Category Archives: Global

OSHA recently issued a new NEP directed toward warehousing and distribution center operations after Bureau of Labor Statistics history showed that injury and illness rates for these establishments are significantly higher than for other establishments. The 3-year NEP, effective July 13, 2023, provides policies and procedures for inspections of warehousing and distribution center operations, mail/postal processing and distribution centers, parcel delivery/courier services, and certain high-injury-rate retail establishments. All inspections conducted under this NEP, except high-injury-rate retail establishments, will be comprehensive safety inspections. In the case of high-injury-rate retail establishments, inspections will be partial inspections, unless OSHA expands the scope after finding evidence that violative conditions may be found in other areas of that establishment.

Workplace hazards of focus may include, but not be limited to:

  • Powered industrial vehicle operations,
  • Material handling/storage,
  • Walking/Working surfaces,
  • Means of egress,
  • Fire protection, and
  • Heat and ergonomic hazards.1

OSHA plans to target establishments for a programmed inspection using neutral and objective selection criteria. Area offices will be provided two separate lists to be inspected under this NEP: (1) a list of establishments taken from certain NAICS codes2, and (2) a list of high-rate retail establishments3. OSHA also will conduct unprogrammed inspections based on fatalities/catastrophes, complaints, or referrals related to establishments in the NAICS codes covered under this NEP.

OSHA state plans will be required to adopt this NEP or establish a different program at least as effective as the federal model within 60 days of July 13, 2023.

Employers not included in the NAICS codes listed but that maintain a warehouse can use this NEP for insight into areas an OSHA Compliance officer may be interested in during a compliance inspection conducted under a different NEP or as part of an inspection following an employee complaint or reportable injury or illness.

NIA provides the information in this article as an educational resource to promote a safer industry. While the information provided is based on the NIA’s and the author’s best judgment and the best information available at the time the article was prepared, NIA encourages all readers to consult with their safety experts and legal counsel for their unique business circumstances or when making changes to their safety programs.

1. A health inspection shall be conducted if OSHA learns that heat and/or ergonomic hazards are present
2. 491110-Postal Service (Processing & Distribution Centers Only), 492110 (Couriers and Express Delivery Services), 492210 (Local Messengers and Local Delivery), 493110 (General Warehousing and Storage), 493120 (Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage), 493130 (Farm Product Warehousing and Storage), and 493190 (Other Warehousing and Storage).
3. 444110 (Home Centers), 444130 (Hardware Stores), 444190 (Other Building Material Dealers), 445110 (Supermarkets and other grocery stores), 452311 (Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters).

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a final rule on August 8 to raise the
prevailing wage standard for approximately 1 million construction workers under the federal Davis-Bacon Act.

The number of construction workers affected by the new prevailing wages is likely to increase in light of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law of 2021, which funded many federal infrastructure projects, senior Biden administration officials said.

The final rule will provide periodic updates for non-collectively bargained wages. It also adds anti-retaliation provisions and strengthens the DOL’s ability to withhold money from a federal contractor in order to pay employees their lost wages.

The final rule gives the DOL authority to adopt prevailing wages determined by state and local governments, issue wage determinations for labor classifications where insufficient data was received through the wage survey process, and update outdated wage rates.

The Davis-Bacon regulations have not been comprehensively updated in 40 years.


The Supreme Court has described the Davis-Bacon Act as “a minimum wage law designed for the benefit of construction workers,” the DOL noted in its summary of the proposed rule. The law, enacted in 1931, requires the payment of locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits on federal contracts for construction. It applies to workers on contracts in excess of $2,000 entered into by federal agencies and the District of Columbia for the construction, alteration, or repair of public buildings or public works.

The law’s purpose is to protect local wage standards by preventing contractors from basing their bids on wages lower than those prevailing in the area, the Supreme Court has noted.

In the new rule, the DOL recommended returning to a three-step process previously used to identify the most frequently used wage rate for each classification of workers in a locality.

This three-step process identified as prevailing:

  • Any wage rate paid to a majority of workers.
  • If there was no wage rate paid to a majority of workers, then the wage rate paid to the greatest number of workers, provided it was paid to at least 30% of workers— the so-called 30% rule.
  • If the 30% rule was not met, the weighted average rate.

