Category Archives: Global

We have seen history and trends being forged every day by the shifting of enormous masses of economic power in short periods of time. Leaders in business establish themselves as the standard and pace-setters of a common language by being the most convenient, the most common, or the most available method depicting to be the most profitable way to achieve a purpose. Standards achieve this goal when they properly address the market in a relevant manner and so, relevant standards do mean business.

From my perspective, that is exactly where the National Insulation Association is leading the thermal insulation industry as a whole within the United States, by launching the Growing the Insulation Industry Program. And even though the insulation industry cannot be directly compared to the communications or other more powerful or dynamic industries, we do want to expand the potential of our businesses to its maximum, which obviously means thinking globally. My view in this paper, part of my international nature, is whether this effort can be expanded abroad, first and most significantly at this time, to the whole of the American continents.

Simply inviting peers from other countries and expecting them to jump on the NIA bandwagon, attend the meetings, participate and become enthused and involved, as if they were any other member coming from the United States or Canada, isn’t realistic. Language, culture, and economics are barriers that need to be overcome. In short, what I am saying is that the markets are not going to come to us on their own will. A forward-looking approach is needed. Let me mention the case of a private company in the United States that did a joint venture with certification bodies of Argentina and Italy, capable of certifying all electric and electronic manufacturers accessing the market of Argentina. Understandable standards are required.

It seems to me that an industrial thermal insulation manual of energy efficient practices, harmonized throughout the beautiful strip of land beginning from the Yukon and ending in the Patagonia, Argentina, including its areas of influence, may have exactly this effect in a significant part of the world. It will also serve to set a seeding ground for other commercial and residential construction markets. It would seem overly ambitious to hope for local codes or standards to be enacted or adopted based on this manual. It is not unreasonable to aim at placing one generally acceptable de facto document for reference in every engineer’s desk, library, bibliography and school table.

Truly, the ASTM Book of Standards is the most important reference for thermal insulation materials in a large portion of the world, including the Latin American countries. ASTM is continually and diligently aiming to become the most influential international standards organization worldwide.

Second, the North American Insulation Manufacturer’s Association’s 3Eplus Program is a unique by value tool that has had excellent acceptance and application when found in use south of the Rio Grande Valley.

The MICA National Commercial and Industrial Insulation Manual has great potential to be harmonized and referenced for use in the global markets.

And to top the pile of jewels, NIA’s Insulation Energy Appraisal Program can become a valuable tool in promoting north to south technical expertise exchange and south to north esteem and respect.

These highly integrated volumes of information, tools and manuals are jointly a value to our objectives, much greater than other industries have ever had to launch their influence abroad. Business will follow, invariably and naturally.

The Case of Mexico

Initially, a task group including delegates representing manufacturers, builders, design engineers, power plant owners and the chemical and petrochemical industries began to execute a well-supported effort to introduce ourselves as capable of putting together a common language for energy saving potential using thermal insulation.

We showed we had the value to support our claims, involving the following main steps:

  • Factual survey of the energy losses through insulation, of a significant number of facilities throughout the country,
  • Detailed evaluation of the savings potential (amount and value) with additional insulation,
  • An assessment of the value these savings will render in reductions of atmospheric emissions and,
  • Appraise the Economic Resistance value of the typical insulation (as compared to economic thickness of a specific material or system).

The Mexican Government, through its Energy Department’s Energy Savings Commission, published the 1995 edition of the Industrial Thermal Insulation Code.

It is an extremely comprehensive manual of practice of thermal insulation for industry. The core or compulsory table is composed of Maximum Heat Transfer values per unit (W/m) length of pipe or unit area (W/m2) of flat surface for hot (Figure 1) and cold surfaces, obtained following the principles as set forth in the Department of Energy’s Economic Thickness of Insulation Manual. Included are very complete voluntary installation guidelines, recommended engineering practices and minimum thickness of insulation tables based on standard values. These latter tables may be used as default for complying with the rule. The mandate makes reference to the following:

  • ASTM Standards,
  • MICA Manual (MICA actually approved the use of proprietary materials in the Mexican Code) and,
  • 3 E Plus Program (1994 version was used to validate some of the calculations in developing the data).

The most significant merit of this document lies in the fact that it reduced industry-wide acceptable Heat Loss/Gain values-losses of energy through installed industrial insulation- in more than half and increased insulation thickness for the entire market by an average factor of almost twice. This measure created an immediate increase in demand of our products.

This improvement is graphically shown here as Figure 2. The 100% red line represents the average maximum acceptable values of heat transfer per pipe size in the code, as a base for comparison in the graph.

The green curve (previous practice), represents calculated values of heat loss using the thickness and design considerations that were common and prevalent in Mexico before the enactment of the rule, shown as percentage values over the 100% base for comparison. Also shown on Figure 2 are recently calculated economic heat transfer values using the 3 E Plus program under current local conditions in Mexico, represented by a blue curve, also as a percentage over base values. Local conditions are marked by a continued high cost of money (15%-20%), a significant increase in cost of labor still at about 15% of that in the United States, materials costs similar or slightly higher than in the United States and energy cost at $4 per million BTU (a three year contractual price of natural gas agreed between PEMEX and private industry).

From this assessment we conclude that the limits set forth in the mandatory table are an average of 11% better than those calculated using the 3 E Plus program under current conditions. While economic conditions and energy prices are certainly not the same as those found in 1995, these consistently small differences are proof of the continued validity of the regulated values as realistic economic energy-saving figures. This also supports the applicability of the 3 E Plus program as an effective long-term energy saving software.

When it was published, a justification document went to market expressing that "If every plant in the country had energy efficient thickness installed on pipes and equipment, the total potential savings would be 8 million barrels of oil equivalent and 8 million tons of emissions to the atmosphere." For 1999 alone and referring only to new plants, the savings published in the Mexican Energy Department Web site were of 40 million m3 of natural gas alone (7% of fuel use equivalent to ~0.3 Mbboe; see These are strong and compelling messages to market that standards benefit the consumer and the producer as well. Balanced standards do mean business.

Latin America

Other Latin American countries have not made as much progress as Mexico in enacting regulations regarding the energy savings programs for use and manufacture of industrial and household goods. No other country in Latin America has the same combination of conditions, such as: being heavily industrialized in a wide range of industries, being a strong oil and petrochemical producer, growing fast in an extremely cost competitive market as a neighbor of the United States and being a strong exporter of basic and manufactured goods into the global markets.

However, some countries have excellent potential and may eventually gain a strong interest in developing their own guidelines. Others that will never be as active and concerned in writing energy saving documents in industry or buildings or don’t have the resources to do so, may select to connect with others in acquiring technology at a low cost with less effort and in a shorter time.

Meanwhile, the Mexican rule has had influence outside of the country, such as the case of the Power Company of Costa Rica that has used it as a valuable reference for design of their projects. Other companies and other countries have done the same for individual projects in Ecuador and Colombia.

It is common knowledge that significant projects in Latin America are normally designed outside of their borders. These are specified by engineering and construction firms competing in a tight market that drives total project cost down and reduces the relative value of energy efficiency throughout the life cycle of the project to a lower level of significance. Not all bidding companies have the same working ethics, and the level of competence is not always equal. I strongly believe and many others in our industry concur, that a harmonized set of standards for industrial thermal insulation is definitely required to defend the proper use of thermal insulating materials. This will mostly benefit the end customer, owner and operator of the facility, while improving the marketplace as well. Published and publicized standards do mean business.

The need for thermal insulation is a fact in every country. It is in our interest to show them how to do it, how much to use of it, the quality of the materials and systems they need to install and the benefits they will gather from a properly designed and constructed thermal insulation. Are these not the same elements behind the GIIP Program? Will this not benefit the market for the entire industry as a whole?

Recent Activity

In recent years, since we joined our efforts between NAIMA, the Canadian fellow CMMVFM and the Mexican fellow AMFATA, we have harmonized the use of ASTM standards throughout the region of NAFTA. This has been a success following hard work, a concentrated effort and a clear business perspective of the application of standards. This same representation has been active in world forums, sharing our perspective of the value of thermal insulation in debates covering subjects such as energy savings, global warming and others.

The Energy Savings Commission has continued its work and the Mexican Energy Department published the 1997 edition of a Building Thermal Insulation Definitions Code. This extremely simple four-page document is fundamental in that it defines thermal insulation in terms of resistance, referenced to ATSM definitions and methods. This ordinance may prevent bogus peddlers from misrepresenting the thermal insulation industry and also avoids misunderstanding between reflective materials and insulating materials. It is mostly applicable to the residential and commercial markets and is a strong defender of honest business, serving to benefit consumers and suppliers as well.

Furthermore, a non-residential building energy efficiency bill is underway for approval in 2001. This document establishes minimum R-values for the envelope of building systems. Though this is a starting point and as such, does not offer comparable values to current trade practices in the United States in similar climate zones, it will generate insulation business in a sector totally unaware of the use and existence of thermal insulation. It will also modify the level of ignorance on the subject in the building community and will gradually increase awareness as the benefits are attained and recognized.


A short but extremely meaningful corollary comes of essence at this time. It would be, "Every step in the way to increase and grow our thermal insulation market in Mexico has been associated to a step in the way of achieving greater acceptance of standards in our industry, in the engineering design community, to owners of producing facilities, commercial buildings, residential buildings and, to regulators from government energy related departments."

This should come as a surprise to no one. In performing our most honest effort, to candidly share our knowledge of the benefits from the use of thermal insulation, we have created a better and greater market for us all. Honest standards certainly do mean business.


I have presented the case of Mexico, where every effort devoted to developing standards has rendered market growth, offered profit potential to the owners of industrial facilities or buildings and left saved energy for the benefit of society. This is the case where most harmonizing has taken place with the United States and Canada in the context of NAFTA. A brief analysis has shown that the values in the code are valid and slightly better than those calculated by using the 3 E Plus Program for current conditions. Does this mean we are actually installing better insulating values in industrial applications in Mexico than in the United States? The answer’s probably yes, and there may be a lesson to be learned.

Can we answer the initial question; Is an industrial thermal insulation code for the Americas possible? I think we can answer that question positively if we can deem it is feasible for someone to produce an industrial thermal insulation manual of energy efficient practices with the following characteristics:

  • relevant to the industry and consumers
  • balanced in the benefits it provides to owners as well service providers
  • honest and accepted by the market
  • understandable to clients and every member of the supply chain
  • harmonized within the markets its serves
  • published and publicized throughout

The good news is that by putting together a careful selection of translated (and minimally adapted where applicable) ASTM Thermal Insulation Standards, NAIMA’s 3 E Plus Program, MICA’s Standards Manual and NIA’s Insulation Appraisal Program, the first four of the above conditions are immediately met. A complete book is ready to go to market with local individuals in harmonizing, publishing and publicizing the good work.

I trust we have potential leadership capabilities among us to do the required task, which by the way is not a matter of pride or record. We have all been confronted with the fact that substantial business has gone to markets beyond our usual boundaries and will continue to do so as a result of a globalizing world. Should we follow business, which is moving away from our customary territories?

If we at NIA and the NAFTA thermal insulation industry leaders don’t do it, someone else will, harmonizing elsewhere in the world.

Figure 1
Figure 2

Thermal insulation has had a continually changing and increasingly important role since the beginning of the industrial revolution. As machinery changed and the role evolved from protection from burns on hot surfaces to subsequent needs of one kind or another, the previous uses virtually always remained. This was the expanding role (and market) of the insulation industry. A rough approximation of the evolutionary purposes of thermal insulation might be:

  • Protect from hot surfaces for comfort and safety
  • Prevent unwanted heat in spaces
  • Prevent corrosion due to flue gas condensation
  • Prevent condensation on cold surfaces
  • Improve thermal comfort in buildings
  • Improve thermal comfort in vehicles, aircraft and spaceships
  • Reduce space heating and cooling loads
  • Reduce building heating and cooling operating costs

And now, as we start into the third century of the evolution of thermal-based technology, thermal insulation will find a new role in addition to simple safety, comfort and economics. That role will be to help us in achieving a sustainable society of reduced energy consumption while maintaining the quality of life that we enjoy today.

The following article was originally published in the ASHRAE Journal under the title "Energy Conservation is an Ethic" in July 2000. The insulation industry will be a major contributor as the world society moves to adopt the energy ethic.

Energy Conservation Is an Ethic

"Professionalism means different things to different people. For some, professionalism in engineering describes a method of charging for services; others believe it simply describes a credential achieved. But Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines "professional" as: "…characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation."

Thus, a "professional" is a person who can be so described. Just what is it that the mechanical/electrical engineering professional does to earn that title?

In a way, the engineering professional hasn’t had good "press" or public relations for the past 150 years. It started in the early to mid-19th century when Max-well, Sadi Carnot, Diesel, Otto, and the other thermodynamicists and energy engineers unlocked the secrets to turning the resources of the world into the slaves of mankind. Since that time, the mechanical/electrical engineering community has held the goose that laid the golden egg.

And somewhere within that community, they became so intent upon serving humanity in the short run that they lost sight of their long-range responsibility.

This is a good news/bad news story, and, as society stands here today, they cannot be too critical of their performance over the past 150 years. The mechanical/electrical engineering professionals have provided humanity with a massive population of "mechanical slaves." That analogy is borrowed from Oscar Wilde, who wrote in an essay in 1894:

"The fact is that civilization requires slaves. The Greeks were quite right there. Unless there are slaves to do the ugly horrible uninteresting work, culture and contemplation become almost impossible. Human slavery is wrong, insecure and demoralizing. On mechanical slavery, on the slavery of the machine, the future of the world depends."

