Category Archives: Global

In discussing fire as it relates to insulation, the conversation frequently focuses on cementitious fireproofing. Cementitious fireproofing, as its name implies, is a cement-like material that is applied to structures, both building and chemical process equipment, to delay the damaging affects of elevated temperature while the fire is controlled. The term "fireproof" is a misnomer in this case, since it implies that the material renders the protected structure immune from the affects of fire. In reality these materials are applied at a specific thickness designed to provide protection for a specific length of time against a specific type of fire. If the fire is not controlled before the design period is exceeded, it is likely that the structure will fail due to weakening of the steel as its temperature rises. Conventional thermal insulation materials such as fiberglass, mineral fiber or calcium silicate do not generally have a role in protecting support structures in a chemical plant, but they do have a critical role in the protection of chemical process equipment during a fire.

Let’s consider what happens during a fire by looking at a hypothetical design example. The XYZ Chemical Company plans to manufacture a highly flammable solvent in a conventional chemical plant that will consist of feed tanks, a pressurized reactor, a distillation column and a product storage tank. Some of the process runs under pressure and above ambient temperature (225 F) and includes equipment that is constructed of carbon steel, stainless steel and copper. Cementitious fireproofing to a level 30 feet above grade protects the structural steel of the enclosed process building. XYZ’s usual insulation standards call for the use of rigid polymer foam to insulate the elevated-temperature equipment and no insulation on the ambient-temperature equipment. They normally use aluminum jacket on insulated equipment in non-flammable service. In this case, because the product to be made is highly flammable, the insulation design must be changed, and XYZ must use their fire-protective insulation standard.

Consider what would happen if the pump that transfers crude product from the reactor to the distillation column failed catastrophically, releasing a large quantity of flammable material into a pool surrounding the reactor and distillation column. If this pool ignites, an intense fire would occur at the base of pressurized process equipment that contains more fuel. While it is likely this plant would be protected by a sprinkler system, let’s assume for the sake of argument that it does not function properly. The only barrier between the surface of the process vessels and the fire is the thermal insulation; so it is critical that it remains in place for as long as possible. If it doesn’t, the pressure inside the vessels will rise along with the metal temperature, which at the least will cause the vessel to relieve and at worst may lead to failure of the vessel.

The jacket and accessories that hold the jacket in place are the first line of defense. Aluminum melts at around 650 C, well below the temperature of the fire; the usual aluminum jacket would melt quickly, exposing the underlying insulation material to the fire. The rigid foam insulation used in XYZ’s usual standard is secured by an adhesive tape that would also quickly fail when exposed to fire. When the fire company arrives to fight the fire, the first thing it does is hit the insulated vessels with a hose stream. Since the tape has failed, the hose stream will blow the insulation off the vessel, and XYZ would have an uninsulated vessel exposed to the fire.

The fire-protective insulation standard is designed to keep the insulation in place long enough for the fire to be put out in most cases. Instead of aluminum or some other low-melting-point jacket material, a metal with a higher melting point and better elevated-temperature strength is used. Often a stainless steel jacket is specified because it retains useful strength at high temperatures for a long period of time. Likewise, stainless steel bands are specified because of their superior elevated-temperature strength. By using a stainless jacket and bands, we keep the insulation in place, even when a fire hose is trained on the vessel.

The fire-protective standard must also consider the insulation material itself. The fire performance of insulation materials is measured by the ASTM E84, "Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials." This test exposes the insulation material to a specific type of fire and measures the rate of flame spread and the amount of smoke developed. In this case XYZ’s normally specified high-density rigid foam has an ASTM E84 flame and smoke spread rating of 15/550, which indicates this insulation will generate a large amount of smoke in a fire. In order to reduce the risk of smoke generation in the fire, the XYZ fire-protective standard calls for mineral fiber insulation instead of rigid foam because mineral fiber’s E84 flame and smoke rating is 10/0, substantially better than the foam material.

The fire-resistive insulation system thus consists of mineral fiber insulation that has a low flame and smoke spread rating held in place by stainless steel bands and jacketing. This combination has a better chance of remaining in place during a fire than the standard foam and aluminum system that XYZ would normally use. The materials selected in this example are typical of many chemical process fire-resistive insulation designs, but they are not the only materials that could have been used. Many other materials can be used in a fire-resistive design. Consult an insulation professional for advice on your specific case.

The fire-resistive insulation case also affects the extent of insulation–in other words, it affects what is insulated. In our example we stated that some of the process equipment operates at ambient temperature inside an enclosed building and would not normally require insulation. But, because of the flammability of the product, insulation is applied to all of the equipment in this case in order to protect it during a fire.

Another benefit of fire-protective insulation is its influence on relief device sizing. All pressure-containing vessels must be designed with over-pressure protection to prevent the uncontrolled rupture of the vessel in the event of uncontrolled pressurization. The temperature rise caused by a fire is a common scenario for over-pressurizing a vessel, and the pressure-relief device is designed with this in mind. The characteristics of the temperature rise are used in determining the size of the relief device that must be used. When using fire-resistive insulation, the characteristics of the temperature rise are moderated, and a smaller relief device can be used. There are American Petroleum Institute and National Fire Prevention Association standards that provide detailed information on how to take credit for the presence of insulation when designing relief systems.

For several years, the firestop contractors have protected firestop systems with firestop products that are resistant to water. Whether it’s a rainstorm in Chicago, Minneapolis or Miami, or water blown inside a building by wind or a pipe bursting after occupancy in Los Angeles, water resistance of firestop systems is important at all stages of construction to building owners and occupants.

To meet this need, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) recently published an Outline for Standard for the optional water resistance (W) rating part of the test for through-penetration firestop systems, UL 1479. W ratings are brand new–first published by UL in fall 2004. As with any new test method, the new W rating qualifies a product for use in specific applications.

At this point several questions in the industry need to be addressed to truly understand the suitability for use of this rating by architects specifying and contractors installing the new W-rated, water-resistant, firestop systems.

UL 1479, fire test of through-penetration firestop systems, evaluates the performance of firestop systems according to three ratings. Fire resistance–F ratings–stated in hours, simulate fire spread of flames through openings in compartmentation. Temperature ratings, also stated in hours, simulate fire spread without flame penetrating through the assembly where heat transmission is the principal carrier of fire spread. Penetrating items that conduct heat could possibly ignite combustibles on the cold side of the fire-resistance rated assembly, allowing fire spread to the next compartment. Also, UL 1479 can test for air leakage, if the manufacturer requests the test. Air leakage, or L for resistance of air through the assembly, simulates smoke movement through compartmentation in buildings.

The new W rating is another development optionally available to manufacturers for product testing. W determines suitability for use of firestop products to resist the passage of water through an assembly. The W rating currently only evaluates leakage that might result from a water exposure after the product is cured for the specified period of time, approximately 30 days.

The W rating water resistance is determined through a simulation with a 3-foot head of water pooled over a firestop system of cured material in a test chamber. The rating is intended to replicate the resistance of water passage through a firestop system. The result is that there would be a minimizing effect on damage to floors below if exposed to water from any source in the building.

The W rating testing process includes the following steps:

  1. Manufacturer or test sponsor builds a test sample.

  2. Curing/conditioning materials for equilibrium of the product takes place. In firestopping conditions, the time varies from about seven to 30 days, depending on product type. Firestop spray materials cure relatively quickly compared to sealant materials.

  3. Water-testing of firestop systems is accomplished through pooling 3 feet of water over the sample to test for leakage. The system fails if the assembly leaks.

  4. Cycling is applied to joint systems only under UL 2079.

  5. Fire testing of joints only takes place 96 hours after cycling the assembly.

The procedure above does test water containment/water resistance. The test shows that the firestopping material and system minimizes water travel from floor to floor after the product has cured.

The test procedure for the W rating does not include the following:

  • Washout–This is a shower-type test in which the firestopping material and system are exposed to water that runs over the material close to the time of initial installation. It simulates rain, pipe breaks or floor washing. Based on the W rating test protocol, the test only evaluates suitability for use in situations where the product has been installed and has fully conditioned or cured. Washout protection has been demanded by general contractors and building owners/managers who want protection of floors below immediately after firestopping installation. The benefit provided to the owner and general contractor comes when occupancy of lower floors can take place prior to construction completion above. The added bonus is that the owner can create income from the space sooner, decreasing the time needed to deliver a building to occupants. This reduces the time taken to construct portions of the building, further reducing construction loan periods, and saving money in the process. Additionally, washout resistance is needed to prevent callbacks for contractors who are under constant pressure to mobilize at the last minute before completion of construction, and several times during project operations as well to satisfy customer requirements.

  • Movement–The cycling of piping and cable penetrating items is also not part of the test procedure. Therefore, piping systems that move due to water hammer, installation adjustments or temperature variation may cause failure. Movement of any kind in the assembly may result in water leakage through the firestopping. It is not part of the test protocol. UL has stated that its 1479 Standards Technical Panel is working on this important issue.

  • Aging–Since the product has only been conditioned for a short time (seven to 30 days), the aged performance (water exposure after several years inside a building) is not judged during this test procedure. UL has again assigned development of this part of testing to the UL 1479 Standards Technical Panel.

