Category Archives: Global

Stock markets plunge and rally, markets for new homes soar and collapse, materials and energy prices inflate and settle back, but according to veteran subcontractors, the key to ensuring that your company survives a challenging economy is to shun decisions made in the moment and stay coolly focused on the bottom line. According to subcontractors whose companies have weathered previous economic downturns, focusing on getting profitable work is what will bring your company safely through an economic rollercoaster ride.

A strong focus on evaluating profit and maintaining profitability is one of the reasons that the Buckner Companies, a steel erection contractor and crane supplier based in Graham, North Carolina, is still in business after 62 years. During those 62 years, the United States has experienced six recessions and Buckner has weathered them all. According to CEO Eddie Williams, profit—not volume—is what should take center stage in times of economic uncertainty: “You need to look at your job history and see which jobs were profitable—you have to know when to say no, and how low you can go.”

With this approach, Buckner has been able to avoid the negative consequences of taking work below cost. The company has even bailed out others that took on additional work in an attempt to solve their financial woes. “The last time the economy was down, competitors that bid below cost were overloaded with cheap work,” says Williams. “When things turned around, we had to complete the work others couldn’t. We furnished employees on an hourly basis to competitors who contracted too much work—a win-win situation.” Other veteran subcontractors have focused on profit not just as the key to keeping their companies healthy, but also as a measurement tool to understand and react to market changes. Analyzing the profit built into bids tendered versus the prices of bids accepted has provided valuable intelligence about the effects of increased competition to McGuire, Inc., a Baltimore, Maryland–based commercial and industrial concrete contractor serving the mid-Atlantic region since 1985. When profit margins dropped and customers started putting projects on hold at the end of 2007, President Tim McGuire decided to look into the profit factor more closely. “We run a pretty tight ship, so there was little room to cut anything,” says McGuire. “We did, however, begin tracking our bids more closely by using a spreadsheet to log project size and profit bid versus actual low bidder. This way we could eventually react, on almost a daily basis, to market changes that were drastic.”

Both Buckner Companies and McGuire, Inc., have followed projects with more profit potential, sometimes passing on larger, but financially riskier, projects. The extra effort to secure profitable work sometimes has meant going off the beaten path. “We follow jobs that are not just run-of-the-mill,” says Williams. “We might move out to a larger [geographic] radius, but we look for certain kinds of jobs with the equipment and people we have.”

“We began bidding very small projects that we usually would recommend to others,” says McGuire. “These jobs helped to bridge the gaps.” McGuire is careful to point out that bridging the gaps doesn’t mean taking work for work’s sake. McGuire evaluates risk and profit on each job. “Often times, diversification requires capital and risk that could backfire in our current economic condition,” he says. “That being said, you do have go way out on the limb to pick the best fruit.”

Knowing your company’s capabilities and business processes is critical to remaining financially healthy, according to Jim Totty, process manager for the Buckner Companies. “Know what you’re good at,” says Totty. “Know where your sweet spot is and stay within that target.” Totty meets with Buckner’s managers every week to review core business processes. He says that these meetings show him the benefit of key company personnel having clear, up-to-date information about processes like accounts receivable and measures like labor productivity. “Create a team environment in the company,” Totty says. “Let people know where you are and give them information; having the information about the big picture helps.”

Sometimes, protecting financial health will force subcontractors to make difficult business decisions, but even then, having and being open with information can help. Last-minute decisions to put major projects on hold meant McGuire, Inc., had to lay off a third of its employees for several weeks. Rather than shying away from sharing information about the company’s position, McGuire took a different approach. “When we had to make our initial layoffs, we held a company meeting and educated everyone on our work in progress and pending contracts to try to give them some level of confidence,” he says. “We made it clear that taking care of them is one of our top priorities. We also shared our economic outlook into the near future and told them how important their role would be. At the end of the meeting, we were thanked repeatedly for our transparency.”

Relationships with lenders and customers also take on new importance when the economic pressure is on. “Now is an excellent time to meet with your banker to analyze your current and projected situation,” McGuire says. “Send your banker a monthly or quarterly income statement. Don’t wait until trouble is on the doorstep to call the bank.” Subcontractors can ask customers to evaluate business practices so that they have a minimal negative impact on cash flow and profit. Retainage, for example, always places an extra strain on cash flow, but falling profit margins amplify its effects. McGuire recommends addressing this issue with customers directly: “More than ever, now is the time to push customers to push owners and banks to reduce retainage on contracts. With profit margins plummeting closer to zero, 10 percent retainage can be a coffin nail. The decision between lower retainage and construction team failure is a no-brainer.” For subcontractors, getting the right to access project financial information can provide an extra level of assurance that adequate project funds exist. (See sidebar “Know Your Lifeline—Get Project Financial Information”.)

Surviving multiple recessions has taught the Buckner Companies that some contract provisions are too financially risky for any economy. For Buckner, certain provisions are negotiable and others aren’t. “No contingent payment and no subrogation waiver for workers’ compensation,” says Williams. “Plus we’re very cautious about additional insured.” Williams, an ASA member since the early 1970s, adds: “We can attribute a lot of Buckner’s success to ASA. We cannot put a value on what we’ve learned from ASA.”

When it comes to reducing the impact of a negative economy, consider the advice of veteran subcontractors. Focus on profit and the processes and business relationships needed to maintain it. Don’t learn the lessons the hard way.

Reprinted with permission from the First Quarter 2009 issue of ASA’s The Contractor’s Compass ( and with permission of Naylor, LLC. All rights reserved.

Building owners and clients want to join the green and sustainability craze, even if they don’t really know what they’re signing on for. Engineering practice is, accordingly, evolving to incorporate green ideas and concepts. Engineers should wonder about the risks of helping their clients go green—and how to manage these risks.

The best known green building certification is the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED program. Many designers have attained LEED Accredited Professional (AP) status already. Anyone—not just architects and engineers—can become a LEED AP.

The USGBC is not a government agency. Accordingly, the LEED program is entirely voluntary, though individual jurisdictions might have authority to make some level of LEED compliance mandatory. Also, there is nothing to prevent private building owners and developers from making LEED certification a design criterion for their project.

USGBC developed its LEED program to certify new and existing buildings as sustainable. The LEED program assigns points to various design features and construction procedures. Depending on the number of points, a project can achieve LEED certification at different levels.

The USGBC’s program is not the only way to obtain green building certification. The Green Building Initiative is another private, nonprofit organization that promotes environmentally friendly building and rates buildings. The Green Building Initiative administers the Green Globes program in the United States.

The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) didn’t want to be left out of the green movement. Recent revisions to their professional codes of ethics encourage “environmentally responsible design.”

Article III of the NSPE Code of Ethics, Professional Obligations, contains section 2.d.:

Engineers are encouraged to adhere to the principles of sustainable development in order to protect the environment for future generations.

A footnote defines sustainable development as “the challenge of meeting human needs for natural resources, industrial products, energy, food, transportation, shelter, and effective waste management while conserving and protecting environmental quality and the natural resource base essential for future development.”