The three-step process relegated the average rate to a final, fallback method of determining the prevailing rate. The average wage can pull down the prevailing wage if some employers pay workers significantly less.

A rule that took effect in 1983 eliminated the second step in the process. At the time, the DOL said that the 30% rule may be inflationary, and may give undue weight to collectively bargained wages.

But now the DOL has concluded that this change was mistaken or resulted in outcomes that did not align with the Davis-Bacon Act.

Recent research shows that wage increases, particularly at the low end of the distribution, do not cause significant, economy-wide price increases, the DOL has said.

The DOL said the use of weighted averages has increased from 15% of classification rates across all wage determinations before 1982 to 64% of classification determinations now. This overuse is inconsistent with the text and purpose of the law, the DOL noted.

The final rule comes as inflation has fallen by two-thirds over the last year, and inflation-adjusted wages are up 2.4% for nonsupervisory construction workers.

AIA Releases Compensation and Benefits Trends in 2023

American Institute of Architects (AIA) has released its most comprehensive report on architecture firm compensation and benefits trends in 15 years. The 2023 edition of the AIA Compensation & Benefits Report ( provides a comprehensive look into how firms are addressing rising inflation, staff shortages, and increased financial pressures and their impact on recruitment and retention.
Firms have been prioritizing creating a better pipeline to employment for students, as well as implementing diverse hiring and employee support practices. “Firms continued to find flexible, supportive, and transparent workplace solutions for employees,” said Michele Russo, AIA Vice President of Research and Practice.
The data collected for this report was extensive, with 16,308 positions reported—an increase of 53% from 2021. The data, which includes information from 37 metropolitan areas, indicates the average compensation for architects rose about 4% per year to $96,626 from 2021 to 2023.
The report also found that casual dress policies, child- and pet-friendly offices, flexible work hours, work-from-home opportunities, and adopting Juneteenth as a paid holiday have become more common among firms. Despite these efforts, though, for most architect positions, compensation gains did not keep pace with the rising cost of living over the last 2 years.
Although there were fewer remote workers in 2022 than in 2020, the number of remote workers remained higher than pre-pandemic levels. In addition to this shift toward remote work opportunities, 93% of all firms reported offering at least one form of employee licensure support in 2023.
The report provides an invaluable resource to help individuals and firms  understand the current landscape of  compensation and benefits trends, and  it provides the data behind AIA’s salary  calculator (
Visit for more information on this report.

New National Emphasis Program

OSHA issued a National Emphasis Program (NEP) on fall protection, effective May 1, 2023. In the 90 days after May 1, and prior to implementation, OSHA area offices were to draft compliance information to give employers during or following an inspection being made under the NEP. The NEP gives OSHA Compliance Officers authority to enter and inspect
any site/location where they observe any employee working more than 6 feet above the level below them, even if the employee is in compliance with fall protection rules.
Once a Compliance Officer has access to the site, however, they may cite the employer
for any OSHA violations observed.

Instance by Instance Citations

On March 27, 2023, OSHA began applying a new policy for inspections, known as
the “Instance by Instance” citation procedure. Under this procedure, OSHA Compliance
Officers have authority to issue multiple citations on any inspection site where they observe employers are repeatedly exposing workers to life-threatening hazards or failing to comply with certain workplace safety and health requirements. Following a catastrophic injury—i.e., one involving hospitalization for treatment of at least one employee, a fatality, the loss of an eye, or the amputation of any extremity—if a Compliance Officer is inspecting a site and they find that employees have been exposed to life-threatening hazards, they may issue individual citations for each employee exposed to the hazard(s). Life-threatening hazards include fall protection hazards, ladder safety hazards, excavation hazards, machine guarding hazards, lockout tag-out hazards, etc. An instance-by-instance set of citations also may be issued if a Compliance Officer observes employees exposed to such hazards and determines that the employer had received a willful, repeat, or failure to abate
violation for any OSHA violation during the preceding 5 years; or the employer had at any time failed to report a fatality, in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye
pursuant to the requirements of 29 CFR 1904.39.