  • Depths Greater Than 3 Feet–Water accumulation in an area is not to exceed 3 feet, which actually simulates a 12-inch depth of water. For applications where a greater head pressure of water is needed, there have been products tested to marine applications where a 20- or 57.5-foot head of water exposure takes place. This may be especially important where electrical conduits feed high-rise buildings, and firestopping in sub-basements where water resistance may be needed from underneath the firestopping assembly, rather than from a pipe break that feeds water from above.

Architects, engineers, building owners and managers need to understand these limitations when specifying the new W rating from UL. General contractors and firestop contractors also need to understand these limitations when discussing jobs with their customers and in construction contracts and documentation.

New Precautions For Firestop Installers

The firestop systems installation operation has always been critical for fire, air, and water-resistant systems. Manufacturer’s instructions for installation become even more sensitive when exposed to water-resistance testing. Listed below are some important issues to consider when effectively applying firestopping to result in W ratings.

  • Surface Preparation–It is imperative for contractors and installation personnel to remember to prepare surfaces for adequate bond of firestopping sealants. Piping, concrete, cable and other surfaces must be clean, dry and free of contaminants before application of firestop systems to achieve adhesion to metal and concrete surfaces.

  • Tooling–Firestop systems, like sealants, must be in complete contact with surfaces to provide adhesion necessary for effective water resistance. Tooling assists with the wetting in of the sealant to the substrate. Secondly, tooling reduces voids in sealant areas, preventing water from seeping through the firestopping assembly.

  • Damage–Once installed, physical damage to firestopping, gaps created by movement of piping or other systems, cuts, or other physical damage may cause leakage of water through the W-rated firestop assembly. Damage, left unchecked, could affect both the W water-resistance and L air-leakage rating of the firestop system. Therefore, thorough inspection by the firestopping contractor during the construction process, verified by post-destructive testing per ASTM E2174 and E2393, standards for the inspection of installed firestop systems, becomes critical to performance. Additionally, maintenance per the Firestop Contractors International Association’s Effective Compartmentation Protocol is crucial.

  • Leakage at Unprotected Areas–Firestopping contractors will need to exclude certain areas from contracts to avoid others’ liability. For instance, a duct with an overlap seam a few inches above a firestopped opening may pass the W rating test at the firestop, but not at the joint where water may seep into the ductwork. Perimeter or shaft areas may not be accessible in older, retrofit applications. Therefore, firestop contractors should exclude protecting those areas that are not part of their direct responsibilities.

Liability Questions

Contractors can reduce risk through quality application procedures and accurate, efficient operations. Incorporating thorough surface preparation procedures, tooling, further inspection in the installation process and exclusion of work outside the firestop contractors’ scope may help minimize risk. Additionally, accurate labeling and clear pictures in project documentation may reduce the contractor’s risk.

Most importantly, understanding the limitations of the W rating is very important for designers, building owners and managers, in addition to general and firestop contractors. Since the W rating does not include testing non-cured firestop sealants and systems, washout due to rain or other water exposure after installation, but before cure, may not be protected by these new W-rated firestop systems. Contact firestop systems material manufacturers about materials that might be suitable for use in applications where washout resistance is needed.

The firestopping industry has not seen manufacturers take responsibility for water resistance through a warranty program, similar to that of installed waterproofing and roofing assemblies. In the roofing and waterproofing industries, manufacturers warrant their installed products against leaks for a specified period of time, with exclusions of course. Time will tell how manufacturer programs evolve in this arena. Firestop systems technology is moving quickly as an industry. Leaders from the Firestop Contractors International Association and firestopping product manufacturers will continue to develop standards to address field conditions, and most importantly, fire and life safety for our families in buildings worldwide.

Construction quality has been under close scrutiny for several years domestically. There have been several articles on construction process quality in Engineering News Record, in Construction Specifier magazine and other publications.

To provide a construction process installation protocol, the Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA) created three standards in an attempt to bring the manufacturing quality process to the construction subcontracting industry. The standards developed were FM 4991, Standard for the Approval of Firestopping Contractors; and ASTM E2174 and E2393, Standards for the Inspection of Installed Penetration and Joint Firestop Systems.

FM 4991, also in MasterSpec and SpecLink master specification packages, is a way to measurably qualify a specialty firestop contractor’s quality process through an independent audit verification program. The FM 4991 standard is an approval of the firestop contracting firm, as the firm controls training, education, installation, submittal and the complete process. The standard requires that a contractor firm have a designated responsible individual (DRI). The DRI will have successfully passed an industry test based on the FCIA Firestop Industry Manual of Practice, rigorously tested systems selection from Underwriters Laboratories, Omega Point, FM and Warnock Hersey International directories, and the FM 4991 standard. This designation quantifiably measures an individual’s knowledge of industry quality procedures. The FM 4991 DRI manages the firestop contracting firms’ processes to be sure policies and procedures result in installed firestop systems that meet the tested and listed system requirements.

During the FM 4991 approval process, an FM Approvals auditor visits the firm, audits the clients’ quality manual, and then checks the installed firestop system in the field through destructive testing to verify the paperwork’s validity. FM Approvals performs annual follow-up audits with the same destructive testing. This program, although modeled after manufacturing firms’ ISO 9000 process, is customized to the construction industry, making the program workable in our industry. The FM 4991 program approval is quite affordable for a specialty firestopping subcontractor. The cost is about $4,000 to $6,500 for the initial audit, and approximately $1,500 per year for the follow-up audits. Most contractors spend in excess of $4,500 for a Blue Book ad, and $1,500 could be a small group entertainment expense. With the FM 4991 program, the firm is able to take an objective look at its operating procedures for both quality and efficiency.

Effective quality programs have a procedure for production and sampling to be sure the process works. Independent firestopping inspections to ASTM E2174 and E2393 are the controls that test the production process for firestop installation.

These inspection standards incorporate the following important points as part of the inspection protocol:

  • Independence–The inspection firm must not be related to the installing firm, or be a distributor or manufacturer supplier to the firm.

  • Pre-project meeting–The standard calls for a pre-job meeting with those installing firestopping in order to review the protocol and discover potential difficulties before the project commences.

  • Mock-ups–These are constructed to give a benchmark to install to and inspect against.

  • Sampling–The protocol calls for either ongoing inspection of 10 percent of each type of each firestop assembly or 2 percent destructive testing. Both types require one of each type of firestop be reviewed. Should variances occur at a rate greater than the 10 percent allowed, the inspector is to stop work, notify the contractor and return at a later date after the contractor has corrected the work.

  • Reports–The inspection firms report on variances and successes, based on forms in ASTM E2174 and E2393. This documentation, in addition to the as-built firestop system detailed drawings (from either testing laboratories or engineering judgment-or equivalent fire-resistance rated assemblies) becomes the complete firestop system document for the life-cycle, including maintenance and alterations.

The ASTM E2174 and E2393, Standards for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Stops in Penetrations and Joints, originated from the "quality process" approach. They are designed to be part of the total quality protocol needed for zero-tolerance firestop systems installation. Firestop manufacturers test their products for fire, temperature, smoke and water resistance; manufacture to strict product stewardship; and list systems suitable for use as firestop systems in the Underwriters Laboratories, Omega Point, Warnock Hersey International and FM Approvals directories. Independent inspection is a key element in the total quality process of firestopping in conjunction with FM 4991-approved contractors.

The question often arises, if there’s inspection, why do we need to use a specialty firestop or FM 4991-approved contractor? If we buy into the quality process as being part of the total cost of the installation, then the firm’s qualifications, efficiency and inspection pieces are linked. If firestopping work is awarded to several trades, inspection costs typically rise due to the coordination required by multiple trips and several different trades to inspect. With a single-source firestopping contractor, the inspector only has one firm to find on the job site, regardless of what penetrations or joints are in the building. With several trades installing firestopping, the continual attempt to find a responsible individual from each firm to escort the inspector to construction areas means exponentional time increases. The cost savings for inspection of a single firm are apparent.

Standards from ASTM E2174 and E2393 and FM 4991 are a package in the Firestopping Quality Process. Together with an FM 4991-approved specialty firestop contracting firm, the quality process cost is determined by the sum of both parts. ASTM E2174 can be used without a specialty firestop contractor or an FM 4991-approved firestop contractor on projects that use the "he who pokes hole fills it" protocol. However, the inspection will cost much more for the multiple-trade method, as it’s difficult to manage anywhere from two to 40 subcontractor firms that touch effective compartmentation with their penetrating pipes, ducts, cables, etc. Inspectors tell FCIA that the inspection costs rise dramatically due to multiple trades involved and submittal package variances to field applications that can be staggering, even with the more than 5,000 tested systems in the UL Book.

The lesson gained is: Use the Firestopping Quality Process. Tested and listed firestop systems made by quality manufacturers, installed by a specialty firestop contractor or FM 4991-approved contractor, inspected to ASTM E2174 and E2393 Standards, maintained to FCIA maintenance protocol, make the total quality management process complete.

Figure 1

An example of cable penetrations, sealed improperly. They should be installed by specialty firestop contractors with specialized knowledge.

Figure 2

FM 4991 contractors are listed in FM directories, and at

The Alliance to Save Energy released the Energy Management Pathfinding report at a news conference conducted March 10, 2005, during National Manufacturing Week. Some good questions came up, and excerpts from the transcript are worth sharing in this month’s column. Please download your copy of the Pathfinding report.

