Category Archives: Global

In a previous Safety Matters column, we established that due to the location of much of the piping, ductwork, and other equipment requiring mechanical insulation; working at heights is one of the biggest hazards in the insulation industry. Aerial lifts have become invaluable for contractors, maintenance personnel, and insulation inspectors to safely access these elevated work areas. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) published a new standard on aerial lifts—originally published in December 2018—that is set to take effect March 2020 and will bring about some significant changes.

ANSI is a nonprofit organization that develops voluntary consensus standards across many industries. Many ANSI standards have been adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and incorporated into law. The OSHA standard on aerial lifts, for example, is based on the 1969 ANSI standard. While the OSHA standard has not been updated since, the ANSI standard has undergone regular revision. If you want the most up-to-date, comprehensive standard on aerial lift safety, look to ANSI A92-2018.

One of the first changes readers will notice is a new name. What was formerly referred to as an Aerial Work Platform is now called a Mobile Elevating Work Platform, or “MEWP” (pronounced mee-oop). In addition to the new name, MEWPs have a new classification system as well. MEWPs are broken down into Groups A and B, and Types 1, 2, or 3. Group A identifies vertical platforms, commonly called scissor lifts; and Group B identifies all other lifts, primarily boom lifts. The Type designation refers to where the controls are located and if the machine can be driven in the raised position. The typical boom lift, for example, is now designated as a Group B, Type 3 MEWP.

ANSI A92-2018 is a set of 3 standards: A92.20 covers design, A92.22 covers safe use, and A92.24 covers training requirements. Manufacturers will have to comply with the A92.20 standard beginning next month in March 2020. One of the more significant design changes is a requirement for platform load sensing devices to prevent overloads. Tilt sensing will also be required on lifts. A machine that is overloaded or unstable will alarm and disable some of the control functions until it is brought into a safer condition. Wind ratings are also addressed in the new standard. Some smaller, electric scissor lifts will not carry a wind rating and will be clearly marked for “Indoor Use Only.” Swing gates on scissor lifts and foam-filled tires on rough terrain lifts are other changes users will notice on the new compliant MEWPs.

A92.22 addresses safe use of MEWPS and has several new requirements. One of the more notable additions to this section is the requirement for a risk assessment prior to using MEWPs on a site. The risk assessment should address equipment selection (i.e., using the right lift for the job), ground and work area conditions, overhead hazards, protecting other personnel nearby, and identifying control measures and safe work practices. The risk assessment also requires development of a rescue plan. The rescue plan addresses contingencies such as a work platform stuck in the air or rescuing a worker after a fall in a harness and lanyard. Another new addition to the standard is safety requirements for exiting or entering the work platform at height.

Training is covered in ANSI A92.24. Operator training must include theory (classroom) and a practical assessment (hands-on), and it is specific to each classification of MEWP. For example, an employee trained on a scissor lift would not be authorized to operate a boom lift. The content of both the theory and practical training is clearly defined in the standard. Familiarization training is also required for each different make and model. Familiarization training allows the operator to review and get accustomed to the specific features, functions, and controls on each machine. The standard requires dealer/rental companies to provide familiarization training, but only to those who request it. A familiarization checklist also will be listed in the operations manual of each MEWP.

Whereas previous standards only covered training for operators, the new standard specifies training requirements for occupants and supervisors as well. At a minimum, occupant training must cover fall protection requirements, how occupant actions may affect stability of the MEWP, and how to lower the lift in an emergency. Supervisor training does not necessarily have to include hands-on training, but it must cover proper MEWP selection, hazards associated with MEWP use, and safety rules and regulations for MEWPs.

Consensus standards such as those published by ANSI are voluntary and not legally enforceable. However, OSHA may look at the new standard as the basis for a General Duty clause violation as it requires employers to protect employees from “recognized hazards.” Regardless, employers who want to improve their aerial lift safety program and prevent serious accidents should look to the A92 standard. If not already in place, employers should develop a worksite risk assessment policy prior to using MEWPs and make sure all employees are properly trained, including occupants and supervisors. Although there may be some headaches initially, A92 should have a long-lasting, positive effect on
our industry.

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This article was published in the January 2020 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2020 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized  duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

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Many in our industry have voiced concerns about recent International Code Council (ICC) updates to the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). This commentary highlights frequently asked questions by NIA members about what the new language may mean for the mechanical insulation industry.

Q: What is the new code language regarding CE150-19 Part I, IECC®: C403.11.3.1 to be included in the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code?
A: Protection of piping insulation (Mandatory). Piping insulation exposed to the weather shall be protected from damage, including that caused by sunlight, moisture, wind, and physical damage. Protective barrier shall be removable for equipment maintenance, and shall provide shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. Adhesive tape shall not be permitted. (Source: IECC)

Q: What does this really mean?
A: It is difficult to say what it means without some actions or reviews by code officials who have to interpret and enforce the interpretation of this requirement. It appears to restrict products and practices specifically developed to avoid the negative impacts of the conditions listed. The language also fails to recognize insulation material technologies that provide the performance without removable coverings, which could result in increased construction costs. The language appears to limit engineers’ and insulation contractors’ options for piping insulation.

Q: When does it go into effect?
A: 2021. Specific adoption date—like interpretation and enforcement—is up to code bodies in local jurisdictions, ranging from cities to states.

Q: I heard that NIA, the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA), the Energy Efficient Code Coalition (EECC), and numerous other trade organizations were against the adoption of the new language. Why? How will this impact future projects?
A: There were fewer concerns with the previous code language, and many products on the market were successful for this type of outdoor design. For future projects, technical experts in the industry are concerned that outdoor systems may now have environmental moisture from rain, snow, and ice entering the insulation envelope via ineffective jacketing closures, which would ruin the insulation and could cause corrosion. In turn, this could require that all the insulation be replaced earlier than would otherwise be necessary, resulting in unnecessary costs. If the system is replaced according to the new code, the same failure could prevail, and the results would repeat until the pipe fully corrodes. Here are some of the concerns about the change voiced by NIA member companies before the hearing:

  1. It eliminates many commonly used products and practices that have been used successfully for years (in some cases, decades). The new code language reduces the market of available technologies and systems for pipe insulation.
  2. It requires a removable cover, which will potentially reduce effectiveness and cause corrosion when environmental moisture enters the system. Some materials require a complete seal to achieve the intended purposes, especially vapor retardancy and repeated cleanability. Results could include deterioration of the insulation system and lack of protection from other destructive forces, especially water vapor permeation.
  3. It could result in lawsuits and liability issues from premature and catastrophic system failures. Because this is a predictable consequence, contractors may not warranty the finished project under the code, and material producers may not warranty insulations jacketed per the code, in many cases.
  4. The EECC released its voting guide, which highlights the most important proposals to vote for or against for strong energy codes. They recommended that voters disapprove this measure.

Q: What can readers, facility owners, and the design/build community do?
A: Discuss the change with local code enforcement jurisdictions to inform them of the concerns. Ask the local jurisdiction to adopt an amended version of the code that eliminates the provisions. Ask local jurisdictions, who are the ones to vote on code changes, to voice concern with the ICC. Immediately make customers aware that following the code language could negate any warranty, installation, or materials. Producers of protective materials may need to add statements that their products are removable and develop removal practices and procedures, although the resulting cost of following such procedures (in terms of time and money) may make complete replacement the economical and practical alternative.