Canon VI of the AIA Code of Ethics, Obligations to the Environment, contains three ethical standards related to sustainability:

  • 6.1 Sustainable Design: In performing work, members should be environmentally responsible and advocate sustainable building and site design. (Author’s note: Unless this provision is aimed at contractors who might be members of the AIA, the association seems to be confused about the distinction between “services,” which professionals provide, and “work,” which contractors perform. It’s doubtful that the AIA intended to suggest that architects are responsible for environmentally sound execution of the work of the project.)
  • 6.2 Sustainable Development: In performing professional services, members should advocate the design, construction, and operation of sustainable buildings and communities.
  • 6.3 Sustainable Practices: Members should use sustainable practices within their firms and professional organizations, and they should encourage their clients to do the same.

Both the NSPE and AIA ethical standards are aspirational, not mandatory. However, it does not take a lot of imagination to anticipate that dissatisfied plaintiffs will attempt to elevate both the AIA and NSPE ethical standards to minimum elements of the standard of care. It’s already been tried. The case of Michael v. Huffman Oil Co. Inc. (661 S.E.2d 1, NC App., 2008) involved an expert who testified that an engineer’s failure to comply with a code of ethics for engineers constituted a deviation from the standard of care. Fortunately for engineers, the court held that neither the licensing statute nor the code of ethics created a specific standard of care for engineers. So the professional societies’ lofty goals have not yet percolated down to professional standards that are impractical for their members to meet.

Managing Risk

What risks do LEED, Green Globes, and the buzz about sustainability create for engineers, and how can engineers identify and manage those risks?

  1. Be aware that people (your architect clients) may be making promises for someone else (you, the engineer) to keep. The latest (2007) edition of the AIA contract documents requires the architect to consider green design.

    Section of the AIA B101-2007 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect agreement says:

    The architect shall consider environmentally responsible design alternatives, such as material choices and building orientation, together with other considerations based on program and aesthetics, in developing a design that is consistent with the owner’s program, schedule, and budget for the cost of the work. The Owner may obtain other environmentally responsible design services under Article 4.

    Most readers of this magazine are engineers, not architects, but they are consultants to architects. The architect clients will likely expect MEP engineers to fulfill the environmental responsibility aspects of the owner-architect agreement that relate to MEP system design.

    As with any other system selection analysis, engineers need to document the “environmentally responsible design alternatives” they considered and communicate that analysis to the architect in a format the architect can share with the owner. Any decisions that come out of this collaboration, including whether to pursue or abandon certain alternatives, also should be documented in a matter-of-fact, objective manner. That documentation should include a discussion of what benefits can be expected to accrue if the owner selects certain alternatives. If those benefits include reduced energy use, the documentation needs to identify the amount of reduction and compared to what.

  2. Avoid promising to achieve results that are beyond your control. Designers working on projects intended for LEED certification undoubtedly use their best efforts and make honest interpretations about what qualifies for the targeted LEED credits. However, when the project is submitted for evaluation and certification, USGBC is under no obligation to agree or to grant any particular credit. To avoid this problem, express the contract for design services in terms of efforts the design team will make or specific steps they can take. Do not promise to achieve a particular certification level or even that a certain credit will be obtained.
  3. Different people have different ideas about what constitutes “environmentally responsible design.” Those ideas could be one thing during the design phase of the project and something different after the building is occupied and the owner is unhappy with some aspect of the MEP systems. It is not enough to agree to consider or incorporate “environmentally responsible design.” Define the term. If energy or water use is the entire scope of the environmental consideration for your trade, say so. If the environmentally sensitive aspect of the design is to use locally manufactured or fabricated products (to reduce air pollution from transportation), identify that goal and state which products fall into that category and which do not. (Depending on where you live, it might be possible to obtain locally fabricated electrical switchboards, but not rooftop HVAC units.)
  4. It is also important to realize that achieving green certification does not guarantee low operating cost. Energy costs are only one component of sustainable design. It is possible for a green building to have higher operating costs than a comparable conventional building. At the same time, not achieving green certification does not signify a problem or deficiency with the building. Buildings can be successful and have low operating costs without applying for or receiving green certification.
  5. Sustainable design often promises some type of return on investment. Be clear about how that return is measured. It might not be measured in dollars, though the building owner is likely to think mostly in dollars. Speaking of dollars, sustainable design cannot guarantee reduced costs—many factors outside the designer’s control affect both the units of energy (or water or other commodity) consumed and the cost per unit. However, if a designer promises that a system will reduce costs, the law will enforce that promise.
  6. New design concepts (like sustainable and environmentally responsible design) often involve using new products and systems or applying familiar products or systems in new ways. That often means the owner is a pioneer and has to be prepared for bumps in the road. Systems and equipment might not start up smoothly and might not work as expected right away. Early adopters are not always early winners. Don’t let clients forget about the risks they decide to take?document the decision and its ramifications when the client makes the decision.
  7. It doesn’t matter how green or sustainable the system is unless it works. Regardless of whether the system is conventional or “environmentally responsible,” it is important to define performance criteria in a way that can be measured. For HVAC systems, that’s usually indoor temperature and humidity at specified outdoor conditions. There is no objective way to show that an underfloor air distribution, displacement ventilation, or natural ventilation system makes occupants more “comfortable.” The definition and perception of “comfort” can change from hour to hour and from person to person.

Used with permission of Consulting-Specifying Engineer Copyright© 2010. All rights reserved.

Total Construction in 2010 Down 4 Percent after Declining 13 Percent in 2009

FMI, management consultants and investment bankers for the construction industry, has released its Construction Outlook: Fourth Quarter 2009 Report. While 2009 was likely the bottom in terms of percent decline, 2010 will be the bottom in terms of dollar volume. Residential construction is expected to begin recovering in 2010. Nonbuilding construction will continue to be a positive contributor, increasing another 5 percent in 2010, driven mostly by conservation and development construction.

The economy may show some signs of improving, but it is just the beginning of the downfall for nonresidential construction. Nonresidential construction typically lags the general economy by about 18 months. Intense competition has been bringing down prices. This is good for owners, but not so good for contractors. Nonbuilding construction will remain positive for the forecast period, with power and conservation and development leading the sector.

The residential sector is expected to begin to recover in 2010. Single family put-in-place construction will recover at a slower rate than single family housing starts. The number of square feet per start is declining, meaning that new homes are getting smaller. They are also getting less expensive. The average and median new home sale price is decreasing.

Report highlights include:

  • Commercial construction relies heavily on consumer spending and new housing construction. Consumer spending will not return to high levels until the employment situation improves. Commercial construction is not expected to pick up until 2012.
  • Health-care construction will likely see a small increase in 2010 and 2011, remaining at a historically high level.
  • Power construction has seen 4 years of phenomenal growth and is expected to remain positive for the next 5 years.
  • Conservation and development construction is one of the few surprise winners from the stimulus bill.

