Category Archives: Global

Glass reinforced plastic (GRP)/glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) products are composite materials consisting of a polymer matrix reinforced with glass fibers and can be used as a jacket or an insulating material on piping, tanks, and vessels. GRP falls underneath the broader category of Fiber Reinforced Plastic and this article will discuss the practical
benefits and challenges during installation of pre-cured GRP and wet-applied, ultraviolet (UV)-cured GRP.


Uncured GRP was first used in the industry for 2 main reasons. The chemical bond at the overlap created a water-tight seal; and the material, when installed correctly onto a pipe, created a water-tight joint. This is extremely important in cryogenic applications. Additionally, the uncured material was soft and easy to manipulate, compared to stainless steel.

While uncured GRP continues to be used for many applications—for example, in areas requiring insulation to fit a unique shape—customers such as major oil companies are listing pre-cured GRP in their insulation specifications. The benefits of on-site customizability that make uncured GRP perfect for some applications can render it less attractive for those requiring absolute uniformity and quicker installation. Pre-cured GRP also may be selected for ease of removal for system inspection, cleaning, and repairs; and because it does not present the same challenges as using wet-applied, ultraviolet (UV)-cured GRP in certain geographical areas, particularly in large scale applications.

As a manufacturer of both products, I know each product offers its own benefits and challenges, and most jobs require the use of pre-cured material for the majority of the job and uncured rolls for the areas that have a unique shape, so it is important to have a solid understanding of both.

The Curing Process

As noted in the name, wet-applied, UV-cured GRP needs to be cured post-application, ideally, with natural sunlight. If an area does not receive sufficient sunlight for curing—for example, the undersides of pipes or tanks—lamps need to be used. If the project is on an operating plant, extra precautions must be taken. Each lamp can cure a maximum area of 1m² requiring, a minimum of 30 minutes. Accounting for time required to set up and move the lamps, the actual production rate for curing equates to 0.5m² per hour per lamp. Curing time is critical to understand and factor into project planning to ensure all wet-applied, UV-GRP is 100% cured.

With pre-cured GRP, pieces are bonded together using the specific manufacturer’s adhesives. The only areas requiring on-site curing are termination areas, where wet-applied, UV-GRP can be used to flash onto the protrusions, or at clash points where insulation from different pipes may be in contact with each other.

Protection during Application

The application area for wet-applied, UV-cured GRP needs to be fully enclosed to protect against sunlight and precipitation. The nature of wet-applied, UV-cured GRP requires that it be kept out of natural sunlight until completely installed to avoid having it cure prematurely. During application, the UV-GRP material is also susceptible to water damage. Installers need to take care that uncured material not get wet, as that affects the curing process, possibly resulting in the product not ultimately curing or curing with decreased physical properties.

Pre-cured GRP systems do not require sheltering during application beyond that required by traditional jacketing systems or beyond what is required to protect the insulation when it is applied.

Installation Training

As with all insulation products, proper training and understanding of manufacturer instructions is paramount. A manufacturer’s certificate training program for wet-applied, UV-GRP takes at least 3 days to ensure the installer understands the critical aspects of handling, shaping, curing, and painting the product. Failure to fully understand any of these points can result in a poor and potentially failed jacketing application.

Training also is recommended when using a pre-cured GRP system, although the system is, by design, easier to install, as all parts are pre-fabricated. A training session of 4 to 6 hours will show the installer how the system fits together. Using professional, trade-qualified insulation installers, along with insulation inspectors, are still recommended to ensure the installation is completed properly.

As with all insulation products and applications, any GRP installation requires diligence on the part of everyone involved, from the contractor installing it to inspectors and the general contractor who has final approval.

UV-Resistant Coating

An inherent weakness of any GRP cladding system is UV degradation, the process by which UV rays from the sun cause the polymer structure of the GRP material to break down. Because the material is UV cured, UV inhibitors cannot be used in the formulation. Pigmentation can be used to help retard UV degradation, but in order to meet ISO 20340 or ASTM G154 standards, the material will need to be painted. It is important that systems installed outdoors be protected from UV degradation using the manufacturer-recommended, UV-resistant coating.

The manufacturer can supply the pre-cured GRP material pre-coated with the recommended UV‑resistant coating. Some manufacturers do this as an option, while other manufacturers coat all their products as standard practice.

The UV-resistant coating will need to be applied to a wet-applied system after the full curing phase is complete. In project planning, is important to factor in the expense and time to accomplish this step, especially if scaffolding is involved.


Characteristics of the different types of GRP should be considered when specifying which material to use at joints. Wet-applied, UV-GRP systems are installed using overlapped joints that become polymerically bonded together once cured with UV light. In effect, they become one piece of thermoset plastic. This ensures a fully sealed, rigid jacketing system without any flexibility in the joints.

Pre-cured GRP systems have adhesive in the joints between neighboring pieces of jacketing. The joints overlap by 2” (50mm), and the adhesive fills the joint to create the waterproof seal. These elastomeric adhesives have between 300 to 500% elongation to break. While the joints are strong, they are also flexible and able to absorb minor movement of the insulation system.

System Removal

When installed correctly, a wet-applied UV-GRP system can be difficult to open or remove. A sticky inner surface means it often bonds to the surface underneath prior to curing, which can cause insulation and vapor retarder damage. Once removed, the GRP materials cannot be reused and must be discarded.

If a pre-cured GRP system is used, it is possible to cut the elastomeric adhesive used in the joints. The pre-cured GRP can then be removed the same way it was applied. Following a thorough cleaning to remove adhesive residue, oil, and dust, the fittings can be re-applied. Pre-cured GRP cladding can be removed in this manner for inspection, or to repair leaks, and then re-installed without excessive additional materials costs; although there is added labor cost in the careful removal and cleaning of the pre-cured GRP pieces.


The shape and sizing of wet-applied, UV-GRP parts is up to the installer, allowing for complete customization to suit system needs. While customizability is an asset for some applications, it can present aesthetic challenges for jobs where 2 or more crews are working with the material, as it is difficult to cut pieces on site with 100% consistency.
The material will still achieve the required seal, but sizing parts slightly differently can present a telescoping effect that is visually less appealing.

When a pre-cured GRP system is utilized, the sizes are pre-determined by the manufacturer and created or cut in a factory setting, where greater accuracy is achievable. Sizing is done in consultation with the client or using an industry-accepted insulation sizing standard such as ASTM C450-18: Standard Practice for Fabrication of Thermal Insulating Fitting Covers for NPS Piping, and Vessel Lagging, ensuring the GRP cladding will fit the insulation minimum and maximum sizing tolerances.


A wet-applied, UV-cured GRP system needs to be rigorously inspected from the moment it arrives on site to the final curing. If poorly installed, little action can be taken to repair it. Once installed it is not possible to check that the UV-GRP has cured all the way through without doing a destructive test. The system generally employed by manufacturers is to apply test cure sample patches across the whole application, which is difficult and time consuming.

A manufacturer can control all aspects of fabrication, including sizing and curing, with pre-cured GRP, which is sold with physical strength and fire performance characteristics intact. Pieces can be installed by the contractor and then a full system inspection can be carried out, as with a traditional metal system.

Shelf Life

Uncured UV-GRP material has a finite shelf life of about 12 months from the date of manufacture. This period can be extended after an inspection of the material by the manufacturer; but significant amounts of UV-GRP materials have been written off by the manufacturer after the 12-month mark. In contrast, pre-cured GRP materials have no shelf life limitations. They can be stored indefinitely.

Additional Considerations

Both wet-applied and pre-cured GRP systems can be applied over any type of insulation. Wet-applied UV‑cured GRP is a soft, sticky, flexible material that will conform to the shape of the surface to which it is applied and over certain insulation types, it can damage the insulation underneath during the curing process, or become cracked, if proper steps are not followed. For example, when putting uncured GRP over cellular glass, one must build a skeleton structure made with pre-cured GRP pieces to which the uncured GRP can adhere in order to protect the cellular glass from damage. Applying uncured GRP to fibrous insulation also requires attention to detail. If the contractor lays on a piece incorrectly and tries to remove and reposition it, a layer of fibrous material will be removed from the insulation, thus affecting thickness and performance.

Environmental considerations also must be taken into account. With wet-applied UV-GRP, failure to understand how to manage the environment can result in premature cure, leading to high risk of failure due to unbonded joints. It is best to have uncured material bonding to uncured material. Hardness testers can be used to assist in this. Failure to ensure the substrate is suitable, as well as manage the creasing of the material, can result in a less pleasing appearance of the exterior surface.

Machine-made GRP uses 2 barrier films on both sides of the resin matrix, so the material can be manufactured in roll form. The products are made on a Sheet Molding Compound machine. Without the barrier films, there would be no way to package the material, as the resins would meld together when packaged. Understanding how to manage the barrier films is another critical element. If they are removed prior to full cure, even for a short time, it will result in rough, whitened areas that may not be acceptable to the inspector. Often, an installer will attempt to rectify these areas using a manufacturer-supplied gel. If the gel is not applied and cured quickly, dust from the job site can bond to the wet gel and cause the area to look unsightly.

In terms of aesthetics, even when a wet-applied, UV-GRP system is installed by an experienced insulation contractor, there will be wrinkles where the material overlaps or as the material steps down from an overlap to the insulation surface, due to different thicknesses. With a pre-cured GRP system, a smooth finish is achieved in the manufacturer’s factory. The pre-cured GRP then provides a level, flat finish when applied over flexible insulation materials such as fiber- or aerogel blanket. Of course, as with all insulation systems, the appearance of GRP jacketing systems is dependent on the skill level of the installer. It is always recommended to use fully trained insulation installers who have experience with the products and ideally have completed a manufacturer’s training course.

