Category Archives: Global

Electronic Record Keeping

You may have heard more than you care to hear about electronic records submission. It’s possible that a number of you have not made your electronic submissions to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) because you think that the standard does not apply to you or because you do not know what to submit. To add to the confusion, OSHA has recently changed the area of the website where the electronic filing is to be made. Further changes to the web navigation are possible, so the instructions below are offered as a general guide.

On the OSHA home page (, click on the Employers drop-down menu at the top and then on Record-Keeping Requirements and Forms. On the next web page, look for the heading “Electronic Submission of Records” and a link to the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) launch page. That link will connect you to a web page presenting a summary of the final rule. At the upper right appears a blue rectangle labeled “Launch ITA.” Clicking on that link will take you to the Injury Tracking Application Login page, where you will be given the necessary guidance to make an electronic submission.

Another method is to use the search box on the upper right section of the OSHA home page. Type “electronic record keeping” into the search engine, click on the search icon (the magnifying glass), and you will be taken to a page containing a list of topics. One topic currently listed is “Record Keeping/Injury Tracking Application (ITA)”—look for “Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Records to OSHA” in the explanatory copy. Clicking on that link will take you to a page with the words “Launch ITA” in a blue rectangle at the upper right. Click on that box, and you will arrive at the Injury Tracking Application Login page.

As for what you need to file: every company that had 20 or more employees in 2016 must electronically file the OSHA 300A form that was required to be posted in the workplace between February 1 and April 30, 2017. On July 1, 2018, employers with 20 or more employees in 2017 will electronically submit the 300A form that they posted between February 1 and April 30, 2018. If your company has 250 or more employees, you will have to file additional materials on July 1, 2018. You will need to electronically submit, in addition to the 300A form, the OSHA 300 forms for 2017 and all your OSHA 301 accident reporting forms for 2017. OSHA also provides a helpful list of frequently asked questions and answers concerning the record-keeping requirement at

As you know, the electronic record-keeping provision also contains language prohibiting retaliation against an employee. The employee who reports an injury engages in protected activity. You can be found to have retaliated against employees if you took action against them because they reported an injury, but you can also be charged with retaliation if you take action against an employee because of the manner in which he or she reported an injury or because the injury arose from a safety violation. By now you may be asking, “How can I enforce my safety program if I have to continue to be concerned about being accused of retaliation?” The answer is quite simple: as long as you treat all employees the same, whether or not they are reporting an injury, you will not have any problems. For example, if an employee fails to wear safety glasses and gets a foreign object in the eye and you take disciplinary action against the employee, you may be accused of retaliation. You will be vulnerable to this accusation unless you can demonstrate that you enforce all your safety rules—including the rule about safety glasses—for all employees, whether or not they have an injury. You must treat all employees the same.

You can also be charged with retaliation against an employee if your actions are based on the fact that the employee did not comply with an arbitrary requirement regarding timely reporting or the manner in which the report has to be made. You may require employees to report on-the-job injuries and illnesses as soon as possible or practical after the event occurs, but you may not establish an arbitrary time limit, such as within 24 hours or before the end of the shift. Finally, you can be accused of retaliation by employees for maintaining a safety incentive program that is based on having no recordable or reportable injuries within a certain time period.

Integrity of Walking and Working Surfaces

Safety and health regulations related to fall protection appear in subpart M of Section 1926 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Section 1926.501(a)(2) is a little-known section of the subpart because almost everyone focuses on the specific requirements for fall protection, which are found in the standards of the subpart. OSHA is becoming more vigilant about the obligation to ensure that walking and working surfaces have the strength and structural integrity to support employees safely. This determination must be made before employees are permitted to walk on the walking or working surface. In the post-frame industry, this situation can arise during installation of a second or third floor or when roof sheeting is being applied on top of the trusses before the roof is shingled or finished. Each day before any employee is permitted to walk on that roof sheeting, or on the initial layer of decking on a mezzanine or a second or third floor inside the building, the employer must determine the integrity of that area and its ability to support the weight of any and all employees who will be working there.

It is difficult to do this without having somebody walk over the walking or working surface. Of course, that individual must be wearing fall protection to prevent him or her from falling to a lower level or to the ground if the walking or working surface being checked fails under the person’s weight. An initial determination can be made during a careful examination of the material being put in place prior to having an employee walking or working on it to assess whether it will be solid enough to support the weight of employees. In addition to this precaution, you must also, as part of this determination, ascertain that the decking or roof sheeting is sufficiently secured so that it will not shift under the employee’s weight and result in a fall.

I strongly suggest that you maintain a record of what was done to meet this requirement and have the employee who made the determinations sign off on it. I have handled several legal cases that involved alleged violations of this standard. Most resulted after an employee fell through a roof or floor. As OSHA becomes more aggressive in this area and demands proof that you have made the required determination, even without an injury, we could see citations being issued without the occurrence of an injury.

On the basis of my experience, I have concluded that just looking at the underside of a roof deck, although a good first step, in many cases will not be sufficient to determine conclusively the integrity of that roof to support the weight of employees working on it, even if a written record of the inspection is maintained. I recommend instead that an employee (preferably the supervisor) walk the surface of the area in which work is going to be performed, whether it is roof decking or initial flooring of a mezzanine or a second or third floor, prior to having employees walk on that roof or floor. The employee performing this inspection will need to be tied off and protected from any potential fall in the event that the floor fails.

Respirable Crystalline Silica

The standard concerning respirable crystalline silica applies to all construction industry employers, and it applies regardless of whether you expect respirable crystalline silica to be present in the breathing zone of your employees. In most post-frame construction projects, respirable crystalline silica is not going to be an issue, but if concrete is involved in the construction or on the jobsite, it could be. Also, if your company’s employees are working on a job site with workers from other employers and one of them is working with concrete or another material that generates respirable crystalline silica, the standard may apply to your company as well because of their activities.

For this reason, all construction industry employers are required to have a competent person who is capable of determining whether this new standard applies to their business on the job site. This competent person must have training beyond what is usual: the person will need to be aware of the standard concerning respirable crystalline silica, what it requires, and how to make an initial determination regarding potential exposure for the workers on the site. This standard went into effect for the construction industry on September 23, 2017, and OSHA began enforcing it on October 23, 2017. For general industry, the standard will take effect on June 23, 2018.

It’s important to note that not all silica is respirable crystalline silica. Respirable crystalline silica must have the components of quartz, cristobalite, or tridymite. These components can be found in concrete decking, cement tiles, shingles, and roof tiles. So if you are putting a roof on a post-frame structure and using roof tiles, you need to determine whether respirable crystalline silica is a component of those tiles. It is the responsibility of the competent person to make this initial determination. This standard is extremely complex and detailed.

Two Important, but Little-Known, OSHA Standards

Emergency Medical Services

The requirement for emergency medical services, I’ve found, is one that very few employers in the construction industry pay much attention to. This standard, in Section 1926.50(e), applies to all construction industry employers no matter what the company’s size. The standard states that:

in the absence of an infirmary, clinic, hospital, or physician, that is reasonably accessible in terms of time and distance to the worksite, which is available for the treatment of injured employees, a person who has a valid certificate in first-aid training from the U.S. Bureau of Mines, the American Red Cross, or equivalent training that can be verified by documentary evidence, shall be available at the worksite to render first aid.

Much construction work takes place close to municipalities of some size. In most cases, an emergency squad is located within 5 or 10 minutes of the job site, and such a squad typically has a certified paramedic, emergency medical technician, or other trained provider. If you are working on a rural site and a hospital, clinic, or infirmary is not “reasonably accessible,” under this standard you are required to have a certified first-aid provider on site. The training of that first-aid provider must be verified by documentary evidence that you can provide to an OSHA compliance officer who might request it.