The result of our success in creating this mechanical slave is the world in which we live today. We have the mechanical slave at our bidding to wash our clothes, cook our food, wash our dishes, move us about over long and short distances, stoke our fires, keep us cool, clean our homes, operate our factories, perform complicated calculations at unbelievable speeds, keep our records, and on and on. Oscar Wilde could not have envisioned, in his wildest dreams, the prophetic significance of that statement.

It is not within the context of this article to expound on the influence of technology upon the state of mankind-the social structures, economy, and human relationships. In his book, The Fifties, David Halberstam, discussing the sociological revolution unfolding in the fifties, said:

"The list of technological and scientific changes that transformed America in those years (the fifties) is an extraordinary one-the coming of network television to almost every single home in the country changed America’s politics, its leisure habits, and its racial attitudes; the arrival of air conditioning opened up southern and southwestern regions; the early computers were transforming business and the military; the coming of jet planes revolutionized transportation."

And that was but one decade! And in one country! So, looking back, the engineering community can bask in the knowledge that they did a pretty good job. They certainly changed the world.

But going back to Oscar Wilde’s mechanical slave-the mechanical slave, like the human slave, needs food. The food for the mechanical slave is energy. The most available energy sources, those that are most readily available and which we have been using for these 150 years, are the nonreplenishable energy resources of the earth.

Now, returning to the topic of professionalism, and paraphrasing the definition for engineering professionalism: Engineering professionalism is characterized by conformance to the technical and ethical standards related to the practice of engineering. The technical standards are self-evident.

So, focusing on the ethical standards, the definition of ethics is "…a set of moral principles or standards."

Now, consider our situation as we stand on the launching pad of the 21st century. The engineers, urged on by societal desire for a better life, have moved mankind from the cave to a world in which "culture and contemplation" abound. But they have done so at a very high cost. They have put us on a course of depleting the resources that feed our slave and of simultaneously destroying our fragile environment.

Make no mistake about it. It is the engineers who have achieved this! And, as professionals, they have a moral obligation to address this problem. No one else has the skills or the ability. And, if the problem goes unaddressed or unsolved, it will mean the end of civilization as we know it or as we would like to envision it.

The reason why the governmental bodies in the United States and Canada require professional engineers to become registered is to put some legal muscle in the "… moral principles or standards…." In most enabling legislation, the words used refer to the public safety or public welfare. As a result, engineers have the professional responsibility to consider the safety and welfare of the public.

Energy and the environment, however, have not been considered any more than a design parameter. This article’s thesis is that these two issues must be elevated from "design parameters" to "moral standards." (In fact, in most cases energy has not even been considered a design parameter-only the cost of the energy has been considered a design parameter.)

Little consideration was given to energy in the 1950s and 1960s. Then, following the oil embargo of 1973-74 and the so-called energy crisis resulting from it, an enormous amount of attention was given to energy in ASHRAE and in the engineering community as a whole for a few years. Then, as prices stabilized again, and the energy producers miraculously found reserves and told the world no problem existed, "energy" was returned to the back burner.

Many knowledgeable people have said that energy conservation is simply an economic issue, by which they mean one to be considered as any and all other economic commodity issues. When considering the alternatives on a given building project, they would say, the value of energy should be considered in terms of the present cost, and energy-saving concepts should be considered in terms of the economic return on investment (ROI) as they relate to the energy costs. The basic thesis of this article is that that concept is invalid. It is that energy conservation is an ethic.

The Energy Situation

Most people have heard the arguments ad infinitum about the energy situation, but a brief summary is as follows:

  • The energy reserves of the earth are being depleted at an exponentially increasing rate.
  • There will be a serious shortage of readily available reserves in the not too distant future.
  • Many of these reserves are well beyond the control of the countries that represent the largest consumers.
  • Loss of the energy needed to power the economy and lifestyles of the consuming countries would be an economic and social disaster of unmeasurable proportions.
  • The engineering community has the ability to design machinery to use differing amounts of energy to accomplish the same purpose; compared to most current practices, significantly less energy could be used to accomplish the same results.
  • Properly applied design philosophy will result in lower investment costs for systems that use less energy.

The last two points demonstrate the total control that engineers have in the matter, and these issues are not well understood and accepted. Perhaps the best way to demonstrate the issues stated in the last two points, is a case history example shown in the sidebar.

In summarizing the energy situation, engineers spent the 19th century exploring and developing technological concepts and principles and the 20th century changing the course of the human race through the development of a world society and economy that is totally dependent upon that technology and is becoming more so every day. The problem is that technology, in turn, is dependent upon a continued source of energy and a delicate environmental sink, both of which are depleting rapidly.

The Alternatives

Looking at the alternatives, if the engineering community does not take the lead in the conservation of energy resources and the protection of the environment, who will? All of the economic forces of our society are directed at using energy, not conserving it. Thus, business and government leaders will always encourage the continuing consumption of energy (although this encouragement is usually well concealed) because they see it as good for business. But remember, the continuance of our quality of life and a healthy economy is the primary long-range objective, and an economy only grows on productivity. A lot of people are getting rich practicing business techniques that are detrimental to the economy. Remember this-what is good for business is not necessarily good for the economy, but what is good for the economy is always good for business.

A simple example: Someone builds a building that consumes excessive energy. Aside from the fact that the energy ethic has been violated, the building will cost more to operate and will most likely cost more to build. If this is an office building, the tenant will have to spend more money to rent it, but, since he or she is in the goods and services business, his/her product will cost more. Thus, an inflationary spiral. So no one benefits, including the developer-he/she may not be able to rent the building and his/her venture may fail. Untold examples of such business failures exist in the commercial building markets.

To head off an economic and societal collapse of unbelievable proportions, we must move into the 21st century committed to the ethic of maintaining our socio-economic systems, while reducing the rate of depletion of the world’s energy reserves and preserving the environment.

With this background, then, it is proposed that there is a new standard of professionalism in engineering, and that is to practice our profession with an emphasis upon our responsibility to protect the long-range interests of the society we serve and, specifically, to incorporate the ethics of energy conservation and environmental preservation in everything we do. There is no infinite source or infinite sink.

Albert Einstein said it beautifully when addressing an assembly of engineers and scientists some 69 years ago:

"Concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors, concerns for the great unsolved problems of the organization of labor and the distribution of goods-in order that the creations of our mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations."

The naysayers in the profession may counter that the engineers are to serve the dictates of those for whom they are "employed," the business managers, the politicians, the administrators, the developers, or, ultimately, the consumers. But the engineers cannot use this haven of comfort or justification any more justifiably than the defendants of Nuremberg in 1945, whose defense was simply that they were just following orders.

Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1850 wrote, "Blessed are those who have no talent." Engineers are not so blessed. Engineers, and only engineers, are skilled in the art of applied physics necessary to truly understand how to design machinery and systems that preserve the way of life of humanity of the first world and expand it to the civilizations of the third world, while making the most judicious use of the world’s energy resources and creating no adverse impact upon the environment. It can be done, but only the engineers understand this and know how to do it.

Another key issue regarding new energy source and conversion technologies is that before these technologies can replace the current ones, the systems that consume the energy must do so much more effectively!

Putting the Ethic into Practice

Because the engineers were self-directed for the past century and a half in furthering the ability of mankind to enjoy "culture and contemplation," and because the energy ethic has not been embraced, with few exceptions engineers and scientists have not been historically considered the societal leaders. The dichotomy of this statement is that the engineers did more to shape the course of history in a positive vein than any other group, sometimes in spite of the so-called "leaders"-they just didn’t have good press.

Any number of ways exist that this proposed ethic can be put into practice (some are more aggressive than others; some, unfortunately, will be too little too late; and some may be misguided). One set of guidelines for engineers as they assume this new role follows.

1. Engineers must make every reasonable effort to self-educate, to revisit earlier habits and experiences, to develop a true and thorough appreciation for and understanding of the energy/environmental ethic.

2. Following self-education is the education of others. The educators of engineers must teach the newcomers to the profession in such a way as to instill the ethic as a fundamental part of the science. As stated earlier, the concepts of infinite and infinite sink must be used with great reservation. Such terms as thermal efficiency, Carnot efficiency, Carnot coefficient of performance and the like should be framed in terms of their relevance to the energy/environmental ethic rather than simply as esoteric terms in thermodynamics. The students of tomorrow must enter the business or scientific world with the full understanding that as engineers they have a responsibility to society.

Practicing engineers must, themselves, assume the role of educators. First, those with the knowledge and skills must educate their peers. Then, as an ongoing obligation, engineers must assume the role of educating their clients, employers, employees, legislators, and the public at large (this is a role unfamiliar to most engineering practitioners).

3. Engineers must assume the leadership role in business and interprofessional relations to ensure that the energy ethic is inherent in all aspects of the business community.

4. Engineers must become involved in governmental activities such as legislation, rulemaking, etc., to ensure that federal, state and local laws adhere to the energy/environmental ethic.

5. ASHRAE and other engineering and related societies must become activists in the dissemination of the energy/environmental ethic. The ethic should permeate all publications, papers, seminars, research projects, standards and guidelines.

6. Commercial interests must be restrained in their efforts to abort strict adherence to the ethic to gain competitive advantage. At the same time, care must be taken to bring about any change in such a way as to not create undue burden or hardship on any cooperative sector of business, society, or agency.

7. Probably more than anyone else, the economists must be educated in the unique value of energy. Energy cannot continue to be treated as any other commodity that follows the short-sighted laws of supply and demand (this matter is the most dangerous misunderstanding the modern world has experienced).

8. Above all, the members of the engineering community must stand vigilant to ensure that they are not misled, duped, or misused by other groups or interests as pawns to support their proprietary interests and under the guise of misdirected or unsupported claims of energy conservation or environmental improvement. The engineering profession must hold such interests to acceptable standards of scientific integrity and must assist in influencing legislators to do likewise.

In summary, this article has proposed a new standard of professionalism in engineering, and that is to practice the profession with an emphasis upon our responsibility to protect the long-range interests of the society we serve and, specifically, to incorporate the ethics of energy conservation and environmental preservation in everything we do.

This ethic, furthermore, can and should be practiced in such a way as to cause no adverse effects upon mankind or on the world economy. This objective may appear awesome, but, with the proper understanding, commitment, and well-directed dissemination, it is an achievable goal.

Copyright 2000, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Reprinted by permission from ASHRAE Journal-July 2000.

Flexible elastomeric closed cell insulation products have been in the market place for nearly fifty years. Like most mature products, product modifications for specific applications occur as the technology advances and markets change. Many of these modifications have really entered the market place in just the past five years. This article addresses five of these product modifications.

  • Flexible Elastomeric Insulation with Pre-Applied PSA (Pressure Sensitive Adhesives)
  • Non-Black Elastomeric Insulation
  • Non-Halogen Elastomeric Insulation
  • High Temperature Resistant Products
  • Non 25/50 Rated Applications
Flexible Elastomeric Insulation with Pre-Applied PSA (Pressure Sensitive Adhesives)

Easier to use products are driving forces in today’s markets. Elastomeric insulation has been traditionally installed using solvent-based contact adhesives. This is still the predominate method of installation. However, because of the need for easier/faster product application methods, elastomeric insulation (tubular, sheets and roll form) is now available with pre-applied pressure sensitive adhesives (PSA). The technology of pressure sensitive adhesives has greatly improved in recent years to the point where tearing of the rubber substrate will occur. Testing of adhesives indicates that good adhesion is found where the material fails before the adhesive. The PSA applied products offer the following advantages:

  • Reduce odor, material waste, and use of potentially hazardous materials at the job site
  • Ensure complete and uniform coverage of adhesive
  • Have excellent adhesion to most substrates
  • Require no special tools for application
  • Can be installed more quickly
  • Clean up faster
  • Have better appearance

Tubular elastomeric insulation with pre-applied PSA is ideal for straight pipe runs where the longitudinal seams can be sealed, simply by pressing them together. Contact adhesive is still required for the butt joints. For pipe runs with tight bends or sections with numerous fittings, the non-slit standard insulation is preferred.

The Elastomeric sheet materials with PSA, applied to tanks, vessels, duct work and air handlers for cold and chilled HVAC operations provides excellent performance. The pre-applied PSA product is particularly well suited for retrofit jobs, in operating areas, where adhesive odor and installation time are key concerns. Pre-applied pressure sensitive adhesives are limited in their installation (low temperature) and application (high temperature) service range compared to standard solvent based contact adhesives, which are more robust in both installation and application temperatures.

Elastomeric insulation with pre-applied PSA in tubular, sheet and roll forms have been successfully used in the market place because of their ease of use and faster installation time. The use of closed cell insulation as a duct liner and in air handling equipment has greatly increased in recent years as the market strives to meet more stringent air quality requirements. In most cases, additional mechanical fasteners are not required to secure the liner sheet material to the duct and equipment. SMACNA, the model building codes and NAIMA require that duct liner be installed with mechanical fasteners. The option of using mechanical fasteners in air handling units is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer. The use of a pre-applied PSA sheet product in these applications works very well. Flexible closed cell elastomeric insulation products with pre-applied PSA are not ideal for all applications, but where they are suited, as mentioned earlier, they can provide the contractor or fabricator an advantage. As always, the surface must be clean and dry for good adhesion.