For more information about FMI’s Construction Outlook: Fourth Quarter 2009, please visit

More Construction Firms Likely to Perform Stimulus-Funded Work in 2010 as Funding Expands Beyond Transportation Programs

Stimulus-funded infrastructure projects are saving and creating more direct construction jobs than initially estimated, according to an analysis of federal data released by the Associated General Contractors of America. The analysis also found that more contractors are likely to perform stimulus-funded work this year as work starts on many of the non-transportation projects funded in the initial package.

“The stimulus is one of the very few bright spots the construction industry experienced last year and is one of the few hopes keeping it going in 2010,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s chief economist. “The stimulus is saving construction jobs, driving demand for new equipment, and delivering better and more efficient infrastructure for our economy.”

Simonson noted that new federal reports show the $20.6 billion of stimulus highway projects initiated over the past 12 months have saved or created nearly 280,000 direct construction jobs. That amounts to 15,000 jobs per billion dollars invested, well above pre-stimulus estimates that every billion invested in infrastructure projects would create 9,700 direct construction jobs.

The economist added that heavy and civil engineering construction employment was stable last month even as total construction employment declined by 75,000. Meanwhile, highway and road construction was one of the only areas to see an increase in spending last year even as total construction spending fell by $100 billion. The two figures are a clear sign the stimulus is having a significant, and stabilizing, impact on the industry, Simonson noted.

Simonson cited examples like Pittsburgh’s Golden Triangle Construction Co. as an indication of the benefits of investing in infrastructure. The company is hiring two new engineers and more than 100 employees this spring just to perform $24 million of stimulus-funded projects this year.

It also is ordering new construction equipment to perform the work from Ripon, California–based Guntert and Zimmerman. As a result, the equipment maker saved 40 jobs on its assembly line. And thanks to its stimulus work, Golden Triangle decided to complete construction of its delayed headquarters, providing even more local construction jobs.

Simonson cautioned, however, that overall declines in construction activity have and likely will continue to overshadow the benefits of the stimulus. “The stimulus will keep a bad situation from deteriorating further,” Simonson said. “That may not make for great headlines, but it is welcome news for construction workers anxious to continue receiving paychecks.”

Construction Market to Increase 11 Percent in 2010, Says McGraw-Hill Construction Outlook Report

McGraw-Hill Construction, part of The McGraw-Hill Companies, has released its 2010 Construction Outlook, a mainstay of business planning for construction and manufacturing executives, which forecasts an increase in overall U.S. construction starts for next year. Due to improvement for housing from extremely low levels and broader expansion for public works, the level of construction starts in 2010 is expected to climb 11 percent to $466.2 billion, following the 25 percent decline predicted for 2009.

“The U.S. construction market in 2010 will be helped by growth for several sectors, following 3 straight years of decline that brought total construction activity down 39 percent from its mid-decade peak,” said Robert A. Murray, vice president of economic affairs for McGraw-Hill Construction. “The benefits from the stimulus act will broaden in scope, lifting not just highway construction but also environmental public works and several institutional structure types. With continued improvement expected for single family housing, after reaching bottom earlier this year, the overall level of construction activity should see moderate expansion in 2010.”

Highlights of the 2010 Construction Outlook include:

  • Single family housing for 2010 will advance 32 percent in dollars, corresponding to a 30 percent increase in the number of units to 560,000 (McGraw-Hill Construction basis).
  • Multifamily housing will improve 16 percent in dollars and 14 percent in units, after steep reductions in 2008 and 2009.
  • Commercial buildings will drop 4 percent in dollars, following a steep 43 percent drop in 2009. The weak employment picture will further depress occupancies, making it even more difficult to justify new construction.
  • Institutional buildings will begin to stabilize after losing momentum in 2009. Square footage will retreat another 2 percent after sliding 23 percent this year. The dollar amount of construction for this sector will edge up 1 percent, helped by a growing amount of energy-efficiency upgrades to federal buildings and continued strength for military buildings.
  • Manufacturing buildings will drop 14 percent in dollars and 3 percent in square feet, hampered by the substantial amount of slack manufacturing capacity.
  • Public works construction is expected to rise 14 percent, given more wide-ranging strength across all project types.
  • Electric utility construction will slip 3 percent, continuing to settle back after a record high in 2008.

The 2010 Construction Outlook was presented at the McGraw-Hill Construction Outlook Executive Conference in Washington, D.C., which brought together top management from all parts of the construction industry, including firms involved in building product manufacturing, architecture and design, contracting, engineering, and industry associations. At the event, Frank Giunta of Hill International and George Pierson of Parsons Brinckerhoff offered insights to an industry emerging from the crisis:

“The stimulus funds are meant to be just that, a stimulus, not the be-all-end-all answer to infrastructure financing,” said Frank J. Giunta, senior vice president and managing director of Hill International. “Both public and private sectors need to be innovative and rewrite the rules of project finance to address tremendous construction needs with minimal financing options.”

“The efforts of the federal agencies at transparency and their willingness to engage with private industry is refreshing,” said George J. Pierson, chief operating officer, Parsons Brinckerhoff. “We have to work together to meet the challenges of infrastructure and this economy.”

For more information on the 2010 Outlook or about McGraw-Hill Construction, visit or follow @mhconstruction on Twitter.

A cyclone-fired boiler is designed to burn crushed coal to generate electricity. It is just one of many boiler types designed to burn coal. Coal-fired boilers generate over 55 percent of U.S. electric power. The boilers with the highest capacity (by megawatt) are designed to burn either pulverized coal (PC) or crushed coal. The PC-fired boiler has the distinction of being the most popular. The cyclone boiler has the dubious distinction of having the highest burner maintenance cost per year of any coal-fired boiler. Typically, a cyclone burner costs a power company approximately $75,000 annually to repair pin studs and refractory loss. With approximately 500 cyclone burners in operation, this equates to over $37 million or about 20 percent of the cyclone boiler industry’s annual maintenance budget.

Power companies value lower maintenance cost and generating electricity. For the cyclone boiler, this means reducing pin studding and refractory loss inside their cyclone burners. To do that, it is helpful to understand what makes the cyclone boiler so unique and hostile to refractory and pin studs.

A cyclone-fired boiler uses large crushed coal particles (typically 4 mesh size), which must be burned at a slower rate than PC1 to complete the combustion process. This slower rate of combustion requires a unique burner design.2 The burner’s assembly is a long, round chamber (6- to 10-ft. diameter) formed by water wall tubes attached to the outside of the boiler’s furnace wall. A cyclone burner assembly is best described by its three basic parts:

  1. Burner rear closure area, at the back farthest from the furnace opening, which ignites the coal by using oil or gas
  2. Barrel area, where the coal and air are mixed in a swirling or “cyclone” action and combustion takes place
  3. Re-entrant throat area, where the fire from the ignited coal is forced into the furnace area of the boiler

Unlike a PC-fired boiler, burning coal in a cyclone burner creates extensive amounts of slag and requires up to 10,000 lbs of refractory and thousands of pin studs. The refractory and pin studs are needed to protect the tube wall surfaces from the swirling (or cyclone) action of the coal and from the slag created when the coal is burned. The longer the refractory lining and pins studs stay in place, the longer the cyclone boiler can remain in operation.