This raises the question of whether having an emergency squad in close proximity to the job site is sufficient, if it would still take more than 15 minutes to get an injured worker to an infirmary, clinic, hospital, or physician. This standard was last amended on June 18, 1998. Twenty years ago, when this standard was first promulgated, emergency squads may not have been staffed by certified EMTs or paramedics. It would seem that having a certified EMT or paramedic within 10 or 15 minutes of a job site would be preferable to having a first-aid-trained employee who has an opportunity to use his or her training only every few years. But employers must comply with the standard as it is written. Therefore, if you want to avoid a citation when an inspection occurs, you will need to have someone on site who has been trained by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, the Red Cross, or another training program such as the National Safety Council. Ensure that the training can be verified by documentary evidence on the site whenever a crew is working there. No one can predict what an OSHA compliance officer will ask for during a visit to a job site. Some are much more detail oriented than others.

In addition to having the trained first-aid person on the site, you must also have first-aid supplies easily accessible on the site. The contents of a first-aid kit must be checked by the employer before it is sent out on each job and at least weekly on the job site to ensure that any items used have been replaced. In addition, the standard requires that “proper equipment for prompt transportation of the injured person to a physician or hospital, or a communication system for contacting the necessary ambulance service, shall be provided.” Also, in areas where 911 service is not available, the telephone numbers of physicians, hospitals, or ambulances must be conspicuously posted on the job site. This provision demonstrates that the drafters of this standard and the amendments took the use of an emergency squad into consideration. However, the first-aid requirement remains.

A related concern is exposure to contamination. The person designed to be a provider of first aid may reasonably expect to be exposed at some point to contaminated body fluids. The requirements of the blood-borne pathogens standard now come into play, and employers are required to properly supply and staff the job site to meet the requirements of that standard.


Another standard that often receives little consideration in the construction industry is 1926.51, titled simply, “Sanitation.” The standard requires that all places of employment have an adequate supply of potable water. Employers are also required—in Section 1926.51(b)(1)—to post signs identifying the outlets for any nonpotable water on the job site. Typically, nonpotable water is considered water that is to be used for industrial use or firefighting purposes only. If you are on a farm or another agricultural location, nonpotable water could also be water that is pumped from a pond or a stream and used for hosing down the concrete floors of a barn or for irrigation. The signs on the nonpotable water sources must warn employees not to drink that water; and they must indicate clearly that the water is unsafe and shall not be used for drinking, washing, or cooking. In addition, you may not have any cross-connection, open or potential, between a system furnishing potable water and a system furnishing nonpotable water. Even if you bring potable water to the job site, you must label any outlets for nonpotable water.

Section 1926.51(e) covers toilets at construction job sites. This section requires that at least 1 toilet be provided for employees on any construction site. Under 1926.51(f)(3), lavatories are to be made available in all places of employment. The requirements of this standard do not apply to mobile crews or to normal unattended work locations if employees working at these locations have readily available transportation to nearby washing facilities. Each lavatory must provide hot and cold running water, or at least tepid running water. Hand soap or similar cleansing agents shall also be provided. I have had to address a citation involving this standard for a client in the state of Indiana. The Indiana OSHA branch cited my client because portable restrooms on the job site did not provide hand soap or similar cleansing agents and did not have running tepid, hot, or cold water. This standard also covers shower, handwashing, and eating facilities. You need to be in compliance with these requirements in all cases where you either voluntarily provide or are required to provide these facilities. I direct your attention to these 2 standards for more details on emergency medical care and sanitation. Through personal experience, I know that OSHA issues citations for violations of these standards.

All the standards covered in this article are extremely important to construction industry employers. I urge you to review the standards published on the OSHA website and do whatever is necessary to ensure that your company is in compliance with the requirements they contain.


Copyright Statement

This article was published in the January 2018 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2018 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Keeping on top of new and emerging trends in the construction industry not only helps keep your company from falling behind, but also helps prepare you for the future. With the continuing growth and evolution of the construction industry, companies must stay up to date if they want to remain competitive. While it can be difficult to predict exactly what 2018 holds for the construction industry, there are a few significant construction industry trends that we can expect to see.

1. Technology Advancements and Integration

While the construction industry has been notoriously slow to jump into the technology revolution, soon companies will have no choice. With mobile and cloud applications, technology will only continue to grow in 2018. Expect to see more 3D printing and drone usage, as well as self-driving vehicles. Another big thing to look out for is an increase in virtual and augmented reality use. This type of technology is changing the entire industry as we know it by allowing us to see projects before building and allowing virtual construction site tours.

2. Increase in Modular and Prefabrication Construction Projects

In 2017, modular and prefabrication construction has become an increasingly popular trend due to its cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. With material prices expected to stay high, modular and prefabrication construction will continue to be an attractive option in 2018. Expect to see a lot more pop-ups and permanent modular buildings, as well as prefab houses this upcoming year!

3. Better Safety Procedures

It’s no secret that the construction industry is known for its significant amount of workplace accidents. This knowledge has placed increased scrutiny on the construction industry throughout 2017. In 2018, expect to see a continued focus on implementing better safety procedures in the field. With new technology and safety mobile apps, construction companies have more resources than ever before to ensure a safer work environment. Safety technology is expected to improve in the upcoming year continually.

4. Slower Growth

While construction demand is expected to continue to grow, growth will be slower than originally predicted. This will be especially true for the beginning months of 2018. While there will be a few dips, the industry should still see growth through both residential and nonresidential sectors. This also means competition will increase.

5. Increased Importance on Sustainability

Environmental sustainability has become a hot topic of discussion in the last few years and is expected to stay that way. In 2018, a focus on ecological benefits will remain a trend throughout the industry as well as an increased emphasis on the financial benefits. Expect to see increasingly green business models!

6. Increasing Material Costs

In 2017, we have seen a steady increase in the price of materials. Due to the rising price of supplies and skilled labor, construction companies have been put in a tough situation. Prices are expected to stay high throughout 2018, meaning construction companies need to start thinking about saving costs in other areas if they want to stay competitive. One way that companies can ensure they are getting the most bang for their buck is through new construction technologies. For example, new mobile applications help keep better track of employee work patterns and monitor where materials are at all times.

Overall, the outlook for the construction industry is bright. As with any industry though, it will have its challenges to overcome. The best thing that construction companies can do is to stay knowledgeable and open to new ideas and ways of doing things. The construction industry will continue to evolve through 2018, and it’s up to construction firms on whether or not they want to grow with it.


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Copyright Statement

This article was published in the January 2018 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2018 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.


Every year the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) releases the Top 10 list of the most commonly cited standards from the previous fiscal year. This year’s list is not much different than the Top 10 from 2016. The list usually does not change much from year to year and tends to mirror those hazards that cause the most serious injuries and illnesses. Not surprisingly, fall hazards dominate the list, with the Fall Protection standard making the Top 10 twice along with the standards for Scaffolds and Ladders.

10. Electrical—Wiring Methods (1910.305)

This section includes requirements for electrical installations, including grounding of equipment, guarding of live parts, and disconnecting means for motors. Examples of some common violations to this section include using temporary wiring—such as an extension cord in place of permanent wiring—or a breaker panel with missing breakers or open knockouts, exposing energized parts of the panel.

9. Fall Protection—Training Requirements (1926.503)

The construction Fall-Protection standard has training requirements for any employee that may be exposed to fall hazards. Generally, this means construction workers who are exposed to falls more than 6 feet above a lower level. Training must include recognition of fall hazards in the work area; and the correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling, and inspecting the fall-protection systems to be used.

8. Machine Guarding (1910.212)

This rule requires employers to guard machine parts or operations that can cause crushing injuries, lacerations, amputations, burns, or eye injuries. Hazards created by the point of operation, pinch points, and rotating parts are examples that may need to be guarded. Guards can be physical barriers, gates, interlocks, or presence-sensing devices such as light curtains. Not providing guards, or removing or bypassing machine guards, would result in violations of this standard.

7. Powered Industrial Trucks (1910.178)

More commonly known as forklifts, this rule has requirements for training of operators, inspection and maintenance, and safe operating rules for forklifts. Training for forklift operators requires both formal instruction with hands-on practice, and an evaluation of the operator’s performance. Possible violations include not wearing a seatbelt, allowing
persons under a suspended load, carrying passengers, and leaving a machine unattended without properly lowering the load, setting the brake, and shutting
off power.