Q: Where can readers get more information?
A: You can contact the ICC. Their website is

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This article was published in the January 2020 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2020 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized  duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Disclaimer: Unless specifically noted at the beginning of the article, the content, calculations, and opinions expressed by the author(s) of any article in Insulation Outlook are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NIA. The appearance of an article, advertisement, and/or product or service information in Insulation Outlook does not constitute an endorsement of such products or services by NIA. Every effort will be made to avoid the use or mention of specific product brand names in featured magazine articles.

There is a disconnect between engineering specifications and codes requirements when it comes to the mechanical insulation industry. Specifications can be developed from either outdated or non-compatible applications that can create confusion and lead to a faulty design for mechanical insulation equipment. Now is the time to help engineers bridge that gap by providing standardized resources. The information in this article is offered to help improve the way things are done.

Here is a checklist of clarifying questions to ask engineers when specifying insulation:

  1. What is the system used for?
  2. What is the intended life span of the system?
  3. What is the purpose of insulating the system?
  4. What is the surface material that the insulation system will be applied to?
  5. What is the operating temperature?
  6. Will the equipment have heaters or chillers?
  7. What are the extreme atmospheric temperatures and relative humidities at the location?
  8. Will the system need to provide the intended function at environmental extremes or average conditions?
  9. What insulation value is required and/or desired?
  10. What codes are applicable to this project?
  11. What are code requirements for the insulation system?

Resources for engineers to reference in developing specifications to include the following:

  • National Commercial and Industrial Insulation Standards
  • NIA Annual Buyer’s Guide: Insulation Products & Providers
  • NIA Insulation Material Specification Chart
  • NIA Guide to Insulation Specifications
  • NIA webinar: Insulation Calculators
  • 3E Plus® Program
  • Mechanical Insulation Design Guide:
  • NIA’s Education Center:
  • NIA’s Online Insulation Education & Awareness Modules:
  • North American Insulation Manufacturer’s Association Resource Library:

An industry association such as NIA provides a resource for engineers, and they should feel free to reach out to those of us in the mechanical insulation industry for any documentation or clarification. Manufacturers are always eager to help engineering firms find solutions and to update boiler plate language and specifications.

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This article was published in the January 2020 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2020 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized  duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Disclaimer: Unless specifically noted at the beginning of the article, the content, calculations, and opinions expressed by the author(s) of any article in Insulation Outlook are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NIA. The appearance of an article, advertisement, and/or product or service information in Insulation Outlook does not constitute an endorsement of such products or services by NIA. Every effort will be made to avoid the use or mention of specific product brand names in featured magazine articles.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fiscal year (FY) 2019 final statistics show a significant increase in the number of inspections and a record amount of compliance assistance to further the mission of ensuring that employers provide workplaces free of hazards.

OSHA’s enforcement activities reflect the Department’s continued focus on worker safety. Federal OSHA conducted 33,401 inspections—more inspections than the previous 3 years—addressing violations related to trenching, falls, chemical exposure, silica, and other hazards.

In FY19, OSHA provided a record 1,392,611 workers with training on safety and health requirements through the Agency’s various education programs, including the OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Outreach Training Program, and Susan Harwood Training Grant Program. OSHA’s compliance assistance programs have helped small businesses address safety and health hazards in their workplaces. In FY19, OSHA’s no-cost On-Site Consultation Program identified 137,885 workplace hazards and protected 3.2 million workers from potential harm.

“OSHA’s efforts—rulemaking, enforcement, compliance assistance and training—are tools to accomplish our mission of safety and health for every worker,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Loren Sweatt. “I am proud of the diligent, hard work of all OSHA personnel who contributed to a memorable year of protecting our nation’s workers.”

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthful workplaces for their employees.OSHA’s role is to help ensure these conditions for America’s working men and women by setting and enforcing standards; and providing training, education, and assistance.

The mission of the Department of Labor is to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.

Originally published on OSHA’s website at For more information, visit

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This article was published in the January 2020 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2020 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized  duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Disclaimer: Unless specifically noted at the beginning of the article, the content, calculations, and opinions expressed by the author(s) of any article in Insulation Outlook are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NIA. The appearance of an article, advertisement, and/or product or service information in Insulation Outlook does not constitute an endorsement of such products or services by NIA. Every effort will be made to avoid the use or mention of specific product brand names in featured magazine articles.

OSHA has a new method to monitor and prioritize its inspection and citation activity. This new “OSHA Weighting System” replaces the OSHA “Enforcement Weighting System,” and it could be a welcome relief to safe employers. For employers that are conscientious about safety, the change should mean that OSHA spends more resources policing dangerous employers and extreme hazards.

It used to be that OSHA area offices were primarily concerned with the total number of inspections as the primary measure of activity. The more, the better, or so the saying goes. But even OSHA states that this method had its drawbacks: “While this metric served a useful purpose,” OSHA admitted, “it created an unintended incentive to complete less demanding inspections rather than those requiring a greater amount of field resources.”

Under the old system, it may have appeared that OSHA compliance officers were paid some bonus for every citation they identified. For example, when a compliance officer showed up following a complaint related to ladder safety, the employer might end up with a dozen citations for all kinds of unrelated issues. Among other seemingly tame hazards, the employer could be cited for a fraying power cord, a flickering exit light, debris in an aisleway, and a portable fire extinguisher that was 1 week past the annual inspection deadline.

Many employers have experienced that, and it could be maddening: No recordables for 5 years and a top-notch safety program, yet a bag of citations as a reward.

But this began to change in 2016. That year, OSHA sought to focus more effort on high-priority areas and not just raw numbers. As such, it started measuring its activity by the amount of time it took for various kinds of inspections. Inspections were measured in “enforcement units” related to time. For example, fatality investigations had a large number of enforcement units, while Rapid Response Investigations had the least.

Under the new OSHA Weighting System, OSHA seeks to focus inspection and citation efforts on safety priorities and high hazards. In September 2019, the agency issued a statement describing the new approach, indicating that it is designed to “support a management system that focuses enforcement activities on critical and strategic areas where the agency’s efforts can have the most impact.”

That does not necessarily mean that OSHA will no longer pile on the citations for seemingly minor transgressions, but it does mean that OSHA will be more oriented to significant workplace hazards. “The new system will continue to weight inspections,” OSHA stated, “but will do so based on other factors, including agency priorities and the impact of inspections, rather than simply on a time-weighted basis.”

As such, the new system will reportedly focus more attention on the construction industry’s “Fatal Four” hazards: electrocution, fall, struck-by, and caught-in and between hazards. These 4 hazards account for roughly 60% of all workplace deaths and will receive 3 enforcement units, unless they are part of a criminal case or fatality. Criminal cases will receive 7 enforcement units, and fatalities will receive 5. Heat, ergonomic, and workplace violence hazards will each receive 2.

It remains to be seen whether this new weighting system will result in more or fewer inspections and citations, but one thing is clear: Investing in safety pays dividends. Employers with solid safety programs, including training and enforcement, have fewer workplace injuries. This will keep OSHA at bay and employees productive and healthy. So regardless of how OSHA prioritizes its activities, employers should always prioritize safety.