Non-Black Elastomeric Insulation

For the better part of 50 years, closed cell elastomeric insulation was black in color. The addition of carbon black to the formulation has been considered to improve the properties of Tensile strength and UV resistance to some degree. With the use of alternate non-black fillers and UV inhibitors, non-black formulations now offer the same properties as their black counter parts. In the case of this modification, the technology was ahead of the market place. The technology was in need of an application large enough to justify the commercialization of a product. Large, open ceiling food distribution centers and super stores are the current trend. The black insulation created an aesthetic problem for this type of construction. The white insulation is easier to cover with the spray-applied ceiling and wall paints used in new construction. It also makes for a neater appearing job on retrofit/repair jobs where painting may not be allowed. The new "white" elastomeric insulation products have the same physical properties and code approvals as their black counter parts.

The white elastomeric insulation product is available in most sizes and should be considered for special applications where arsthelic may be an important factor.

Non-Halogen Elastomeric Insulation

One of the first uses of flexible closed cell elastomeric materials was submarine hull and pipe insulation. Usage on ships continues to be a large market. Standard elastomeric insulation is based on a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) polymeric blend. It is also customary to use halogen-containing materials as a flame retardant. These materials have provided excellent performance to the U.S. Navy over the years. With the advent of increased highly advanced shipboard electronics today, it was determined that materials with the potential for corrosive combustion products pose a danger to the safety of the vessel. Smoke from a small fire in one compartment of the vessel could filter (via the HVAC systems) into other areas where electronic equipment is located. If the smoke contains a corrosive component, this could cause a reaction to begin that would pose a danger to the integrity of the ship at some future date. Thus, there is the need for an insulation with the same properties as the standard insulation material without halogen materials, which would cause corrosive combustion products.

The non-halogen elastomeric insulation products have very similar properties to their halogen containing counter parts but are comprised of a different polymeric base blend and alternate flame retardants. In addition to being non-halogen they are also non-black (e.g. gray or green) to easily distinguish them from the standard product. They offer the same closed cell technology that provides excellent thermal conductivity values and low permeability (water vapor intrusion). They are designed to meet the requirements of Electric Boat EB 4013, a performance based specification that the Navy is requiring for new construction on ships rather than the traditional specification Mil P 15280J used previously for this application. Electric Boat EB 4013 applies to all new construction of Navy ships (submarines and surface ships) and will eventually replace Mil P 15280J in all shipboard applications. Electric Boat EB 4013 specifies a ¼ scale cabin test to determine the combustion characteristics which is considered by the Navy to more closely duplicate real life situations than the ASTM E-84 and E-662 test procedures as specified in Mil P 15280J.

Non-military vessels such as cruise or passenger ships would be subject to other specifications outlined in the SOLAS agreement of 1974 and further defined by the IMO (International Marine Organization) and the FTP Code effective since 1998. IMO requires low flame spread, low smoke and smoke toxicity. Non-halogen materials may be used for SOLAS requirements in limited quantities and applications.

The non-halogen elastomeric insulation materials also exhibit a greater high temperature service performance rating of 250°F. This is a significant improvement over the 220°F for the standard material. This elevated temperature allows limited usage on low-pressure steam applications.

This material is also finding usage in non-ship applications because of its low corrosive properties. It contains no halogens and like the standard insulation, it is pH neutral. It widens the window for flexible elastomeric insulation in the areas of austenitic stainless steel applications such as in food processing, power plants, industrial applications and others where external stress corrosion and pitting corrosion of austenitic stainless steel is a concern.

Non-halogen elastomeric insulation materials would be installed in the same manner as standard elastomeric insulation. The same installation techniques and materials can be used. They are available in similar sizes to the standard product. The non-halogen elastomeric insulation products produced at this time are not classified as being 25/50 (flame spread/smoke development) when tested according to ASTM E-84 and as such, their use is limited to applications, which do not require such a rating. It should not be construed that these products produce less smoke, only that the smoke that is produced is less corrosive.

High Temperature Resistant Products

Demand for products with higher temperature service ratings is increasing. A considerable amount of closed cell elastomeric tubular insulation is used in the automotive industry, under the hood.

Examples of this type of application would be for insulation on automotive air conditioning lines. Temperatures under the hood are typically in the 350°F range. Products for this type of application have been on the market place for a number of years. These products are now filtering into the industrial insulation market. They are based on alternate polymers and polymer blends other than what has been the standard (PVC/NBR) for many years. With the alternate polymer base comes physical property advantages such as service temperature rating up to 350°F and improved ultra violet light (UV) resistance.

Since the product has a closed cell structure, properties such as excellent thermal conductivity and low permeability (water vapor intrusion) are maintained. The main advantages of these materials are that they remain flexible over the entire temperature range from -40°F to 350°F and not degrade at continuous high temperature exposure. Applications such are solar collectors, dual temperature and low-pressure steam lines (50 lb.) are acceptable for this material.

It can be installed using the standard installation techniques. Combustion characteristics may be different than the standard insulation products. Non 25/50 rated materials are limited to non-plenum or industrial applications. The user must verify its applicability by specified thickness before using it in commercial applications. As new polymer blends and flame retardants are developed and evaluated, new demands from the market place will be met.

ASTM Committee C-16 on Thermal Insulation, specifically subcommittee C-16.22 on Organic and Nonhomogeneous Thermal Insulation, is reviewing ASTM C 534-99 (Standard Specification for Preformed Flexible Elastomeric Cellular Thermal Insulation in Sheet and Tubular Form) for inclusion of non-halogen and high-temperature grades to complement the standard grade that has been traditionally used. The subcommittee is also in the development stage of a standard for flexible polymeric foam sheet insulation used as a thermal and sound absorbing liner for duct systems. This standard would include a grade for elastomeric closed cell materials.

Non 25/50 Rated Applications

The standard closed cell elastomeric insulation materials generally have a 25/50 (flame spread/smoke development) rating at 1-inch thickness when tested according to ASTM E-84. Most applications require only 1-inch thickness or less of elastomeric insulation to satisfy design requirements to prevent condensation, however, design parameters should be verified against the thickness recommendation. This rating is necessary to meet the requirements for many applications and building codes in the United States and Canada. Standards organizations such as the National Fire Protection Association require this rating to meet specific standards such as NFPA 90A (Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems) for insulation in ducts, plenums etc.

The Building Officials and Code Administration (BOCA) provides national codes for compliance to approved test of building materials (insulation) in a specific environment. Most model code organizations mandate a 75/450 rating (Interior Finishes) for all areas of the building with the exception of plenums where a 25/50 rating is required. The requirements should be reviewed with the authority having jurisdiction for the specific application.

Many architects and contractors specify that all insulation must meet the 25/50 rating because they want to have uniformity in the materials at the construction site to avoid the possibility of using the wrong material.

There are many applications that would not require the 25/50 flammability rating by code or standard. The most obvious would be outside or burial applications. In this case, other considerations may actually be more important than a 25/50 flame and smoke rating. In many military, transportation (rail car), chemical and industrial applications, the rating is not required, as is the case for many equipment applications such as air conditioners, chillers, water coolers etc. In these applications, small-scale fire tests such as UL 94, ASTM E 162, ASTM E 662 or ASTM D 3675 are the relevant test procedures.

As our insulation market grows, we should be aware of the wide range of elastomeric closed cell foams available that would provide excellent insulation qualities such as thermal conductivity and low permeability (water vapor intrusion) as a result of their closed cell structure but may not have a 25/50 (flame spread/smoke development) rating per ASTM E-84. These materials may offer other properties or benefits that would make them the preferred product for many applications.

Concluding Comments

There have been many advances in the materials classified as flexible closed cell elastomeric insulation. Physical properties such as thermal conductivity, permeability, flame and smoke rating have all been improved over the years. But in the past 5 years, the market place has seen many improvements in these materials that are designed to broaden their application scope. I have mentioned a few of these product modifications in an effort to clarify where the new products are best suited for use. As the market place becomes more competitive, I suspect there will be even more product diversification for specific applications. As these and other polymers are brought into the insulation market place, the limits of elastomeric insulation materials will be expanded.


Physical Property Test Method Units Standard Non-Halogen
Thermal C-177 BTU – in/hr .27 .27
Conductivity   – sq. ft. – °F
(k) at 75°F
Water Vapor Transmission E-96 Perm – in. .10 .05
Ozone Resistance Excellent Excellent
Operating Temperature     -70°F to 220°F -40°F to 250°F


Physical Property Test Method Units Standard High Temperature
Thermal Conductivity     .27 .30
Water Vapor .10 .05
Ozone Excellent Excellent
Operating Temperature -70°F to 220°F -40°F to 350°F

Over the past 11 years that I have been watching the firestop systems market, there have been many evolutions that have taken place. Each "evolution" of the market starts with a new idea by a code organization, architect/engineer, manufacturer, contractor or a distributor about how the construction team can improve life safety through better technology, process, installation techniques and/or testing. The purpose of this article is to discuss some key issues in the firestop contracting industry today, with a bit of history, and an eye on the future. In the coming paragraphs, we’ll discuss the Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA), testing and technology, specifications, contractor qualifications, code enforcement and legal issues, manufacturer/contractor partnerships-inspectors, architect/engineers and their roles in the changing firestop industry.

Industry Influences

Within the last two years, the FCIA has formed and flourished from 7 members to 85 from around North America. FCIA’s charter has been to be at the forefront of the industry through direct involvement in innovations with program, code and specification development.

Testing and Technology

Manufacturers are constantly improving product technology to optimize application labor, reducing product costs while maintaining the integrity required for the firestop system to perform. These improvements have helped reduce the amount of materials in a firestop system to make firestop system installations easier to install, inspect and meet the actual building design requirements.

Examples of testing and technology "evolutions" the past few years include new firestop spray-on products for top of wall and perimeter fire containment system applications; thinner, smaller wrap strip sizes; testing of reusable fire stop "bricks" and "pillows"; as well as the use of more environmentally and user friendly latex and acrylic sealants, putties and mastics.


Since 1997, firestop specifications have also "evolved". New additions to specifications include: perimeter fire containment, cycling of joint systems, air leakage testing to simulate smoke movement, and STC/NRC ratings for sound.

Where are firestop requirements specified? In the past, Division 7, section 07270 handled all firestopping. Now, there are multiple sections with firestopping mentioned. The Division is still "7", with a "master" section of 07840, "Firestopping". Subsections include 07841, "Through Penetration Firestop Systems" which includes various plumbing, mechanical, electrical and "poke through" openings and 07842, "Fire Resistive Joint Systems", including expansion joints in buildings, "top of wall" and perimeter fire containment systems applications. Perimeter fire containment systems protect the opening where a rated floor assembly and an exterior wall structure interface. This wall assembly may or may not be a fire resistance rated exterior wall structure abutting the fire resistance rated floor assembly.

Fire resistance, thermal envelope protection, and movement criteria of these independent substrates must be maintained. This multi function purpose serves the building through energy efficiency and preventing fire from moving from floor to floor at the building edge, either through the "safing slot" or "lapping" from floor to floor on the outside. These areas, once protected, are called Perimeter Fire Containment Systems (PFCS). There have been major losses due to lack of, or improper protection systems at the perimeter gap. Examples include the Market Street Building, Philadelphia, PA (total loss), First Interstate Bank and Occidental Towers, Los Angeles, CA, and The Hilton Las Vegas, NV. Numerous articles have been written about these disasters.

In the southeast, FCIA member Renee Woodruff of Seal Systems, Inc., Tallapoosa, Ga. reports that specification language is very specific about firestopping. Although specifications exist, corresponding details on construction drawings (especially for perimeter fire containment systems and top-of-wall applications) on some projects can be conflicting. In some cases, the detail on the drawings may show acoustical sealant at the top of the wall rather than firestop systems. When the wall/floor assembly is fire rated, this is a conflict. The situation causes controversy during the bid process as some contractors may bid based on the much less expensive, non-fire rated, acoustical sealant design. We have seen some improvement in the drawings recently, however. Some are now directly referencing the tested and listed firestop system for the application whether it’s top of wall, perimeter fire containment system or penetrations.

What’s in the firestop specification today that might not have been before, and how might things change in the future?

Special Firestop Inspections & Contractor Qualification Code language allows building officials to require a special inspection for any building component. The "special inspections" section of the model and International Codes has been an option available to jurisdictions for many years. Systems include structural steel fireproofing, welding, heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) fire and smoke damper systems, sprinklers and alarm systems.

Firestop systems are an important life safety item, part of a balanced strategy to protect building occupants, property and continuity of operations inside the structure. Firestopping is a "Systems Specific Containment Construction Program". Firestop products need to be installed to the detailed parameters tested and listed in a system drawing. In cases where there is not tested and listed system for the particular application in ANY listing directory, from ANY manufacturer, an "Engineering Judgement" (EJ) or "Equivalent Fire Resistance Rated Assembly" (EFFRA) must be obtained either from the manufacturer of the tested and listed system or an engineer from the testing laboratory. The EJ/EFFRA is needed because one or more parameters in the tested and listed system are compromised by the actual dimensions in the field. Possibly an annular space was too large, the insulation on the pipe to thick or a type different than described, or maybe the gap larger than tested.

In the firestopping business, if an installer, estimator or other person misses a parameter, whether intentional or not, it could potentially cause loss of life, property damage or interruption in continuity of operations. Therefore, it’s important to install to the tested and listed system, and, EJ/EFFRA parameters. Firestop installing really must be viewed as a "zero tolerance" item. If the parameters of a tested system or EJ/EFFRA are not followed, the system may not work, rendering the investment in building protection useless. The detail oriented processes to "get this done" can be complicated if the "zero tolerance mindset" is not understood. The "zero tolerance" process may be complicated, but not impossible. Many firms have trained themselves to "demand zero tolerance", with the end in mind of increased efficiency and less chance for architect/engineer or authority having jurisdiction rejection.