Q: The rise in energy costs is going to put even more pressure on manufacturers ready to bounce back after the recession. Can you talk about why energy consumption and cost is such a crucial issue for manufacturing today?

A: The energy problem for industrial energy consumers is not so much price levels; it’s price volatility. If fuels prices were high but stable, companies would make some one-time adjustments to their technology-to-staff mix and their procurement procedures. They would adjust their product prices and their profit targets to accommodate high but stable energy prices. But price volatility upsets a company’s whole financial picture, and it requires ongoing decision-making to address it. A company may respond to a spike in energy prices by making cuts elsewhere, like maintenance. Then if a decline in prices provides an unexpected boost to earnings, the company’s guard goes down and it is vulnerable to the next energy price spike. Any manufacturer without an energy management strategy–one that includes both procurement and consumption management–is essentially driving down a twisting, turning road with a blindfold on.

Q: Industrial energy audit services are commonly provided by universities, utilities and state assistance organizations. Why is the implementation rate of audit recommendations so low, typically 35 percent or less?

A: We all know how manufacturing payrolls have been cut to the bone. Still, the plant manager’s first priority is to make the product and get it out the door, not save energy. You can’t save dimes if you don’t make dollars in the first place. Think about the company’s organization chart. Every position–a box on the chart–has a job description, accountabilities and incentives tied to production. Departments within a company often compete against each other in the budget process. For example, energy-efficiency projects might be expensed from the maintenance budget, but the savings accrue to the production budget. Silos like those are a huge barrier to controlling waste-not just energy, but water and raw materials as well. Waste minimization is a duty that occupies the blank space on the organizational chart where there are no boxes. Some companies, like Merck & Co., build energy cost control into general managers’ performance appraisals. Its general managers are rated on a 100-point scale, which covers a wide range of accountabilities. Energy management might be three to five of those points, but that margin is enough to determine whether or not the general manager gets a bonus. Are the managers obligated to manage energy? No, but if they want those points, they take advantage of their in-house energy management assistance team.

Q: What are some of the implications if manufacturers don’t begin to conserve energy? Conversely, what are some of the opportunities, financial and otherwise, should they begin such a program?

A: There’s a dirty secret about manufacturing: It’s called embedded energy costs. I’ll give you an example. The direct energy cost for assembling my car might have been $70. That’s about three-tenths of one percent of the retail cost–no big deal, right? But think again–there was energy consumed in mining the iron ore, copper and bauxite; in metal treating; and in producing the plastics, paints and dyes, carpet fibers, rubber and glass. The upstream energy costs are disguised in the cost of inputs, and they are eating profit margins at every link in the value chain. So that’s one opportunity. Product fabricators can partner with their input suppliers to map their energy intensity and strategically squeeze out those costs. 3M is a good example. The company reduced its energy per pound of product by 27 percent between 2000 and 2004. 3M beat its own goal, and makes that fact public as it markets its products to other industrial consumers. Companies are always partnering to achieve economies in distribution and inventory; so why not in energy management? The information technology exists. It can be done.

What financial results can a company expect? Industry surveys indicate that the average plant can reduce its energy consumption by 10 to 20 percent, and a lot of that is from procedural and behavioral changes. The operations and maintenance cost in sustaining an energy management program (excluding capital investments) is around 1 to 2 percent of total energy expenditures. So right off the bat, that suggests a return of 10 to 20 times the investment. Shaw Industries in Georgia started an energy-management program in the middle of 2004. It has a corporate team of six individuals who provide energy procurement, bill reconciliation, energy audit and technical support for 53 facilities. The fully loaded cost for that staff is paid for by the bill reconciliation activities alone. All the energy benchmarking and technical assistance they provide to their plants is "free." During each month during the latter half of 2004, the company found on average about $1 million in annual savings opportunities.

Q: There are things companies can do from the top down, but there are also individual lessons for employees. How should companies empower their employees to make energy conservation a top priority?

A: First, let’s qualify that question. Rather than being a top priority, energy decisions really should be part of standard operating procedure. The top priority should be to make money, and people need to understand how energy efficiency supports that goal. Here’s what I mean: The very activities that provide energy efficiency also provide better control over plant assets and inputs. Control provides reliability. Greater reliability means less downtime. Less downtime means orders are filled faster, which allows the facility to complete more orders over the course of a year–thus making more revenue. Energy efficiency isn’t just about reducing utility bills. It’s also about boosting revenue through greater productivity.

Awareness is important. Manufacturers should know how much energy they consume, of what fuel type and for what purposes. Employees should be aware of energy costs and how their decisions drive those costs. For example, compressed air systems are too often taken for granted because to a lot of people, "air is free." That conclusion ignores the fact that it takes six horsepower of electricity to generate one horsepower of compressed air.

Empowerment works if incentives and accountability go along with it. A great example of this comes from Mercury Marine in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The facility installed a metering system that monitors power consumption at the substation level within the plant. The work supervisor at each substation not only has cost control responsibility, but gets an internal utility bill from the central facilities manager. The supervisors have incentive to enforce energy-smart behavior by their staff. The central facilities manager is not just a bill collector–he also provides how-to assistance like tip sheets from the U.S. Department of Energy’s BestPractices program.

Q: This is also not an issue of big companies versus small companies. Any size company, it seems, can benefit from energy cost reduction efforts. Can you discuss some smaller companies that have enjoyed significant success in this area?

A: Along with Mercury Marine, there’s C&A Floorcoverings, a privately held, five-plant facility in Dalton, Georgia. It is one of the first companies to adopt Georgia Tech’s Management Standard for Energy (MSE) 2005, an ANSI-approved standard along the lines of ISO 9000. This protocol established roles and accountabilities for operations, maintenance, engineering, finance and corporate leadership to collectively tackle energy cost management. This multi-disciplined team identifies, prioritizes and implements energy projects and procedures that provide net value. This is a great mechanism for overcoming the silos that so often let dollars slip away.

Q: What is one thing every manufacturer in America can do to reduce energy consumption and, as a result, reduce operating costs?

A: The one thing every manufacturer should do is get a plant-wide audit of their energy consumption. You need to know how much energy you consume. Audits are often free through utilities, state energy offices and university-based industrial assistance programs. If you know your energy consumption patterns, then:

  • You have a lot more leverage with marketers who buy your fuel commodities. Don’t give the marketer a blank check.

  • You can quantify the before-and-after impacts of your energy improvements. You can’t claim victory if you don’t know the baseline from where you started.

  • You can prioritize your improvement opportunities by targeting the prime movers that consume the most fuel.

  • You are better able to assess the value and impact of new technologies as they become available.

  • You can also inventory your emissions sources and prioritize opportunities to reduce risk of non-compliance with emissions thresholds.

Your questions and comments are welcome. Please reply with your energy management question, concern or story. I’ll respond to each, and publish the more provocative discussions in this column. E-mail, and please include your phone number if you wish to discuss the item prior to publication.

Fire-resistance rated walls, floors and their penetrating service items, treated to restore the wall/floor rating, are important parts of a building’s fire- and life-safety program because they resist the spread of fire and smoke from one area to another. This important fire protection feature serves building occupants, who need havens of safety during building fires and safe routes to escape.

Fire walls and floors, firestopping, fire and smoke dampers and fire doors, as well as structural steel fireproofing, all need to be maintained to retain effectiveness, much like other systems in a building. At the LaSalle Bank fire in Chicago last year, a fire raged for more than five hours before traversing to the next higher floor, and the building was still standing after the fire was extinguished by Chicago firefighters. The value of vertical effective compartmentation meant the property could be renovated, instead of torn down and rebuilt.

The Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA) recommends maintenance of effective compartmentation and structural protection to ensure performance of this critical system during a fire condition.

Maintenance of effective compartmentation and fire-resistive materials, including fire walls, floors, fire and smoke dampers, fire doors, fireproofing and coatings, is now a requirement of the International Fire Code (IFC) following the International Code Council (ICC) final action hearings in May 2004.

Building Codes

There were formerly three providers of building codes in the United States. The Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA) published the BOCA National Building Code; Southern Building Code Congress International, the Standard Building Code; and the International Council of Building Officials, the Uniform Building Code. Each of these code organizations agreed to stop publishing building codes, merging to form the ICC, which publishes the International Family of Codes including building, fire and several other model codes.

There are now two model building codes in the United States: the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 5000 and the ICC’s International Building Code (IBC). The IBC has been adapted almost nationwide. Jurisdictions that adapt the IBC also typically adapt the "family of codes," including the IFC.

Below is the passage from the International Fire Code, 2003 Supplement, that is now required of building owners and managers:

703.1 Maintenance. The required fire-resistance rating of fire-resistance rated construction (including walls, firestops, shaft enclosures, partitions, smoke barriers, floors, fire-resistive coatings and sprayed fire-resistant materials applied to structural members and fire-resistive joint systems) shall be maintained. Such elements shall be properly repaired, restored or replaced when damaged, altered, breached or penetrated. Openings made therein for the passage of pipes, electrical conduit, wires, ducts, air transfer openings and holes made for any reason shall be protected with approved methods capable of resisting the passage of smoke and fire. Openings through fire-resistance rated assemblies shall be protected by self-closing or automatic-closing doors of approved construction meeting the fire protection requirements for the assembly.