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This article was published in the January 2020 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2020 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized  duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

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Winter is upon us—and with winter weather comes winter driving. Everybody knows you are supposed to slow down and increase following distance when driving in winter weather. In this month’s Safety Matters, we will tackle some of the less obvious winter driving tips. Do you know how to tell the difference between a wet roadway and black ice? Do you know which way to turn the wheel when your car begins to slide? Do you know if you are supposed to pump your brakes when sliding on ice? Well, read on and you will!

One of the most important winter driving tips is to make sure you can see where you are going. Even when the roads are clear, winter driving can be dangerous due to reduced visibility. Before you drive away, scrape and defrost all your windows and clear any snow—and remember to clear your mirrors. Make sure your headlights and brake lights are clear of ice and grime, too, so others can see you. Do not assume that the defroster will kick in any minute and your windshield will clear up as you drive a short distance down the road. Your windshield-wiper fluid is not the answer either; even winter-formula washer fluid will freeze on a cold windshield as you drive along (the antifreeze evaporates, leaving a frozen film).

Make sure your car can “see” too. Parking sensors and backup cameras can be obstructed by snow, ice, or salt grime just like your windows and side mirrors. Some higher-end features such as lane-departure warning, forward-collision warning, and automatic emergency braking also may not work when the sensors are obstructed.

Identifying Hazards

Most people are more cautious when driving on snow-covered roads. Black ice, unfortunately, is not always as apparent as a snow-covered roadway. Black ice is a thin layer of ice that is nearly invisible and extremely slippery. It forms when moisture freezes on the road from precipitation, melting snow, or even condensation. Black ice can form even when air temperatures are above freezing, if the road surface is frozen. Bridges are notorious for black ice; shaded roads and low-lying areas are also dangerous.

What are some warning signs of black ice? The car in front of you sliding straight through an intersection is a dead giveaway. Other, less obvious, signs include a roadway that looks wet, but you do not see or hear any spray coming off vehicles’ tires. Shiny patches on an otherwise dry road are another indication of black ice.

Maintaining Control

So, what do you do when your car starts sliding? The adage “steer into the slide” was rooted in the days when most vehicles were rear-wheel drive, and most sliding was from the rear of the vehicle. Today, most cars are either front-wheel or all-wheel drive, so the rules have changed a little. First, let off the gas; don’t hit the brakes if you don’t have to. Keep a firm grip on the steering wheel and look where you want the car to go. Your brain will subconsciously steer the car in that direction. Gently and smoothly steer the car where you want it to go as you stare down the intended path. If the rear of the car is sliding, then gently steer the wheel in that direction to avoid spinning out. If the front of your car is sliding, steer in the direction you want the car to go. Either way, be careful not to oversteer: When your tires do gain traction, you may overcorrect and lose control.

What if you are trying to stop and you start to slide? The answer depends on several factors. Does the car have an anti-lock braking system (ABS)? Are you sliding on ice or in snow? If you have ABS, has it engaged? In the old days, drivers were taught to pump the brakes. This would give you braking power while allowing you to retain steering control. Newer cars’ ABS will pump the brakes for you much more quickly than you can. If your car has ABS and you begin to slide, mash down the brake pedal and leave it down. You will feel a pulsing sensation on the brake pedal and hear a grinding noise; that is a good thing—it means the ABS is working. Be aware, however, that if you hit a large sheet of ice and hit the brakes, all 4 of your wheels may lock up, and your ABS will not engage because it thinks the car has come to a stop. You will feel no pulsing sensation or hear the grinding noise. If this happens, resort to the old-school method of pumping your brake pedal.

A Few Tips

Another important consideration is that ABS will not necessarily stop your vehicle faster on snow or ice. These systems may, in fact, cause a longer stopping distance. This is another important reason to slow down, increase your following distance, and start braking and other stopping maneuvers long before you ordinarily would in better driving conditions.

Do not use cruise control when driving on snow- or ice-covered roads. If your car begins to slide, the cruise control will try to speed up to maintain speed, causing the tires to spin and further lose control. To turn off the cruise control, you must hit the brake, which will further exacerbate the slide. By keeping your foot on the gas pedal, you will feel the loss of traction sooner, and be able to slow down sooner, by quickly taking your foot off the accelerator.

One final winter driving tip: How will you pull your car out of a snow drift if you get stuck? Assuming a Good Samaritan in a pickup truck stops to help you, where do you hook the tow rope? You would not be the first person to lose a bumper from not knowing where to hook the towing strap. Check your car’s manual to be sure. Many cars have a recovery towing eye bolt, which is usually stowed with the spare tire and jack. On the bumper of your vehicle is a small plastic panel that can be popped out. Inside is a threaded coupling that the towing eye bolt screws into. Hook the towing strap to the eye bolt. It is not really used for towing, though, and not meant to pull vehicles out of a serious jam. In that case, call a tow truck and leave it to the pros.

Beware of what driving experts call “offsetting behavior.” Offsetting behavior happens when the belief that safety systems—such as ABS, all-wheel drive, and traction control—make driving safer on ice and snow and causes drivers to drive too fast, follow too closely, or ignore road conditions. 4-wheel drive and traction control will help you go forward better, but they offer no help getting you stopped; and 4-wheel drive slides just the same as 2-wheel drive. Slow down and be extra careful when driving in winter weather. Or better yet, stay home and wait for the weather to clear. There is a ton of good programming on Netflix to binge.

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This article was published in the January 2020 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2020 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized  duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Disclaimer: Unless specifically noted at the beginning of the article, the content, calculations, and opinions expressed by the author(s) of any article in Insulation Outlook are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NIA. The appearance of an article, advertisement, and/or product or service information in Insulation Outlook does not constitute an endorsement of such products or services by NIA. Every effort will be made to avoid the use or mention of specific product brand names in featured magazine articles.

The year was 1994, and I was an eager, young safety professional on one of my first solo assignments.
The consulting firm I worked for had been hired by an insurance company to conduct a safety inspection
for a client. The job site I was sent to was a roofing project in a city I was not familiar with. Luckily,
I had a thick stack of ADC Map books and was able to trace out a route—which invariably crossed
several pages—and I was able to find the site.

I put on my shiny new hard hat and set out to make the worksite safe. Almost immediately I recognized there were some significant safety concerns—holes cut in the roof had been covered only with plastic tarps. Even a rookie college kid knew that this was a dangerous situation and could lead to a very serious injury or even death. I sprang into action. I whipped out a safety inspection checklist and filled it out as quick as I could. I handed it to the roofing foreman with instructions on how roof openings were supposed to be protected. With my job done, I consulted my ADC Map books again and found my way back to my office.

Back in my office, I called the client to follow up on the dangerous findings from my inspection. It went to his voicemail. Another day passed and still no word from my contact at the roofing company. Email was not widely in use yet, and I was still a couple years away from my first mobile phone (a gigantic thing with a shoulder strap and a cord-connected handset). Almost 2 whole days passed before I finally got through to my contact to report my findings. I will never know if those roofers really protected the roof openings after I left. It would not be the first time a construction worker told a young safety guy what he wanted to hear to make him go away.

Fast forward 25 years and an older, wiser (grayer) me still looks back on that time and marvels at how far we have come. A safety professional today has a world of resources that were not available just a short time ago. In addition to being everyday conveniences we cannot live without, technology such as smart phones, GPS navigation, and the internet have revolutionized workplace safety. What if, instead of handing that foreman a paper copy of a safety inspection report, hearing his assurances that the holes would be properly guarded, I emailed his boss a report with findings and pictures of the obvious hazard? Or if I emailed his boss’s boss too? Chances are that foreman’s phone would be ringing within minutes and those openings would be covered the right way.