To accomplish this "Zero Tolerance" attitude, FCIA and Factory Mutual (FM) have developed the "Approval of Firestop Contractors Standard, FM 4991". This new "contractor quality" standard, much like an ISO 9001 process for manufacturing firms, assesses the installation quality process of a firestop subcontractor. This "up front" qualification, coupled with Inspection (discussed below), assures the owner that quality procedures and follow up were performed on an important life safety system, firestop systems.

In some areas of the country, a code official and/or independent inspector verifies that the owner and general public are actually receiving the firestop system (life safety) bought and paid for in the scope of work, and required by code. Many specifications exist with independent inspection for firestopping, usually paid for and hired by the owner. However, specifications generally have yet to address inspector qualifications or the inspection procedure used for the process. Variations of inspection methodology and thoroughness from inspector to inspector on projects can lead to difficulties on the jobsite for the construction team.

To help solve inspection variance problems, the technical committee of the Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA) has written and proposed a standard for Special Firestop Inspection that has been submitted to the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) E-06 Committee. In ASTM, the Special Firestop Inspection Standard is being reviewed and in process of becoming an ASTM Standard. FCIA and NIA Member, Don Sabrsula, Firesafe of Houston, Katy, Texas, originator of the document, is chairing the ASTM task group responsible for converting it to a consensus document suitable for use in the industry. "FCIA recognized that there is a lack of awareness by all parties on the construction team that firestop is a "zero tolerance" systems application. "Zero Tolerance" starts with choosing the right product, proper system installation, inspections and providing documentation that the firestop systems installation process has been followed. And, our industry’s inspectors need to be operating in a standard manner that provides consistency and compliance." Building officials from the authority having jurisdiction or an independent inspection firm can accomplish this process. Don reports, for example, that Austin, TX has seen the need for special inspection of firestop systems installations. It’s required by ordinance that an independent third party agency performs the special firestop inspection. This ordinance has been in place for a number of years.

Firestop Contractor Qualifications

Currently, contractor qualification language in specifications vary, depending on the area of the country. Typically, we see requirements such as: contractor "approved by the manufacturer", "contractor with experience in the type and size of work specified; with three or more years of experience; with a reference projects for the owner/architect/GC to visit; and "a manufacturers’ willingness to sell product to a contractor does not solely qualify the firm to install the product."

Firestop product manufacturers, many who are members of the International Firestop Council (IFC), (an industry trade association of manufacturers and other interested parties) have spent time and money educating contractors on the installation of their products to meet code and specification requirements. Additionally, FCIA has recently published the first edition of the Firestop Industry Manual of Practice, a book focused on the firestop contracting specialty profession. Manual of Practice topics include codes, materials, tested systems selection and EJ/EFRRA’s, firestop testing qualification, contractor process for quality control, project management and a glossary of terms. This document, a firestop industry first, is used as the basis for the FM 4991) Approved Contractor, "Designated Responsible Individual" test (see below).

Architects in key major cities have reviewed the new "FM 4991 FM Firestop Contractor Approval Standard" and offered their support for better contractor qualification language. Major architectural firms, code officials and contractors have offered comments to make the FM 4991

Firestop Contractor Approval Standard a consensus document for the industry. Feedback from major specifiers is that as the number of FM 4991 Approved Contractors reaches three to five per major city, the contractor approval standard will become commonplace in specifications.

It makes sense to use a specialty firm with expertise in this area of life safety construction as there truly should be "zero tolerance" for deviations from tested and listed systems installations.

Ken Hercenberg of RTKL Architects, Baltimore, Md. has been so concerned with the contractor quality issue in firestopping that he wrote an editorial, published in the Construction Specifications Institute’s Construction Specifier magazine asking "Where are the Certified Firestoppers?". Firestop Systems are a life safety item and there were not many requirements available for qualification of firestop contractors prior to the FM 4991 Firestop Contractor Approval Standard.

Firestop Installer Training

Over the years, firestop contractor firms have had their own training for installers, either on the jobsite or in-house, done by their own personnel, a manufacturer’s representative or distributor, or a firestop specialist person during special seminars. Union companies and installers may have access to training through their apprenticeship training programs as part of their collective bargaining agreements.

In Chicago, the Heat and Frost Insulators Union Local 17 Apprentice Training Program, has included firestop systems in their curriculum for over 10 years. In other areas of the country, the carpenter and laborers’ unions offer training for their craftspersons. Watch for specifications to require specific training of installers in the future, done in a generic manner, including requirements for ongoing continuing education of workers to keep up with fast changing product and testing requirements.

The FCIA Education Committee, formed in 2000, will be working on training packages for FCIA members to use as tools to educate the construction marketplace about the need for proper firestopping practices. The IFC has also developed some generic training programs for fire/code officials, architects/engineers and the rest of the construction team.

Smoke Rated Construction

Although codes require smoke protection, they are not very clear about what is sometimes termed by the industry as "smoke sealing". There are requirements in most specifications to resist the passage of smoke and gasses. In the International Building Code (IBC), smoke protection is referenced in chapter 7, and refers to the penetrations section for requirements. Currently, the firestop industry standard to simulate smoke movement restriction is the "L" (Air Leakage) Rating, tested as part of UL 1479 (UL’s version of ASTM E 814) at Underwriters Laboratories. Many specifications already call for treatment of walls/floors with fire, smoke and hot gas resistant firestop systems. However, not all firestop systems have an "L" Rating. Watch out for this smoke requirement when submitting firestop systems to the Authority Having Jurisdiction or architect/engineer. There could be added business risk to the contractor if the specifications have smoke requirements, yet the submittal fails to address this area.

Smoke generated from fire can cause damage, injuries and loss of life just as fire can. And, with higher fuel loads due to furnishings, computers and components, finishes, paper in cabinets and other items contributing to the smoke generation from a fire, it can be impossible to visually find a way out of a fire due to smoke migration to unprotected areas. Using firestop systems in conjunction with fire walls/floors, and smoke/fire dampers, alarm systems and sprinklers in balanced approach to firestopping seems the be the way to protect buildings and life safety proactively. Many articles, usually appearing after a disaster, continually promote the balanced approach to fire prevention, incorporating many types of protection into protection strategies.

Physical Capabilities

Specifications, for the most part, also call for firestop system products to be environmentally compatible while appropriate to the specific application. Included physical capabilities could be traffic, moisture resistance, sound attenuation, and physical damage resistance. These characteristics include joint systems, perimeter fire containment and mechanical/plumbing/electrical penetrations as well.

Inspection, FM 4991 Firestop Contractor Approval and continuing education of industry participants are very important to increase life safety in the firestopping arena. Although there are many firestop specialty firms that work hard to embrace a "zero tolerance" company culture, we still hear horror stories from FCIA members who report unscrupulous contractors using things like red Kool-Aid added to drywall compound to make an inexpensive generic "product" look like a tested and listed system product, or who transfer generic sealants that resemble the color of firestop sealant from an inexpensive bucket to an empty firestop material pail. And, the altered product may have only a fraction of the fire resistance of the tested system product. Better contractor qualification (FM 4991) and third party inspection can help reduce the occurrence of these practices.

Code Language

Clearly, Firestop Systems requirements are in the BOCA, (BOCA National Building Code), SBCCI (Standard Building Code), and UBC (Uniform Building Code) codes and have been for a number of years (since the early to mid 80’s). The last publication of these three separate codes is behind us. Over the next few years, the IBC, written by the International Code Council (consortium of the BOCA, SBCCI and UBC) will be adopted by states and municipalities.

For firestopping, code language has mentioned maintaining the wall and floor ratings for years. Currently, the IBC states that the wall and floor ratings must be maintained using a tested and listed system suitable for the specific purpose. Typically ASTM E 814 is the referenced standard. (See section 709, 711 and 712, IBC) Also, Smoke Barrier Penetrations are to be sealed per the "penetrations section".

According to Kelly Reynolds, Building Code Consultant, over 1200 U.S. jurisdictions are now "on the International Codes". Kelly also reports that Alaska, Florida, New York and So. Dakota are preparing to go on the ICC codes with more considering the change.

The 2000 IBC has new language, being debated by industry, architects, code officials and contractors. As it was with the three model codes, each code’s writing and editing cycle brings a new twist to the codes, and the International Codes are no different.

Enforcement Issues

Enforcement for firestopping varies from area to area. In general, building code officials, inspectors and owners’ organizations are becoming better educated about the "zero tolerance" issue pertaining to firestopping. Building owners who have been shorted on firestop systems before, are now asking prospective contractors "what systems do you plan on using here?" Alec Rexroat, Executive Director of the Illinois Regional Insulation Contractors Association, finds that institutional owners in the Midwest are well educated about how to "buy a firestop project." However, the Firestop Industry must do much more work to further the industry enforcement education.

In Nevada, the state is in the process of taking steps to understand what it is purchasing when buying firestop systems installations through conventional methods. It seems they’ve had too many applications fall outside tested and listed system parameters, spending considerable money on corrections.

Firestop contractors also must pay particular attention to local jurisdiction requirements for EJs or EFFRA’s used in lieu of a tested and listed system. Some areas of the country do not want to accept EJ/EFRRA’s, period! FCIA and IFC Standards must be maintained when no "tested and listed system" exists to deal with a particular job site condition.

Legal Perspectives

Contractors really need to know the correct protocol to use when installing firestop systems. With all the training, seminars, associations like FCIA and IFC, the FM 4991 Contractor Approval Standard Program, and Internet education opportunities available, the courts and insurance industry wouldn’t look lightly on mistakes made that cause losses of life, property or continuity of operations due to workmanship. There’s just been too much written and presented in the industry for uneducated contractors to use the "we were unaware" or "didn’t understand the firestop installation zero tolerance process" excuses.


While the market for firestop products is still growing, there are manufacturers continually looking at entering the market. Longtime suppliers have been joined by some big names in the insulation and fireproofing businesses. This larger supplier base means more options for the firestop contractor. However, it also means contractors need to stay abreast of more information to keep competitive. Throughout the industry, tested systems knowledge and the desire to learn more seems greater than ever among all the participants in the industry, contractors, distributors, manufacturers, code officials and architect/engineers. Competition based on tested systems detailed drawings instead of "product" and price is the trend in the industry. Lower installed costs will become evident due to tested system optimization and a larger pool of manufacturers and contractors competing in the marketplace.

What Does All This Mean?

The firestop market is growing, changing, and becoming more competitive than ever before. However, the competition now and into the future will take place more on a "tested systems" level instead of "product" level, requiring contractor brainpower to decipher the multitude of systems available to a particular application down to those that make financial and physical sense. The playing field of manufacturers, distributors, contractors and inspectors is better educated about the business and its requirements. However, the professional firestop contractor will still have to deal with individuals in the industry that do not have the depth of knowledge required to implement "zero tolerance" firestop systems installations. These players may try to skirt the system for whatever reason adding risks such as loss of life, property protection and loss of operational continuity to the building occupant’s risks. With improved contractor qualification specified, (FM 4991 Approved Firestop Contractors), inspection consistency increased due to the industry’s pursuit of a consensus inspection standard, industry education by FCIA, IFC, manufacturer, distributor and interested party programs about the firestop installation protocol, the firestop team’s risk may be reduced.

Most importantly, building occupants (that’s us) will be pleased to know they can sleep at night… with a building well protected by a balanced approach of both passive and active fire protection systems utilized for optimum safety and performance.

(This article is a supplement to the June issue of Insulation Outlook.)

Written by Bill McHugh, with edit comments from the FCIA Board of Directors, Breck Spain—Performance Contracting, Inc., Sacramento, CA & Don Murphy, PPMI Firestop, principal editing delegates. You may reach Bill through the FCIA web site at or call him at 630-690-0682.

For years, manufacturers and fabricators of fiberglass insulation have looked for cost-effective means of recycling fiberglass insulation. A major insulation contractor has evaluated and adopted an existing technology that can convert the stream of discarded glass fibers, generated as a by-product of fiberglass insulation manufacturing and fabrication, into saleable acoustical and thermal insulation board products. This contractor has recently designed and constructed a full-scale production facility to do this in Morristown, Indiana.

The technology starts with clean, dry industrial fiberglass insulation material. Then, the fiberglass is formed into a wet pack, resinated, dried, and cured into boards that have a density range from about 3 ½ to 7 lb/ft3, a thickness from 1 to 4 inches, and finished widths of up to 60 inches. The process is a unique recycling process whereby otherwise discarded glass fibers are made into commercially valuable board products.


A unique fiberglass recycling facility has recently been designed, constructed, and started in Morristown, Indiana. For the input fiber, this plant takes fiber from a major fiberglass manufacturer. This fiber is the trim and other discarded fibers that are the normal by-products of its manufacturing and fabrication processes and would otherwise be sent to a local landfill. The new recycling plant will convert this input fiber directly into commercially valuable, quality board products, without first melting that input fiber.

The particular recycling process is based on proven technology that has been modified and enhanced. A small, 160 lbs. per hour pilot line has been operated in Newark, Ohio since 1992; it converts discarded fiberglass insulation into excellent fiberglass boards. While the pilot line is limited to producing boards with a 24-inch width, they have superior compressive strength; also, they have thermal and acoustical performance comparable to other fiberglass boards of the same density, thickness, and fiber diameter. Most of this plant’s capacity is sold, primarily as acoustical treatment for building interiors.