Copyright Statement

This article was published in the October 2019 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2019 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Cementitious and intumescent are the 2 most commonly used fireproofing options in industrial settings. This article focuses on the process of applying intumescent fireproofing to structural steel in a shop setting.

Fireproofing is designed to protect the structural integrity of steel under extreme fire conditions and to maintain certain temperatures for a specific amount of time. Intumescent fireproofing is used in refineries and petrochemical plants to protect the structural steel that supports high-risk or valuable equipment. Shop application of fireproofing is a 4-step process consisting of abrasive blasting, priming of the steel, applying the fireproofing, and adding a top coat.

Abrasive Blasting

The first step in the fireproofing process is to abrasive blast the structural steel. Abrasive blasting, more commonly known as sandblasting, is a process in which compressed air is used to push an abrasive media through a blasting nozzle to remove mill scale and contaminants, and produce an anchor profile. Commonly used media for this application are steel grit, garnet, and coal slag. In a shop setting, steel grit is preferred because it can be reused, thus saving cost. Figure 1 shows carbon steel that has been blasted.

Prime Coat

Once surface contaminants have been removed and an anchor profile has been established, a first coat or primer is applied. A common primer for industrial use is an epoxy. The epoxy typically will be sprayed on and will be applied to reach the correct mils specified on the data page of the product being used. Manufacturers will specify approved primers to be used under fireproofing so adequate adhesion can be achieved.


Following priming of the steel, a fire rating of 1.5 to 3 hours is usually specified. This means the steel can withstand heat for up to 1.5 to 3 hours. The fire rating is determined by how many mils of fireproofing is applied. Mils are best described as the thickness or amount of fireproofing added to the steel.

To reach the maximum thickness, multiple coats of fireproofing are needed. After applying one-third of the recommended fireproofing, a mesh material is needed (see Figure 2). The mesh acts in much the same way as rebar does with concrete.

After the mesh is applied, the remaining two-thirds of the fireproofing is added. The fireproofing material can be either sprayed on (see Figure 3) or applied using a roller.

Finish Coat

A final top coat is recommended over the fireproofed steel. If the structural steel is for exterior use, this will typically be a polyurethane paint. Polyurethane paints offer ultraviolet protection and resistance from exterior elements. If the structural steel is to be placed inside, then a polyurethane or epoxy is usually used.

Loading and Unloading of Finished Steel

Once everything is fireproofed and a final coat has been applied, the steel needs to be shipped to its final destination. It is during this time that the fireproofed steel is most susceptible to damage. Cracking and disbondment are the 2 most common types of damage that occur.

When unloading it is important to place the fireproofed steel on the ground side by side. This is important because of the weight of the steel. If placed on top of one another, or overlapped on the ground, stress fractures can occur (see Figure 4).

Disbondment is another problem that arises during unloading. This is often a case of oversight as the fireproofed steel is placed in a low area where water can form. If the fireproofed steel is put in an area where it can become submerged in water, the fireproofing will begin to pull away from the steel (see Figure 5). Fireproofed steel needs to be placed in a dry area.

In both cases, the damaged fireproofing must be completely removed down to bare steel. Once everything has been removed, the applicator must repeat the steps above to install fireproofing correctly.

Block outs in the Field

While the majority of the structural steel is fireproofed in a shop setting, some areas on the steel will need to be addressed in the field. For example, fireproofing is not performed on connection points in the shop because these areas need to be easily accessible for bolts and welding in the field. In the field, these connections, known as block outs, need to be prepared, primed, fireproofed, and top-coated in the same manner as the shop-applied fireproofing. Once assembled in place, the fireproofing can be applied over these areas to meet the specified fire rating.


Fireproofing of steel is becoming increasingly common in refinery and petrochemical facilities. When exposed to extreme heat, nearly all structural steel loses its strength. Fireproofed coatings help both supports and statically loaded structures maintain their integrity longer. The application of intumescent fireproofing is a sophisticated process, requiring experienced staff and special equipment.

Photos courtesy of Advanced Industrial Services in Toledo, Ohio


Copyright Statement

This article was published in the October 2019 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2019 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

The other day I returned from a business trip in the late afternoon. I unpacked my suitcase and got a bite to eat, then decided to check my messages. That is when I realized I misplaced my cell phone. I knew I had it when I arrived home, so I retraced my steps: I checked my truck, my closet, my empty suitcase—I even checked inside the refrigerator. No luck. I could not find it anywhere. I had the feeling I was looking right at it; I just couldn’t see it. Fortunately, a friend stopped by and helped me search. Sure enough, she found it almost immediately (I had placed it on a dining room chair).

Think about how often you walk past something so familiar in your home or workplace that the item no longer registers in your brain. Or think about your morning commute—suddenly, you are at the office and you have no conscious recollection of how you got there. You were on autopilot. Have you ever gone into the break room at work and noticed something was missing—but you have no idea what—until a coworker says, “Oh, looks like we finally got rid of that extra water cooler taking up floor space for the past 2 years.”

We cannot always see what is right in front of us. Our brains are incredible acclimators of sensory stimuli. We are hardwired to notice anomalies, the unfamiliar. Often, we take the status quo for granted—for example, telling ourselves that the extra water cooler must be there for a reason, or someone would have gotten rid of it. After a while, we stop seeing the water cooler.

The “fresh eyes” approach to workplace safety involves inviting outsiders (whether external or internal to your company) to look at your jobsite. Soliciting constructive criticism requires many of us to step out of our comfort zone, but the benefits of a fresh set of eyes can be lifesaving. As the Director of Risk and Safety of a specialty contracting company, part of my job entails visiting our various, nationwide worksites and conducting safety audits. Our company performs these audits frequently and rigorously for this very reason.

In addition to ensuring physical safety for your workforce, performing regular safety audits makes good fiscal sense. Plus, an excellent experience modification rate (EMR) is appealing to both clients and insurers alike. Ideally, your organization has dedicated, properly trained safety personnel to conduct regular audits. If this is the case, you may consider switching up assigned worksites to prevent auditors from becoming overly familiar with any one site. But if your organization does not support full-time safety personnel, you still have several options to maximize the benefits of the fresh eyes approach.

Solicit an External Review

The fresh eyes approach provided by an external auditing firm can lift your company’s safety program to the next level. Knowledgeable, experienced safety professionals help mitigate workplace injuries while ensuring compliance with applicable standards and regulations. By using professionals outside your organization, you benefit from an objective, unbiased review. Safety experts will assess the current safety management protocol and help determine the use and effectiveness of corporate policies and procedures regarding compliance.

In addition to objectivity, using an outside auditor provides your business with an expert who can both identify potential hazards and share the best practices being used by similar companies in your industry. An external audit can help protect your greatest asset—your employees—as well as strengthen your standing with regulatory agencies.

Option 1: No-Cost Audits

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offers no-cost audits to assist businesses in identifying safety and health hazards and risks at their worksites. These audits are performed separately and independently from a routine OSHA inspection.

This type of audit offers advantages beyond a free-of-charge service. Business owners benefit from the insights provided by highly trained inspectors without receiving citations or penalties, regardless of potential infractions. Furthermore, OSHA treats these inspections as confidential; no identifiable information is shared with OSHA’s standard inspection staff. What’s the catch? Before the auditor arrives on site, you are required to make a commitment that you will remedy any serious safety and health hazards noted by the inspector. Under certain circumstances, using this service may qualify your business for a 1-year exemption from standard OSHA inspections.1 Although this service is considered confidential, some organizations are hesitant to invite OSHA on site. For them, there are other options.

Option 2: Private, Third-Party Audits

Several independent consulting companies provide auditing services. The costs of using independent, outside agencies vary; and, as with any service, it is strongly suggested that you check references. Many states have safety councils, which may be able to recommend a reputable company.

Third-party consulting companies generally offer services beyond the initial audit, including training, providing a written safety policy, and offering corrective solutions to hazardous situations. The National Safety Council (NSC) offers both on-site assessments and an audit of your current safety program.2

When hiring an outside agency, expect that minor issues will be identified and addressed, but the focus of most audits should be identifying high-risk, high-impact issues. Your eyes may have picked all the low-hanging fruit. What are the high-impact items you missed?

Regardless of which third-party auditor you select, there are a number of clear benefits, as well as a few potential drawbacks.

The benefits include (but are not limited to) the following:

  •  Injury prevention. By identifying actual or potential hazards before an incident occurs, we create a safer environment for all employees.
  • Promoting a culture of safety. Soliciting external advice demonstrates that we value our safety program. It signals to our employees that we are willing to learn and grow.
  • Cost savings. The time and money invested in conducting a thorough audit pales in comparison to non-compliance fines, increased insurance rates, or treating a workplace injury.
  • Public perception. Not only do audits keep your worksite prepped and ready for regulatory compliance inspections by federal or state agencies, but adhering to a clear safety, risk, and environmental health policy is also good public relations.

Potential drawbacks of a third-party audit may include:

  •  Initial cost. Depending on the size and complexity of your worksite, an audit can take several days and may require more than one on-site inspector.
  • Follow-up cost. Resources must be allocated to remedy any findings. Again, however, this likely will be far less expensive than correcting an issue after an incident occurs. In addition, from the regulatory agency perspective, leaving a documented issue uncorrected is far worse than being unaware of that issue.

Simply stated, the fresh eyes process is designed to identify and correct compliance issues before something bad happens. When it comes to workplace safety, ignorance is not bliss.

Internal Safety Reviews

For those reticent to invite OSHA to their worksites, or those who do not have the budget to hire a third party, there is another option.

Companies with full-time safety specialists have the advantage of familiarity with company policy and organization. A thorough knowledge of your company’s procedures goes a long way in assessing a site’s safety. Additionally, an internal auditor has the authority to take immediate action if an imminent hazard is identified. Internal audits, however, include the potential pitfall of overfamiliarity—the danger that we no longer notice what we see every day.