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Management software may be 1 of the biggest technological advances in the safety profession. 25 years ago, an inspection form printed on carbonless paper was considered high tech. A safety professional today can fill out a mobile inspection report on his or her smartphone, attach pictures, assign corrective actions, and email the report to unlimited recipients before even leaving the job site. Most programs use voice-to-text technology, so instead of typing your inspection findings, you can simply talk into your phone.

In addition to safety inspections, most platforms have applications for incident investigation and training management, as well as others. Some training management software offers mobile credential verification. Anybody with a smartphone can scan a Quick Response (QR) code on a hard hat or wallet card and bring up an employee’s training history. Did that roofing foreman ever have fall protection training? Scan his hard hat QR code and see.

A centralized database with reporting capabilities is the biggest advantage of an EHS Management system. Some examples of reports include the most common violations during safety inspections, most common injury types, training requirements due, or which division has completed the most safety observations. If the roofing contractor in our example used such a program, it may have found, among other things, that the foreman in question had been written up 5 other times that year, or that the roofing department never had Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10- or 30-hour training. These are all powerful tools for safety professionals to use to focus their time and efforts for maximum impact.

Software platforms are only one example of technology in workplace safety. Wearable technology is being used more and more to improve workplace safety. Often attached to a hard hat or traffic vest, wearable technology can be used for proximity detection and location tracking, and some will even send an alert if a worker trips or falls. Imagine an audible alert going off when a worker inadvertently walks into the blind spot of an excavator. Wearable technology, similar to a fitness tracker, can be used to measure worker heat stress and even fatigue, which can be measured by a person’s head position or gait when they walk. Soon it will not be uncommon to be on a project where every worker, every piece of equipment, and even every power tool will have some kind of tracking device.

Another, more high-tech piece of safety equipment beginning to gain traction is the exoskeleton. Exoskeletons are wearable mechanical devices designed to prevent or reduce musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) including back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff injuries, and many others. MSDs are one of the most common, and most expensive, workplace injuries. Exoskeletons can be whole-body, Iron Man®-type devices for lifting heavy loads overhead, or as simple as a glove that provides extra grip strength. Although still cost prohibitive, expectations are high for these items.

Technology is making our workplaces safer than ever. Make sure to stay current with the changes to help keep your workers safe. 10 years from now, I may revise this article and write about my self-driving car, the drone I used to inspect the rooftop, and the virtual reality safety training I was able to deliver on site using my phone. I would set a virtual fence around the roof openings that would keep the roofers—using wearable technology—a safe distance from the openings until they could be covered. And just in case they are still mad that I wrote them up all those years ago, I’ll put on my exoskeleton before I go.

NOTE: The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) requires employers to comply with hazard- specific safety and health standards. In addition, pursuant to Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act, employers must provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm. Emergency Preparedness Guides do not and cannot enlarge or diminish an employer’s obligations under the OSH Act.

Emergency Preparedness Guides are based on presently available information, as well as current occupational safety and health provisions and standards. The procedures and practices discussed in Emergency Preparedness Guides may need to be modified when additional, relevant information becomes available or when OSH Act standards are promulgated or modified.

Anyone working in a cold environment may be at risk of cold stress. Some workers may be required to work outdoors in cold environments for extended periods; for example, snow cleanup crews, sanitation workers, police officers, and emergency response and recovery personnel such as firefighters and emergency medical technicians. Cold stress can be encountered in these types of work environments. The following frequently asked questions will help workers understand what cold stress is, how it may affect their health and safety, and how it can be prevented.

How cold is too cold?

What constitutes extreme cold and its effects can vary across different areas of the country. In regions that are not used to winter weather, near-freezing temperatures are considered “extreme cold.” A cold environment forces the body to work harder to maintain its temperature. Whenever temperatures drop below normal and wind speed increases, heat can leave your body more rapidly.

Wind chill is the temperature your body feels when air temperature and wind speed are combined. For example, when the air temperature is 40°F and the wind speed is 35 mph, the effect on exposed skin is as if the air temperature was 28°F.

Cold stress occurs by driving down the skin temperature and, eventually, the internal body temperature (core temperature). This may lead to serious health problems and may cause tissue damage, and possibly death.

What are the risk factors that contribute to cold stress?

  • Some of the risk factors that contribute to cold stress are:
  •  Wetness/dampness, dressing improperly, and exhaustion;
  • Predisposing health conditions such as hypertension, hypothyroidism, and diabetes; and
  • Poor physical conditioning.

How does the body react to cold conditions?

In a cold environment, most of the body’s energy is used to keep the internal core temperature warm. Over time, the body will begin to shift blood flow from the extremities (hands, feet, arms, and legs) and outer skin to the core (chest and abdomen). This shift allows the exposed skin and the extremities to cool rapidly, and increases the risk of frostbite and hypothermia. Combine this scenario with exposure to a wet environment, and immersion/trench foot may also be a problem.

What are the most common cold-induced illnesses/injuries?

  • Hypothermia
  • Frostbite
  • Immersion/trench foot

What is hypothermia?

Hypothermia occurs when body heat is lost faster than it can be replaced and the normal body temperature (98.6°F) drops under 95°F. Hypothermia is most likely at very cold temperatures, but it can occur even at cool temperatures (above 40°F) if a person becomes chilled from rain, sweat, or submersion in cold water.

What are the symptoms of hypothermia?

  • Mild symptoms:
    An exposed worker is alert, but he or she may begin to shiver and stomp the feet in order to generate heat.
  • Moderate to severe symptoms:
    As the body temperature continues to fall, symptoms will worsen and shivering will stop.
    The worker may lose coordination, fumble with items in the hands, and become confused and disoriented.
    He or she may be unable to walk or stand, pupils become dilated, pulse and breathing slow, and loss of consciousness can occur. A person could die if help is not received immediately.

What can be done for a person suffering from hypothermia?

  • Call 911 immediately in an emergency; otherwise, seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
  • Move the person to a warm, dry area.
  • Remove wet clothes and replace with dry clothes; cover the body (including the head and neck) with layers of blankets and a vapor barrier (e.g., tarp, garbage bag). Do not cover the face.

If medical help is more than 30 minutes away:

  • Give warm, sweetened drinks if alert (no alcohol), to help increase the body temperature. Never try to give a drink to an unconscious person.
  • Place warm bottles or hot packs in armpits, sides of chest, and groin. Call 911 for additional rewarming instructions.

If a person is not breathing or has no pulse:

  • Call 911 for emergency medical assistance immediately.
  • Treat the worker as per instructions for hypothermia but be very careful and do not try to give an unconscious person fluids.
  • Check him/her for signs of breathing and for a pulse. Check for 60 seconds.
  • If, after 60 seconds, the affected worker is not breathing and does not have a pulse, trained workers may start rescue breaths for 3 minutes.
  • Recheck for breathing and pulse. Check for 60 seconds.
  • If the worker is still not breathing and has no pulse, continue rescue breathing.
  • Only start chest compressions per the direction of the 911 operator or emergency medical services.*
  • Reassess patient’s physical status periodically.