So what does this maintenance requirement mean? First of all, compartments need to be viewed as a complete system, elements of which include:

  • Fire-Resistance Rated Walls and Floors-Maintenance documentation, assembled from initial and ongoing construction documents, is required to identify fire-resistance rated systems and deviations. If deviations exist, documentation that can be provided to the fire marshal or code official is required from manufacturers, engineers or others who validate the assembly rating.

  • Fire- and Smoke-Resistance Rated Dampers-Building owners and managers must understand the requirements for systems tested to UL 555 and 555-S, and other listed systems. Inspection of fire and smoke damper assemblies may require verification of operation of the damper mechanisms, and an air-flow analysis. Variations are typically not allowed by damper manufacturers, the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association and other authorities. Firestopping contractors may perform this work, once qualified, or subcontract it to a testing firm with experience in the technology, if unable to provide the service themselves.

  • Fire-Resistance Rated Doors and Hardware-Building owners and managers must produce documentation that designated fire and smoke barriers have fire doors appropriate to the wall assembly’s fire rating, and that they are functional. Code language already exists for the hourly rating of the door. Pressure testing is a new requirement that simulates smoke-resistance, and may be required as well. The owner must verify compliance of door hardware to maintain compliance. Most importantly, the building owner and manager need to have education plans for building occupants and service personnel to keep doors in operable condition to maintain their effectiveness.

  • Fire-Resistance Rated Glass Assemblies-Building owners and managers must document fire-resistance rated glass assemblies in fire-resistance rated construction. Once fire-rated glass is installed in an opening area, maintenance records are needed to understand maintenance and tested system parameters.

  • Fire-Resistance Rated Penetrations-The building owner or manager must have documented firestop systems to complete the effective compartmentation system. The labeling or identification system should be derived directly from the as-built documentation for firestop systems. As with other elements of effective compartmentation, as-built documentation is essential for identification and maintenance of firestop systems. Building owners and managers should have a procedure in place to inspect and re-firestop penetrations that the cable installer, for example, or any others, may have made along the way between inspections.

  • Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials (SFRM) and Fire-Resistance Rated Coatings-SFRM and coatings need visual inspections and maintenance as well. Building owners need verification that the fireproofing materials are in place, and not damaged by traffic, vandalism or other means.

  • Effective Compartmentation Building Operations Procedure-Effective compartmentation is a very important fire-safety building feature. Effective compartmentation, with penetrating items such as ducts, pipes, cables, beams and joint assemblies, plus perimeter fire protection, fire doors, fire and smoke dampers, and fire-resistance rated glass, performs a very important function in the built environment. It creates safe havens in buildings during fire conditions for those who are told not to evacuate. Havens of safety in buildings protect people, inventory and business operations by keeping a fire in the room or place of origin and limiting vertical and horizontal spread of fire and the resultant high-heat conditions.

Fire-resistance rated construction creates these safe havens throughout buildings, in building corridors, stairwells and elevator shafts; sleeping and patient rooms; apartment unit separations; mechanical rooms; storage areas for inventory and hazardous chemicals; business operations and manufacturing areas; prison cells, floors and walls; and other areas of safety designated by code.

Effective compartmentation has its roots in the great Chicago fire of 1871. Ever since that disastrous fire in a town built originally with wood buildings, Chicago’s leaders have insisted on fire-resistance rated construction materials and systems for both exterior fire spread from structure to structure as well as interior fire-spread protection. Wood building construction was displaced by masonry and plaster construction for greater fire protection outside buildings.

Effective compartmentation was next incorporated inside buildings to limit internal fire spread. When properly designed, installed, inspected and maintained, effective compartmentation can provide a level of safety that has now been in existence for more than 100 years.

To protect occupants, property and business operations, building owners should have procedures in place as standard everyday operation. For instance, it’s important to have procedures for eliminating the propping open of fire- and smoke-resistance rated doors. Also, a maintenance schedule for self-closing doors is good business to assure that they are operating properly, and building occupants, owners and manager personnel should be educated about the result of fire doors being left open when a fire occurs.

Procedures also must exist for managing service personnel who breach a fire-resistance rated assembly in order to run services. FCIA recommends that the procedure for firestopping and documentation should be attached to contracts of electrical, plumbing, mechanical, cable/low voltage contractors, building personnel and others who may penetrate the fire- and smoke-resistance rated assemblies of the building.

This procedure should assign responsibility for verification of firestopping systems installed after new pipes, cables, etc., are installed, to either the mechanical/electrical/plumbing contractor, or a firestop systems specialty contractor working for the building owner or manager.

Effective compartmentation must be designed using tested and listed systems, installed, inspected and maintained. Fire-resistance rated walls and floors, fire and smoke dampers, fire doors, all need to be maintained by a firm qualified to understand the complexity of this type of work. For more information about specialty firestop contractors that provide these important effective compartmentation services, contact FCIA at 630-690-0682 or visit

Download a Handy Maintenance Checklist (PDF format)

Any building project with FedEx in its name has to be on time. But on-time, on-budget community centers were something that the city of Memphis, Tennessee, had rarely experienced. So the construction of the new FedEx Forum in Memphis was a challenge that the architects, contractors and city officials were determined to meet. The arena, designed by leading sports architecture and engineering firm Ellerbe Becket, is the new home of the NBA’s Memphis Grizzlies. It had to be completed for the start of the Grizzlies’ 2004-05 season. Formal groundbreaking for the arena occurred in June 2002, and structural steel installation began in March 2003. Interior work, such as grease ducts and insulation, had to be completed before the grand opening of the arena in September 2004.

The $250 million FedEx Forum features more than 800,000 square feet of facility space and seats 18,200 spectators on five levels for basketball games. It also hosts events ranging from concerts and hockey games to exhibitions, family shows, rodeos and indoor motor-sports. The arena offers many amenities, including a 260-seat club restaurant, an 8,600-square-foot club lounge, a 200-seat, event-level restaurant, a sports bar with exterior patio seating, and food concession areas throughout the facility.

To protect these extensive food service areas from potential fire, and to meet the project’s time and cost requirements, the insulation contractor, BP Mechanical Insulation LLC of Memphis, chose a flexible, high-temperature duct wrap system for the arena’s ductwork. The use of this type of insulation was just one of a number of innovative construction and installation processes used on the FedEx Forum project to keep it moving forward.

System Benefits

The duct wrap insulation used in the FedEx Forum project is a new, optimized single-layer flexible enclosure for one- and two-hour, fire-rated kitchen exhaust ducts and chemical fume exhaust ducts. The system has a compact design (1.5-inch thickness, 6 pounds per-cubic-foot density) and consists of a high-temperature core insulation blanket completely encapsulated in an aluminum foil fiberglass-reinforced scrim covering. The core material is made from a calcia, magnesia, silica chemistry designed to enhance biosolubility. The scrim provides additional handling strength and protection from grease and moisture absorption and tearing.

The duct wrap insulation’s ease of installation allowed BP Mechanical Insulation to stay on budget and meet project deadlines even after devastating windstorms in July 2003 caused all work on the project to be halted for two weeks. Installation of the food service equipment began in February 2004, and BP Mechanical Insulation worked hand-in-hand with Memphis insulation distributor F.S. Sperry Co. to ensure just-in-time delivery to the job site.

"The food concession areas were located throughout the arena and the kitchen duct work required quick installation, often on very short notice," said Paul Fryman, sales engineer at F.S. Sperry Co. "We had the insulation available for immediate jobsite delivery in the quantity required for each specific phase of the construction."

The BP Mechanical Insulation team needed to install the flexible duct wrap in all of the food service areas as quickly as possible. In many of these places there was no room to enclose the ducts with a traditional gypsum board that requires a minimum of 6-inch air clearance around the chase. The installation advantages were even more apparent in confined spaces where grease ducts were near concrete structural components, wall framing, plumbing and air ducts.

Another installation advantage of the flexible duct wrap system is a new vertical installation technique that saved BP Mechanical Insulation even more handling time. For vertical duct runs, the insulation was applied in a continuous length parallel to the vertical length of the duct, instead of wrapping around the duct.

Installation of the duct insulation in all food service and other designated areas of the FedEx Forum was completed on budget and on time for the arena’s grand opening events in September 2004.

Sarah Brewer is group product manager with Unifrax Corporation, Niagara Falls, New York. She has been with Unifrax for 18 years, with experience in application engineering and project management, as well as marketing responsibility for a number of passive fire-protection product lines. Brewer is active in codes and standards development and chairs a trade association committee on fire-protective duct enclosures.

Figure 1

Construction workers outside the nearly completed FedEx Forum.

Figure 2

The arena, home of the NBA Memphis Grizzlies, seats more than 18,000 spectators on five levels for basketball.

Figure 3

A new, flexible duct wrap system was installed in all food service areas at FedEx Forum.

Figure 4

A close-up of the duct wrap system.

The construction industry is a fascinating place to spend a career. The wide variety of projects, new and retrofits, provides a constant challenge. An architect colleague once commented, "A construction project is like General Motors coming to your front yard, dropping parts, hiring labor that may never have worked together and building a car on location instead of at the factory. How the building comes together and works at occupancy time is a great feat of human cooperation."