On average, power plants get 1 to 2 years of refractory and pin stud life inside their cyclone burners. Historically, power plants getting 2 years between repair outages find that what looked like refractory on the cyclone burner walls was really just a layer of slag covering bare cyclone tubes.

For years, the cyclone boiler industry has been asking for better refractory that will extend their boiler operating time. Unfortunately, there is no new refractory that can protect the cyclone burners that way.

How can power plants extend pin stud and refractory life?

The answer might be found in the steel industry, which uses electric arc furnaces. These furnaces use electricity and reach temperatures similar to those inside a cyclone burner. Their walls are formed using studded, water-cooled tube panels and have no refractory. The steel industry has figured out a way to form a “frozen” layer of slag over the panels. This frozen layer protects the panels from the molten steel.

Another answer may begin with a better understanding of how the cyclone burner was originally designed in 1941. Historical data shows that the basic design of the cyclone burner was based on the following concepts:

  • The refractory protects studs and tubes from the corrosive nature of the slag created by burning crushed coal.
  • The refractory must follow the contour of the tubes and be installed approximately 1/8 in. to 1/4 in. over the top of the pin studs.
  • The combination of pin stud quantity and the insulating value (K-value) of the refractory will cool the surface of the refractory at the hot face to a desired temperature where the slag will form the “frozen” thin layer of slag.
  • The frozen slag formed at the hot face of the refractory will allow the balance of molten slag to remain molten and flow over the frozen layer and out the slag tap hole.

Based on the 1941 theory of design, the original manufacturers selected a very dense plastic chrome ore material that had a K-value of around 12 and a pin stud pattern of 384 pin studs per square foot for their cyclone boilers. It required a pneumatic hammer to ram the material into place and could be installed to follow the contour of the tubes.

However, some critical changes have occurred since that original cyclone boiler was designed:

  • The coal burned today is a cheaper grade that creates more slag and a higher corrosive environment.
  • Most refractory materials manufactured today have high K-values (38-44).
  • The pin stud quantities have increased in density, in some cases to 520 studs per square foot.
  • The application of choice is now by gunning, or the shotcrete method, instead of ramming.

These changes have a dramatic effect on the development of the frozen layer and the longevity of the refractory and pin stud lining. First, use of pneumatic gunning does not allow the refractory to follow the contour of the tubes. When the refractory is installed by gunning, it creates a flat, smooth wall surface inside the cyclone burner. The filled-in areas between the tubes, called valleys, have a higher surface temperature than the surrounding studded tube areas, which inhibits the ability to create the desired frozen layer of slag (see Figure 2). In addition, the combination of increased pin studding and refractory materials with elevated K-values may be cooling the refractory at a higher rate, which may be preventing the slag from forming the “frozen layer” at the hot face of the refractory. Finally, with pneumatic gunning (the shotcrete method) it is difficult to control exactly how much material is applied over the studs. Any additional refractory material greater than 1/8 in. to 1/4 in. thick over the pin studs can potentially inhibit creation of the “frozen” layer of slag.

It is highly unlikely that refractory manufacturers will create a new refractory that extends the life of pin studs just for the cyclone burner industry. Therefore, a way to extend the life of pin studs is the frozen layer of slag formed by applying refractory to follow the contour of the tubes. Boiler manufacturers, power companies, and refractory manufacturers must work together to figure out the right amount of pin studs based on the K-values of today’s refractory materials.

Extending the life of the pin studs and refractory inside a cyclone burner takes a complete understanding of every aspect of the boiler?including coal type, slag and ash chemistry, and burner stoichiometry. Only by installing the refractory correctly and analyzing all these elements can the cyclone power industry re-establish or create the frozen layer of slag and extend the life of the pin studs and refractory.


1. A PC-fired boiler “pulverizes” coal to a very fine powder, typically 200 mesh.

2. A PC burner looks like a long probe, with the tip of the burner located just at the entrance of an opening into the furnace wall.


ASTM C64-72, “Specification for Fireclay Brick Refractories for Heavy Duty Stationary Boiler Service” (withdrawn 1983).

Norton, F. H. Refractories in the Generation of Steam Power (McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1949).

Figure 1

Cyclone burner restudding.

Figure 2

A typical cyclone burner key arrangement.

Figure 3

Cyclone burner typical pin studding.

Figure 4

Existing gunned refractory (note eroded areas in valleys).

Figure 5

Cyclone burner tubes and valleys.

Figure 6

Cyclone re-entrant throat and barrel with refractory.

In this issue of Insulation Outlook, we focus on the best social media strategy for distributors.

Within the insulation industry, it is common knowledge that distributors sell mainly to contractors, not to retailers or do-it-yourselfers. Distributors play an important role in providing contractors with product information, which ultimately is used to influence the specifiers, building owners, and engineers. Social media can play an important role for distributors in finding and capturing a new audience.

Typically, a contractor will already know what he/she is looking for: the most convenient place to find a particular product at the best price. Enter search social media. Most people understand what “Google it” means, yet it is important to know that sites like Ask, Bing, and Yahoo! are also quite popular.

To see where your products rank among all these sites, simply conduct your search on

Dogpile returns all the best results from leading search engines, including Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and Ask, so you find what you’re looking for faster.

Each search engine has its own method of searching, and each will return different results. Dogpile looks at them all, decides which are most relevant to your search, eliminates duplicates, and gives you a list of results more complete than anywhere else on the web.

A contractor who knows what he/she is looking for will likely search Google, Bing, Dogpile, etc. using the words in the product name, including the brand name. If you carry a particular product contractors seek, regardless of the brand, it is important to list your items on Google Base using all the positive keywords associated with your product and your competitors’ products. Also consider web-based aggregation sites like the MTL Product Catalog.

Even though the contractor is looking for a particular product, you want to give your product a chance of being compared to other distributors’ products. Not only will Google Base list your products and allow them to be compared, but your Google Base listing is more likely to be optimized on search engines, which in turn will help increase your website traffic.

Google has recently created the Google Merchant Center, where you can upload your product feeds and make them easy to find on Google Product Search. If you have been uploading Products through Google Base, your data feeds and account settings will automatically be migrated to the new Merchant Center.

Assume you have implemented the Google Base/Merchant strategy and in doing so have convinced a prospective contractor client to consider your product versus a competitor’s. Odds are that if the contractor does not know much about your product, he/she will contact contractor friends, partners, and/or acquaintances to see if they have ever used it and the results of their experiences with your product.

Now, instead of placing phone calls or waiting for e-mail replies, most people in similar industries use professional social media streams, forums, and chat rooms.