*Chest compression are recommended only if the patient will not receive medical care within 3 hours.

What is frostbite?

Frostbite is an injury to the body that is caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. The lower the temperature, the more quickly frostbite will occur. Frostbite typically affects the extremities, particularly the feet and hands. Amputation may be required in severe cases.

What are the symptoms of frostbite?

  • Reddened skin develops gray/white patches.
  • Numbness in the affected part.
  • Tissue feels firm or hard.
  • Blisters may occur in the affected part, in severe cases.

What can be done for a person suffering from frostbite?

• Follow the recommendations described for hypothermia.
• Do not rub the affected area to warm it because this action can cause more damage.
• Do not apply snow/water.
• Do not break blisters.
• Loosely cover and protect the area from contact.
• Do not try to rewarm the frostbitten area before getting medical help; for example, do not place in warm water. If a frostbitten area is rewarmed and gets frozen again, more tissue damage will occur. It is safer for the frostbitten area to be rewarmed by medical professionals.
• Give warm, sweetened drinks, if the person is alert. Avoid drinks with alcohol.

What is immersion/trench foot?

Immersion or trench foot is caused by prolonged exposure to wet and cold temperatures. It can occur at temperatures as high as 60°F if the feet are constantly wet. Non-freezing injury occurs because wet feet lose heat 25 times faster than dry feet. To prevent heat loss, the body constricts the blood vessels to shut down circulation in the feet. The skin tissue begins to die because of a lack of oxygen and nutrients, and due to the buildup of toxic products.

What are the symptoms of immersion/trench foot?

  • Redness of the skin, swelling, numbness, blisters

What can be done for a person suffering from immersion/trench foot?

  • Call 911 immediately in an emergency; otherwise, seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
  • Remove the shoes or boots, and wet socks.
  • Dry the feet.

How can cold stress be prevented?

Although OSHA does not have a specific standard that covers working in cold environments, employers have a responsibility to provide workers with employment and a place of employment that are free from recognized hazards, including cold stress, which cause or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to them (see Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 at Employers should, therefore, train workers on the hazards of the job and safety measures to use, such as engineering controls and safe work practices, that will protect workers’ safety and health.

Employers should train workers on how to prevent and recognize cold stress illnesses and injuries, and how to apply first-aid treatment. Workers should be trained on the appropriate engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and work practices to reduce the risk of cold stress.

Employers should provide engineering controls. For example, radiant heaters may be used to warm workers in outdoor security stations. If possible, shield work areas from drafts or wind to reduce wind chill.

Employers should use safe work practices. For example, it is easy to become dehydrated in cold weather. Employers can provide plenty of warm, sweetened liquids to workers. Avoid alcoholic drinks. If possible, employers can schedule heavy work during the warmer part of the day. Employers can assign workers to tasks in pairs (buddy system), so that they can monitor each other for signs of cold stress. Workers can be allowed to interrupt their work if they are extremely uncomfortable. Employers should give workers frequent breaks in warm areas. Acclimatize new workers and those returning after time away from work by gradually increasing their workload and allowing more frequent breaks in warm areas, as they build up a tolerance for working in the cold environment. Safety measures such as these should be incorporated into the relevant health and safety plan for the workplace.

Dressing properly is extremely important to preventing cold stress. The type of fabric worn also makes a difference. Cotton loses its insulation value when it becomes wet. Wool, silk, and most synthetics, on the other hand, retain their insulation even when wet. The following are recommendations for working in cold environments:

  • Wear at least 3 layers of loose-fitting clothing. Layering provides better insulation. Do not wear tight-fitting clothing. Recommendations include:
    An inner layer of wool, silk, or synthetic material to keep moisture away from the body.
    A middle layer of wool or synthetic material to provide insulation even when wet.
    An outer wind and rain protection layer that allows some ventilation to prevent overheating.
  • Wear a hat or hood to help keep your whole body warmer. Hats reduce the amount of body heat that escapes from your head.
  • Use a knit mask to cover the face and mouth, if needed.
  • Use insulated gloves to protect the hands—water resistant if necessary.
  • Wear insulated and waterproof boots or other footwear.

Safety Tips for Workers

  • Your employer should ensure that you know the symptoms of cold stress.
  • Monitor your physical condition and that of your coworkers.
  • Dress properly for the cold.
  • Stay dry in the cold because moisture or dampness—e.g., from sweating—can increase the rate of heat loss from the body.
  • Keep extra clothing handy, including underwear, in case you get wet and need to change.
  • Drink warm, sweetened fluids (no alcohol).
  • Use proper engineering controls, safe work practices, and personal protective equipment provided by your employer.

Additional Resources

For additional information on cold stress, please visit the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health website at

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Mechanical insulation systems are often a complex combination of materials designed to work in synergy with each other and provide specific benefits. Individual materials may be used to provide a number of features, and they often rely on the other products used to achieve the performance required over the life of the application. Some elements that must be considered are the pipe or vessel material, insulation type and thickness, installation accessories, and protective cladding options. All these products must be chosen carefully to get the operational benefits intended from the entire mechanical system. However, even when great care is used to select the optimum offering for each of these materials, they are often not enough to provide the long-term system performance an owner, engineer, or contractor requires of an application. Mastics, coatings, and sealants sometimes can be overlooked as just a small piece of the insulation system, but they are a crucial part of the system’s overall design and longevity. In many cases, the mastic, coating, and/or sealants may be the system’s last line of defense, protecting it from any number of sources of potential damage.

Purpose and Importance of Mastics, Coatings, and Sealants

Mastics, coatings, and sealants are used for many reasons in a mechanical insulation system. Some products provide multiple functions, while others are much more specific in their properties and function. In insulation applications, mastic typically refers to a high-viscosity coating applied by trowel or brush, or gloved on; while coatings are lower viscosity and applied by brush or spray. For the purposes of this article, the terms “mastics” and “coatings” will be referred to as mastics for simplicity. A variety of parameters should be considered when selecting these products for optimal system performance. For a detailed list of mastic properties and test methods, refer to ASTM C647–19, Standard Guide to Properties and Tests of Mastics and Coating Finishes for Thermal Insulation.

In many cases, mastics will provide physical protection to the insulation material itself. Their relatively thick application and inherent strength and flexibility provide a toughness that the insulation surface cannot achieve on its own. Most mastic manufacturers also recommend that reinforcing mesh be installed in conjunction with the mastic to reinforce the film and provide superior toughness and higher resistance to cracking during any expansion and contraction of the insulation system that may occur. Another characteristic of this type of product is its ability to protect insulation from degradation resulting from sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Many insulation materials will not hold up or retain their properties when exposed to extended periods of sunlight, so a protective mastic designed for outdoor exposure can prevent damage from the elements and UV radiation, and help maintain overall system performance.

Arguably, the most important property of mastics and sealants in any insulation design is their ability to keep water (both liquid and vapor) out of the system. Water is always present and trying to enter the insulation system, coming from sources such as an adjacent operations process, rain exposure, or simply latent humidity in the surrounding air. In any case, water can cause several issues if allowed to get into an insulation system. Wet insulation will lose some of its thermal insulating value, resulting in a less efficient system, costing the owner more money to operate or affecting temperature regulation and system design. Water also can cause physical damage to the insulation as it expands and contracts on systems that fluctuate between temperature extremes. Most importantly, water can lead to corrosion under insulation (CUI) if the insulation system is allowed to remain wet and is operating within temperature ranges where CUI is most likely to occur. All these situations can lead to higher operating costs, increased maintenance, and potential harm to the system itself.