6. Ladders (1926.1053)

The construction standard for ladders applies to portable and fixed ladders and has specific requirements for the safe use of ladders, inspection of ladders, and set-up requirements. One of the most common ladder violations occurs when an extension ladder used to gain access to an upper level does not extend 3 feet beyond the upper landing. Other violations include using ladders for purposes other than what they were designed for, such as working from a closed step ladder leaned up against a wall; standing on the top or top step of step ladders; using damaged or defective ladders; or carrying items that could cause an employee to lose balance and fall.

5. Control of Hazardous Energy (1910.147)

Commonly known as Lockout/Tagout (LO/TO), this rule is designed to protect workers performing maintenance or repair on equipment and machinery that may accidentally start up or otherwise release stored energy. The standard requires employers to develop shut down and lockout procedures for every potential source of energy on a piece of equipment, potentially including electric power, hydraulic pressure, steam, gas, and even gravity. Valves, switches, and other energy-isolating devices must then be physically locked out with a Danger tag affixed to the lock. Removing somebody else’s lock without permission breaks one of the cardinal rules of workplace safety and should never happen. Other violations typically include failure to follow LO/TO procedures, inadequate LO/TO procedures, or lack of training.

4. Respiratory Protection (1910.134)

The Respiratory Protection standard is usually near the top of the Top 10 list. Employees required to wear respirators, or even filtering face pieces (dust masks), must be trained, fit tested, and medically evaluated by a physician or other licensed health-care professional annually. Employers must have a written Respiratory Protection Program and a program administrator. Other violations of the standard include employees with facial hair using respiratory protection; using the wrong type of filter; and failure to properly clean, maintain, and store respirators. Even when respirators are used on a voluntary basis, employers still have an obligation to train employees and make sure they are medically qualified.

3. Scaffolding (1926.451)

The Scaffold standard has rules to prevent falls, falling objects, and collapse. The rule requires a competent person to oversee all scaffold erection, dismantling, or modifications. A competent person also must inspect scaffolds every day and after any occurrence that could affect the safety of the scaffold. Common scaffold violations include a lack of fall protection, platforms not fully decked, safe access not provided to every level, and training. The rule has training requirements for scaffold users and for crews that build and dismantle scaffolds.

2. Hazard Communication (1910.1200)

The Hazard Communication standard is the OSHA rule that requires employers to ensure employees are informed of the hazardous materials they may work around. Specifically,
the rule requires training, labelling, and other forms of warning; and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). This standard had a significant revision several years ago with changes to the way chemical manufacturers label containers, and the format of SDSs (formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets [MSDSs]). Most OSHA health standards (lead, silica, etc.) also reference the Hazard Communication Standard as a training requirement. Common violations include not having up-to-date SDSs, unlabeled containers (including secondary
containers), and not properly training employees on the physical and health hazards of the chemicals in their work area.

1. Fall Protection—Duty to Have Fall Protection (1926.501)

Duty to Have Fall Protection remains the number 1 most commonly cited standard for 7 years in a row. This section of the Fall Protection standard spells out where fall protection is required on construction sites, such as unprotected edges, leading edges, window openings, and roofs. It also specifies which types of fall protection systems may be used in different situations. For example, a warning-line system is an acceptable fall protection system on a flat roof, but would not be adequate around a stairwell opening. Violations of this section could include unguarded floor openings (over 2 inches wide), openings around a hoist area, unguarded elevator shafts, or many other potential fall hazards on a construction site.


The violations that make this Top 10 list every year are also the hazards that cause the majority of serious and fatal incidents in workplaces every year. If you are looking to make improvements to your Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) program, these hazards are a good place to start. It may prevent an OSHA violation, but more importantly, it may prevent a serious incident at your workplace.



Copyright Statement

This article was published in the January 2018 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2018 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Construction is facing a severe skills shortage at all levels of the industry. According to a survey by Building Design + Construction, the lack of experienced professionals and project managers is creating a hiring crisis that has “stymied” architecture/engineering/construction firms in the United States.

The labor shortage was a common conversation subject during last year’s Associated General Contractors Convention (AGC) in San Antonio, Texas. Ken Simonson, Chief Economist for the AGC, called the worker shortage “the biggest financial challenge for firms” during a session.

In order to stand out from competitors and win what Brent Darnell called “the war for talent,” construction companies need to take an introspective look at their recruiting and retention practices, according to experts at the convention.

Darnell—whose company Brent Darnell International teaches emotional intelligence to the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry—and other panelists highlighted several ways for employers to find the best talent and create a highly engaged and happy workforce. They emphasized that if companies employ these practices and create a better environment for employees, those firms will be able to battle the negative effects of the worker shortage and take on more projects—and, in turn, increase profitability.

1. Provide autonomy

Darnell pointed to the nature of many employers in construction as one of its pitfalls in this area. “This industry is very controlling, high problem-solving, and low flexibility,” he said. “These people have a hard time delegating and letting go of that control.”

Methods to minimize micromanagement and offer more autonomy include listening to employees’ goals and needs, being open-minded to other ways of completing a task, having patience for mistakes, and cultivating a “yes… and” mentality, Darnell said.

He added that creating this sense of autonomy in a job is especially crucial for reaching Millennial workers, who have proven to be the most difficult  group to attract. “Millennials want to create their own stuff. You need younger people coming in. There aren’t a lot around now,” he said.

2. Improve diversity

A prominent issue discussed during the convention was the lack of diversity in construction. Panelists encouraged companies to consider the positive results that could stem from raising the representation of women and minorities in the industry. They said a more diverse workforce would have the effect of attracting workers to construction at a time when the industry desperately needs more people.

“Studies show that diversity increases innovation. It increases the ability to attract and retain quality people. People want to work in places where they can see themselves. They want to see there’s someone there that relates to them, and that they can relate to,” said Martha Abbott, of architecture firm SmithGroupJJR.

Debra Nelson, of Brasfield & Gorrie, explained that in a time when the industry is struggling to attract workers, and especially younger ones, increasing diversity is one of the most significant steps companies can take. “If we strive to create diversity of thought, will we not make our workplaces more attractive to people who look and think differently? Could that not lead to greater success? At the end of the day, we want to outperform and outthink the competition,” she said.

To increase diversity in the workplace, the panelists advised that companies form diversity steering committees, perform culture audits or surveys of the staff, and raise awareness of the issue throughout all levels of the firm.

“It matters right now because they’re not here, and we’re keeping them away,” Darnell said. “They’re not coming for a reason.”

3. Encourage mastery

Darnell emphasized the need for companies to provide employees with the opportunities to continue learning and to master their craft. “Training is vital,” he said.

One of the most effective ways to accomplish this goal comes with leadership programs, according to Randy Hall, President and CEO of Batson-Cook Construction. “Coming out of the recession, we realized we needed more structure for leaders,” he said. “Leadership is much more than being a good project manager. We’ll cross-train people and show them parts of the business they might not see. Then in 10 years, we’ll have a pool of leaders we could pull from.”

Darnell added that in companies that promote leadership tracks or programs, employees strive to be chosen for those programs, and it creates a sense of honor for workers. “They’ve been chosen as a future leader. It becomes an intrinsic motivation,” he said.

4. Reinforce a sense of purpose

One way to improve retention and keep employees happy with their jobs is to clearly define a purpose and continuously reinforce that purpose, according to Darnell.

“The projects you create every day are miracles, but we don’t convey that. It’s become a drudge. It’s become adversarial,” he said.

Darnell added that clearly explaining a project’s purpose—such as holding a meeting for employees with the future tenants of a hospital, or teachers of a school—people will better understand why they are working toward this goal.

“If you don’t articulate that, especially to young people, they won’t want to work for your company,”  he said. And providing younger employees with that sense of pride, Darnell added, is one of the most effective ways to attract them and keep them happy with a company.

5. Help improve the lives of employees

While Darnell acknowledged this goal can be the most difficult to achieve, he said it can also have the biggest impact for employee retention.

“If you make someone’s life better, why would they ever consider working somewhere else?” He asked.