In the last 20 years, our economy has become increasingly global. Competition in each industry, including automotive, computers, electronics, component parts and construction products, has forced firms to become more competitive in order to survive. Building construction is no different. Firms are now searching the world for places to build manufacturing, warehousing, customer service, engineering and headquarters facilities, instead of just the United States. Economists call this process the optimization of resources. When it comes to finances, personnel, products and ideas, we all seek the lowest cost for the value received. This economic optimization process has made the passion to be the best and most economical a key focus of firms worldwide.

The economic optimization process has had a profound effect on firms’ decision-making behavior. The concept has had successes as well as some stumbling blocks to address along the way. Some firms have over-optimized economy in design and production of finished products causing failures. Remember the Ford Pinto’s exploding gas tanks in the ’70s, Corvair’s rear-end configuration that caused rollover problems in the ’60s, and the resulting loss of life from each of these events due to parts that turned out to be over-optimized. Remember general auto quality in the early ’80s, when we were driven to overseas auto manufacturers for our new cars? Short-term profits from each of these manufacturing and/or design optimizations all caused massive loss of long-term gains in shareholder value, sacrificed while trying to save money.

Over-optimizing can be a disaster, while under-optimizing can result in products that are not competitively priced in world markets. There has to be a balance somewhere between optimization for competitive reasons, and safety in the finished product or system. In the automotive industry, end-users respond quickly to rotten engineering or parts in cars by showing up at the dealer’s service departments with complaints. Data is gathered on each vehicle to find sub-par performing parts from the dealer level straight to the manufacturer through incident reports online. The information sends an alarm flag through the firm’s product stewardship process, and a search-and-destroy mission is launched to find and repair the problem, whatever it may be. In the manufacturing environment, this process moves efficiently as the distribution channels are clearly identified and tied into the quality process.

"In construction, and in particular, fire protection, feedback mechanisms aren’t in place as they exist in the automotive industry, and aren’t quick to discover defects and communicate to the manufacturing process the need for repair of the design or part. Cars are driven daily, and serviced in tightly franchised dealerships when relatively new, with excellent quality tracking mechanisms," said Bob LeClair, president of the Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA). "In the construction industry, where fire protection systems are designed by one firm, tested by another, installed by a third party, and inspected by yet another organization, each operation has a separate, independent objective for profit."

That’s the key difference between the construction and the automotive industries. Although several parts of the car are made elsewhere by independent manufacturers, the auto manufacturing industry sets tight standards and has included the supply chain in the quality process, as it has its own final assembly programs. In construction, the quality process is not fully developed once a product produced under an ISO 9000-certified process leaves the factory and moves through the distribution channels to the supplier. For instance, there are few regulations imposed by manufacturers or regulations that track lot numbers on product. Without lot number tracking, search-and-destroy missions for defective parts are quite difficult, if not impossible.

"Do we really want to expose people to fire and smoke risks in order to find out that an optimization program didn’t work in an actual fire condition, in addition to the fact that the defective part/product cannot be found in a building?" asked Ray Usher, FCIA vice president. This is especially true in construction as there are several profit centers located on the same project, which may or may not be coordinated well. And, quality programs like ISO 9000 have not yet made it to the construction markets at the general contractor and subcontractor levels.

Listed below are a few optimizations that have taken place over the years in the construction industry, some very successfully:

  • Multi-ply built-up roofing to single-ply and modified bitumen membrane roofs, with trends pointing back to multi-ply built-up systems.

  • Using fire-resistance rated drywall assemblies and a bead of firestopping sealant around a 4-inch PVC drain, waste or vent pipe penetrations in chase walls through fire-resistance rated floor assemblies in timber frame construction eliminates the need for "intumescent collar" firestop systems in floor applications. There has been a call to remove these systems that can be misapplied or push the envelope on safety requirements.

  • Reducing thicknesses of firestopping sealants installed ¼- to ½-inch thick to a very thin 1/16-inch spray-applied product may mean little margin for error in firestop perimeter gaps, expansion joints and piping systems.

  • Using firestop contractors inexperienced in the Firestopping Quality Process (FQP) protocol required to install this important life-safety application reduces installed costs through efficiency. (Specialty firestop contractor, FM 4991 approved, inspected to ASTM E2174 and E2393.)

  • Adding sprinklers to buildings, then eliminating the use of fire-resistance rated construction and effective compartmentation. Although codes have allowed significant trade-offs for automatic sprinkler protection, basic research by leaders at the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has called for more redundancy to fire protection design.

For many of these optimized systems, "A single component’s performance is critical to the safety of almost all other components in the structure," according to Aedan Gleeson, FCIA accreditation chair and past president. "If one part of a system has a weakness, complete failure may result due to the over-optimization of systems."

The margin for error, or safety factor, may not exist when the economic optimization process is used to its limit. Everything has to work without flaw for the single system to be functional and perform as intended. That may be fine in a manufacturing environment where quality processes and control of input/output are monitored and maintained with an excellent communication chain, with few profit centers involved, but not necessarily in the construction environment.

"In the construction industry, the final assembly location is someone’s front yard, a construction site, whether urban or remote, not a controlled factory environment," said Gleeson. "And most of the construction industry has not yet embraced the quality process at the subcontracting and final installation levels-where the installed system is most critical. We deal with ‘construction tolerances’ in our industry, which may not be engineered into the original design."

Therefore, when designing systems for life-safety protection of a building, does it really make sense to fully optimize in the fire protection systems? Is it worth a few dollars if fire and life safety is at risk? Statistics show low loss of life and good fire performance of office buildings based on construction design with significant redundancy (fire-resistance rated, plus detection, alarms, sprinklers). A National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) study on high-rise building fires, covering office occupancies from 1985 to 1998, showed that high-rises in the United States had low fatality rates in fire situations. Most buildings where these statistics were derived were built with some effective compartmentation in floors and walls, and rated structural protection. Some fires occurred in old buildings as well. The LaSalle Bank office building fire in Chicago had fire burning for more than five hours before extending to the next floor above. And, the structure below and above the fire floor remained structurally sound and was reoccupied shortly after the fire mess was cleaned.

Buildings in the new codes may not have the same degree of effective compartmentation and structural protection, yet still meet minimum regulatory requirements. Building owners may choose to build structures beyond the minimum required. However, faced with budgets, many may prefer to invest in what sells space-features visible to the visitor and occupant-flooring, wall coverings, glass and hardware.

"The question is, how far do we want to push the envelope with optimization of building construction systems when it comes to fire and life safety, property protection and continuity of operations in a built environment?" said LeClair.

Codes dictate a minimum level of safety and performance requirements in buildings. Sprinkler systems have been used as a trade-off to significantly reduce the hourly fire-resistance ratings of floors, walls and structural components. Notwithstanding the benefits of sprinkler systems, the optimization process used to set requirements for fire-resistance rated assemblies may have gone too far toward optimization of these important fire and smoke barriers and structural protection, removing necessary layers of redundancy in buildings.

Buildings constructed in much of the United States in the past 50 years used effective compartmentation and structural fire protection, plus detection and alarm systems and sprinkler systems, as their fire protection methods for defending a structure from fire and life-safety risks. To bring the three model codes together from the United States into the International Building Code, the new code could not, immediately upon adoption, put many buildings into non-compliance. Therefore, the lowest requirement for effective compartmentation and structural protection, where sprinkler systems were used as a "trade-off," was accepted as the primary source of protection for buildings in the United States.

To justify the high-level International Code Council (ICC) board’s paradigm shift in code philosophy, statistics for sprinkler performance were used as a basis for the change. At the ICC Code Committee hearings in Cincinnati this February, it was cited that NFPA reported fatalities from 1985 to 1998 as only 39 in 14 years in business/high-rise occupancies. From 1994 to 1998 NFPA reported that there were no fatalities in hotels and motels with sprinkler systems where they operated. In 1985, there were 70 to 80 fire deaths in the United States in other occupancies. In 1998, fire deaths were down to 37. This is clearly an indication that the combination of effective compartmentation, detection and alarms, plus occupant education and sprinkler systems, were making headway in fire protection in the United States.

According to NFPA fire loss data, the combination of various fire protection systems have reduced fire deaths overall. These statistics consist of buildings constructed using effective compartmentation as well as structural protection, detection and alarm systems, occupant education and sprinkler suppression systems. New codes have recognized the success of fire protection, but removed an important part of protection-effective compartmentation and structural protection through height and area tables that now allow for larger spaces without either type of protection.

What new fire loss statistics will this new generation of building-without effective compartmentation and structural protection-bring to our society? According to Scott Rankin, Pyro-Stop LLC, a Philadelphia-based firestopping contractor, sprinkler systems are said to perform with a reliability of 95 to 99 percent, when activated. That’s an impressive statistic.

However, Richard Bukowski of NIST said at the Chicago Council on High Rise Buildings Fire Safety Seminar, "There is a call for risk-informed regulation for extreme events ? and layers of protection and redundancy, robustness in construction are needed in today’s post-9/11 world." Additionally, the perception of risk post-9/11 is heightened more than ever. Lessons were learned when the twin World Trade Center towers fell-people may not stay in place as instructed during fire events, instead jamming stairwells while simultaneous evacuation takes place.