The new production plant in Indiana uses a Fourdrinier-type wet process, adds an organic binder (a resin) solution, and then passes the wet, resinated fiberglass pack through a gas fired, high velocity convection curing oven. The process is unique for this application; the pilot line and the new production line are the only plants in the world making a fiberglass insulation board product from discarded fiberglass insulation without first remelting those fibers. Because no materials are melted, this is a low temperature, low energy consuming process. The only added ingredient is binder that makes up less than 10 percent by weight of the final board product. In addition, most dry trim or unused fiberglass material generated in the process is simply added back at the beginning of the line. Overall, this process generates very little waste; all liquid binder and water used are recirculated for reuse and most off-quality boards are simply reprocessed. This fiberglass conversion process has eight years of environmentally successful operation on a pilot line basis.

This new process lends itself to making custom products. The manufacturing line can be started up to make a specific amount of one product. The entire line can then be simply shut down, quickly adjusted, and then restarted making a different product. The change over takes a fraction of the time required for traditional processes and the small amount of ‘transition’ material is simply recycled. No melting furnace needs to be controlled and no molten material is used or wasted. This allows the plant personnel to change products several times a day and even to make custom orders, thereby reducing the need for large product inventories.

Description of the Original Pilot Line Plant

The pilot line has been operating since 1992 and is located in Newark, Ohio. This basic manufacturing process combines new adaptations of the proven Fourdrinier forming process that is used in the paper and fiber mat manufacturing industries with an innovative oven curing process based on those used in fiberglass insulation manufacturing.

Input fiber is first received as either compressed bales or loose material, which is processed into a uniform condition. The processed, dry input fiber is then mixed with water to form slurry. The prepared slurry is pumped to the Fourdrinier type forming box at the desired production rate for the factory. The forming box consists of an inclined, moving mesh, forming conveyor that collects the fiberglass fibers as the water drains through the conveyor, converting the slurry to a wet fiberglass pack. Almost all of the water is recycled with the addition of make-up water for slurry preparation.

After most of the water has been extracted by vacuum, binder is applied to the fiber pack by flooding with a thermo-setting phenolic resin binder solution. The excess binder solution is then extracted from the fiber pack with the use of suction fans, further reducing moisture content. The extracted binder solution is returned to the binder application process. After binder extraction and prior to entering the curing oven, the wet fiber pack enters a dryer where moisture content is reduced to about 60 percent.

After the dryer, the moist pack enters the curing oven. The curing oven has upper and lower moving screens, with side seals, and natural gas burners with a large fan. Perforations in the screens allow heated air to be forced through the fiberglass pack by means of the circulating fans. The heated air first evaporates the water and then cures the binder. The top screen can be raised or lowered to set the thickness of the product. The oven has different zones where airflow is reversed (top to bottom, bottom to top), and air temperature is controlled for proper curing. After curing, the binder locks the fibers together giving the finished product its thickness, density, and physical and chemical properties.

Some of the oven exhaust gases are used to preheat the combustion air and some of the other oven exhaust gases are used as make-up air for the de-watering and binder extraction areas. These warm exhaust gases help to remove some moisture from the fiber pack and the wet fiber pack partially scrubs the exhaust gases of volatiles that otherwise would go out the exhaust stack.

When the product leaves the oven, it is trimmed to width and sheared to length. Depending on the requirements of the finished product it can also be bisected, sanded and/or faced prior to packaging. Most edge trim, saw or sanding dust and off-ware are returned to the process as input fiber. There is very little waste generated.

Description of the New Plant

The new production line has a far greater capacity than the pilot line. The following is a description of the technical operation of the recycling operation for the production facility:

Production Line Raw Fiber Handling

Clean, dry raw input fiber is received from fiberglass manufacturers and fabricators and sorted and segregated according to fiber category. Workers remove facings and any interleaving material; they cut larger boards into smaller pieces; and balance the input of the fiber by categories required for a particular blend of finished board.

Raw fiber is hand loaded onto conveyors in each of two sorting areas. The fiber is fed through a metal detector and onto a chopper machine. The choppers are individually set for each category of fiber. Figure 1 shows input fiber being loaded onto a conveyor.

Chopped fiber flows onto a conveyor, and when the pre-measured batch volume has been reached, the conveyors stop until the next batch cycle starts. The different categories of fiber combine and are then carried by conveyor to batch mix tanks.

Production Line Slurry Batch Mixing

Batch volumes are based on the desired production throughput. A concentrated fiberglass – water slurry is created as the mix tank fills. Batch sizes can vary depending on the concentration required for the product being made.

The concentrated slurry is further homogenized and then pumped into a slurry supply tank. During this process, it is diluted with White Water that is recycled from the discharge of the downstream production. If the forming section requires more or less fiber, the concentrated slurry flow rate is changed accordingly. Figure 2 shows the various conveyors and tanks used in the slurry batch process. Figure 3 shows the fiberglass – water slurry in a mix tank.

Production Line Former and Dewatering Sections

The Former and Dewatering equipment, employing a modified Fourdrinier process, is designed for the capacity of the plant at a fixed slurry feed rate. The production width can be set at a minimum of 51 inches (nominal 4 foot) and a maximum of 63 inches (nominal 5 foot). Production thickness can be set between 1 and 4 inches. The speed of the line can be changed to maintain a fixed solids output with different widths, thickness and density.

A large percentage of the water is mechanically removed from the pack by a high velocity vacuum prior to thermal drying. This "White Water" from the former section is subsequently separated from the air by moisture separators and is recirculated.

Production Line Binder Storage and Mixing

Binder is made up in batches prior to use. Chemical additives are then supplied by a small metering pump to adjust pH and help to increase the binder solubility. When the binder is ready for use, it is pumped to a "Binder Ready Tank". Binder is continuously supplied to the pack and the excess is collected and recirculated.

Production Line Dryer

Figure 5 shows the wet pack as it enters the multi-zone dryer conveyor/oven, expressly designed to evaporate water but not to cure the binder. Some of the dryer exhaust air is ducted to the binder and White Water dewatering sections. This heated air is pulled through the wet fiber pack where most of the volatile organic compound gases (VOCs) are absorbed by the water in the wet fiber pack and then are exhausted to the outside of the building. Some of this air is reheated and recycled through the dryer. Figure 6 shows this production line dryer.

Production Line Curing Oven

The curing oven is a unique multi-zone conveyor/oven designed specifically for this plant. The oven not only supplies and maintains the correct flow rate and air temperature required for the range of products, but also supplies/recycles the exhaust to the dryer and forming sections at temperature and rates that maintain an efficient energy and mass balance for the entire process.

Fiberglass board products then leave the curing oven hot and with no moisture.

Production Line Post-manufacturing

After emerging from the curing oven, the boards undergo the following post manufacturing processing. This includes convective cooling, side trimming, cutting to length, bisecting, and surface sanding.

Dust Collection

A dust collector is located in the material handling area. It is used to collect edge trim, bisect saw waste and sanding waste.

Reuse of Waste Materials Generated

Much of the fiberglass material that is trimmed, sanded, or otherwise removed during production and all off-quality products are simply reprocessed. There is little scrap generated by the process. Also, there is no liquid waste with the new plant, because all water used in the wet process is recirculated and the liquid binder solution is recycled. Because of this new plant, the flow of discarded fiberglass and combustible packaging materials otherwise going to landfill should be substantially reduced and converted into commercial products.

Properties of the Fiberglass Boards Produced by the Process

This process of making fiberglass boards from recycled fiberglass insulation is unique. Mineral fiber insulations are typically manufactured by melting raw input material (such as rock, slag, sand, or recycled glass) and forming hot fibers that are sprayed with binder, air-cooled, and then formed into an uncured pack. The uncured pack is then passed through a curing oven, which compresses the pack to its final thickness and cures the binder.

By contrast, this new recycling facility uses a wet process, starting with glass that has already been fiberized, adding water to make slurry and then using a modified Fourdrinier forming box to create a thick, wet pack. The wet pack is then resinated, dried and cured.

Because the fibers are already formed and cooled, and water, instead of air, is used to form the pack, the boards have both similar and unique characteristics. In general, those similarities and differences are discussed below:

Control Over Product Density and Thickness

Once a mass production rate has been selected, density and thickness are simply controlled by a combination of the line speed and thickness setting on the curing oven. The process has been used to continuously manufacture boards with densities between 3 ½ and 7 lb/ft3 and thicknesses between 1 and 4 inches.

Control Over Manufactured Product Width

With typical air formed mineral fiber products, a particular manufacturing machine is limited to one width. If there is a need for a finished product with a narrower width, it can only be made by trimming a cured board. By contrast, the process can form and cure a pack at different widths by simply adjusting the width of the Fourdrinier forming box, and resetting guards on the water and fiber extraction, the dryer, the curing oven, and the trim saws.

Control Over the Distribution and Amount of Added Binder

Binder is added as a solution flowing over a weir onto the wet pack. Varying the solution’s concentration is used to control the quantity of added binder. And, because the entire pack is saturated by binder solution, all areas of the pack receive a uniform binder coating.

Control Over Surface Quality

Because the boards are made from shorter, randomly oriented fibers, they can be readily sanded to give exceedingly smooth surfaces. The consistency of these surfaces is only limited by the accuracy of the sanding equipment; this new plant’s equipment has consistently made surfaces with +/- 1/32-inch finished thickness. Also, because this surface is consistent and smooth, it can be effectively painted with light paint coatings as well as faced with less adhesive.

Compressive Strength

Boards made by the process have significantly higher compressive strength values, for a given density, than is typically found for air formed fiberglass boards. For example, a 6 lb/ft3 density board has a tested compressive strength, at 10 percent deformation, of about 600 lb/ft2, per ASTM C165, Method A.

Fiber Diameter

With an air formed mineral fiber product, fiber diameter is set by the spinner hole size used to make the fibers and cannot be changed without great difficulty and expense. In fact, it is typically held constant for a given machine. The mean fiber diameter of the boards is based on the mean fiber diameter of the input fibers, so adjusting the fiber mix can change it. On the pilot line, discarded fine fiber building and pipe insulation has been successfully used to produce boards with a mean fiber diameter in a range from 20 to 35 hundred thousandths of an inch (HT).

Flame Spread

Both 4 and 7 lb/ft3 boards have been tested for flame spread and been shown to have a Class A fire rating.

Thermal Conductivity

As with other mineral fiber insulation products, the thermal conductivity of a board, for a given mean temperature, depends on bulk fiber density and mean fiber diameter. Tested values for thermal conductivity are comparable to those for other commercially available fiberglass board products of the same density and fiber diameter.

Sound Absorption

Sound absorption, for a given thickness and frequency, depends primarily on thickness, bulk fiber density, and mean fiber diameter. The board sound absorption values are comparable to those for commercially available fiberglass boards of the same thickness, bulk fiber density, and mean fiber diameter. For example, 2 inch thick, 7 lb/ft3 density boards made with 28 HT diameter fibers have a tested Noise Reduction Coefficient equal to 1.05.

Product Customization

A major advantage of the process over typical air formed mineral fiber manufacturing processes is ease of transitioning from one product to another (i.e. changing thickness and density) and the fact that the process works with inventoried raw fiber. This allows for plant staff to custom manufacture products and not have to rely strictly on inventoried products. Because the line can be started up or shut down with the push of a button, it is far easier, with this process, to change between one product and another.

ASTM C612 Compliance

Based on the performance tests conducted, fiberglass boards manufactured by the process meet the requirements of ASTM C612, Type 1B.


A unique wet process pilot line has operated for eight years, successfully manufacturing fiberglass boards from discarded fiberglass material. This new facility takes large quantities of clean, dry fiberglass, which would be otherwise discarded and sent to landfill, and converts it into high quality fiberglass board products.

The boards made by this process are similar to mineral fiber insulation boards made by the traditional air formed process. Thermal and acoustical properties are comparable, for a given thickness, bulk fiber density, and mean fiber diameter. However, the process also creates some unusual product characteristics. Compressive strength is greater and the product possesses the ability to be finished to a finer thickness tolerance. While the total binder content may be higher than traditional boards (due to the resident binder that is present on some of the input fiber), the binder distribution is extremely uniform. This gives these boards a more consistent appearance and performance.

This process has the potential to significantly reduce the quantities of discarded mineral fiber insulation currently going into landfills by converting this discarded material into high quality board products. As such, it represents an exciting new recycling technology for trim and off-quality mineral fiber insulation materials that otherwise would be discarded.

Along with energy conservation, personnel protection, and process control, thermal insulation plays an important role in condensation control. The most common applications where condensation control is important are on pipes and ducts carrying water, air and other fluids at temperatures that are lower than that of the ambient air.

Unless surface temperatures on the outer surfaces of these pipes and ducts are higher than the dew point temperature of the ambient air, water will condense from the air onto these surfaces. Without a continuous vapor-retarder membrane on the outer surfaces of the insulation sealing the insulation, joints, seams, and penetrations, condensation will occur between insulation sections and condense and collect between the insulation and the cold metal surfaces of pipes and ducts.

Water poses potential problems for the owners whether it collects on the surfaces or behind the vapor retarder or both. These problems include deterioration of the thermal performance of the insulated system, metal corrosion, wood deterioration, mildew and mold growth, objectionable odors, complaints on the indoor air quality, and callbacks for insulation contractors.

The Blame Game

Many of these callback sessions can slide into blame assessment meetings involving the owner (who has an obvious problem that needs corrective action at someone else’s expense), the engineer, the insulation contractor, and the manufacturers of the insulation and accessory materials. Most of us have been there and done that.

