and suggested the development of a voluntary standard without the burden of a formal rulemaking. The HSPP is industry’s response to the OSHA directive.

Training: A Key Element of HSPP

The HSPP imposes no obligation upon contractors or unions to conduct training on the various elements of the HSPP. NAIMA and its member companies assume responsibility for promoting and explaining the HSPP. Therefore, the only training requirements that may be applicable to contractors are those already mandated by OSHA.

As part of its commitment under the HSPP, NAIMA will conduct training seminars on a yearly basis in different parts of the country. Training seminars will also be held at trade shows, conventions and other events that contractors and their employees are likely to attend. Once training schedules have been finalized, details will be made available through the NAIMA web site, direct mail, and advertising. In addition to the training activities, NAIMA is preparing literature that explains and illustrates the various work practices and the respiratory protection program. An entertaining and informative video providing helpful information on working with synthetic vitreous fiber products is also being produced. The literature and highlights of the video will also be featured on the NAIMA web site,

HSPP Will Promote Greater Worker Protection

NAIMA believes that a commitment from a contractor to follow the HSPP will assure greater worker protection. By taking advantage of the training opportunities and informational literature provided through HSPP’s implementation efforts, NIA members will benefit from an educated and knowledgeable work force. It will provide further benefits to contractors such as promoting the image of good corporate citizenship, reducing worker complaints and worker compensation claims, and helping to protect against any legal liability or government enforcement action.

Elements of the HSPP:

Voluntary Permissible Exposure Limit

Perhaps the most significant element of the Program is the establishment of a voluntary permissible exposure limit (PEL). This provision is important for several reasons. First, OSHA itself cited the absence of a formally recognized PEL for SVFs as one of the deficiencies under OSHA’s current regulations. Adoption of a voluntary one fiber-per-cubic-centimeter (1f/cc)PEL simply reaffirms the exposure limit that has been recommended by industry and government for several years.

NAIMA’s Respiratory Protection Program follows the requirements of OSHA’s recently adopted Respiratory Protection Standard. In the preamble to that Standard, OSHA indicates that in most cases, disposable respirators provide adequate protection and are allowed. NAIMA is recommending a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Certified N95 half piece mask for most applications faced by contractors. Unique applications or unusual circumstances may require a different respirator.

In addition, the HSPP commits NAIMA members to use product design, engineering controls, work practices, respiratory protection, or a combination of any or all of these measures to bring fiber exposure to the voluntary 1 f/cc PEL. To strengthen these control measures, the HSPP proscribes comprehensive work practices for those working with SVFs.

Exposure Database

With the establishment of a voluntary 1 f/cc PEL averaged over an 8-hour workday, NIA members will need to know if their workers are exposed to fibers in an amount above or below the recommended PEL.

The HSPP provides a mechanism that exempts contractors from the expense and time of exposure testing. That mechanism is an SVF exposure database, which NAIMA is committed to developing, maintaining and updating. If contractors wish to ascertain the normal exposure levels for particular work tasks or settings, they can contact NAIMA and obtain representative exposure levels for that situation from the database.

NAIMA’s exposure database will not only help contractors follow the HSPP, it will also help them comply with the OSHA’s Respiratory Protection Standard, and in most cases, eliminate the need to conduct exposure monitoring. In the Respiratory Protection Standard preamble, OSHA has stated that contractors can rely on such a database:

“…data from industry-wide surveys by trade associations for use by their members, as well as from stewardship programs operated by manufacturers for their customers, are often useful in assisting employers, particularly small business owners, to obtain information on employee exposures in their workplace.” (63 Federal Register 1152, 1199 (January 8, 1998).

To update the database, NAIMA’s member companies are committed to contributing exposure-monitoring results obtained from manufacturing, fabrication, and installation activities. NAIMA will be the depository for the exposure database. Information may be extracted from the database simply by contacting NAIMA in writing or by telephone for the specific type of information needed and that information will be sent to NIA and its members.