Would a building constructed under the new codes withstand the attack experienced at the LaSalle Bank building in Chicago, if the sprinkler system doesn’t respond, is out of service for maintenance, disabled by vandals or obstructed by building occupants? The LaSalle Bank building burned five and a half hours unchecked by sprinkler systems before spreading to the next floor, while the tower in Madrid, Spain, recently was a total loss. Certainly construction types are different in each building. However, even during extreme fire attack, the LaSalle Bank building supported several floors above the fire, protecting people and property. People waiting in the compartmented structure stayed put until rescued by firefighting personnel, some for an entire hour. Without effective compartmentation, fires can move fast if not checked by firefighters or sprinkler systems, creating risks that may not have existed before.

Fire and smoke resistance-rated effective compartmentation serves a dual purpose in buildings. Not only does it separate areas from one another for various uses, it also provides havens of safety from fire and smoke while escaping a building where fire and smoke threatens occupants. Corridors, once considered the safe place to be in a building, are no longer resistance-rated to protect occupants in many types of buildings under the new code. This, plus the hundreds of other trade-offs where sprinkler systems have displaced effective compartmentation and structural protection, may change the dynamics of how buildings perform in the future under fire attack.

What’s the industry to do?

As responsible industry participants, whether contractor or architect, the end-user occupant, building owner and manager, we must inform the public about the risk of construction design optimization. The general public needs to understand the new dynamics in buildings today, and respond accordingly. Fire drills with simultaneous evacuation of most occupancies, education about building protection fire and life-safety features plus their role in personal safety, are all important topics for education. Building owners and occupants must also be made aware of the particular features that protect them while exiting a building, while a sprinkler system is operating.


Codes may be seen by some as the pinnacle of construction. However, codes are actually the minimum benchmark level of safety for occupants. Therefore, a design professional and building owner may consider using systems that provide integrity, continuity and fire protection over and above what is required by code. Maybe it means adding effective compartmentation and firestopping to more areas of the building than is required by code. Since the extra cost of compartmentation is minimal during initial construction, why not install it then?

"We mostly design walls in schools to be fire-resistance rated, and extend them all the way to the ceiling to provide the client flexibility in the use of the space over the life of the structure," said one Chicago-area architect. "And, since the extra cost of compartmentation is minimal during initial construction, why not install it now, and add the safety up front? Plus, we never know when the building owner will change the occupancy, requiring the walls to become rated."

For instance, in buildings with ½-inch to 5/8-inch gypsum board wall assemblies, the additional fee for fire-resistance rated gypsum board is minimal, if any. All that typically changes is the stud pattern, fastening and extension of the wall through the drop ceiling to the floor above for continuity. Firestopping, fire dampers and fire doors are then installed to retain the effective compartmentation ratings. In buildings, this amounts to very minimal cost as the labor is already expended installing less-expensive components. Gypsum walls, doors, ductwork and other components are installed anyway. And, once installed, continual maintenance of these items can be reasonable if managed professionally through building operations, renovation planning and coordination.

By upgrading to a fire-resistance rated floor assembly firestop system with an intumescent firestop collar system rather than the "caulk-and-walk" systems, fire protection of the element is accomplished individually, and not by guesswork. Not relying on another fire-rated element (a rated wall) when making life-safety choices makes more sense, as each item should stand on its own merit when it comes to safety.

Intumescent firestop collar systems, which do not rely on firewall integrity, provide a much greater degree of protection to the occupant through reliable performance at the floor fire barrier, regardless of fire-resistance rated wall performance. Or, use the thicker depth firestop system in caulk-only designs on metal or insulated pipe designs.

"Even consider silicone sealant-based firestop systems when water threat from rain is possible, for maximum washout protection," said FCIA’s Technical Committee Chair Mike Dominguez, Firestop Specialties Inc., Miami. "In the sealant designs, since much of the cost of the installation is labor, there really isn’t a huge extra charge to move into washout-resistance sealant systems."

The minimum to meet code requirements may not be the best solution for the owner or public safety. Redundant, back-up systems have been a part of the space shuttle, World Trade Center and Disney World. Why not life-safety items we rely on everyday in lesser-known structures? Redundancy works for airplanes, as we know four engines are better than three, three better than two, etc. And in roofs, four-ply may be better than two-ply, lasting longer with more protection from hail and traffic damage and abuse. Don’t we need protection using life-safety items such as firestops, fireproofing, fire damper assemblies, automatic fire sprinklers, fire alarms and other fire protection items? We should not have to make significant choices, such as either/or, in such an important area as fire and life safety. Does all this optimization work in a true fire condition, without each item relying on another fire-resistance rated element? Have we optimized too far in fire and life safety?

These very questions are being discussed as International Building Code and NFPA 5000 debates continue. There are significant trade-offs made (reduction in use of effective compartmentation and structural protection) when active fire protection systems are used in buildings under the new code. Revisions to these new sprinkler trade-offs to balance the approach to fire safety are already being discussed by government, industry and the building community.

"Both active and passive protection systems are needed to maintain life-safety standards in today’s buildings," said LeClair.

Building firestop systems to protect pipes, expansion joints and perimeter gaps in buildings is different than building a test assembly in a heated, indoor laboratory. Over-optimizing can cause a life-safety risk by not allowing the field labor force room for error. The margin of error could be the constant creation of new penetrations in fire-resistance rated assemblies after construction, active system troubles or maintenance.

Building codes provide guidelines to the designer on the minimum acceptable requirement for building construction in a geographic area by building usage and type. Building occupants expect that buildings are completely safe for them to occupy, and to exit if needed. Too much optimizing can cause life-safety risks as we push the envelope of material technology’s limits to remain competitive with our building costs globally. More important, do we want actuaries deciding our fate in a fire, as we’re trapped in a single exit room or dead-end hallway due to optimized design? Do we want to become a mathematical risk calculation or have a safe way out?

With the labor quality of life-safety firestop systems installation in mind and trying to meet ever-tightening tolerances in the construction industry, the Firestop Contractors International Association has developed a Firestopping Quality Process (FQP). The FQP is comprised of a contractor approval program-FM 4991, much like a manufacturers ISO 9000 program, but tailored to firestopping contractors, coupled with independent inspection to ASTM standards E2174 for penetrations and E2393 for joints. (See related article on page 30.) The quality protocol is a system that together optimizes cost while maximizing quality. Both pieces are needed to have a complete quality process.

Whether it’s active or passive fire protection systems, introducing quality programs to the industry, or promoting a more balanced approach to life safety, thought must be given to these optimization issues. Optimizing life-safety systems, to some degree, is needed to keep our buildings competitive in the world market. However, being too aggressive compromises life safety. Which building (school, office, high rise, hospital, hotel) would you rather be resting in, the one highly optimized for maximum profit or something with a bit more of a margin for error should something go wrong?

Design and regulatory professionals should take the time to really think through the fire-protection plan and incorporate a viable strategy for us to get out, quickly if we need to, in the event of fire or other accidental or extreme event. They should take the time to design effective compartmentation systems to protect us if we can’t evacuate immediately. And, since we’re talking about fire and life-safety systems, perhaps the construction industry should consider going beyond the basic code requirements.

Figure 1

Apex Firestop, Houston, Texas, applies composite sheet to an opening.

Figure 2

Firestopping won’t be easy here. Call a specialist.

Figure 3

Optimized "caulk-and-walk" systems used in construction may not be installed to tight tested and listed system tolerances.

As a technical advisor for a manufacturer of closed-cell flexible foam insulation materials, I often hear the question, "Can I use firestopping materials with your products?" While the simple answer is yes, a basic understanding of what firestopping systems do and what they entail is necessary in order to provide the correct firestopping system for the construction conditions.

Building codes require firestopping wherever piping penetrates a fire-rated floor, ceiling or wall. Since most holes are drilled or cut oversized, firestopping is used to fill the gap, or "annular space" between the penetrating item and the edges of the floor, ceiling or wall. Providing the correct firestopping system maintains the integrity and fire rating of the construction.

Firestopping systems are usually tested on large-scale or small-scale fire-test furnaces following the ASTM E119 (UL 263) time-versus-temperature profile. In this test, there is an "exposed" side that is subjected to fire, and a non-fire or "unexposed" side. There are three components to a firestopping fire rating: F, T and L ratings. The F rating demonstrates the ability to prevent the passage of flame through the opening. The T rating indicates the ability of the firestop system to limit the temperature increase on the non-fire side of the floor, ceiling or wall. The most recent component, the L or leakage rating, is a measure of the system’s ability to prevent the passage of hot and potentially toxic gases. Firestopping fire ratings are expressed in terms of time, with ratings ranging from 15 minutes to four hours.

Firestopping approvals, such as those listed in the Underwriters Laboratories’ (UL) Fire Resistance Directory, Vols. 2A and 2B, are very specific to the floor, ceiling and wall construction, the size of the opening, the type, size and number of pipes penetrating the opening, and the size of the annular space and the spacing between pipes when there is more than one penetrating item. Firestopping ratings are also very specific to the type and thickness of insulation used on these pipes.

Elastomeric insulation products are acceptable for use in 294 firestopping designs listed in the UL Fire Resistance Directory. In the directory, elastomeric products are listed as "Tube Insulation-Plastics." Products acceptable for use must be UL-listed in Category QMFZ2 of the Plastics Recognized Components Directory. The UL-listed firestopping systems require the insulation composition to be "acrylonitrile butadiene rubber/polyvinyl chloride (AB/PVC)," which is synonymous with nitrile butadiene rubber/PVC composition of the most widely used elastomeric insulation products. This requirement currently would preclude the use of ethylene propylene diene monomer-based insulation materials.