During these callback sessions, the engineer blames the contractor for not following the specifications and for using inferior workmanship, and the engineer also blames the manufacturer for supplying inferior materials. The contractor blames the engineer for ambiguous specifications and blames the manufacturers for inferior products. The manufacturers blame the engineer for inadequate design and specifications, the contractor for inferior workmanship, and the owner for the way the systems are operated.

It is too bad that meetings of the interested parties too often occur after a problem is thrust on the owner. None of the parties involved anticipate that condensation problems will happen on the job when the systems are placed in service. They all feel confident that their individual contributions to the final installation are excellent. It follows, then, that any problem must be attributed to others. The proper time for a meeting is while the project is in the planning stages before the designs are completed and specifications are written.

Effective condensation control is not a matter for chance, compromise, or cost minimization. The laws of physics are not subject to the wishes of engineers, contractors, manufacturers, or owners.

Communication is Key

Open and frank discussions among all parties about the operating conditions at the building site can help the engineer select the proper design criteria for the ambient air, define the pipe and duct dimensions, and select the insulation materials, facings or jackets. In addition, the discourse will aid the engineer in calculating the thicknesses required for the intended service, and in selecting the method by which a continuous and effective vapor-retarder membrane is to be provided on the exterior surfaces of insulated pipes and ducts intended for cold service.

As a result of the interaction among the parties, insulation contractors may become more sensitive to the importance (during installation) of providing a continuous vapor-retarder membrane at seams, joints, penetrations, hangers, and supports.

Insulation manufacturers have the opportunity and obligation to provide their recommendations on how their insulations must be installed and maintained for long life in cold service. Some insulation materials may require a factory-applied effective vapor-retarder facing or jacket. Installation recommendations must be provided for all field-applied, vapor-retarder treatments including the closure for all joints, seams, and penetrations.

Owners should become more sensitive to how their operational procedures may adversely affect the ambient air conditions in service. Decreasing the operating temperatures of the fluids in pipes or ducts, increasing the relative humidity of the ambient air, and decreasing the dry-bulb temperature of the ambient air are examples of changes that can lead to condensation problems.

Series Heat Flow Path

There is no reason for any of the interested parties to remain uninformed on the basic principles of condensation control. The laws of physics involved are not so complicated that we, as interested parties, cannot learn and use them.

Pipes and ducts that carry cold fluids have heat transferred from the ambient air to the cold fluids inside the pipes and ducts. This heat must pass through an outside surface film which offers some resistance to that flow of heat. Then, that heat must pass through the insulation, if present, through the metal walls of pipes and ducts, through an inside surface film, and into the cold fluid. This path is called a series heat flow path because the heat moves through each of the components in sequence from the warm side to the colder side.

For our purposes, the thermal resistances of the pipe and duct walls and the inside surface film are so low that they have insignificant impact on the amount of heat transferred. Uninsulated pipes and ducts have only the resistance of the outside surface air film to impede the heat flow.

Open joints and seams in insulation provide a heat flow path parallel to the path through the insulation. Most of us pay little heed to this low-resistance parallel path because we think our specifications and good intentions will result in an installed insulation system where these gaps do not occur.

The extent of these parallel heat flow paths is in the skilled hands of the insulation contractor. Engineers must address this in their specifications. The owners must consider this and take corrective action when installed systems are mechanically abused and the vapor-retarder system is compromised and the insulation is damaged.

Determining Insulation Thickness

Engineers are expected to select the type and thickness of the insulation and the vapor-retarder system to be used for condensation control. They have many insulations from which to choose. The manufacturer of each type of insulation extols the virtues of its insulation and vapor-retarder treatment. Sometimes the zeal that stresses the inherent vapor-retarder properties of an insulation overshadows the requirement that these insulation systems must be provided with a vapor-retarder membrane sealing all joints, seams, and penetrations of the insulation.

Once the insulation material is selected, and the insulation outer surface is identified, the engineer must calculate the thickness of insulation needed to keep the surface temperature of the outer insulation surfaces higher than the design dew point temperature of the ambient air.

Determination of the design dew point temperature of the ambient air is a critical step in the process. The use of average values from weather data for dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures, or percent relative humidity for design purposes is almost certain to result in surface condensation problems in service whenever the ambient air has a wet-bulb temperature or percent relative humidity higher than the design value.

Instead, the designer should select for design purposes those values that would reflect the worst case conditions. The dew point occurs at that temperature where the wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures are the same. At this condition, the air can hold no more water vapor. Any decrease in a surface temperature below this point will cause water to be condensed.

Next, the engineer must determine the thermal resistance of the air film. This resistance is a function of the surface emittance of the exposed surface, and the velocity of the air around the pipe or duct. Those things which increase this resistance are low emittance (such as shiny aluminum at 0.05 for FSK versus 0.90 for ASJ) and zero wind speed (still air).

Engineers and contractors should not overlook this important technical point: the higher this surface resistance is, the greater will be the insulation thickness required to keep the surface temperature above the dew point temperature. This is a potential problem for engineers concerned over designs for condensation control and personnel protection. An evaluation may be needed to determine the cost impact for increased insulation thickness versus selecting finishes of high emittance and providing air circulation around pipes and ducts.

Once the design parameters are defined, the engineer has access to several computer programs that use ASTM C 680 to calculate the insulation thickness required. Keep in mind, that in the case of pipe insulations, the thickness required to prevent condensation is also affected by the pipe size. The technical explanation for this is that the heat transfer area per unit length on the outside of the insulation is greater than the heat transfer area of the pipe.

Finally, the engineer must write a clear, unambiguous specification. Insulation contractors must read, understand, and build a quotation that provides the materials selected and accepts stipulations on installation requirements. Insulation contractors must then order the specified materials from the manufacturers who must provide quality assurance for the products shipped to a job site. The engineer must inspect the quality of materials delivered, and the quality of the workmanship during installation.

Irwin Rule of I’s

After going into service, the owner must not alter operating conditions without first confirming that condensation control has not been compromised. So what should happen if a condensation problem occurs despite cooperative meetings before construction? There is no single simple solution. I like to implement the Irwin Rule of I’s.

Interrogate the owner about operating condition Xs in effect when the problem appeared, and highlight any discrepancies compared to the design assumptions.

Investigate to confirm that the insulated systems are installed as specified, and highlight any discrepancies. Insist that the insulated system be examined to determine if the condensation is confined to the exterior surfaces, or if present also behind the vapor-retarder membrane. Should the condensation be limited to the outer surfaces, the contributing factor may well be that the ambient air conditions are more severe than design parameters. Should the insulation be wet, or the space between the insulation and the pipe or duct is wet, the contributing factor is most likely a degradation of the vapor-retarder system especially at joints, seams, or penetrations.

Insist that wet insulation be removed, discarded, and replaced with dry insulation, and insist that the vapor-retarder system be repaired or restored to design levels. Wet insulation systems will not dry out in service. Condensation on or in insulation systems provides sites for mold and mildew growth and propagation. Presence of water on the cold side of the vapor-retarder membrane degrades the thermal performance of the insulation. This, in turn, contributes to a decrease in the surface temperature and permits condensation at an even lower wet-bulb temperature and relative humidity.

Indicate, after interrogation and investigation, the probable cause for the problem. Once the problem origin is identified, a fair and reasonable assignment for the cost of remedial actions should be possible. Our past experience should tell us that there is usually enough blame to go around.

Not a Matter of Chance

The owner, engineer, insulation contractor and manufacturers must be in thorough communication from the very beginning of the project in order to prevent condensation problems. Each party should learn from one another the factors affecting condensation control. By gaining familiarity with the entire process, each party can ensure that none of the work is compromised. For example, contractors will know there’s a possible moisture problem before the insulation is installed, if the vapor-retarder membrane is specified to be provided on the cool side of the assembly.

It is critical that the design parameters are accurate. Determining the correct insulation thickness and selecting the appropriate vapor-retarder system are paramount to successfully controlling condensation.

Effective condensation control is not a matter of chance, it takes planning, communication and cooperation among all parties.

To answer this question, one need only look to the increased and more stringent national standards and state, county, local and regional model building codes which have been promulgated, as well as the availability of new and more sophisticated firestop products. "Firestopping," or the use of building materials in items such as pipes, ducts, conduits or cables that prevent the spread of flames, heat or hot gases through penetration of fire-rated walls, ceilings, or floors, has gained greater attention, particularly through the efforts of the FCIA, or the Firestop Contractors International Association. This article analyzes liability issues which arise from firestopping design specification, manufacture, and installation and concludes that firestopping is not an option, it is a necessity.


Fires are estimated to cost the United States more than $128 billion a year. As the instances of high profile fires occur involving deaths and significant personal injuries, as well as the increase in rates of property loss damages and fire insurance premiums, insurance companies and owners have increasingly sought to pass the risk of loss to the construction and related industry parties.

Because firestop products, which through "F" and "T" ratings measure the time and speed of the fire through a construction component, are classified as regulated construction products, they must be tested by an accredited third-party testing agency. The E814-94b testing method, set forth by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is meant to assist others in determining the suitability of through-penetration firestops where fire resistance is required. Indeed, the three major building codes require firestopping systems to comply with the ASTM 814 standards. Section 7270 of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) also provides step-by-step guidelines for the installation of firestop systems, including requiring the contractor to apply the firestop system in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for providing the requisite temperature and flame rated seals. Prior to concealing the system, the contractor should also notify the architect to inspect the system. As addressed below, failure to comply with said standards, can result in significant liability.

Model Building Codes

Federal, state and local government units have adopted various rules which specify minimum requirements as applied to building construction. Some states adopt a uniform statewide building code, while others delegate code adoption to counties and municipalities within the state. These various codes, each with different firestop standards, have created considerable confusion for building professionals and promise to be a source of future litigation.

In the absence of a uniform set of firestop standards, building professionals must design firestops according to multiple codes and will likely be held to compliance with the most stringent of the same. As a result, many building professionals and local code officials remain confused about which standards to follow when designing and inspecting firestop systems. In addition, in certain states, failure to comply with a statute, rule, ordinance or regulation (including building code requirements), allows a presumption of negligence that the defendant did not use due care. Such confusion can create serious liability issues.

Liability Starting Points

Any of the contracting entities involved in a given construction project or building fire, no matter how tenuous the link, may be held liable for a firestop system, or lack thereof. Owners, architects, design engineers, consultants, contractors and suppliers can all be held responsible for damages arising from the installation, design, or lack of a firestop system. Among questions the courts will ask are: (i) did the building professional’s contract or code require the installation of a particular firestop system and was this code followed; (ii) if the code was not followed, was the violation of the code the proximate cause of the fire; and (iii) who was responsible for, as opposed to who actually installed, the system?

The actual starting point of review is, therefore, the contractual arrangements on the project. The American Institute of Architects General Conditions of the Contract for Construction (the AIA Document A201 for the Owner General Contract, for example), which are the source documents for many projects, include numerous provisions which govern firestop liability. For example, on all projects, the contractor is required to field verify and inspect the Project to conform with the Contract Documents and to notify the Architect of any omissions (i.e., failure to detail a firestop system) (Clause 3.2.1) and to warrant that all work will be "free from defects not inherent in the quality required or permitted" (Clause 3.5.1). In addition, the Architect is required to make on site inspections to generally determine that the "Work is being performed in a manner indicating that the Work, when completed, will be in accordance with the Contract Documents" (Clause 4.2.2). These provisions all include significant responsibilities to ensure that the designed and installed system complies with all governing rules, regulations, codes and standards.

Insulation Outlook‘s May 2000 issue included this author’s prior article summarizing cases to that date involving firestopping cases. More recently, in a December 2000 decision, the California Supreme Court found that defendant developers and sub-contractors were not liable under a negligence theory for construction defects which did not cause personal injury or property damage. The court came to the conclusion that negligence claims which are based solely on damage to prospective economic advantage (i.e., the future value of the structure) can not be sustained even though the alleged construction defects violated the applicable building codes. However, the court explicitly noted that its decision did not preclude liability in tort for damage to property or for personal injury, should the alleged defects cause such problems. Further, the plaintiffs were not prevented from offering evidence of the defendants’ breach of contract or warranty even if the same evidence were excluded for purposes of the plaintiffs’ tort claims.

Despite the considerable confusion arising out of limited published firestop cases to date, certain legal principles are established and the importance of expert testimony in establishing firestop liability is paramount. For example, a Louisiana appellate case held that the question of liability surrounding the lack of firestops depended on the electrical engineer and the chief electrical inspector’s analyses and evidentiary proofs. The experts concluded that the fire was so rapid that firestops would not have saved the plaintiff’s property and, therefore, no liability existed.

Further, in another decision, the Court of Appeals of Texas overturned a jury’s verdict in favor of the homeowners’ cause of action against the general contractor and electrical sub-contractor for breach of warranty in connection with a fire that destroyed the appellees’ home. The appellate court found that although the homeowners’ experts’ testimony was relevant and reliable under Daubert, a recent federal court decision requiring a pre-trial qualification of proffered expert testimony, it was, nevertheless, insufficient to support the jury’s verdict.

How To Avoid Firestop Liability

In the firestopping context, liability can arise out of contractual relationships such as for breach of contract, or non-compliance with the project documents or specifications, breach of warranty, failure to warn, or negligence theories. Multiple parties can also be found to have contributed to the losses or damages. There are several avenues, both prescriptive and remedial, all construction parties can use to limit or avoid such liability.