In Other News…

Additional developments include the following.

  • OSHA is examining expanding current enforcement of combustible dust hazards to the manufacture of trusses and the secondary cutting or sawing of precut lumber.
  • A recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Glacier Northwest, Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters found the Teamsters liable for damages caused to the employer while members of the bargaining unit were striking. The pro-management decision has been decried by organized labor because it removes one of the strategies used to push employers into agreeing to terms to settle strikes.
  • The Department of Labor has joined with the Federal Trade Commission in efforts to prohibit noncompete agreements or such clauses in contracts/ hiring documents. Counsel is not aware of a final rule being issued.
  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission held hearings on the application of artificial intelligence in employment decision-making by company management.
  • A recent National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decision revises the framework for determining independent contractor status under the National Labor Relations Act, overruling a 2019 decision that emphasized entrepreneurial opportunity as a key factor when evaluating a worker’s independence to pursue economic gain. The NLRB returned to a traditional, common-law test that requires consideration of several factors, not placing greater weight on any one factor. The independent business analysis considers whether the worker has a significant entrepreneurial opportunity, has a realistic ability to work for other companies, has proprietary or ownership interest in their work, and has control over important business decisions such as the scheduling of the contractor’s performance; hiring, selection, and assignment of employees; purchase and use of equipment; and commitment of capital.

NIA provides the information in this article as an educational resource to promote a safer industry. While the information provided is based on the NIA’s and the author’s best judgment and the best information available at the time the article was prepared, NIA encourages all readers to consult with their safety experts and legal counsel for their unique business circumstances or when making changes to their safety programs.

DOL Announces Proposed Changes to Clarify Regulations on Authorized Employee Representation during Workplace Inspections

Seeks public, stakeholder comments on proposed changes

The U.S. DOL recently announced a notice of proposed rulemaking to revise regulations regarding who can be authorized by employees to act as their representative to accompany the department’s OSHA compliance officers during physical workplace inspections.
Specifically, the proposed rule clarifies that employees may authorize an employee, or they may authorize a non-employee third party if the compliance officer determines the third party is reasonably necessary to conduct an effective and thorough inspection.
The proposed changes also clarify that third-party representatives are not limited to industrial hygienists or safety engineers, two examples included in the existing regulation. Third-party representatives may be reasonably necessary because they have skills, knowledge or experience that may help inform the compliance officer’s inspection. This information may include experience with particular hazards, workplace conditions or language skills that can improve communications between OSHA representatives and workers.
In addition to the proposed revisions, OSHA is also seeking public comment by Oct. 30, 2023, on the criteria and degree of deference OSHA should give to employees’ choice of representative in determining whether a third party can participate in an inspection.
The OSH Act gives the employer and employees the right to have a representative authorized by them accompany OSHA officials during a workplace inspection to aid the investigation. Employee participation and representation is critical to an inspector’s ability to complete a thorough and effective workplace investigation and helps OSHA gather information about the job site’s conditions and hazards.
The proposed revisions do not change existing regulations that give OSHA compliance officers the authority to determine if an individual is authorized by employees and to prevent someone from participating in the walkaround inspection if their conduct interferes with a fair and orderly inspection, or to limit participation to protect employer trade secrets.
Submit comments at, the federal eRulemaking portal by Oct. 30, 2023. Include Docket Number OSHA-2023-0008 on all submissions. Read the full Federal Register notice at



Experts agree that designing an insulation system for proper moisture management is an effective tactic in the fight against CUI.

For several years, “compartmentalization” has been adopted as a best practice in CUI mitigation when designing above-grade industrial piping systems. Several industrial asset owners have employed this strategy, which involves installing materials that are impermeable to water at predetermined intervals (e.g., every 6m) or locations like low points, etc. This creates “compartments” along the length of the pipe, preventing the lateral movement of moisture and thereby limiting the extent of CUI damage and thermal losses due to moisture ingress when it does occur. This also may be an effective strategy to help contain process leaks.

The products used to create these moisture barriers are commonly known as termination
gaskets or moisture stops. There are products available in the market today that work well for this application.