How to Benefit from the Fresh Eyes Approach

One of the simplest ways to overcome the obstacle of overfamiliarity involves rotating safety personnel from site to site. Alternatively, if your company works on one site at a time, rotate your internal inspectors so that the same person is not always looking at the same thing. Often, a simple change of perspective is enough to identify previously unnoticed issues. If you are the sole safety expert at your company, start your next inspection at the back of the worksite. Try to imagine you are seeing the site for the first time.

Internal audits do not require the additional expense of a third-party company and, when properly conducted, can lead to team building among employees. Our company makes an effort to publicly commend any workers and safety practices that go above and beyond. By acknowledging the efforts of others—and by admitting when we have fallen short or made a mistake—we encourage a culture of communication and safety.

We recently had the experience of reassigning several employees to alternate locations. These temporary transfers immediately paid off. By providing fresh eyes, we were able to enjoy the benefits of outside knowledge and observation to enhance workplace safety at both jobsites.

In the first instance, a site superintendent who normally manages projects at electronic and microprocessor facilities discovered a potentially hazardous—although regulation-compliant—chemical containment issue. We had conducted inspections of this area several times but had not identified the potential issue. The superintendent’s experience in the world of microprocessors drew his eye to a situation that was considered normal and acceptable elsewhere. While the normal practice was fully in compliance with regulations, investigation by the job’s Project Manager uncovered that the newly suggested storage method was, in fact, a better way. Not only were the fresh eyes valuable, but the Project Manager accepted the suggestion and looked into the situation further. This willingness to say, “There might be a better way,” is what makes a company’s safety policy exemplary. When the owner noticed the better practices in place, he researched the situation, discovered the added safety benefits of the secondary containment recommendation, and quickly implemented the method company wide, as it proved to be a safer, more cost-effective means to protecting employees and the environment.

In the second example, during a routine jobsite hazard analysis, an employee from our corporate office noticed people working on a grated, elevated deck (Figure 1). The industrial power-generation setting was atypical to the employee’s day-to-day work environment, thus providing a fresh point of view.

Watching the workers on the elevated deck reminded him of something that had occurred a few weeks earlier when he was leaving church. He had been standing on a grated catwalk, and as he reached into his pocket to retrieve his keys, a small item slipped out and fell through the grate. His slender pocketknife fell 15 feet to the walkway below. Luckily, the knife blade was securely locked within the handle and no one was hit, but the knife landed 3 feet from a pedestrian walking beneath the catwalk. Blade or no blade, this could have caused a serious injury had the passerby been struck.

Recalling this incident at the jobsite, the employee noticed both machinery and access and egress points on the deck underneath the elevated platform. The employee remembered a solution he had seen at another construction site for protection against falling objects. He discussed falling object protection with the crew at the power production facility (Figure 2). The process was well received and immediately implemented. It has been so successful that it may become standard operating procedure on the jobsite. The employee’s suggestion was to line the grate with plywood prior to erecting scaffolds above it.

A third instance of fresh eyes providing solutions involved an office administrator. For record-keeping reasons, she is occasionally copied on internal safety audits. After reviewing an audit, she noticed potential ergonomic issues for employees who were required to move small tools, pieces of material, and other items. After considering the number of repetitive bends, twists, and lifts being done by her coworkers in the field, she retrieved a light-duty utility cart from the storeroom and brought it to the attention of a company executive. She suggested that the utility cart could be used just as easily in the field as in the office (Figure 3). We implemented the suggestions, and the number of biomechanical movements associated with that task reduced significantly.

In some cases, field personnel do not want to hear about how to improve their work habits from an office worker. By encouraging fresh eyes communications, we hope to eliminate that attitude. Promoting a culture of innovative solutions helps mitigate the fear that managers and workers might have about accepting suggestions from outside personnel. As a result, the work becomes safer and more efficient as new solutions are added to our toolbox.

Facing Resistance

It is difficult to invite criticism—especially from a third party. Asking an outsider to judge your safety program is not easy. But the alternative—believing we and our coworkers are always in a safe space—can be catastrophic. Rather than fear the judgment or ramifications of a thorough safety audit, consider it for what it is: a fact-finding and fact-facing mission. Once we identify workplace hazards, we can remediate them. There is no shame in not knowing what we don’t know.

According to Jim Kerr, Global Chair at N2Growth, soliciting an outside opinion leads to better decisions and provides a strategic advantage over the competition. Mr. Kerr believes that additional perspectives uncover previously unseen opportunities, provided we listen to feedback and demonstrate a willingness to adapt.3

Regardless of the method you choose, conducting thorough health and safety inspections will eventually reflect positively on your company’s bottom line. The temporary cost is easily offset by the benefits: maintaining the safety and morale of employees, improving insurance rates, instilling confidence with vendors and clients, and winning outstanding inspection marks from regulatory agencies.

1. “OSHA’s On-Site Consultation: Process and Benefits,” United States Department of Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, accessed July 13, 2019,
2. “NSC Assessments Identify Gaps in Your Safety Program,” National Safety Council, accessed July 14, 2019,
3. Kerr, James, “Want to Make Smarter Decisions and Be a Better Leader? Get an Outside Opinion,”, July 23, 2018,

Many companies struggle with 2 apparently unrelated problems: 1. disengaged younger workers, and 2. a weak response to changing market conditions. A few companies have tackled both problems at the same time by creating a “shadow board”—a group of non-executive employees that works with senior executives on strategic initiatives. The purpose? To leverage the younger group’s insights and to diversify the perspectives that executives are exposed to.

The shadow boards seem to work. Consider Prada and Gucci, 2 fashion companies with a good track record of keeping up with—or shaping—consumer tastes. Until recently, Prada enjoyed high margins, a legendary creative director, and good growth opportunities. But since 2014, it has witnessed declining sales. In 2017, the company finally admitted that it had been “slow in realizing the importance of digital channels and the blogging online ‘influencers’ which are disrupting the industry.” Co-CEO Patrizio Bertelli said, “We made a mistake.”

Over the same period, under the direction of its CEO Mario Bizzarri, Gucci underwent a comprehensive transformation that made the company more relevant to today’s marketplace. Gucci created a shadow board composed of millennials who, since 2015, have met regularly with the senior team. According to Mr. Bizzarri, the shadow board includes people drawn from different functions; they’re “the most talented people in the organization—many of them very young.” They talk through the issues that the executive committee is focused on, and their insights have “served as a wake-up call for the executives.” Gucci’s sales have since grown 136%—from 3,497 million euro (FY 2014) to 8,285 million euro (FY 2018)—a growth driven largely by the success of both the company’s internet and digital strategies. In the same period, Prada’s sales have dropped by 11.5%, from 3,551 million euro (FY 2014) to 3,142 million euro (FY 2018).

We researched companies that use shadow boards, trying to understand what they really contribute to the organization
and what best practices look like. We focus here on 3 companies’ experiences.

Business Model Reinvention. Facing increasing pressure from Airbnb, French AccorHotels needed a new business model. Top management asked marketing to develop a brand for millennials. However, after 2 years, marketing came up empty. Arantxa Balson, Chief Talent and Culture Officer, decided to turn the project over to a shadow board. In 2018, the Jo&Joe brand was born. Considered “an urban shelter for Millennials,” the brand communicates creativity, flexibility, and a strong sense of community. According to Ms. Balson, the shadow board succeeded in part because it focused on its members’ vision and developed their point of view “regardless of all internal and cost constraints.” The shadow board then gave birth to another innovation, the Accor Pass, a hotel subscription that provided people under 25 with a place to stay while they hunted for a permanent residence.

Process Redesign. Stora Enso, a Finnish paper and packaging company, used its shadow board (which it calls Pathfinders and Pathbuilders) to revise how the executive committee assigned work. Until this shift, work was assigned to groups that the executives considered experts and therefore best suited to the assignment. The shadow board convinced them to assign certain tasks to non-experts, arguing that an unbiased view would increase the chance of breakthroughs. One project, aimed at reducing supply-chain lead time, had stumped a supposedly expert team. The new team came up with a workable plan within 6 months. No team members came from the business unit in question, nor had they any prior supply chain experience.

Organizational Transformation. CVL Srinivas, the CEO of GroupM India, needed to implement a 3-year digital and cultural transformation. With that end in mind, he created the Youth Committee (YCO). Since its inception in 2013, the YCO has led GroupM’s Vision 3.0, making digital the centerpiece for driving future growth. Working across departments, the shadow board also led a scoping initiative focused on the digitalization of contracts. It strengthened GroupM’s ecosystem by increasing the number and improving the nature of partnerships with media owners, data providers, consultants, auditors, and start-ups. Additionally, the group noticed that there was not much cross-agency interaction. To promote meaningful conversations, the YCO developed a social media platform (Yammer) that facilitated conversations between management and lower-level employees across agencies.

Increased Visibility for Millennials. Research suggests that millennials crave more visibility and access, which shadow boards deliver. This visibility often results in significant career progression for shadow board members. At Stora Enso, a female shadow board member was a group-level financial controller when she began the program. As a result of her impressive work on a project involving one of the company’s legacy businesses (paper), she was promoted to Sales Director of the largest paper segment a few months after the program’s end. As Human Resources (HR) Director Lars Haggstrom stated, “This [promotion] would never have happened had it not been for the shadow board program.”

What Are the Best Practices for Implementing a Shadow Board?

Look Beyond the “High-Potential” Group. Many companies staff shadow boards exclusively through executive committee nominations or with already identified high potentials. Millennial participants tend to prefer a more open process. Stora Enso’s HR Director Haggstrom pushed for an open-application process—allowing anyone who fit certain criteria to apply. Doing so not only created a more diverse cohort, but also allowed the company to discover some hidden gems who would not otherwise have been on the radar. Interestingly, they tested the performance of the company’s top 40 high potentials (who were clear shoo-ins for the program) against the employees chosen via open enrollment. On abilities such as data analytic skills, sense-making, and teamwork, the open-enrollment members outperformed the high-potentials.