Preventive Measures

Section 703 of the BOCA-NBC calls for construction documents for all buildings. These documents "shall designate the type of construction and the resistance rating of all structural elements as required" by the code. Thus, contractors must submit documentation or supporting data substantiating all required firestop ratings. Second, contractors must seek, through requests for information or otherwise, that architects specify firestop systems in conformance with the appropriate codes, and ASTM standards for the use for which the products were manufactured. Further, in projects that involve renovation and/or additions or modifications to existing construction, the parties should be provided a survey or as-built drawings detailing the firestop systems currently in place to ensure that the project, when completed (including any construction in-place), conforms to the existing codes.

Design engineers should also include evaluation reports of any contemplated firestop product. If the installer’s contract did not mandate installation of a particular firestop system, an architect can still later be found responsible if, in its inspections of the site, it did not identify that the particular firestop system failed to comply with all applicable codes. The architect should, therefore, provide detailed specifications and include drawings and specification review requirements. Finally, the architect should also require that the manufacturer’s printed installation instructions for all prefabricated devices, as well as product data sheets, and any needed engineering judgments be retained on the site and a hard copy of the same be provided to the architect.

Firestop manufacturers, in turn, must be on notice that any potential plaintiff may assert claims of strict product liability and may allege that the manufacturer supplied defective firestop products. In addition, all construction parties, and particularly the manufacturer’s representatives, when called upon to provide engineering judgments, must precisely follow the basic requirements promulgated by the International Firestop Counsel (IFC), which mandate that the same only be provided in writing and signed by the appropriate designated manufacturer’s representatives for tested systems.

Beyond familiarizing oneself with all applicable codes and standards, the building professional should follow developments in code regulations and industry standards and must keep abreast of legal developments in firestopping and general construction negligence cases. The building professional must also maintain insurance and investigate available products, for coverage of the installation and design of such systems. He must also obtain, from the company’s risk manager or insurance broker, periodic updates on all relevant cases wherein courts interpret the contractual indemnification and "hold harmless" provisions which may seek to limit construction liability, and can include the right to recover attorneys’ fees, and any potential limits or gaps in the contracting entity’s coverage.

Manufacturers and distributors should include "suitability for use" statements and prohibit sales of products for unauthorized applications. If asked to give an engineering or field judgement for an unanticipated construction application, manufacturer’s representatives must refuse to provide on-site oral "judgments" and must consult with the company’s qualified technical personnel to obtain a written engineering opinion based on proper test results.

Finally, owners should demand that only licensed firestop contractors install the firestop systems and that said contractor include tags or stickers, which are permanently affixed to the work, containing the manufacturer’s name, the testing agencies’ assigned listed systems design number, the installation contractor’s name and address, and the trade qualification certificate number of the installer. When renovation or any subsequent work is completed at the site, or where an owner purchases a pre-code, non-firestopped or sprinkled building, the owner must take extreme care to investigate and then install appropriate firestop systems.

Defenses to Liability

Certain defenses and legal devices exist to apportion potential liability amongst the participants in the construction project who may have contributed to the negligence. One well-established rule is that building professionals are not generally liable for the firestop products themselves. This is because contractors and designers are not considered sellers, and, therefore, are not strictly liable for any component parts they may supply in compliance with the performance of a contract.

Next, a building professional who receives detailed plans and specifications from the owner, generally has a right to rely upon the professional judgment and experience of those (architects and engineers) employed by the owner, who developed the same, unless a review of the documents shows glaring defects which a contractor of average skill and of ordinary prudence would know would likely cause injury. In addition, building professionals may argue that they are not liable because they followed the industry standard or local custom in completing the project and mandated that only specialty firestop contractors certified to comply with FM 4991 install the system. However, building professionals should be aware that it is no defense to claim to have followed a negligent industry standard or an inappropriate local custom.

The building professional can also diminish his or her liability by seeking contribution from other defendants for any damages that the plaintiff may be awarded. In addition to contribution claims, in some jurisdictions, defendants may also seek to diminish their liability for damages pursuant to the amount of fault, if any, attributable to the plaintiff.

A final defense to liability is the government contracts defense, in which a building professional enters into a contract with a public entity and constructs and/or designs according to the entity’s specifications. In one such case, the court held that an engineering firm that was sued for the negligent design of a highway bridge was not liable because the engineer followed the government’s guidelines.


The present increase in construction, in general, and the burgeoning construction litigation industry, seem to forecast a trend of increased construction and, specifically, firestop litigation. Accordingly, all entities engaged in the manufacture, sale, specification, design and installation of firestop products and/or systems, as well as those who purchase and insure buildings, must recognize they face potential liability under products liability, negligence or breach of contract theories, among other claims. Building professionals should remember to consult FM 4991 and any local or model building codes applicable to the project, to investigate, and to educate code officials in the necessity to inspect and assess code requirements, as well as industry standards.

If a project does not specifically call for firestop installation, the building professional should raise the issue with the architect and owner, and, if possible, memorialize such communications in writing. Overall, it is important to consider firestop issues before undertaking any construction project, or purchasing any structure built before sprinklers or firestops were required by applicable codes, and if problems arise, to understand that methods do exist to limit liability, in specific factual situations. In consideration of these factors, as well as upon study of the current state of the law in these areas, the answer to the originally stated question is: "Firestopping Is Not Optional".

The purpose of this article is to address the issues related to the use of flexible duct wrap systems as an alternative to the fire-resistance-rated shaft enclosures required by the International Codes and the efforts of the National Evaluation Service, Inc. (NES) to evaluate their use for enclosing kitchen grease ducts and ducts associated with heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.


The past several years have seen the development and introduction of flexible duct wrap materials for use as a fire-resistance-rated enclosure for kitchen grease ducts and HVAC ducts, and as a method of reducing clearance to combustible materials. These flexible wrap materials typically consist of a highly insulating lightweight flexible "blanket" composed of nonasbestos, inorganic, fibrous refractory material. Two materials are currently prevalent in fabricating the "blanket," insulating ceramic fiber and Alkaline-earth Silicate (AES) wools. The flexible wraps typically have a nominal density of 6 lb/ft3 (96 kg/m3) and a thickness of 1.5 inches (38 mm) for a two-layer wrap installation (see Figure 1) and 8 lb/ft3 (128 kg/m3) and thickness of 2 inches (51 mm) for a one-layer wrap with an overlap wrap, collar or checkerboard type installation technique (see Figure 2).

The duct wrap blanket may be unfaced, faced on two sides or completely encapsulated in an aluminum foil covering reinforced with a fabric scrim. The key difference between the blankets that are completely encapsulated and those that are faced on two sides is that with the completely encapsulated blanket, both the faces and edges of the blanket are sealed within the facers so that no portion of the blanket core is exposed. This complete encapsulation is intended to protect the blanket core from wicking moisture, grease or condensation, thus minimizing potential fire hazards and increasing the longevity of the blanket. With the two faced blanket, the edges of the blanket are exposed. The use of the wraps that are not completely encapsulated is typically limited to use as the base layer in a two-layer system. Completely encapsulated wraps are typically used on all layers of the enclosure or, in some cases, as the exposed or outer layer. The concern over the potential effect such absorption may have on the wrap has prompted some manufacturers to limit the use of their systems to use of fully encapsulated blankets only in all grease duct applications.

The wrap materials are typically produced in rolls of varying lengths and typical widths of 24 and 48 inches (610 and 1219 mm). The wrap material is installed in direct contact with the exterior surface of the duct in a variety of installation methods. As noted previously, installations may be two complete layers of wrap or a single layer with an overlap, collar wrap or checkerboard method. Each of the three methods used for a single layer installation results in two layers of wrap occurring at all horizontal and longitudinal joints of the system. The number of layers and type of overlap are established by the testing and is discussed later in this article. The most common method for holding the wrap in contact with the surface of the duct is with steel banding placed at regular intervals [typically 10.5 inches (267 mm) on center] along the length of the duct (see Figures 1 and 2). As duct widths increase beyond 24 inches (610 mm), the use of insulation impaling pins and speed clips welded to the underside of horizontal duct runs and on vertical duct runs are used to supplement the banding and prevent the sagging of the wrap (see Figure 3). The elimination of sagging is important due to the fact that when the blanket is not in direct contact with the surface of the duct, there is no means to retard the heat flow from the interior of the duct to the exterior. During an interior fire condition, the resulting air space between the exterior of the duct and the inner face of the blanket quickly becomes extremely hot, and could result in the ignition of any combustible material on the exterior surface of the duct. The oxygen present in the sagged areas can then feed the fire. Some manufacturers also perform testing of the systems to establish the equivalency of the impaling pin method with the performance of the banding method.

To complete the system, a through-penetration firestop assembly is installed at locations where the wrapped duct assembly penetrates a fire-resistance-rated floor/ceiling or wall assembly.

Applicable Code Requirements

The use of these materials are most typically intended for use as part of a system for the enclosure of kitchen grease ducts and HVAC ducts as an alternative to a traditional fire-resistance-rated shaft enclosure. In order to evaluate the use of these systems as an alternative to a shaft enclosure, it is necessary to review the intended use(s) and the requirements governing shafts used for the enclosure of HVAC and grease ducts in the 2000 edition of the International Building Code (IBC) and the International Mechanical Code (IMC).

The primary uses that are of concern in the evaluation of these systems consist of:

  • use as an alternative to a fire-resistance-rated shaft enclosure of a duct penetrating a fire-resistance-rated floor or wall assembly;
  • use as an alternative for enclosure of kitchen exhaust grease ducts, and
  • use as a method of reducing clearance to combustibles for grease ducts.

In addition, since the materials are typically left exposed, the materials must be tested and evaluated for surface-burning characteristics as an interior finish. Additionally, in order for the material to be used in buildings of Type 1 and 2 (noncombustible) construction, it must be evaluated for compliance with noncombustibility requirements.

The following presents an overview of the code requirements of the IBC and IMC, which are applicable to the evaluation of this type of material, as well as the data necessary to determine compliance with those code requirements. It should be noted that while this article specifically discusses the requirements of the 2000 International Codes, the provisions of the BOCA National Building Code/1999, 1999 Standard Building Code®, and 1997 Uniform Building Code are very similar to those of the 2000 International Codes.

Alternative to a Fire-resistance-rated Shaft

For this application, we begin with a review of the requirements of Section 707.2 of the IBC and Section 607.6 of the IMC.

To determine code compliance, the fire-resistance rating of the system must be determined first. Section 703.2 of the IBC states the methods that are permitted for use in determining the rating of any assembly.

To establish the fire-resistance rating of these systems, the ASTM E 119 test method is used. The critical criteria are the ability of the material to resist the penetration of fire and hot gases as well as the ability to limit the transfer of heat under the time-temperature curve established by ASTM E 119. To establish this performance, full-scale fire tests are conducted on a wall assembly constructed of the type(s) of steel in the minimum thickness which are representative of the ducts the material is intended to enclose. The maximum end point temperature criteria of ASTM E 119 [not to exceed an average of 250°F (139°C) above ambient for all thermocouples or 325°F (181°C) above ambient for any single thermocouple] is used to establish the maximum hourly rating of the test specimen.

Once the hourly rating for the test assembly is established, the provisions of Section 707.5 must be reviewed.

To determine compliance with this section requires establishing the ability of the material to maintain the structural integrity of the assembly protected, including the supporting construction. This is done through the full-scale engulfment testing performed in accordance with ASTM E 119 to evidence that the protected assembly does not suffer structural failure or collapse when exposed to the same hourly exposure used for the ASTM E 119 testing discussed previously. The full-engulfment test is the same test procedure that would be used to establish the hourly rating of protected structural framing members. The test assembly consists of a wrapped duct that is suspended by supporting framing in the furnace. (See Photo 1.) The manufacturer must decide whether to perform the test with the supporting framing members (such as threaded rods and angle iron) protected with a layer of wrap material or exposed and thus unprotected. The results of this test serve to establish the minimum requirements for the specific supporting construction and the maximum duct size that can be accepted as an alternative to the code. (See Photos 2 and 3.)

Next, since the protected assembly is intended for installation on ducts which penetrate fire-resistance-rated floors or walls, the performance of the protected duct assembly in conjunction with a through-penetration firestop system must be evaluated. This code requirement is found in Section 302.2 of the IMC and Sections 711.3.1.2 and 711.4.1.2 of the IBC.

The F and T ratings of this testing, in conjunction with the hourly rating determined by the ASTM E 814 testing, establishes the maximum hourly rating of the system, where the system is installed in an application that penetrates a fire-resistance-rated wall or floor assembly. It must be noted that the use of the wrap system will be limited to the minimum thickness of the steel tested in the ASTM E 119 testing, and the maximum size of the duct tested in the full-engulfment and through-penetration firestop testing.

The maximum permitted hourly rating is determined by the lowest of the maximum hourly ratings determined by the ASTM E 119 and ASTM E 814 testing. The use of the material on duct sizes exceeding the maximum sizes tested may be permissible when additional testing and/or an engineering analysis is performed to determine that there will be no adverse structural effects, such as excess deformation or deflection, on ducts larger than those tested.

Finally, since the material is an exposed duct covering, Section 604.3 of the IMC requires testing in accordance with ASTM E 843 for surface-burning characteristics and testing in accordance with ASTM C 4114 for hot-surface performance be performed.