Owens Corning Foamglas®

Foamglas cellular glass insulation has more than 60 years of proven stable performance and is approved in owner specifications.

The unique characteristics of Foamglas make it an effective product for creating compartments in pipe insulation systems:

  • Its 0.00 perm rating means it is completely impermeable to water and water vapor;
  • A wide service temperature range of -450⁰F to 900⁰F (-268⁰C to 482⁰C) means it can be used in a wide range of process temperatures;
  • Widespread availability makes it a cost-effective, North America-produced option, with typically low lead times; and
  • It is inflammable and commonly used as a material in passive fire protection insulation systems.

When used on horizontal pipe runs, a 6”-long piece of Foamglas (with matching ID and ODs) sealed with Owens Corning LV RTV sealant provides the desired results and contains moisture ingress within the compartment.

Integrity Products—Termination Gasket

Integrity Products Termination Gasket was designed to compartmentalize piping systems and create watertight terminations using solid-state silicone.

• The product has a service temperature range of -120⁰F to 480⁰F (-84⁰C to 250⁰C);
• The product is malleable to allow easy installation; and
• It is self-extinguishing, non-melting, and halogen-free.

Integrity Products—Termination Seal

Integrity Products Termination Seals are an effective and long-lasting solution to replace traditional metal end caps. They are made from silicone rubber and designed to form a watertight seal for metal end caps at insulation terminations. These seals offer an easy seal solution between the process pipe and the end cap, which is a high-risk area for moisture ingress. To accommodate all pipe diameters, this product is supplied in 100’ coils and is easily cut to suit the circumference of the pipe.

The Exit Strategy

While a compartmentalization approach can be an effective way to manage water ingress, moisture will be trapped in the compartments, and thus it needs a way to exit the system efficiently. Wherever compartments are created, a drain plug or weep hole must be installed within the compartment for the purposes of drainage. The moisture must be allowed to escape the system properly.


Compartmentalization is just one of several strategies that should be considered when designing an insulation system where water ingress and CUI are primary concerns. For more information on CUI products, strategies, and mechanical insulation, please contact your local SPI Account Manager; and visit us at

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

Stone (mineral) wool insulation can make a difference for both safety and performance in high-temperature piping and equipment. Superior solutions work as a physical barrier between the threats posing a risk to facility infrastructure.


Recent advancements have greatly improved stone wool insulation in terms of safety, reliability, and economics—by impeding water ingress to mitigate corrosion under insulation (CUI) and providing 2 hours of passive fire protection.

Staying ahead of water is a critical challenge for all industrial plants. Water intrusion can occur under every type of insulation system, and if not dealt with in the design phase, managing CUI becomes even more dangerous and costly. Insulation materials are an important system component that must be optimized to help mitigate CUI.

ROCKWOOL® Technical Insulation (ROCKWOOL) developed an innovative solution to help combat this common industry problem: ProRox® with WR-Tech™ (Water Repellency Technology). WR‑Tech is an advanced technology based on a unique binder that repels water. It is a hydrophobic, inorganic, resin-based additive that coats each individual fiber of the insulation during production.

WR-Tech is an award-winning technology, as a distinguished recipient of the Materials Performance Corrosion Innovation of the Year Award, recognized by corrosion experts as a proven technology that is an outstanding solution for CUI mitigation potential.

To continuously improve the performance of insulation materials, ROCKWOOL recently expanded WR-Tech into our ProRox MA 960 mat/blanket. WR‑Tech was first successfully launched in mandrel-wound pipe sections, where it quickly demonstrated reliable, long-term CUI protection. ProRox MA 960 with WR-Tech is suitable for applications such as large-diameter piping/equipment and where additional flexibility is required.

ProRox with WR-Tech is a durable choice to keep plants dry—now, and in the long run.


In addition to water, fire also poses a significant risk to industrial facilities that contain or process hydrocarbons, such as refineries or petrochemical plants. Hydrocarbon fires are known as high-intensity fires that are very hazardous due to their rapid rise in flame temperature. Typically reaching peak temperature in under 5 minutes, they allow little time to react and have a greater potential for damage to people, equipment, and the surrounding environment. Therefore, passive fire protection (PFP) is essential for process safety, and critical to piping equipment integrity, impeding the flow of heat and/or spread of fire.