Make It a CEO-Sponsored Program. For the program to have maximum impact, support needs to come from the top of the organization (though most are coordinated on a procedural level by HR). For example, AccorHotels’ shadow board program succeeds because CEO Sebastian Bazin plays an active role by interviewing potential members and regularly interacting with existing members. At Stora Enso, members reported directly to the CEO on issues related to the Pathfinders and Pathbuilders work.

Keep Evaluating and Iterating. All the companies we profiled adjusted the programs as they learned what worked (and what did not). For example, Stora Enso’s leaders reviewed the program annually and, as a result, added resources to better capitalize on diversity within the shadow board and interactions between the shadow board and executive committee. And while GroupM’s YCO originated as a 12-month program, the organization extended it by 1 year to allow the YCO to maximize potential contributions.

A project foreman’s responsibilities on commercial sites for the mechanical insulation trade can vary greatly from job to job. However, the keys to a successful project for both the customer and the contractor remain consistent across all job types. All site foremen must balance multiple priorities throughout the project, including system integrity, scope of responsibility, site safety, project schedule, material stock, and productivity achievement. Whether the foreman is working alone or has a full crew, these priorities can be a challenge to balance successfully. Arming foremen with the correct tools and providing the right educational opportunities can make all the difference. This article will address 6 core competencies and provide insights on how to grow these attributes in your workforce.

1. System Integrity

Despite being referred to as a “soft trade,” the installation of mechanical insulation is a skilled trade for good reasons. Failures of insulation systems can lead to costly repairs for the owner or costly punch lists for the contractor. Articles about how to design an energy‑efficient insulation system are common, but if the execution fails, the knowledge employed and the care taken during the design process will not achieve the desired results.

Foremen usually achieve their position of authority and responsibility because they have proven their ability to execute quality installations at or above the industry’s standard pace. However, a foreman is responsible for the entire project, not just the work that he or she personally installs. They must be able to delegate tasks to their crew and trust that the overall quality will meet their standards regardless of who performs the work. The foreman must be able to recognize crew members’ strengths and strategically place each crew member in a position of success. With large ranges of experience, this means the foreman must also take on the role of teacher. While many apprenticeship and training programs have classroom time, the bulk of learning is done on the job under the guidance of a foreman.

Tip: Companies benefit from encouraging their strongest insulators to pass on their knowledge by fostering a culture that promotes teaching and provides opportunities to enhance leadership skills through seminars, structured employee development programs, and other professional growth outlets.

2. Work Scope

In training, new estimators are provided with simple blueprints, explanations of how specifications work, and sample projects to estimate. They start by estimating the simplest or smallest available projects. In this way, they can learn and grow while minimizing exposure for the company.

Foremen must have many of the same estimating competencies but often receive little or no specific training. As with estimating or other industry-related professions, the site foremen learn much of their trade by doing: first working under a mentor’s tutelage, then leading small jobs, working their way up the ladder. They must be able to decipher project drawings, understand specifications, read approved submittal packages, and utilize these 3 skills to execute the work as expected. They should be able to recognize when something has changed from the contract drawings and need to be able to identify what is or is not within the scope of work. Additionally, they need to install the right material on the right system.

Tip: Scheduling a pre-job meeting is a good step to help mitigate potential confusion as well as give your foremen exposure to drawings with a resource to answer questions.

3. Site Safety

Frequently, for the mechanical insulation industry, a vital portion of a foreman’s responsibility is that of safety manager. Insulation contractors sometimes do not have enough employees on a site to require on-site safety representation; and in many cases, the crew size is 1 or 2 people. The foreman must still maintain a disciplined approach when fulfilling job hazard analysis requirements, enforcing personal protective equipment policies, and utilizing Stop Work Authority. Foremen are on the front lines of ensuring a safe workforce; and for insulation contractors, they may be the only enforcement. They must balance productivity with completing the job safely, often with no guidance other than their own discretion.

Tip: Companies must support a safety culture with strong actions. Leading by example is one of the clearest ways to set this expectation.

4. Project Schedule

Meeting tight deadlines is a daily occurrence for contractors. Whether it is making sure you submit a quote on time, get a billing out the door, or provide material to a job site by 6 a.m., it seems the race is never ending. This pace can be just as intense for a foreman on a commercial site. Insulation is often one of the last aspects of a project, and by the time a system is released to insulate, the schedule usually has been impacted by previous trades and almost never seems to have enough time allotted. Therefore, effective communication skills have some of the highest payback for foremen. A foreman who knows how to communicate well in all directions will save time, material, and aggravation. Being able to speak confidently with the mechanical contractor may be the most obvious, but a foreman who can develop a good working relationship with all of the craft leaders will be able to get the crew on high-priority areas early, obtain easier access for material movement, and ease the overall congestion of a tightly scheduled project.

Tip: Giving foremen opportunities to learn more about the overall construction process can reduce or prevent the burden of last-minute fire drills, resulting in a more efficient project.

5. Material Stock

Mechanical insulation products can overwhelm even the most organized jobsite if the products are ordered or stored incorrectly. Simply managing the number of different products a typical commercial site requires for mechanical insulation could be a full-time job. A foreman must be able to maintain a solid understanding of existing site inventory, while also managing upcoming components—that may or may not have been installed—to maintain an efficient crew with ample materials to complete the job.

In addition, they must balance the footprint that the material utilizes on the jobsite to avoid moving materials every other day. This is where having a well-organized foreman can pay big dividends. The default philosophy of an unorganized foreman is, when in doubt, order more. The thought process is that it can always be sent back. However, in reality, having too much material can be worse than the downtime created by running out. Too much material requires regular movement of material around the jobsite, additional delivery and pick up, and a restock fee that may be applied (if credit is even available). Frustrating things further, the surplus of what is not needed may block the path to what actually is needed, hampering project efficiency exponentially.

Tip: A solution to this worst-case scenario is to partner less experienced foremen with more seasoned employees, providing clear guidelines on what should be gained from the mentoring experience. Most of the time, simply providing a new perspective can make all the difference.

6. Productivity Achievement

An efficient crew can make the contracting business a whole lot easier. From an estimating perspective, having confidence in your field crew to meet the projections will make it easier to win more projects and provide a competitive edge in securing more work. On the execution side, being able to beat the estimated projections not only makes a project more profitable, possibly saving the customer money in turn, but it also helps meet and beat the schedule requirements. Productive foremen do not meet their targets by themselves; they make sure their crew as a whole meets the target, optimizing the strengths of each crew member by placing them in situations where their skills and abilities will have the greatest impact. Meeting all productivity requirements while also helping grow tomorrow’s workforce is a major priority.

Tip: Because the bulk of any tradesman’s training occurs on site, in real-world situations, helping site leaders by making sure they have clear expectations for productivity and providing them feedback when they are or are not meeting those goals is a solid investment in efficient productivity.

The Value of Quality Foremen

Quality foremen can make the difference between a successful project and a never-ending headache. The amount of influence a foreman has on the many areas of a mechanical insulation business make it imperative to invest in their growth. There are numerous programs designed to develop the leadership skills needed for effective foremen, but simply creating opportunities for your tradesmen to learn from each other is a great start.

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This article was published in the September 2019 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Copyright © 2019 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this website and Insulation Outlook magazine may not be reproduced in any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher and NIA. Any unauthorized  duplication is strictly prohibited and would violate NIA’s copyright and may violate other copyright agreements that NIA has with authors and partners. Contact to reprint or reproduce this content.

Disclaimer: Unless specifically noted at the beginning of the article, the content, calculations, and opinions expressed by the author(s) of any article in Insulation Outlook are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NIA. The appearance of an article, advertisement, and/or product or service information in Insulation Outlook does not constitute an endorsement of such products or services by NIA. Every effort will be made to avoid the use or mention of specific product brand names in featured magazine articles.


Note: The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) requires employers to comply with hazard-specific safety and health standards. In addition, pursuant to Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act, employers must provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm. Emergency Preparedness Guides do not and cannot enlarge or diminish an employer’s obligations under the OSH Act.

Emergency Preparedness Guides are based on presently available information, as well as current occupational safety and health provisions and standards. The procedures and practices discussed in Emergency Preparedness Guides may need to be modified when additional, relevant information becomes available, or when OSH Act standards are promulgated or modified.

Workers may be required to work in hot environments, sometimes for extended periods. Heat stress is a common problem encountered in these types of situations. The following frequently asked questions will help workers understand what heat stress is, how it may affect their health and safety, and how it can be prevented.

Where might I be exposed to heat stress?

Any process or jobsite that is likely to raise a worker’s deep core temperature (often listed as higher than 100.4°F [38°C]) raises the risk of heat stress. Operations involving high air temperatures, radiant heat sources, high humidity, direct physical contact with hot objects, or strenuous physical activities have a high potential for inducing heat stress in employees. Indoor operations such as foundries, brick-firing and ceramic plants, glass products facilities, rubber products factories, electrical utilities (particularly boiler rooms), bakeries, confectioneries, commercial kitchens, laundries, food canneries, chemical plants, mining sites, smelters, and steam tunnels are examples of industrial locations where problems can occur. Outdoor operations conducted in hot weather, such as construction, refining, asbestos removal, hazardous waste site activities, and emergency response operations—especially those that require workers to wear semi-permeable or impermeable protective clothing—also are likely to cause heat stress among exposed workers.

Are there additional causal factors for heat stress?

Age, weight, degree of physical fitness, degree of acclimatization, metabolism, dehydration, use of alcohol or drugs, and a variety of medical conditions such as hypertension all affect a person’s sensitivity to heat. However, even the type of clothing worn must be considered. Prior heat injury predisposes an individual to additional injury, and individual susceptibility varies. In addition, environmental factors include more than the ambient air temperature. Radiant heat, air movement, conduction, and relative humidity all affect an individual’s response to heat.