Elastomeric products are listed for use in wall thicknesses up to 1 inch on copper, iron, steel, PVC and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride piping and polyethylene tubing for F ratings of up to three hours, T ratings to two hours, and L ratings to two hours. Pipe sizes up to 10 inches are listed. Some of the firestopping manufacturers with products approved for use in these designs include 3M, DAP, Hilti, Nelson, Passive Fire Protection Partners, Rectorseal, Royal, Specified Technologies, Tremco, USG and W.R. Grace.

There are numerous firestopping systems for protecting constructions containing uninsulated pipes. While this may seem like a simple solution when using insulation products that are not UL-listed, it is not necessarily the best solution. On hot piping systems, the worst effect may be a limited heat loss. On cold piping systems, the elimination of insulation may result in condensation and the potential for mold growth, especially in pipes passing through wall systems.

For insulation products that are not listed in any UL firestopping systems, it is recommended that a short length of elastomeric or fiberglass insulation be used for where the pipe passes through the opening. This allows for the selection of a firestopping design based on elastomeric or fiberglass insulation materials. The use of fiberglass is not recommended on any systems where condensation is a concern. It is also recommended that any non-listed firestopping system proposed for use be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction for approval prior to installation.

While my focus has been on Underwriters Laboratories, it should be recognized that there are several other testing laboratories that are accredited by the code agencies to test and maintain firestopping system listings: Southwest Research Institute, OmegaPoint Laboratories and Intertek/ETL (Warnock Hersey) are just a few.

The easiest way to navigate the firestopping maze is to obtain information from the firestopping material manufacturers. They provide information on their websites, on CDs and in hard copy that encompasses their approvals from all certified testing agencies. They are also an excellent source of information and recommendations for job-site conditions that do not quite comply with any listed firestopping systems.

Insulation products are only one component of an approved firestopping system, and do not have an hourly fire rating independent of the other components of the system. For more information on firestopping systems, consult the UL Fire Resistance Directory or the manufacturers of firestopping materials listed above.

More and more frequently, insulation contractors are being asked to include firestopping in their scope of work. Many others are actively bidding firestopping; still more have a desire to bid, but feel they don’t have an adequate knowledge or comfort level with regard to firestopping. While insulation professionals may be familiar with the thermal properties of various pipe insulations, many are unfamiliar with how these products behave in a fire. Here’s a glimpse into the fire-resistance and burning characteristics of commonly used pipe insulations and how they should be properly firestopped.

Fiberglass Pipe Insulation

Fiberglass or glass fiber pipe insulation is an extremely common pipe insulation material. It can range in thickness from a 12-inch up to 4 inches. On most commercial projects, thickness normally does not exceed 2 inches. The density of fiberglass is approximately 3.5 pounds per cubic foot. When firestopping fiberglass pipe insulation, it is recommended that the seams be tightly butted when the insulation is installed. Any gaps or voids are areas where airflow can occur. Oxygen is necessary for combustion, and wide gaps or voids where air can flow unchecked can affect the performance of a firestop system.

Floor penetration applications with up to 2-inch-thick fiberglass feature Underwriters Laboratories (UL) systems with intumescent (expanding) caulk over mineral wool. Intumescent materials are required as the lower melt point of the fiberglass will create a void or gap as it burns away. In most cases it is possible to use a 12-inch thickness of sealant over a 3- or 4-inch depth of mineral wool packing material. The mineral wool must be tightly packed to compress the insulation against the pipe. For applications exceeding a 2-inch insulation thickness, most manufacturers recommend an intumescent wrap strip tuck-in. In some cases, an external collar might be utilized. Conversely, for thinner insulation, such as 12-inch, there are systems that use less sealant, or even caulk-only, with no mineral wool.

Walls are much less critical than floors; so most systems for up to 2-inch-thick fiberglass will be caulk only. A 58-inch depth of firestop sealant is all that is required to protect most applications. When the insulation thickness exceeds 2 inches, a wrap strip tuck-in is the preferred method. A common challenge or concern arises when the pipe is not centered in the hole. Most UL systems in wall applications allow for a single-point contact, where the insulated pipe or tube contacts the periphery of the opening. A few manufacturers have a system in walls (concrete and gypsum) for continuous-point contact, where a bead of sealant is applied around the perimeter of the insulated pipe at its egress from each side of the wall.

Using Intumescent Materials With Fiberglass Insulation

It is recommended that an intumescent sealant be used around fiberglass. Most people have the misconception that the intumescent expands and squeezes off the insulation. In reality it compresses the insulation against the pipe, increasing the density of the pipe insulation, making it much more difficult for the fire to burn through it. In recent years, some UL systems were generated using nonintumescent (nonexpanding) sealants. Insulated pipes or tubes pose a special hazard when it comes to fire resistance. This hazard is somewhat trivialized by systems featuring nonintumescent products. Thickness and density of most pipe insulation is nominal. A test conducted on 1-inch-thick fiberglass insulation may actually be 78-inch to 114 inches in thickness, with the 78-inch material being the same weight as the thicker material. The product with the greater density would more than likely perform better under fire-test conditions. Since the ranges aren’t tested, the performance of a nonintumescent material might be altered due to variations in thickness and density. Intumescent materials are not appreciably more expensive than nonintumescent products, and the installer, inspector or owner can more reliably predict performance.

Annular space (space between the pipe insulation and the periphery of the opening) is critical with fiberglass insulation. Too much or too little can be a real problem. In floor applications it is important to be aware of the point of contact between the pipe insulation and the periphery of the opening. Wherever possible, pack mineral wool to compress the insulation and keep it from contacting the periphery of the opening. Lastly, follow the parameters of the system when installing penetrants with insulation.

AB/PVC Pipe Insulation

Acrylonitrile butadiene/polyvinyl chloride (AB/PVC) flexible foam insulation is black foam insulation commonly referred to as "rubber." The most common applications are refrigerant lines or chilled water lines. The most common thickness range is 12-inch, 34-inch and 1-inch, with 12-inch to 34-inch being the most common.

AB/PVC is an efficient insulator usually found on copper tubing. A common application is insulation on air conditioning line sets. It is not as easy to compress as fiberglass. Firestop applications for AB/PVC-insulated penetrants are very sensitive to annular space, although systems have been published with up to 4 inches of annular space between insulated pipes or insulated pipes and the periphery of the opening.

Typical firestop systems for floors include intumescent caulk and mineral wool packing. Most systems show a 12-inch to 1-inch depth of caulk atop mineral wool. Note that systems for 1-inch-thick AB/PVC may require additional sealant or even wrap strips. In the less critical wall applications, a 58-inch depth of firestop caulk on each side of the wall can be used.

Mineral Wool Pipe Insulation

Like fiberglass, mineral wool is another manmade vitreous fiber product but with higher temperature ratings and greater fire resistance. It can be used in many of the same applications as fiberglass. Most mineral fiber pipe insulation is used in industrial applications where higher temperature ratings are required. Mineral fiber pipe insulation is usually secured around a pipe with steel tie wire and is covered with various metal or industrial cloth jacketing.

When it comes to UL systems, any system tested for fiberglass automatically is approved for use with mineral fiber, but not vice-versa. Fiberglass is more critical because it has a lower melt point than mineral fiber.

Mineral fiber may be a good choice in applications in which a greater thickness of insulation is required or when a higher hourly rating is necessary. It does not burn readily; so most systems will be caulk and mineral wool packing or simply caulk only. Mineral wool is one of the least critical types of pipe insulation to seal.

Calcium Silicate Pipe Insulation

Calcium silicate pipe insulation, or "cal-sil," is quite flame-resistant. Like mineral wool it is most commonly found in industrial applications or commercial applications requiring a higher temperature rating such as auxiliary generator exhaust applications. It does not burn readily and therefore may also be used to protect conduits carrying sensitive wires or cables such as fire alarm cables or control cables for other life-safety devices. Most applications are typically covered with a metal jacketing.

Calcium silicate pipe insulation can be caulked. In floors, packing material will serve to help facilitate installation of the sealant. Calcium silicate is recommended in applications in which a higher hourly rating is necessary.

Asbestos Pipe Insulation

Asbestos, once considered a miracle product, is no longer being installed in new buildings because of asbestos-related health issues. In some older buildings asbestos has been encapsulated and is being managed in place. It can be sealed because it won’t burn, but it presents challenges. Most firestop manufacturers shy away from it for fear of litigation. These decisions must be made at the project level with the owners and architect.

Cellular Glass Pipe Insulation

Cellular glass pipe insulation is a rigid closed-cell insulation comprised of minute, sealed glass cells that are formed through the chemical reaction of finely ground oxidized glass with carbon at high temperatures. Common applications are piping in extreme humidity areas (Florida, Gulf of Mexico), industrial processes and in low-temperature or cryogenic applications. Depending on the application, jacketing such as metal or coated fabric is typically required.

Firestop systems for cellular glass require an aluminum or steel jacket to be installed around the insulation for a distance of 12 inches on the top side of the floor or both sides of a wall. This is required because the insulation can crack when heated. It can also crack when the assembly is removed from the fire source and exposed to the impact, erosion and cooling effects of the UL water hose stream test. The metal jacketing allows it to pass a hose stream test by keeping the insulation intact and preventing a through-projection of water beyond the unexposed side of the assembly, as required as part of the conditions of compliance in tests to ASTM E814 or ANSI/UL 1479.