ROCKWOOL is excited to announce the launch of our NEW solution for PFP against hydrocarbon pool fires: ProRox PS 680 with FR-Tech™ (Fire Resistant Technology).

FR-Tech incorporates an innovative fiber structure and chemistry to ensure mechanical and chemical stability during a fire. FR-Tech is a demonstrated, safe solution. In addition to stone wool being naturally fire resilient and non-combustible, ProRox PS 680 with FR-Tech has been tested and evaluated to the industry-standard UL 1709 fire curve, providing 2 hours of PFP.

Importantly, PS 680 with FR-Tech also includes WR-Tech, creating a dual-solution that is “The Difference Between”—the difference between elemental threats that pose a risk and proven protection.

For further information, please visit

Johns Manville

Industrial insulation systems, typically meant to last 20 years or longer, can be very difficult to maintain while simultaneously ensuring quality service. Part of the maintenance process regarding insulation systems is focused on the prevention and treatment of corrosion under insulation (CUI). CUI is any corrosion that occurs due to moisture buildup on insulated pipes and equipment beneath the insulation or the protective metal jacket over the insulation. Prevention is the best method to combat CUI because once it occurs, it is costly and time consuming to fix. Preventative methods for CUI can include the use of products ingrained with corrosion-inhibiting chemistry and/or providing a pathway for water that may enter an insulation system to rapidly escape.

While some environments, such as areas with high humidity or rainfall, may be more prone to the occurrence of CUI, there are actually four specific factors that must be present for CUI to start. These factors are water, oxygen, a corrosive chemistry (low pH), and a suitable temperature. All four of these factors must be present for CUI to occur in any industrial insulation system. Accordingly, specifiers of industrial insulation systems should utilize materials that can help eliminate the presence of one or more of the four required factors necessary for CUI to occur.

Certain factors within the CUI “formula” are easier to prevent within an industrial insulation system than others. For example, eliminating the presence of oxygen is simply impossible, as it is present in the atmosphere. Similarly, temperatures cannot typically be adjusted because they are defined by process requirements. Corrosive chemicals in an indoor system (such as a commercial building) can be easier to account for than in an externally located system, but many naturally occurring weather events—such as acid rain—are, again, impossible to prevent. This leaves us with the last remaining factor in the CUI formula: water.

Many industrial insulation products have features to prevent water from migrating through the insulation to the metal substrate beneath. It should be noted that while the presence of water might be the easiest factor we can control in the prevention of CUI, the odds of fully preventing water ingress into an industrial insulation system are still zero. Since most experts agree that water will eventually enter any insulation system, it makes sense to focus on how to remove the water as quickly and thoroughly as possible. If the amount of time that water is present in the insulated system can be reduced, the chances of CUI occurring are dramatically reduced.

Once moisture does enter an insulation system, it will travel from the exterior jacketing through the insulation underneath to the metal pipe or equipment, where CUI will then occur. If the pipe system in question is hot enough, the heat will evaporate the moisture and drive the resulting steam away from the pipe, back through the insulation to the inside of the exterior jacketing. Because the temperature of the outer portion of the insulation and jacket will be well below the dew point, the steam will recondense on the surface of the insulation/jacket. This process is then repeated until the insulation in the system is rendered waterlogged and inefficient.

Learn more, view a video, or request a sample by scanning this code:

While many insulation system designers and specifiers recognize the importance of water egress from an industrial insulated pipe system, insulation products themselves often do not create pathways for water to escape. Once moisture does enter an insulation system, it will travel from the exterior jacketing through the insulation underneath to the metal pipe or equipment, where CUI will then occur. If the pipe system in question is hot enough, the heat will evaporate the moisture and drive the resulting steam away from the pipe, back through the insulation to the inside of the exterior jacketing. Because the temperature of the outer portion of the insulation and jacket will be well below the dew point, the steam will recondense on the surface of the insulation/jacket. This process is then repeated until the insulation in the system is rendered waterlogged and inefficient.