What kind of heat disorders and health effects are possible, and how should they be treated?

Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related disorder. It occurs when the body’s temperature regulation fails, and body temperature rises to critical levels. The condition is caused by a combination of highly variable factors, and its occurrence is difficult to predict. Heat stroke is a medical emergency that may result in death. The primary signs and symptoms of heat stroke are confusion; irrational behavior; loss of consciousness; convulsions; a lack of sweating (usually); hot, dry skin; and an abnormally high body temperature, e.g., a rectal temperature of 105.8°F (41°C). The elevated metabolic temperatures caused by a combination of workload and environmental heat, both of which contribute to heat stroke, are also highly variable and difficult to predict.

If a worker shows signs of possible heat stroke, professional medical treatment should be obtained immediately. The worker should be placed in a shady, cool area, and outer clothing should be removed. The worker’s skin should be wetted, and air movement around the worker should be increased to improve evaporative cooling until professional methods of cooling are initiated and the seriousness of the condition can be assessed. Fluids should be replaced as soon as possible. The medical outcome of an episode of heat stroke depends on the victim’s physical fitness and the timing and effectiveness of first aid treatment.

Regardless of the worker’s protests, no employee suspected of being ill from heat stroke should be sent home or left unattended unless a physician has specifically approved such an order.

Heat exhaustion signs and symptoms are headache, nausea, vertigo, weakness, thirst, and giddiness. Fortunately, this condition responds readily to prompt treatment. Heat exhaustion should not be dismissed lightly. Fainting or heat collapse is often associated with heat exhaustion. In heat collapse, the brain does not receive enough oxygen because blood pools in the extremities. As a result, the exposed individual may lose consciousness. This reaction is similar to that of heat exhaustion and does not affect the body’s heat balance. However, the onset of heat collapse is rapid and unpredictable, and can be dangerous—especially if workers are operating machinery or controlling an operation that should not be left unattended; moreover, the victim may be injured when he or she faints. The signs and symptoms seen in heat exhaustion are similar to those of heat stroke, a medical emergency. Workers suffering from heat exhaustion should be removed from the hot environment and given fluid replacement. They also should be encouraged to get adequate rest and, when possible, ice packs should be applied.

Heat cramps are usually caused by performing hard physical labor in a hot environment. These cramps have been attributed to an electrolyte imbalance caused by sweating. Cramps appear to be caused by the lack of water replenishment. Because sweat is a hypotonic solution (±0.3% NaCl), excess salt can build up in a body if the water lost through sweating is not replaced. Thirst cannot be relied on as a guide to the need for water; instead, water must be taken every 15 to 20 minutes in hot environments. Under extreme conditions, such as working for 6 to 8 hours in heavy protective gear, a loss of sodium may occur. Recent studies have shown that drinking commercially available carbohydrate-electrolyte replacement liquids is effective in minimizing physiological disturbances during recovery.

Heat rashes are the most common problem in hot work environments where the skin is persistently wetted by unevaporated sweat. Prickly heat is manifested as red papules and usually appears in areas where clothing is restrictive. As sweating increases, these papules give rise to a prickling sensation. Heat rash papules may become infected if they are not treated. In most cases, heat rashes will disappear when the affected individual returns to a cool environment.

Heat fatigue is often caused by a lack of acclimatization. A program of acclimatization and training for work in hot environments is advisable. The signs and symptoms of heat fatigue include impaired performance of skilled manual, mental, or vigilance jobs. There is no treatment for heat fatigue except to remove the heat stress before a more serious heat-related condition develops.

What kind of engineering controls can be utilized?

General ventilation dilutes hot air with cooler air (ideally, bringing in cooler, outside air) and is the most cost effective. A permanently installed ventilation system usually can handle large areas or entire buildings. Portable or local exhaust systems may be more effective or practical in smaller areas.

Air treatment/air cooling differs from ventilation because it reduces the temperature of the air by removing the heat (and sometimes humidity) from the air. Air conditioning is a method of air cooling, which uses a compressed refrigerant under pressure to remove the heat from the air. This method is expensive to install and operate. An alternative to air conditioning is the use of chillers to circulate unpressurized cool water through heat exchangers over which air from the
ventilation system is passed. Chillers are more efficient in cooler climates or in dry climates where evaporative cooling can be used. Local air cooling can be effective in reducing air temperature in specific areas. Two methods have been used successfully in industrial settings. One type, cool rooms, can be used to enclose a specific workplace or to offer a
recovery area near hot jobs. The second type is a portable blower with built-in air chiller. The main advantage of a blower, aside from portability, is minimal set-up time.

Another way to reduce heat stress is to cool the affected employee by increasing the air flow or convection using fans, etc. in the work area. This is generally only effective as long as the air temperature is less than the worker’s skin temperature (usually less than 95°F, dry bulb). Changes in air speed can help workers stay cooler by increasing both the convective heat exchange (the exchange between the skin surface and the surrounding air) and the rate of evaporation. This does not actually cool the air, so moving air must impact the worker directly to be effective.

Heat conduction blocking methods include insulating the hot surface that generates the heat and changing the surface itself. Simple devices such as shields can be used to reduce radiant heat—i.e., heat coming from hot surfaces within the worker’s line of sight. Polished surfaces make the best barriers, although special glass or metal mesh surfaces can be used if visibility is a problem. With some sources of radiation, such as heating pipes, it is possible to use both insulation and surface modifications to achieve
a substantial reduction in radiant heat.

What administrative or work practice controls may be used?

Acclimatize workers by exposing them to work in a hot environment for progressively longer periods. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (1986) suggests that workers who have had previous experience in jobs where heat levels are high enough to produce heat stress may acclimatize with a regimen of 50% exposure on day 1, 60% on day 2, 80% on day 3, and 100% on day 4. For new workers who will be similarly exposed, the regimen should be 20% on day 1, with a 20% increase in exposure each additional day.

Replace fluids by providing cool (50° to 60°F) water or any cool liquid (except alcoholic beverages) to workers and encourage them to drink small amounts frequently, e.g., 1 cup every 20 minutes. Ample supplies of liquids should be placed close to the work area. Although some commercial replacement drinks contain salt, this is not necessary for acclimatized individuals, because most people add enough salt to their summer diets.

Reduce physical demands by reducing physical exertion such as excessive lifting, climbing, or digging with heavy objects. Spread the work over more individuals, use relief workers, or assign extra workers. Provide external pacing to minimize overexertion.

Provide recovery areas such as air-conditioned enclosures and rooms, and provide intermittent rest periods with water breaks.

Reschedule hot jobs for the cooler part of the day. Routine maintenance and repair work in hot areas should be scheduled for the cooler seasons of the year.

Monitor workers who are at risk of heat stress, such as those wearing semi-permeable or impermeable clothing when the temperature exceeds 70°F while working at high metabolic loads (greater than 500 kcal/hour). Personal monitoring can be done by checking heart rate, recovery heart rate, oral temperature, or extent of body water loss.

To check the heart rate, count pulse for 30 seconds at the beginning of the rest period. If the heart rate exceeds 110 beats per minute, shorten the next work period by one third and maintain the same rest period.

The recovery heart rate can be checked by comparing the pulse rate taken at 30 seconds (P1) with the pulse rate taken at 2.5 minutes (P3) after the rest break starts. The two pulse rates can be interpreted using the criteria shown in Table 1 above.

Check oral temperature with a clinical thermometer after work but before the employee drinks water. If the oral temperature taken under the tongue exceeds 99.7°F (37.6°C), shorten the next work cycle by one third.

Measure body water loss by weighing the worker on a scale at the beginning and end of each work day. The worker’s weight loss should not exceed 1.5% of total body weight in a workday. If a weight loss exceeding this amount is observed, fluid intake should increase.

Develop a heat stress training program, and incorporate into health and safety plans at least the following components:

  • Knowledge of the hazards of heat stress;
  • Recognition of predisposing factors, danger signs, and symptoms;
  • Awareness of first-aid procedures for, and the potential health effects of, heat stroke;
  • Employee responsibilities in avoiding heat stress;
  • Dangers of using drugs, including therapeutic ones, and alcohol in hot work environments;
  • Use of protective clothing and equipment; and
  • Purpose and coverage of environmental and medical surveillance programs, and the advantages of worker participation in such programs.

What personal protective equipment is effective in minimizing heat stress?

Reflective clothing, which can vary from aprons and jackets to suits that completely enclose the worker from neck to feet, can reduce the radiant heat reaching the worker. However, since most reflective clothing does not allow air exchange through the garment, the reduction of radiant heat must more than offset the corresponding loss in evaporative cooling. For this reason, reflective clothing should be worn as loosely as possible. In situations where radiant heat is high, auxiliary cooling systems can be used under the reflective clothing.

Auxiliary body cooling ice vests, though heavy, may accommodate as many as 72 ice packets, which are usually filled with water. Carbon dioxide (dry ice) also can be used as a coolant. The cooling offered by ice packets lasts only 2 to 4 hours at moderate to heavy heat loads, and frequent replacement is necessary. However, ice vests do not tether the worker and thus permit maximum mobility. Cooling with ice is also relatively inexpensive.

Wetted clothing such as terry cloth coveralls or 2-piece, whole-body cotton suits are another simple and inexpensive personal cooling technique. It is effective when reflective or other impermeable protective clothing is worn. This approach to auxiliary cooling can be quite effective under conditions of high temperature, good air flow, and low humidity.