He cited health and wellness programs, which are a growing trend across all industries, as one of the key ways for companies to help improve the lives of employees.

Hall added that encouraging employees to speak up when they have family obligations or are struggling to deal with busy travel schedules creates a sense of trust and respect between the employer and employee.

Darnell added that overall, construction companies should work to bring humanity back to the industry. “After all, human beings build projects,” he said.



This content was reprinted with permission from ConstructionDIVE and is also available at

Copyright Statement

This article was published in the December 2017 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2017 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.


A proposed ASTM standard may bring a relatively unknown insulation jacket material into more projects in the United States. UV-cured glass-reinforced plastic (UV-GRP) is one insulation jacket option that has been used widely in Europe and Asia for more than a decade, and now an ASTM Task Group is spearheading an effort to create a standard so that this material can be used more easily in the United States. UV-GRP can be used as part of insulation systems in liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities, cryogenic applications, pipelines, buried piping, and offshore platform applications.

Characteristics and Installation of UV-GRP

UV-GRP is supplied in uncured rolls or in pre-formed cured pieces. The uncured rolls cure in sunlight at ambient temperatures, so contractors can shape it on site much more easily, potentially leading to lower fabrication and installation cost. It can be easily fabricated in a shop or in the field into 90s, tees, tank heads, and other complicated shapes. It is also highly chemical resistant, so it is useful in applications where it may come into direct contact with cryogen.

While the material does help keep water out, it is not recommended as a primary vapor barrier, but as an outer jacketing that can help prevent corrosion and damage. For cold applications, including below ambient and cryogenic, a double-barrier system consisting of a system-appropriate insulation, a primary vapor barrier, and then UV-GRP, is commonly used. This design can lead to a longer system life and helps prevent water from penetrating the system and potentially causing corrosion. The uncured rolls of GRP are sticky on the application side, so it adheres well to steel terminations and other equipment, thus helping seal the system.

As many engineers, managers, and mechanical insulation contractors know, insulation is often damaged by being walked on. UV-GRP is resistant to damage and is able to withstand walking or other contact without denting. It is typically delivered in thicknesses between 1–2.5 mm (1/32” up to 3/32”) on rolls 24 or 39” inches wide. Its high emittance—it has an emissivity of .8 versus .1 for aluminum—may also allow for thinner insulation design, which can be helpful in tight spaces (see Figure 1).

Most jobs are done with the pre-cured shaped GRP, which allows for similar installation to cut and curl metal systems, which many contractors are familiar with. In applications where the mechanical system will move, UV-GRP can be paired with an elastomeric adhesive, which allows for movement while ensuring a tight, sealed system. For steam
lines where leaks in the pipe may occur, it is recommended that weep holes be put into the jacketing. UV-GRP has been used on systems as low as -196°C all the way up to process piping up to 600°C. Please consult a UV-GRP distributor or manufacturer for physical properties pertaining to hot terminations. Typical UV-GRP has an upper continuous use limit of 120°C.

The New GRP Standard

UV-GRP is covered in the European Committee Industrial Insulation (CINI) standards, and it has been widely used internationally. International companies experience difficulty in translating the European standards when building facilities in America, which is why there is currently an effort underway to create an ASTM standard for this material. Those interested in creating this standard, including myself, created ASTM Task Group 41433 through the C16 committee to try to come up with a standard for this product. This standard includes flame and smoke properties, UV resistance, and temperature (see Figure 2 on page 14). The group is hoping to go to committee ballot before the next meeting in April 2018. Then, the proposal would go back through the main ASTM committee for comment—if it passed this stage, it would then become a standard.

Some of the key elements of the proposed ASTM are:

  • Product should meet ASTM E84 25/50 Smoke and Flame.
  • Product should meet ASTM E1317 and be non-dripping and should not support flames.
  • Regarding UV degradation—for any outdoor use it is highly recommend that UV-GRP products pass accelerate weathering to ASTM G154 Standards.
  • Fittings and straights should comply with ASTM C450 and C585.
  • Material should be free from defects (air pockets, holes, etc.) and meet dimensional tolerances.
  • Temperature resistance—UV-GRP products are thermoset resins and as such do not melt, but char. It is important to get good temperature resistance data and testing from your supplier.
  • Product should also pass the ASTM D746 brittleness test and ASTM D648 heat deflection temperature.

Given the positive outlook for LNG, there is likely to be an increase in demand for products suited for these applications. In combination with the right insulation and primary vapor barrier, UV-GRP is an option that can withstand corrosion, cryogenic temperatures, and foot traffic. Creating an ASTM standard for this material will help ensure it is used properly in facilities throughout the United States.


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This article was published in the December 2017 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2017 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.


Last month I sat down with Amanda Veinott of the High Potential Coach (—and a Millennial herself—and asked what managers might be missing when interviewing Millennial job candidates. Specifically, I asked, “What might surprise these managers once their Millennial hire comes to work?” Here’s what she said:

1. “I’ve never had a real job.”

Most Millennials are graduating with lengthy lists of volunteer activities and world travel, but many have never had to show up for work on Monday morning. This generation is graduating with the lowest rates of summer jobs since 1948. It’s up to their managers to orient these new hires not only to the job, but also to being an employee—including fundamentals of responsibilities, roles, and work culture. Don’t assume they know the unspoken rules of a workplace. In fact, consider offering a separate “Working 101” orientation for new employees of this generation.

2. “I didn’t read the ‘About Us’ tab on your website.”

Most Millennials are not interested in reading paragraphs of text describing an organization. So, rather than a traditional “About Us” page on the company website, make the organization come to life through blogs, short video clips, interactive articles, and employee interviews; when designing new employees’ orientation, make it inspirational rather than informational; and ask current Millennial employees what they wish they had known their first few weeks on the job and start there.

3. “I don’t want to be stuck in an office from 9 to 5.”

What Millennials will likely say is something along the lines of “I expect to work hard, to deliver results, and to have my need for a balanced life be accommodated.” So be prepared for Millennials to ask for greater workplace flexibility—and expect it. The more opportunities Millennials are given to work outside the office, the better.

4. “I don’t communicate by phone or email.”

That’s what social media and instant messaging are for. The use of email by late teens and early 20-somethings is down 47%. As Millennials are asked to fill the roles of retiring Baby Boomers, they may need support or direction with information sharing and knowledge transfer, as well as clear guidelines regarding communication preferences.

5. “I don’t know.”

Millennials are accustomed to having instant access to all of the information they need on the Internet, so they see little need to memorize facts or figures. For this reason, managers may need to consider new definitions for the skills or knowledge base of their workforce, as knowledge may need to be merely accessible rather than known.

6. “Your processes and systems are so old and out of date.”

Don’t be surprised if a newly hired Millennial says this. The truth is, they probably are outdated, and managers need to decide whether to encourage them to figure out a way to do things better. Most Millennials are “fixers,” and while it may not be in their job description to change processes, they like to please their superiors. By giving them an opportunity to shine, everyone wins.

7. “How soon can I expect a raise?”

Don’t be surprised when a Millennial asks for a raise after 6 months. When it happens, listen to and acknowledge the reasoning. If this person has proven to be a star performer, re-evaluating the compensation package is an option. A better idea, however, is to talk to hires the first few days on the job about their top priorities and let them know that they will have a 6-month review. Regardless of how it’s done, set clear expectations for the processes the organization follows for reviews and raises.

8. “You’ll need to draw out my creative potential.”

A newly hired Millennial may have come across as an introverted IT programmer who expressed little interest in creative pursuits, but don’t be fooled. Millennials’ hidden or under-expressed creative talent can be maximized in free-for-all brainstorming sessions. Provide them the opportunity to use the right side of their brain and watch creativity, collaboration, and teamwork unfold. The ability to attract, retain, and manage members of all generations is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of organizational success. Be a flag-bearer, actively recruiting Millennials (and the upcoming iGeneration), and find ways to support them and draw out their strengths. By accommodating their needs and filling
in their knowledge gaps, you’ll be building a more robust organization overall—one that will be current, competitive, and in step with the evolving business world.