To help combat this issue, Johns Manville (JM) recently introduced a new metal jacketing product, Cross-Flo™, designed specifically to help mitigate the occurrence of CUI in industrial insulation systems. When used in conjunction with weep holes positioned at the low points of the system, Cross-Flo’s patent-pending embossed design creates a pathway for water to quickly flow between the jacketing and insulation to exit through the weep holes. As compared to typical stucco embossed and smooth metal jacketing like that offered by JM, Cross-Flo’s pattern allows water to exit the system quickly and completely, and the Cross-Flo pattern allows water to effectively drain in any orientation (horizontal, vertical, etc.). This is not the case for cross-crimped jacketing, another metal jacketing option offered by JM, which is only effective at aiding in water egress when installed vertically. When installed horizontally, water will instead pool in the cross-crimped jacketing patterning, trapping more water between the jacketing and insulation beneath it.

The best CUI prevention strategy should take advantage of all the tools available to help reduce the risk for it to occur. In addition to using Cross-Flo metal jacketing in industrial insulated pipe systems, further steps can be taken to address the possibility of CUI. Many pipe insulations are now produced with corrosion-inhibiting chemistry, which acts as a secondary mitigation method if water does penetrate past metal jacketing in a system. When exposed to the water that entered the system, this chemistry works by neutralizing the corrosive (acidic) level of water and forming a protective silica passivation layer on the surface of the metal, thereby slowing down the rate at which the metal in the system corrodes. When specifying insulation with corrosion-inhibiting chemistry in combination with metal jacketing such as Cross-Flo, designers and specifiers can provide multiple levels of protection against CUI. This, in turn, should significantly reduce the high costs of repairing/replacing corroded pipes and equipment, and prevent unplanned downtime. Together, these practices can help extend the integrity and lifespan of an industrial pipe insulation system.

Aspen Aerogels

Pyrogel® and Cryogel® flexible blanket insulation solutions have transformed the way refining, petrochemical, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities think about insulation. These insulation solutions deliver exceptional thermal performance to both optimize process yields and protect critical process assets. The patented hydrophobic design drastically minimizes water uptake to maximize defense against the costly and damaging effects of corrosion under insulation (CUI).

Water is the enemy of industrial insulation. Unfortunately, rainfall, humidity, and exposure to ocean air are unavoidable for most refining, petrochemical, and LNG facilities. The risk of CUI increases with the amount of time an asset is in contact with moisture. By keeping assets drier longer, Pyrogel and Cryogel insulation reduce exposure to the harmful effects of CUI. Rather than sit above an asset, Pyrogel and Cryogel insulation conform to surfaces to ensure close contact with the asset they cover. This significantly reduces the space for water retention between the insulation and the asset itself.

Aspen Aerogels® distributes high-performance aerogels evenly throughout Pyrogel and Cryogel flexible insulation blankets. This patented design creates a uniquely hydrophobic composite to repel water and maximize protection against CUI.

Exceptional thermal performance of Pyrogel and Cryogel allows for a significant reduction in the material thickness of insulation required. The thinner profile results in less surface area exposed to the elements, further reducing the risk of moisture affecting the underlying surface.

Eliminating moisture against metal is the first line of defense in any CUI protection strategy. Corrosion inhibitors can be a useful backup. Pyrogel and Cryogel insulation blankets are infused with corrosion inhibitors to buffer any water entering the system to a pH > 7 to further protect against damaging CUI.

During maintenance and turnaround events, tool strikes and footfalls can damage thermal insulation and the protective weather jacketing that is the first line of defense against bulk water ingress. This can result in trapped water and damaging CUI. Pyrogel and Cryogel insulation is durable enough to withstand this common abuse and protect critical processes and assets.

Weather-Insensitive Installation. Pyrogel and Cryogel insulation help support a fast return to service. Projects have a lower risk of delay when teams can continue installation work in wet conditions. Facilities have even restarted operations before the outer jacketing was installed.

Passive Fire Protection. Pyrogel XTF insulation provides an exceptional combination of thermal performance, defense against CUI, and passive fire protection. Corrosion under fireproofing (CUF) often occurs between the assets and fireproofing coatings or cementitious materials. Coatings are not used with the Pyrogel XTF insulation, avoiding a potential avenue for damaging CUF.