Alternative to a Shaft Enclosure for Kitchen Exhaust Grease Ducts

For this application, a review of the requirements of the exception to Section 506.3.12 of the IMC is in order. Since the issues related to equivalence with a fire-resistance-rated shaft are applicable, the criteria stated in the preceding paragraphs are used as a basis for this evaluation. In addition to these criteria, Section 506.3.11 states that the material is required to be listed and labeled by an approved agency. The requirements for the listing and labeling program requires that an independent third-party agency review and approve the manufacturer’s in-house quality assurance program, perform random inspections and testing of the material at the manufacturer’s plant(s), and label the material as complying with the minimum performance requirements. The NES has conducted evaluations of both testing laboratories and quality assurance agencies to further assist code officials in the task of evaluating and considering these systems for approval.

Alternative Method to Reduce Clearance to Combustible Materials

For this application, the UL 1978 test method is used. In this test, a sample duct is constructed and wrapped with the material in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions and gas burners are installed inside the duct. A piece of plywood is placed in contact with the top surface of the wrapped duct and thermocouples placed between the plywood and wrapped surface, on the exterior of the wrap and between the duct surface and the wrap. The gas burner is lit and the internal temperature of the duct is brought to 500°F (260°C) and held until equilibrium temperatures are attained on the grease duct surfaces and plywood. Next, the internal temperature is increased until it reaches 2000°F (1093°C) and is held at this temperature for 30 minutes. (See Photo 4.) The pass criteria for this test is that the temperature on the exterior surface of the wrap, under the plywood, must not exceed 90°F (32°C) above ambient room temperature during the 500°F (260°C) exposure and 250°F (139°C) above ambient room temperature during the 2000°F (1093°C) exposure. The results of this testing serve to establish the minimum duct thickness and maximum duct size permitted for use in grease duct applications where the enclosure is in contact with adjacent combustible materials (zero-clearance to combustibles). As with the previous uses, engineering analysis may be employed to extend the use of the system to duct sizes other than that tested.

In summary, in order to determine compliance with the requirements of the code, it is essential to identify the intended use of the system, and then review that use against the testing that has been performed. Through this process, it can be established what conditions and limitations apply, based on the available technical data, which can then be compared with the actual use intended.


1ASTM E 119-98 Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, American Society of Testing and Materials, 1998.

2ASTM E 814-97, Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Through-penetration Fire Stops, American Society of Testing and Materials, 1997.

3ASTM E 84-98e1, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, American Society of Testing and Materials, 1998.

4ASTM C 411-97, Test Method for Hot-Surface Performance of High-Temperature Insulation, op. cit., 1997.

5UL 1978-95, Standard for Grease Ducts, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 1995.

History has shown that life safety disasters can result when building codes are misunderstood, not followed or loosely enforced. This is not to say that individuals and organizations charged with such oversight don’t care. The truth is they do care and they do want to do things right especially when the issue is life safety.

An example from the distant past comes from ancient Rome where, in fact, they had rudimentary building codes. Those codes called for setbacks. Unfortunately, construction in Rome was running rampant and code officials were simply unable to keep pace. Well, we all know the saying that "Rome was not built in a day", but regrettably, it was almost burned to the ground in that amount of time. The tragedy was caused, not because no one cared, but because those responsible were not provided the time necessary to ensure the setback code was followed.

In our own time, the tragic loss of life and property could have been reduced significantly by installation of proper firestop systems in at least two infamous instances:

  • The MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas where 85 deaths occurred in 1980 – sixty-eight people died from smoke inhalation on the 23rd floor of the hotel, even thought the fire started on the first floor.
  • The First Interstate Bank Building fire in Los Angeles in 1998 where property losses exceeded $50,000,000.

As a result of such disasters, national building codes now specify that firestop systems be tested in accordance with ASTM E-814 and that the testing be witnessed by third party certification agencies. Today more than fifty percent of modern building codes refer in some way or another to fire protection – detection, suppression, ventilation and evacuation. Firestopping is the newest element of fire protection in building codes and as such is the most often misunderstood.

Firestop systems re-gain the fire rating of fire separations that have been compromised by penetrations for services such as piping and electrical conduit. Firestopping is also required in joint systems such as floor-to-wall and wall-to-wall joints. When properly installed in accordance with listed third party system specifications, firestopping prevents the spread of fire for a prescribed period of time. Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Omega Point Laboratories, Warnock Hersey and Factory Mutual are the principal firestop listing agencies.

A diagram typical of a third party-listed fire stop system (in this case UL) for re-gaining the fire rating of a concrete wall or floor that has been penetrated by a metal pipe is shown in the accompanying diagram.

The System No. C-AJ-1281 is an alpha- alpha – numeric code that tells the specifier, installer and inspector the construction type, the kind of penetrating item and identifies the manufacturer that obtained the listing.

The "F" Rating is the time in hours that the firestop system will prevent the passage of flame, as determined by ASTM E 814.

The "T" Rating is the time in hours required for the temperature on the unexposed surface of the fire-rated assembly to rise 325 degrees F above ambient temperature. This value is also determined by ASTM E 814.

The numbers in the drawing refer to the various components of the assembly, where:

  • 1 & 2 are the fire rated concrete wall and floor,
  • 3 is the penetrating item, which in this case is a metal pipe, and
  • 4 denotes the elements of the firestop system where 4A is mineral wool and 4B is the firestop sealant.

Firestop sealants are specially formulated caulk or spray products that retard the penetration of smoke and fire.

System No. C-AJ-1281

  F Rating – 3 Hr

   T Rating – ¼ Hr

The third party listings certify that the manufacturer of the firestop sealant had its product tested in a system that passed the ASTM E 814 fire test for the specific construction shown in the listing. Third party agencies witness the testing as part of the listing process.

In order for manufacturers of firestop systems to be able to sell product for the majority of construction configurations encountered on the job site, they may be required to secure 100 or more individual listings. For those cases where no listing can be found that matches a particular configuration, most manufacturers can provide what is known as an Engineering Judgement. An Engineering Judgement resembles a third party listing, but clearly states that it is a judgement made by the manufacturer’s engineering staff. The manufacturer develops the firestop Engineering Judgement based on fire tests run on constructions similar to the one in question. It is necessary for the installer of the firestop system for which the Engineering Judgement was obtained, to have it approved by the local inspector prior to installation

Misunderstanding and misapplication are not difficult to fathom when one considers that much of firestop installation is done almost as an afterthought, typically by a craft person not fully conversant with the process. One cannot expect an electrician, plumber or drywall installer to read and install a listed system without proper training.

Consider too, that there are several manufacturers each with a multiplicity of listings for various sealants, intumescent pillows, plastic pipe collars, putty pads and board products that are used alone or in combination with a variety of products.

The complexity of choosing a system and inspecting it requires up-front training and continuing education. Until quite recently, manufacturers of firestop products have taken it upon themselves to train those involved in an industry where various crafts do firestopping installation. In spite of their efforts to provide the necessary training, misapplication of firestopping installations occurs with some frequency. Inspectors are also routinely trained by manufacturers but reaching all of them and keeping them current on new systems and products is, at best, a difficult task. One company manufacturing firestop products has developed a self paced CD-Rom for training installers, but even this training tool cannot possibly reach all of the firestop systems installers.

The Role of the FCIA and the IFC

Enter the Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA). Formed about three years ago, its mission is articulated as follows:

The mission of the FCIA is for member organizations to be recognized throughout the construction industry as preferred, quality, contractors of life safety firestop systems. FCIA member contractors are committed to providing consistent, high quality firestop installations.

Through active participation in the FCIA and other related association conferences, members contribute to the advancement of the firestop industry and maintain exceptional knowledge of this specialized service. Through this professional commitment member contractors bring considerable value to their customers of this life safety service.

The International Firestop Council (IFC) is a not-for-profit association of manufacturers, distributors and installers of fire protective materials and systems. IFC’s mission is to promote the technology of fire containment in modern building construction through research, education and development of safety standards and code provisions.

Firestop Contractor Approval

Much has been accomplished in what amounts to a remarkably short time span. The most significant milestone is the certification of firestop contractors by Factory Mutual (FM) Research. This represents FM’s first approval process for contractors after many years of approvals of products and services. The new program is known as Firestop Contractor Approval Standard 4991. It is the direct result of the efforts of FCIA’s working with FM.

The new program addresses concerns and quality issues expressed at virtually every level of the construction industry, from architects to building owners, by improving the installation performance and reliability of firestopping systems. Firestop contractors will be required to score at least 80 percent on each of two written exams, pass job-site and office quality control exams and create a quality assurance manual. There is also a requirement to earn at least six continuing education credits every three years. Also of significance is development and publication of the association’s Manual of Practice.

The FCIA’s committee structure has evolved, responding to the industry’s changing needs. The FCIA committees include the accreditation committee, the technical/code committee, the communications committee, the marketing committee, and the education committee.

From a manufacturer’s standpoint, FCIA has addressed the issues seen as most vexing at the installer level in an appropriate and expeditious manner.

Improvements Ahead

Since our entry into the business more than three years ago, we have witnessed significant maturation within the industry. That is not to say that the industry is approaching mature status. Far from it. New product development is robust, as experience in the field has stimulated creation of solutions to specific installation problems addressing them in new and creative ways. For the most part, the new products add value by reducing labor while improving performance. These new products bring with them their own need for additional listings and specialized training.

For my part, I see groups like the FCIA and IFC as a potential resource for every facet of the construction industry, functioning well beyond its stated purpose. Perhaps a more active and formal dialogue among manufacturers and FCIA contractors could streamline the new product development process, generating a more marketplace-driven approach. Such an approach could also serve to guide manufacturers in their quest for meaningful new, third party listings. It could, as well, facilitate development of new, more effective programs of contractor training. It is also quite possible that new, more effective programs of sales training and incentives can result. I can also envision such a dialogue leading to more highly targeted and effective marketing and sales promotion programs.

It is my hope that I may have stimulated some further thought relative to the role of associations and resources. We are very grateful to FCIA for its efforts and significant accomplishments, which benefit all of us. Thanks also to Executive Director Bill McHugh and President Blase Reardon for advice and background information used in writing this article.

Modern buildings require a myriad of essential building services. Besides the mechanical and plumbing services that the insulator is familiar with, there are electrical, data, and communications cabling, conduits, or ducting. The common denominator for all of these building service elements is the need to penetrate walls and floors. For the insulator, the openings required to pass these service elements through the walls and floors, can also represent a portal to business diversification as well as increased project revenue and profits.

The sealing of these openings is known as through-penetration firestopping or just firestopping for short. All the major building codes require it. The pipes, ducts, and cables in firestopping jargon, are known as penetrants. If you consider the number of pipes, ducts, and cables that run through a building, and then consider the number of times these penetrants extend through rated walls or floors…the numbers can be staggering even on relatively small projects.

Job Sequencing and the Insulator’s Opportunity

What is the opportunity for insulators? Firestopping is often treated as a problem rather than an opportunity at the jobsite. Many trades actively avoid the issue rather than embrace it as a value added part of their contracts. For the insulator, job sequencing and even the inspection process favors the insulator as the mechanic of choice. In the normal sequence of the job, the pipe or duct insulation is the last thing to go in the hole. Thus, the insulator is at the job at the right time to take care of the firestopping. Additional opportunities are presented by other trades. For example, since the electrical rough-in inspection typically occurs before the holes are sealed, the electrical inspector in many cases does not consider firestopping inspection to be his responsibility. If the electrical inspector doesn’t inspect for it, there’s a good chance the electrician isn’t going to do it! These unprotected penetrations will most likely be discovered during final inspection. The electrician, now off the job, is looking for firestopping help. These circumstances plus normal job sequencing are the key to the insulator’s firestopping opportunity.

Pain or Gain?

A successful firestopping contractor who I know explained his success this way… "firestopping for most people is a real pain – and I’m the doctor!". Like other successful contractors, successful firestopping contractors have invested the time to educate themselves and become the experts. They are the not only experts for the general contractor (GC) but often for the inspectors as well. The same complications that the electrical contractor sees as a problem, the firestopping contractor views as an opportunity as well as an entrance barrier to competition in its business. Their willingness to embrace firestopping and work at it virtually guarantees their success. No pain…no gain!

Look Before You Leap

Firestops are considered to be systems. Differences in floor or wall construction, the size, number, type, and position of penetrants, and the size of openings all create variables that may need to be addressed. Insulated pipes pose a special hazard and should utilize intumescent (expanding) firestop products since some insulating materials will burn away during a fire. The most widely used directory of tested firestop systems is the UL Fire Resistance Directory published annually by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. This book contains upwards of 3,000 designs referred to as classified systems dedicated solely to the sealing of through-penetrations.

Getting Started…

Unlike other construction tasks, it isn’t necessarily just the firestop mechanic’s skills that influence the GC. In most cases, it’s the contractor’s knowledge that wins and gets the jobs. There is a certain amount of complexity to the firestopping. Expertise is valued! The contractor who studies the Fire Resistance Directory and has established a good working relationship with a strong supplier and a pedigreed manufacturer will be in the best position to win.

What is involved? The first thing to do is to investigate the opportunity. Discuss firestopping with the GC’s or other construction influences with whom you deal. You’ll probably find that they’re looking for a good installer. Next contact firestop manufacturers, visit their websites, or request literature. If it looks like firestopping is an opportunity that you want to pursue, contact Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (847-272-8800) and order the Fire Resistance Directory. Finally, take on a small job…one you feel comfortable with, and use it as a learning experience. That pedigreed manufacturer we mentioned should be able to provide the assistance you need to get you over the rough spots. The lessons learned on smaller jobs will build your confidence when it comes time to tackle the big opportunities!

On the following pages, you’ll learn more about opportunities, specifications, codes, regulations, resources and liability issues in the firestopping industry. The information serves as a guide to assist you, not to overwhelm or deter you. Opportunities abound in this industry and the best informed will thrive!