The Building Network, LLC, is a media company serving the construction and remodeling industry, which owns and operates, the most common forum for contractors. The good news for distributors is that while is designed for contractors, distributors are welcome to join as well. In the chat room you can search for topics of interest.

Search for your products and see what contractors are saying about them. This tool will allow you to not only interact with contractors but also make improvements and feature recommendations to your products’ manufacturers.

It is equally important to befriend the building owners, engineers, and specifiers who come in contact with contractors. They are most commonly found on the purely social platforms such as Facebook. Through Facebook, you can join groups with specific interests and ask questions that will lead to engaging conversations about products that shape the interest of the group. Do not use Facebook to try to sell your products directly. This method only works for multi-level marketing and peer-to-peer selling through the Facebook marketplace.

So, you have been successful at making your products visible, and you have educated and gained trust for your products. How are the contractors going to find you?

Nowadays, nearly every local news network, syndicate, and publication offers a city/regional social gathering place. These venues provide the ideal place for advertising the location and product lines of your distributorship. In addition, it is important that people understand the values of your business, such as that you are “green” or employ veterans. provides a great platform for sharing information about how your business influences the local community in a positive manner. A placeblog is a blog about the “lived experience” of a place. The lived experience can include the local political news, social news, and arts news of a place. The more open you are to the public, the more likely they are to find and endorse you.

Today, you have learned not only where to find contractors and how to position your products, but you have caught a glimpse of our final discussion on finding your audience, which will be dedicated to contractors. We will examine how contractors can use micro-blogging, video, photo sharing, and search social media to win projects, track jobs, and influence the masses.


  1. Google Merchant:

Drying refractory is critical for strong, long-lasting refractory applications. Unfortunately, standard refractory dry-out schedules, provided by all refractory manufacturers with their products, are difficult to apply to refractory used on a steam-generating boiler. These standard dry-out schedules are generic and require temperature monitoring rarely found at power plants, where monitoring capabilities are limited. Power plants monitor what is important to maintain their boiler operations: boiler exit gas temperatures, air temperatures into the windbox, steam drum temperatures, and steam outlet temperatures. They do not specifically monitor the temperatures where they have refractory. Thus, the dry-out schedules for drying refractory used on boilers must be tailored to the plant’s temperature-monitoring capabilities.

Refractory is used on all steam-generating boilers. Its primary function is to close and seal all openings or gaps so that the fire, heat, gas, and fly ash will not escape the confines of the boiler.

Regardless of boiler type, refractory applications are similar, such as refractory-filled wall boxes, refractory on tube walls in non-membrane areas, and at least one large refractory seal somewhere inside the boiler. For a radiant-type boiler, there is usually one such large seal at the top of the super heater floor just before the convection or heat recovery area. This is usually where the screen tubes are located, so the seal is sometimes referred to as the screen seal. Figure 1 shows a typical radiant membrane boiler.

The most common refractory materials used throughout the power industry for sealing and closing gaps and openings are cement-bonded, medium-weight materials, sometimes referred to as conventional-type refractory. They are the materials of choice because of their versatility and cost (about half what a specialty-type refractory such as silicon carbide or high alumina refractory might cost). Like all refractory materials, they must be properly dried to achieve their designed strengths.

Dry out, also referred to as bake out, is the process for removing both the mechanical water (added during the mixing process) and chemical water (originally added in manufacturing) from the refractory. Dry out must not be confused with curing, which is the process of keeping the refractory material wet or the surrounding atmosphere humid for 24 hours prior to applying heat for drying. This curing process is required on all cement-bonded refractory to create the most favorable conditions to complete the chemical reactions of the cement and water.

The heat source for the drying of the refractory is the boiler itself. The drying is done during the initial start-up of the boiler. While refractory manufacturers have their own recommended dry-out schedules, most all agree that a slow ramp rate of the heat is required to protect the undried refractory. The recommended ramp rate ranges between 50ºF and 100ºF. The first hold point is the most critical for cement-bonded refractory for removing the mechanical water and is usually between 220ºF and 400ºF. The mechanical water is turned into steam and forced out of the refractory by the heat. The upper hold points remove the chemical water and form the final bond within the refractory for maximum strength.

Standard dry-out schedules are not practical for drying most of the refractory used on a steam-generating boiler, however, because 90 percent of the refractory is on the outside of the boiler wall tubes and not exposed to the high heat/fire on the inside of the boiler. Therefore, a power plant must be able to read, monitor, and approximate the temperature of the water/steam inside the boiler wall tubes. The following is an example of a fairly simple dry-out schedule that could be used for drying refractory on the outside of water wall tubes.

  • Raise the water temperature inside the wall tubes or steam drum at 75ºF per hour until the temperature reaches approximately 220ºF to 250ºF.
  • Hold the temperature inside the wall tubes or steam drum for a period of 1 hour for every inch of the thickest refractory area required to be dried on the outside of the boiler (e.g., the largest wall box may have a depth of 5 in., requiring a hold time of 5 hours).
  • Raise the water temperature inside the wall tubes or steam drum 75ºF per hour until the temperature inside the wall tubes or steam drum reaches normal operating temperature.

This simple dry-out schedule is for refractory on the outside of the tube walls. Fortunately, these refractory areas are not exposed to erosion, high heat, or large stresses during normal boiler operation. If properly installed and cured, the strength of the refractory is not as critical in these applications (as long as the mechanical water is taken out to prevent the refractory from spalling or cracking when the boiler is in operation).

When refractory areas are installed inside a boiler, such as a screen seal, they are exposed to higher stresses, erosion issues, and elevated temperatures. These areas of refractory need the strengths that only a complete dry out can provide.

The temperature ramp rate and hold temperature for these types of seals must be based on the flue gas temperature inside the boiler, not the water or steam temperature inside the water wall tubes. Unfortunately, knowing the temperature of the flue gas near the refractory area may be difficult, depending on how many areas of the boiler the plant monitors during normal operation. It is not uncommon for plants to monitor only one or two gas temperature areas (e.g., the boiler gas outlet exit temperature, or possibly the flue temperature somewhere just above the furnace zone of the boiler). This means the gas temperature for the hold points may have to be estimated. Fortunately, most of these hold points are given in ranges (e.g., first hold point between 220ºF and 400ºF, second hold point 550ºF to 700ºF, third hold point 900ºF to 1,100ºF). The ranges are large enough that it is possible to accurately estimate what the gas temperature is at the refractory area to be dried.