Pyrogel and Cryogel flexible blanket insulation provide an excellent solution to both optimize process yields and maintain asset integrity. Facilities no longer have to choose between protection and performance.


CUI continues to be a major issue for process industries in oil, gas, chemical, and power-generation sectors. It is estimated that up to 10% of annual maintenance costs in these industries are caused by CUI1. Several cases of CUI may put safety of personnel, operation process, environment, and reputation at risk.

The design and proper installation of the insulation system is critical for effective mitigation of CUI. The potential influence of thermal and acoustic insulation materials is normally assessed through a series of individual laboratory tests on the insulation materials themselves, but very rarely on the applied system. Moreover, the tested physical values do not necessarily and readily reflect the potential influence that a given insulation material or system has on the risk of CUI.

To truly appreciate the influence that an insulation material has on CUI, a more sophisticated approach is needed—one that considers the full system construction and the likely failure modes that may occur during service. The influence that different insulation materials have on the water/water vapor ingress and retention processes should be considered. These are key mechanisms that influence the onset and spread of CUI and should be fully explored.

CUI Defense Mechanisms

We may consider that altogether there are five lines of defense at work to mitigate CUI:

1. Type and grade of steelwork (pipe/vessel),
2. Protective coating,
3. Insulation layers,
4. Vapor barrier, and
5. Cladding/Jacketing/Covering

For more than a decade, Armacell has worked with the world’s leading corrosion testing laboratories and institutes to conduct system-based CUI tests on its range of elastomeric and aerogel-based insulation materials under challenging operating conditions and simulated damage conditions. These institutes include the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) – United States, InnCoa GmbH – Germany, and TNO/Endures – Netherlands. Designed by some of the world’s leading authorities on CUI, the test standards are designed to put the insulation systems through rigorous evaluation under the most aggressive conditions.

Notable aspects of these tests include:

  • Long-term assessment under continuous or cycling conditions (3 to 6 months’ duration);
  • High-temperature and sweating conditions, with climate control to simulate elevated ambient temperature and high-humidity environments;
  • Failure modes designed to assess water/water vapor ingress and retention in worst-case scenarios (e.g., full thickness damage and increased exposure to high-saline solutions);
  • Use of bare carbon steel pipes (no coating) to scrutinize the true behavior of the insulation without additional protection;
  • Applying various recognized electrochemical and ultrasonic methods to measure and evaluate corrosion rates; and
  • Peer-reviewed procedures that are recognized by subject matter experts from major oil and gas producers (e.g., in accordance with NACE TG516, now AMPP TM21442).

Armacell offers two kinds of industrial insulation materials that are applied directly to the pipe or equipment surface:

ArmaFlex Industrial and ArmaGel systems have both been tested with respect to their CUI mitigation properties under the test regimes described above. Armacell’s test results were in the highest possible category for insulation applied to a bare carbon steel pipe, with corrosion rates significantly below 50µm/year.

Recently, the oil and gas industry has recognized the importance of hybrid insulation systems to improve CUI protection. Initiatives such as the Joint Industry Programme 33 (JIP 33), led by the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers, demonstrate this awareness. In their supplementary standard, aerogel insulation (such as ArmaGel) is recommended to be applied as a first layer before secondary layers of other insulation material to reduce the risk of corrosion.

For more information on the range of CUI tests performed on Armacell insulation systems, and to understand what makes ArmaGel and ArmaFlex excellent choices for CUI mitigation, please refer to

1. NACE Impact Study, 2016, Annex D, page D-10.

ABOUT ARMACELL. A leading provider of engineered foams, Armacell develops innovative and safe thermal, acoustic, and mechanical solutions that create sustainable value for its customers. Armacell’s products significantly contribute to global energy efficiency, making a difference around the world every day. With 3,100 employees and 24 production plants in 16 countries, the company operates two main businesses: Advanced Insulation and Engineered Foams. Armacell focuses on insulation materials for technical equipment, high-performance foams for high-tech and lightweight applications, and next-generation aerogel blanket technology.