Copyright Statement

This article was published in the December 2017 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2017 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Author’s Note: “While Hurricane Harvey was devastating to some regions of Texas, to the best of my knowledge, the buildings mentioned in this article were not flooded by Hurricane Harvey. Even if the stadium and convention center had flooded, I engineered an insulation system that does not absorb water, so the system should not be damaged by water.”

Chilled-water (CHW) pipe systems must be carefully insulated to perform properly—this is even more true in hot and humid environments. The challenges inherent in such an environment caused many unusual issues for a multiuse professional football stadium and convention center located in south Texas near the Gulf of Mexico. This case study will help readers:

  1. Understand the causes and effects of CHW pipe insulation systems operating beyond design conditions;
  2. Comprehend the long-term effects of “idle building syndrome” on the CHW pipe insulation installations;
  3. Clarify the physical effects that would identify the rationale for remediating the failed CHW pipe insulation systems; and
  4. Ascertain the type of pipe insulation systems that can be installed on a 38°F (3°C) functioning CHW pipe and require no external vapor retarder (VR) jacket.

The football stadium in question is a 1.9 million sq. ft. (176.5 thousand m2) air-conditioned structure with a seating capacity of ≥72,000 people and a retractable roof. Water-cooled chillers with up to 18,000 refrigerated tons (216 million BTU/hr.) capacity supplied the 24” NPS, 38°F (3°C) CHW supply piping underground to the stadium. The original specified/designed space conditions were 72°F to 75°F (22°C to 24°C) conditioned air at approximately 50% relative humidity (RH).

The adjacent rectangular-shaped convention center is 3/10-mile (0.5 km) long and has 1.4 million sq. ft. (130 thousand m2) air-conditioned floor space. The same 18,000 refrigerated tons (216 million BTU/hr.) capacity water-cooled chillers supplied the 24” NPS, 38°F (3°C) CHW supply piping underground to the convention center, with distribution piping across the 40 ft. to 80 ft. (12 m. to 24 m.) high exhibit hall ceilings to the mechanical rooms with air-handling units (AHUs).

Inside the stadium and convention center, the insulated CHW piping suffered from occasional exposures to the south Gulf Coast of Texas’s high humidity and ≥90°F (32°C) ambient conditions. In addition, all the 38°F (3°C) supply and 54°F (5°C) return piping operated constantly in all areas where it was located, as all areas were designed as conditioned air spaces. In other words, the chilled water supply and the chilled water return distribution piping are flowing 365 days a year.

Although the stadium and convention center operated with 2 different types of CHW pipe insulation materials and accessories, both installation systems had several deficiencies and failed to perform to expectations. The following listed instances include installations practices, choice of materials and accessories, and specification requirements that led to some of the installed insulation system performance failures.

  • The CHW pipe insulation was installed with insufficient thickness to prevent condensation from forming on the outer jacket surfaces. In addition, the same thickness was installed on the CHW pipe finished with aluminum jacket, which is an issue since the lower emittance of unpainted aluminum jacketing usually requires higher thickness requirements.
  • The white paper–covered VR All Service Jacket’s (ASJ’s) longitudinal and circumferential joints were compromised during the formation of condensate water with poor lap closures and some staples. Consequently, some mold and mildew formed on a portion of the white paper ASJ jacket both with and without a PVC jacket.
  • The PVC-covered insulation fitting wrap contained no vapor retarders or jacket and the fitting cover closure was sometimes held together with thumbtacks.
  • Pipe insulation mitered fittings were covered with an open weave fabric and coated with a non-vapor-retarder mastic.
  • All the original pipe insulations installed were permeable, allowing the insulation (with poorly performing VR seal) to become moisture laden from condensation, starting the corrosion under the insulation (CUI) on the CHW pipe, pipe fittings, flanges, flange bolts, etc.
  • See Figure 1A: CUI on the inside on the metal surface under the 45° elbow insulated fitting.

  • See Figure 1B: CUI on the flanged coupling with partially corroded bolts.

  • See Figure 2: The stadium’s CHW pipe insulation starting to develop mildew fungi on the outer jacket, unlike the hot water pipe insulation on the left.
  • See Figure 3: The effects of high humidity exposures shown here with infrared thermal imaging. The stadium’s wet CHW insulated piping is shown on the right and the same hot water insulated piping is shown on the left.

New CHW Pipe Insulation Engineering and Design Requirements

The multipurpose stadium and convention center are constantly being prepared for and hosting various events year-round, requiring the zoned air conditioning to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Therefore, the remediation process on all the CHW pipe insulation systems had to be conducted while the CHW supply and return piping were operating at 38°F (3°C) and 54°F (12°C), respectively. Unfortunately, isolating the CHW distribution piping for insulating at ambient temperatures is not possible.

All the new pipe and equipment insulation CHW systems are designed to sustain some condensation water forming on the outer pipe insulation surfaces due to the high humidity surrounding air conditions. This makes it important to use a nonpermeable insulation, such as cellular glass with a 0 permeance charcoal-colored VR butyl joint sealant; an insulation material with these specifications can withstand the formation of condensation without negatively effecting thermal performance.

In order to minimize the likelihood of condensation formation, the cellular glass insulation manufacturer provided the thickness requirements—as specified by the owner’s engineering design team—to accommodate 90°F (32°C) ambient air temperature and 90% RH, with no (0) wind, and with a 0.9 emittance PVC or CPVC jacket, or with no VR jacket. Originally no aluminum jacket was installed, but this was revised to PVC jacket inside the buildings and CPVC jacket and fittings covers for outdoor insulated CHW piping. In addition, the cellular glass insulation manufacturer warrants that, for a period of 20 years from the date of completion of construction (July 2016) the cellular glass installed on chilled water piping in the building identified herein will not absorb moisture, and will retain its original insulating efficiency, compressive strength, dimensional stability, and will remain noncombustible.

Installing the New Insulation System

Considering that the pre-2003 CHW piping installations used lesser pipe insulation thicknesses, the owner’s engineering group provided engineering drawing work-around solutions to accommodate the newly designed increases in pipe insulation thicknesses. The primary reason for increased thickness was due to changes in increased design requirements (e.g., designed conditions increased to 90°F and 90% relative humidity and a functioning VR system). Thickness was not the issue. Although the design conditions are very complex, the installation of a vapor sealed cellular glass pipe insulation system provided the only solution to the remediation process.

After removal of the original insulations and accessories, the 38°F (3°C) supply and 54°F (12°C), return pipe was cleaned, wire brushed, and hand dried while all the cellular glass longitudinal and circumferential joints, and vapor dams within the annular space, were coated with the charcoal-colored VR butyl sealant and quickly installed on the CHW pipe and pipe fittings. It must be noted that all saw cuts made on jobsite are made by movable flat table band saw (no hand saws allowed) to provide perfectly fitted joint cut surfaces. After the new pipe insulation sections were permanently installed, the cellular glass pipe insulation was banded together with stainless steel strapping.

Since the cellular glass insulation will not absorb water vapor/moisture and has a 0.0 perm rating, only the pipe section joints are sealed and no additional vapor retarder jacketing system is necessary for this CHW insulated piping system. White PVC and CPVC jackets are used primarily for another form of aesthetics or protection from physical mistreatment.

Figures 4–8 show the aesthetic difference between insulated CHW cellular glass pipe insulations with and without jacketing. These photos are the finished applications:

  • Figure 4: 18” NPS stainless steel (SS) strapped sealed cellular glass pipe insulation with no jacketing located in the exhibit hall high ceiling.
  • Figure 5: Totally vapor-sealed joints of cellular glass 90° elbow with no external jacket.

  • Figure 6: 18” NPS SS strapped 3-foot sections of cellular glass pipe insulation installed in ceilings.
  • Figure 7: 12” NPS SS strapped cellular glass CHW supply and CHW return insulated pipes and elbows with no outer jackets.
  • Figure 8: 8” NPS SS strapped cellular glass CHW supply and CHW return insulated pipes and groove and clamp couplings covered with white PVC jacketing located in the stadium’s upper concourse ceilings.