Water Vapor Transmission and Permeance

The best way to determine the type of product required to keep water out of a system is to consider the vapor drive for each application (see Figure 1). Vapor drive is the direction water vapor travels relative to the insulation system due to the partial pressure of water vapor at the piping or equipment surface in relation to the ambient environment. In hot applications, any water that gets into the insulation is likely to be heated and partly or mostly vaporized. That water vapor will likely be driven away from the hot surface out into the environment due to the higher partial pressure of water vapor at the hot surface compared to that in the ambient environment. On cold systems, the opposite is true: Vapor drive will tend to move any moisture in the ambient air into the insulation system and toward the cold pipe or vessel surface, where it likely will condense or freeze. By considering the vapor drive, you can determine which type of products will be best suited for the operating conditions of the application.

In order to understand how vapor drive relates to a product and its use on a system, you must also understand the term permeance. Permeance is a measure of the amount of water vapor that can pass through a given film of known thickness and area while under pressure over time—more simply, the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) through a specified film at a specific water vapor pressure differential. The water vapor pressure differential is determined by the temperature and humidity on each side of the film. Permeance is most often expressed in the unit perms (grain/ft2•hr•in Hg) or metric perms (g/m2•24hr•mm Hg), but it also may be found using other combinations of units representing the mass per area, time, and vapor pressure differential. The lower the permeance value, the better it resists water from passing through
the film.

Two of the most common ways to measure permeance are ASTM E96–16, Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials, and ASTM F1249–13, Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Modulated Infrared Sensor. Manufacturers of vapor retarders often report results using one or both test methods. It is critical to make sure the data lists the dry film thickness at which the material was tested and the temperature and humidity at which the test was carried out. Without knowing these variables, it is impossible to compare the permeance values of 2 different products or ensure compliance with a given specification.

In the insulation industry, there is often confusion between the properties permeance and permeability. Permeability is the measure of a material’s permeance through a unit material thickness and is expressed as perm-inch—in other words, the permeance through 1-inch thick material. For insulation materials, permeability is a standard property, and its expression makes sense as insulation is used in thicknesses of an inch or more. However, in the case of dried mastics, vapor retarders, or jacketing membranes, a 1-inch thick material is not reasonable, and permeability should not be reported because it does not accurately reflect the performance of the material and it implies values much lower than can be achieved by the thin film. In rare cases, a coating, vapor retarder, or other membrane manufacturer may list permeability instead of permeance for its coating products, resulting in numerical permeability values ranging from 1/20th to 1/50th of the true permeance in perms. When considering selection of vapor retarders for insulation system, this must be considered (see Figure 2).

Weather Barrier (Breather) and Vapor Retarder Mastics

All mastics are designed to prevent intrusion of liquid water; but for water vapor permeance, the performance requirements for the mastic types will be different. Breather mastics, often referred to as “weather barrier mastics” when used over outdoor insulation surfaces, will allow higher levels of water vapor to pass through their films and will have typical permeance values greater than 1 perm. On hot applications, where the vapor drive is away from the hot surface, it is important to choose a breather mastic so any moisture that gets into the insulation system can escape as water vapor. Failure to allow for this escape can lead to blistering of the mastic or other damage to the insulation.

A vapor retarder mastic, on the other hand, is a product that resists or considerably slows the rate of water vapor transmission through a film over time and has a low permeance value. On cold systems, where the vapor drive is from the ambient air toward the pipe or equipment, these products are crucial to keeping not only liquid water but also water vapor out of the system. A vapor retarder system must be used over the entire outer insulation surface.

The correct vapor retarder mastic is an essential component of any cold insulation system design. The complete system should be considered to select the best product, depending on the operating temperature, insulationtype being used, exposure to elements or chemicals, and other vapor retarder films or membranes that may or may not be used in
the system.

ASTM C755–19, Standard Practice for Selection of Water Vapor Retarders for Thermal Insulation, provides guidance and considerations for the selection of vapor retarder systems, depending on system design requirements. In Table 2 of the standard, maximum permeance requirements for vapor retarders are provided based on insulation type, insulation application, and operating temperatures of the system. For the most common commercial and industrial applications of mastics on thermal insulation for piping and vessels, the table specifies maximum permeance limits tested by ASTM E96–16, Procedure A (desiccant method), of 0.05 perms for systems operating between ambient and 33oF, and 0.02 perms for systems operating below 33oF. For HVAC duct systems, the required vapor retarder permeance values for systems operating between ambient and 40oF, and 39oF and below, are a maximum of 1.0 and 0.02 perms, respectively, for low permeability insulations; and maximum 0.03 and 0.02 perms, respectively, for insulations with permeability greater than 4.0 perm-inch. Section 7.2.2 of ASTM C755–19 specifically discusses the use of mastics as vapor retarders and provides guidance for the mastics when used as the sole cladding material or in conjunction with a separate very low permeance vapor retarder membrane. When used alone, the mastics and coatings must have permeance values in accordance with Table 2 of the standard, or as described in When used with a very low permeance vapor retarder membrane, where the mastics are used only to seal cut ends, seams, punctures, or damage to the membrane, and represent no more than 10% of the surface area of the total vapor retarder system, the permeance value of the mastics may be up to 0.15 perms for systems operating from ambient to 33oF, or 0.05 perms for systems operating below 33oF, such that the total system performance is in accordance with Table 2.

Another commonly specified requirement of vapor retarder mastics is MIL-PRF-19565C, Performance Specification: Coating Compounds, Thermal Insulation, Fire- and Water-Resistant, Vapor-Barrier. This specification was developed by the U.S. military but is commonly cited in a variety of government and non-military design specifications for mastic-type vapor retarder materials. MIL‑PRF‑19565C is a performance specification consisting of many required vapor retarder mastic properties. Of major importance is the water vapor permeance requirement of 0.05 perms when tested to ASTM E96–16, Procedure A (desiccant method). In addition to the MIL-PRF-19565C specification, the U.S. Department of Defense also maintains a Qualified Product Database (QPD) of products that meet all the requirements of this specification. When choosing a product in compliance with MIL-PRF-19565C, it is important to select one listed on the QPD to ensure it has been tested to and meets the requirements as listed. Products that claim to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-19565C but are not listed on the QPD have not been independently certified to comply with the requirements.

Other Properties

One important property to consider when selecting breather or vapor retarder mastics is the fire resistance of the dry film. Fire resistance is measured by ASTM E84–19, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, and is expressed in both a flame spread and smoke developed index. Many indoor applications require a flame spread of 25 or less, and a smoke developed of 50 or less; while outdoor applications often require a flame spread of 25 or less but have no smoke developed index requirement.

A variety of mastics are available in water- and solvent-based formulations, and each type has its benefits and disadvantages for certain applications. Water-based mastics are often preferable for indoor applications because they are non-flammable in the wet state and typically have lower odor during drying, due to a lower volatile organic content (VOC). Water-based mastics are usually compatible with all mechanical insulation types, as well. However, water-based mastics often have poorer (higher) water vapor permeance compared to solvent-based mastics. In some instances, such as cryogenic or industrial environments, a solvent-based mastic may be required where lower permeance, increased chemical resistance, or superior weather resistance are desired. In these instances, care must be taken when choosing the product to ensure it is compatible with the insulation to which it is being applied. Some insulation types, such as polystyrene foam insulation, will be attacked by the solvent makeup of some mastics, so care must be taken in the selection of the solvent-based mastic to prevent damage to the insulation material.