Cellular glass insulation melts where exposed to fire, but when properly sealed using a listed firestop system, it is not a difficult material to protect. The easiest sealing methods are firestop systems using mineral wool and caulk in floors, or caulk only in wall applications. Many UL systems have been approved with this type of insulation.

Polyisocyanurate Pipe Insulation

Polyisocyanurate insulation is another nonfibrous, closed-cell product. It is a lightweight cellular plastic that offers very low thermal conductivity and is commonly found in low-temperature applications, or in high-humidity areas. Currently, there aren’t any published firestop systems in the UL Fire Resistance Directory for polyisocyanurate insulation. Accordingly, where such penetrations pass through a fire-resistance rated barrier, it may be prudent to switch to a different insulating material capable of meeting the fire-resistance requirements for several feet on either side of the assembly. Metal pipes will conduct heat to the unexposed side of the assembly. This is especially true for copper penetrants. While you could design a mechanism to prevent the fire from passing through the opening in the barrier, auto-ignition of the insulating material on the unexposed side from heat conducted through the pipe is a distinct possibility. A safety margin of several feet should allow heat to be dissipated and prevent the likelihood of auto-ignition. Consult with the individual firestop manufacturer’s qualified technical personnel for more information.

Phenolic foam is yet another nonfibrous, closed-cell product, with very good thermal performance. While phenolic foams are not as inherently fire-resistant as some pipe insulations, UL systems for floors and walls are available. Caulk-only systems are available for 2-inch pipe with 1-inch-thick insulation in gypsum or concrete walls. Floors, again, are more challenging and require a combination of mineral wool packing and caulk for pipes up to 4 inches. Larger pipes and increased insulation thickness pose additional challenges and may require a combination of packing material, sealant, wrap strips and collar. Consult the UL Fire Resistance Directory for detailed information.

Other Considerations

In addition to fire-resistance considerations, the firestopping industry was recently informed by UL that a new protocol was developed to test the water resistance of the sealing material to restrict the passage of water from floor to floor. This rating is referred to as the W rating (See related article). A Class 1 W rating is assigned to firestop systems that can withstand the passage of water under a 3-foot pressure head for 72 hours. The test is predicated upon the sealing material being fully dried or cured. When it comes to insulated through-penetrations, there are other considerations that should be taken into account in terms of achieving a W rating. Nonfibrous, closed-cell materials are generally fairly water-resistant. On the other hand, fibrous insulating materials can be a problem as the water exposure can damage the kraft paper jacket. Such penetrations can easily be remedied by protecting the fibrous insulation with a 20- to 30-mil PVC jacket. The jacket should project downward into the opening in such a way that the sealant is applied to bond to the periphery of the opening and the PVC-jacketed insulation and extend 36 to 40 inches above the top of the floor. Seams in the PVC jacket shall be solvent-welded according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Always verify the existence of a UL classified firestop system for an insulated pipe or tube with an additional PVC jacket. Currently, only two manufacturers have tested this configuration at UL.

Planning the Work

Firestopping insulated pipes is fairly simple when the applications are considered up front. Choosing the right products and systems before the holes are core-drilled or sleeves are sized eliminates costly corrections later on. For example, if a particular insulation was chosen because of its unique insulating properties but that insulation cannot be properly firestopped above a certain thickness, provisions should be made to use a different type of insulating material that can achieve similar insulating characteristics. Alternative insulation types may require a greater thickness, which require a bigger hole in the barrier. Making this decision up front saves time and money in the long term.

Similarly, choosing the right product in the beginning may prevent the product from being misused in non-tested applications. As previously stated, intumescent products tend to be more rigorously tested and thus more forgiving in terms of the scope of their correct use. A nonintumescent material might save pennies on a project, but the potential for misuse may outweigh any small savings. An incorrect installation of a nonintumescent sealant that requires remediation will quickly wipe out any savings garnered to date.

Most reputable firestopping manufacturers offer training in the proper selection and use of firestopping products and systems. Additionally, manufacturers’ technical service engineers can help locate appropriate UL system designs and troubleshoot unique job-site configurations. By bringing the supplier into the loop earlier in the design stage, you can possibly prevent mistakes during the construction phase and thus make the job quicker, easier and hopefully more profitable.

Figure 1

How to use firestop sealant around an insulated pipe.

Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6

Firestopped insulation with metal jacketing.

Figure 7
Figure 8

Firestopped pipe insulation with all-service jacketing.

This month’s column shares two different but related concepts. The common thread is the role of communication in overcoming industry resistance to energy-efficient outcomes.

Energy Efficiency: Just what do you mean? When you work every day in a certain profession, it’s easy to overuse jargon. Outsiders might not have the same understanding of certain terms. For instance, if you were to poll five different plant managers in the industry, here’s what their interpretations of the term "energy efficiency" may be:

  • "We just put in a back-up generator, so sure, we’re energy-efficient."

  • "We switched from coal to natural gas to meet our emissions compliance thresholds, so yes, we’re energy-efficient."

  • "We have the capability of dual fuel firing on all our boilers. You bet we’re energy-efficient."

  • "Our procurement division gives us energy efficiency by actively seeking the lowest fuel commodity prices available."

  • "We are energy efficient because we use renewable waste materials for boiler fuel."

It may amuse (or shock) you to know that some companies claim to be energy-efficient because they participate in municipal recycling programs or because they market biodegradable product alternatives. All of these activities are good things, but none of them comprise energy efficiency. It’s a struggle to get manufacturers to understand that energy efficiency is an opportunity to reduce costs, build revenues and control risk. For some reason, no one ever asks what is meant by "energy efficiency." Everyone has a preconceived notion of the term’s meaning. Energy efficiency is a business opportunity for those who embrace it. Much more is said about that in a paper entitled "Strategic Industrial Energy Efficiency" (

Capital spending habits. Rarely does a manufacturing organization have finance experts who are conversant in engineering (and vice versa). Let’s not discredit the finance professionals; they’re doing their part to help their company by carefully tracking where the dollars come and go. But uninformed financial decisions can be counterproductive. A little encouragement may be needed to get efficiency upgrades approved. I like to use a simple, yet effective picture (Figures 1 and 2).

Consider the total cost of ownership for an asset. This includes 1. up-front costs such as design, acquisition and setup, and 2. operational costs accruing over the economic life of the asset, including maintenance, repairs, any operating inputs such as energy and salvage value (cash back, or a "negative" expense) when the asset is removed from service. The finance person is almost always familiar with the cost profile for an asset like a delivery van, since it’s very similar to that of a personal automobile. Figure 1 shows the total cost of operation for a typical delivery van.

Given their desire to economize operations, finance people will automatically focus their attention on the biggest piece of this pie chart, which is the capital (acquisition) cost. Quite simply, they try to avoid capital expenses (especially if they are not investments in core processes). If spending is necessary, they want to keep the outlay as small as possible. In the case of the delivery van, their best bet for reducing total costs of ownership is to ensure that capital cost–the biggest proportion–is minimized.

Now consider a steam system and its related fittings. A finance person may expect the total costs of ownership for utility systems to be proportionately similar to that of the delivery van. But that’s not true for a boiler that runs at 80 percent (or similar) load factor. See Figure 2.

Yes, the boiler is more expensive than a delivery van. Yes, the steam system will function, more or less, without diligent investment in steam traps, insulation and other fittings. But the handful of dollars saved that way are dwarfed by unnecessary fuel waste sustained by a steam system that must devote the first 20 percent (or more) of its send-out to feed leaks and radiant heat losses. Note that the data for both Figure 1 and Figure 2 are a few years old: The indicated fuel price of $3.50/MMBtu is easily double that now, which only underscores the point.

Message to the finance people:

    1. Understand the total cost of operation for an asset. Make business-smart investments that return the most value to the company.

    2. Don’t have the money to invest in improvements? Think again–you’re already spending a great deal of money on fuel.

    3. Get started with any of a number of low-risk, quick payback activities (See a summary of dozens of steam plant audits compiled by Enbridge Gas Distribution’s Steam Saver program—PDF format).

    4. You can "borrow" money from within the existing budget. Look for a budget line item like insurance or audit expense. The premium for those services may be a one-time annual outlay, seven or eight months away. Funds borrowed from that account could be used to implement an energy improvement that pays for itself in only 60, 30 or even fewer days. Once payback is achieved, the savings continue as new cash flow, making the business better off than it was before.

    5. Don’t know what payback to expect on an energy improvement? Take advantage of a free, confidential, one-day energy audit offered by any one of 26 Industrial Assessment Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. Or …

    6. Use the DOE’s Steam System Assessment Tool. This software allows the user to model a subject steam system and estimate the cost impact of making improvements. Use this software to prioritize your improvement opportunities.

    Or, call the DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse
    877-EERE-INF(O) or 877-337-3463 about any of these items.

Get an easy-reading document entitled "Checklist for Getting Management Approval" for steam projects. There are two versions:

Your questions and comments are welcome. Please reply with your energy management question, concern or story. I’ll respond to each, and publish the more provocative discussions in this column. E-mail, and please include your phone number if you wish to discuss the item prior to publication.

Figure 1
Figure 2