Recommendations Sought From a Wide Range of Sources

In creating a voluntary health and safety program, NAIMA consulted the recommendations for a safe work environment offered by individual manufacturers belonging to NAIMA. In addition, NAIMA consulted labor organizations, international regulatory bodies, government entities in the United States, professional organizations promoting voluntary guidelines, foreign manufacturers of SVF products, and trade associations throughout the world that are connected with the SVF industry.

Consolidation of Industry Recommended

Work Practices

Previously, NAIMA’s recommended work practices focused on rather broad worker safety guidelines. While they provided helpful tips on protecting workers against irritation and excessive exposure to fibers, the enhanced work practices in the HSPP also provide specific suggestions. Specific recommendations address how to minimize dust generation, when and how to obtain proper ventilation, the selection of appropriate work clothing, the proper use of personal protective equipment, and how to remove fibers from the skin and eyes.

In addition, the work practices outline safe work practices for different applications of SVFs. For example, task specific recommendations are provided for blown SVF in attics, cavity fill insulation, boiler and pipe insulation, and removal activities.

HSPP Enhanced Work Practices

Show When and How to:

  • Minimize dust generation
  • Obtain proper ventilation
  • Select appropriate work clothing
  • Use personal protective equipment
  • Remove fibers from the skin and eyes

Enhanced Stewardship Program

In addition to establishing a database that allows assessment of exposure conditions, trends and specific controls, NAIMA will also conduct ten geographically diverse worker-training sessions and an additional 20 worker-training sessions within the first three years of the implementation phase of the HSPP.

NAIMA also will hold training sessions and distribute literature and a video highlighting the work practices at trade shows, conventions and other events where contractors and their employees are likely to congregate.

NAIMA has also committed to conduct studies with respirator manufacturers to measure the efficacy of various respiratory protection devices in limiting potential exposure to SVFs.

Timing for Full Implementation of the HSPP

Implementation of the HSPP will begin immediately and will be phased in over a three-year period. During the three-year implementation phase and the first five years of compliance, NAIMA will submit annual reports to OSHA on the program’s performance. This same time frame applies to NIA’s voluntary adoption of a Contractor Health and Safety Partnership Program.


The HSPP voluntary initiative not only provides a thorough and comprehensive health and safety program, it has satisfactorily resolved the issues that prompted OSHA to list SVFs as a priority. OSHA recently stated that it “does not, at this time consider SVF a regulatory priority. We will not list it on our regulatory agenda for action.”The HSPP was brought to fruition through the association of diverse interests. In order to implement all components of the Program, the same spirit of cooperation will be necessary to steer the HSPP’s course during the next eight years. With NAIMA and NIA at the helm, the successful realization of the HSPP’s objective seems certain.

Angus E. Crane is general Counsel and Secretary to the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. Prior to joining NAIMA, Crane was an environmental lawyer with the Washington, D.C. law firm Dickstein, Shapiro &am; Morin. He is a Truman Scholar and graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School. You can reach him at (703) 684-0084.

NIA’s Role in Developing and Implementing HSPP

NIA played a critical leadership role in assisting NAIMA in negotiating and maintaining a practical approach to the voluntary HSPP. To demonstrate their support and endorsement for the HSPP, NIA adopted a Contractor Health and Safety Partnership Program (CHSPP) which mirrors the components of the HSPP. CHSPP, like the HSPP, is designed to further protect and safeguard workers while conserving regulatory resources. In a letter to OSHA, NIA expressed its commitment to fully implement the CHSPP and work as a partner with OSHA, NAIMA, ICAA and other interested parties to promote safe work practices for workers handling SVFs.

According to NIA Health and Safety Committee Chairman Ted Brodie, “The HSPP is a major accomplishment for our industry, for the government and for our workers. The voluntary program allows our association’s members to work with manufacturers toward achieving the highest level of safety and worker protection when using SVF products.”