There were several lessons learned on this project, prior to and during the remediation. It is critical for design engineers to consider and design the system for real-world conditions. Giving some thought to those conditions, and their impact on the long-term performance of the insulation system, pays dividends immediately. Consideration of issues such as “idle building syndrome” also pay dividends related to system performance. Choosing the most appropriate system based on real world conditions is important to achieving desired performance, as is making sure that any “value-engineering” processes actually add value. Finally, if remediation is necessary, choose an insulation system that is going to perform in the field considering all long-term local and surrounding conditions.



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This article was published in the November 2017 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2017 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.


A chilled-water system can be defined as a re-circulating water system using water chilled in a refrigeration machine as a source for cooling. In most commercial applications, this cooled water is used as part of an HVAC system for conditioning the temperature of the air in a room or building. We often think about the need for conditioned air as a simple modern comfort. However, with today’s technologically advanced equipment and our growing reliance on machinery, air conditioning is becoming a necessity in almost every building.

These advances have led to increasingly complex chilled-water systems requiring more specialized insulation solutions. Choosing the right materials, identifying the components that require insulation, and selecting a qualified contractor for installation are the major requirements for a successful chilled-water project.

While there are many different types of pipe and equipment insulation used today, the list of materials that are compatible with a cold system is quite narrow. Figure 1 lists some of the most common cold-application materials:

As you can see from Figure 1, the most common insulation materials are compatible with a cold system with the use of a jacket or with a separate vapor barrier. While these barriers have excellent permeability characteristics, it is important to remember that any imperfection in the application of these products can lead to a failure.

While piping comprises the bulk of any chilled-water project, insulation of equipment requires the most time and the expertise of skillful craftsmen. Due to its excellent permeability rating, lack of external jacket, and flexibility to mold around surfaces, elastomeric insulation is sometimes chosen to insulate chilled-water equipment. Used in conjunction with specialized adhesive and a well-trained mechanic, elastomeric is flexible enough to insulate most shapes of the equipment required. Typical applications include pumps, heat exchangers, chillers, control valves, and any point-of-use valves. Other insulations can be used on this equipment as well, but often result in boxed-in equipment, and any maintenance of the equipment could disturb the insulation integrity if they remove or cut into the insulation. Also, elastomeric, polyisocyanurate, and cellular glass do not require a paper vapor barrier jacket, allowing it better durability in equipment rooms while minimizing the cost impact of field applied jacketing like PVC.

Ductwork is another important piece of the insulation envelope for a chilled-water system. The result of a failed vapor barrier in ductwork tends to show itself in the most public spaces of a building. Ceiling structures often point out the failure of insulation with water marks. While these marks can cast a negative image for any office, home, or other facility, water can also lead to mold and added expense for remediation. Cooling coils, diffuser boxes, and flex duct connections are the most common failure points for an air-conditioned system. Maintaining an unbroken vapor barrier and utilizing economical and durable materials are best practices for combatting future condensation issues. Foil-scrim-kraft (FSK) jacketing is the most common vapor barrier utilized for duct insulation and has the same permeability as all-service jacketing (ASJ).

When considering which material is best suited to your needs, cost is often an important factor. It is essential, however, to consider more than a simple side by side of materials. Some of the other factors that deserve consideration are installation efficiency, durability, thermal conductivity (K-Value), availability, and combustibility.

Illustrative Case Study: Seeley G. Mudd Hall at Northwestern University

Luse Thermal Technologies, a mechanical insulation contractor and NIA member company based in an Aurora, Illinois, recently completed work at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, at Seeley G. Mudd Hall, where the University took on an ambitious project to renovate and expand the building to house state-of-the-art scientific research laboratories. This particular project was unique for a chilled-water system because of the varying temperatures and types of chilled water utilized by the research laboratories.

Operating as low as 25°F, chilled glycol lines required polyisocyanurate insulation with saran jacketing. Applying this material can be slow due to its rigidity and molded fittings. In addition, the laboratories utilize process cooling water, chilled water, and secondary chilled water, all requiring varying thicknesses of fiber glass insulation based on their operating temperatures. While the materials and thicknesses varied, the key component to insulating each of these systems was to maintain an unbroken vapor barrier on pipe, specialty valves, and equipment. The contractor also utilized a large amount of elastomeric on the valves and equipment for this project, illustrating the fact that one type of insulation is not best for all situations. The ductwork on this project was fairly standard; since they were supply ducts conveying below-ambient temperatures, they need to receive the same, unbroken vapor barrier as the pipe. This was achieved by using FSK fiber glass duct wrap in concealed locations and ASJ fiber glass board in exposed areas.

A properly insulated chilled-water system should achieve the primary goal of condensation control. Condensation will dramatically accelerate pipe deterioration, create mold on pipe insulation, and possibly damage insulation throughout the system. In addition, wet insulation exponentially decreases its effectiveness. For every 1% of moisture gain, there is a 7.5% loss in thermal efficiency. While we have focused primarily on initial install in this article, note that a maintenance plan for repairing and maintaining your chilled-water insulation integrity should also involve a qualified contractor that meets the same criteria that the initial project required.

While material selection certainly plays a large role in the success of a chilled-water insulation project, the craftsmen installing the products are undeniably the most important component. A skilled insulation contractor will not only deliver peace of mind, but can also finish exposed insulation that will give a mechanical room a polished aesthetic that the owner will be proud to show off. When a mechanical insulation contractor can offer the expertise to recommend materials, properly identify the scope of a project, and provide skilled mechanics to deliver a truly professional installation, success is the natural outcome.



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This article was published in the November 2017 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2017 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

A casual drive around Scranton, Pennsylvania, reveals one of the most significant challenges that local distribution centers face in trying to attract employees: an extremely competitive market. One billboard announces lofty starting salaries at’s newest local warehouse. Less than a mile down the road, another billboard touts jobs at the new distribution center in town. And in a nearby shopping center parking lot, a local staffing firm has stuck flyers under the windshield wipers of parked cars, offering $14 an hour to work in distribution.

Usually, the employment conversation about the decline of bricks-and-mortar retail is centered around job losses. “The department store platform seems to be falling apart,” said Mark Muro at the Brookings Institution. The reason, most observers agree, is that consumers are increasingly likely to make their purchases electronically. As the number of orders processed online and delivered by companies like Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Staples rises, so does their need for workers in their distribution warehouses. In June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said that the number of warehouse and storage-sector jobs had risen roughly 3.9% year-over-year, to a preliminary count of 948,500.

As a result, HR managers at distribution warehouses across the country are under pressure to hire and retain workers. They face a classic supply-and-demand problem that’s complicated by some unique challenges. To start, since their facilities all have similar transportation requirements, they tend to cluster near highways in the same areas. That means they’re competing for labor within the same talent pool.

To make matters more complicated, the warehouses’ geographic requirements don’t always line up with the population. Many facilities are built on the fringes of major metro areas, or else in rural or semi-rural small towns. Top distribution locations include Riverside, California; Toledo, Ohio; Jacksonville, Florida; and Cranbury, New Jersey. And the people who take warehouse jobs are often low-skilled, speak little or no English, come from a wide range of cultures, and often have difficulty managing multiple jobs, family responsibilities, and expectations like being able to get to work on time.

For many retailers, distribution is a strategic issue that is so sensitive, they won’t even talk about it. A number of warehouse HR professionals SHRM Online spoke to asked not to be identified, and other companies declined to make their HR staff available for fear of “revealing best practices and insights” to their competitors.

Understanding What’s Important

Many HR practitioners describe their warehouse employees as low-skilled and living from paycheck to paycheck. Often, they can’t keep up with rent and bills. “It’s genuinely hard for them,” one warehouse HR manager said. (According to PayScale, the average U.S. warehouse worker earns $12.46 per hour, or about $28,000 annually.)

Nearly all of the warehouse HR practitioners we spoke with pursue similar strategies with the goal of becoming a favored employer. Warehouse work is physically demanding and often entails long hours, but employers try to create the best working environments they can by, for example, keeping facilities spotlessly clean, understanding that warehouse workers often regard things like culture and benefits in ways that are markedly different from their white-collar colleagues, and, most commonly, being present on the warehouse floor and looking for opportunities to have personal interactions with workers.