VOC content of coatings and sealants has become of increased importance in recent years due to air quality regulations in California, Canada, and several regions in the United States; in addition to the growth of green building standards, such as the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED® program. This has resulted in greater awareness and emphasis being put into low-VOC products. As these programs have evolved over the years, many manufacturers have developed products to meet the newer program requirements. Whether it be for air quality purposes or exposure limits, maximum VOC content limits for mastics have been set to ensure low VOCs, while still meeting necessary performance characteristics of the mastics. Selection of zero VOC mastics instead of merely low VOC is not of any additional LEED point value, with respect to meeting the regulations and standards; and, depending on the product selected, it may compromise other performance factors. In many cases, VOCs in the product are necessary to improve overall performance of a mastic, and the new regulations and programs have taken this into account by allowing some level of VOCs in the products.

More recently, green building standards for commercial building construction, such as LEED v4, have begun requiring VOC-emission testing in addition to requirements for VOC content. VOC emissions are typically tested to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Specification 01350, which also sets emissions limits for products used within the building envelope, including coatings, adhesives, and sealants. Users must now confirm that manufacturers have conducted the proper emissions testing when selecting products for applications requiring these new programs as part of their specifications.

Sealants and Vapor Stops

In addition to the use of vapor retarder mastics on the exterior of cold insulation systems, products such as joint sealants and vapor stops are commonly used in conjunction with other vapor retarders to provide additional protection from the damaging effects of water entering the insulation system.

Joint sealants are high-solids, soft, paste-like materials applied in the joints of rigid insulations. The sealants themselves should have good vapor retarder properties to keep moisture from passing through the butt and longitudinal joints of the insulation sections. In colder applications where multiple layers of insulation are used, the innermost layer is typically allowed to float and is installed without the sealants. This allows the innermost layer to move with any expansion and contraction that might occur, while the remaining outer layer(s) will use sealant to help prevent moisture intrusion.

Vapor-stop sealants or vapor dams are used to prevent moisture migration into the insulation system at an insulation termination and from one section of insulation to an adjacent section. They are applied at critical points within the insulation system where water entry is more likely, such as at pipe supports, valve boxes, flanges, or other areas where access and maintenance may be required, as well as at specified intervals along the piping.

When fibrous insulation is used for the warmer end of cold systems, such as chilled water applications, a water-based vapor retarder mastic may be used as a vapor stop to seal off the exposed fibrous cut end. Care should be taken to apply the mastic on the pipe surface and up over the insulation to the outer surface, but not under the insulation at the bore, to avoid water being trapped within the insulation system (see Figure 3). Once applied, the mastic must be allowed to fully dry before adjacent insulation is installed. Failure to allow the mastic to dry completely will result in trapped water or solvent within the insulation system.

On refrigeration or cryogenic applications down to -70oF, with rigid insulation such as polystyrene foam, a high-solids, oil-based vapor retarder sealant, compatible with the polystyrene insulation, may be used as a vapor stop. In these applications, the sealant can be applied in a continuous film under the insulation layer between the bore of the insulation and the pipe, ensuring full contact (see Figure 4). The butt joints of the insulation also must be sealed from the pipe to the outer surface.

On cryogenic systems, the vapor stops are of particular importance. Vapor stop sealants or coatings for cryogenic systems are high-performance products with very low permeance, <0.01 perms, that must perform across a wide service temperature range down to -265°F or below. Selecting the right product is vital to an insulation system’s long-term performance. The products are applied directly to the pipe surface and onto each layer of insulation all the way to the outer insulation surface, where they tie into the exterior membrane-type vapor retarder. Because these products experience temperatures from the operating temperature through ambient conditions, it is critical to use reinforcing mesh when installing them to prevent cracking due to expansion and contraction. Additionally, a vapor stop always should be allowed to fully cure and dry before the final layers of insulation are installed over the vapor stop film. Failure to allow the product to fully dry will result in solvent entrapment in the insulation system and prevent further drying of the material once placed into service (see Figure 5).

Remember the Little Things While Keeping the Big Picture in Mind

Mechanical insulation systems are intricate designs consisting of many individual materials that must work together to achieve the intended result. On many systems, the mastics, coatings, and sealants used play a vital role in long-term system performance. Care always should be taken to ensure the products specified and used are compatible, designed for their intended use, and meet the specifications necessary to ensure a successful project. Taking the time and effort up front will ensure everyone involved completes an insulation system that will perform to its fullest potential for the life of the project.

Copyright Statement

This article was published in the October 2019 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2019 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Shifts in the U.S. power and energy sector suggest the future is bright for the industrial insulation community. As the nation transitions from reliance on coal-powered fuels to cleaner energy sources, new methods of energy production are driving demand for insulation to support the U.S. energy infrastructure. Today’s restructuring of the energy landscape presents a window of opportunity for the industrial insulation industry to grow its footprint. In this article, we consider evolving energy consumption patterns, look at a few recent energy projects, and consider how insulation plays a key role in supporting new sources of power generation.

Let’s begin by thinking about the fundamental reason we insulate in the first place: to conserve and optimize the energy that powers our world. Remember, the cheapest energy is the energy we do not use in the first place, and insulation enables this possibility. Insulation is involved in virtually every aspect of power discovery, generation, and delivery—from the clean energy that powers homes, buildings, and today’s economy to the refineries that produce gas and oil for the transportation sector.

When it comes to sources of energy, our nation is blessed with an abundance of options including hydroelectric power, wind turbines, geothermal systems, solar power, nuclear energy, wood/biomass, coal, petroleum, and natural gas. But some forms of energy are simply more efficient, and that is particularly true of natural gas.

As we prepare to enter the third decade of the 21st Century, consumption of some long-used sources of power is declining, while demand for other power sources—specifically, natural gas—is projected to soar. Industrial insulation is playing an increasingly central role in supporting the facilities that produce and transport natural gas, and this trend is projected to accelerate through the mid-century.

An Evolution in Energy

For more than a half century, at least 80% of U.S. energy has come from fossil fuels, including coal, petroleum, and natural gas. However, the types of fossil fuels used to meet the nation’s appetite for power are evolving from coal toward natural gas and other clean energy sources. Coal consumption has declined 42% since 2005; and last year, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecast that 2018 consumption would be at its lowest level since 1979 (see Figure 1).1 The collapse in coal-powered energy consumption can be attributed to a few key drivers including regulations such as
the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act of 1990. Between 2007 and 2016, 531 coal-fired units (boilers) were shut down in the United States.2 Despite rhetoric to the contrary, it seems a remote possibility that coal will return as a dominant energy source in the United States. In fact, the latest shock to the coal industry was just this July when Blackjewel LLC filed bankruptcy and closed the fourth and sixth largest coal mines in the country, both in Wyoming.

In contrast, natural gas, driven largely by the demand for electric power, has increased in 8 of the past 10 years, and consumption is up 37% since 2005. This trend is expected to accelerate as the mid-century milestone approaches and the appetite for clean energy continues to grow (see Figure 2).