Water-cooled garments range from a hood, which cools only the head, to vests and “long johns,” which offer partial or complete body cooling. Use of this equipment requires a battery-driven circulating pump, liquid-ice coolant, and a container. Although this system has the advantage of allowing wearer mobility, the weight of the components limits the amount of ice that can be carried and thus reduces the effective use time. The heat transfer rate in liquid cooling systems also may limit their use to low-activity jobs; even in such jobs, their service time is only about 20 minutes per pound of cooling ice. To keep outside heat from melting the ice, an outer insulating jacket should be an integral part of these systems.

Circulating air is the most effective, as well as the most complicated, personal cooling system. By directing compressed air around the body from a supplied air system, both evaporative and convective cooling are improved. The greatest advantage occurs when circulating air is used with impermeable garments or double cotton overalls. One type, used when respiratory protection is also necessary, forces exhaust air from a supplied-air hood (“bubble hood”) around the neck and down inside an impermeable suit. The air then escapes through openings in the suit. Air also can be supplied directly to the suit without using a hood in 3 ways: by a single inlet, by a distribution tree, or by a perforated vest. In addition, a vortex tube can reduce the temperature of circulating air. The cooled air from this tube can be introduced either under the clothing or into a bubble hood. The use of a vortex tube separates the air into hot and cold streams. These tubes also can be used to supply heat in cold climates. Circulating air, however, is noisy and requires a constant source of compressed air supplied through an attached air hose. This system tethers the worker and limits his or her mobility. Additionally, since the worker feels comfortable, he or she may not realize that it is important to drink liquids frequently.

Reprinted with permission from Additional resources can be found at

How often do most of us work on a project that is called a “showstopper” in newspaper headlines? Whose completion is honored with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by dignitaries including the Governor, Mayor, and State Representatives, as well as hundreds of guests? Although Insulation Outlook readers know that the work we do in the mechanical insulation industry has energy- and money-saving benefits worth celebrating, such widespread excitement is not an everyday occurrence. My company, L & C Insulation (L & C), a National Insulation Association (NIA) Contractor member, is proud to have been selected to perform the insulation work on a recently completed, new construction project in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, that garnered such regional and national attention. As the tallest building in the area, the project also meets the literal definition of high visibility.

Sentry Insurance—a big employer in the area, with some 2,500 local employees who represent more than half of the company’s 4,000+ workforce—broke ground on its new 7-story, 285,000-square-foot headquarters building in June 2017. The company’s base in Stevens Point dates back to 1912, and it has a strong commitment to the area and its Wisconsin roots. According to Sentry’s website, “More than 1,100 people worked on the building or produced products for it—most workers on site were locally based.” 1 As a regional insulation company with several locations throughout Wisconsin, L & C falls into this category. Additional members of the project team supporting the local economy were J.H. Findorff & Son, which has overseen completion of Sentry buildings in Wisconsin since 1974, and Flad Architects, a national firm with an office in Madison, Wisconsin.

Project Details

Relaxed seating area in the new Sentry Insurance Building. Photo courtesy of Caitlin Shuda/USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin.
A conference room in the new Sentry Insurance Building. Photo courtesy of Caitlin Shuda/USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin.

Along with workspaces featuring a high degree of natural lighting, including customizable offices and conference rooms, the new Sentry building has a coffee shop; cafeteria; open-seating break areas with a fireplace; an atrium with a skylight; and a fitness and wellness center. Insulated systems on this project included hot water, chilled water, tower water, refrigeration, domestic plumbing, ductwork, and emergency generators.

As is common on many projects, the insulation was specified for L & C. While this is often the case, when insulation contractors are included in the specification conversation, we can bring our knowledge and understanding of how certain insulation materials perform; what trade-offs can achieve savings in terms of space, time, and money; and more. Going forward, perhaps NIA members can set an example for the industry on how such early coordination can benefit everyone’s work—and, most important, achieve the best results for our customers. (Examples of how coordination between trades specifically benefited this project are described in “Challenges and Solutions,” later in this article.)

On this project, we used fiber glass pipe insulation (Johns Manville Micro-lok), duct wrap (Johns Manville Microlite), duct board (Johns Manville 814 rigid board), and elastomeric insulation (Aeroflex). The installation process for the fiber glass insulation and duct wrap and board was fairly straightforward, although we did use scissor lifts to reach certain parts of the system, which requires another level of expertise. (See Scaffolding 101 on page 22 for more details about scaffolding safety.)

Vapor barrier mastics (Childers CP-33, CP-35) were used on the piping systems, as well as some aluminum jacketing on exterior piping. Overall, approximately 70,000 feet of fiber glass pipe insulation, 150,000 sq. ft. of duct wrap, and 16,000 sq. ft. of rigid board were used on the project.

Challenges and Solutions

All new construction projects present challenges, and this one was no exception. One common issue insulation contractors experience is insufficient clearance around piping that needs to be insulated. This can result from any number of causes—for example, when the design does not leave sufficient room for the specified amount or type of insulation to be installed, when mechanical contractors do not consider the insulation specification, or when various trades simply do not coordinate with the other systems being installed in a given space. In a worst-case scenario, a quick-fix solution is to decrease insulation thickness, which may endanger the system. To mitigate the risk of this scenario, L & C foremen are trained to watch for this problem developing before it gets too far along, so that all trades can work together and coordinate any changes due to clearance trouble with the engineer prior to moving forward. L & C experienced some clearance issues in the new Sentry building, with piping that needed to be insulated, but close project oversight and coordination between members of the team allowed us to meet the requirements without compromising quality.

Another common issue that can be mitigated by coordination between members of the project team concerns timing: If piping is not tested until a large portion is installed, it can throw off the schedule for insulation installation, for example. This can have a ripple effect on the insulation contractor’s schedules for other projects, as personnel may need to be pulled from other jobs to compensate and make up the time. Because the nature of our business requires that we adapt to constantly changing conditions, L & C was able to reassign workers to what was a large project for us without compromising progress on our other job sites. It is hoped, though, that by making closer coordination among all members of the construction team more of the norm in the future, we will be able to make this a less-common scenario.

On the Sentry project, a solid example of how inter-trade coordination was beneficial involved L & C coordinating with the mechanical contractor and getting permission to insulate system elements prior to installation. Most of the insulated systems were located indoors, and L & C was able to insulate some ductwork and variable air volume (VAV) units at the mechanical contractor’s warehouse prior to installation. This saved substantial time and money when compared to doing the insulation work later off a ladder or man-lift on site.


The new Sentry building project represented not only an important job for L & C, but also a showpiece for the customer, and a boon for the greater Wisconsin economy. Supporting the customer’s goals for the building, the properly installed insulation products will provide ongoing efficiency and a good return on investment, in addition to preventing damage that can be costly to repair, such as damage from condensation on the chilled water system. How well did the project succeed in meeting the customer’s goals? As reported by Managing Editor/Senior Reporter Ben Meyer of local NBC affiliate NewsWatch 12, Sentry Chairman of the Board, CEO, and President Pete McPartland said the building exceeded expectations “beyond my wildest dreams.”2

As Insulation Outlook readers know, proper insulation is a good investment for a business that is all about preparing for a rainy day.


Have you ever thought about what impact the insulation industry has on the overall U.S. economy? In comparison to many industries, the insulation industry is relatively small; but its impact should not be underestimated. The following is an analysis of the data from The Contributions of Insulation to the U.S. Economy in 2018, published in April 2019 by the Economics and Statistics Department of the American Chemistry Council (ACC). Where applicable, the author’s comments calling attention to changes from the 2017 report appear in italics.

“The use of insulation in U.S. homes and businesses saves energy, putting more money in the pockets of home and
business owners. In addition, by consuming less energy, the use of insulation directly reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

“Beyond the benefits of the use of insulation, the insulation industry—including the manufacture, distribution, and installation of insulation—generates more than 550,000 jobs in the U.S. and $33 billion in payrolls that support families and local communities around the country.”
Note: This represents a 10% increase in both categories over 2017.

“Insulation materials manufacturing is a $15.6 billion business, and directly employs more than 38,000 people across 45 states.”
Note: This represents a 12.2% increase in business and 15% increase in employment.

“Indirectly, through its purchases of supplies, raw materials, equipment, and services, insulation manufacturing supports an additional 56,400 jobs in supply-chain industries. Through the household spending of the wages and salaries paid to workers in insulation manufacturing and their suppliers, an additional 63,900 payroll-induced jobs are supported.”
Note: This represents an additional 4,400 supply-chain and 3,900 payroll-induced jobs over 2017, an 8.5% and 6.5% increase, respectively, over 2017.

“The combined direct and indirect economic activity from U.S. insulation manufacturing supports nearly 160,000 jobs. These jobs generate payrolls of $8.4 billion. In addition, the combined economic activity supported by insulation manufacturing contributes $1.3 billion to state and local governments and $2.4 billion in federal tax revenues.”
Note: The combined jobs are up 6.7%, payrolls have increased 2.4%, and state and local tax revenues have increased 8.3%, while federal tax revenue has remained constant.

Clearly, the insulation industry remains a strong contributor to the U.S. economy, although in many circles, the industry is often undervalued and underappreciated.

The report takes into consideration the full range of materials utilized in residential, commercial (envelope, roofing, and mechanical systems), industrial, and OEM (appliances and automotive) applications. It also describes upstream and downstream economic impacts. Upstream impacts are shown in Figure 1.

In considering the downstream economic impact, the report noted: “Looking downstream, nearly 47,000 wholesalers distribute insulation products to contractors/installers and retailers around the country and nearly 468,000 workers are engaged in the drywall and insulation installation, nonresidential roofing, and mechanical insulation installation. Payrolls in those sectors amount to $3.1 billion and $27.7 billion, respectively. The paychecks from these workers help support families and local economies throughout the U.S.”

Methodology as Applied to Mechanical Insulation Segment

The ACC report is a great representation of the total impact that the insulation industry has on the U.S. economy. NIA applauds ACC’s efforts, the methodology used, and the report contributors. We also wondered if the overriding report data could be dissected to determine the impact of the mechanical insulation segment.