For many warehouse workers, “it starts out as just another job,” said Holly Courter, SHRM-SCP, Senior HR manager for the Hazle Township, Pennsylvania, facility of Westfield, New Jersey–based Romark Logistics. “But we are committed to knowing the associates’ individual needs. It’s part of our retention strategy.”

Knowing employees involves more than just knowing the name of each person on every shift. It’s understanding their daily concerns and their challenges. As several HR managers noted, “a gas card has more value than a 401(k).”

Recruiting and retaining workers is “all about brand and culture,” Courter said. While she said Romark offers competitive pay and benefits, the fact that its warehouses are air-conditioned (many of its customers require it) and that employees remain on the clock during lunch breaks has a big impact on retention. In addition, Romark allows workers to choose shifts of 8, 10, or 12 hours, with the option of working weekends if they prefer. It’s an unusual approach to scheduling, Courter said, but the flexibility helps build the company’s reputation as an attractive place to work.

Most warehouse HR professionals say a significant number of their workers come to the company through referrals or general word of mouth. One person brings in an application from a cousin, for example, or members of a community talk up their company because they feel they’re being listened to and treated respectfully. To encourage such outreach, many warehouses offer referral bonuses.

“We identify the best candidates through referrals,” said one manager. “And the advantage of referrals is that we get information from a known source. Most of these folks don’t have resumes.”

Another tactic is to actively seek ambassadors among longer-term employees and ask them to spread the word in their neighborhoods about available job opportunities. One Scranton-area distribution center targets community and religious gatherings at local Hindu temples and encourages its employees to tell others that the employer offers free English as a second language classes to the primarily Hindi-speaking population.

Why Visibility Is Important

Once people are hired, spending time on the warehouse floor is a key to HR’s success, several practitioners agreed. Romark, for example, has HR staffers at every 1 of its 6 facilities, said Courter. “Personal connections are very important. People want to see you on the floor, see that you understand their needs,” she explained.

Nearly all the HR practitioners we spoke with stressed the importance of treating warehouse workers as professionals. But they also emphasized that it’s important to use a different approach from the one they take with white-collar workers or skilled tradespeople.

“You can’t send an e-mail to white-collar workers and then only put up posters for blue-collar employees,” said Adam Calli, SHRM-SCP, principal consultant of Arc Human Capital in Woodbridge, Virginia. “You need to show up at each preshift meeting to deliver your message.”

An HR business partner at a national retailer’s distribution center agreed. She attends meetings with each department every week. Since most of her workforce speaks Spanish, she asks the strongest English speaker in the group to translate for her. Calli thinks that’s a smart approach. “You should always make use of information leaders, the workers who speak better English, to help you communicate new policies and other information,” he said.

Building Common Ground for Multiple Cultures

But even if you have a good translator, this doesn’t mean you’ve overcome the issues presented by a multicultural workforce. Warehouse jobs are typically filled by employees who come from a range of cultures, for example, native-born Americans, Hispanics, Indians, and people from the Middle East.

By thinking proactively, employers can minimize any historical tensions between different groups, practitioners say. Yet while most in HR are keenly aware of the number of cultures represented on the warehouse floor, few talk about that diversity as a problem.

“One would think diversity causes drama, but that’s not true,” Courter said. “We have a very diverse workforce, with different religions, backgrounds, and cultures, but we use the corporate culture as the common denominator. It’s not always easy, but it’s working.”

In a fast-paced and demanding work environment, tensions and disagreements can arise, she added. “You have to be proactive, hear both sides and bring people to a common understanding.” Such dynamics, she said, are another reason to have an HR presence in every facility.

Open Doors Make the Difference

Managing a distribution warehouse’s employees is about as close to “in the trenches” as HR can get. Resolving most challenges—from recruiting difficulties to absenteeism to personal politics on the warehouse floor—in some way depends on HR professionals being visible and known individually by the workforce.

Indeed, the idea of getting to know each worker and his or her job is a key to success, according to many of these HR professionals. “We take the initiative to spend time with employees and listen to them,” said one. “We bring people off the floor in groups based on their language so we can hear what they think we could do better.”

The owners of privately held Romark, for example, call their employees “the foundation of our business success” and back up those words with simple actions that go a long way with their warehouse associates: They send birthday and anniversary cards to each worker and hold events that focus on and involve workers’ family members. They endeavor to make sure each worker understands what’s expected of him or her and pay close attention to the condition of their facilities, as well as to safety precautions.

More important, this familiarity with individual workers can make it easier to tackle issues such as absenteeism. Some warehouse employees struggle to stay in one job for an extended time, one HR manager said, because their daily challenges can cause them to miss too many days of work. While he is sympathetic, he also said “you have to enforce your guidelines around attendance, even with good workers.”

For Courter, “it comes down to knowing the person and letting them know someone’s paying attention.” If an employee unexpectedly misses several days of work, she’ll talk to the person to “find out what’s going on and look for a way to deal with it.” In addition, her company actively encourages employees to approach HR in advance if they anticipate a string of absences. When associates know the people who work in HR, they’re more likely to do that, and to appreciate the process. It’s an example of how “knowing the associates is a part of retention,” Courter said.


Reprinted from Society for Human Resource Management, August 2, 2017, with permission of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). ©SHRM 2017. All rights reserved.


Copyright Statement

This article was published in the November 2017 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2017 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

The mechanical engineer has the responsibility for designing a commercial building’s mechanical system. This includes pipe, duct, and equipment used to distribute energy throughout the building. The objectives for insulating these components could be to save energy, maintain temperature control, protect personnel, or—on below-ambient systems—to prevent condensation. Most of the time there are multiple objectives to be met. The design engineer will design and specify the insulation type(s) and thicknesses based on the design objectives being considered. The following article provides a step-by-step approach to designing a mechanical insulation system suitable for a commercial piping project.

Regardless of the type of project: hot or cold, indoor or outdoor, large or small, HVAC/R or plumbing, there are some basic steps that should be followed when designing a mechanical insulation system for a commercial project. A project will usually encompass several different applications and possibly subgroups within an application, each of which will have to be considered separately. Before we begin outlining the steps, I would like to emphasize that we are not just specifying the type and thickness of insulation to be used, but are designing a complete system. A system where all the application parameters, environmental conditions, and mechanical codes will be considered, as well as the various components of the system: insulation, jacket, pipe insulation supports, adhesives, coatings, sealants, fasteners, labeling, etc. will be compatible and work together to provide an application that functions efficiently. The ASHRAE Handbook’s Chapter 23 “Insulation for Mechanical Systems,” provides general guidelines for designing a mechanical insulation system. However, each application should be evaluated based on its individual parameters and local conditions. The National Commercial & Industrial Insulation Standards Manual (, also known as the MICA Manual, goes into more detail and also provides insulation design plates where the designer can fill in the type of insulation material. The Mechanical Insulation Design Guide (MIDG), which is linked to on the National Insulation Association’s (NIA’s) website at, is another great resource for information.

Once the HVAC/R and plumbing requirements for the job have been defined and grouped by category and the piping has been laid out, we can begin to think in more specific terms about the mechanical insulation requirements. However, even in this initial phase, the engineer needs to be aware of where each insulation system will be located on the project to allow the necessary space needed (e.g., distance between pipes in a run or along a wall, etc.) for the insulation’s system thickness (i.e., insulation plus all parts of its system, including jacketing or accessories).

The next step is to define why we are insulating and what outcome we hope to achieve by insulating the piping. Are we looking for energy savings, condensation control, maintaining process temperatures, burn protection, or an acoustical component? There may be various sub-systems that need to be broken out for special consideration. This step involves reviewing the layout of all the pipe and tubing sizes, lengths, supports, fittings, flanges, valves, etc.