For example, a dry-out schedule for a 12-in. thick screen seal inside a boiler may look something like this:

  • Using normal boiler startup procedures, monitor and raise the exit gas temperature of the boiler 75ºF per hour until the temperature at the boiler gas outlet reaches approximately 175ºF to 200ºF (remember that the refractory seal sees higher temperatures than what is being monitored at the gas outlet).
  • Hold the temperature at the gas outlet based on the hold time rule that 1 hour is required for every inch of thickness of refractory to be dried (e.g., the screen seal may be 12 in. thick, so the normal hold time equates to 12 hours).
  • Raise the exit gas temperature of the boiler 75ºF per hour until the temperature at the boiler gas outlet reaches approximately 550ºF to 600ºF (remember, the refractory seal is seeing higher temperatures than those monitored at the gas outlet).
  • Hold the temperature at the gas outlet for a period based on the hold time rule that 1 hour hold time is required for every inch thickness refractory to be dried (e.g., the 12-in.-thick screen seal would equate to a 12-hour hold time).
  • Raise the exit gas temperature of the boiler 75ºF per hour until the temperature at the boiler gas outlet reaches normal expected operating temperature.
  • Hold the temperature at the gas outlet for a period based on the hold time rule that 1 hour hold time is required for every inch thickness refractory to be dried (e.g., the 12-in.-thick screen seal would equate to a 12-hour hold time).

Each boiler configuration and operating/monitoring capabilities are different. While the above example is somewhat crude, it shows how to approximate the gas temperature at the refractory seal at each hold point. Obviously, it would be best for the plant to install thermocouples in the areas where major refractory seals are inside their boilers, ensuring a proper dry out and maximum refractory strengths.

Standard dry-out schedules are good for ideal conditions, but those are rarely found at a power plant. Power plants, manufacturers, and installers must work together to get the refractory dried inside and outside the boiler. The goal is to keep the fire inside the box and the vestibules/enclosures free of fly ash. Following proper refractory dry-out procedures and working within the capabilities of boiler operation will ensure a stronger and longer lasting refractory installation.

Figure 1

A typical refractory location arrangement drawing.

Figure 2

Inside the boiler looking up toward the arch tubes.

Figure 3

Adding water during mixing (mechanical water).

Figure 4

Refractory in a super heater seal box.

Figure 5

Refractory installed around burners inside a window.

Figure 6

Refractory being installed on the outside of boiler roof tubes.

Figure 7

Screen seal above arch tubes with refractory.

In the last article, we discussed the benefits of social media and the 10 different types of social media, and we identified the best types of social media combinations for the three primary delivery segments within the insulation industry. To recap, those segments are:

Delivery Segment Combinations:

  • Manufacturing: Bookmarking, Video, Photo sharing, Forum, Professional, and Gadget News and Review.
  • Distributors: Search, Professional, Purely Social, and City/Regional.
  • Owners and Engineers: Bookmarking, Search, Professional, Forum, Video.

In this article, we will build a social media marketing strategy for the manufacturers. We will go through some of the types of social media helpful to manufacturers and include a real-life example of how each could help your company.


There are dozens of social bookmarking services on the web, many of which can be accessed using the “Bookmark” button on our web pages. What follows is a brief description of some of the most popular services, all of which are free to use and easy to learn, and their best usage: Instead of saving bookmarks (a.k.a. “Favorites”) on your computer using your web browser, you can store them on the Internet using a account. This allows you to access your bookmarks from any computer in the world, share them with other people, and find new web pages that have been bookmarked by others.

The benefit is that bookmarks on can be organized using “tags” such as “insulation” or “manufacturer,” making it easier to find groups of popular pages on a particular topic faster without having to dig through search engine results. For instance, assume you have a salesperson who has committed the sin of not having literature with them. They could simply say: “Do a search for these particular tags: XYZ, R-Value #, insulation.” If the tags are unique to your products, only your products will show, whereas a search engine search might suggest competitor products and potentially cost you a sale.

Furl: Furl is similar to in that it allows you to save and share bookmarks. Furl also enables you to save copies of your favorite web pages in a personal, searchable archive. This could be helpful for training and leadership development lessons for staff members.

Digg: Setting up an account with Digg allows you to submit webpages for other people to look at and review. If someone likes a page, they can give it a positive vote—known as a “Digg”—and submit their comments. Best of all, the most popular pages appear in categorized lists on the Digg website. This provides a way of sharing your favorite web pages with thousands of other people.

A great way to use Digg is to select your video social media (more on this later) and send it to your prospective customers to vote on. Since the votes will display the usernames, we could do two things: turn interested prospects into customers and directly contact the unimpressed prospects to learn what improvement you could make to serve their needs. This is also a great way for manufacturers to test drive a product’s concept prior to full-scale market research and development.

Reddit: Since you have the URL discussed under Digg, you might as well test it on several sites. Submit it here as well.

StumbleUpon: StumbleUpon works by adding new buttons to the toolbar of your web browser. Two of these buttons enable you to vote for or against any web page you visit. This does not mean you should have all your clients vote against your competitor, since all the extra visits, while negative, could help their search engine rankings. A third button provides a way to “channel surf” the web by taking you to similar web pages that other users have recommended. This will help you assess whether the competition is biting the bait and allow you to see if the story about you, a new product, or impactful industry regulation is gaining stream.

Modern Marketing

Video: Unless a manufacturer is selling directly to the ultimate end-user, video social media is best used by manufacturers in two ways: company introduction and education.

Company introduction is a video that, ideally, introduces the company briefly (no more than 60 seconds), addresses what problems it solves, and provides contact information. After about 3 months of the introduction video being published online and posted on the company website, another video showing how a product solves a problem is highly recommended.

Next, video that describes how a product is made can be used to give a plant tour. Be sure not to release any proprietary information in the video.

Photo sharing: Get professional pictures of your products into an album. I suggest Flickr and Picasa. Create two albums of photos: one of professional product images, the other of end users interacting with your products at trade shows and as the solution to their problems. Be sure to tag each album with keywords related to your website, as well as captions for each image. This is one of the best ways to get your images found by search engines.

Forum: A forum should be used first as a tool to engage directly with end users and secondly as an indirect advertising platform. You do not want to post comments about how great your products are; instead, write about the problem people perceive and why they might need to learn to think differently.

Professional: LinkedIn is an ideal place to meet other industry leaders. This professional social media site should be used for learning about industry trends, joining groups of like-minded people, and creating polling questions for potential customers to answer.

Gadget News and Review: Gadget blogs will not help all manufacturers; however, if your products incorporate technology and electronic components, they come in handy. Gadget blogs and review provide a sense of where hardware, software, and social interaction will intersect. They don’t describe this explicitly, but the devices are part of the equation and essential to forecasting and preparing for future trends. This insight, coupled with the knowledge gained for some of the other types of social media, will help point manufacturers in the right direction.

There you have it. Always remember that the different types of social media are tools, not the whole picture. Use them wisely, and don’t overuse them.

Need to get familiar with the basics of mechanical insulation? Lost in the wilds of the Web? Here’s a guide to some of the pieces you can find online to get you started putting the puzzle together.


