Market Research

As the voice of the insulation industry, NIA conducts some research on the size of the industry and publishes market forecasts and educational articles in Insulation Outlook magazine.

JUST RELEASED! A Study on Insulation’s Positive Impact on Energy Efficiency & Emission Reductions

November 2023: The Foundation for Mechanical Insulation Education, Training, and Industry Advancement and National Insulation Association (NIA) commissioned—for the first time in the history of the mechanical insulation industry—a study to determine the impact mechanical insulation systems can have on reducing the demand for energy and greenhouse gas emissions. This analysis of high-service temperature ranges (150°F–800°F) examines and interprets an 11-year window of information. This webinar includes a comprehensive overview of the study results and an explanation of how these facts can help you and your customers understand the importance of mechanical insulation, and its practical application, in rapidly achieving decarbonization goals for companies, states, and our country.

2022: An Independent Study Confirms Insulation Upgrades are Keys to Significant Energy Savings and Emission Reductions in Existing Buildings

A coalition of trade associations, including the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, the Insulation Contractors Association of America, the National Insulation Association, the American Chemistry Council (Plastics Division) and the Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association, commissioned a study that quantifies the benefits of completing insulation retrofit projects across residential, commercial and industrial buildings and underlines the potential impact forward-thinking policies can have on decarbonizing the built environment.

Read the press release from September 2022  here.

Read the Executive Summary here.

Read the Insulation Industry Opportunity Study here.


Industry Measurement Survey

As part of NIA’s Foundation for Education, Training, and Industry Advancement, this survey is conduct every 2 years to measure the size of the insulation industry. Since the first survey was completed in 1997, the goal of the survey is to obtain valuable data regarding sales, market size, and growth for the U.S. commercial and industrial mechanical insulation market. The 2023 survey has been conducted and was released in the November 2023 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine.

In keeping with our membership, this survey only includes data on the commercial and industrial markets, not residential. The surveys are anonymous through a third party and therefore are not company or product specific. (See “Other Market Data Research Sources and Insulation Product Research” for customized information on these areas.)


Past Survey Results

2023-2024 (Published in 2023)

Survey Results: Mechanical Insulation and Laminated Metal Building Insulation for the Commercial and Industrial Markets (Published in the November 2023 issue of Insulation Outlook magazine. Not available online yet.)

2021-2022 (Published in 2021)

NIA Surveys Confirm Market Expectations and Forecast Growth in 2021–2022 (May 2021)

2017-2018 (Published in 2019)

The Commercial and Industrial Mechanical Insulation and Laminated Metal Building Insulation Markets Exhibit Overall Growth (July 2019)

2015-2016 (Published in 2017)

The Commercial and Industrial Mechanical Insulation & Laminated Metal Building Insulation Markets Exhibit Overall Growth


The Commercial and Industrial Mechanical Insulation Market Is Growing  and
Forecast Predicts Growth for Laminated Metal Building Insulation Market


2011–2012 Industry Measurement Survey: Commercial and Industrial Mechanical Insulation Market Moving Forward


2010 Industry Measurement Survey: Commercial and Industrial Mechanical Insulation Market Recovering


Mechanical Insulation Market Exceeds $13 Billion in 2008


Survey Indicates Commercial and Industrial Insulation Market Revenue Exceeds $9 Billion

Other Market Data Research Sources

Customized Reports

A number of companies conducted surveys on the industry and have reports available or are willing to conduct customized surveys for you. Please contact them directly.

Insulation Product Research

Some individual manufacturers do conduct industry research that is product specific. Visit our membership directory, and search by manufacturer to contact them directly.

Insulation Product Recycling

If you are looking for information on insulation recycling, we are not aware of any companies that offer this service for construction sites. Some manufacturers do recycle their own product. Click here to read "How Green Is the Insulation Industry?" in Insulation Outlook magazine. Visit our membership directory, and search by manufacturer to contact them directly.

U.S. Department of Energy

NIA is a Better Climate Challenge Ally. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is challenging organizations to set ambitious, portfolio-wide GHG emission reduction goals. This new effort provides additional opportunities for peer exchange and technical assistance to meet the urgent call to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Through the Better Climate Challenge, organizations can partner with DOE to reduce portfolio-wide GHG emissions (scope 1 & 2) by at least 50% within 10 years. DOE will provide technical assistance and opportunities to learn and share actionable best practices for carbon reduction. Learn more here.