Aeroflex USA


One of the most common and costly threats to industrial piping systems is a phenomenon known as CUI. Corrosion is essentially the deterioration of metals (e.g., cast-iron pipe) due to a reaction with their environment. According to the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP), corrosion is one of the costliest issues to the global construction economy.

Corrosion under pipe insulation occurs when water vapor (moisture) penetrates the insulation system and makes its way to the metallic pipe surface. If the pipe has not been properly cleaned to remove corrosion accelerators such as dust, dirt, grease, or oil, these substances can accelerate the corrosion process on the pipe surface when they encounter moisture. Once moisture is present beneath pipe insulation, it effectively gets trapped and is a constant source of deterioration.

Although corrosion is a natural process, it can be controlled. Untreated steel pipes for below-ambient operating temperatures, such as refrigeration and chilled water, are often treated with a rust inhibitor or primer. Prior to the application of mechanical insulation, the pipe surface should be cleaned to remove any existing debris. Depending on the substance, common cleaning agents include water and denatured alcohol for oily residues.

A fundamental factor to understand is that water vapor in the environment is naturally attracted to colder surfaces (pipes). This is known as vapor drive. The keys to protecting an insulated pipe are to (1) choose the correct insulation thickness, and (2) completely seal the pipe insulation system to prevent water vapor from penetrating through gaps or openings such as longitudinal seams, butt joints, and termination points.

Accurate pipe insulation thicknesses by project can be determined with industry calculators, such as 3E Plus® ( and the Mechanical Insulation Design Guide ( design guide), which factor in insulation type, pipe type, pipe size, operating temperature, average ambient temperature, average relative humidity, jacket type, and wind speed.

It is important to note that national energy codes, such as ASHRAE 90.1 and the International Energy Conservation Code® (IECC), specify minimum insulation thicknesses. Demanding operating environments typically require thicker insulation. Under-insulated pipes are unable to control condensation and vapor drive, leading to CUI and eventual failure.

The other critical component to controlling CUI is the proper installation of the pipe insulation system. Vapor stops should be installed a minimum of every 18 linear feet; and all longitudinal seams, butt joints, and termination points must be glued with the insulation manufacturer’s recommended adhesive both for adhesion and to create a vapor seal.

Pipe bends, intersections, and fittings—such as valves, flanges, couplings, and pipe hangers—also must be insulated and vapor sealed. Applying tape alone over unglued seams, or using zip ties, is never recommended. These approaches are common causes of failure.

Aeroflex USA’s AEROFLEX® brand of EPDM closed-cell, flexible elastomeric foam pipe insulation is nonpolar (repels moisture at the molecular level) and offers a low thermal conductivity, a closed-cell structure, and built-in vapor retarder that efficiently controls condensation and vapor drive for most applications. In severe operating environments, a supplemental vapor retarder (jacket or coating) may be necessary.

In addition to AEROFLEX EPDM™ insulation tubes (standard and self-seal), sheets, rolls, and AeroFit™ fitting covers, turn-key system accessories include Aerofix® zero-perm insulated pipe supports, Aeroflex adhesives (standard and low-VOC formulas), Protape® zero-perm EPDM tape, and Aerocoat™ (premium and low-VOC formulas) UV protective coatings, all of which offer single-source responsibility.

A total system approach—from updated specifications and proper design to professional installation of materials to maintenance of the insulation system—is essential in the fight against corrosion under insulation (CUI). Using the right insulation products for your system’s requirements is one essential tool in your tool kit. NIA member companies represent the full mechanical insulation supply chain, and they are skilled in matching your requirements with the right products and confirming those products are professionally installed. Proper installation, inspection, and maintenance contribute to the long-term benefits that insulation provides, including preventing damage to your systems, controlling process temperatures, reducing CO2 emissions, and ultimately paying for itself in energy savings.

NIA invited all our Manufacturer and Distributor member companies to share their best practices, latest products, and new approaches to mitigating CUI. This special section presents responses received from (in alphabetical order): Aeroflex USA, Armacell, Aspen Aerogels, Johns Manville, ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation, and Specialty Products and Insulation.

If your company would like to participate in a future member column or share its CUI solutions in a future issue, email