Need to demystify a spec? R-value? K-value? Mean Temperature versus Ambient Temperature? For those new to mechanical insulation, it can seem confusing. Check out the Glossary at, where you can learn facts such as:

  • Ambient Temperature is the average temperature of the medium, usually air, surrounding the object under consideration.
  • Compressive Strength is the property of an insulation material that resists any change in dimensions when acted upon by a compaction force.
  • Cupped Head Pin is a capacitor discharge welded insulation fastener pin with a fixed washer.
  • C-Value (Thermal Conductance) is a measure of the rate of heat flow for the actual thickness of a material (either more or less than 1 inch), 1 square foot in area, at a temperature difference of 1°F. If the K-value of a material is known, the C-value can be determined by dividing the K-value by the thickness. The lower the C-value, the higher the insulating value.
  • K-Value (Conductivity) is the measure of heat in Btus that pass through one square foot of a homogeneous substance, 1 inch thick, in an hour, for each degree F temperature difference. The lower the K-value, the higher the insulating value. Textbook definition: The time rate of steady heat flow through a unit area of a homogeneous material induced by a unit temperature gradient in a direction perpendicular to that unit area.
  • R-Value (Resistance) is a measure of the ability to retard heat flow rather than the ability to transmit heat. R-value is the numerical reciprocal of “U” or “C,” thus R = 1/U or 1/C. Thermal resistance R-value is used in combination with numerals to designate thermal resistance values: R-11 equals 11 resistance units. The higher the “R,” the higher the insulating value.
  • T-Rating is a rating usually expressed in hours indicating the length of time that the temperature on the non-fire side of a fire-rated assembly exceeds 325°F above its ambient temperature as determined by ASTM E-814 (UL-1479).
  • Wicking is the action of absorbing by capillary action.

Frequently Asked Questions

Another good place to start is the Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQs. At, you’ll find the answers to questions like:

How Do You Choose the Right Insulation for the Job?

Answer: Finding the “right” insulation begins with asking some basic questions such as:

1. What is the operating or line temperature of the system your customer needs to insulate?

In general, systems needing insulation can be divided into three temperature ranges:

  • Low Temperature Range (-100°F to 60°F): Refrigeration, cold/chilled water, and commercial heating and cooling systems.
  • Medium Temperature Range (61°F to 600°F): Hot water and steam, power/process piping, ovens, and stacks.
  • High Temperature Range (601°F to 1,500°F): Power generation, turbines, kilns, smelters, exhaust systems, and power piping.

2. Is the system outdoors or indoors or a combination of both?

This will help you determine whether or not the system and the insulation need protection from weather, corrosive atmospheres, water or chemical washdowns, abuse, or other conditions.

3. Is the ambient temperature constant or will it fluctuate?

The answer to this question will guide you in the selection of the appropriate thickness to protect against condensation, heat loss or gain, or other temperature control problems.

Now that you’re clear on the basic facts, you can start putting together an action plan. The following resources can help you get started on your mechanical insulation project.

Mechanical Insulation Design Guide

This comprehensive, living guide at was developed by the National Institute of Building Sciences and the National Insulation Association to help users walk through the process of learning about, specifying, purchasing, and installing mechanical insulation. Don’t even know what mechanical insulation is? The Mechanical Insulation Design Guide (MIDG) explains it: “Insulations used for pipes, ducts, tanks, and equipment—primarily used to limit heat gain or loss from surfaces operating at temperatures above or below ambient temperature.”

Trying to figure out what kind of insulation to use and how it needs to perform? MIDG has handy calculators to do some of the work for you, and its Materials and Systems section explains the different kinds of insulation materials: cellular, fibrous, granular, and reflective. It also explains insulation’s physical properties, including thermal conductivity, compressive resistance, and wicking, as well as various covering and finish materials.

The installation section explains everything from project planning to final inspection and maintenance. Resources, a glossary, and case studies round out this invaluable guide to mechanical insulation.

MTL Product Catalog

When you’ve figured out what type of insulation product you need for your job, you can turn to the MTL Product Catalog at to compare products from different manufacturers. The MTL Product Catalog offers a one-stop shop for mechanical insulation, with product literature from manufacturers of all types of insulation. Rather than searching various manufacturers’ sites for their literature, you can search this one site by type of insulation product and find what you need. Links to company websites and the Mechanical Insulation Design Guide are also included.

Insulation Specification Information

Need to learn about the differences in insulation materials? The Insulation Materials Specification Guide at www.
, created originally for NIA’s National Insulation Training Program, explains physical and material properties of various insulation materials as specified in ASTM Materials Specifications. NIA’s Technical Information Committee created this unbiased, easy-to-use selection guide to help students look up the physical and material properties of different types of insulations.

The Guide to Insulation Product Specifications at is updated regularly by NIA’s Technical Information Committee. This guide lists ASTM, federal, and military specifications pertaining to the thermal insulation industry. It encompasses both industrial and commercial mechanical insulations, as well as building envelope and fire resistance insulations. Related application and finishing accessory materials also are included.

At, you’ll find the Department of Energy’s Insulation Thicknesses for Economics and Burn Protection, which gives you tables to help you choose economically justified insulation thicknesses based on calculations listed for specific physical and economic parameters.

Need some information on a specific topic? Check out the following resources.

Technical Articles

Over the years, NIA’s flagship publication Insulation Outlook has covered just about every topic you could think up for mechanical insulation. At, you can search the article database by technical topic, keyword, author, issue, and date. The search page also offers a handy list of Quick Links to popular topic searches, including Acoustics, Basic Understanding, Condensation Control, Contractor/Distributor Services, Corrosion, Energy Savings, Environmental Control, Fabrication, Fire Stopping/Fire Protection, Health and Safety, Material Selection, Metal Building Insulation, Personnel Protection, Refractory, and Steam.

Offline Resources

NIA’s Bookstore at contains many resources for all levels of knowledge about mechanical insulation, including the National Commercial and Industrial Insulation Standards Manual.

You can also find out everything you need to know about the insulation in your facility and how much money you could save by maintaining or upgrading it by calling a Certified Insulation Energy Appraiser in your area. You can find a list at Those in the insulation industry can find out how to become a Certified Insulation Energy Appraiser at

These resources should help you answer your mechanical insulation questions and give you enough information for whatever project you have in mind. For more about the general value and benefits of mechanical insulation, check out the Mechanical Insulation Marketing Initiative website at Several documents there outline mechanical insulation’s uses and role in energy efficiency.

Based on data from more than 700 industrial energy assessments, the National Insulation Association estimates that implementing a comprehensive mechanical insulation maintenance and upgrade program in the commercial and industrial market segments would lead to:

  • Energy savings of $4.8 billion per year
  • CO2 reductions of 43 million metric tons per year
  • Generation of 89,000 jobs

What do these numbers mean?