First, we had to consider that many of the insulation manufacturers included in the upstream direct impact data produce materials in several facilities that cross over traditional market boundaries, which influences the upstream and downstream calculations.

Second, we determined there was not a substantial upstream indirect overlap with the supply chain and contracting of mechanical insulation versus other insulation segments.

And third, we needed to develop a methodology by which to carve out the mechanical insulation segment from other industry segments.

ACC produced its first report in 2016, but it did not include the mechanical insulation segment, which encompasses all thermal, acoustical, and personnel safety requirements in the following commercial and industrial markets:

  • Mechanical piping and equipment, hot and cold applications;
  • HVAC applications; and
  • Refrigeration and other low-temperature piping and equipment applications.

By comparing the ACC’s 2016 and 2017 reported data, combined with analysis of the information provided by NIA to ACC for compiling the 2017 report, we were able to extrapolate the potential mechanical insulation impact on the U.S. economy for 2017. Following are excerpts from the ACC Executive Summary (noted in bold italics) and NIA’s best estimate of the mechanical insulation industry component (noted in gold). After reexamining the methodology utilized in 2017 to extrapolate the impact of the mechanical insulation industry, we believe the mechanical insulation industry representation on a percentage basis is very similar to 2017.

ACC indicates that the insulation industry—including insulation manufacturing, distribution/wholesale, and installation—generates 553,430 jobs in the United States and $33 billion in payrolls that support families and local communities around the country (see Table 1 and Table 2).

We estimate the mechanical insulation industry represents approximately 24% of those jobs—and potentially as much as $9 billion of the payroll dollars.

Insulation manufacturing is a $15.6 billion business and directly employs nearly 38,000 workers across 42 states. We estimate that of those 38,000 manufacturing jobs, 16,000 +/- (43%) manufacture materials used in the mechanical insulation industry.

We also estimate the mechanical insulation industry indirectly, through its purchases of supplies, raw materials, equipment, and services for the manufacturing of insulation, supports an additional 9,500 +/- (17%) of the 56,000 jobs in supply-chain industries. From the household spending of the wages and salaries paid to workers and suppliers in insulation manufacturing, an additional 10,000 +/- (16%) of the 64,000 payroll-induced jobs are supported.

The report states, “In addition, the combined economic activity supported by insulation manufacturing contributes $1.3 billion to state and local governments and $2.4 billion in federal tax revenues.” While it is difficult to extract the mechanical insulation component for these totals, the mechanical insulation segment could represent over half a billion dollars in federal and state income tax.

Every 2 years, NIA conducts a survey to gauge the size of the mechanical insulation and laminated metal building insulation industry segments. The first survey, in 1997, sought to gain data about the size of the mechanical insulation industry, which had not been measured before that time. In 2013, the laminated metal building insulation segment was added to the survey. The expanded survey aims to provide valuable data regarding market size and growth rates for the U.S. commercial and industrial mechanical and laminated metal building insulation market.

Sponsored by NIA’s Foundation for Education, Training, and Industry Advancement, the survey is sent to NIA’s Associate members, who are manufacturers of insulation products or insulation accessories, and the metal building laminator members. Those members are asked to provide information about their sales volume. A third-party company—using formulas created by NIA and the information gathered—determines the annual size of the respective U.S. insulation industry segments. (For the full survey report and analysis, read the “The Commercial and Industrial Mechanical Insulation and Laminated Metal Building Insulation Markets Exhibit Overall Growth” in the July 2019 issue of Insulation Outlook.)

NIA’s survey indicated the 2018 market grew by 9.8% from 2016. 2017 saw an increase of 2%, while 2018 experienced an increase of 7.9%. Growth in 2019 and 2020 is forecast at 6.2% and 4.8%, respectively. The 2020 U.S. mechanical insulation industry is forecast to reach $12.4 billion in 2020.

While the ACC report and NIA surveys were conducted at different times and employed different methodologies, the results support similar conclusions. Clearly, the insulation industry makes vital contributions to the U.S. economy. The industry also delivers many environmental benefits, such as reduced energy consumption, which translates directly into lower emissions of greenhouse gases. Insulation—specifically, mechanical insulation—promotes employee and public safety, protects the environment, and contributes to the competitiveness of U.S. industry by lowering operating and production costs.

The economic activity generated by the U.S. insulation industry is broad based and helps support economic segments across the entire U.S. economy, from manufacturing to distribution/fabrication, to installation. The mechanical insulation segment is a substantial part of the overall insulation industry, and its contribution to the U.S. economy is impressive.

Source: The Contributions of Insulation to the U.S. Economy in 2018, Economics & Statistics Department, American Chemistry Council, April 2019


Copyright 2019 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved.

Because scaffolding is ubiquitous, its presence and safety are often taken for granted. As construction-industry professionals, we work on or near scaffolding on a regular basis. We are positioned to manipulate—purposefully or incidentally—scaffold materials. But how much do we know about scaffolding?

According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), scaffolding-related violations were ranked third in the list of 2018’s “Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards.”1 It is safe to say that most people regularly present on a job site are not scaffold experts. Given the inherent risks, it is important that everyone in proximity have a basic understanding of scaffolding and its accompanying equipment.

When assembled or used incorrectly, scaffolds create serious safety hazards. Last summer, during construction of a major resort in Orlando, Florida, 2 men fell to their deaths when the scaffold they were standing on—nearly 7 floors up—collapsed. Their support structure failed. A third man managed to hang on as the structure gave way beneath him. With the help of several coworkers, he climbed to safety, suffering minor physical injuries.2 The men had been preparing to pour concrete at the time of the incident.

This sobering story illustrates the importance of scaffolding safety. As industry experts, we must maintain an attitude of teachability. Changes and advancements in scaffold materials, regulations, erection, and use necessitate the need for constant and continuous education. This article offers a brief introduction to the diversity and complexity of scaffolding.

Basic Types of Scaffolds

OSHA’s definition of a scaffold includes any “elevated, temporary work platform.”3 The 2 primary types of scaffolding include supported and suspended

  • Supported scaffolds are built from the ground up. They include at least 1 platform supported by load-bearing materials such as frames, poles, and legs.
  • Suspended scaffolds have at least 1 platform suspended from above using overhead ropes or similar non-rigid material.

The basic types of scaffolds are further delineated into subcategories. For the support scaffold category, here are the types that often appear on a job site:

  • Frame scaffolding, which is typically easy to set up and dismantle, and useful in quick up-and-down scenarios, is often used on residential projects.
  • Tube and coupler scaffolding is extremely versatile and can be built in multiple directions to suit most situations. Tube and coupler scaffolding takes longer to assemble than frame scaffolding and requires much more experience to build correctly.
  • System scaffolding is strong and versatile. It surpasses tube and coupler scaffolding in terms of ease of assembly but takes expertise and training to build.

There are many types of suspended scaffolds, with the most predominant being the 2‑point, adjustable swing stage. You have likely seen these hanging from skyscrapers. They are often used by high-rise window washers. Significant regulation, design criteria, and training are required for this type of scaffolding.

Additionally, other types of equipment (like scissor lifts and aerial lifts) are regarded as scaffolding. Equipment scaffolding is also regulated and requires training. Regardless of subcategory, scaffold material is designed and constructed for 3 types of duty:

  • Light duty is capable of withstanding 25 lbs./sq. ft.,
  • Medium duty is capable of withstanding 50 lbs./sq. ft., and
  • Heavy duty is capable of withstanding 75 lbs./sq. ft.

For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the most commonly encountered type of scaffolding: support scaffolding.

Qualified and Competent Persons

To ensure safety of all workers and clients, scaffolding must be erected by a qualified person. OSHA defines a qualified person as “one who—by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience—has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work, or the project.”4

Additionally, a competent person must be involved. According to OSHA, a competent person is “one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions, which are unsanitary, hazardous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.4

It is important to note that having the ability to build a scaffold does not mean the resulting scaffold will be compliant with the qualified and competent designations described above. The drawback to ease of assembly of the simpler scaffolding types, like frame scaffolds, is that a general contractor or subcontractor might erect scaffolding that is noncompliant and potentially hazardous.

Some scaffolding contractors have received teaching accreditation from reputable organizations; and these contractors can provide competent-person training to your employees. The safest course of action, however, is to have a qualified and competent scaffolding contractor provide, build, and maintain the elevated work platform(s). Think of it this way: Would you ask your scaffolding contractor to install cryogenic insulation at your liquid petroleum gas (LPG) plant? Of course not! Insulating LPG equipment is a specialized skill requiring years of training.

Beyond Load Ratings and Assembly

In addition to understanding design types, basic construction, and load ratings of scaffolding, the following details must be considered to create a safe and compliant scaffold platform:

  • Guardrail system and toeboards,
  • Maximum intended load,
  • Personal fall arrest systems (PFAS) and anchorage points, and
  • Scaffold inspection and tagging.

Guardrails and Toeboards

Guardrail systems are often a primary reason to construct a scaffold. Naturally, we want workers elevated, but how do we protect them once they are? As a reminder, safety standards require that all scaffold workers elevated at 10 feet or more be protected by some sort of fall protection. Many facilities, clients, or state agencies have an even lower threshold. Therefore, guardrail installation on the work platform is a fundamental reason for scaffolding on site.

Scaffold standards require toprails on supported scaffolds be installed between 38 and 45 inche sabove the platform surface. Toprails must support200 pounds of force. Midrails must be installed at a height midway between the top edge of the guardrail system and the platform surface, and they must support 150 pounds of force. Guardrails must be installed on all edges of the scaffold, with very few (and specific) exceptions—such as working off a leading edge on the surface of a building, where the railing would impede access. Under these exceptional circumstances, other significant fall protection measures must be taken.