Identifying the process temperatures of the equipment being insulated in the various applications of the job is the next step. This will narrow down the choices of insulation materials and help determine the thickness required, although this will not be the only parameter used in determining thickness. NIA’s Insulation Materials Specification Chart ( is a great resource for reviewing the high and low temperature use limits on a variety of insulation materials. Note that the guide is based on ASTM International Specifications, not individual products, so always double-check the manufacturer’s data sheet before finalizing the specific product selection. With a few exceptions, most mechanical insulation materials (although they vary in form [fibrous, cellular, granular, etc.] and composition [non-petroleum base and petroleum base]) have thermal conductivity values in a fairly narrow range: 0.24–0.30 BTU (hr/sqft-F) as indicated in the Insulation Materials Specification Chart. Density becomes a selection criteria when considering the specifics of how the insulation will be treated; if it is likely to undergo certain wear and tear or withstand pressure, then a heavier density might be chosen.

The environmental conditions of each sub-system should be defined next. For indoor applications, this is usually straightforward, but should not be taken lightly. As an example, you should consider whether the conditioned spaces are always temperature/humidity controlled or whether are they intermittently uncontrolled—in which case they must be considered unconditioned or uncontrolled and treated as such.

Outdoor applications involve greater extremes in temperature, humidity, wind, etc. and will always require some type of abuse or weather protection for the insulation system, (e.g., coating, jacketing, etc.). In addition, many current mechanical codes require jacketing or coatings on exterior piping for most insulation materials to protect against ultraviolet (UV) degradation from the sun and all the other elements insulation is exposed to outdoors (e.g., wind, rain, birds, vermin, foot traffic, etc.). The type of protective covering required will depend on these and other environmental and personnel conditions, the expectation of the owner, and the cost, among other considerations.

Typically, the most extreme conditions should be designed for—unless it is completely impractical. When the extreme conditions can’t be designed for, accommodation must be made for when the design conditions are exceeded, particularly when the purpose of the insulation system is condensation control or burn protection.

The specific insulation system (types) that are appropriate for a given system can be determined using the pipe and tubing size, process temperature, environmental conditions (e.g., humidity), and the overall goal of insulating the system. Experience and past history by local insulation contractors with certain insulation materials should be considered and may play a role in this selection process as well. For example, specifying a product that is difficult to obtain or is not familiar to the local insulation contractors may result in a project that is over budget on bid day.

By reviewing the insulation system requirements more closely, one can select the best insulation for the application. Ease of installation (flexibility or rigidity), project conditions, moisture resistance, need for a load-bearing component, clean room requirements, compatibility of the insulation and the type of piping being used, pipe and tubing size, cost, etc. will all play a role in selecting the best insulation assemblies from the possible materials that meet the mechanical code, system conditions, and environmental condition parameters. Some engineers try to use one type of insulation on an entire project; this approach may diminish performance and may not be the most cost-effective approach. Using different types of insulation on large (over 8”) and small (run-outs) piping—even for lines that are operating at the same temperature and under the same conditions—often provides system advantages in performance and cost if compatibility is considered and the system is designed properly.

Once the insulation type has been established for the specific application, the minimum insulation thickness can be determined by the applicable current local mechanical code, which usually specifies thickness based on pipe and tubing size or process temperature by either thickness in inches or R value. Be careful to make sure the specified insulation thickness will meet the mechanical code requirement for the installed condition, not just the nominal manufactured factory thickness. Local mechanical codes vary and should always be double-checked to be sure they are consistent with the project’s site location. The Mechanical Insulation Design Guide at has a number of easy-to-use calculators that can assist.

In determining thickness for condensation control or burn protection, environmental conditions are extremely important (e.g., ambient temperature and relative humidity). In addition, wind speed or the emissivity of the insulation’s outer surface/jacket (if required) plays a key role in determining the thickness of the insulation required to inhibit condensation. Again, the thickness should be calculated based on the most extreme conditions if possible, or accommodations will have to be made for when the design conditions are exceeded to prevent system failure. In addition to the insulation calculators, NAIMA’s 3E Plus® insulation software program, which can be downloaded from, is a very helpful tool for determining insulation thickness. For more current product-specific information, many insulation manufacturers have similar programs that are specific to their products and may provide more accurate, updated information. One source for information on individual manufacturers’ products is the MTL Product Catalog found on NIA’s website.

Thickness Myths

Also, one note of caution in determining insulation thickness: one of the easiest mistakes to make is to use the thickness recommendations for energy conservation when you are trying to control condensation. Energy conservation thickness recommendations are not applicable for condensation prevention and will usually be far below what is required for condensation control in most regions. Another common misstep when designing condensation-prevention systems is to not factor in the effect emissivity of the insulation/jacket will have on the insulation thickness. One of the biggest myths in insulation design is to over-specify thickness in lieu of a needed moisture vapor retarder/barrier. Increasing the thickness will not take the place of a vapor-barrier system in condensation-control applications, especially under humid conditions.

Final Steps

The last step in the process would be to review the entire project, looking at all the applications within the project to be sure all elements of the design are working together. The layout should allow for the engineered insulation thickness specified. Take note: the number one complaint of insulation contractors/installers is that there is not enough space for the pipe insulation system as specified. This can lead to delays in the installation schedule or the insulation being reduced—resulting in a reduced system performance. All parts of the system should be specified, including vapor retarder systems/jacketing and vapor dams (where required), pipe and tubing supports, and any other needed materials. It is also important to specify detailed explanations on how to install the insulation in difficult areas such as valves (e.g., use of removable insulation if required), and vessels.

During this step, the issue of aesthetics can also be considered. The system may function properly, but if it does not look good, it could be an issue for the owner. If uniform appearance is a particular concern, it is advisable to specify one brand type within the same room or area. Differences in brand type will likely not be noticeable in different areas, but using different types of materials from different manufacturers within one room—while they may perform equally—may not look exactly alike (e.g., color [shade] variation or outer diameters not matching perfectly), which may give the appearance of a “patchwork” installation.

The use of pre-fabricated products (e.g., pre-fabricated fittings, insulation with factory-applied jacketing, or the use of pre-applied adhesive to the insulation/insulation jacket) may be specified for numerous reasons, such as faster installation or better performance. Basic manufacturer installation instructions or recommendations can be part of the specification for each system, as well as a project inspection process detailing when and what should be inspected at various steps during the installation.

Product submittal sheets/data sheets should also be reviewed for compliance with engineering specifications and local code requirements. Current product data sheets should be thoroughly reviewed to be sure each product is compliant with all regional mechanical insulation codes for the application as well as the requirements of the insulation material standard. To be sure the insulation materials and products used in the project coincide with what was specified, a no-substitution clause can be included in the specification design—this should specify that there will not be a product substitution that could affect performance (as a note, this does not mean that there can be no brand substitutions as long as performance is the same). This will ensure no product substitutions are allowed unless submitted to the engineer on record in writing. The rationale for the substitution, cost variances, data sheets, and samples of the product being proposed to be substituted must be supplied and approved 60 days prior to the installation. This provides assurance that the specified design will perform as designed.

Real Life Note of Caution

Another note of caution: selecting an old thermal insulation system design from the engineering archives and using a cut and paste method to adopt it for new projects may speed up the design process, but is also fraught with peril because of differing environmental conditions. Similarly, a design for a project that performed well in one region—for example the cooler Northeast—may not work in the humid Gulf Coast region because of different environmental conditions or local mechanical insulation codes. This is particularly true for applications where condensation control is one of the primary goals of the insulated pipe and tubing system.


By evaluating the system at this stage of the project, you will be ensuring that all the materials and accessories in the system are being specified and that all the elements will be compatible and work together to ensure the thermal insulation performance on this project. By following the above steps in the order designated, the mechanical insulation system should meet the expectations of the project in a long-term, cost-efficient manner. The next step is to get a quality, professional insulation contractor that is experienced and can install the system properly.

Field Experience

As a final note, I would like to encourage engineers, particularly those who are newer to the industry, to take some time to observe insulation installation in the field. While on site, you are more likely to notice the things that need to be tweaked, the gaps, what’s missing, or what’s not really working. It is important to look around at the changes in the application requirements and the products available to meet those requirements. Seeing how systems are installed and working with insulation contractors will improve your ability to design the best systems.



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This article was published in the October 2017 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2017 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.