Energy Savings of $4.8 billion per year equates to:

  • 45 billion kWh of electricity, enough to power 4.2 million households (4% of U.S. households) for a year and equivalent to annual output from 10,300 wind turbines
  • 82 million barrels of oil, enough to fill about 41 supertankers
  • 19 million tons of coal, enough to fill 190,000 railcars
  • 480,000,000,000,000 Btus (0.48 quadrillion Btus) of primary energy—about 0.5% of total U.S. annual consumption or 1.83 days of energy consumption for the entire United States

43 metric tons of CO2 reduction per year equates to:

  • Adding 1.9 billion mature trees (4.3 million acres of new forest, an area the size of Connecticut and Delaware combined)
  • Removing 7.9 million cars from the roads, about 3% of 254 million cars registered in the United States
  • Shutting down 11 coal-fired power plants, 1.6% of U.S. installed coal-fired capacity
  • Installing 730 million compact florescent light bulbs, equivalent to 2.3 light bulbs for every man, woman, and child in the United States

Generation of over 89,000 jobs:
Mechanical insulation maintenance is an excellent example of “shovel-ready” green job opportunities for stimulus spending. It can put tens of thousands of people to work and retain existing jobs while contributing to the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing, reducing our country’s dependence on foreign energy sources, improving our environment, and increasing profitability of private and public businesses and facilities. Equally important, the majority of insulation contractors who install and maintain mechanical insulation systems represent independent small businesses in every state. Mechanical insulation is a proven technology. It does not require research and development or engineering or design processes. Materials and skilled craft personnel are available now and ready to be deployed.

Just one worker for a single day can save:

  • Insulating 45 linear feet of 8-in. high-pressure steam line equates to about $13,600 per year in energy savings, equivalent to removing 13 cars per year from the highways. Assuming the facility exists for 20 more years, the total energy savings from that one workday would be $272,000.
  • Insulating 70 linear feet of 3-in. low pressure steam line equates to over $4,000 per year in energy savings, reducing CO2 emissions as much as removing 3.7 cars from the highways. Assuming the facility exists for 20 more years, the total energy savings from that one workday would be $80,000.

Note: The estimates were developed based on a given set of assumptions and the best information available at the time. Neither the National Insulation Association nor the International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers guarantees the accuracy of the good faith estimates contained herein.

This information is courtesy of the National Insulation Association and the International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers. For more information, contact the NIA office at 703-464-6422 or go to

When 2009 dawned, no one on Capitol Hill knew much (if anything) about mechanical insulation. The National Insulation Association (NIA) and its Foundation for Education, Training, and Industry Advancement had been working on a way to change that for several months through the Mechanical Insulation Marketing Initiative (MIMI). Along with the public relations firm GolinHarris and the International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers (the International), NIA worked diligently all through 2009 to educate lawmakers about the benefits of mechanical insulation.

That hard work paid off. In 2009, mechanical insulation:

  1. found a champion in the House of Representatives, Rep. Deborah Halvorson (D-IL)
  2. was the subject of a resolution on the House floor encouraging energy-efficient and environment-friendly building and facility certification programs to incorporate the use of mechanical insulation as part of their standards and ratings system
  3. received $500,000 in the Department of Energy’s budget for an educational/awareness campaign
  4. was featured in tax incentive legislation.

Letter writing campaigns by NIA and the International members and visits on Capitol Hill by NIA staff, Board members, and Committee Chairs, along with representatives of the International, all played a role in these successes by helping educate lawmakers about mechanical insulation’s short payback period, attractive energy cost savings, and immediate (real time) availability.

A Year of Change

In February 2009, NIA launched its campaign to win new support for and increase awareness of mechanical insulation and to help secure federal funding for continued and expanded association educational and awareness initiatives. Speed was imperative to take advantage of the money for energy efficiency improvements included in the recently enacted stimulus package.

To help in the educational effort, NIA developed some statistics with the help of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Department of Energy’s Industrial Technologies Program Save Energy Now initiative. With its ability to save $4.8 billion in energy costs and 43 million metric tons of CO2 emissions while creating or preserving 89,000 sustainable, green jobs, mechanical insulation is an impressive candidate for energy efficiency dollars. This data was used in the effort to get mechanical insulation included in the climate change legislation the House passed in June 2009.

NIA members and International Union members sent over 19,000 letters to Capitol Hill and thousands more to governors and state energy directors in this early phase of the campaign. This support helped Rep. Halvorson get NIA’s proposal to create a 5-year, $17.5 million (total) Industrial Energy Efficiency Education and Training Initiative included in the House climate change bill, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (H.R. 2454). This initiative would build awareness of the value of mechanical insulation nationwide.

NIA also began working with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of Labor, leading to a meeting with DOE Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Cathy Zoi on September 11, 2009. In October, NIA received word that $500,000 for a mechanical insulation educational and awareness campaign had been included in the DOE’s FY2010 budget. Discussions with DOE on shaping this educational outreach effort began immediately.

Representatives of NIA and the International were also able to visit several governors’ and state energy directors’ offices in 2009, including those in Montana, New Jersey, Kentucky, Ohio, Washington, and West Virginia. Also, NIA gave a presentation on mechanical insulation opportunities at the annual meeting of the National Association of State Energy Officials in September 2009.

As part of NIA’s annual Committee Days program, NIA held its first-ever Capitol Hill Convergence. On November 6, 16 of NIA’s Board members, committee chairmen, past presidents, and NIA staff met with 34 House and Senate offices to educate congressional staff about the energy efficiency benefits of mechanical insulation and to promote tax legislation that would encourage businesses to retrofit, maintain, and install mechanical insulation. By the end of 2009, representatives of NIA and the International had met with nearly 100 House and Senate congressional offices.

On December 1, NIA and International representatives met with DOE key staff and presented details on a proposal to implement a nationwide mechanical insulation education and awareness campaign.

NIA and the International also opened another front by working to create a tax incentive for the installation and maintenance of mechanical insulation, working with Congress to draft legislative language. Then, on December 11, Rep. Halvorson introduced H.R. 4296, the Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act, and a letter-writing campaign to support the tax deduction began. At the time this article was written, more than 43,000 letters had been sent.

The tax deduction in H.R. 4296 would provide facility owners an incentive to increase the use or maintenance of mechanical insulation by lowering their tax expense in the fiscal year in which the mechanical insulation was put in service or maintenance completed. If the property owner is not subject to U.S. income tax, the tax deduction would transfer to the primary contractor, providing an incentive for energy efficiency regardless of the owner’s tax status.

A Year of Opportunity

Mechanical insulation’s prospects are bright for 2010. Armed with legislative success and hard data, NIA and the International continue to meet with Representatives and Senators and work with DOE on a national educational campaign.

Among NIA and the International’s goals for 2010:

  • Get the House to pass H.R. 4296, The Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act
  • Find a Senator to champion mechanical insulation
  • Get a mechanical insulation tax credit into a Senate bill
  • Continue educating lawmakers about the benefits of mechanical insulation
  • Work with the DOE on the best use of the secured $500,000 for mechanical insulation education awareness initiatives in 2010
  • Work with ASHRAE, USGBC, and other standard and code bodies to ensure mechanical insulation is properly represented
  • Work with allied organizations on programs that benefit and further our initiatives for mechanical insulation.

NIA needs your help to accomplish these goals. Please visit for an overview and the text of H.R. 4296, sample letters, and contact information for your Representative and Senators, your state’s energy director, and others who need to hear from you about how valuable mechanical insulation is in your energy efficiency efforts.