Each employee on a scaffold must be provided with protection from falling hand tools, debris, and other small objects. Often, these protections require the use of toeboards. Toeboards are installed along the edge of platforms more than 10 feet above lower levels. They must be a minimum of 3.5 inches tall above decking, have no more than a .25-inch gap between the decking and the toeboard, and must be capable of withstanding 50 pounds of force in any direction.

Maximum Intended Load

Along with duty types (light, medium, and heavy), it is important to consider the maximum intended load for the scaffold.

It is crucial to stay within the scaffold’s load limit. Failure to do so can cause the scaffold to collapse. Just as scaffolds must be designed by a qualified and competent person, they must be built and used as designed, taking into consideration the weight of people, equipment, and additional levels of scaffolding. Any modifications can affect the scaffold’s capacity and stability. Scaffolds and scaffold components must never be loaded in excess of their maximum intended loads or their rated capacities, whichever is less. Each scaffold and scaffold component must be able to support its own weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to the scaffold. (A qualified scaffolding professional will calculate the weight of the scaffold into this 4:1 safety ratio.)

Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS) and Anchorage Points

Can one attach PFAS directly to the scaffold? Under certain conditions, yes; however, it is always recommended that the PFAS be anchored to a structural member capable of supporting the mandated 5,000 pounds per user. The scaffold can be used as an anchorage when the scaffold structure is attached to the building’s structure and all of the following conditions are present:

  1. The horizontal ties are capable of withstanding a 750-pound lateral pull, with a safety factor of 4:1;
  2. Ties are installed along the length of the scaffold at intervals not to exceed 30 feet; and
  3. The scaffold is tied to the structure at the first lift and at intervals not to exceed every 18 feet.

Assuming the scaffold meets the above criteria, where can you actually secure your PFAS? Here are the guidelines concerning anchorage points for systems scaffolds:

  • Ledgers of 7 feet or fewer can be used as an anchor point.
  • 10-foot ledgers can be used as an anchor point only if specifically stated in the manufacturer’s specifications. However, if the ledger is greater than 7 feet, the safest course of action is to use double ledgers (see Figure 1).

Rosettes are acceptable anchor points, provided they are attached to the proper (larger) opening (see Figure 2). Again, only anchor PFAS to the scaffold after meeting all the criteria listed.

Scaffold Inspection and Tagging

In accordance with OSHA standards, a competent person must inspect each scaffold and scaffold component for visible defects prior to each work shift and after any occurrence that might affect a scaffold’s structural integrity.4 This inspection is the responsibility of the controlling contractor, unless the job has been subcontracted to a scaffold provider. While inspecting before each work shift might seem excessive, given the life-and-death importance of detecting defects in scaffolds and scaffold components, such frequent inspections are both reasonable and prudent. Scaffold tagging communicates a successful and completed inspection, but these tags are not mandated by OSHA.

Examples of scaffolding tags appear in Figures 3 and 4.

OSHA does provide guidance regarding specification, design, application, and use of other types of accident-prevention tags, or safety tags. These safety tags are designed to clearly identify a temporary hazard. Safety tags must remain in place until the hazard is eliminated or the hazardous operation completed. The message on the safety tag must clearly convey the potential, type, and degree of hazard that may lead to accidental injury or property damage. Again, these temporary tags are not scaffold inspection tags; if you see these warning tags on a scaffold (or anywhere else), avoid the area and report the issue.

While not mandated or regulated, scaffold inspection tags are generally used by reputable scaffolding contractors. Scaffold inspection tags can vary from site to site, depending on the contractor (or subcontractor). This is as confusing as it sounds—different tagging methods may be present on the same job site if multiple scaffold companies are used. Traditionally, contractors use a color-coded tagging system:

  • Green tags indicate a fully compliant scaffold;
  • Yellow tags indicate the scaffold is usable, but the inspector has identified hazards (as indicated on the tag); and
  • Red tags indicate a hazardous condition that renders the scaffold unsafe has been identified.

In addition, the scaffold tag will often communicate load rating and the name of the competent person, and it will be signed and dated with each inspection. For yellow-tagged scaffolds, deficiencies will be listed (gaps in deck, missing guardrails, fall protection required, etc.). Red tags might be indicated within the tag holder. In these cases, when the yellow or green tag is pulled, the red tag holder states DO NOT USE (Figure 4). Typically, any scaffold with an empty tag holder is designated as a danger. It should not be considered safe until a competent scaffold inspector deems it so. (Note: Not all scaffold companies use an empty tag holder as a warning. Some companies might use red-colored tags.)
For better or worse, because OSHA does not mandate scaffolding tags, not all job sites will have clearly labeled scaffolds.


This crash course in scaffolding provides a sound, high-level view of the basics, but it only scratches the surface of what a conscientious contractor needs to know. Scaffold access and egress, rest platforms, mudsills, ladder placement, self-retractable climbing devices (yo-yos), and much more all need to be addressed on any project that includes scaffolds.
Fortunately, qualified and competent scaffold companies are available nationwide. It is best to verify credentials, investigate incident rates with the Department of Labor, and examine other prequalification standards before you hire a
scaffold contractor.

The risk you and your personnel take with each step onto a scaffold can be managed. A qualified and reputable scaffolding company will help mitigate the risk to your employees, reputation, and bottom line.

1. “Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards: for Fiscal Year 2018.” U.S. Department of Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, accessed May 28, 2019,
2. Stanglin, Doug. “2 Die in Scaffolding Collapse Near Disney World in Orlando; 3rd Hangs on and Climbs to Safety,” Florida Today, August 29, 2018,
3. “Scaffolding eTools.” U.S. Department of Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, accessed May 28, 2019,
4. “A Guide to Scaffold Use in the Construction Industry: OSHA 3150.” U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 2002 (Revised),


Copyright 2019 National Insulation Association. All rights reserved.

Results from the Q1 2019 USG Corporation and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Commercial Construction Index (Index) indicate the labor shortage continues to pose major challenges to the industry, causing firms to ask skilled workers to do more work (81%), struggle to meet deadlines (70%), increase costs for new work (63%), and reject new projects (40%).

As the industry fights to solve the labor shortage, the latest survey suggests a contributing factor could be negative perceptions of construction careers by young workers, leading to fewer workers seeking to enter the industry.

When asked about the biggest myths about working in the commercial building industry, contractors cited the perception that construction jobs are all “dirty” jobs (61%), construction work requires only brute strength (55%), and construction is just a “job” rather than a career (52%). Yet, contractors note good pay, opportunities for advancement, and the ability to learn new skills on the job as the best reasons to pursue a career in construction.

“It is important for construction leaders to consider how we can shift the perception of the industry and increase the number of young workers who want to work in the trades,” said Jennifer Scanlon, President and CEO of USG Corporation. “Retention will be particularly important to meet infrastructure demands, as well as a continued focus on innovative processes and technology on the jobsite.”

Contractors agree that the best way to increase the skilled workforce in U.S. construction is to increase enrollment in technical schools and vocational training. A better reputation for compensation, apprenticeship programs, and opportunities for advancement were also cited as ways to recruit more workers—particularly those under the age of 30—into commercial construction.

To retain employees, 55% of contractors believe there should be more opportunities for advancement, in addition to increased employee engagement and more on-the-job training. The growing role of technology on the jobsite was also cited as a means to attract the next generation of workers to the construction workforce.

The Index looks at the results of 3 leading indicators to gauge confidence in the commercial construction industry, generating a composite index on the scale of 0 to 100 that serves as an indicator of health of the contractor segment on a quarterly basis.

The Q1 2019 results from the 3 key drivers were:

  • Backlog: Contractors’ ratio of actual-to-ideal backlog dropped 3 points to 77 (down from 80 in Q4 2018). In Q4 2018, 41% of respondents said their backlog had increased. This quarter, that number fell to 28%.
  • New Business Confidence: The level of overall confidence dropped 5 points (from 76 to 71) quarter-over-quarter.
  • Revenue: The revenue driver dropped 2 points to 67 this quarter, indicating moderated expectations for the magnitude of revenue growth in the next 12 months.

The research was developed with Dodge Data & Analytics (DD&A), the leading provider of insights and data for the construction industry, by surveying commercial and institutional contractors.

Overall, the Q1 composite score of 72 shows a healthy market, though contractors may be slightly more cautious about the health of the commercial construction industry, evidenced by a drop in the 3 leading indicators—backlog, new business, and revenue forecasts. The survey was fielded in January, during the federal government shutdown, so concerns about economic stability and future growth were likely more top-of-mind than in previous surveys. However, the data about industry perceptions should still be troubling to anyone looking to solve the prevailing labor shortage. “The first quarter findings suggests that the fundamentals of the construction industry remain strong, but to sustain future growth, it is clear that we need bipartisan policy solutions from Washington that promote trade, reform our immigration system, and better prepare America’s workforce for the jobs of today and tomorrow,” said Neil Bradley, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer.

About the Index

The Index is a quarterly economic index designed to gauge the outlook for, and resulting confidence in, the commercial construction industry. USG Corporation and the U.S. Chamber produce this Index, along with DD&A. Each quarter, researchers from DD&A source responses from their Contractor Panel of more than 2,700 commercial construction decision-makers in order to better understand their levels of confidence in the industry and other key trends. This panel allows DD&A to provide findings that are representative of the entire U.S. construction industry by geography, size, and type of company. Each quarterly Index published is available on the USG Corporation website at as well as on the website to see the full report, methodology, and graphics.

Note: Please note the Commercial Construction Index report is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to support an investment decision with respect to USG Corporation, nor is it intended to be used for marketing purposes to any existing or prospective investor of USG. This report is not a forecast of future results for USG, and actual results of USG may differ materially from those of the commercial construction industry. Note, too, that the Index reports on conditions across the entire construction industry. As such, results may vary substantially from reports focused specifically on the mechanical insulation and laminated metal building insulation industry segments.