What is driving the production of natural gas to power electricity and industrial applications? As with so many aspects of our economy, technology is a primary influence. In fact, the discovery and extraction technologies transforming today’s natural gas energy production may be the most disruptive in American energy history. The surge in natural gas extracted from shale (fracking) has greatly reduced natural gas prices while helping previously under-utilized natural resources create some of the nation’s most valuable real estate. Twentieth-century images of oil rigs (known as pumpjacks) as signs of wealth have been replaced by shale “Christmas trees” and royalties that transform the economies of rural landowners and communities. The shale discoveries that began nearly a decade ago in parts of Montana and the Dakotas have pushed East, with several high-profile energy projects in parts of Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania, known as Marcellus and Utica shale formations. U.S. shale deposits are redefining how the nation not only meets its own demand for energy but also serves markets around the globe.

Shifting Power Sources Mean More Need for Industrial Insulation

What does the change in energy source from coal to natural gas mean for the industrial insulation sector? Many insulation contractors that specialize in industrial and power work remember the days of flatwork insulating boilers and air pollution control equipment used in coal-fired power plants. Work that included insulating boilers, scrubbers, selective catalytic reduction, electrostatic precipitators, spray dryer absorbers, and flue gas desulfurization (see Figures 3 and 4) are being replaced by piping environments used in gas turbine combined cycle plants.

Gas turbine combined cycle plants are sprouting up to generate electricity due to power generation deregulation in certain states, abundant natural gas, and favorable economics (see Figure 5).

These cogeneration facilities allow otherwise wasted heat from electricity production off a gas turbine to be captured, and the thermal energy re-used in the process to generate more electricity.

Energy infrastructure and fuel transportation of the natural gas are also creating new opportunities for insulation. For example, compressor stations are being built to transport natural gas across the “Shale Crescent” region of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. These stations compress, push, and clean the gas as it travels through the pipelines. Given the massive and loud equipment in operation at these stations, the sites must be acoustically insulated to deliver performance and keep the surrounding areas quiet. For example, the compressor station building in the Millennium Pipeline Company, LLC project in Binghamton, New York, makes use of mineral wool insulation to support acoustic requirements and stay within the federal government’s decibel thresholds. The massive networks of large-diameter pipes transporting gas out of the ground and into the compressor stations also require acoustic insulation (typically mineral wool) to keep the surrounding areas quiet.

The surge in natural gas extraction is leading toward the building of massive liquified natural gas (LNG) export plants across the United States. LNG is a natural gas that has been cooled down (condensed) to liquid form at typical temperatures of -260°F. It takes tremendous attention to detail for insulation contractors to properly insulate at these temperatures, especially in the Gulf Coast, where many of these plants are being built. From Houston, Texas, along the Gulf Coast to Eastern states including Maryland and Georgia, facilities are importing and exporting natural gas (3 exporting facilities were operational in the lower 48 states at end of 2018), with more facilities being planned. Naturally, high-quality insulation plays a critical role in maintaining energy at such extreme temperatures.

A Glimpse at a Few High-Profile Projects

The scope and scale of combined-cycle facilities, while massive, are different in insulation requirements from a similar coal-fired plant or nuclear power plant. Consider the Oregon Clean Energy Center (OCEC) that opened in 2017 in Oregon, Ohio (Figures 6 and 7). The OCEC uses natural gas to power a gas turbine, and a steam turbine to efficiently power generators. Built at a cost of more than $800 million, the plant can generate 870 MW of electricity, which is enough to supply power to approximately 700,000 homes. From an air‑quality perspective, the plant emits 97% less nitrogen dioxide, 99% less sulfur dioxide, and 90% less mercury and fine-particulate material compared to a similarly sized, coal-fired facility. Much of the work involved for the insulation contractor was high-temperature piping, with some balance of plant equipment flatwork—much different work scope than if the 870 MW of power generation came from a coal-fired plant.

Shale gas is also a boon to the chemical industry, which needs low-cost input materials to produce chemicals. One chemical project worthy of attention is the $6 billion Shell Oil ethylene cracker plant near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, announced in 2012, with construction begun in late 2017. The plant will use ethane that will come from regional shale gas producers/processors that create what is called natural gas liquids (NGL) from gas in the Marcellus and Utica basins. Shell Chemical will use this ethane to produce primarily polyethylene. In addition, although no investment decision has been made, Thailand’s PTT Global Chemical America and South Korea’s Daelim Industrial have spent more than $100 million on feasibility studies to build a petrochemical ethane cracker facility in Belmont, Ohio, just down the river from Pittsburgh.

This petrochemical boon with pipelines, compressor stations, and NGL plants that produce ethane, propane, butane, etc., and chemical plants that use these NGLs, will transform the Western Pennsylvania area to the industrial base it once boasted. Further, all along the supply lines, these huge, aggressive projects, over many years, will provide significant opportunity for industrial insulation as they take shape in the near future.

The United States as an Energy Exporter

As natural gas boosts energy production and drives economies of scale, crude oil production and LNG also present opportunities for the insulation sector. The net positive for the U.S. energy community is independence and an opportunity to become an exporter, delivering energy to markets around the globe. In its Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) 2019, the EIA projects the United States will become a net energy exporter in 2020 and remain a net energy exporter through 2050.4 In 2018, 90% of all natural gas used in the United States was produced domestically, and natural gas production exceeded consumption for the first time since 1966.

A new generation of mechanical engineers and insulation contractors will not recall the fuel rationing days of the 1970s, when the nation was reliant upon the production policies of the nations of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and their powerful cartel policies. But for those of us who suffered the long gas lines, seeing the United States become energy independent is a point of tremendous national pride. EIA Administrator Linda Capuano stated in a news release earlier this year that the United States has become the largest producer of crude oil in the world, producing almost 11 million barrels per day of crude oil in 2018, exceeding the 1970s record of 9.6 million barrels.

There is much talk about the “Green New Deal” Resolution (H. RES. 109) proposed by Democratic members of the House of Representatives. Initiatives described in H. RES. 109 include “meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources…” and “upgrading all existing buildings in the United States and building new buildings to achieve maximum energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability, including through electrification.”5 State-level Green New Deals also have been proposed, such as the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act in New York. This Act calls for New York’s electricity grid to be 100% carbon neutral by 2040. A big boost to energy infrastructure development was in April of this year, when President Trump signed 2 executive orders that change the review process to help usher along infrastructure energy construction in the United States. All of this activity points to a bright future for insulation. Remember, the cheapest and best energy is the energy you don’t use in the first place!

The National Insulation Association (NIA) Thermal Insulation Inspector Certification™

Across the broad spectrum of industrial projects including clean energy, chemicals, and oil and gas, insulation delivers critical performance benefits. These benefits include promoting employee and public safety, conserving energy costs and usage, improving process output, protecting the environment, and reducing costs associated with noncompliant mechanical insulation and improper maintenance. But, like most high-value materials, insulation delivers optimal benefits only when it is properly installed, maintained, and inspected. As part of an integrated quality assurance/quality control program, NIA’s Thermal Insulation Inspector Certification can help ensure that industrial insulation matches the insulation specifications. Courses are offered at various times throughout the year, including a course to be held December 3–6, 2019, in Houston, Texas. Companies can also host the course in their own office for employees and customers. More information is available at


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This article was published in the October 2019 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2019 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.